Battletech Manual

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For more information about BattleTech, 'Mechs , and weapons please consult the following publications
which are available from FASA Corporation :

The Batt}eTech Manual · The Rules of Warfare

M echWarrior - The BattleT ech Role Playjng Game
BattleT ech T echnjcal Readout 3025
BattleTech Technical Readout 3026

FASA Corporation
1026 West Van Buren
Chicago, IL 60607

F ASA's complete line of BattleTech products is available in finer hobby and gaming stores.
Instruction Manual 2
Pacifica Map 6
Field Training Manual 7
Star Map 14
The Succession Wars 15
The Successor Houses 16
The Youngblood Family 18
Credits 20
We're Never Satisfied 21
If You Have Technical Problems 21
Copyright and Warranty
Information 21

BAT:TLETECH Instruction Manual 1

I. The Screen Layout II. The Main Menu
The BattleTech environment is composed of As long as you're not in combat and the Right
three windows. Window is unobscured, you can always press
the space bar to bring up the Main Menu. This
The Upper-Left Window serves several func- menu includes several options:
tions . As you move about in the game, it
describes the direction in which you are Return to Game - This cancels the menu and
moving. During combat, it prints descriptive lets you get back to what you were doing.
reports of each action performed by the bat-
tling forces . (These descriptions may be short- Change Game Settings - Selecting this com-
ened or stopped altogether by selecting Brief mand brings up another menu :
or None when the computer prompts you to
select Combat Messages at the beginning of Change Movement Rate - Normally, you
each battle.) Lastly, at any time, a brief, ani- move one space per key-click. This com-
mated outtake might appear in this window. mand allows you to change this rate, from
These brief segments pop up on their own to one space to two or four .
provide extra visual detail and flair to certain
situations . Set Combat Speed - Using this command,
you can customize the speed at which
The Lower-Left Window lists the characters in combat progresses. Most people will want
your party, along with bar-graph representa- combat to breeze along at a quick speed, so
tions of their three main attributes. (See the the game begins with the combat speed
enclosed Field Training Manual for an explana- set to fastest. Those who want to slow
tion of each attribute.) During combat, this things down, allowing them to spend more
window becomes the command window. All time reading combat messages and view-
options that you might need during combat ing the animation, will want to choose a
will appear in this window, and you can slower combat speed, or Keypress , which
maneuver through these commands just as you tells the computer to pause after each
would in any other menu. action and wait for you to press a key.
The Right Window displays an overhead view Sound On/Off - This lets you toggle the
of your characters and the surrounding terrain. sound on and off.
This window will occasionally be partially or
completely obscured by text descriptions of Change Outtake Frequency - During com-
events and other pop-up windows or menus. bat, animated outtakes will occasionally
appear to visually enhance the experience
of combat. This command allows you to
choose the frequency with which these
outtakes will appear.
BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 2
Quit Game - This command allows you to III. Movement
end your play session. Don't forget to Save
Game (in the Main Menu) beforehand so Depending upon your hardware, you may use
that you'll be able to take up where you left the keyboard to move around the BattleTech
off. geography (see your Reference Card for de-
tails): You may travel in any of the eight cardi-
Cancel - This cancels the menu and lets nal d1rect1ons , as long as your path is not
you continue playing. obstructed.
Normally, each time you indicate a direction
Allocate Men in 'Mechs - This allows you to with the keyboard, you will move one square in
redistribute your men among the 'Mechs you that direction. If you're moving through open
control. (This command won't appear until terrain, you may wish to change your move-
there is a 'Mech in your party.) ment rate (with the Change Game Settings
command in the Main Menu) so that you can
Inspect Character - This lets you see detailed move around more quickly.
information about the health, abilities , and
inventory of any character in your party. IV. Combat
Heal Characters - This option lets your party When you are attacked, you will be given
rest and allows the party member who is most several options . First is the option to fight or
qualified as a medic to heal any injured play- flee . By choosing to fight, you always enter
ers . (Even someone with no medical training combat ; but if you choose to flee , you will not
has a chance to give minor first aid to the always escape.
wounded.) Second is the option to have the computer
fight for you. Choosing No tells the computer
Load Game - You can at any point restore your that you'd like to conduct your battle manually.
game to a save you've previously made. See By choosing Yes, you allow the computer to
your Reference Card for details . conduct the battle for you. The computer is
reasonably intelligent and can fight as well as
Save Game - This lets you save your position in a somewhat experienced player. If the com-
the game so that you can revert to that position puter seems to be losing the fight , pressing the
later, using the Load Game command. See your space bar tells the computer that you'd like to
Reference Card for details . take over at the beginning of the next round.
The third choice is among the three levels of
Show Overhead Map - Because the geography combat messages - the blow-by-blow battle
of BattleTech is so huge , the game comes com- descriptions . Verbose messages explain each
plete with an expanded map that shows you actio.n .i n detail. Brief messages are shortened,
more area in less detail than the normal terrain prov1dmg only essential information. If you
window. After accessing this map, you may choose None, the computer will provide no
scroll through it by pressing any arrow key. messages at all.
The map will then scroll in that direction
showing you any area that you have already

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 3

Lastly, you can choose whether or not to see Movement in co1nbat is not only a means of
combat graphics. If you s elect Yes , you will see getting from one place to the next ; it's also an
each aspect of the battle recreated in animated effective means of dodging enemy fire . The
detail on your overhead map. If you select No , more you move about, the less chance your
you won't see the graphic depiction. enemies have of hitting you. (Of course, your
(If you select no combat graphics and no targeting may suffer a bit as well.)
combat messages , you won't see any displays When moving, you may wish to proceed in a
until the battle is over, unless you hit the space zig-zag motion, or back and forth from one spot
bar and enter manual combat commands .) to another. To do so, select a movement com-
mand and move the first leg of your zig-zag,
Manual combat is quite straightforward and confirming it with the space bar. Then select
easy to master. Weapons need only be tar- the same movement command and enter in the
geted ; the precise aiming and firing is done second leg of the zig-zag, and so on until
automatically. Using the scanning feature, you you've expended your movement points .
can quickly obtain information about any unit
on the battlefield, such as what kind of weap- Assuming that you are conducting combat
ons it's firing or how close it is to death. manually, you will be given a combat com-
When you select one of the movement mands menu before each round of battle.
commands below (Move, Walk, Run , or Jump) , Below is an explanation of each command at
you are told how many movement points your your disposal:
unit has and are prompted to move the cursor
where you want to go. As you move the cursor COMMANDS FOR INFANTRY COMBAT:
with your keyboard, the computer locates the Move - This allows you to move your men up to
shortest route to the cursor, and indicates it their allotted number of movement points . (See
with a trail of arrows . The computer will the above description of combat movement for
automatically move the trail around buildings details on how to move.) Once you Begin
and other obstacles. Fight, you will move toward the destination
If you exceed the number of movement you have selected.
points your unit has left, the cursor will change
color ; any further moves you indicate will be Clear Moves - This clears any previous orders
put toward next round's movement. to move, allowing you to enter a new move-
When you've moved the cursor to your ment destination, or just stay where you are.
desired destination, hit the space bar to con-
firm your choice and return to the combat com-
mands menu.

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 4

COMMANDS FOR Computer - This tells the computer to enter the
BATTLEMECH COMBAT: next round's movement and weapons com-
Walk - This commands your 'Mech to walk up mands for the current unit. You may instruct
to its allotted number of movement points. (See the computer to fight for any or all of your
the above description of combat movement for troops . Note that the computer will only enter
d~tails on how to move.) Once you Begin
commands for a unit ; to execute the commands
Fight, you will move toward the destination you must still select Begin Fight (see explana-
you have selected. tion below) .

Run - This commands your 'Mech to run. You Scan Unit - This initiates a sophisticated scan
can go a bit further, but at the expense of some of any nearby units . When you begin a scan,
extra heat. Heat is the BattleMech's enemy · it the computer will prompt you to choose be-
tax;es the efficiency of the 'Mech and may ' tween a scan of Friends or one of Enemies.
ultimately cause a complete electrical shut- Once you've chosen, the computer will scan all
uni~s of the side you've chosen (using the Next
Umt command} until you select Done.
Jump - 'Mechs equipped with jump jets may When you scan a 'Mech, the computer will
employ them as a means of movement. This report what class of 'Mech it sees and its direc-
may allow the 'Mech to travel farther than tion in reference to your position. You then
have the option of seeing a Detail Scan, which
Walking or Running if it is in rough terrain. mcludes the status of a 'Mech's armor, internal
Jump iets are not very efficient, however, so
they tend to generate a good deal of extra heat. structure, heat level, and weaponry.
Jump can! however, be used when Walking Scanning a human will show his physical
and Runmng are inhibited by heat. well-being, his weapon, and his direction in
reference to your position.
Kick - When your 'Mech is alongside an enemy
you can Kick the enemy as a means of attack. ' Next Unit - Using Next Unit allows you to
~ssue orders to the next member of your group,
Kicking is an effective means of attack as it
does considerable damage without ge~erating if there is one.
as much heat as conventional weaponry.
Flee - If the odds weigh too heavily against
you, Fleeing may prove the smartest option.
COMMANDS USED IN BOTH INFANTRY You will not always manage to escape , how-
Use Weapon - This command is used to target
your weapons against enemy units . First, Begin Fight - Once you've directed all move-
select the weapon you'd like to fire (humans ment, ~canned any nearby units , and targeted
won't have a choice - they can only carry one all ~es1red we~pons , you must confirm your
weapon at a tim_e) . If this weapon is already actions by tellmg the computer to Begin Fight.
tar~eted , you will be asked to confirm your The battle round will then commence.
dec1s10n to retarget it. Then, select its target
with the Next Enemy and Target Here com-
mands .

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 5

31 .60 33 .20 34.80 36.40 38.00 39.60 41 .20 42 .80 44.40 46.00 47 .60 49.20 50.80 52.40



47 .60

49 .20


52 .40






62 .00

65 .20

Pacifica Training School
Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces

I. Welcome Our program is very demanding, but most

would consider membership in the elite ranks
Congratulations' Your achievements in the of the Commonwealth BattleMech Corps to be
classroom have earned you a berth at the Paci- reward enough.
fica Training School, one of the Lyran This manual will provide a quick introduction
Commonwealth's premiere BattleMech training to the areas in which you will be taught. Best
facilities. Here, you will undertake the final wishes for your success as a MechWarrior.
stage of your preparation for MechWarrior
certification. Kommandant Earl Truth, Ret.
Over the next few weeks, you will perform a Headmaster
series of solo cockpit training missions , each
one progressively harder than the last. You will p.s . Your allowance or any other money sent
be maneuvering a full-size, fully-operational from home will automatically be credited to
BattleMech inside a specially designed arena, your C-Bill account while you are enrolled in
which simulates actual battlefield conditions. the school.
The firepower on board our 'Mechs consists of
real, high-power weaponry - no toys or mock-

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 7

II. The MechWarrior SKILLS
In addition to the three main attributes, there
ATTRIBUTES are seven secondary skills in which you may
As an aspirant to MechWarrior status, you will train. While your Mech Warrior training dwells
mature in three closely monitored personal mainly in the two areas employed in Battle-
attributes, namely Body, Dexterity, and Cha- Mech combat, Gunnery and Piloting, you may
risma. want to try to heighten your skills in one or two
Body is a measurement of your overall of the other areas as well. A crack rifleman will
physical strength, as well as your stamina and be of great aid to a Lance in infantry combat,
physical constitution. As you tone this attrib- just as no successful Lance should be without
ute, you will find combat less of a strain, and a good doctor or technician. Here is a list of the
you will be able to withstand a good deal more seven skill fields :
physical abuse without faltering or buckling
under. Combat Skills :
Dexterity measures your coordination, Bow/Blade - Combat proficiency with bows ,
reflexes , and agility. You must heighten these blades , and thrown weapons.
traits if you wish to outmaneuver your enemy
in BattleMech maneuvers and in hand-to-hand Pistol -Ability with small, hand-held projec-
combat. tile weapons , from revolvers to dart guns to
Also , no Mech Warrior can be without Cha- laser pistols .
risma, the measurement of one's physical Rifle - Combat skill with two-handed projec-
appearance, personal magnetism, and strength tile weapons, including all rifles , subma-
of presence. While this less-tangible trait can't chine guns, and missile launchers.
overpower a MechWarrior's enemies in com-
bat, it can help attach him to a strong Lance , as Mech-Related Skills:
well as aid him in talking his way out (}fa tight Gunnery-A pilot's facility with 'Mech-
bind. mounted weaponry.
The great MechWarriors - those who are
appointed to command positions - have honed Piloting - Proficiency at the controls of a
themselves in all three attributes through 'Mech.
training and battlefield experience.
Other Skills :
Medical - The administration of proper
health care to the wounded.
Technician-· The ability to service, repair,
and salvage 'Mechs in the field.

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 8

While rudimentary competence in any skill can III. The BattleMech
be built with field practice, it's well-accepted
that systematic training in the classroom is a PHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION
more powerful tool for learning. Such training A basic knowledge of the physical make-up of
in the seven fields is usually accessible from a 'Mech is necessary before the pilot can safely
wherever you are . Combat classes are offered and successfully lead a 'Mech into combat.
at any local Lyran seat of government. 'Mech What follows is a brief explanation of the
training is offered at any LCAF-certified train- general components of the BattleMech :
ing arena. Medical training is offered at medi-
cal schools and hospitals. Technical training is Skeleton - At the heart of every BattleMech is
offered through tech schools , and at hands-on a "skeleton" much like that of a human being.
programs in participating shops and garages . Several dozen "bones" - each fabricated to
Training generally costs a good deal of resist structural damage and combat stress
money, with courses ranging in price from 75 while meeting exacting weight limits - make
to 1000+ C-Bills, but a well-developed skill can up the BattleMech's skeleton. This skeletal
prove to be priceless when you are in need of structure allows the 'Mech to absorb enormous
medical help on the battlefield or engaged in a levels of physical damage without compromis-
ground skirmish. ing its performance in battle.
Be well aware, however, that your primary
concern during the next few weeks is your Muscles - Most of the larger actions of which a
BattleMech combat schooling; your personal 'Mech is capable are driven by thick bundles of
training in other skill areas must play a secon- polyacetylene fiber which contract and expand
dary role . The defense of the Commonwealth under the influence of a controlled electrical
depends upon your role as a Mech Warrior, not current, in much the same way as the muscles
as a full-time student. of a human being. While these fibrous bundles
seldom receive more· than minor damage in
battle, the smaller, more delicate actuators
which control the highly precise motions of
mounted weaponry and sensory attachments
are all too susceptible to the effects of battle.
Most 'Mech service areas are well-equipped to
correct actuator problems .

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 9

Armor - To protect the 'Mech and pilot from MOVEMENT
today's high-energy battlefield, 'Mechs are Depending upon its weight and size, a Battle-
outfitted with a rigid composite of dense Mech may reach walking or running speeds
metals, designed to absorb laser blasts , par- ranging from 40 to 100 kilometers per hour m
ticle beams and projectile attacks. While only open terrain. Travel speed may be_slower
inches thick, the two-shell combination of depending upon the terram, but virtually no
treated steel and boron nitride is quite heavy, obstacle will prove insurmountable to the
and so as protection is increased, mobility 'Mech. ·
sharply declines. For this reason, 'Mech manu- Some 'Mechs are outfitted with jump jets,
facturers typically build 'Mechs of several which allow them to jump a limited distance.
different weight classes . The light 'Mech has These may prove handy when a pilot _e ncoun-
greater mobility and can dodge fire more . ters a small patch of obstructive terram which,
effectively than a heavier model, but once hit, without jump jets, would prove to be an ardu-
its internal structure is more likely to have ous obstacle.
been penetrated. While all BattleMechs can move through
shallow masses of water, most are unable to
Power Plant - The immense power require- operate efficiently when wading through
ments of a multi-ton war machine are met by deeper waters .
an on-board fusion reactor. The fusion power
plant can generate plenty of energy for even COMBAT
gigantic 'Mechs, but in doing so, it also pro-
duces high levels of waste heat which threaten 'Mech combat is an unrefined science. Every
the efficiency of the' Mech's inner functions , veteran 'Mech pilot has developed a unique
even to the point of crippling them. Thus . style and strategy, and little agreement has
special "heat sinks" were developed to dispose been reached on "correct" battle techmques . If
of waste heat. Unfortunately, these crucial any strategic conventions have emerged, they
devices are fashioned from a ceramic material are the predictable tactics employed by the
which is very susceptible to stress and frac- unimaginative battle computers found m every
ture so the MechWarrior will probably fmd 'Mech cockpit.
him~elf replacing his heat sinks often and _at These combat computers , which can be
great expense . (Thrifty pilots have been known activated and deactivated at the pilot's fancy ,
to ignore damaged or destroyed heat smks , instruct the 'Mech to pick a target, move
preferring to cool their 'Mech manually by unerringly towards it, and destroy it with all
travelling through water masses.) available firepower. The computer will _con-
tinue this pattern until all visible enemies have
Life Support System - The crew cabin of a been dealt with. This battle algorithm is
'Mech generally holds two humans , a_pilot and effective in combat where the odds stack up in
a passenger. The cabin environment is care- your favor but if the opposition is strong, you'll
fully controlled, providing protection from want to k~ep manual control over your 'Mech's
combat damage, as well as from the high levels combat facilities. Remember: you are here to
of heat and radiation generated by the power learn how to fight a battle, not how to watch
plant. In case of a catastrophe, the cabin is one .
equipped for speedy evacuation.

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 10

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind IV. Away from the School
during combat :
• Use the terrain to your advantage. If you While training mis?ions are typically quite
have to move quickly, travel across the bnef, they are physically and emotionally
wide-open ground. But when the firing demanding. Since we at the School realize this ,
commences, a 'Mech out in the open is like we have not prepared any rigid timetable for
a soldier caught with his pants down. your training. Rather, we allow you to advance
Forest provides good protection from your at your own speed, undertaking the various
enemies , and the thicker the better. Water training missions only when you feel you are
masses also provide some protection, and ready. (Fast learners may, however, find that
they can cool off a hot 'Mech as well. we are unable to prepare our training facilities
• Use your scanning to locate the more dan- quickly enough to keep up with them - it takes
gerous enemies and open fire upon them around a day for us to clean up and reset our
first. The 'Mech that's put together like a training course after each mission.)
weapons stockpile usually doesn't have In between missions , you will find much to
room for much armor, so you can take them do in the surrounding town. The Citadel - the
out with little work. planetary seat of government - hosts infantry
• Keep the enemy on its toes . The more you combat courses which are quite valuable,
move about, the harder a time your oppo- despite their sizable tuition fees. Luckily, the
nents will have of hitting you. Of course, ComStar station next door has full banking and
your aim may suffer a bit as well. stock-trading facilities.
• Successful combat strategies don't spring You can rest up at your barracks, or pass
from the. teachings of some Eighth Century time at the lounge. And for your shopping
Far-Eastern battle philosopher. They come needs, local stores include a weapons shop, an
from Lance C.O. 's who get some half-baked armor shop (with full repair facilities), and
notion about how to overcome insurmount- a Mechit-Lube (that's a 'Mech service sta-
able odds or succeed at the impossible. In tion, for you Flatlanders) .
short, never sell yourself short on the bat- Of course, we expect all students of the
tlefield. Your so-called insanity today could School to maintain mature behavior and a
become textbook military procedure courteous attitude in class and free time. How-
tomorrow. ever, should the student become involuntarily
• After your party has defeated its oppo- drawn into a bad situation, remember the
nents, remember to regroup at the point reputation of the school you're attending and
where combat began. This will reduce the wreak some havoc. After all, do you want to be
risk of being caught by stray remnants of a MechWarrior or a librarian? (You'll find that
the opposing forces. ground combat is much like 'Mech combat, not
• And if all else fails, fire off one last salvo surprising when you consider that 'Mechs
and get out. Fleeing isn't honorable, but were designed according to specifications
getting killed and losing a 'Mech is neither perfected over millennia in the human body.)
proper nor wise . · Occasionally the School allows students to
travel the quiet countryside of Pacifica for a
few days and visit the various towns to the
north and west. You may inquire about taking
vacation time after you've completed your first
twelve missions .
BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 11
The WSP- lA Wasp was the first recon 'Mech to Mass : 20 tons
be mass-produced for the Terran military. Since Chassis : lA Type 3
its initial production in 2471 , the 'Mech has Power Plant : GM 120
spread to all parts of Human-occupied space .
Old Star League records show that thousands Cruising Speed : 66 .5 kph
of Wasps were constructed in the four centu- Maximum Speed : 95 .1 kph
ries preceding the Succession Wars. Though Jump Jets: Rawlings 52
many of these have worn out or been de- Jump Capacity: 180 m
stroyed, estimates show that more than half Armor : Durallex Light
this total is still in operation. Further, some
Wasp designs are still being constructed in Armament :
some areas of the Successor States . The large 1 Diverse Optics Type 2 Medium Laser
number of Wasps available for use should 1 Bical SRM Twin-Rack
ensure that it remains among the main light Manufacturer : General Mechanics , Inc.
recon 'Mechs of the Successor States for Communications System : Duoteck 65
centuries to come . Targeting and Tracking System : Radcom TXX
• The Wasp design has always been used for
. general scouting and reconnaissance duty. Far Type : WSP-1A Wasp Tons
too lightly armed and armored for battle, its Tonnage: 20 Tons 20
speed and maneuverability can generally keep Internal Structure : 2
it out of major confrontations . Engine: 120 GM 4
Walking MPs: 6
Running MPs : 9
Jumping MPs : 6
Heat Sinks : 10 0
Gyro : 2
Cockpit: 3
Armor Factor: 48 3
Weapons and Ammo :
ITIIB Location
Medium Laser Right Arm
SRM2 Left Leg
Ammo (SRM) 50 Left Torso
Jump Jets Right Leg
Jump Jets Left Leg
Jump Jets Center Torso

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 12




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BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 13












The Succession Wars The Second Succession War (2830-2863) was
Over the past 1,000 years , man evolved a com- 1ust as deadly, destructive, and indecisive as
plex and burgeoning technology that paved the th.e first. The blossoming military technology
way for the colonization of space . Man made withered as the scientists who created and
life possible on outer planets by solving such nurtured it died in war. It became increasingly
vital problems as universal distribution of pure difficult to build the computers , large fusion
water, effective government of far-flung power plants, BattleMechs , and dropships
worlds , and viable communications. desperately needed for the relentless combat.
However, man has become the victim of his Production slowed dramatically, lagging
own invention. The seeds of his destruction are dangerously far behind battlefield losses . The
planted in his technology. In ceaseless waves Warlords were reduced to cannibalizing exist-
of violent wars fought out of sheer lust for mg eqmpment for spare parts to supplement
power, the Successor Houses have slaughtered the building of new weaponry. Salvage became
untold millions and unravelled more than a vitally important to survival.
thousand years of advancement. And still the
ruthlessly fierce contest for supremacy contin- The .T hird Succession War (2866-present)
ues . contmues the brutal contest. Resources are too
scarce to destroy, too valuable not to fight for.
The First Succession War (2787-2821) left cities War is now a way of life.
decimated, vital industries destroyed, and
hundreds of millions of civilians dead. All ener-
~ies w_ere turned to .w ar -:-- civilian technology,
mcludmg water punflcat10n systems , deterio-
rated drastically.

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 15

The Successor Houses
The five houses locked in endless war over control of the Star League are:

The House of Davion

The Federated Suns
Ruled by Hanse Davion, this is the most power-
ful Successor House. Now loosely allied with
the House of Steiner against the Houses of
Kurita, Liao, and Marik, Hanse plans to marry
Melissa, Katrina Steiner's daughter and chosen

The House of Steiner

The Lyran Commonwealth
This house derives its power from the strength
of its industrial capacity, although its generals
are famous for their incompetence. Ruled by
Katrina Steiner, the house's territory ·is con-
stantly besieged for its valuable resources.

The House of Kurita

The Draconis Combine
The House of Kurita holds several strategic star
systems formerly controlled by the House of
Steiner. Ruler Takashi Kurita has formed an
alliance with Janos Marik and Maximilian Liao.

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 16

The House of Marik
The Free Worlds League
Ruler Janos Marik has had little opportunity to
lead his troops in battle against the other houses
because frequent civil war - including rebellions
led by his own brothers - has consumed his time
and energies.

The House of Liao

The Capellan Confederation
The weakest of the five houses, Liao is ruled by
Maximilian Liao. Heavy territorial losses and
constant defeat have left the house incapable of
a prolonged offensive, prompting it to seek

• ••••••
The Mercenary Companies
These independent fighting companies supple-
ment house-controlled troops. They vary in size
and quality, and their loyalty goes to the
highest bidder.

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 17

The Youngblood Family Emily (2074 - 2166) and
An old and illustrious family, the Youngbloods Frederick (2077-2160) Youngblood
can be traced back for more than 1,000 years. Emily Youngblood drifted away from the daily
Below is a brief listing of notable family mem- management of the YMC and became involved
bers . in the Deimos Project to develop Faster Than
Light (FTL) vehicles. She was a consulting
Stuart Youngblood (2011-2097) crew member on the first FTL flight in 2108 .
Born during the civil war in ancient Soviet Emily went on to become a representative to
Union, Stuart graduated with a degree in the Alliance Parliament, where she was instru-
physics from the then well-known Harvard mental in bringing all space colonies under
University, where he carried on an early family Terran jurisdiction. Resentful that he was left
tradition of playing a primitive field game to save a floundering company, Frederick
known as football. He worked on fusion drives championed the anti-FTL movement that
for the Alliance Parliament, which replaced the protested the billions of dollars being spent on
United Nations of his youth, stationed first on the Deimos Project while people went hungry
the newly discovered Tau Ceti and then on and homeless . The rift between brother and
Epsilon Indi. He later formed the Youngblood sister was never repaired. Ironically, it was
Mining Corporation (YMC), which prospered in Frederick who profited from the Deimos Project
the asteroid belt. YMC was one of the first when he joined others using FTL to exploit the
companies to transport entire asteroids to the stars . It was Frederick's son, Mike Youngblood,
Earth-Moon system. He invested much of his who helped supervise the first Alliance Grand
profit in early research to develop myomers Survey that showed more than 100 colonies.
(fiber bundles that contract like human muscle
when exposed to electricity). However, re- Rob Youngblood (2159-2237)
search at that time was unable to develop Mike's youngest son Rob ran the YMC into
myomers short enough to be used as a human bankruptcy with his constant game playing,
prosthetic, and Stuart's company underwent philandering, and gambling. He worked for
financially troubled times . His children, seeing Rudolph Ryan's ice ship business transporting
an unprofitable future in the company, showed icebergs to water-poor planets, a service that
no interest in carrying on the business. Stuart helped expand the Human Sphere to about 600
left the YMC to his grandchildren, Emily and colonies. Rob worked up through the ranks and
Frederick Youngblood. retired as a vice president of Ryan's .company.
At his retirement, he and his son Jack joined
with others moving to one of the outer planets
that had declared independence from the
Terran Alliance. Both Youngbloods perished in
the 18-month rebellion. At this point, the
Youngblood family history is unclear : technol-
ogy, along with family records , was ignored as
survival in the newly independent colonies
became increasingly difficult.

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 18

Marjorie Sperling Youngblood (2314-2399) Carl Youngblood (2555-2632)
Born the year the Terran Alliance collapsed, Carl carried on the family tradition of excelling
Marjorie became a well-known journalist, first in the military. Pia Youngblood would have
writing about new technology and later acquir- been proud to know that her successful com-
ing fame as a war correspondent. While re- mando raid more than 100 years earlier made it
searching an article on the revival of myomer technologically possible for her great-great-
technology and the creation of the WorkMech grandnephew to become the family 's first
for mining, she discovered her relation to MechWarrior. Carl earned his high status for
Stuart Youngblood, who was involved in early leading the most daring and successful unit of
asteroid mining as well as the preliminary the Unification War. Carl was also known for
myomer technology. When she could prove her his watercolors of space, which he painted to
relation (great-great-great-granddaugher of pass the time on his frequent advisory trips to
Rob Youngblood), she assumed the lost family the Star League .
name, persuading her siblings Christopher and
Jordan Sperling to join her. Marjorie was the Samuel (2581-2653) and Floyd (2581-2659)
first reporter to travel to all ten separate states, Youngblood
where she covered the constant border wars These highly gifted identical twin sons of Carl
and arms races . Youngblood let their older brother Thomas
follow in their father's MechWarrior footsteps
Simon Youngblood (2381-2436) while they turned their sharp minds to re-
Simon, Christopher's grandson, was the first search. Samuel led the research team that,
Youngblood in the military when he fought in after 15 years of dedication, developed the FTL
the infantry for the Lyran Commonwealth. His transmitters that greatly improved interstellar
outstanding conduct won him a place in the communications, often cutting transmittal time
Lyran Honor Guard to witness the signing of in half. Floyd was a lead member of the Star
the Ares Conventions, the chivalric code of war League's engineering group that produced a
conduct. He continued on in the military - war low-cost water purification system, enabling
being constant then as now - and was killed the Human Sphere to expand even further.
in action in 2436. Known to violently disagree from time to time,
Samuel and Floyd were, for the most part, a
Pia Youngblood (2421-2483) highly productive scientific team.
In one of the few remaining personal docu-
ments left by a Youngblood, Pia attributes the
death of her father, Simon, on her 15th birthday
as the prime motivating force that propelled
her into the military. The first Youngblood
woman in combat, Pia received her commission
in 2439, the year Terra developed the Work-
Mech into the BattleMech, changing the face of
combat forever. Pia was decorated for bravery
during the Lyran commando raids on Terran
'Mech production facilities that spread the new
technology throughout the Human Sphere.

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 19

Dawn-Youngblood (2760-2819) Credits
Initially in MechWarrior training - as genera-
tions of Youngbloods before her - Dawn BattleTech : The Crescent Hawk's Inception
became Protocol Officer for the Star League
after a severe injury left her incapable of Based on concepts designed by :
effective combat. She was present at the Michael Goldberg
fateful meeting in 2781 when the Council, Westwood Associates
unable to come to a consensus as to the new Infocom, Inc.
leader, dissolved. Although she valiantly FASA Corporation
attempted to enforce diplomatic order, the
meeting erupted in discord, never to meet
again. Aware that war was inevitable ,. Dawn Developed by Westwood Associates:
drew on her early 'Mech education to establish Programming by Barry Green and Louis
a BattleMech repair depot that repeatedly Castle
received commendations for keeping untold Graphics by Maurine Starkey, Joseph B.
numbers of 'Mechs battle ready. She personally Hewitt IV, and Michael Goldberg
developed new techniques for repairs even as Sound by Paul Mudra
resources became more scarce as the wars Directed by Brett W. Sperry
progressed. She died in a Kurita attack on her
'Mech plant.
Produced by Christopher Erhardt
Jeremiah Youngblood {b . 2981)
Although many Youngbloods before him distin-
guished themselves as MechWarriors , Jere-
miah has become a legend in his own time as
unquestionably the best Phoenix Hawk pilot
alive. He was a key member of the Kell Hounds
from 3010 to 3016. In 3016, he risked his life in
a daring assault on a heavily armed assassin
from Kurita, saving Katrina Steiner's life and
leaving him near death. On his recovery, his
loyalty was rewarded with a promotion to
Captain of the Planetary Security Force for
Pacifica (Chara IV) , where he moved with his
family in 3017.
Jason Youngblood (b. 3010)
Jason is Jeremiah's son. He began his Mech-
Warrior training at the age of nine . Now 18
years old, Jason is completing his course at
The Citadel.

BATTLETECH Instruction Manual 20

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