IP Circular 2 Annexure B

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ANNEXURE B: Intermediate Phase

Intermediate Phase formal assessment tasks related to the

Recovery ATPs

Subjects: Home Languages (HL) and First Additional Languages (FAL)

Note: There must be a variation of genres across the grades.

Grade Number Brief description of the task Allocated Marks Weighting

of tasks e.g. test/assignment/project/ practical etc. Term
4&5 Task 1 Oral
starts  Read aloud
Task 2 Writing 1 20 9.41.00%
 Essay (descriptive /narrative)
Task 3 Response to texts 40 18.82%
Task 1 Oral 20 9.41%
ends  Read Aloud
Task 4 Writing 10 4.72% 80%
 Transactional writing: 2
Written before the controlled test
Task 5 Controlled Test 40 18.82%
 Response to texts
Task 6 Writing 40 18.82%
 Creative Writing
Task 7 Oral
starts  Oral presentation of project
Task 7 Oral 20 28.56%
ends  Oral presentation of project
Task 8 Writing 10 14.32%
 Transactional writing: 4 20%
Written before the controlled test
Task 9 Controlled Test 40 57.12%
 Response to texts
6 Task 1 Oral
starts  Read aloud
Task 2 Writing 1 20 8.42%
 Essay (descriptive /narrative)
Task 3 Response to texts 50 21.05% 80%
Task 1 Oral 20 8.42%
ends  Read Aloud
Task 4 Writing 10 4.22%
 Transactional writing:

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ANNEXURE B: Intermediate Phase

Grade Number Brief description of the task Allocated Marks Weighting

of tasks e.g. test/assignment/project/ practical etc. Term
Written before the controlled test
Task 5 Controlled Test 2 50 21.05%
 Response to texts
Task 6 Writing 40 16.84%
 Creative Writing
Task 7 Oral
starts  Oral presentation of project
Task 7 Oral 20 28.56%
ends  Oral presentation of project
Task 8 Writing 10 14.32%
 Transactional writing: 4 20%
Written before the controlled test
Task 9 Controlled Test 50 57.12%
 Response to texts

Subject: Mathematics
Grade Number Brief description of the task Allocated Marks Weighting
of tasks e.g. test/assignment/project/ practical Term
4 1 Assignment 25 16%
2 Test 25 12%
3 Investigation 25 12%
2 80%
4 Controlled Test 25 16%
5 Project 25 12%
6 Test 25 12%
7 Controlled test (Term 1 – 4) 4 25 100% 20%
5 1 Assignment 25 16%
2 Test 25 12%
3 Investigation 25 12%
2 80%
4 Controlled Test 30 16%
5 Project 25 12%
6 Test 25 12%
7 Controlled test (Term 1 – 4) 4 30 100% 20%
6 1 Assignment 25 16%
2 Test 25 12%
3 Investigation 25 12%
2 80%
4 Controlled Test 40 16%
5 Project 25 12%
6 Test 25 12%
7 Controlled test (Term 1 – 4) 4 40 100% 20%
Term 4 Controlled Test must cover Term 4 work and Fundamentals from Term 1 to 3.

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ANNEXURE B: Intermediate Phase

Subject: Social Sciences (Geography)

Grade Number Brief description of the task Allocated Marks Weighting
of tasks e.g. test/assignment/project/ practical etc. Term (final)
4 1 Test: Source-based and paragraph writing 1 25
2 Controlled test: source-based and paragraph 2 25
3 Test: Source-based and paragraph writing 3 25
4 Controlled test: source-based and paragraph 4 25
5 1 Test: map skills 1 30
2 Controlled test: Source-based and paragraph 2 30
3 Project 3 30
4 Controlled test: Source-based and paragraph 4 30
6 1 Test: Map skills 1 40
2 Controlled test: Source-based and paragraph 2 40
3 Test: Source-based and paragraph writing 3 40
4 Controlled test 4 40 20%

Subject: Social Sciences (History)

Grade Number Brief description of the task Allocated Marks Weighting
of tasks e.g. test/assignment/project/ practical etc. Term (final)
4 1 Project 1 25
2 Controlled test: source-based and paragraph 2 25
3 Test: Source-based and paragraph writing 3 25
4 Controlled test: source-based and paragraph 4 25
5 1 Test: source-based and paragraph writing 1 30
2 Controlled test: Source-based and paragraph 2 30
3 Test: Source-based and paragraph writing 3 30
4 Controlled test: Source-based and paragraph 4 30
6 1 Test: Source-based and paragraph writing 1 40
2 Controlled test: Source-based and paragraph 2 40
3 Project 3 40
4 Controlled test: source-based and paragraph 4 40

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ANNEXURE B: Intermediate Phase

Subject: Natural Sciences and Technology

Number Brief description of the task Allocated

Grade Marks Weighting
of tasks e.g. test/assignment/project/ practical etc. Term
1 Practical Task/Investigation 15 10%
2 Test 20 15%
3 Practical Task/Investigation 15 10%
Controlled test 2 80%
4 20 20%
4 Term 2 work only
5 Practical Task/Investigation 15 10%
6 Test 20 15%
Controlled test 20%
7 4 30 100%
Term 3 (60%) and Term 4 (40%)
1 Practical Task/Investigation 15 10%
2 Test 20 15%
3 Practical Task/Investigation 15 10%
Controlled test 2 80%
4 20 20%
5 Term 2 work only
5 Practical Task/Investigation 15 10%
6 Test 20 15%
Controlled test 20%
7 4 40 100%
Term 3 (60%) and Term 4 (40%)
1 Practical Task/Investigation 15 10%
2 Test 20 15%
3 Practical Task/Investigation 15 10%
Controlled test 2 80%
4 20 20%
6 Term 2 work only
5 Practical Task/Investigation 15 10%
6 Test 20 15%
Controlled test 20%
7 4 40 100%
Term 3 (60%) and Term 4 (40%)

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ANNEXURE B: Intermediate Phase

Subject: Life skills

Grades Number of Brief description of the task e.g. Allocated Marks Weighting
tasks test/assignment/project/ practical etc. Term

1 SPW 30 7.5%
2 Physical education 1 30 7.5%
3 Creative Arts 40 10%
4 PSW 30 7.5%
5 Physical education 2 30 7.5% 80%

4, 5 and 6 Creative Arts 40 10%

6 7 PSW 30 9%
8 Physical education 3 30 9%
9 Creative Arts 40 12%
10 PSW 30 30%
11 Physical education 4 30 30% 20%
12 Creative Arts 40 40%

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