Keppel Land Limited: Document No.: Qehsms01 Revision No.: 03 Revision Date: 8 April 2019
Keppel Land Limited: Document No.: Qehsms01 Revision No.: 03 Revision Date: 8 April 2019
Keppel Land Limited: Document No.: Qehsms01 Revision No.: 03 Revision Date: 8 April 2019
Appendix A: Cross Reference of the Requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015,
OHSAS 18001:2007 Standard and Sections in the QEHS Management System
Manual and Procedures……………………………………………………………..19
Appendix B: Procedures…………………………………………………………………………….28
The Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety (QEHS) Management System manual,
procedures and forms are the sole property of Keppel Land Limited (KLL).
Recipients of Keppel Land Limited documents shall protect the confidentiality of all
information regardless of its nature or content, and shall not copy, divulge, or distribute any
documentation either within their organisation or to external third parties without prior
consent and written permission from the Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety
Management Representative.
The control of this manual is in accordance with QEHSP06 – Control of Documents. Soft
copies of this manual under the organisation’s portal shall be regarded as “Controlled” with
printed copies from the portal are deemed “Uncontrolled”. Uncontrolled copies shall be used
for reference purposes only.
Amendments to this manual shall only be made by the WOC with the approval by the MR.
1.0 Introduction
Keppel Land Limited, the property arm of Keppel Corporation Limited, is one of the
largest multinational companies in Singapore.
Keppel Land Limited has been contributing to the changing landscape in Viet Nam
and overseas, and makes continuous efforts to create vibrant living and working
spaces for its homeowners, tenants and the general public.
Keppel Land Viet Nam Co. Ltd is a subsidiary of Keppel Land Limited, providing
project management services to property development in Viet Nam.
Keppel Land Limited, and Keppel Land Viet Nam Co. Ltd shall implement the
requirements of the QEHS standard according to the Keppel Land Limited QEHS
manual, procedures and forms.
This manual defines the Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety (QEHS)
Management System of Keppel Land Limited for the project management as follows:
a) QEHS policy;
b) accountability, responsibility and authority;
c) QEHS Management System documents and controls;
d) resource allocation and training;
e) periodic internal assessment and management reviews.
1.3.1 The QEHS Management System is established in line with the requirements specified
in ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 with the following scope:
a) scope of QEHS Management System covers
Provision of project management services to property development
Clause 8.3.2, 8.3.3, 8.3.4d Design and Development of Products & Services, as
& 8.3.5 they are not Project Management core activity; these
processes are managed by appointed Consultants
and/or Contractors. Project Management will establish
appropriate controls for design activities related to
review, verification and changes.
The clauses of the following documents are referenced in this document. For other
dated references, subsequent amendments or revised editions are not applicable:
The KLL – Project Management should adopt the process approach to integrated
management system. The organization should strive for continual improvement of the
integrated management system through the business process approach modelled as
Interested Parties
KLL HQ/Management
Planning, Internal Audit, Mgmt Review, Corrective Action, Improvement, Document/Record Control
KLL Continual
HQ/Management Improvement
Management Review
The QEHS Policy is established to ensure their relevance to KLL’s purpose and
context and support KLL’s strategic direction and corporate social responsibility. In
The IMS Documentation and Information structure are established in line with the
requirements specified in ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. This
Management System is documented in three levels:
a) Level 1, the QEHS Management System Manual
- Main and supplementary defined requirements and policies conforming to
the requirements of the International Standards, organisation processes &
responsibilities of the effective implementation of the Management Systems.
b) Level 2, the Procedures
- Show the interactions between processes & support the processes requires
for management system fulfilment.
c) Level 3, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Supporting Information
- SOPs, operation manuals, etc. that support the processes and records
providing evidences of conformance.
KLL has appointed Deputy Director (Projects Management) Head of Cost & Contracts
as KLVN Quality, Environmental, Health and Safety Management Representative to
ensure overall effectiveness of the QEHS Management System for the organization.
The MR is responsible for:
a) ensuring the Management System requirements are established, implemented
and maintained within the organisation in accordance with the ISO 9001, ISO
14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards;
b) reviewing the effectiveness of the Management System with the Working
Committee – WOC;
c) coordinating, reviewing and consolidating results of the internal assessments;
d) coordinating the management review meeting at least once yearly; and
e) organising and conducting periodic meeting with the WOC to review the
implementation of Management System, its continuing suitability, adequacy,
effectiveness and continual improvement.
The function of Human Resource is supporting the project management to ensure the
effectiveness of the QEHS Management System by:
a) retaining employee medical examination records;
b) retaining employee QEHS training records;
c) generate and submit the incidents reporting to the authority; and
d) administering the Work Injury Compensation process.
2.1.6 Employees
2.2.1 Integrated Management System (IMS) Committee Organisation Chart for Viet
Keppel Land Limited (KLL) is committed to our Vision “To be the leading real estate
company shaping the best for future generations”.
Supporting the Management is the WOC who monitors and reviews IMS performance
based on analyses of assessment results and inputs on process quality reviews from
project management. At the respective locations, the Project Managers take action to
achieve IMS requirements and continually track the performance.
In designing the IMS and the scope of the IMS, KLL has taken into consideration the
following that are relevant to the IMS and may affect its ability to achieve the intended
results of the IMS:
External/internal issues that are relevant to KLL’s purpose and strategic
Needs & expectations of interested parties;
Risks/opportunities that may affect the delivery/conformity of products/
services; and
Customer & applicable statutory/regulatory requirements.
The scope of the IMS in Section 1.3 and QEHS Policy in Section 1.5 has been
established taking into consideration the above. KLL has identified the processes
needed for its IMS (See Section 1.4), determined the sequence and interaction of
these processes, including criteria and methods required to ensure the effective
operation and control of these processes.
The QEHS Policy provides the framework for setting and reviewing QEHS objectives
& targets, and will be maintained, implemented and communicated to all employees
of Keppel Land Limited.
The internal and external context of organization affects the decision and
determination of KLL’s risk and opportunities where strategies and action plans are
determined. See figure below.
External Internal
Context Context
Risk &
Objectives Review
and Approval
Dissemination of
Objectives to
The planning process includes establishing the QEHS policy, identifying objectives &
targets, establishing appropriate management programmes to achieve the objectives
& targets, identifying and updating of risk identification & impact assessment, and
updating the register of legal and other requirements.
KLL identifies risks and opportunities with respect to their product and service quality
during KLL’s review of business strategies. During this review, KLL management will:
Establish actions that are proportionate to the actual/potential impact on the
conformity of products and services to address the risks and opportunities;
Integrate and implement these actions into its IMS processes; and
Evaluate the effectiveness of these actions
The outputs of the review are documented in the Risk/Opportunity Assessment Matrix
and related documents.
KLL’s identifies and evaluates the environmental aspects of its activities and services
that it can control and which it can be expected to have an influence and include:
Activities of all personnel having access to the workplace (including
contractors and visitors)
Facilities at the workplace.
The environmental aspect and impact assessment takes into consideration the
following, but not limited to:
Environmental pollution, resource depletion, waste generation
Concerns of interested parties and the local community
Compliance to applicable legislation, regulation and other requirements.
The environmental aspect and impact assessment should be evaluated and the
results should be used in the setting, reviewing and prioritising of EMS objectives &
targets and EMS management programmes and in the review of QEHS Policy.
Relevant information on the environmental impact identified will be communicated to
all staffs and interested parties (e.g. contractors, consultants, etc.).
In addition, KLL ensures that legal and other requirements applicable to the
environmental aspects of its activities and services are identified and maintained up
to date. A register of Environmental Legislation, Regulation and Other Requirements
is maintained and reviewed periodically to ensure applicable legislation, regulation
and other requirements are updated and communicated to relevant personnel/
contractors to keep them abreast of the changes made from time to time, so as to
facilitate compliance.
Evaluations of compliance to the applicable legal requirements are carried out and
records of such evaluation are maintained.
In determining the operations and services support needed for the IMS, KLL identifies
the key processes/supporting processes and takes into consideration the following:
clearly define the roles, responsibilities and authorities of key personnel
capabilities of, and the constraints on existing internal resources such as
people, infrastructure, and environment for the operational processes
monitoring and measuring resources, organizational knowledge needed and
support/control of external providers
life cycle perspective of its environmental requirements (project management
activities, etc.) considering all environmental and social issues associate with
those to avoid short term decisions that lead to environmental degradation
stipulation of operating criteria in the system operating procedures and
supporting documentations
establishment and maintenance of procedures and supporting
documentations related to the identified significant environmental impact, in
order to eliminate or reduce the risks at their source
establishment of KLL EMS/Health & Safety Specifications for contractors &
communication of relevant procedures and requirements to contractors
The work environment does not have adverse effects to the products or services.
The fan and/or air-conditioning system is provided for the comfort of the staff. The
maintenance of the air-conditioning system in the site office is being carried out by
external contractors on a regular basis.
The network hosting the server is monitored for known viruses, advance persistent
threats and external network attacks by Group Security Operation Centre.
3.4 Checking
The organisation should monitor and measure the key characteristics of its operations
and activities on a regular basis. The QEHS performance results should include
nonconformities, corrective actions and effectiveness of actions to address
risks/opportunities. A periodic internal assessment and management review should
be part of the checking process of the QEHS Management System.
The organisation should review the QEHS Management System periodically to ensure
its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness which includes assessing the past year’s
and current year’s QEHS performance with respect to changes in legal legislation,
opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the QEHS policy and
01 Feasibility
02 Project Initiation
03 Design Development
04 Tender Process
05 Construction
07 Final Completion
KLL has established Standard Operating Procedures that are being adopted during
these phases. The rest of the project management processes can be found in the
project management guidelines which are used as reference during the project
development period.
4.1 Understanding the organization and its 4.1 Understanding the organization and its 1.4 -
context context
4.2 Understanding the needs and 4.2 Understanding the needs and 1.4 -
expectations of interested parties expectations of interested parties
4.3 Determining the scope of the quality 4.3 Determining the scope of the 1.3 -
management system environmental management system
4.4 Quality management system and its 4.4 Environmental management system 1.4 -
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and 5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and 2.0 -
authorities authorities
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities 6.1 Actions to address risks and 3.2 -
6.2 Quality objectives and planning to achieve 6.2 Environmental objectives and planning to 3.2.1 -
them achieve them
7.5.2 Creating and updating 7.5.2 Creating and updating 1.6 QEHSP06
7.5.3 Control of documented information 7.5.3 Control of documented information 1.6 QEHSP06
8.1 Operational planning and control 8.1 Operational planning and control 3.6 QP01
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and 3.4 QP01
evaluation evaluation
10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action 10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action 3.4 QEHSP11