Diamond CV

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How to write the

perfect CV

Diamond Recruitment Group

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The aim of a CV

Imagine you’re the employer for a moment.

You have 100 CVs on your desk and from
them you have to choose just a handful to
interview further. What are you looking for?
How do you decide?

As the applicant, your aim is to clearly show Creating an impression

that you are the right person for the job, so The look of the CV is important. If in doubt,
your CV should demonstrate that you have: keep it simple. Go for plain white or cream,
good quality A4 paper. Choose a clear
• the specific skills needed for the job; typeface and don’t be tempted to use
• the right sort of experience; anything but black ink! Avoid all these:
• the right personal qualities; gimmicks, photocopies, spelling and
• an understanding of the specific grammatical mistakes, alterations and
requirements of the job. changes. Always use spell check .

But you must also keep it simple. It should be: Choosing your words
• short - ideally no more than two A4 pages; Take care with the language you use, because
• clear - typed and laid out with wide words convey more than their literal meaning.
margins, section headings and information This is easy to do when describing yourself but
in logical order. Use bullet points rather harder when describing your achievements.
than complete sentences so as it does The lists on the next page indicate the sort of
not get too wordy; words and phrases you should aim for when
• relevant - address the employer’s two you talk about yourself, your skills and your
main questions: whether you can do the achievements. They are not exhaustive lists,
job and whether you will fit in. but guidance on the tone you should aim for.
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Positive Characteristics


These words are examples of personal

attributes often seen as positive and useful
in the workplace. Choose those that suit you
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Positive Words


These are examples of positive, active

words that you can use to describe your
responsibilities and achievements:
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Some Problems
You Might Encounter

You can overcome problems by emphasising

some sections of your CV and playing down
others. These are some of the most common
problems, and how to tackle them.
My CV would fill 4 pages, at least I’ve had gaps between jobs
Highlight the skills most relevant to the job If the gaps include voluntary work, training or
you are applying for. Detail your recent relevant experience - travel, for example - put
experience and summarise everything else - these down as part of your skills, qualifications
your recent activities are more interesting to and experience. Otherwise, giving the year of
an employer than what you did years ago. employment only rather than month and year,
will cover short gaps.
I’ve had a lot of jobs
Condense your employment record and I’m overqualified for the job I want
focus on the skills you have achieved through Emphasise the relevant practical skills and
your experience. Only give details of your experience that you have for the job. Focus
most recent and most relevant positions attention on your Key Skills section, and
and lump together jobs done 10 or 15 years choose the skills that fit the job you are
ago, or in a period when you changed job applying for. ‘Excess’ qualifications can
frequently, as ‘various’. be discreetly mentioned in the education
section. Highlight, instead, any relevant on-
I’m changing careers the-job training you have had.
Use a heading, ‘career objective’, at the
head of your CV to make your new direction I don’t have many qualifications
clear. Pick out your skills, qualities and Concentrate on what you do have. Emphasise
achievements that are most appropriate to your practical skills and experience: these
your career and emphasise these. are often more valuable to an employer
than theoretical knowledge anyway. If your
Most of the jobs I’ve done have lack of qualifications is becoming a serious
been very much the same handicap to your progress, consider applying
Solution: concentrate on your key skills and for further training. This can, increasingly, be
achievements and simply summarise your undertaken in the workplace without the need
actual career history. Pay particular attention to go back to full-time education for two
to the Key Skills section on your CV as a place or three years. You may also find that your
to bring together all of the achievements and existing experience can be counted towards a
abilities learned over the course of your career. qualification.
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CV Checklist

When you have written your CV, check the following points.

Is the layout clear?

Do the relevant points stand out?
Is the language clear and understandable?
Are your skills and achievements emphasised?
Can the employer see the key points at a glance,
or does the information have to be searched for and
guessed at?
Is the document free of qualifying words such
as fairly, usually and hopefully?
Is it well presented, smart and professional looking?

Your CV is a marketing tool for you. The

better it is, the more chance you’ve got of
succeeding. Be sure to communicate exactly
what you’ve got to offer and what your extra
skills and experience can bring to employers.
With a good CV, highlighting your experience
and professionalism, finding a suitable
position will never be easier.
www.diamondrg.com 7

Curriculum Vitae Sample

Personal Details
Home Telephone
Driving License

Home Address
House Name or Number
Street Name

Personal Profile/Statement

Education And Qualifications

University/Further Education:
Dates From-To:
Exams/ Qualifications/Results

Grammar/High School:
Dates From-To:

Other Qualifications:
Dates From-To:
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Curriculum Vitae Sample

Employment History
Dates From-To
Key Duties/Responsibilities

Dates From-To
Key Duties/Responsibilities

Dates From-To
Key Duties/Responsibilities

Skills Profile

Interests and Achivements

Additional Information

Referee 1 Referee 2
Name Name
Position Position
Address Address
Postcode Postcode
Telephone Telephone
Diamond Recruitment Group
Head Office
3rd floor, Causeway Tower
9 James Street South
Belfast BT2 8DN

T: 028 9055 8000

F: 028 9055 8100
E: [email protected]

DRG incorporates:
Diamond Industrial
Diamond Commercial
Diamond Professional
Diamond HR Services

Diamond Recruitment Group


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