The Smart Grid - Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response - C5

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Chapter 5

DC Distribution & the Smart Grid

Thomas Edison’s nineteenth-century electric distribution system

relied on direct current (DC) power generation, delivery, and use. This
pioneering system, however, turned out to be impractical and uneco-
nomical, largely because in the 19th century, DC power generation was
limited to a relatively low voltage potential and DC power could not
be transmitted beyond a mile. Edison’s power plants had to be local
affairs, sited near the load, or the load had to be brought close to the
Direct current (DC) is a continuous flow of electricity in one direc-
tion through a wire or conductor. Direct current is created by generators
such as fuel cells or photovoltaic cells, and by static electricity, lightning,
and batteries. It flows from a high to a low potential; for example, in a
battery, from a positive to a negative pole. Any device that relies on bat-
teries—a flashlight, a portable CD player, a laptop computer—operates
on direct current. When represented graphically, DC voltage appears as
a straight line, usually flat.
Alternating current (AC) is electricity that changes direction at
regular intervals. It builds to a maximum voltage in one direction, de-
creases to zero, builds up to a maximum in the opposite direction, and
then returns to zero once more. This complete sequence, or cycle, repeats,
and the rate at which it repeats is called the frequency of the current. In
the U.S., the AC power provided to a home outlet has a frequency of
60 cycles per second. This is expressed as 60 hertz (Hz), the hertz being
a unit equal to one cycle per second.


Early power systems developed by Thomas Edison generated and

delivered direct current (DC). However, DC power systems had many
limitations, most notably that power typically could not be practically
transmitted beyond a distance of about one mile.
94 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

Moreover, because changing the voltage of DC current was ex-

tremely inefficient, delivery of power with direct current in Edison’s
time meant that separate electric lines had to be installed to supply
power to appliances and equipment of different voltages, an economi-
cally and physically impractical approach. Another limitation was that
DC current incurred considerable power losses.
Edison’s concept for electrification of the U.S.—which included
royalties from his patents on direct current systems—was to deploy
relatively small scale, individual DC plants to serve small areas—such
as the Pearl Street Station, which powered a part of New York City’s
financial district.
But George Westinghouse’s polyphase alternating current (AC)
power system—invented by Nikola Tesla and used with transformers
developed by William Stanley, Jr., who also worked for Westinghouse—
proved to be far superior technically and economically. The voltage of
AC could be stepped up or decreased to enable long distance power
transmission and distribution to end-use equipment.
Edison fought vociferously against the use of alternating current-
based systems, which he claimed would be dangerous because of the
high voltage at which power would need to be transmitted over long

“My personal desire would be to prohibit entirely the use of al-

ternating currents. They are unnecessary as they are dangerous.”
—Thomas Edison, 1889, Scientific American

He even went so far as to demonstrate the danger of AC by using

it to electrocute a Coney Island elephant named Topsy who had killed
three men. He also electrocuted numerous cats and dogs procured from
neighborhood boys. But despite proving that alternating current could
be an effective means of electrocuting these hapless creatures, its supe-
riority to DC for transmission and distribution was compelling.
Alternating current can be produced by large generators, and the
voltage of alternating current can be stepped up or down for transmis-
sion and delivery. The distance limitation of direct current and the dif-
ficulties of changing voltages proved critical factors in abandoning DC
systems in favor of those based on AC. With DC systems, power had
to be generated close to where it was used. This resulted in problem-
atic reliability and economics. If the local plant failed, the entire system
DC Distribution & The Smart Grid 95

was down. And because initial power systems were devoted to lighting
loads and systems only generated power at times of high usage, the
cost of energy was high—often more than $1 per kWh when adjusted
for inflation to present dollars (2005)—compared to an average cost for
residential electricity today of 8.58¢ per kWh.
Engineers wanted to Interconnect systems to improve reliability
and overcome the economic limitations of DC electrical systems. If one
area’s power were out because of a problem at the generator, then the
adjacent town would be available to pick up the load. In addition, by
interconnecting isolated systems, a greater diversity of load was ob-
tained, which would improve load factor and enable more economical
operation of the generation plants.
Another major driver was the desire to make use of hydroelectric
power sources located far from urban load centers, which made long
distance transmission essential, and therefore made alternating current

Transformers Transform the Power Delivery System

By using transformers, the voltage can be stepped up to high levels
so that electricity can be distributed over long distances at low currents,
and hence with low losses.
Transformers that could efficiently adjust voltage levels in different
parts of the system and help minimize the inherent power losses associ-
ated with long-distance distribution were a critical enabling technology
that led to today’s AC-dominated power distribution system. Transform-
ers do not work with DC power.
Effective transformers were first demonstrated in 1886 by William
Stanley of the Westinghouse Company. According to the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) History Center, Stanley first
demonstrated the potential of transformers to enable AC transmission
at Main Street in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
He demonstrated their ability to both raise and lower voltage by
stepping up the 500-volt output of a Siemens generator to 3000-volts,
lighting a string of thirty series-connected 100-volt incandescent lamps,
and then stepping the voltage back down to 500-volts. Wires were run
from his “central” generating station along Main Street in Great Bar-
rington, fastened to the elm trees that lined that thoroughfare. A total of
six step-down transformers were located in the basements of some Main
Street buildings to lower the distribution to 100-volts. A total of twenty
96 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

business establishments were then lighted using incandescent lamps.

Stanley’s demonstration of raising the generator voltage to 3000-
volts and then back down again was exactly the same concept as
employed in present day power systems where a “generator step-up”
transformer is used to raise the system voltage to a very high level for
long distance transmission, and then “large substation” transformers are
used to lower the voltage to some intermediate level for local distribu-
Similar alternating current systems that use transformers eventu-
ally replaced Thomas Edison’s direct current systems. Stanley’s installa-
tion in Great Barrington was the first such system to include all of the
basic features of large electric power systems as they still exist more
than one hundred years later.

Centralization Dictates AC Instead of DC

Other factors led to the preference for AC power transmission in-
stead of DC power delivery—most notably a desire for large-area grids
relying on centralized power plant, such as hydroelectric dams. Having
a transmission and distribution system that could provide hydro-elec-
tricity to cities or to remotely located industries such as gold or silver
mines in the Rocky Mountains was also an economic imperative.
Such development relied not only on transformers, but on devel-
opment of polyphase alternating current generators per the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Niagara Falls represented a showplace of a very different sort. Here
electrical engineers were confronted with one of the great technical chal-
lenges of the age—how to harness the enormous power latent in Niag-
ara’s thundering waters and make it available for useful work. Years of
study and heated debate preceded the start-up of the first Niagara Falls
Power Station in the summer of 1895, as engineers and financiers argued
about whether electricity could be relied on to transmit large amounts of
power the 20 miles to Buffalo and, if so, whether it should be direct or
alternating current. The success of the giant polyphase alternating cur-
rent generators made clear the directions that electric power technology
would take in the new century.
In the 25 years following the construction of the Niagara Falls
Power Station, various technological innovations and other factors led
away from the early small-scale DC systems, and toward systems based
upon increasingly larger-scale central-station plants interconnected via
DC Distribution & The Smart Grid 97

transmission lines that carried alternating current. Now cities and towns
could be interconnected, and power could be shared between areas.
During this period, transmission voltages as high as 150 kV were being
introduced, and so relatively large amounts of power could be transmit-
ted efficiently over long distances.
In addition to technical and market forces, the government also
played a role in development of centralized power systems and thus
reliance on AC transmission. Public policy and legislation encouraged
the movement to larger centralized systems, and by the 1970s, more
than 95% of all electric power being sold in the U.S. was through large
centralized power systems.
As a result, alternating current (AC) distribution was far superior
for the needs of a robust electrical infrastructure. Unlike DC power, the
voltage of AC could be stepped up with relatively simple transformer
devices for distance transmission and subsequently stepped down for
delivery to appliances and equipment in the home or factory. And Nikola
Tesla’s invention of a relatively simple AC induction motor meant end
users needed AC, which could be generated at large central plants for
high-voltage bulk delivery over long distances. (See the section AC versus
DC: An Historical Perspective for more on the attributes of AC and DC
power, and why AC originally prevailed.)
Despite a vigorous campaign against the adoption of alternating
current, Edison could not overcome the shortcomings of his DC system.
AC won out, and today utilities generate, transmit, and deliver electric-
ity in the form of alternating current.
Although high-voltage direct current (HVDC) is now a viable
means of long-distance power transmission and is used in nearly a 100
applications worldwide, no one is advocating a wholesale change of the
infrastructure from AC to DC, as this would be wildly impractical.
But a new debate is arising over AC versus DC: should DC power
delivery systems displace or augment the AC distribution system in
buildings or other small, distributed applications? Edison’s original vi-
sion for a system that has DC generation, power delivery, and end-use
loads may come to fruition—at least for some types of installations.
Facilities such as data centers, campus-like groups of buildings, or build-
ing sub-systems may find a compelling value proposition in using DC
Several converging factors have spurred the recent interest in DC
power delivery. One of the most important is that an increasing number
98 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

of microprocessor-based electronic devices use DC power internally,

converted inside the device from standard AC supply. Another factor
is that new distributed resources such as solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays
and fuel cells produce DC power; and batteries and other technologies
store it. So why not a DC power distribution system as well? Why not
eliminate the equipment that converts DC power to AC for distribu-
tion, then back again to DC at the appliance?
Advocates point to greater efficiency and reliability from a DC
power delivery system. Eliminating the need for multiple conversions
could potentially prevent energy losses of up to 35%. Less waste
heat and a less complicated conversion system could also potentially
translate into lower maintenance requirements, longer-lived system
components, and lower operating costs.
In a larger context, deployment of DC power delivery systems
as part of AC/DC “hybrid” buildings—or as a DC power micro-grid
“island” that can operate independently of the bulk power grid—could
enhance the reliability and security of the electric power system.


Due, in part, to the interest in the smart grid, the specter of several
potential benefits are driving newfound interest in DC power delivery
Increasingly, equipment operates on DC, requiring conver-
sion from AC sources. All microprocessors require direct current and
many devices operate internally on DC power since it can be precisely
regulated for sensitive components. Building electrical systems are fed
with AC that is converted to DC at every fluorescent ballast, computer
system power supply, and other electronic device. As one specialty
electronics manufacturer put it, “DC is the blood of electronics.”

AC-DC conversions within these devices waste power. The power

supplies that convert high-voltage AC power into the low-voltage
DC power needed by the electronic equipment used in commer-
cial buildings and data centers typically operate at roughly 65% to
75% efficiency, meaning that 25 to 35% of all the energy consumed
is wasted. About half the losses are from AC to DC conversions,
the rest from stepping down DC voltage in DC to DC conversions.
DC Distribution & The Smart Grid 99

Simply getting rid of the losses from AC to DC conversion could

reduce energy losses by about 10 to 20%. Likewise, an increasing
number of portable gadgets such as cell phones and personal digi-
tal assistants (PDAs) require an AC-DC adapter, which also results
in power losses during conversion. Considered in aggregate, the
millions of AC to DC conversions necessitated for the operation
of electronics extract a huge energy loss penalty.

Distributed generation systems produce DC power. Many dis-

tributed generation sources such as photovoltaic cells and fuel cells—
and advanced energy storage systems (batteries, flywheels, and ultra
capacitors) produce energy in the form of DC power. Other devices
can also be suited to DC output, such as microturbines and wind
turbines. Even hybrid vehicles such as the Toyota Prius could serve
as DC generators in emergencies with the right equipment to connect
them to the electrical system.
The energy losses entailed in converting DC to AC power for
distribution could be eliminated with DC power delivery, enhancing
efficiency and reliability and system cost-effectiveness. For instance,
EPRI Solutions estimated that the total lifecycle cost of PV energy for
certain DC applications could be reduced by more than 25% compared
to using a conventional DC to AC approach—assuming that the specific
end-use applications are carefully selected.2 The costs of new distrib-
uted generation such as PV arrays are still high, so optimization of
designs with DC power delivery may help spur adoption and efficient

Storage devices such as batteries, flywheels and capacitors store

and deliver DC power. This again helps avoid unnecessary conver-
sions between AC and DC.
DC power could help power hybrid automobiles, transit buses,
and commercial fleets. Plug-in hybrid vehicles can go greater distances
on electricity than today’s hybrids since they have larger batteries.
These batteries store DC power, so charging them with electricity from
solar photovoltaic arrays and other distributed sources could reduce
reliance on gasoline, enhancing security and emergency preparedness.
DC power delivery could potentially enhance energy efficiency
in data centers, a pressing need. One of the most promising poten-
tial applications of DC power delivery is in data centers, which have
100 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

densely packed racks of servers that use DC power. In such centers,

AC is converted to DC at the uninterruptible power supply, to facili-
tate storage, then is converted again to push out to the servers, and
is converted one more time to DC at each individual server. These
conversions waste power and generate considerable heat, which must
be removed by air conditioning systems, resulting in high electricity
In a 10–15 megawatt (MW) data center, as much as 2–3 MW may
be lost because of power conversions. As these centers install ever more
dense configurations of server racks, DC power delivery systems may
be a means to reduce skyrocketing power needs.

Improved inverters and power electronics allow DC power to be

converted easily and efficiently to AC power and to different voltage
levels. Component improvements enable greater efficiency than in the
past, and improve the economics of hybrid AC/DC systems. Although
improved electronics also enhance AC-only systems, such enabling
technology makes the DC power delivery option feasible as well.
The evolution of central power architecture in computers and
other equipment simplifies DC power delivery systems. At present,
delivering DC to a computer requires input at multiple voltages to sat-
isfy the power needs of various internal components (RAM, processor,
etc.) Development of a central power architecture, now underway, will
enable input of one standardized DC voltage at the port, streamlining
delivery system design.
DC power delivery may enhance micro-grid system integration,
operation, and performance. A number of attributes make DC power
delivery appealing for use in micro-grids. With DC distribution, solid-
state switching can quickly interrupt faults, making for better reliability
and power quality. If tied into the AC transmission system, a DC power
micro-grid makes it easy to avoid back-feeding surplus generation and
fault contributions into the bulk utility system (by the use of a rectifier
that only allows one-way power flow). In addition, in a low-voltage
DC system, such as would be suitable for a home or group of homes,
a line of a given voltage rating can transmit much more DC power
than AC power.
Of course, while DC circuits are widely used in energy-consuming
devices and appliances, DC power delivery systems are not com-
monplace, and therefore face the obstacles any new system design or
DC Distribution & The Smart Grid 101

technology must overcome. For any of the benefits outlined above to

be realized, testing, development, and demonstration are needed to de-
termine the true potential and market readiness of DC power delivery.


Many energy-consuming devices and appliances operate inter-

nally on DC power, in part because DC can be precisely regulated for
sensitive components. An increasing number of devices consume DC,
including computers, lighting ballasts, televisions, and set top boxes.
Moreover, if motors for heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
(HVAC) are operated by variable frequency drives (VFD), which have
internal DC buses, then HVAC systems that use VFDs could operate
on DC power. Numerous portable devices like cell phones and PDAs
also require an AC-DC adapter. As discussed above, by some estimates
the AC-DC conversions for these devices waste up to 20% of the total
power consumed.

Equipment Compatibility
EPRI Solutions examined the compatibility of some common de-
vices with DC power delivery in 2002:

• Switched mode power supplies, including those for computers (lab

• Fluorescent lighting with electronic ballasts
• Compact fluorescent lamps (lab test)
• Electric baseboard and water heating units
• Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
• Adjustable speed motor drives

These devices represent a large percentage of the electric load, and

EPRI Solutions’ preliminary assessments show that each could be poten-
tially powered by a DC supply. Although additional testing is needed
to determine the effect of DC power on the long-term operation of such
equipment, results do indicate the feasibility of delivering DC power to
these devices.
Switched-mode Power Supply (SMPS)—Switched-mode power
supply (SMPS) technology is used to convert AC 120 V/60 Hz into the
102 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

DC power used internally by many electronic devices. At the most basic

level, an SMPS is a high frequency DC-DC converter.
Many opportunities exist to use DC power with SMPS-equipped
equipment since SMPS technology is found in many electronic devices
including desktop computers, laptop computers with power adapters,
fluorescent lighting ballasts, television sets, fax machines, photocopiers,
and video equipment. Although AC input voltage is specified for most
of the electronic devices that have SMPS, in some cases, this equipment
can operate with DC power without any modification whatsoever. Also,
in many instances, the location on the SMPS where AC is normally fed
could be replaced with DC.
Power Supplies for Desktop and Laptop Units—According to
research on power supply efficiency sponsored by the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency and the California Energy Commission, as of
2004, there were nearly 2.5 billion electrical products containing power
supplies in use in the U.S., with about 400 to 500 million new power
supplies sold each year.
The total amount of electricity that flowed through these power
supplies in 2004 was more than 207 billion kWh, or about 6% of the
national electric bill. Researchers determined that more efficient designs
could save an expected 15 to 20% of that energy. That amount represents
32 billion kWh/year, or a savings of $2.5 billion. If powered by DC,
conversion losses could be reduced and significant savings achieved.
EPRI Solutions conducted tests to assess the ability of two stan-
dard SMPS-type computer power supplies to operate on DC; a 250 watt
ATX type typically used for desktop computers, and a portable plug-in
power module for laptop computers. In both cases, tests revealed that
the power supplies would operate properly when supplied with DC
power of the right magnitude, although no tests were done to deter-
mine power supply operation and performance when connected to the
computer loads.
For the desktop computer power supply, sufficient output was pro-
vided when supplied with 150  V of DC or greater. For the laptop SMPS
unit, 30 V DC was required to “turn on” the output, which begins at
19.79 V and continues at that output unless DC supply drops to 20  volts
DC or below.
Fluorescent Lighting with Electronic Ballasts—The key to DC
operation of fluorescent lights lies in the use of electronic ballasts. The
ballast is used to initiate discharge and regulate current flow in the
DC Distribution & The Smart Grid 103

lamp. Modern electronic ballasts function in much the same manner as

a switched-mode power supply thus making it potentially possible to
operate them from a DC supply.
Virtually all new office lighting systems use electronic ballasts,
which are more efficient and capable of powering various lights at
lower costs. Only older installations are likely to have the less-efficient
magnetic ballasts in place.
For electronically ballasted applications, several manufacturers
make ballasts rated for DC. Lighting systems could be retrofitted with
DC-rated ballast units for DC operation. All light switches and upstream
protection in line with DC current flow would also need to be rated for
Compact Fluorescent Lamps—Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL)
are energy-efficient alternatives to the common incandescent bulb. A
new 20-watt compact fluorescent lamp gives the same light output as
a standard 75-watt incandescent light bulb, and also offers an average
operating life 6 to 10 times longer.
A compact fluorescent lamp has two parts: a small, folded gas-filled
tube and a built-in electronic ballast. As with the fluorescent tubes used
in commercial lighting, the electronic ballast enables DC operation of
CFLs. EPRI Solutions’ testing of a 20-watt CFL unit with DC power sup-
ply revealed that while the CFL could operate on DC power, it required
a much higher DC input voltage. With AC supply, the CFL provided
constant light at 63 V, but with DC supply, 164.4 V DC was required.
After speaking with CFL manufacturers, EPRI Solutions researchers
determined that the CFL used a voltage doubling circuit on the input
to the electronic ballast. However, the voltage doubling circuit does
not operate on DC voltage. Hence, the DC voltage must be twice the
magnitude of the AC voltage to compensate for the non-functioning
doubling circuit. This resulting over-voltage on the capacitors could
result in shortened lamp life, depending on the ratings of certain input
elements in the circuit.
The reduction in lamp life is unknown. Additional research is
needed to determine whether the energy savings over the life of the
lamp would compensate for the increased cost due to premature lamp
Electric Baseboard and Water Heating—DC voltage can be used
to run almost any device utilizing an electric heating element, includ-
ing resistive baseboard and electric water heaters. In these applications,
104 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

electrical current flowing in a heating element produces heat due to

The chief concern of using DC in such applications is not in the
heating element itself, but in the contactors, switches, and circuit break-
ers used for such circuits. Since DC is more difficult to interrupt, the
interrupting devices must be capable of clearing any faults that develop.
There are no DC equivalents to ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs),
which are commonplace electrical devices used in AC systems to prevent
electric shock.
Uninterruptible Power Systems—Uninterruptible power systems
(UPS) are excellent candidates for DC power support. A UPS is com-
posed of an inverter, a high-speed static switch, various controls, and
battery energy storage. The functional objective of the UPS is to provide
high reliability and power quality for connected loads that may be sus-
ceptible to voltage sags or short duration power interruptions. Most UPS
systems have anywhere from a few minutes up to about 30 minutes of
battery storage. For larger UPS units (>30 kVA), it is typical to have a
backup generator that starts and picks up load a few minutes after the
utility power is interrupted, which, today, is lower cost than having
several hours of battery energy storage onsite.
Since a UPS has an inverter and an internal DC bus, it already has
many of the elements needed to operate with DC energy.
Variable speed motors—Motors are very important electrical de-
vices, and represent a significant portion of power use in the U.S. In
industry, for instance, approximately two-thirds of the electricity use is
attributable to motors.
Most AC motor loads still use the same basic technology as the
Tesla induction motor. These omnipresent motors convert AC power
for applications such as air handling, air compression, refrigeration, air-
conditioning, ventilation fans, pumping, machine tools, and more.
A workhorse of modern society, these motors can only operate
with AC power. In fact, if subjected to DC power, an AC motor could
burn up quickly. In addition, without alternating current, the magnetic
vectors produced in the induction motor powered with DC would not
be conducive to rotation and the motor would stall—so an induction
motor simply will not operate directly on DC power.
But DC can be used if a variable frequency drive is part of the
system. A variable frequency drive allows for adjusting the motor speed,
rather than operating it either on or off. By varying the frequency of
DC Distribution & The Smart Grid 105

power over a wide range, motor speed can be adjusted to best match
the mechanical process, such as circulating air with a fan. This ability
to adjust speed can translate into significant energy savings, as a CEO
for a major manufacturer explains:
Since a variable frequency drive converts 60 Hz power to DC and
then converts the DC to variable frequency AC that is fed to the motor,
a DC supply can be readily accommodated, further increasing energy
Greater adoption of energy-efficient variable speed motors, now
underway for heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and
other applications, represents a greater opportunity for deploying DC
power. In addition, several manufacturers now offer DC variable fre-
quency drives for solar-powered water and irrigation pumps.



One of the nearest-term applications for DC power delivery sys-

tems is data centers, or “server farms.” These facilities are strong candi-
dates for DC power delivery due to: (1) the availability of products that
could enable near-term implementation; and (2) an economic imperative
to increase energy efficiency and power reliability.
A data center may consist of thousands of racks housing multiple
servers and computing devices. The density of these servers keeps in-
creasing, wasting power and generating heat with multiple AC to DC
The need to provide more and more power to new blade server
technology and other high-density computing devices has made reduc-
ing electricity costs a pressing goal within the data center industry. Mul-
tiple approaches are under consideration to increase energy efficiency,
including a multi-core approach, with cores running at reduced speed,
and software that enables managers to run multiple operating system
images on a single machine. However, one of the more intriguing op-
tions is DC power delivery. In fact, a data-center industry group formed
in late 2005 with support from the California Energy Commission
through the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is exploring the
challenge of determining how DC power delivery systems can reduce
energy needs and enhance the performance of data centers.
106 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

Headed by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and imple-

mented by EPRI Solutions and Ecos Consulting, the group has obtained
funding from the Public Interest Energy Research (PIER), the California
Energy Commission (CEC) and the California Institute for Energy Ef-
ficiency (CIEE) for a DC demonstration project at a Sun Microsystems
facility in Newark, California. The objectives of the demonstration are
to show:

1. How DC-powered servers and server racks can be built and oper-
ated from existing components.

2. The level of functionality and computing performance when

compared to similarly configured and operated servers and racks
containing AC power supplies.

3. Efficiency gains from the elimination of multiple conversion steps

in the delivery of DC power to server hardware.

Numerous Silicon Valley giants including Intel, Cisco, and others

are participating and contributing to the project, including Alindeska
Electrical Contractors, Baldwin Technologies, CCG Facility Integration,
Cingular Wireless, Dranetz-BMI, Dupont Fabros, EDG2, Inc., EYP Mis-
sion Critical, Hewlett-Packard, Liebert Corporation, Morrison Hershfield
Corporation, NTT Facilities, Nextek Power, Pentadyne, RTKL, SBC
Global, SatCon Power Systems, Square D/Schneider Electric, Sun Mi-
crosystems, TDI Power, Universal Electric Corp., and Verizon Wireless.
The existing AC-based powering architecture in a data center,
which requires multiple AC-DC-AC conversions, can have an overall
system efficiency lower than 50%. How much energy and money could
be saved by eliminating these multiple conversions? Field performance
data are yet to be documented. However, preliminary estimates of
energy savings indicate that about 20% savings could be realized by
changing from AC-based powering architecture to DC-based powering
architecture for a rack of servers. Table 5-1 shows one estimate from
EPRI, which indicates that a typical data center of 1,000 racks could save
$3.5 million annually by using a DC power delivery system.
To calculate energy savings estimates for different design configu-
rations or using different assumptions, visit an Excel-based calculator,
available at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory website (http://
DC Distribution & The Smart Grid 107

Table 5-1a. Energy savings estimate for one rack of servers with high-efficiency
power conversion

*The efficiencies for the AC system are based on typical, rather than best-in-class systems.
If a best-in-class AC system is compared to a DC best-in-class system, the savings from
use of DC power would be reduced. For instance, yearly energy savings might be about
$873 rather than $3428. However, gains in reliability from DC power (not shown in this
table) would not be achieved.
Only energy-related savings are considered; other savings such as size and heat sink cost
not considered. Calculations are based on typical power budget for a dual 2.4 GHz Xeon
processor based 1U server rack
1U = TK
Energy cost = 12¢/kWh; project life = 4 years; discount rate = 6%; Overall cooling system
efficiency = 1,200 Watts/ton; number of 1U servers per rack = 40

Table 5-1b. Assumptions

108 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response
Intel has estimated that power consumption can be reduced by
about 10%, and others have projected even higher reductions. Less heat
would therefore be generated, lowering the cooling load of the facility.
Other benefits of a DC power delivery system are also possible. For ex-
ample, Baldwin Technologies, which does system design, has promoted
benefits of a DC power delivery system for data centers. These estimated
benefits are based on vendor claims, rated performance of components,
as well as improvements that Baldwin anticipates will derive from its
own DC power delivery system design. The benefits and estimated
performance improvements include the following:

• A lower number of components are needed, leading to lower main-

tenance costs and greater reliability.

• DC power distribution delivery is modular and flexible, so systems

can grow with load requirements.

• Busways with double end-feed features allow for redundant DC

sources at critical loads.

• No down-stream static or transfer switches are required, and volt-

age-matched DC systems can inherently be coupled together.

• DC distribution eliminates harmonics.

• Grounding is simplified.

• Management software and controls are available.

• DC distribution eliminates power factor concern.

• Server reliability may be increased by as much as 27%.

Baldwin’s DC power system is being demonstrated at the Penta-

dyne Power facility in Chatsworth, California, which employs off-the-
shelf equipment available from several manufacturers, including:

• Rectifiers that convert utility- or generator-supplied AC power to

DC (500 VDC)
DC Distribution & The Smart Grid 109

• Energy storage, in this case not batteries, but rather a flywheel-

based system that can provide power to a 500 VDC bus if AC
sources are lost

• Equipment racks with DC distribution entailing connectors that

enable feeding power from two separate 500 VDC sources for re-

• DC to DC converters for conversion of 500 VDC power to low-

voltage DC (e.g., 48V, 24V, 5V, etc.) as required by server equipment


Adding DC power delivery systems to our homes, office build-

ings, or commercial facilities offers the potential for improvements in
energy-delivery efficiency, reliability, power quality, and cost of opera-
tion as compared to traditional power systems. DC power distribution
systems may also help overcome constraints in the development of new
transmission capacity that are beginning to impact the power industry.
What might a future with DC power delivery look like? A number
of options are available. One includes stand-alone systems that can op-
erate full time as off-the-grid “islands,” independent of the bulk power
supply system. Hybrid buildings are also possible, with utility-supplied
power as well as building-based generators such as a solar array, fuel
cell, energy storage device, or even a hybrid automobile.
DC systems can operate selected loads or critical subsystems, such
as computers and lights. Or a DC charging “rail” such as the kitchen
countertop shown in Figure 5-1, can charge a host of portable appli-
In fact, equipment throughout the entire house could be powered
by DC, as shown in Figure 5-2.


Technology advances suggest that there are significant opportuni-

ties for certain DC-based applications, and promising benefits in terms
of energy savings and increased reliability. But many obstacles must
110 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

Tomorrow’s homes may be blissfully cord free, enabling people to charge portable elec-
tronics using an inductive charging pad fed by rooftop solar cells

Figure 5-1. A DC-powered inductive charging system (

be overcome. Additional research, development and demonstration are

needed to make DC systems viable. Below, we discuss some of the bar-
riers and research needs presented by DC power delivery systems.
The Business Case for DC Power Delivery is Not Yet Clear—Will
potential operating cost savings be sufficient to warrant initial capital in-
vestment for early adopters? For what applications? To what extent will
DC play into new power delivery infrastructure investments? How, for
example, can DC power systems enable use of plug-in hybrid vehicles,
which may become tomorrow’s mobile “mini” power plants? Systems
that will accommodate efficient, safe, and reliable power delivery be-
tween such vehicles and either energy sources or loads are needed.
Whether DC power systems are a practical option must be assessed.
Most Equipment is Not Yet Plug Ready; Demonstrations with
Manufacturers are Called For—Even though electronic devices ulti-
mately operate on DC, they have been designed with internal conver-
sion systems to change AC to DC, and do not typically have ports for
DC power delivery. Although some specific products are available to
DC Distribution & The Smart Grid 111

From the kitchen inductive charger to the PC to the air conditioner, appliances throughout
the house could be DC powered.

Figure 5-2. A possible DC power system for tomorrow’s home


accept DC power—such as DC fluorescent lighting ballasts, or server

rack distribution systems—for most loads, AC 60-Hz power still must
be supplied. Since the electronics market is highly competitive and has
relatively low profit margins, a compelling business case is necessary
before product designers and manufacturers will alter their products
and add DC power ports—or make other changes to their equipment.
To document potential and expand markets, additional demonstrations
are needed with equipment that holds promise for use with DC power
delivery, such as variable frequency drives.
For Data Center Applications, More Field Testing and Perfor-
mance Measurements are Required—Several manufacturers have
developed components that enable DC power delivery in data centers,
including rectifiers, storage systems, DC to DC converters, and rack dis-
tribution systems. However, the benefits of DC power delivery, such as
energy efficiency, have only been estimated, based on vendor claims and
rated performance of various components. Measured data on potential
energy savings, as well as other performance metrics such as power reli-
112 The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response

ability and power quality, the lifetime of converters, maintenance needs,

and other factors are required.
Safety and Protection Standards and Equipment Need to be De-
veloped—Since DC power does not cycle to a current “zero” 120 times
per second like 60 Hz AC current does, it is more difficult to interrupt
the flow of DC power. Therefore, DC power switches and interrupt-
ers employing semiconductors or other technology are needed for DC
delivery systems. Also to be addressed are when and where solid-state
switches need to be applied, and when an air gap is required. Further,
techniques for controlling transients, such as spikes from lightning
strikes, require additional investigation and testing—as does research
for grounding and balancing DC.
Standard Practices for Design, Installation, and Maintenance
Need to be Established in the Marketplace—Adoption of any new
technology or design procedures can represent a significant hurdle.
Designers, technicians, installers, retailers, buyers, and users want to
mitigate risk and cost, which requires investment in product develop-
ment, system integration, professional training—and time.


As the smart grid evolves, it may be appropriate to rethink the

wider use of DC power distribution in buildings.

DC Power Production, Delivery and Utilization: An EPRI White Paper,
The Electric Power Research Institute, June 2006.
Galvin Electricity Initiative: Transforming Electric Service Reliability and
Value for the 21st Century, 2005,

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