TQM Case Study

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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Marketers have dramatically increased their creation and usage of

social media platforms; a relatively small portion have seen corresponding

increases in consumer brand engagement. They suggested that rather than

utilize social media communication technology to enhance short term

revenue sales promotions, marketers need to use this evolving technology

to create long lasting engagement. (Schultz & Peltier,2013)

India is on the verge of an Internet boom with a projected user base

of 330 million to 370 million by 2015, which will be the second largest in

the world, and the largest in terms of incremental growth (McKinsey &

Company, 2012). The Internet has changed on the way consumed products

and means of satisfying our demands for our comfort. The new buzz of

online shopping is witnessing lot of changes and gaining people trust day

by day. The online retail market is less developed and requires deeper

penetration and consumer engagement strategies(ComScore, 2013).

In United States, the internet has evolved into a dynamic and a

viable retail channel capable of generating over $143.2 billion in the retail

sales in 2005, which was an increase of over 22 percent of what the country

realized in 2005 . This platform is relatively cheaper since the customers

easily view all the product features and have the products availed to them

without necessarily visiting the shopping malls. In most cases, the website

includes all the necessary information about a product (Simbolon., 2016).

Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook constitute a

substantial proportion of shopping strategies employed by various

businesses in the US. Their use is attributed to the fact that such platforms

are outreaching and relatively cheap. The customers can view the product

details in these platforms and make their purchases without necessarily

visiting the shopping malls because some businesses deliver the goods to

the consumers 94% of the major companies in the US with marketing

departments always include social media as a component of their

promotion tools (Bosari.,2012)

In the Philippines, especially in Pantukan more people especially the

younger prefer online shopping because of the many advantages such as

convenience, saves their time and effort rather than being dependent on

store visits (Sedley 2008). Consumers who buy online can cause to build

up the product preferences that help the marketers, entrepreneurs and


businessmen who continually improve techniques to lead to an inevitable

increase in market share and profitability (Voyles 2007).

Thus, researchers were encouraged to conduct this study, trying to

find out how social media marketing and consumer engagement towards

online shopping has changed their thinking. The findings of this research

did not only help Pantukan marketers to formulate their marketing

strategies for online shoppers but increased the knowledge in online


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to find out the best social media preferred by

consumer toward online shopping in Pantukan Davao De Oro.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the extent of social media marketing toward online

shopping in terms of:

1.1 Networking Sites;

1.2 Social Media Advertising; and

1.3 Traditional Advertising?

2. What is the level of customer engagement towards online shopping in

terms of:

2.1 Time saving;

2.2 Website Design/Feature?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the extent of social media

marketing and level of customer engagement toward online shopping in

Pantukan, Davao de Oro?


The null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 of significance

There is no significant relationship between the extent of Social Media

marketing and level of consumer engagement towards Online shopping in

Pantukan Davao De Oro.

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies conducted

that to give light about social media marketing and consumer engagement

towards online shopping in Pantukan Davao de Oro.

Social Media Marketing


Social media marketing consists of an attempt to use social media to

persuade consumers that one's company, products and/or services are

worthwhile. It is marketing using online communities, social networks,

blog marketing and more. Social Media Marketing is the process of

reaching prospects and customers, and acquiring traffic and visibility

through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and many

others. Social media networks were relatively unheard of, businesses still

preferred to market their goods through physical media such as billboards,

pamphlets and direct mail. With past decade, social media have taken the

world by storm, online marketing replaced physical traditional marketing

mediums, and now replaced by Twitter, Facebook, and other social


A basic definition of social media marketing is “using social media

channels to promote your company and its products” (Barefoot & Szabo,

2010). A process that empowers individuals to promote their websites,

products, or services through online social channels and to communicate

with and tap into a much larger community that may not have been

available via traditional advertising channel (Weinberg., 2009). The

communication with a community is highlighted above. Hunt (2009) also

emphasize that social media marketing is synonymous with community


marketing. Social media marketing is"concerned with the application of

marketing knowledge, concepts, and techniques to enhance social as well

as economic ends. It is also concerned with the analysis of the social

consequences of marketing policies, decisions and activities. (Lazer and

Kelly,s (1973)

In addition Social media marketing (SMM) is defined as “a form of

Internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a marketing

tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their

social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden

customer reach,” according to Tech Target. Techopedia explains Social

Media Marketing (SMM) Social media presence is a necessity for many

customer-driven enterprises as it gives the impression of a more

immediate connection between the customer and the seller.

Networking Sites. The related studies presented here were selected

basing on the significance on social network sites (SNSs) such as Facebook,

YouTube, Twitter have attracted millions of users; the worldwide

accessibility of web is the defining phenomenon reshaping the previews of

advertising in recent times. There is a substantial change in the landscape

of information asymmetry due to increased bargaining power of

consumers endowed by the social media networks. Boyd and Ellison


(2007) define social networking sites (SNS) as web-enabled services that

allow users to construct a public or semi-public profile, manage a list of

other users with whom they share an association, and view and traverse

their list of connections and those made by others within a bounded

system. A paradigmatic shift has been witnessed with advertisers utilizing

the social networking platforms to ‘catch’ their target audiences (Otugo et

al., 2015). Corporate are realizing that SNS can act as an effective medium

to draw the attention of users to improve viewership of their brands and

enhance their overall marketing performance.

Knoll (2016) conducted a systematic literature review that relates to

social media advertising by analyzing 51 studies and organizing the

findings of the identified studies in major emerging themes. He took into

consideration only empirical studies and hence could not cater to full

range of relevant research publications. Khang et al. (2012) presented a

macro-level analysis based on frequency and proportion of social media

studies across the disciplines of advertising, communication, marketing,

and public policy. The study used a broader definition of social media,

including discussion boards, instant messaging, and personal homepages

as social media types where 86% of the articles were taken from the

communication field. Social networking sites’ advertising effectiveness.


Cho and Khang (2006) reviewed internet-related research by

analyzing 15 major journals in communications, marketing, and

advertising between 1994 and 2003. Though the interdisciplinary

comparison was insightful, his work pertains to the era before the

emergence of popular SNSs like MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter

and LinkedIn. A recent review study by Alalwan et al. (2017) classified

SNS research into four different streams namely brand communities,

electronic word of mouth, network analysis and product-harm crises. It

has been observed that the practitioners and researchers (Alalwan et al.,

2017; Knoll, 2016; Khang et al., 2012) continue to lack a systematic review

that accurately counts for the main factors (antecedence's and

consequences) of SNS marketing phenomenon.

Social networking sites are applications that enable users to connect

with each other. Users create personal information profiles, invite friends

and colleagues to have access to those profiles, and send e-mails and

instant messages to each other. These personal profiles can include any

type of information, such as photos, video, audio files, and blogs. (Kaplan

& Haenlein, 2009). Social networking sites are a hot topic for marketers

right now, as they present a number of opportunities for interacting with

customers, including via plug-in applications, groups and fan pages.


(Zarrella, 2010,). The building blocks of a social network are user pages,

known as profiles. The profile page includes different information about

the person. Profiles are for real people, and companies use specific pages

or groups for their company information. Customizing the different pages

and profiles is a good way of reflecting your personality and brand.

(Zarrella, 2010)

In view of the escalating importance of SNS advertising and its

impact and absence of a comprehensive review paper that studies the

same, the authors are motivated to study and analyze the extant literature.

Further, this study attempts to fill the gap by providing more

comprehensive knowledge of past trends and present a list of factors

affecting SNS advertising effectiveness. Thus, the objective of the study is

to present a systematic review of literature from varied dimensions along

with a comprehensive list of antecedents and outcomes of SNS advertising


Social Media Advertising. Relevantly, social media considered as a

marketing tool a retailer must understand every aspect of it. Social media

cannot be understood without first defining Web 2.0: a term that describes

a new way in which end users use the World Wide Web, a place where

content is continuously altered by all operators in a sharing and


collaborative way (Kaplan & Haenlein 2010). “It is much more to do with

what people are doing with the technology than the technology itself, for

rather than merely retrieving information, users are now creating and

consuming it, and hence adding value to the websites that permit them to

do so” (Campbell et al. 2011). Web 2.0 has evolved from simple

information retrieval to interactivity, interoperability, and collaboration

(Campbell et al. 2011). Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define social media as

“a group of Internet based applications that build on the ideological and

technological foundations of Web 2.0, and allow the creation and exchange

of user generated content.”

Sinclaire and Vogus (2011, 294) cite O’Reilly’s (2005) definition:

“social media is a broad term that describes software tools that create user

generated content that can be shared.” (Gross & Acquisti, 2005; Ellison,

Steinfield & Lampe, 2007; Lenhart & Madden, 2007; Winder, 2007; Boyd &

Ellison, 2007 as cited in Cox 2010). The phrase social networking sites’ is

often used interchangeably with social media. However, social media is

different because it allows participants to unite by generating personal

information profiles and inviting friends and colleagues to have access to

those profiles (Kaplan & Haenlein 2010). Thus, social media is the

environment in which social networking takes place and has altered the

way in which consumers gather information and make buying decisions.


Consumers’ Sentiment toward Marketing (CSM) is a factor

considered by researchers to measure how well consumers will perceive

social media marketing. CSM is defined as a concept which refers to the

general feelings that consumers have for marketing and the marketplace

(Lawson et al. 2001as cited by Mady 2011). An individual’s perception of

the overall marketplace plays a major role in whether or not they are

motivated to partake in consumption activities (Mady 2011). In order to

create a successful marketing campaign via social media, a consumer must

be open to the technology. Consumer technology readiness is defined as

3“people’s propensity to embrace and use new technologies for

accomplishing goals in home and work” (Parasuraman, 2000 as cited by

Mady 2011). Consumer technology readiness is important for retailers to

remember when marketing on social networks because if their intended

target market does not use social media, is not familiar with it, or perceives

it negatively, then their social media marketing will be unrewarding.

Analysis of technology readiness can determine if marketing via

interactive advertising would be a good fit for a retailer’s target market.

The Innovation Adoption Process (IAP) is another instrument that

provides information on a consumer’s acceptance of new technology. The

IAP is the progression through which an individual goes through the

innovation-decision process (Rogers as cited in Mady 2011). Five steps


make up the process: knowledge of the innovation, forming an attitude

toward the innovation, deciding to adopt or reject the innovation,

implementation of the innovation, and confirmation of the decision (Mady

2011). Knowledge of IAP can help marketers obtain a social media

marketing campaign that is fulfilling. Now it is a place where consumers

can learn more about their favorite companies and the products they sell.

Marketers and retailers are utilizing these sites as another way to reach

consumers and provide a new way to shop. “Technology related

developments such as the rise of powerful search engines, advanced

mobile devices and interfaces, peer-to-peer communication vehicles, and

online social networks have extended marketers’ ability to reach shoppers

through new touch points” (Shankar et al., 2011).

Shopper marketing is a new concept that has emerged, creating a

new touch point for the interactions between businesses and consumers.

Shopper marketing is “the planning and execution of all marketing

activities that influence a shopper along, and beyond, the entire path of

purchase, from the point at which the motivation to shop first emerges

through purchase, consumption, repurchase, and recommendation”.

Perceived fit is an important factor for retailers to consider for shopper

marketing; perceived fit is the amount of similarity between an extension

product category and existing products affiliated with the brand


(DelVecchio & Smith as cited in Cha 2009). The more people perceive

shopping services on social networking sites as useful and easy to use, the

more likely they are willing to shop for items on social networks (Cha

2009). Providing shopping services on social networks can provide

business growth for retailers due to the diversity of consumers who use

social media sites. The wide range of consumers utilizing social networks

means that most target markets can be reached. This provides an effective

platform for retailers to promote their brand and products to potential


According to Shankar et al. (2011), shopper marketing can join forces

with shoppers to improve products, create clear messages, identify

promoters, and serve as a connection to in-store activities, thus

demonstrating the importance of social media within a retailer’s marketing

plan. Advancements within social media sites have created consumer

communities that are defining new ways in which companies and

customers can interact with one another to share information on brand


Traditional Advertising. In order to understand the effect that social

media marketing has on traditional marketing, it is important to

understand how traditional marketing campaigns are viewed today.

Barlow and Birkhahn (2005) conducted three different surveys to assess


the views of corporate brand/marketing executives, advertising

executives, and consumers on mass marketing. While top executives, like

Larry Light, the Chief Marketing Officer of McDonald’s, feel that “the days

of mass marketing are over,” 63 percent of consumer respondents believe

that traditional advertising - defined by this research as print, TV and basic

online ads - is still an effective means of marketing a new product or

service (Barlow & Birkhahn, 2005).

The advertising executives agreed with the marketing executives in

this survey, finding that the decline in perceived effectiveness of

traditional media can be blamed on two fronts: today’s mass media is

incredibly cluttered and tremendously noisy and new, alternative media

channels are becoming more and more attractive to consumers (Barlow &

Birkhahn, 2005).

Recent studies, however, show that in the United States, television

advertising is still a relevant form of traditional marketing, as it had the

highest ad revenue of all the traditional marketing forms. In a Nielsen

survey (2013), 68 percent of respondents said they would take action due

to an advertisement that they saw on the television, with newspapers

advertisements only trailing slightly at 65 percent, and magazine ads at 62

percent (The Nielsen Company, 2013).


These traditional marketing methods have a certain amount of trust

built into them, as Randall Beard, global head, Advertiser Solutions at

Nielsen, explains, “Although online formats have the opportunity to

engage more effectively with consumers, trust in traditional ads is growing

as they become more pervasive and persuasive” (The Nielsen Company,

2013). This is not applicable as a blanket statement for the whole world,

however, as the survey showed that Latin American consumers are more

like to take action based on traditional advertisements and their European

counterparts, least likely (The Nielsen Company, 2013). Even though

online and social media marketing seems to have captured the attention of

younger generations, this does not mean that traditional marketing is


As Barlow and Birkenhahn (2005) conclude, companies cannot

ignore newer, alternative marketing methods, nor can they solely focus on

traditional marketing channels, as there is ultimately a middle road that

incorporates both of these marketing opportunities. Just as the marketing

mix must find an appropriate balance between the four P’s, marketing

executives must find an effective mix of traditional, Internet and social

media marketing that helps them retain their current customers and attract

new, potential customers.


Eid and Truman (2002) conducted a literature review on the need for

an updated marketing strategy if traditional marketing campaigns are to

remain relevant in the eyes of consumers, as they explain “it is unrealistic

to apply the same marketing strategies [as traditional marketing] without

making some modifications to be appropriate to the electronic edge.”While

the four P’s of marketing are still important in this newer medium, they

must be considered differently.

Due to the increase in options for not only businesses but also

consumers, marketing campaigns must be thoughtful and smart – they

must take advantage of the massive amount of information about their

consumer that is at their fingertips and use that within advertising and

promotions. Because it is a lot easier for a customer to switch between

suppliers, it is imperative that a company does not depend solely on their

product or pricing (Eid & Truman, 2002). O’Callaghan and Fahy (2002),

conducted in-depth interviews focused on traditional Internet marketing

with leading marketers in Ireland and found drew similar conclusions to

Eid and Truman. Internet marketing also decreases the need for

interpersonal skills within marketing associates, adding to the list of

drawbacks, as marketers are able to hide behind a computer and customer

metrics without having to personally interact with their customers

(O’Callaghan &Fahy, 2002).


Adzharuddin (2012) conducted a literature review on the current

trend of traditional media marketing versus new media and found similar

results to that of O’Callaghan and Fahy, show that internet marketing

allows for something that radio and television has never been able to offer:

it focuses on interactivity and allows for two-way communication,

“highlighting the fact that the customers are active players rather than

passive recipients.” Furthermore, it “provides marketers with the ability to

cut through the clutter that is characteristic of traditional marketing

activities such as TV/radio and newspaper advertising” (O’Callaghan &

Fahy, 2002). Using the Internet as a marketing tool has provided

companies with a cheap, measurable, and immediate resources to reach

their target audience, with the ability to A/B test and experiment in a way

that was not possible before (O’Callaghan & Fahy, 2002). Statistic show

that Internet marketing is going strong and likely to get stronger.

In 2012, Internet marketing campaigns saw a 14.3 percent increase in

spending budget, while traditional marketing decreased by a whopping

161.5 percent (The CMO Survey, 2012). Furthermore, print newspaper

advertising revenue has seen a dramatic decrease of almost two-thirds in

the past 20 years. Even though print advertising has decreased, however,

the online advertising for newspaper websites have been steadily

increasing, along with newspaper readership (Pew Research Center’s


Project for Excellence in Journalism, 2011). With more and more people

getting their news from their favorite online source, it is only more likely

that online advertisement revenue of these newspapers will continue to

increase, allowing for people to not only see similar ads as they would be

reading the Sunday paper, but also allowing people to click on the ad and

learn even more. Extensive research has been done to determine the

impact of the Internet on marketing, and studies have shown that

marketers are still driven by the same motivations as they were before the

rise of the Internet. Similarly, the role of marketing within an organization

has remained the same.

Customer Engagement

While the notion of ‘engagement’ in business relationships is not

new, significant practitioner interest in the concept has developed in the

last decade (e.g. Haven 2007; Harvey 2005). It is suggested that within

interactive, dynamic business environments, customer engagement (CE)

represents a strategic imperative for generating enhanced corporate

performance, including sales growth (Neff, 2007), superior competitive

advantage (Sedley 2008) and profitability (Voyles 2007). The rationale

underlying these assertions is that engaged customers play a key role in


viral marketing activity by providing referrals and/or recommendations

of specific products, services and/or brands to others.

According to Young and Aitken, (2007) traditionally companies

focus on improving products and services in order to establish a favorable

relationship with their customers and ensure customer loyalty, although

their attempts are not in vain, the internet has made it difficult to stand out

based solely on the quality of products or services as consumers have easy

access to any product or service they wish to search for . However, too

many options are overwhelming and that is why people look for brands

they can connect emotionally with based on their ethical values and factors

that are meaningful to them (Zaltman, 2003). As an example, the

marketing of the Nestlé Crunch Bar evoked memories of childhood and

security in their customers. However as soon as the advertisement began

focusing more on the physical aspects of the bar Nestle not only lost sales

but also gave its’ competitors an opportunity to attack the chocolate-bar

business (ibid.) Instead of counting the transactions companies have with

their customers, they should focus on creating a close relationship with

them through communication. The more information companies have

about their customers the more chance of building a lasting relationship

(Young & Aitken, 2007).


Accordingly, consumers seek communication with businesses and

are more willing to participate in two-way interactions. The opportunity to

be involved gives the customer the sense of being valuable and in control

and in return gives the company a competitive advantage of having a

stronger relationship with the customer (Young & Aitken, 2007).

Generally, customer engagement is viewed as value addition from a

customer to a business (Pansari & Kumar, 2017). Engaged customers can

also play an important role in new product/service development (Hoyer,

Chandy, Dorotic, Krafft and Singh 2010; Nambisan and Nambisan 2008;

Kothandaraman & Wilson 2001), and in co-creating experience and value

(Prahalad & Ramaswamy., 2004). This interest in the consumer

engagement (CE) concept observed in the business practice discourse,

coupled with the recent increasing use of consumer engagement (CE) by

marketing academics, has led the Marketing Science Institute to list

consumer engagement (CE) as a key research priority for the period 2010-

2012 (MSI 2010)

With the introduction of the internet, today’s customers have more

power. Social media allows not only firms to share information with their

customers but also customers to share information with each other (Sashi,

2012). They can share their opinions with the world in a matter of seconds,

potentially destroying a business or making it a success (Kumar et al.,

2010). On that account businesses must be very careful when it comes to

building their relationship with customers. Social media has

revolutionized customer engagement. It has made it easier to advertise

brands, reach masses of potential customers in an instance as well as

measure more easily what works and what doesn’t (Sashi, 2012). Now,

businesses can measure customer engagement in a more cost-effective and

timely manner. Even more so, firms can measure customer engagement on

different levels, which is the key to identifying the difference of valuable

and invaluable costumers (Van Doorn et al., 2010). A study by McKinsey &

Company (2014) shows that C-level executives most often rank digital

customer engagement as a top strategic priority.

Statista., (2018) said that organizations can engage in many different

social media platforms to capture customer attention and build awareness

with the aim of increasing revenue or customer loyalty. Facebooks’ 2

billion users, YouTube’s 1.5 billion and the millions of users of other

popular social media platforms are a powerful incentive for companies to

actively engage with social media as a part of their customer outreach. The

immense scale of the customer reach of those platforms has the promise of

countless opportunities if successfully executed. Customer engagement on


social media can take on many forms and could be defined as any online

action a customer makes in relation to a business.Online engagement can

be subscription, purchases, likes, shares, comments, blog or blog posts etc.

The simplest function of online customer engagement is when an

individual pays a visit to a company’s web-page. Hence, companies 15

need to focus on driving traffic to their web-pages and more importantly,

keeping the customer on the website for longer time (Ryan, 2014). That can

be done by providing entertaining content as well as asking people to

participate in surveys, promotions, giveaways etc. Further actions are

subscriptions or follows on social media. This means that companies must

regularly update posts that are not only designed to attract new customers,

but also to retain current followers. As a result, customers contribute by

liking, commenting and sharing. Companies need to pay attention to this

because this form of engagement provides valuable and free feedback in

an instance. This engagement also increases brand awareness and

Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM). EWOM has its advantages over

traditional word-of-mouth because business can not only track the

conversations about their brand but also intervene if necessary (Kietzmann

et al., 2011). This factor brings power back to the firm because it provides it

with an opportunity to respond to negative publicity as well as take

advantage of the positive discussions. With social media, businesses


provide their customers with a platform to contact them directly so that

they can provide immediate and efficient responses to any question’s

customers have.

That way firms can connect easily with their customers on a more

personal level (Rafiq, 2017). They can make customers feel valued by

offering special promotions or offers. Many online stores, for example,

offer individualized discount codes based on previous purchase, letting

customers know that they observe their purchase behavior. Today’s

algorithms even enable stores to target customers on other social media

platforms based on the products they have recently searched (Reczek,

Summers, & Smith, 2016)

Time Saving. Time saving is one of the most influencing factors

when consumer buy product using online shopping. There was no faster

way to get what we want as compare to online shopping where we will

not stand for an hour in those long lines just to pay the things that we buy

at the payment counter. Browse and search the product through online can

save a lot of time compare to traditional shopping which need more time

to search the products. Consumer also can reduce their effort by shopping

online. According to Rohm and Swaminathan’s (2004), possible

explanation that shopping online can save time is during the purchase of

goods via online and it can eliminate the traveling time required to go to

the store if purchase through traditional shopping but there was a contra

when buying through online who some people think that it also takes time

for someone to receive the goods especially if the delivery process takes

much time.

Time saving is not one of the motivation factors for consumer to

shop online (Corbett, 2001) because it takes a long time to deliver good and

consumer will need to wait to receive the product but, time saving factor

can be seen through different dimension. For example, people in Pantukan

can buy a product at Davao City without visit the place (Alba et al. 1997).

They can save their time to travel to the place where they want to buy the

products and can save their money on travel and accommodation.

Morganosky and Cude (2000) have concluded that time saving factor was

reported that to be a primary reason among those consumers who have

already experienced the online buying.

Modern life has become very busy with their work and leisure

activities. This will be taking over all the hours of the day that they have.

For those who does not has much free time, online shopping is the best

reason for them to save time. This is where online shopping becoming

increasingly important as it can save valuable time which can be used to

do other things. No travel is required if consumer want to buy goods. It


can be done anytime and anywhere without need them to visit the store as

compare to traditional shopping. Consumer can instantly look after what

they need and want which can save time rather than they go on traditional

shopping which they must look and find what they want which need

much time to search. With search options from the website can made much

quicker and easier for consumer to find the goods.

Morganosky and Cude (2000) have concluded that time saving

factor was reported to be primary reason among those consumers who

have already experienced the online grocery buying. So, the importance of

the time saving factor cannot be neglected as motivation behind online

purchasing. Additionally, Goldsmith and Bridges (2000) emphasize that

there is a discrimination between online shopper and non-online shoppers,

online shoppers are more worried about convenience, time saving and

selection whereas non online shoppers are worried about security, privacy

and on time delivery. A study by Kamariah and Salwani (2005) shows

higher website quality can highly influence customers to shop online.

Website Design/Features. Website design and online shopping

activity is one of the vital influencing factors of online shopping. A study

by Prashar, Vijay and Parsad (2015), online consumer prefers those online

sellers to create their online store with a superb web atmospherics,


consistence eye catching graphics and has a very interested website design

and layout. According to Shergill & Chen (2005), website design, website

reliability or fulfillment, website customer service and website security or

privacy are the most important because it is the most attractive features

which can influence the perception of the consumer to buy using online

shopping. A study by Kamariah and Salwani (2005) shows that’s higher

website quality can highly influences customers to shop online and claims

the higher website quality, the higher consumer intends to shop from


Web design quality has the most impact to consumer. According to

Zhang and Dran (2000), the website design features are important and can

influence the factors which lead to consumer satisfaction and

dissatisfaction with a specific website. A study conducted by Yasmin and

Nik (2010) shows a significance relationship between online shopping

activities with website features. Website design features can be considered

as a motivational factor that can lead consumer to be attractive with online

shopping and can create a positive and negative feelings with the website.

A good website design with a good quality of feature that has been create

by the seller can make consumer easier to buy using online which can lead

to a successful transaction and this can attract them to revisit the website

again or they can influence others to buy through the website with word of

mouth. Web design quality or website features has a direct impact on user

to shop online (Liang and Lai, 2000).

The qualities of website design or features always play an important

role to influence consumer to buy or purchase through online shopping.

Website design that presented to customer is crucial for online shopping

(Than & Grandon, 2002). A study by Chen and Wells in year 1999

indicated that online shoppers has been very frustrated with the ineffective

website design even though the website design or features was done by

the website consultants. Due to ineffective website design or features,

consumers tend to avoid from visit the website and may lead to the risk

that consumer exiting the website without any purchase. Therefore,

website design factors are strong predictors of consumer satisfaction.

Website design or feature include all elements of consumer

experience at the website such as information search, order processing,

personalization and product section. Website designs refer to the appeal of

user interface design. A good website design should emphasize on how

well a website can guide it to the user and how easy it is to use (Kim &

Stoel, 2004). The easier and friendly the website design, the better it is.

Website design should be readable, tidy and user interface should be

visually attractive. An ineffective website design and lack of relevant


information about the products or goods may lead to the risk of those

consumers exiting the website without any purchase (Kim, Kim and

Lennon, 2011). Website design should be simple, ease of site navigation

and ability of user to use. Consumers always prefer to purchase from a

website that easily accessed and well organized. Consumer can easily

compare products and make good choices with the well design of an

online shopping that offer enough information about the products.

According to Liang and Lai (2000), web design quality or website

features has direct impact on user to shop online. Moreover, researchers

such as Belanger, Hiller and Smith (2002) concluded that a large segment

of internet users have serious concerns of security.

Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework

This study analyzes the influence of media society and the amount

of time that customers spent on the net and social media. Nowadays,

consumption trends have modified. Gursakal (2009) said that the usage of

magazines, interviews and catalogs by buyers and sellers are altered by

searching on e-mails, internet sites and sharing information in social

media. Because of the effective role of social media, the time consumed on

the net increases, and consumers‟ withdraw from traditional searching


methods. Social media have become an important place where

opportunities are mentioned, products are advertised and products are


The study found that Social Network Marketing is becoming the

most successful model in advertising. The impact of social media

marketing on consumer buying behavior are networking sites, social

media advertising and traditional advertising. Networking sites are

applications that enable users to connect with each other. According to

NimaBarhemmati et al., (2015).Social Network Marketing influences the

shopper buying behavior among consumers who use social networking

sites. Social media advertising is the wide range of consumers utilizing social

networks means that most target markets can be reached (Cha 2009)

provides an effective platform for retailers to promote their brand

products to potential consumers. The Traditional advertising is growing as

they become more pervasive and persuasive (Nielsen Company, 2013).

In the dependent variable, A study by Kamariah and Salwani (2005)

shows higher website quality can highly influence customers to shop

online. Time saving is one of the most influencing factors of online

shopping. Browse or search an online catalogue can save time and

patience. People can save time and can reduce effort by shopping online.

Additionally, Goldsmith and Bridges (2000) emphasize that there is a

discrimination between online shopper and non-online shoppers, online

shoppers are more worried about convenience, time saving and selection

whereas non online shoppers are worried about security, privacy and on

time delivery. Kamariah and Salwani (2005) claims that higher website

quality, the higher consumer intends to shop from internet. Web design

quality has important impacts on consumer choice of electronic stores,

stated by Liang and Lai (2000). Website design is one of the important

factors motivating consumers for online shopping.

Characteristic’s affect their attitude and the choices they make, Kim,

S. and Stoel, L et. al., (2004). This theory will be helpful to understand how

consumer changes their behavior to shop online than physical store


Online shopping is basically a process of selling and buying of

goods and services on World Wide Web (WWW).

Figure 1 shown that the independent variable is social media

marketing which has three indicators namely: networking sites, social

media advertising, and traditional advertising.While the dependent


variable is costumer engagement which compose on two indicators

namely: time saving and website design/feature.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study


Significance of the Study

The useful and relevant information acquired from the study will

eventually help for the following:

Marketer. This study helps marketers to be more informed about

their target audience, like, dislikes, and interest so that they can create a

better marketing strategy to attract such customers.

Consumer. This study is a great place for keeping consumer current.

They can seek out information and consume to access relevant and

engaging content with information that’s important to them.

Teacher.This study may help the teaching staff of Kolehiyo Ng

Pantukan to determine the impact of social media marketing to consumer

engagement towards online shopping. And also to increase the knowledge

on research in the field of online platforms.

Future Researcher. This research contains relevant information

methods, techniques and strategies that would serve as a guide for them,

to conduct research in the future.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of the study the following terms are defined and


Social Media Marketing involves natural and general conversation

between people about a topic of mutual interest (e.g. Facebook, Twitter,

LinkedIn and Blogs). Social media facilitates the exchange of information

via email, chat rooms, blogs, discussion forums, digital audio, images and


Networking sites.This are the applications that enable users to

connect with each other.

Social Media Advertising. This advertisement served to users on

social media platforms. It relies on social information or networks in

generating, targeting, and delivering marketing communications.

Traditional Advertising. This includes the ‘’usual’’ venues for

media placement, such as newspaper, radio, broadcast television, cable

television, or outdoor billboards.

Consumer Engagement. It refers to emotional connection between a

customer and a brand. Highly engaged customers buy more, promote

more, and demonstrate more loyalty.

Time saving. It refers to reducing the amount of time needed for

doing something.

Website Design/Feature. It Refers to the design of websites that are

displayed on the internet. It usually refers to the user experience aspects of

website development rather than software development.


Chapter 2


The following sections detail the research design, the participants of

the study, and the methods and proceduresemployed in the conduct the


Research Design

This study used descriptive quantitative non-experimental

correlation method of research. This research lacks the manipulation of an

independent variables, random assignment of participants to conditions or

orders of conditions, or both. (O’ Dwyer & Bernaur, 2013). The data that

were answered, collated, and distributed using survey questionnaire

gathered from the respondents helped described the correlation of

influence of social media marketing and consumer engagement. It

investigated the relationship between variables for determining the social

media marketing and consumer engagement towards online shopping in

Pantukan, Davao De Oro.


Research Subject

This respondents of the study were chosen using the sampling

techniques. The researchers used SLOVIN’S FORMULA to calculate the

number of samples n=N/ (1+Ne2). In selecting the respondents. There

were 380 selected customers as respondents of the study in Pantukan to

answer the survey questionnaire. This questionnaire was used to gather

data which was adopted and modified by the researchers.

Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents. They were classified

in three age bracket: for age 15-19 there are 90 respondents, for 20-24 there

are 220 and 70 for the age of 25-29 who engage social media marketing

towards online shopping in Pantukan.

Research Instrument

This instrument used in the study was a researcher adopt and

modified downloaded questionnaire from the internet as the primary

source of data. The development of this instrument was based on the

procurable sources appropriate to the needs of the study in such a way

that questions could obtained the desirable information. The draft was

shown to the researcher’s adviser for comments and suggestion after

which it was validated by the three experts of evaluators.


The instruments for social media marketing was derived from

Taprial and Kanwar (2012) The researchers constructed 5 sets of

questionnaires. The first part pertains to the profile of respondents their

name, age, gender. The respondents were instructed to check the column

which corresponded to their choices. There were 15 questions for the

independent variable namely: Networking Sites, Social Media Advertising,

Traditional Advertising.

The second part pertained to the relationship to costumer

engagement; there were 10 questions categorized by 2 indicators namely:

Time Saving and Website Design/Features.

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents of the Study


Respondents Customer Number of Respondents Percent

engage online shopping

Age 15-19 90 90%

Age 20-24 220 220%

Age 25-29 70 70%

Total 380 380%

Table 2.1 Parameter Limits

Range of Means Description Interpretation

This indicates that the extent of social media
marketing towards online shopping is very

4.50-5.00 Always
3.50-4.49 Often This indicates that the extent of social media
marketing towards online shopping is
2.50-3.49 Sometimes This indicates that the extent of social media
marketing towards online shopping is
moderates evident.
1.50-2.49 Seldom This indicates that the extent of social media
marketing towards online shopping is less
1.00-1.49 Never This indicates that the extent of social media
marketing towards online shopping is not

Range of Means Description Interpretation

This indicates that the level of costumer

engagement towards online shopping is
4.50-5.00 Always very high.
3.50-4.49 Often This indicates that the level of costumer
engagement towards online shopping is
2.50-3.49 Sometimes This indicates that the level of costumer
engagement towards online shopping is
1.50-2.49 Seldom This indicates that the level of costumer
engagement towards online shopping is
1.00-1.49 Never This indicates that the level of costumer
engagement towards online shopping is
very low.

Data Gathering Procedure


The primary data collection technique used in this study was survey

research. After the respondents were identified, they were asked to answer

survey questionnaire. The researchers were made available in case any

questions need to be clarified.

Seeking Permission to Conduct the Study. After the validation of

the survey questionnaire, the researchers sent a request letter to the

College President seeking an approval to conduct the study.

Administration and Retrieval of the Questionnaire. The

researchers personally administered the questionnaire to the respondents

and then the researchers explained the instruction and gave clarifications

on has to accomplish the questionnaire. Likewise, the researchers also

assured to the respondents that their responses would be kept confidential.

Checking, Collating and Processing of Data. Responses to the items

of the questionnaire were checked, collated and tabulated then the data

were forwarded to the statistician for computation analysis. Results were

analyzed and interpreted based on the purpose of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data


In this study the researcher employed the following statistical tools:

Mean. This was used to determine the extent of social media

marketing and costumer engagement towards online shopping in

Pantukan Davao de Oro.

Analysis of variance. This was used to determine the significant

deifference on the level of socila media marketing and customer

engagement towards online shopping.

Pearson Product Moment Correlation or Person’s R. This was used

to determine the significance of the relationship between Social Media

Marketing and Costumer Engagement Towards Online Shopping in

Pantukan, Davao De Oro.

Probability. This was used to allows researchers to create a sample

that is accurately representative, when the selection was based on the

principle of randomization. To determine the significant relationship

between the social media marketing and customer engagement towards

online shopping in Pantukan Davao de Oro.


Chapter 3


In this chapter, the researcher presents, analyzes and interprets the

data gathered in textual and tabular forms.

Extent of Social Media Marketing Towards

Online Shopping in Terms of Networking Sites

Presented in Table 2 are the mean scores of social media marketing

in terms of networking sites. Data shows that the overall obtained mean is

4.02 with description of often. This means that the networking sites

towards online shopping is evident.

Base on the Appended Table 2 data indicate that the mean level of

different items under networking sites based from the highest to lowest

are the following; 4.17 for, Use social media to seek opinions about

product/services ; followed by, 4.04 for Read the opinions shared by friends

through social networking sites before buying the product; 4.00 for Read online

review or blog about a particular which I want to buy;. And 3.97 for, Bring up to

number of likes/ dislikes while considering any goods or service with a

description of often which indicates that social media marketing towards

online shopping is evident.The item which got the lowest mean of 3.92 is,

Refer to the number of likes/ dislikes while considering any product or service;

with the description of often which indicates that social media marketing

towards online shopping is evident.

Social networking sites are a hot topic for marketers right now, as

they present a number of opportunities for interacting with customers,

including via plug-in applications, groups and fan pages. (Zarrella, 2010)

Extent of Social Media Marketing

Towards Online Shopping
in Terms of Social Media Advertising

Presented in the Table 3 are the mean scores of social media

marketing towards online shopping in terms of media advertising. The

data shows that the overall obtained mean of 4.02 with a description of

often which indicates that social media marketing towards online shopping

is evident.

Based on the Appended Table 3 data indicated the mean level of

different items under social media advertising based on the highest to

lowest are as follow; the highest weighted mean of 4.17 for,Ads on social

media successfully convey the message they intended to deliver; followed by,

4.04 for, The post purchase followed ups by companies are helpful; 4.00 for,

Customer’ today are more inclined to buy an online advertised brand; 3.97 for,

Online purchase order placements process is reliable/trustworthy; with a

description of often which indicates that social media marketing towards

online shopping is evident.The item that got the lowest mean of 3.92 is,

Online advertisements increase awareness on the brand more than traditional

media; with a description of often which indicates that social media

marketing towards online shopping is evident.

Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) define social media as “a group of

Internet based applications that build on the ideological and

technologicalfoundations of Web2.0, a term that describes a new way in

which end users use the World Wide Web, a place where content is

continuously altered by all operators in a sharing and collaborative way

and allow the creation and exchange of user generated content.”

Advancements within social media sites have created consumer

communities that are defining new ways in which companies and

customers can interact with one another to share information on brand


Table 2

Extent of Social Media Marketing Towards Online Shopping

in Terms of Networking Sites

1. Use social media to seek
opinions about
product/services 4.17 Often
2. Bring up to number of likes/
dislikes while considering any
goods or service. 3.97 Often
3. Read the opinions shared by
friends through social
networking sites before buying
the product. 4.04 Often
4. Read online review or blog
about a particular product
which I want to buy. 4.00 Often
5. Refer to number of likes/
dislikes while considering any
product or service. 3.92 Often


Table 3

Extent of Social Media Marketing Towards Online Shopping


in Terms of Social Media Advertising

1. Ads on social media successfully
convey the message they intended
to deliver 4.17 Often
2. Online purchase order placements
process is reliable/trustworthy.
3.97 Often
3. The post purchase followed ups by
companies are helpful
4.04 Often
4. Customer’ today are more inclined
to buy an online advertised brand
4.00 Often
5. Online advertisements increase
awareness on the brand more than
traditional media. 3.92 Often


Extent of Social Media Marketing

Towards Online Shopping

in Terms of Traditional Advertising

Presented in Table 4 are the mean scores of social media marketing

toward online shopping in terms of traditional advertising. The data show

the overall obtained mean of 3.88 with a description of often. This means

that the traditional advertising towards online shopping is evident.

Based on the Appended Table 4 data indicated the mean level from

highest to lowest are as follows; two items got the same and highest mean

of 3.89,It is interesting and attractive as an advertisement and Of the convincing

informative advertisements;. Followed by 3.88 for, Of its ability to change views

about the products.; two items got the same and lowest mean of 3.86, It is

reliable based on the information and It is long lasting effect on perception of a

brand or product all items are described as often which indicates that social

media marketing towards online shopping is evident.

Traditional marketing activities such as TV/radio and newspaper

advertising” (O’Callaghan & Fahy, 2002). ”are still important in this newer

medium, they must be considered differently. Due to the increase in

options for not only businesses but also consumers, marketing campaigns

must be thoughtful and smart – they must take advantage of the massive

amount of information about their consumer that is at their fingertips and

use that within advertising and promotions.


Summary on the extent of Social Media Marketing

Towards online shopping in Pantukan Davao de Oro

Reflected in Table 5 is the summary on the extent of social media

marketing towards online shopping. The data revealed the overall mean of

3.93 with description of often. The overall mean signifies that the indicators

of social media marketing towards online shopping are evident.

To examine further, the indicator with the highest mean rating of

4.02 with description of oftenis networking sites. While, the indicator social

media advertising has 3.89 and traditional advertising has 3.88 as mean

rating with a description of often. This indicates that social media

marketing towards online shopping is evident.

Using social media channels promote your company and its

products” (Barefoot & Szabo, 2010). A process that empowers individuals

to promote their websites, products, or services through online social

channels and to communicate with and tap into a much larger community

that may not have been available via traditional advertising channels”

(Weinberg, 2009,).

Table 4

Extent of Social Media Marketing Towards Online Shopping


in Terms of Traditional Advertising


I am convinced on traditional advertising


1. It is interesting and attractive as an

advertisement. 3.89
2. Of the convincing informative
3. It is reliable based on the information 3.86
4. Of its ability to change views about the
5. It is long lasting effect on perception of a
brand or product.



Table 5

Summary on the Extent of Social Media Marketing Towards


Online Shopping in Pantukan, Davao de Oro



A. Networking Sites 4.02 Often

B. Social Media Advertising 3.89 Often

C. Traditional Advertising 3.88 Often


Level of Customer Engagement

Towards Online Shopping
in Terms of Time Saving

Presented in Table 6 are the mean scores of customer engagement

towards online shopping in terms of time saving. The data show the

overall obtained mean of 3.77 with a description of often means that the

time saving towards online shopping is high.

Based on Appended Table 6 data indicated the mean level from

highest to lowest are as follow; 3.90 for, Searching product information can

consume a lot of time; followed by 3.79 for, Time spent on waiting product and

services are stressful situations. 3.75 for, Online shopping takes less time to

purchase;. And3.74 for, Online shopping doesn’t waste time; The item that got

the lowest mean of 3.66 is, I feel that it takes less time in evaluating and

selecting a product while shopping online; all items got a description of often

which indicates that costumer engagement towards online shopping is


Time saving is one of the most influencing factors when consumer

buy product using online shopping. There was no faster way to get what

we want as compared to online shopping where we will not stand for an

hour in those long lines just to pay the things that we buy at the payment

counter. Browse and search the product through online can save a lot of

time compared to traditional shopping which need more time to search the

products. Consumer also can reduce their effort by shopping online.

(Nikhil Srivastava 2016)

Level of Customer Engagement Towards Online Shopping

in Terms of Website Design / Feature

Presented in Table 7 are the main score of customer engagement

towards online shopping in terms of website design/feature. The data

show the overall obtained mean of 3.92 with a description of often. This

means that the customer engagement towards online shopping in terms of

website design/features is high.

Based on Appended Table 7 data indicated the main level from highest to

lowest are as follows; 3.99 for, I prefer to buy from website that provides me

with quality of information; followed by 3.94 for, The website design helps me in

searching the products easily; 3.92 for, I believe that familiarity with the website

before making actual purchase reduce the risk;. And 3.89 for, While shopping

online, I prefer to purchase from a website that provides safety and ease of

navigation and order; The item that got the lowest mean of 3.86 is, The

website layout helps me in searching and selecting the right product while

shopping online; all item got a description of often which indicates that

costumer engagement towards online shopping is high.


Website design or feature includes all elements of consumer

experience at the website such as information search, order processing,

personalization and product section. Website designs refer to the appeal of

user interface design. A good website design should emphasize on how

well a website can guide it to the user and how easy it is to use. Website

design should be simple, ease of site navigation and ability of user to use.

Consumers always prefer to purchase from a website that easily accessed

and well organized. Consumer can easily compare products and make

good choices with the well design of an online shopping that offer enough

information about the products (Kim & Stoel, 2004).

Summary on the Level of Customer engagement

Towards Online Shopping in Pantukan Davao de Oro

Reflected in Table 8 is the summary on the level of customer

engagement towards online shopping. The data revealed the overall mean

of 3.85 with a description of often. The overall mean signifies that the

indicators of the customer engagement towards online shopping are high.

To examine further, the indicator with the highest mean rating of

3.92 with a description of often is website design/feature. While, the

indicator of time saving has 3.77 as mean rating with a description of often

whichindicates that costumer engagement towards online shopping is


According to Statista (2018) said that organizations can engage in

many different social media platforms to capture customer attention and

build awareness with the aim of increasing revenue or customer loyalty.

Table 6

Level of Customer Engagement Towards Online Shopping

in Terms of Time Saving



1. Online shopping takes less time to

purchase. 3.75 Often

2. Online shopping doesn’t waste time. 3.74 Often

3. I feel that it takes less time in

evaluating and selecting a product
while shopping online. 3.66 Often

4. Time spent on waiting product and

services are stressful situations. 3.79 Often

5. Searching product information can

consume a lot of time. 3.90 Often


Table 7

Level of Customer Engagement Towards Online Shopping

in Terms of Website Design / Feature



1. The website design helps me in

searching the products easily. 3.94 Often

2. While shopping online, I prefer to

purchase from a website that
provides safety and ease of
navigation and order. 3.89 Often

3. The website layout helps me in

searching and selecting the right
product while shopping online. 3.86 Often

4. I believe that familiarity with the

website before making actual
purchase reduce the risk of shopping
online. 3.92 Often

5. I prefer to buy from website that

provides me with quality of
information. 3.99 Often


Table 8

Summary on the Level of Customer Engagement Towards

Online Shopping in Pantukan, Davao de Oro



A. Time Saving 3.77 Often

B. Website Design / Feature 3.92 Often


Significance between the Level of

Social Media Marketingand Customer
Engagement TowardsOnline
Shopping in Pantukan, Davao de Oro

Table 9 displayed the significance of the relationship the level of

social media marketing and customer engagement towards online

shopping. The r-value that 0.40 is moderate positive correlation. The

coefficient of determination (r2) is 0.1600. This means that 16% on the

variation are attributed to the indicators of customer engagement.

Moreover, the relationship is significant since the p-value (0.00) is less than

0.05 level of significance, thus the null hypothesis was rejected.

Therefore, there is significant relationship on social media marketing

and customer engagement.

According to Barefoot & Szabo, (2010) social media marketing is

“using social media channels to promote your company and its products” .

(Weinberg, 2009,) who mention that a process that empowers individuals

to promote their websites, products, or services through online social

channels and to communicate with and tap into a much larger community

that may not have been available via traditional advertising channels”.

Social media allows not only firms to share information with their

customers but also customers to share information with each other (Sashi,


Table 9

Relationship Between the Level of Social Media Marketing and

Customer Engagement Towards Online Shopping in Pantukan, Davao
de Oro

P- Decision Conclusion
Value on on
VARIABLES r - Interpretat Relationship
Value ion α=0.05 Ho

A. Social


B. Custom Positive
er Correlatio
0.40 n 0.00 Rejected Significant

Coefficient of Determination 0.1600

Chapter 4


In this chapter are the summary of aggregation based on the results

of data gathered, conclusions drawn and recommendations.

Summary of Findings

The findings of the study were as follows:

1. These were the mean ratings for each of the indicators of social

media marketing. Respectively: 4.02 or often for networking sites; 4.02 or

often for social media advertising; and 3.88 or often for traditional


2. These were the mean ratings for each of the indicators of costumer

engagement. Respectively: 3.77 or often for time saving; and 3.92 or often

for website design/feature.

3. There is significant relationship between social media marketing and

consumer engagement since the p-value is 0.00 less than 0.05 level of

significant, thus the null hypothesis is rejected.


On the basis of the foregoing findings, the following conclusions

were drawn:

1. The extent of social media marketing is evident.

2. The level of social media marketing towards online shopping

is high.

3. There is significant relationship between social media

marketing and customer engagement towards online shopping.


In view of the conclusion, the researchers proposed the following


1. Social media marketing, particularly in traditional advertising

must give latest and interesting, attractive advertisement which can

contribute informative knowledge to the customer who has relied on

traditional advertising like TV, radio and newspaper.

2. Customer may engage online shopping for them to save time.

Shopper may purchase without visiting the store, without travelling, for it

takes less time to purchase.

3. For future researchers, they may consider other indicator of

social media as a factor that influence customer engagement and other

variables and dimensions that affect in shopping online


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Appendix A
Letter to Permission to Conduct the Study

Appendex B

Validation Sheet of Questionnaire


I.1 Personal Information

Directions: Put check (√) to the space provided before each option with
your preferred choice.

Name: _______________________ Gender:_________________________


Direction: Put check (√) on what the best describes your answer parallel to
the following questions.

Networking Sites

zItem I... 5 4 3 2 1
1. Use social media to seek opinions about
2. Bring up to number of likes/ dislikes while
considering any goods or service.
3. Read the opinions shared by friends through
social networking sites before buying the
4. Read online review or blog about a particular
product which I want to buy.
5. Refer to number of likes/ dislikes while
considering any product or service.

Social Media Advertising

Item 5 4 3 2 1
1. Ads on social media successfully convey the
message they intended to deliver
2. Online purchase order placements process is
3. The post purchase followed ups by
companies are helpful

4. Customer’ today are more inclined to buy an

online advertised brand
5. Online advertisements increase awareness on
the brand more than traditional media.

Traditional Advertising

Item I am convinced on traditional advertising 5 4 3 2 1

# because…
1. It is interesting and attractive as an
2. Of the convincing informative
3. It is reliable based on the information
4. Of its ability to change views about the
5. It is long lasting effect on perception of a
brand or product.

Part 11
1.4 Consumer Engagement

Direction: Put check (√) on the number the best describes your answer
parallel to the following questions.

.Time Saving
Item 5 4 3 2 1
1. Online shopping takes less time to purchase.
2. Online shopping doesn’t waste time.
3. I feel that it takes less time in evaluating and
selecting a product while shopping online.
4. Time spent on waiting product and services
are stressful situations.
5. Searching product information can consume
a lot of time.

Website Design/Feature
Item 5 4 3 2 1
1. The website design helps me in searching
the products easily.
2. While shopping online, I prefer to purchase
from a website that provides safety and ease
of navigation and order.
3. The website layout helps me in searching
and selecting the right product while
shopping online.
4. I believe that familiarity with the website
before making actual purchase reduce the
risk of shopping online.
5. I prefer to buy from website that provides
me with quality of information.

This questionnaire was adapted from the Statistical Packages for Department of
Commerce and management (TREBWALA UNIVERSITY) and Department of
Business Administration.

Appendix C

Summary of Evaluators Ratings on the Questionnaire




Name : Cris Mae A. Aperdo

Cell no. : 09268221082
Date of Birth : Sept. 27, 1998
Father : Birnandino C. Aperdo
Mother : Angelita A. Aperdo
Age : 24
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Home Address : Mahayag, Banaybanay Davao Oriental


School and Address Year Graduated Honor

Elementary: MahayagElementary
School 2011-2012
Mahayag, Banaybanay Davao
Secondary: Manuel B. Guinez Sr.
National High School 2018-2019 With honor
Banaybanay Davao Oriental
Tertiary: Kolehiyo Ng Pantukan
Kingking, Pantukan Davao De
Course: Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration

Curriculum vitae


Name : Caniza J. Aguanza


Cell no. : 09758750387

Date of Birth : Octo. 30, 1997

Father : Dionisio M. Aguanza

Mother : Elena A. Aguanza

Age : 24

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Home Address : Prk. 3 Dumlan Maco Davao de Oro


School and Address Year Honor

Graduated received
Elementary: Lamanan Elementary School

Secondary: Atty. Orlando S Rimando
National High School
Binuangan Maco Davao de Oro 2018-2019
Tertiary: Kolehiyo Ng Pantukan
Kingking, Pantukan Davao De Oro
Course: Bachelor of Science in Business

Curriculum Vitae


Name : Mariel V. Apolinar


Cell no. : 09522629212

Date of Birth : Dec. 05 1999

Mother : Mercy V. Apolinar

Age : 22

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Home Address : Prk. 9B Poblacion Maco Davao de Oro


School and Address Year Honor

Graduated received
Elementary: San Vicente National High
San Vicente Prosperidad Agusan Del Sur 2012-2013
Secondary: Atty. Orlando S Rimando
National High School
Binuangan Maco Davao de Oro 2018-2019
Tertiary: Kolehiyo Ng Pantukan
Kingking, Pantukan Davao De Oro
Course: Bachelor of Science in Business

Curriculum Vitae

Name : Raynalyn L. Pagangpang

Cell no. : 09357514317

Date of Birth : August 7, 2000


Father : Reynaldo L. Pagangpang

Mother : Lucy L. Pagangpang

Age : 21

Civil Status : Single

Citizenship : Filipino

Home Address : Prk. Matinabangon, Rizal St. Bgy Cuambog Davao De



School and Address Year Graduated Honor

Elementary: Mabini Central
Elementary School
Mabini Davao De Oro 2010-2011
Secondary: Mabini National High
Mabini Davao De Oro 2018-2019
Tertiary: Kolehiyo Ng Pantukan
Kingking, Pantukan Davao De Oro
Course: Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration

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