DBMS Question Bank

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Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (AIML)

Question Bank | DBMS | AIML2258 (UNIT-I/II/III)

Question Bank | DBMS | AIML2258 |UNIT-I

1. List the responsibilities of DBA. Explain problem that would arise if responsibility were
not discharge.
2. Describe various pros & cons of DBMS over conventional file system
3. Define data model. State & explain hierarchical network & E-R data model.
4. What is database? Explain various feature of database along with applications.
5. Define data abstraction. Explain three levels of data abstraction
6. Define data model. State & explain hierarchical, network & E-R data model
7. What is data independence? Explain logical & physical data independence
8. Explain 2 Tier and 3 Tier Database Architecture in detail.
9. Enlist the various Data Models and Explain the Same.
10. Define Schemas and Instances.

Question Bank | DBMS | AIML2258 |UNIT-II

1. Consider the below relational database where primary keys are

Underlined and Construct Relational algebra Query for below problem statements.
Employee (Eid, Ename, street, city, Sal)
Works (Eid, Cid, Duration)
Company (Cid, Cname, city)

1. Find all employee names whose salary is greater than 5000

2. Find all employee living in city Nagpur
3. Find name of all employee who do not work for first bank corporation.
4. Find name of all employee who work for first bank corporation
5. Find name, street, city of all employee who work for first bank Corporation
and earn more than 10,000
6. Find names of all emp who live in same city as that of their Company.

2. Consider following schema & answer following query


1. Find customer name who lives in Nagpur

2. Find all customer name having loan amount less than 20000 of branch SBI
3. Find names of customer having either account or loan or both
4. Find all customer having loan at bank
5. Find all customers who have loan but no loan at bank
6. Find all city names containing character n
7. Find all branch names whose names are not ending with a
8. Find number of customers of bank SBI
9. Find lowest amount of loan at bank with name AXIS.
10. Find customer name having loan amt > 50000.

3. Consider below schema and Construct SQL Query for below problem statements.
Sailor (Sid, Sname, city, age)
Boat (Bid, bname, color)
Reserve (Sid, Bid, R date)
1. Find names of sailors who have reserved a Red and Green boat.
2. Find names of sailors who have reserve boat called ‘abc’.
3. Find sailor id of all sailors who have reserve Red boat but not green
4. Find names of sailors who have reserve at least 1 boat.
5. Find color of boat reserve by jack.
6. Find name of sailor who have reserve boat 103.
7. Find name of sailor whose name starts with a and age > 60.
8. Find name and id of the sailor who have reserve boat on 1-4-2014.
9. Find name of boat which is reserve on 1-5-2013.
10. Find name of sailor who have reserve boat on 5-5-2013 and bname start from I.

4. What are integrity constraints? Explain various types of integrity constraints

5. What are the various types of JOIN expression
6. Demonstrate the following statements with suitable explanation
All candidate keys can be a super key but not all super keys are candidate key
7. What is nested sub query? Explain with the help of example
8. What is Domain Constraints? Explain the same
9. What are the views? Write SQL command to create a view.
10. What are the different SQL commands? Explain in details.

Question Bank | DBMS | AIML2258 |UNIT-III

1. Construct ER diagram for Hospital Management System

2. Design ER diagram for online book store
3. Design ER diagram for college management system
4. What do you mean by attribute? Explain various types of attributes.
5. What are strong entities and weak entities?
6. Draw an ER diagram illustrating the use of strong entity, weak entity, composite attribute,
multivalued attribute and derived attributes.
7. Define Entity, Entity set, relation and relationship set in ER Model.
8. List various ER Notations and meaning associated with notations.
9. What is Generalization?
10. Write a short note on Cardinality. Explain the types of relationship in detail.

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