Earlier This Month, Your Company, A Running Equipment Designer and Manufacturer

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Earlier this month, your company, a running equipment designer and manufacturer called

Runners Paradise, merged with a smaller clothing design company called ActiveLeak.
Your company initiated the buyout because of the excellent design team at ActiveLeak
and their brand recognition, specifically for their MP3-integrated running shorts. Runners
Paradise has thirty-five employees and ActiveLeak has ten employees. At ActiveLeak, the
owner, who often was too busy doing other tasks, handled the HRM roles. As a result,
ActiveLeak has no strategic plan, and you are wondering if you should develop a strategic
plan, given this change. Here are the things you have accomplished so far: 

Reviewed compensation and adjusted salaries for the sake of fairness. Communicated
this to all affected employees.

• Developed job requirements for current and new jobs.

• Had each old and new employee fill out a skills inventory Excel document, which has
been merged into a database.

From this point, you are not sure what to do to fully integrate the new organization. 

Ques. Why should you develop an HRM strategic plan?

Ques. Which components of your HR plan will you have to change?

By developing an HR strategic plan, you can look at the successes and failures of the
previous stages. Doing so will help you plan effectively to attract and retain the right talent,
which is key to making your business successful.

5 Reasons to Create a Staff Strategy:-

1. Predicting talent requirements

Being able to develop realistic predictions of the needs of your people now and in the future
is essential if you are to win the battle for talent. On a daily basis, being able to increase your
share of leave will help you achieve better performance and lower your salary.

2. Costs of non-compliance
Everything from pay to hacking, performance management, and employee data management
comes with a huge amount of compliance and documentation. Using hand spreadsheets and
processes is not only time-consuming but also prone to human error. And that means business
By using a human resource strategy, you can identify any potential gaps in compliance and
keep your business in line with employment law.
3. Happy employees are very productive:
In addition to hiring the right candidate, the HR strategy plays an important role in promoting
employee engagement and satisfaction. These areas are critical to developing happy,
productive employees who become great agents for your business.
With an HR strategic plan, you can do what you need to do to take care of the needs of your
employees. It also assesses the ethics, measures the productivity and dedication of your

4. Maintenance:
Staff engagement goes hand in hand with retention. Once you have formed a group of great
people, you need to stick to them. So a big part of your HR strategy needs to focus on what
you can do to keep employees. This includes ways to build your employee's work through
formal recognition programs and condom development strategies.

5. Continuous development:
Everyone knows you can't improve what you haven't measured. Without an HR program
strategy, how can you understand what works and what doesn't? With your HR strategy plan,
you can officially test certain and measurable features such as; staff changes, the number of
vacant posts, staff grievances, and levels of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Determine the needs of employees. This section is heavily involved in the strategic plan.
What growth or decline is expected in an organization? How will this affect your employees?
What is the state of the economy? What are your predicted markets for the coming year?

Decide on a hiring strategy:- Once you have a plan in place, you need to write down a plan
that talks about how to hire the right people at the right time.

Select employees:- The selection process includes the negotiation and hiring process.
Improve training. Based on the strategic plan, what training needs arise? Is there new
software that everyone should learn? Are there problems in handling conflicts? Regardless of
the training topics, the HR manager should be responsible for providing training programs in
the HRM system.

Decide on compensation:- In this aspect of the HRM system, the manager must determine
the salary scales and other benefits such as health care, bonuses, and other benefits.

Update performance:- Standards sets need to be developed to know how to measure the
performance of your employees and keep track of their progress.

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