Class 10 Biology

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Cytoplasm is a livin
part of the ce _g, colourless semi-li ui - - - - - --==::iiii ----
Th 11 and is constantl
e cytoplasm is m d
. q d, homogeneous b
y movmg. It is limited h su ~tance. It occupies a major ,.,o
enzymes, fats and c ab ehup of 90% water and the on t. e_ outside by the cell membrane. ycesf
. th ar o ydrat M remammg are . 'ds
m e cytoplas E es. any specialized li . ammo ac1 , vitamins, 0
iasm which is present
cells diffe .thm. cell organelle perfor ' ~g cell organelles are found floating The cY: ~ 1 next to the cell
r WI respect to the presenc bms a specific function. The plant and animal imrned1at ~s called ectoplasm
e or a sence of some of the cell organelles. rnernbrane ~I or cell cortex and
or plasrntrn which is close
Cell Organelles the cytop ·s 1<nown as the
th nucleus I
to e 1asrn or plasmosol.
Some organelles are common to bot . . . endop iasm in the animals cells
a table given below: h plant and arumal cells. These are explained in The cyt:an that in the plant cells.
is more
Table 1.2 Structure and funct'ion of cell organelles found m
. both
P ant and animal cells

1 Cell Organelle
111 h use of Cell
ii'1 1 M'1tochondria • Known as Power o nd animal cells .
Ii • Present in both plant a membrane on the outside
:,1 'th the plasma
Matrix Outer • Continuous wi on the inside
I Inner and the nucIear membrane d d by a double mem brane
membrane d t ctures surroun e
• Rod-shape s ru . mooth and porous
• Outer membrane_is s . to finger-like projections
• Inner membrane is thrown ,n
known as cristae. . . DNA known as
• The mitochondria contain their own ,
mitochondrial DNA
Functions: b I sing energy
• Site for cellular respiration there y re ea .
FO, F1 Cristae fntermembrane in the process energy is stored as adenosine
junction space triphosphate (ATP) molecules
• Synthesis of respiratory enzymes . .
I • Regulation of calcium ion concentration in the cells
11 • Present in both plant and animal cells
e ,cu Ium
Endoplasmic Rt'
. • A large network of fluid-filled interconnecting tubules
Nucleus • Surrounded by a double membrane
ii, • Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that possesses ribosomes
is called rough ER
• ER that does not possess ribosomes is called smooth ER
• Acts as "Transporting Channels" of the cell
• Provides a supportive framework for the cell
• Provides larger surface area for the metabolic
• It is the intercellular transport system of cell
Rough ER: synthesis and transport of proteins
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum: synthesis of lipids
• Detoxification of drugs and unwanted substances in
liver cells
c,11-1,, '"" u,11 ,1 LIi, <0>
cell organelle Structure
-..;,;:.._~nd Funct·ions
• Present in both plant and .
Amino tRNA bring • Att h d animal cells
es . . ach e to the rough ER an d aIso fou d . f
ac·~ s next amino
RibosO 111 polypeptide in t e cytoplasm of the cell n in ree form
1f1NA9oes I
off to coilec r-- -- • Dense, spherical bodies as small gra I

\ :~other \ • Composed of a smaller subunit a nu es
\ inoacid \ c c G
• Each subunit is made up f 'b nd a_larger subunit
0 n onucle1c ac·d (RNA
0 \f G A A U U I and ?roteins called ribonucleoproteins. I )
U \; C U U A A G/ G C
~ rriRNA • Site for protein synthesis of enzymes
\___ _,/
; -----
Ribosome moves along messenger
RNA 'reading' the code

• Commonly called "Packaging and dispatching unit" of

Ii complex the cell
Gog Cisface ,S·
c1sternae (~ • Sta~~ of flattened double-walled membrane sacs
( - :...a.i- - Lumen
• Flui~ is present between both the membranes known
. "" .

as d1ctyosomes in a plant cell

Functions: ·
• Secretion of enzymes and other substances
Vesicles • Transport of substances synthesized in the cell to the
outside of the cell
.,.-:- \ • Formation of lysosomes, cell wall and plasma membrane ·'1
• Production of vacuoles that contain cellular secretions,
Trans face for example, enzymes, proteins, cellulose, melanin
pigment, lactoprotein (milk protein), etc.
~===· ========================'====="======~~= ~ - ~~-=·=~======

Cell Organelles Present Only in Plant Cells

There are some organelles which are found only in plant cells. They are explained below~
S- lnlo
in Table 1.3. Vacuoles also help with de-
stroying and recycling broken
· • proteins that build up in cells.
Table 1.3 Structure and function of cell organelles found only m plant cells --_-::::::::.:---..J

jiPlastids • Present 1n green parts of the plants \i11'

: (i) Chloroplasts • Double-membraned structure 1~

II • The inner membrane possesses more proteins 1,\ 1

j1 Inner Outer membrane • The outer membrane maybe attached to ER 1\ \_,~

,' membrane ; • Contains a green pigment known as chlorophyll \,

......, • The matrix or stroma is a semifluid, colourless and colloidal complex
• The matrix contains DNA and RNA
• Membrane-bound, flat sac-like structures known as thylakoids run ' 1\

through the stroma (1\

• The green pigment chlorophyll is located within the thylakoid membrane
• Thylakoids arranged one over the 9ther forming a stalk, known as
Stroma Lumen 'grana' (singular: granum)
lamellae Strama
Thylakoid Function:
• Trapping of solar energy during photosynthesis
- --

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