CSTP 5 Camp Updated 5:6:23
CSTP 5 Camp Updated 5:6:23
CSTP 5 Camp Updated 5:6:23
Use data from required Explores collecting Collects a variety of Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments
assessments to assess additional data using formal and informal assessment plan that strategically and
student learning. supplemental assessment data on provides formal and systematically throughout
assessments. student learning. informal assessment data instruction to collect
Follows required on student learning. ongoing assessment data
5.2 Collecting and
processes for data Make adjustments in Uses analysis of a variety appropriate for the range
analyzing assessment
analysis and draws planning for single of data to inform planning Uses data analysis of a of learner needs.
data from a variety of
conclusions about student lessons or sequence of and differentiation of broad range of
sources to inform
learning lessons based on analysis instruction. assessments to provide Uses results of ongoing
of assessment data. comprehensive data analysis to plan and
information to guide differentiate instruction
planning and for maximum academic
differentiation of success.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Sources of assessment
-standardized tests
-informal assessments
Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors a Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative
5.3 Reviewing data, available assessment data additional assessment variety of data on student broad range of data work and fosters
both individually and as required by site and data individually and with learning individually and individually and with colleagues ability to
with colleagues, to district processes. colleagues and identi>ies with colleagues to identify colleagues to analyze identify and address
monitor student learning needs of trends and patterns student thinking and causes for achievement
learning individual students. among groups of students. identify underlying causes patterns and trends.
for trends.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
I would like to work Assessments -Teacher I discuss IXL results with Teacher facilitates weekly
toward students setting regularly has students students during individual reports where students
their own goals. In the assess their own work as meetings and we >igure have to look over their
“Getting to Know You” well as other student’s out together what they work from the week and
worksheet I pass out at work to gain a better think they need to work take home to parents. We
the beginning of the understanding of what is on more. use this to help set goals.
school year, there is a expected. Class I always provide a rubric
question about goals, but I Assignments/Rubrics - for longer projects so that
would like to take it a step Teacher uses rubrics to they can see exactly what
further and have them help students see exactly is expected of them.
perhaps write down goals what is expected to
and update every month. complete an assignment.
I’m thinking about how Collaboration - Teacher
best to implement this discusses goals as a whole
idea. I will bring up at my group to help students
mentor meeting next understand the goal of the
Wednesday. 9/25/21 lesson
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
I am working on this. I Technology - IXL is used I send out a classroom I clearly communicate
have a handwritten grade for both Math and newsletter every Monday information to students
book. The only technology Language Arts - Teacher so that parents can see and their families
I use for testing is the keeps track of student what we have coming up whether by newsletter or
STAR test and practicing reports. Classroom that week both in the emails.
Math and ELA with the observation or Lesson classroom and in the I send invitation letters
IXL app. I would like to be Plan - Teacher gives school in general. home so that parents can
able to move everything rubrics to students and Parents are able to log see what students are
online so that I have all explains what is expected into their child’s account doing online in the
information about every for any given assignment. to track their progress on classroom.
student right on my Communication IXL.
computer. 9/25/21 Documents - Report cards,
emails, and the Remind
app are all ways in which
the teacher communicates
student progress to
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning