DBMS Question Bank
DBMS Question Bank
DBMS Question Bank
1. List the responsibilities of DBA. Explain problem that would arise if responsibility were
not discharge.
2. Describe various pros & cons of DBMS over conventional file system
3. Define data model. State & explain hierarchical network & E-R data model.
4. What is database? Explain various feature of database along with applications.
5. Define data abstraction. Explain three levels of data abstraction
6. Define data model. State & explain hierarchical, network & E-R data model
7. What is data independence? Explain logical & physical data independence
8. Explain 2 Tier and 3 Tier Database Architecture in detail.
9. Enlist the various Data Models and Explain the Same.
10. Define Schemas and Instances.
3. Consider below schema and Construct SQL Query for below problem statements.
Sailor (Sid, Sname, city, age)
Boat (Bid, bname, color)
Reserve (Sid, Bid, R date)
1. Find names of sailors who have reserved a Red and Green boat.
2. Find names of sailors who have reserve boat called ‘abc’.
3. Find sailor id of all sailors who have reserve Red boat but not green
4. Find names of sailors who have reserve at least 1 boat.
5. Find color of boat reserve by jack.
6. Find name of sailor who have reserve boat 103.
7. Find name of sailor whose name starts with a and age > 60.
8. Find name and id of the sailor who have reserve boat on 1-4-2014.
9. Find name of boat which is reserve on 1-5-2013.
10. Find name of sailor who have reserve boat on 5-5-2013 and bname start from I.