IP Circular 2 Annexure B
IP Circular 2 Annexure B
IP Circular 2 Annexure B
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ANNEXURE B: Intermediate Phase
Subject: Mathematics
Grade Number Brief description of the task Allocated Marks Weighting
of tasks e.g. test/assignment/project/ practical Term
4 1 Assignment 25 16%
2 Test 25 12%
3 Investigation 25 12%
2 80%
4 Controlled Test 25 16%
5 Project 25 12%
6 Test 25 12%
7 Controlled test (Term 1 – 4) 4 25 100% 20%
5 1 Assignment 25 16%
2 Test 25 12%
3 Investigation 25 12%
2 80%
4 Controlled Test 30 16%
5 Project 25 12%
6 Test 25 12%
7 Controlled test (Term 1 – 4) 4 30 100% 20%
6 1 Assignment 25 16%
2 Test 25 12%
3 Investigation 25 12%
2 80%
4 Controlled Test 40 16%
5 Project 25 12%
6 Test 25 12%
7 Controlled test (Term 1 – 4) 4 40 100% 20%
Term 4 Controlled Test must cover Term 4 work and Fundamentals from Term 1 to 3.
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ANNEXURE B: Intermediate Phase
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ANNEXURE B: Intermediate Phase
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ANNEXURE B: Intermediate Phase
Grades Number of Brief description of the task e.g. Allocated Marks Weighting
tasks test/assignment/project/ practical etc. Term
1 SPW 30 7.5%
2 Physical education 1 30 7.5%
3 Creative Arts 40 10%
4 PSW 30 7.5%
5 Physical education 2 30 7.5% 80%
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