5th LP

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Agriculture High School

Agriculture Midsayap, Cotabato

Lesson Plan in English for Grade 8

I. Objectives
At the end of the 60 minute period, students should be able to:
a. define the meaning of biography
b. list all the family members of the author through the use of graphic

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: The Story of Mahabharata
b. Reference: https://owlcation.com/humanities/MAHABHARATA-The-Great-
c. Materials: Laptop, TV, Visual Aids, Paper Ball

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer Let`s start this day with a

spiritual blessing. Please
stand and feel the presence (One student will
of the Almighty God. I need volunteer to pray)
someone from the class who
would like to lead the prayer.

Good afternoon, class”

 Greetings “Good afternoon,
Ma’am Marebil.”
Good afternoon,,
“you may now take your classmates”

 Checking of “Is there any absent from the “None, Ma’am”

Attendance class today?”

Before you take your seats

 Setting of please, pick up some pieces
Standards of paper and arrange your
chairs. I just want to remind “Yes, Ma’am.”
everyone to refrain from
making unnecessary noise
and listen carefully in our
discussion. If you have
questions and clarifications
just raise your hand.
B. Review (one student will
“What was our previous volunteer to answer)
“Our previous topic
was all about the
story Ramayana”

“Okay, thank you. That’s

correct! Our previous topic
was all about the story of

C. Motivation
(Some students
“Let us have an activity
are familiar and
which is called ‘Pass the
some are not)
Ball’, are you familiar with
this game?

“You are going to form a big

circle first, and sing the song
Bahay Kubo. I will be the “Yes, Ma’am”
one to decide when to say
stop, and when I say so the
person who is holding the
ball will give me the meaning
of the word. Understood?

1. Sanskrit
2. Author
3. Biography
4. Autobiography
D. Presentation of the new 5. Birthname

Our topic this afternoon is

about the story of
Mahabhrata, just like the
story of Ramayana,
Mahabharata is also an
Indian Literature.
E. Lesson Proper

1. Activity
“Before we start our lesson
let us have spelling first, but
this is not the common
spelling that we always do,
this spelling has a twist
because you are not going
to use pen and paper, but
your body. Yes you are right;
you are going to spell the
word using your body. This
will be done by group and
you will be divided into 3
groups. This is the
mechanics of the game:
>I need one representative
per group.
(The students will
>When I say the word that
you are going to spell, you
have to raise your hand as
fast as you can.
>The first group who can
raise their hand will be the
group who will spell the
word. “Yes, ma’am”
>If you spell the word
correctly your group will gain
2 points, and the losing
group will face their
>The first group who can get
10 points will be declared as
winners. Am I understood>
2. Analysis
4. Knowledge
5. revered

(The teacher will give the

summary of the story)

Vyasa _- Author
Birthname: Krishna

He is better known as Vyasa

or Vedavyasa, is a revered
sage portrayed in most
Hindu traditions. He is
traditionally regarded as the
author of the epic

Born: Kalpi, India
Full name: Krishna
Dvaipayana Veda Vyasa
Grandparents: Uparichara
Vasu, Maharsi Sakti,

Great-grandparent: Vasisht
Children: Vidura, Shuka,
Dhritarashtra, Pandu
Language: Sanskrit

He is also known as Krishna
Dvaipayana. Around some
5000 years ago, he was
born in Damauli of Tanahi
district, which is now in
Nepal. The ancient cave that
he wrote Mahabharata in still
exists in Nepal. His father
was Parashar Rishi, a sage
and his mother was

3. Abstraction MajorWork
Mahabharata: There is a
cameo of Ved Vyasa himself
in Mahabharata. He is
considered as a part-
incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It
is said that he came to the
earth in Dwaparyuga to put
all the Vedic knowledge in
this universe in the form of
written words and make it
available to everyone.

(The teacher will ask the

following questions in order “The birthname of
for learners to understand the author is Krishna
the lesoon.) Dvaipayana.”

“What is the birthname of the “The names of his

author?” children are
Vidura, Shuka,
Dhritarashtra, Pandu.
“What are the names of his
“Biography is an
account of
someone's life
4. Application written by someone
“What do you mean by else.”

Is Biography and
autobiography the same?

Directions: Give the

definition of the following

1. Biography
2. Autobiography

IV. Evaluation
Instructions: Get 1 whole sheet of paper and list all the family members
of the author through the use of graphic organizer.

Research the summary of the story Mahabharata.

Krishna Dvaipayana, better known as Vyasa or Vedavyasa, is a revered sage
portrayed in most Hindu traditions. He is traditionally regarded as the author of
the epic Mahabharata. Wikipedia
Born: Kalpi, India
Full name: Krishna Dvaipayana Veda Vyasa
Grandparents: Uparichara Vasu, Maharsi Sakti, Adrsyati, Adrika
Great-grandparent: Vasishtha
Children: Vidura, Shuka, Dhritarashtra, Pandu
Language: Sanskrit

The life history of Ved Vyas is an interesting one. The author of the great epic
Mahabharata, Ved Vyas was the first and greatest acharya of Sanatan Dharma. He is
responsible for classifying the four Vedas, wrote the 18 Puranas and recited the great
Mahabharata. In fact, the Mahabharata is often called as the fifth Veda. The most
important and the most glorified section is the Bhagwad Gita, the lesson recited to
Arjuna by Lord Krishna on the battlefield. Apart from the Mahabharata, he also wrote
the Brahmasootra, one of his shortest theologies on Hindu philosophy. It is said that
Ved Vyas is immortal and he never died. Seeing the widespread violence in today's
times, he is said to have retreated into some remote village in Northern India. The life of
Ved Vyas is an example to all in the modern times on how to be selfless and devote
oneself entirely to Lord in order to attain Nirvana.

He is also known as Krishna Dvaipayana. Around some 5000 years ago, he was born in
Damauli of Tanahi district, which is now in Nepal. The ancient cave that he wrote
Mahabharata in still exists in Nepal. His father was Parashar Rishi, a sage and his
mother was Satyavati. He taught the Vedas to his pupils with ardent devotion and
dedication. It is said that Mahabharata is the 18th Puran that was written by Ved Vyas.
He fathered four famous sons, Pandu, Dhritarashtra, Vidur and Sukhdev. Ved Vyas
received knowledge from great sages like Vasudeva and Sanakadik. He described that
the most important goal in one's life is to attain Narayana or the Divine Supreme.

Mahabharata: There is a cameo of Ved Vyasa himself in Mahabharata. He is
considered as a part-incarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is said that he came to the earth in
Dwaparyuga to put all the Vedic knowledge in this universe in the form of written words
and make it available to everyone. Before Ved Vyasa the Vedic knowledge only existed
in the form of spoken words. He was the grandfather to Pandavas and Kauravas. He is
called Ved Vyasa because he had split the original version of Vedas into four parts; Ved
Vyasa literally means 'the splitter of Vedas'. It was because Ved Vyasa had split the
Vedas that it became easy for people to understand it. This is how the divine knowledge
was made available to everyone. It is still not clearly known whether Ved Vyasa had
split the Vedas all by himself or if he did with the help of a group of scholars.

In Mahabharata, Vyasa's mother marries the king of Hastinapur and gives birth to two
sons. Both the sons die and their wives are left with no children. She asks him to
impregnate both the wives. Vyasa agrees to impregnate Amba and Ambika. He tells
these girls to come in close proximity to him but alone. It was Ambika's turn first to go
close to him and out to shyness she closes her eyes. Vyasa declares that the baby
would be born blind--this child was called Dhritarashtra. Then it was Amba's turn.
Although she was instructed by Ambalika to relax and calm herself down. But she was
very nervous and her face becomes pale out of fear. Vyasa declares that the baby born
out of this will be severely anemic and will certainly not be capable of running a
kingdom--this was Pandu. This leads to the third attempt to make a healthy child but
Amba and Ambika were so scared now that they sent a servant girl instead. This maid
was confident and she gets impregnated with a healthy child--this was Vidura. He also
had another son called Suka from sage Jabali's daughter called Pinjala. It is said that
Ved Vyasa asked Lord Ganesha himself to help him in compilation of Mahabharata. But
Ganesha had put one condition on him; he said that he will write Mahabharata for him if
only he will narrate it to him without a single pause. To supersede this condition, Vyasa
put another condition on him asking him to understand the verses even before he has
recited them. This is how Mahabharata was written, Ved Vyasa narrated all the
Upanishads and 18 Puranas continuously to Lord Ganesha.

Buddhism: There is also mention of Ved Vyasa in Buddhism. In the two of their Jataka
tales called Kanha-dipayana and Ghata. He appeared as a Bodhisattva in Kanha-
dipayana, which has no connection with his Hindu Vedic works and in Ghata Jakata his
role has a close relation to Mahabharata. In Ghata, the Vrishnis plays a joke on Ved
Vyasa to put his clairvoyance powers to test. They dress up a boy as a woman by tying
a pillow to his belly. Then they took him to Vyasa and asked him if he could tell them
when the baby is due. He tells then that the person in front of him will give birth to a knot
of acaria wood and will destroy Vaasudeva's race. They kill him in the end but his
divination came true.
VEDA: the most ancient Hindu scriptures, written in early Sanskrit and containing hymns,
philosophy, and guidance on ritual for the priests of Vedic religion.

A biography is an account of a person's life, written by someone else. An

autobiography is an account of a person's life, written by that person.

The word "Vyasa" (Vyāsa) refers to "compiler," or, "arranger," [5][6] and also means "separation," or,
"division."[5] Other meanings are "split," "differentiate," or, "describe." It is also a title, given to "a holy
sage or a pious learned man," and applied to "persons distinguished for their writings." [7]

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