Module 1.2
Module 1.2
Module 1.2
9/30/2021 / source: .com
1. Arcera – It has four wheels, cover and was generally drown by two
or more horses. The outside consisted unhewn boards covered by
loose drapery. This vehicle was especially used to convey the sick and
infirm and was of sufficient size to allow occupants to recline.
Retrieved 9/21/22,
2. Arcima- it was a small conveyance that is large enough for only one
6. Carruca- this vehicle had four(4) wheels with the front ones smaller
than the two behind. This had a cover and was drawn by two to four
horses or mules. It was often ornamented by carvings in bronze and
ivory and by chasings in silver and gold. Members lof the imperial
families were fond of travelling using this kind of coach.
Retrieved 9/27/2022 Source
7. Carrus –a cart with two wheels and boarded sides, it was drawn by
oxen or bullocks and was mainly used by roman armies for the
transportation of their baggage and supplies.
8. Cisium- alight open vehicle of Gallic origin, had two wheels and
room for two persons. It also has box in case beneath the seat, where
small baggage can be carried in. Two or three horses or mules where
used to draw this and because of the lightness of the carriage this is
especially suitable for the rapid travels.
13. Tensa- a sacred vehicle elaborately ornamented with the ivory and
silver; had either two or four wheels and was drawn by two or four
horses, this carriage was used during the Circensian games to carry the
images of deities.
C. WHEELED VEHICLES could not use the narrow paths and
trails used by packed animals, and early roads were soon built.
D. The ROMANS are the major road builders in the ancient world.
The Romans road network reached a total of about 50,000 miles
(80,000 kms.), with FEEDER roads branching out from the main
highways. It was costly because its deep foundation, formed by
layer after heavy stone, was necessary to make roads that would
carry traffic for many years.