Professional Education Compre
Professional Education Compre
Professional Education Compre
INSTRUCTIONS: This examination is good for three (3) hours. Select the correct answer for each
item. Mark only ONE answer for each item by shading the letter of your choice on the ANSWER
SHEET. STRICTLY NO ERASURES. Use Mongol Pencil No. 2 only.
1. Piaget, a noted cognitive psychologist used this term to refer to cognitive structures by which the
individuals intellectually adapt to and organize their environment. Which of the following words is
being referred to?
A. accommodation C. equilibration
B. assimilation D. schema
2. Social interaction plays a very important role in cognitive development where individual
development could not be understood without looking into the social context within which
development happens. This is the key theme of the theory of .
A. Piaget C. Kohlberg
B. Erickson D. Vygotsky
3. People can learn by observing the behavior of others and the outcomes of those behaviors. Which
principle is this?
A. operant conditioning C. classical conditioning
B. social learning theory D. purposive behaviorism
5. Which of the following abilities best highlight the second stage of cognitive development?
A. decentering, conservation, seriation
B. symbolic function, egocentrism, centration
C. object permanence, reversibility, transductive reasoning
D. hypothetical reasoning, analogical reasoning, deductive reasoning
6. In the last twenty years, cognitive psychologists have studied the distinctions among learners in the
manner they absorb or process information. Which of the following statements describe a novice
A. Attempts to process all information they receive
B. Check their errors and redirect their effort to maintain quality output
C. Design new strategies that would be appropriate to the task at hand
D. Have deeper knowledge in different subject areas because they look for interrelationships in the
things they learn.
7. Among the following educators, who proposed the placement of children in a “prepared
A. Froebel C. Montessori
B. Kilpatrick D. Thorndike
8. The technique to improve comprehension and retention among the students, the teacher’s best
option would be to use .
A. SQ3R C. six thinking hats
B. contextual clues D. autodidactic activities
10. The teacher is a licensed professional who possessed the dignity and reputation with high moral
values as well as technical and professional competence. This definition makes a teacher .
A. qualified C. competent
B. an expert D. knowledgeable
12. Ruth dances well. She can figure out how something works or how to fix something that is broken,
without asking for help. Based on Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence under which intelligence
is she strong?
A. Musical C. Logical – mathematical
B. Spatial intelligence D. Kinesthetic intelligence
13. When a child manifests mutism, self-destructive behavior, and echolalia, the child might be showing
the symptoms of .
A. ADHD C. autism
B. anorexia nervosa D. dyslexia
14. When a person’s moral choices are determined by the direct consequences of actions, he/she is most
likely in the stage of .
A. concrete C. preconventional
B. conventional D. concrete post conventional
15. At the pre-operational stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory, the child sees only his point of
view and assumes that everyone also has his same point of view. What is this tendency called?
A. animism C. egocentrism
B. conservationism D. symbolism
16. Intelligence is defined as an ability or set of abilities that allows a person to solve problem or fashion
a product that is valued in one or more cultures. All of us possess the intelligence but in varying
degrees of strength and skill. Which of the intelligences as proposed by Gardner is described in the
I. It is the ability to see things in one’s mind in planning to create a product or solve a problem
II. It is learning visually and organizing ideas spatially.
III. It is also called picture smart.
A. musical intelligence C. verbal/ linguistics intelligence
B. visual/ spatial intelligence D. mathematical/ logical intelligence
17. Thorndike’s Law of Effect states that a connection between stimulus and response is strengthened
when the consequence is .
A. pleasurable C. negative
B. positive D. repeated
18. The leading proponent of Social Learning Theory is Bandura. He believes that
A. reinforcement influences cognitive processes.
B. learning stays with the individual until needed.
C. people learn from one another such as by modeling.
D. behavior can influence both the environment and the person.
19. Miss Reyes observed that one of the students excels in activities requiring strength, speed, flexibility,
balance and hand-eye coordination. According to Howard Gardner, such intelligence can be identified
as .
A. bodily-kinesthetic C. verbal linguistics
B. interpersonal D. verbal-logical
20. Learning styles refers to the preferred way an individual processes information. A student who learns
best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to
say is called .
A. analytic learner C. global learner
B. auditory learner D. visual learner
23. A pre-school teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of the 4-year-olds.
Which of the following should be BEST to consider?
A. Pre-operational stage
B. Formal operational stage
C. Concrete operational stage
D. Between concrete and formal operational stage
24. Following Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, Ms. Ramirez provides her students varied
activities that enable them to classify objects according to more than one variable, rank order items in
logical series and understand that amount of mass or liquid do not change because their shape does.
These developments can be expected to be performed by .
A. preschoolers C. high school students
B. college students D. elementary school children
25. Teacher Rowena scolded a pupil named Matthew for not listening attentively. As a result, the whole
class paid attention to Teacher Rowena. What explains this phenomenon?
A. Halo Effect C. Placebo Effect
B. John Henry Effect D. Ripple Effect
26. The principal of the school demanded that the teachers should encourage their students to go beyond
simple recall and comprehension, instead she said that students should “think about thinking”. If the
teachers will follow the principal’s instruction, the students will develop their .
A. drill skills C. hypothesis skills
B. cognitive skills D. metacognitive skills
27. When a teacher only teaches whenever she wants, what does she lack?
A. intelligence C. emotional intelligence
B. competence D. integrity and accountability
28. One of the principles of learning states that learning is emotional as well as intellectual. This means
A. internalization of ideas results to better learning.
B. the teacher must draw the learners’ ideas and skills.
C. learning is maximized if feelings and thoughts are in harmony.
D. the teacher should appeal to their students’ acquisition of ideas.
29. According to Dewey, teachers should make significant analysis of their own actions, decisions, and
successes or failures in teaching daily lessons. This activity is indicative of their ability to employ .
A. assessment agenda C. procedural learning
B. experiential teaching D. reflective teaching
30. When students think about thinking, they get conscious of their thought processes while they are
engaged in their cognitive tasks. This is an example of an approach called .
A. behaviorist approach C. constructivist approach
B. cognitivist approach D. metacognitive approach
31. When small children call animals “dog”, what process is illustrated on Piaget’s cognitive development
A. accommodation C. conservation
B. assimilation D. reversion
32. In which situation is the law of readiness best applied by the teacher? When the teacher .
A. presents a song, related to the lesson
B. gives the aims of the lessons to be taken up
C. announces the subject matter at the start of the period
D. waits for the children to be ready before teaching her lesson
35. Trinity is a resilient child with superior intelligence. She grew up in a very poor environment. With
this condition, the probable outcome would be
A. mental retardation since she is culturally deprived.
B. great changes in IQ because she is culturally deprived.
C. slight change in IQ although she can overcome frustration and obstacle.
D. no change in IQ because the environment deprivation has nothing to do with intelligence.
37. When a person fails to develop a consistent identity, this usually results to .
A. inferiority C. role confusion
B. isolation D. stagnation
41. Teacher Monette begins a lesson on tumbling, demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow
motion and physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As her students become
more skillful, she stands back and gives verbal feedback about how to improve. With Vygotsky’s
theory in mind, what did Teacher Monette do?
A. apprenticeship
B. guided participation
C. peer interaction
D. scaffolding
43. A pre-school teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of the 4-year-olds.
Which of the following should be best to consider?
44. Learners are more likely to internalize and follow classroom rules when the
A. learners participate in the rule-making process.
B. teacher clearly explains the rules she prepared.
C. learners know the punishments for no following the rules.
D. teacher gives additional points for those who follow the rules.
45. Ava, a 2-year-old girl baby talks and commonly mispronounces words. This is regarded as cute by her
parents and relatives. They are not aware that this attitude towards Ava’s mispronunciation might
create a hazard on the part of the girl. If parents hear their children mispronounce words, they must
A. correct their mistakes.
B. ask the child to rephrase the statement.
C. respond to the content of the statement and ignore the error.
D. ignore the statement until the child says it correctly on his own.
46. Teacher Mark aims to develop critical and creative thinking among his students. He should try using
A. convergent questions. C. declarative statements.
B. divergent questions. D. expository questions.
49. When the student entered a classroom and is attracted by the clean and orderly set-up, it speaks of
which element of the learning environment?
A. interactions
B. classroom proceedings
C. arrangement of furniture
D. physical condition of the classroom
50. According to Ausubel, one of the best ways to strengthen the students’ cognitive structure is by using
an instructional tool called .
A. spiral approach C. cross-refencing
B. narrative D. advance organizer
52. Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is important for learning. What does this imply?
A. Children are independent problems solvers.
B. Children learn from adults and other children.
C. Children learn by passive presentation of information.
D. Children in the crib has no learning yet since they are not capable of interaction.
53. Mrs. Corpus always makes sure that her pre-school classroom is well organized and clean. What
principle of motivation was applied?
A. Incentives motivate learning
B. Internal motivation is longer lasting and more self-directive than is external motivation
Comprehensive Examination for Education: Professional Education Page 5
C. Motivation is enhanced by the way in which instructional material is organized.
D. The environment can be used to focus the student’s attention on what to be learned.
54. A lady asked for direction in going to the Municipal Hall. If you are a visual learner, your response
would be .
A. go with her C. write down the directions
B. tell her the directions D. draw, or show her a map, or give her a map
55. The Students of Mrs. Reyes were not able to learn the concepts that she presented yesterday so she
taught the same concepts again but this time using a different teaching method. What principle of
learning was applied?
A. Effort was put forth when tasks are challenging.
B. Concepts should be presented in varied and different ways.
C. Learning by doing is more effective than just by sitting and listening.
D. None of these
56. For doing good at school, your parents rewarded you with a brand new cellphone at your own liking.
What would most influence your decision in choosing the cellphone if you are a kinesthetic learner?
A. Trying or testing it.
B. It is a modern design and looks good.
C. The salesperson telling you about its features.
D. Reading the details or checking its features online.
57. What is the underlying principle of learning in the Social Learning Theory proposed by Albert
A. A child learns more effectively with the aid of teaching machine.
B. Learning has to be represented by a permanent change in behavior.
C. Modelling is not favorable in leaning; hence, it does not provide positive behavior change.
D. People can learn by observing the behavior of others and the outcomes of those behavior.
58. Catherine always feels like she is never included in group activities. She has become depressed and
lonely. According to Maslow, which category of needs has not been fulfilled?
A. Safety needs C. Physiological needs
B. Self-actualization D. Belongings and love needs
59. Learning is aided by formulating and asking questions. Luz easily learns a lesson when she is working
with laboratory equipment but hardly remembers a lesson the teacher lectured on. What type of
learner is Luz?
A. Auditory Learner C. Tactile Learner
B. Kinesthetic Learner D. Visual Learner
60. According to Freud, too little satisfaction during the oral stage may lead to an oral personality called
oral aggressiveness. This will result to a later personality wherein the individual
A. becomes too independent to others.
B. uses curse words and engages into gossips.
C. lacks leadership skill.
D. All of these
61. Why does Niñ a like studying computer-aided math while Terrence wanted to use his work text?
A. Math is a difficult subject.
B. Children learn according to interest.
C. Niñ a and Terrence are of different IQ.
D. Learners respond differently to academic stimuli.
62. What type of metacognitive knowledge is involved after having this thought: “After memorizing
twenty different forms of phobias, I realized that I have difficulties in spelling them.”
A. Declarative knowledge C. Strategic knowledge
B. Procedural knowledge D. Task knowledge
63. According to Jean Piaget, when our experiences do not match our schemata or cognitive structures,
we experience .
A. accommodation C. discrepancy
B. cognitive disequilibrium D. equilibration
65. In order to gain genuine knowledge from an experience, the learner must have the following abilities
A. The learner must be able to reflect on the experience
B. The learner may possess and perhaps use analytical skills
C. The learners possess decision making and problem solving skills
D. The learner must be willing to be actively involved in the experience
66. Which of the following involves students in developing a list of advantages and disadvantages about a
suitable issue related to lesson plan that helps the learners and see a topic from different angles and
develops skills and analysis and evaluation?
A. Pro and Con Grid C. Question and answer
B. Mnemonic D. Crossword puzzle
67. Which of the following states that if the manner in which lessons are presented with repeated
exercises or reinforcement, then learning the material can be made easy?
A. Law of closure C. Law of exercise
B. Law of proximity D. Law of continuity
69. During adolescence, individuals begin to think differently and are able to solve more complex
problems. These differences in thinking are also applied when solving social problems. The way that
people make judgments about what is right and wrong is referred to as .
A. Decision stage C. Moral development
B. Intelligence D. Social development
70. Erikson’s psychosocial developmental stage in which success is achieved by having a secure social
attachment with a caregiver is known as .
A. autonomy versus shame and doubt C. generativity versus stagnation
B. integrity versus despair D. trust versus mistrust
71. Which strategy is appropriate when asking students to memorize important facts and asking them
questions like
“Why did I use such technique in memorizing?”
“Was it effective?”
“How will I improve the process?”
A. Exam wrappers C. Reciprocal thinking
B. Mnemonics D. Thinking journals
72. The role of a teacher changes in a learner – centered environment. Which among the following
circumstances is NOT included in the paradigm shift?
A. Teacher participates at times as one who may not know it all but desires to learn.
B. Teacher is viewed as the primary source of information who continually directs it to students.
C. Teacher actively encourages individuals to use their personal knowledge and skills to create
unique solutions to problems.
D. Teacher is viewed as a support, collaborator, and coach for students as they learn to gather and
evaluate information for themselves.
73. Which statement BEST resolves the nature – nature controversy?
A. Nature is clearly more important in development.
B. Neither plays a particularly strong role in development.
C. Nurture is clearly more important in development.
74. The following are the applications of Gestalt Theory to the teaching and learning process EXCEPT
A. It makes lesson holistic.
B. It makes the learners afraid to commit mistake.
C. It maintains an emotionally harmonious and non-threatening teaching and learning atmosphere.
D. It helps learners from relationship of the elements around them and integrate them into an
75. A grade 10 TLE teacher shows her students how their current project can be handled in real-life
situation. If the teacher is using Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, she would apply .
A. Enhancing retention and transfer C. Assessing Performance
B. Recalling Prior Knowledge D. Gaining Attention
76. According to Freud, someone who compulsively bites their nails might have experienced which of the
following as a young child?
A. Poor bonding between mother and child
B. An overly restrictive breastfeeding schedule
C. Unstimulating activities during key phase of development
D. Forced toilet training at a developmentally inappropriate age
77. After working with your five young nieces, you tell yourself, “I think working with little kids really
require a lot of patience and hard work.”
What type of metacognitive knowledge is involved?
A. Declarative knowledge C. Strategic knowledge
B. Procedural knowledge D. Task knowledge
78. As humans, we start talking at about one year old, engage in fantasy play as a young child, and
become more independent as a youth. This proves that each of us develops partly like .
A. no other individuals C. all other individuals
B. other individuals D. some other individuals
80. Children learn what they live by. Treat them with respect and they will respect others; shout at them
and they be shouting at others, too. Which explains this kind of behavior?
A. They are imitative. C. They are easily impressed.
B. They are observant. D. They cannot tell right from wrong.
82. Rap-Rap a Grade 1 pupil plays with his classmates but cannot accept defeat. Based on Piaget’s theory
of cognitive development, in what developmental stage is Rap-Rap?
A. Concrete operation C. Pre-operational
B. Formal operational D. Sensorimotor
83. Which strategy is appropriate for activating knowledge, asking students to project what they want to
learn and eventually evaluate their own learning?
A. Concept Maps C. KWL Chart
B. Exam Wrappers D. Metacognitative Talk
84. The intellectual development theory of Bruner follows this sequence; enactive, iconic and symbolic
stages. To apply this theory in teaching, the teacher should .
A. be interactive in approach C. begin with the concrete
B. begin with the picture D. begin with the abstract
85. Karen teaches math subject and she wants her students to develop their multiple intelligences. Which
87. A grade 5 English teacher gives her pupils an activity work sheet to practice what they have just
learned in the class. According to Gagne, this event is called .
A. elicit performance C. provide feedback
B. provide learner guidance D. stimulating
88. Bandura said that in order for observational learning to occurs, the observer must: a.) pay attention
to the occurring behavior b.) be able to remember observed behavior, c.) be motivated to produce the
behavior and lastly, d.) .
A. replicate the behavior C. ignore the behavior
B. describe the behavior D. recognize the behavior
89. You are a Chemistry teacher of grade 9 SPED class, and you noticed that your students are having
difficulty in balancing chemical equations. As a teacher, you can best provide guidance by
A. having the students read the books about the lessons.
B. having the students memorize the Periodic Table of Elements.
C. demonstrating how oxygen and hydrogen can ignite to produce an explosion.
D. developing a study guide with examples ranging from simple to complex ones.
90. Parents and teachers are considered as authorities and models by children at the childhood stage.
What does this statement imply?
A. Teachers and parents should serve as role models at all times.
B. Parent-teacher conference should always be an activity in school.
C. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and teachers in school.
D. Teachers should demand complete obedience from the learners in school.
91. Two identical balls of clay are shown to the child. The child agrees that they are equal. Teacher
changes the shape of one of the balls and ask the child whether they still contain equal amounts of
clay. The child answers, “No, the longer one has more”. ”What skill does the child lack?
A. Centration C. Conservation
B. Cognitive development theory D. Reasoning
92. What does the social constructivist approach emphasize about students need?
A. opportunities to learn with the teacher and more skilled peers
B. to be placed in a conductive learning environment
C. to be rewarded with every good performance
D. to be filled because their minds are empty
97. Rachel joined the Olympic gymnastics team when she was 13. She has been a gymnast all her life and
has not considered other options. Now, at the 26, Rachel has severely injured her knee and can no
longer compete. She finds that she doesn’t have an identity beyond that is associated with
gymnastics. Which of the following statements would Erikson MOST likely make?
A. Rachel can skip the stage of identity achievement and lead a normal life.
B. Rachel can now resolve the crisis of identity achievement; it doesn’t matter when it happens.
C. Rachel missed her opportunity to reach identity achievement; and there is little hope for her to
lead a normal life.
D. Rachel development a maladaptive identity in her teens and needs to take time with a counsellor
to resolve the identity crisis.
98. Lawrence, a two-year old boy, pretended to be drinking from a glass which was actually empty. His
idea about the glass was for him to drink water from it. Which function for the pre-operational stage
is illustrated by this situation?
A. Centration C. Egocentrism
B. Conservation D. Symbolic function
99. Early childhood is characterized by educators as a period of morality by constraint. This means that
children in this stage consider teachers and parents as .
A. peers and playmates
B. authorities and models
C. counselors and advisers
D. facilitators and supervisors
102. Which is NOT TRUE about e-safety in the use of digital technology?
A. Restricts the use of digital technology.
B. Helps user to understand the new technology.
C. Protects young learners and adults from the digital risks.
D. Facilitates better understanding how to use online facilities.
103. Which statement does NOT provide the correct understanding of the theoretical frameworks and
A. The iPdagogy Wheel provides the mutually exclusive tools and applications that are integrated in
B. TPACK shows the intersection of teachers’ content, pedagogical and technological knowledge
needed to be relevant in the 21st century teaching.
C. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy is a rehash focusing on more active perspective of cognitive with the
conversion of the previously nominative term to the use of a verb.
104. As a teacher, how will you appropriately use technology for teaching and learning so that your
learners will benefit most?
A. Make your lessons an open source all the time.
B. Ask each student to buy a gadget that they can use.
C. Assign them to search in the web all the topics you are teaching.
D. Maximize the use the technology tools as your support in teaching.
106. All your learners are on Facebook. How can you ensure that they learn despite constant use of this
social networking site?
A. Prohibit them to use Facebook again.
B. Post your photos and thoughts so they can comment on it.
C. Create a prank account and stalk them to discover what they say and post on Facebook.
D. Create a Facebook page where you can post assignments and supplementary materials of your
108. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT based on the idea of using an eportfolio in assessing
student learning?
A. An eportfolio contains students’ reflections that discuss how they were able to accomplish the
task and what they learned from the lesson.
B. Although it contains evidence of students’ work and documentations of their output, it may be
limited to examination or quiz results.
C. Although challenging, students’ progress can be seen as they include exhibits of their work from
the initial attempts to half-way of finishing their work and to the finished product.
D. An eportfolio is very much similar to the physical portfolio for it contains essentially the same
required outputs although digital materials are easily uploaded in the former platform.
109. Teacher John might choose to use more traditional testing methods over authentic or performance
assessment because _______.
I. Authentic assessments require considerable technical knowledge.
II. Authentic assessments are needs teachers’ productivity tool.
III. Authentic assessments are more difficult to administer.
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III
113. Kaye keeps samples of all her writing by scanning them and putting them in one folder. On a regular
basis, students and their teacher review work in these folders for the purpose of assessing
improvement over time. Then, Kaye uploaded them on her blog. What is this called?
A. Portfolios C. Journal
B. Progress report D. Diary
116. Teacher John uses a downloaded video documentary in his class. Which of the following is the BEST
thing for him to do when using the material in his lesson?
A. Inform the class where she downloaded the video.
B. Tell the class that she asked someone to make the video for her.
C. Introduce the video to the class without telling where it came from.
D. Tell the class that she made the video for them to believe that she is an efficient teacher.
121. A friend would like to ask for your email password, because your email address was used for an
urgent matter. As a rule in privacy, which action/s is best to take?
I. Voluntary give my password to my friend.
II. Deny the request of my friend even if it is urgent.
III. Open my email by myself and print the email that is addressed to my friend.
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III
122. Ms. Anna dreams to invite a famous resource person from another country but she can’t afford to
spend for the transportation of the said person. How could she integrate technology in her lesson and
enable her class listen to that person?
A. podcasting C. web conferencing
B. instant messaging D. distant communication
124. How can you best protect yourself from hacking, theft and plagiarism and keep yourself digitally
A. Set the account on a privacy setting and have a confidential password.
B. Announce online connection and have all posts for public viewing.
C. Have a virus protection and no need of backups.
D. Lock up and limit online associations.
125. Which is BEST to do to a friend who posted your picture which you do not like and everybody made
fun of it?
A. Quarrel with my friend on social media. C. Keep quiet and allow everybody to hurt me.
B. Tell the friend to remove the picture. D. Report to the police station.
126. In selecting media or materials to be used in teaching a lesson, the first element to be considered is
the ________.
A. evaluation activity C. objective
B. learner D. subject matter
127. With the hope of having easy money, Cylyn clicks on all promos that pop-up on her screen. By doing
so, which threatens her digital security?
A. Carpal tunnel C. Hacker
B. Internet virus D. Password theft
128. Which is a good example of tapping the learners’ ingenuity in technology integration? They will be
made to
A. listen attentively to the presentation that the teacher prepared.
B. create a digital story of a certain topic and present it in class.
C. comment on how to improve a certain presentation.
D. bring computing tools to school as mobile phones.
131. Just as there are benefits in using social networking sites, there are also risks that accompany it.
Which statement is the BEST paraphrase?
A. There are payoffs and pitfalls when one is active in social networking sites.
B. One major risk is making friends with strangers who may actually be a predator or cyberbully.
C. Learners can continually connect as they collaborate to accomplish a task or homework using a
social networking website.
D. Teachers and parents or guardians are protective to the extent of disallowing youngsters to use
the internet and social networking sites.
132. The following statements are true about computer conferencing. Which is an EXCEPTION?
A. It refers to live student interaction with an expert.
B. It is also known as discussion forum or bulletin board.
C. It also refers to online class discussions, forums, or debates.
D. It permits to or more individuals to engage in asynchronous text-based dialogue.
133. Teacher Anne assigned her students to create a video presentation about the current problems in the
school. As a student, what will you do first?
A. Download video from YouTube.
B. Make the video presentation right away.
C. Ask permission for the student affairs to conduct online survey.
D. Conduct survey online on the problems encountered by the students.
134. As implied in the Cone of Experience, which will work best for kindergarten children?
A. Videos C. Books
B. Real-life experiences D. Audio recordings
137. You are using a reference material and there is no copy anymore for the class to use. As a teacher,
which of the following is BEST to do?
A. Photocopy the book and distribute to all members of the class.
B. Photocopy only one for the teacher’s reference.
C. Photocopy the book and sell to the students.
D. Copy the book by hand.
139. Mrs. Chua is able to pay her household bills through bank transfer from her bank account. Which
element of digital citizenship is she benefiting from?
A. Digital access
B. Digital commerce
C. Digital communication
D. Digital rights and responsibilities
141. Which of the following does NOT belong to the cluster of technologies?
A. Telecommunication technology
B. Information technology
C. Networking technology
D. Industrial Technology
142. Contrived experiences, demonstrations, and field trips are examples of _______ materials.
A. abstract C. iconic
B. enactive D. symbolic
143. Producing a digital story requires important elements that can determine the quality of the
production. Which among the choices does NOT belong?
A. Point of view C. Sound track
B. Story boarding D. Emotional content
144. When working inside a computer laboratory, all of the following are not allowed EXCEPT .
A. Fire extinguisher should be made available.
B. Foods and drinks should be handy on the computer table.
C. One external electrical outlet should have 5 computers connected.
D. Computer desks should be near each other to allow sharing of information.
145. Your mother wanted to finish her long-dreamed course, but she wanted to do it at home during her
free time. How could you BEST help your mother in pursuing her dream?
A. Enroll her in distance education.
B. Enroll her to the school where you are enrolled.
C. Give up your study so she can attend her classes.
D. Encourage her to hire a helper so that she can attend regularly to her class.
147. Which of the following issues on ICT is directly linked to climate change?
A. E-waste C. Privacy
B. Freedom of Expression D. Surveilance
149. Which of the following is describes the proper use of technology for altruistic service?
A. Hacking bank accounts to help the poor.
B. Spreading chain prayers through messenger.
C. Using social media sites to campaign for a social advocacy.
D. Creating prank accounts to malign the practices of the government.