Ctrl+A Select all contents of the page.
Ctrl+B Bold highlighted selection.
Ctrl+C Copy selected text.
Ctrl+D Open the font preferences window.
Ctrl+E Align the line or selected text to the center of the screen.
Ctrl+F Open find box.
Ctrl+I Italic highlighted selection.
Ctrl+J Align the selected text or line to justify the screen.
Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+L Align the line or selected text to the left of the screen.
Ctrl+M Indent the paragraph.
Ctrl+N Open new, blank document window.
Ctrl+O Open the dialog box or page for selecting a file to open.
Ctrl+P Open the print window.
Ctrl+R Align the line or selected text to the right of the screen.
Ctrl+S Save the open document. Like Shift+F12.
Alt+F, A Save the document under a different file name.
Alt+X Show the Unicode code of a highlighted character.
Ctrl+T Create a hanging indent.
Ctrl+U Underline the selected text.
Ctrl+V Paste.
Ctrl+W Close the currently open document.
Ctrl+X Cut selected text.
Ctrl+Y Redo the last action performed.
Ctrl+Z Undo last action.
Ctrl+Shift+A Sets the selected text to all capital letters.
Ctrl+Shift+D Adds double underline to the selected text.
Ctrl+Shift+E Enable or disable revision tracking.
Ctrl+Shift+F Open Font window to change the font.
Ctrl+Shift+L Quickly create a bullet point.
Ctrl+Shift+> Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increase font +2pts.
Ctrl+] Increase selected font +1pts.
Ctrl+Shift+< Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or lower; if above 12, decreases font by
Ctrl+[ Decrease selected font -1pts.
Ctrl+/+C Insert a cent sign (¢).
Ctrl+'+<char> Insert a character with an accent (acute) mark, where <char> is the charac
You can also utilize the mouse to perform many common actions. The following section contains
examples of mouse shortcuts.
Click, hold, and drag Selects text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and
Double-click If double-clicking a word, selects the complete word.
Double-click Double-clicking the left, center, or right of a blank line makes the ali
text left, center, or right aligned.
Double-click Double-clicking anywhere after text on a line sets a tab stop.
Triple-click Selects the line or paragraph of the text where the mouse is triple-cl
Ctrl+Mouse wheel Zooms in and out of document.