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STI College Surigao

Narciso Street, Surigao City

Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel



A Research Paper Presented to

The Faculty of the Senior High School

STI College Surigao

In Partial Fulfillment of Capstone, INQINVIMM, General Physics and General Chemistry





March 2023



STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel



This chapter elaborates the background of the study which explains the basis of our

research, the theoretical and conceptual framework which illustrates the plan and the

fundamental structure that would support the research, the research hypothesis that presents our

assumption, statement of the problem, terms to be defined, importance of the study as well as

the scope and limitations of the study.

Background of the Study

Nowadays, air pollution has grown drastically, and one of the primary reasons is the

smoke produced by stoves. Stoves are the most popular and widely used among the different

technologies established in the field of effective household heating and cooking procedures in

both urban and rural communities. Though according to World Health Organization, smoke

from cooking in the kitchen or open spaces is one of the reasons why there is air pollution and

indoor disease.

The Respiratory Health Infection articulated that breathing in air pollutants can irritate

airways and cause shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, asthma episodes, and chest pain.

Exposure to air pollution puts an individual at risk for lung cancer, heart attacks, stroke, and in

extreme cases, premature death. Air pollution is a primary danger to lung health, particularly to

babies and children whose normal breathing is faster than older children and adults. It is also a

risk to the elderly, who may have higher respiratory rates.

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

Purok 1 - Katipunan, Poblacion, San Francisco, Surigao del Norte is a rural area where

most households still use the traditional way of cooking, which causes smoke disturbance and

indoor pollution, especially since the houses there are contiguous pasting. Further, with the

situation presented, the researchers undersigned plan to innovate an effective alternative

cooking tool and employ an eco-friendly stove. The researchers planned to build a smokeless

stove model that can produce less, or if possible, no amount of smoke utilizing carabao dung as

biomass fuel to reduce the exposure of people to a high level of smoke disturbance. And since

farming is the common work in the chosen population, we specifically chose carabao dung as

biomass fuel because it is the most accessible in the place.

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

Theoretical Framework

The study's foundation is based on established scientific theories that describe the

product's functions, but from a different standpoint in terms of its potential and innovation.

1.1 According to the Cook Stove Theory

A traditional stove will result in incomplete combustion, which will cause harmful

emissions. As a better alternative, using an innovative smokeless stove for cooking will reduce

the impact the smoke has on the surrounding area as well as being eco-friendly. Further, the

theory implies that traditional ways of cooking must be developed through the innovation of

the smokeless stove.

1.2 Haiti Clean Stove Project-Flame Control

The secondary theory used as the foundation of this study is called the Haiti Clean Stove

Project – Flame Control which states that a pipe that runs from an attached air control unit to

the base of the stove controls the primary air through the base of the inner cylinder and pre-

heating of the air through conduction and radiation from hot stove body. Controlling the flame

power to increase burn time generates either high-power heat for activities like frying or low-

power heat for simmering.

The theories are formulated to explain, predict, and understand phenomena and, in many

cases, to challenge and extend existing knowledge within the limits of critical bounding

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

Conceptual Framework

To support the purpose of this study, which is to reduce the smoke disturbance through

improved combustion of carabao dung fuel, this research aims to attain the innovation plan for

the product that the researchers are going to formulate.

Upon relying to the theories aforementioned in the Theoretical Framework the product

will undergo process of experimentation for improvement to make the product more efficient

and capable in achieving its intended purpose.

Materials Input Process Output Product

• Carabao dung • Carabao dung as • The carabao • Innovative

• It will produce
biomass fuel dung should be less smoke Smokeless Stove
• Metal steel directly placed
• Accurate airflow on the mouth of
• Bolts combustion • Sustain air to the
chamber. Allow combustion
• Horizontal feed the air to enter chamber
• Fiber mat magazine/wood the air path to
tray combust the • Storage of dry
• Metals wood. If you wood as fuel
• Combustion want to adjust
• Steels chamber the fire, use the
air controller. • Path of fire
• Air controller When the wood
totally • Help to control
combusted and the air
it become ash
remove it using
the ash tray.

Chart 1. Conceptual Framework

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

Research Hypothesis

This study aims to innovate a smokeless stove that can be an alternative cooking tool

and employ an eco-friendly stove. By making this a purposeful investigation, the researchers

must hypothesize the specific main following components of investigations of the study in

relation to the research questions.

Research Questions Hypothesis Null Hypothesis H

How can the innovative If smokeless stove is well The innovated smokeless stove
smokeless stove reduce the innovated, then it can attain to does not reduce people's
exposure of people to a high its ability to reduce the exposure exposure to high levels of
level of smoke disturbance? of people to a high level of smoke disturbance.
smoke disturbance.
How can carabao dung perform The carabao dung is an effective The ability of carabao dung
its potential to be an alternative source of biomass fuel that cannot perform its full tasks to
biomass fuel? powers the smokeless stove to be an alternative biomass fuel.
perform its full tasks.
Is there a difference between the There is a significant difference There is no significant
traditional and innovative between the ability and difference in how the innovative
smokeless stove? performance of traditional and smokeless stove performs
innovative cooking stoves in the compared to the traditional
field of cooking practices. cooking stoves.

Table 1. Research Questions, Hypothesis, and Null Hypothesis

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

Statement of the Problem

As the residents of Purok 1 - Katipunan, Poblacion, San Francisco get populated, it is

not impossible that some houses use a wood-burning stove, electric stove, or gas stove as their

primary cooking tool. Though these stoves are effective in terms of their usage, it cannot be

denied that they are not environmentally friendly and are expensive to run. Stoves that use

wood and charcoal also produce smoke that can be a disturbance, especially in the houses of

the chosen population that are contiguous pasting houses.

In this regard, the researchers intend to innovate a smokeless stove that can be an

alternative cooking tool and employ an eco-friendly stove. By making this a purposeful

investigation, the researchers should seek answers to the following questions to determine

numerous underlying variables.

• How to design and develop a smokeless stove that will reduce the exposure of

people to a high level of smoke disturbance?

• How can biomass fuel such as carabao dung be an alternative power to operate the

smokeless stove to its full tasks?

• How will the researcher secure the safety of the product when used by the users?
STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

General and Specific Objectives

In this study, the main objective is to produce a smokeless stove design in which

carabao dung will serve as its biomass fuel. The researchers aim to innovate a stove design that

will reduce people's exposure to the disturbing effects of smoke.

Moreover, this study aims to attain the following specific objectives:

1. To be able to present an alternative stove that is smokeless, uses renewable energy

source, and is safe to use.

2. To utilize carabao dung as biomass fuel in operating the innovative smokeless stove.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to build a stove that eliminates smoke disturbance in nearby

households. The goal of the researchers is to provide an alternative smokeless cooking tool that

functions similarly to other traditional cooking tools. However, the innovative smokeless stove

will improve air quality and foster environmental sustainability through renewable energy

sources derived from animal manure, specifically native carabaos.

The focus of this study is to formulate a stove design that will operate to its full

potential. A stove that uses cow dung as its biomass fuel that emits no smoke. Further, a

resource-friendly cooking tool that ensures a good source of biofuel.

The researchers also determined the availability of what type of biomass fuel to be used

in a way also that people can discover and innovate. Putting into considerations, cow dung as

an agricultural waste showed potential as a source to production of biofuel.

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The researcher aims to have a scope to focus on the important viewpoints of the study.

The coverage of this study is to introduce the innovative smokeless stove to the thirty (30)

households in the area of Purok 1- Katipunan, Poblacion, San Francisco, Surigao del Norte and

to be tested by conducting surveys and interviewing the sample populations. The surveys and

interviews will determine if the innovative smokeless stove is accessible and appropriate in the

coverage area.

Common guidelines set by the researchers are to be followed:

• The research can only cover the chosen sample population of Purok 1- Katipunan,

Poblacion, San Francisco, Surigao del Norte.

• The innovative smokeless stove can only be used for cooking one at a time due to its

single combustor.

• The maximum weight of the cookware put on the innovative smokeless stove will be

about 7-10 kilograms.

• The carabao dung of the stove must be dry. Wet carabao dung produces more smoke.

• This study must be as concise as possible with no illegal activities being done and

must adhere to the ethical rules set by the Department of Science and Technology

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel



This chapter discusses studies related to the potential of cow dung as an alternative

biomass fuel. This chapter also includes other literature related to the utilization of cow dung

known to other countries.

Review of Related Literature

2.1 The Efficiency of Cow Dung as source of Biomass Energy

In Indian societies, residents direct-burn cow dung for cooking purposes. For insulation

in rural homes throughout the winter and summer, it is also used when plastering the walls and

floors. Cow dung produced by three to five cattle per day can power a low-cost 8 to 10 m3

biogas plant, which can generate 1.5 to 2 m3 of biogas per day, enough to power a household

of six to eight people, cook meals twice or three times, light two lamps for three hours, run a

refrigerator all day, and run a 3-KW motor generator for an hour (Gupta et. al 2016).

The largest potential for electricity production in Poland was found in chicken manure

for about 13.86 GWh and cow manure for about 12.35 GWh (Kozlowski et. Al 2019).
STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

In Ethiopia, over 90% of primary energy comes from cow dung and is one of the most

commonly used biomasses as an energy source in rural areas with the outdated cook stoves.

When the water-boiling test was conducted, the suggested gasifier stove performs better than a

three-stone stove in terms of cooking time, specific fuel consumption, and pollutant gas

emissions. In comparison to the conventional three-stone cook stove, the experimental results

showed that the gasifier stove increased thermal efficiency by 26.6% and reduced PM2.5 and

carbon monoxide emission by 58.9% and 88.6%. In addition, the gasifier stove demonstrated a

64% fuel-saving efficiency when compared to the three-stone stove and a 54% reduction in

cooking time for the same quantity and type of meal (Tadesse et. al, 2020).

2.2 The potential of Cow Dung as Alternative Source of Renewable Energy

The combustion and emissions behaviour of loose biomass briquettes made from

forestry and agricultural wastes bound by cactus and cow dung are compared. It was found that

whereas cactus-bonded briquettes smoulder during burning with limited flame, cow dung

briquettes ignite to full flame. A promising carbon content of more than 44% and an LHV of

about. 16.5 MJ kg-3 demonstrate its excellent use in systems that generate heat and/or power.

However, the large levels of carbon monoxide (CO),sulfur dioxide(SO2), nitric oxide (NO),

and hydrochloric acid (HCl) emissions necessitate more research on their energy potential. It is

significant to note that cow dung pellets have high-quality characteristics, such as kinetic

durability above 98% and bulk density ca. 480 kg·m−3 (Szymajda et. al, 2021).
STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

The world is rapidly investigating alternative energy sources instead of relying on fossil

fuels. The energy is renewable and environmentally favourable because it uses fossil fuels,

which emit greenhouse gases and are quickly running out. Cow dung is one of the most

common organic wastes in the world, and because it releases greenhouse gases, produces

odors, and reduces freshwater supplies, it poses a hazard to the environment. On the other

hand, cow dung contains a number of qualities that make it a potential source of renewable

energy and a natural organic soil together (Chaubey et. al, 2022).

According to Nong (2022), the study of how water primrose's biogas production

efficiency will be affected by an alkaline pretreatment (2% NaOH) as well as the anaerobic co-

digestion of cow dung. The main compositional changes and physico-chemical structure of

untreated biomass and pretreated water primrose were examined using a scanning electron

microscope (SEM). The study states that among the three mixing ratios of co-substrate tested,

the best performance in this study was achieved at mixing ratio 2:1 (water primrose to cow

dung, w/w) for 2 weeks’ pretreatment time on grass, including all measurements as biogas

production (8610 mL), methane concentration (68.2%), and percentage of total solids

(70.84%), volatile solids (64.76%), and chemical oxygen demand (66.55%) removal efficiency.
STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel



This chapter describes the actions to be taken to investigate the research problem and

the rationale for the application of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select,

process, and analyze information applied to understanding the problem, thereby, allowing to

critically evaluates the study’s overall validity and reliability. These methodologies had been

used to diagnose and examine the effectiveness of smokeless stove using biomass fuels to

reduce air pollution.

Research Design

To assess and apply the Innovative Smokeless Stove, the researchers utilized

Experimental Research Design using survey-based procedures and methods to the population in

testing the Smokeless Stove to compare its abilities and capabilities from the old traditional cook


The research survey used was the Likert Scale Questionnaire. The acquired data from

the target population has comprehended qualitatively and quantitatively, and in turn calculated

such data. After the data was collected, statistical method and procedures were applied in order

to create finalizations and results.

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel


The target population of this study is the residents of Purok 1 - Katipunan, Poblacion,

San Francisco, Surigao City. To be able to gather the necessary data, the specified people who

used traditional cookstoves in cooking were covered as the subject of the study.

The people of Purok 1-Katipunan, Poblacion, San Francisco, Surigao City were known

to have a population where most residents use stoves that produces disturbing smoke that is

harmful to health and involve the use of expensive fuels. As an open opportunity for the

researchers, the residents of Purok 1-Katipunan, Poblacion, San Francisco, were chosen as the

respondents in the study.

Figure 1:San Francisco, Surigao, del Norte Map. Image source from: Google Wikipedia
STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

Sampling Method

The researchers employed Purposive Sampling method in the survey of 30 respondents.

Purposive Sampling is employed because the researchers purposely selected the respondents

because they have characteristics that need in the sample.

Data Collection Procedure

In this study, the undersigned researchers will be gathering significant information or

data, specifically in the survey for the data collection procedure. A survey of 30 respondents
will be utilized in this procedure.

To obtain an efficient evaluation of the performance of traditional cookstoves and

innovative smokeless stove, the respondents that use traditional cook stove were asked through
the questionnaires about the ability of the said cook and their practices in using old cooking
techniques. Among the 30 respondents out of 62 families in Poruk Katipunan, Barangay
Poblacion San Francisco Surigao del Norte, one member of each family was given at least 25
minutes in answering survey questions as a respondent to avoid delay in giving the response.

To assess the performance of the improved stove as the basis of the evaluation, the
researchers provided one (1) Innovative Smokeless Stove for the testing. The gathered data
results from every survey are used as a piece of evidence to validate the research hypotheses.
The researchers conducted the survey and collected the filled-out questionnaires. After all the
respondents completed the survey questionnaires, data were collected, tallied, and tabulated.
These data were the basis of the analysis and interpretation of traditional cookstoves.
STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

In addition, the Water Boiling Test will assess the thermal efficiency, the firepower, and

the specific fuel consumption of the stove, where Thermal efficiency is a ratio of the work done

by heating and evaporating water to the energy, mathematically,

Where Ww is the mass of the water in the pot, the specific heat of water (4.186 J/g 1C),

and the change in water temperature (Tf – Ti), the product of the amount of water evaporated

from the pot (Wv), and the latent heat of evaporation of water (2260 J/g). The carabao dung

equivalent consumed during each phase of the test (fd) and the LHV, lower heating value (also

called net heating value).

Firepower (P) is a ratio of the carabao dung energy consumed by the stove per unit time

(in W) during each phase of the test, mathematically,

Where (tf – ti), is the duration of the specific test phase.

Specific fuel consumption (SC) is the ratio of the amount of carabao fuel consumed to

the amount of water remaining at the end of the trial, can be defined for any number of cooking

tasks and should be considered “the wood fuel required to produce a unit output” whether the

output is boiled water, cooked beans, tortillas, or loaves of bread. In this case specific fuel

consumption refers to a measure of the amount of cow dung required to produce 2L (or kilo) of

boiling water, mathematically,

Where the mass of water boiled.

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyze the gathered data, the thermal efficiency, the amount of biomass fuel needed,

and the time needed to boil a specific mass of water are evaluated as the comparison of the

traditional and innovative smokeless stove to release smoke. Further, to effectively interpret the

data, the researchers employed the following statistical treatment:

The arithmetic mean is a measure of central tendency, also known as the average. The

average is the calculated number obtained by adding the quantities together and then dividing

the total by the number of quantities.

In statistics, the standard deviation is a measure of dispersion. It estimates how far apart

individuals in the data are from the mean value. The square root of the mean of the square of

the deviation of all the values of a series derived from the arithmetic mean is defined as the

"standard deviation.”

The variance is a statistical measure of the spread of numbers in a data set. Variance

specifically measures how far each number in the set is from the mean (average) and thus from

every other number in the set.

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

Data Analysis

The researchers used first-hand data collected from the selected respondents who

participated in the survey, interviews, and testing to determine the effectiveness of the

Innovative Smokeless Stove.

To reach the rationale behind the emergence of main findings, Critical analysis and

interpretation of figures and numbers are involved in gathering data collection. Further, the

most significant part of analyzing the data is the evaluation of the performance testing of the

Innovative Smokeless Stove. This proved the effectiveness of the improved stove in different

scientific observations mentioned in the data collection. However, the survey served as

evidence to verify the research hypothesis.

STI College Surigao
Narciso Street, Surigao City
Surigao del Norte

An Innovative Smokeless Stove Using Carabao Dung as A Biomass Fuel

Research Instruments

To ensure the result of the experiment, different research instruments are to be made

and use to question respondents to measure data. The surveys will be answered and categorized

through the experience of the respondents with their traditional cook stoves in comparison with

the researchers' innovative smokeless stoves. The following sample questionnaires are to be

followed by the researchers. Quantitative surveys can be answered with a yes or no evaluating

the product's efficacy. Qualitative questionnaires, on the other hand, can be answered in the

form of an explanation of the product's quality.

1-Very 3-Moderately 4-Not

Traditional Cook Stove 2-Satisfied
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Rate the ability of your cook stove in
terms of cooking.
Rate the ability of your cook stove in
producing smoke.
Rate the durability of your cook stove
Rate the ability of your cook stove in
terms of consuming fuel.

Figure 2. Graphical representation of the opinion of the sample population for the Traditional Stove

1-Very 3-Moderately 4- Not

Improved Smokeless Cook Stove 2-Satisfied
Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Rate the ability of the improved
smokeless cook stove in consuming less
Rate the ability of the improved
smokeless cook stove in terms of cooking.
Rate the ability of the improved
smokeless cook stove in producing less
amount of smoke.
Rate the durability of the improved
smokeless cook stove.

Figure 3. Graphical representation of the opinion of the sample population for the Smokeless Stove.

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