Solomon Kane Rules Errata en
Solomon Kane Rules Errata en
Solomon Kane Rules Errata en
CREDITS ........................................................ 55
Introduction: How to use this book
How to use this book to quickly skim the Reference section to give you an
idea of what is in there.
These rules are divided into three main sections: Intro- The idea of having some rules in a separate Reference
duction, Core Rules, Additional Game Modes and section is to get you started as quickly as possible,
Reference. so don’t worry about understanding all of it in
detail straight away. It’s intended as a resource for
After you’ve finished reading through this Intro- you to look things up whenever you come across a
duction, read the Core Rules along with the Designer’s term you don’t understand. Solomon Kane includes
Notes. These explain the overall shape of the game, many different types of interactions and events, and
the structure of each Turn, and cover the rules that it is very likely that you won’t see all of the rules in
you’ll need to know every time you play. the Reference section in your first Adventure. Only
When you understand the Core Rules, you’re almost reading through them as you need to also helps the
ready to start your first game. However, before you sense of exploration and allows the game to spring a
begin, it’s a good idea to spend a couple of minutes few surprises!
6 x double-layer
Virtue dashboards
29 x double-sided Tiles
20 x Blessing
tokens Virtue Turn (Page 34, SK Rule book)
Start of the Turn effects.
Roll 3 dice.
Flip or Re-roll 1 dice.
Form your dice pool.
Allocate dice to Actions, Donate and Reserve dice.
Resolve Actions with allocated dice.
Place new Action cards and draw up to a hand of 2 cards.
End of the Turn effects and flip you Turn-order token.
Providence Courtesy Dignity Elegance
Light O O O Guile Resolve Sagacity
Shadow Threshold: 1 +__ / 2 +__ / 3 +__ / 4 +__ CORRUPTION TOKENS
2 7
Clarity Mercy
Light Exploration
3 8
Corruption Progress
Discovery: D Other: 4 9
Danger 5 10
Light Exploration
1 x Save box 1 x Pack save sheets 1 x Quickstart guide 1 x Rule book 8 x Story Books
6 x Wolves
Alpha Wolf
Resource Limits
Core Rules: Overview
Core Rules
This section includes all the main rules of the game. Starting with the first Chapter, one player reads the
You will need to read these carefully before you start narrative text aloud and follows the instructions
to play. within the Story Book. The players then do their best
to help Solomon Kane overcome whatever challenges
the Chapter throws his way, and then they move on
Overview to the next one.
Chapters consist of a number of Rounds, each of which
Players take Turns acting with their Virtues, moving consists of one Turn per player's Virtue. Darkness has
and fighting with Solomon Kane, and influencing his a Turn after each Virtue Turn.
Surroundings. The Darkness fights back between
the Virtue Turns, doing her best to defeat them. It is Each Chapter defines how long it lasts for (measured
vital that the Virtues act together, or Solomon Kane in Darkness cards), and whether there are any special
will be defeated. Events that trigger its end.
Solomon Kane’s lifelong fight against Darkness is The Act continues with the players resolving
told in a series of Adventures. Adventures are broken one Chapter after another, with their Adventure
down into 1 - 5 Acts, depending on the complexity unfolding as they do. At the end of each Chapter the
of the tale. Each Act is itself broken down into 10 players will be directed to the next Chapter in their
Chapters. Chapters come in two types: Story and Adventure. Note that most Chapters have several
Scene. versions, and that some may be skipped, depending
on how successful the players are.
After many trials and obstacles, a Chapter will tell the
players whether their actions have been enough, and Rules Priority
whether they have won or lost. This will not necessarily
be the same tale as Robert E. Howard originally Solomon Kane includes hundreds of cards, many of
planned for his hero. Maybe you did better. Maybe not. which temporarily modify an element of the rules to
create just the right effect for the ongoing narrative.
If an Adventure constitutes multiple Acts, then
players will be guided to the relevant Chapter of the If the rule on a card conflicts with or contradicts a core
following Act; continuing the Adventure with the rule, then the card’s rule takes precedence.
exact game state in which they finished the previous
Act. If players do not wish to start an Adventure from
the beginning of Act 1, then they must always start
at the 1A Chapter of the Act they have chosen, which
will always display the starting stats for the Act.
Core Rules: Game Modes
Game Modes
Confrontation mode is broadly the same as Co-ope-
ration mode, with one additional player taking the
Solomon Kane can be played in four different modes, part of Darkness (see page 40). This gives the game
including two different ways of playing solo games: a maximum player count of five. Having a Darkness
player makes the game more challenging for the
• Co-operation (1 - 4 players). Virtue players as a real person can always be more
devious than an AI.
• Confrontation (2 - 5 players).
2-player Confrontation mode is a bit like Duel in
• Solo (1 player). that you have a Darkness player against a Virtue.
However, Providence and the Cardinal Virtues do
• Duel (2 players).
play quite differently, and both modes offer different
challenges for both sides.
Co-operation mode is the standard way to play
Solomon Kane. Unless told otherwise, the rules
detailed below are for the co-operation mode. Any
differences between this and the other modes are
described below, or in the sections on Providence
(page 38) and Darkness (page 40). If you are playing either Co-operation or
Confrontation modes at fewer than the ma-
In this mode, 1 - 4 players take the roles of the four ximum player count, you can easily add new
Cardinal Virtues (Courage, Temperance, Justice, and players mid-game. At the start of any Round,
Prudence), aiding Solomon Kane against a Darkness each new player simply takes an unplayed
controlled by the game’s built-in AI. Virtue of their choice and sets them up
following the instructions for the start of the
If you are playing with fewer than 4 Virtue players, game on page 12.
each player still takes the role of a single Virtue. This
will leave some unplayed. Whether or not they are played, the influence
of the four Cardinal Virtues can always be
Keep the dashboard(s) of the unplayed Virtue(s) felt through their dashboard Actions. Adding
nearby, as their Actions can be used by any player a player just makes their chosen Virtue a bit
at the cost shown, as if they were an extension of more active, and causes barely a ripple in the
their own dashboard. This means that unplayed narrative.
Virtues can still be spawned on the board to confront
Shadows or use their Auras as normal. The Action
decks of unplayed Virtues are not used.
This is a solo mode in which the player takes the role
of Providence (see page 38), and fights against the
game’s Darkness AI.
Note that you can also play solo in Co-operation
If you want to
mode. This allows you to play solo as any of the five
make an Act easier, at
the start of an Act (during
set-up) add one or more
Duel Mercy, Luck, and/or Blessings to
the Cloud. The more you add, the
In this 2-player mode, one player takes the role of easier things will be.
Providence (see page 38), and the other takes the If you want to make an Act harder,
role of Darkness (see page 40). then at the start of each Chapter replace one or
more of the Darkness cards for that Chapter with
Nightmare cards, on a 1-for-1 basis. Shuffle these
into the Darkness deck as normal.
Note, however, that some iterations of Chapters will
Solomon Kane is a narrative game that uses the force you to include a certain amount of Nightmare
Designer Note:
actions of the players to describe the Adventures of cards.
our heroic Puritan. The players’ choices, planning, and
their luck, gradually reveals the unfolding tale. The
players continue revealing and resolving Chapters
until they reach one that tells them that they have
been triumphant, or that they have been vanquished.
In every mode, the Virtues either all win or all lose,
as described by the final Chapter they reveal. The
Virtues must work together co-operatively and have Solomon Kane is unusual in that you have
nothing to gain from being anything other than the option to change the difficulty of the
supportive and helpful to one another. game as you play each Act. This does not
suit everyone, but it can be very helpful for
In Confrontation and Duel modes, the Darkness certain types of player. It also gives you more
player wins if the Virtues are defeated. replayability, by giving you a way to tailor
your own “expert” levels, by making things a
Core Rules: Setting Up
Setting Up
Core Rules: Setting Up
Turn, otherwise
Round ends.
Turn-order token
starts their
The Virtue with
the next
Round ends.
Darkness cards.
their Turn, otherw
Draw and place ise
new Turn-order token
resolve (Page 20, The Virtue with
SK Rule book). the next
Choose a Darkne
ss card to (Page 20, SK Rule
Resolve an Omen card of the Darkne
card, if any. ss deck
Draw and resolve
allocated dice. the top
Resolve Actions if any.
with Resolve an Omen
(Page page 40, SK Darkness Turn
. Actions
Rule book)
Darkness Player
End of the Turn
effects and flip
you Turn-order
Place new Action token.
cards and draw
Resolve Actions up to a hand of
with allocated 2 cards.
Allocate dice to
Actions, Donate
and Reserve dice.
Form your dice
Flip or Re-roll 1
Roll 3 dice.
allocated dice.
Resolve Actions with allocated dice.
Round ends.
Roll 3 dice.
if any.
Virtue Turn (Page 34, SK
Rule book)
Start of the Turn effects.
Roll 3 dice.
Flip or Re-roll 1 dice.
Form your dice pool.
Allocate dice to Actions,
Donate and Reserve dice.
Resolve Actions with allocated
Place new Action cards and
draw up to a hand of 2 cards.
End of the Turn effects and
flip you Turn-order token.
Courage 01
Core Rules: How to Use the Story Book
Story Chapters
The Story Book describes the flow of the Adventure.
Each Chapter entry gives you narrative to read aloud,
and then important game and set-up information.
This tells you what you need to do to progress, and
Story Chapters do not use board Tiles. Instead, they
how long you have to do this in. Depending on your
progress the Adventure along by describing the
degree of success, the Story Book tells you which
world and explaining how Solomon Kane gets from
Chapter you should go to next.
one situation to another.
Setting Up a Chapter
Note that in some Story Chapters, players will only
need to choose which path to take without taking
any turns. For these Story Chapters, players will not
Chapters come in two main types: Story and Scene. need to perform steps 4 and 5 of the Chapter set-up.
1 If starting at Chapter 1A, set the starting stats You can find a break down of each Story Chapter
by referencing the stat set-up section of the Chapter’s component on the next page.
2 Apply any special rules as dictated by the special
rules section.
Core Rules: How to Use the Story Book
A The Story Chapter number, letter, and type. G This is a narrative description of what the
Virtues need to do in order to win. The most com-
B Narrative text. mon objective is to “Illuminate Solomon’s Path”, in
C The number of cards in this Chapter’s Darkness which Virtues must work to place Light tokens to
deck. cover the spaces shown in the Chapter entry (See
page 26).
D Any Discovery cards that are in effect at the
start of the Chapter are listed here. Read them out Note that the Chapter’s objective may not be clear
in the order they are listed. from the start, and the players may need to reveal
a Discovery card to uncover their true mission.
E The first Chapter in an Act defines the initial Discovery cards can also change objectives during a
values for Solomon Kane’s stats. Chapter, if something important enough happens.
F Any special rules, bonus and further instructions H This lists the possible outcomes, and the
will be detailed here, such as whether Virtues are to Chapters they will lead to.
receive a reward or penalty from their previous
Chapter. This may also apply in Scene Chapters.
Core Rules: How to Use the Story Book
Scene Chapters
Scene Chapters use board Tiles and miniatures to You can find a break-down of each Scene Chapter
play out a dramatic moment in Solomon Kane’s component in the image on top, and a description
Adventure. It could be a bloody fight, a vital debate, below.
a wild chase, a desperate escape, a furious tavern A The Chapter number, letter, and type.
brawl, a cunning investigation, a deadly search
through a dank cavern, or any one of a myriad B Narrative text.
other examples of Solomon Kane’s travels. C The number of cards in this Chapter’s Darkness
The players must help Solomon Kane achieve deck. Reshuffle all Darkness cards back into the
whatever objectives the Scene Chapter sets for him Darkness deck at the beginning of a new Chapter.
in the time allocated. You will need to refer to the
D Any Discovery cards that are in effect at the
map diagram in the Story Book to see how to
start of the Chapter are listed here. Read them out
set up the board for every Scene.
in the order they are listed.
Core Rules: How to Use the Story Book
Designer’s Note:
Don’t Go There
Many Chapters have an “Other” category
in the list of possible results. As the name
H suggests, this is where you end up if
you’ve not managed to achieve any of the
other results, have run out of time, and
so on. It’s almost always the worst option.
If you see an “Other” option, you know
you need to avoid it if at all possible.
This information may guide your actions
during the Chapter, as you know that
even a partial success is better than the
Other option.
Note that running off the wrong end of a
stat on Solomon Kane’s stat board is not
an “Other” result, because each of those
possibilities has its own ending at the last
page of the Story Book.
E This displays all of the components (miniatures the objective, you will probably need to consider
and tokens) for a Scene. Components listed here the situation and the characters present in the
will have a stat line detailing keywords and tests Scene to work out Solomon’s best course of action.
required for the Scene.
H A visual guide showing where to place each
F This is a narrative description of what the component for a Scene Chapter. Note that each
Virtues need to do in order to win. This is not always Tile must be placed exactly as shown in the
entirely clear, and Solomon Kane’s true objective diagram with the correct Tile number in the exact
may, at times, be revealed through Discovery cards. position it is on the diagram.
G This lists the possible outcomes, and the
Chapters they will lead to. Sometimes the out-
come is based on the number of Purity points that
the Virtues can collect during the Chapter. As with
Core Rules: How to Use the Story Book
Ending an Act
If the last of the Chapter’s Darkness cards is
discarded or resolved, complete that Darkness or
player Turn and then resolve the end of the Chapter.
Please note that the whole Act will end in im-
The whole Act will end when the players reach a
mediate Defeat if Solomon Kane’s Strength, Clarity,
Chapter in the Story Book that tells them they have
or Compassion are reduced below 1 , or if Danger
reached a major or minor, victory or defeat.
exceeds 10 (read the last page of the Story Book).
Core Rules: How to Read Cards
Core Rules: How to Read Cards
The first three sections are divided into a number If an action discards a Darkness card from the deck,
of lines denoting various effects. Each line in a discard the top card without resolving it.
section is resolved separately, in order, from top to
bottom. Always resolve all the lines that you can in
any section that applies. A single line can activate Important
several miniatures.
While Darkness and Nightmare cards have
Each miniature on the board can only act once the same backs, on purpose, their front is
for each Darkness card, regardless of how different. Purple for Darkness and black for
many lines it could have acted in. However, Nightmare.
miniatures can add modifiers to actions
Core Rules: How to Read Cards
Whenever a rule gives you more than one
option, the Virtue players decide which to do.
This comes up frequently in resolving Dark-
ness cards.
For example, the players will often need to
choose which of two equally valid Darkness
miniatures the line effect is to be applied to
in the first place. Once that decision has been
made, the players may need to decide which
of two equally long routes a miniature will
take towards its target.
Similarly, a single line may trigger two or To resolve the line effect
more miniatures to act. These are resolved on the left, players must
sequentially, in an order decided by the choose to Move 3 Hunters
players. When several miniatures must Move from (A), (B), and (C) 1
and Fight, resolve all Move actions first, and A area towards SK and
then the Fight. then Fight (4).
In all cases, if the players cannot agree on the Hunters (B) and (C) can
best order, the decision rests with the player be chosen to move 1 but
who took the last Turn. will not Fight since they
are not in range to Fight
SK. However, if they
C choose to Move Hunter
B (A), that Hunter will reach
SK and Fight with a base
value of (4).
Random Numbers
When a random number is required, turn over the
top Event card. In this case, the top lines are ignored,
and only the 3 numbers at the bottom are used.
Unless otherwise specified, Solomon Kane always uses the Hero level.
Core Rules: How to Read Cards
Fight Cards its alternate (B) side. For example, the bear must
have suffered 2 wounds to have its Fight card
Fight cards are used to resolve Fight tests. They have flipped over to its “Enraged” side.
essentially the same information as other tests (see E This indicates that the Fight card will remain in
page 33). The difference is that they have more flavour play until the end of the Chapter.
text, and often trigger multiple Fight Effect cards.
Developing them as a separate type of cards gives us F If the Fight card has the flip icon , then it
more space to include this expanded information. has two sides. After you use one side to resolve a
Fight test, flip the card over. The next test will be
Fight cards are often double-sided with an (A) and (B) resolved using the other side. Note that some cards
side and offer different ways for a character to fight. have a special condition that must be fulfilled to
Note that when Fight cards are revealed, they should flip the card.
always enter play on their (A) side.
Core Rules: How to Read Cards
All In
elements of the Adventure, as Solomon uncovers the
nefarious plots and schemes that he must overcome.
The Name
Some are helpful, others very much not. All move the
Adventure along in one way or another.
Most Discovery cards break or bend one rule or another
as they seek to bring out the special flavour of that
moment in that Adventure. If there is a conflict between
Sometimes a Discovery card will ask players
card and core rule, then the card takes precedence.
to activate miniatures by referring to only a
Discovery cards are commonly divided into Instant, part of their miniature name. For example, a
Ongoing, and Opportunity sections, as indicated in card may read “Move all Villagers 1 area away
the icon below. Not all cards have all three of these from Solomon Kane”. This means that players
sections. should Move all Male Villager miniatures
and all Female Villager miniatures currently
on the board, 1 area away from SK. This
generalisation of miniature names may also
apply to Soldiers and Thugs.
A Omen Card
There is only one Omen
card. It has no game
information; it simply
serves to trigger the
Omen effect as listed
C in the Special Rules
section of the Chapter
entry (see page 47).
Core Rules: Dice
Wild Dice
can be used as wild dice. A wild dice can be used
The Solomon Kane game uses special dice. These to stand in for up to one symbol per Action. This is
have the following symbols: in addition to any that are part of that Action’s
cost already.
when flipped
Symbol Result For example, this card could be paid for with either
of these three combinations of dice:
(appears twice)
Core Rules: Light
Virtue Dashboards
Designer’s Note:
Unopened Gifts
Each Virtue player has a dashboard that shows their Up to 2 dice can be placed here from the Virtue’s
specific Actions and effects. pool. You cannot have more than 2 reserved dice at
a time.
Each dashboard comprises the following sections:
E The lower part of the dashboard shows three
AAt the top is the Virtue’s name together with a Actions. The outer Actions function just like Virtue
brief note on that Virtue’s character, and what they cards; the only difference is that they are printed on
are best at. the dashboard and so are available every Turn and
BTo the left of the description is a reminder that cannot be discarded. These are the Virtue’s permanent
you can either flip or re-roll 1 of the dice that you roll Actions.
at the start of your Turn for free. F The central Action on each dashboard is special
Each Virtue has a unique Aura. This is defined at
C in two ways:
the top left. When the Virtue’s miniature is not on 1 It has a variable effect. Each has a number of
the board, place it on top of the Aura text to remind sockets to hold . The number of on the
you that it is not currently in effect. Action is the X value mentioned in the effect
DOn the top right of each dashboard are storage description.
slots for dice that have been donated from other 2 Other players may use it. It costs an additional
players, or reserved in previous Turns. to use the central Action on another player’s
The 2 squares labelled ”Donated” are where dice go dashboard. Apart from this extra cost, the Action
when they are given to this Virtue by another player. works exactly like one of the player’s own.
You cannot have more than 2 donated dice at a Unless otherwise specified, Actions on Virtue dash-
time. If you are donated a third dice, then you must boards refer to Solomon Kane.
remove one.
Below the Donated squares is the Virtue’s Reserve.
Core Rules: Stat Board
Stat board
There are four stats in the game: Strength, Clarity,
Compassion and Danger. These are shown on a
separate dashboard that all players share.
The first Chapter in an Act will tell you the initial
values of these stats.
Luck can be used whenever a random number is
revealed (see page 33). By discarding a Luck cube
During the game, the stats may rise and fall, depending
from the Cloud the Virtue player can ignore the first
on the actions of the players and the effects of various
number drawn and draw a new one. If the player
cards. Simply modify the stats as instructed.
has more Luck to spare and does not like the second
Strength, Clarity and Compassion cannot go above number either, then they may discard another Luck
10 . Danger cannot go below 1 . and draw a third number. Continue this process until
the player runs out of Luck to spend or decides to
If Solomon Kane’s Strength, Clarity, or Compassion is accept the last random number.
ever reduced to 0 or below, he is defeated. Similarly, if
Danger ever reaches 11 or more, then Solomon Kane Once Luck has been spent, the previous number
has been overwhelmed by his foes and is defeated. is discarded and a new one is drawn. The previous
Refer to the last page of the Story Book for details of number cannot be reverted to even if the new one is
these outcomes. worse.
Stats have bonuses or penalties associated with Luck is a one-use resource that is stored on the Cloud.
particularly high and low values. These are collectively It can be used by any Virtue, regardless of how it was
called stat modifiers. These modifiers are listed on the placed there. Luck is not removed from the Cloud at
stat board and applied to related tests (see page 33). the end of each Chapter.
The Cloud
The Cloud is an area in which the Virtues can place
and store all of their collective resources. When a
card tells a Virtue to place Mercy cubes, Luck
cubes, Blessing tokens or Purity, they place
Core Rules: Stat Board
Purity Points
Some Chapters use a points system to track how well
the Virtues are doing. These are called Purity points.
When players earn Purity points, the appropriate
number of tokens are placed on the Cloud.
Purity points are removed from the Cloud at the end
of each Chapter.
Core Rules: Reading Map Tiles & Moving Across Them
around, and others vary the restrictions to move to be physically placed on the board. For example, if a
different adjacent areas. Shadow wanted to engage Solomon Kane and his
area was full, the Shadow could still complete its
Unless otherwise specified, a Move action refers to
Solomon Kane.
Designer’s Note:
Many Hands
Solomon Kane is unusual in allowing many
different players to move the same miniature.
Solomon Kane himself is the most obvious
example, but even the Virtues themselves
can be moved by other Virtue players (using
When placing or moving miniatures on a Tile, each Prudence’s middle Action, or if the Virtue isn’t
area can hold as many as can physically stand inside being played). This means that the players
it. A miniature must have at least half of its base in can share the job of getting Solomon Kane
an area to count as being inside it. If an area is full, into position, and that his movement is, like
then a Mortal miniature cannot move into or through most things in the game, a collaborative
it. An Immortal miniature can move into a full area effort between the players.
if it will immediately be removed and not need to
Core Rules: Tests
( Talk: Up to 5: D72, 6-7: D61, 8+: D89)
This first part tells you what type of test is allowed
(Talk). Each type of test has different modifiers and
requires a different Action card or other trigger (see
page 34). Different modifiers apply to different tests.
The rest of the test format shows a number of different If the test is Fight, Talk, or Explore, the types of
result ranges and the number of the Discovery card modifier(s) that apply are listed on the next page. If
that they trigger. In this example, if the total is 5 or the test is a unique one, then any modifiers will be
less, then the outcome is listed on Discovery card listed on the triggering card, or other cards that are
number 72. If the test result is 6 or 7, then you need currently in play.
to look at Discovery card 61. Finally, if the test result
Some modifiers apply to all tests:
is 8 or more then Discovery card 89 tells you what
happens. • If a Nemesis is performing the test,
add the current Danger modifier.
Fight tests which use Fight cards simply list the
keyword Fight in the character’s stat line. This • Shadow Auras (see page 37).
informs the player that a particular character Specific modifiers are as follows:
Core Rules: Rounds, Turns & Player Order
• If the miniature taking the test is an enemy: Each Act is made up of Chapters, and each Chapter
is made up of Rounds. Each Round is made up of
+1 for every other enemy Mortal in the one Turn for each Virtue player, and one Darkness
target’s Surroundings. Turn for each Virtue Turn.
+1 for every Shadow in Solomon Kane’s At the start of each Round, the Virtue players must
Surroundings. decide the order in which they will take their Turns
together. Allocate one Turn-order token to each
Virtue to show who will go first, second, third, and
fourth. If there are fewer than 4 Virtues in play, use
Talk correspondingly fewer Turn-order tokens, discarding
• If the miniature taking the test is Solomon Kane: the highest number first.
Add the current Compassion modifier Start the Round with the Virtue Turn of the player
on his stat track. holding Turn-order token number 1.
-1 for every Shadow in Solomon Kane’s After each Virtue Turn, there is a Darkness Turn.
After a Darkness Turn comes the next Virtue Turn in
+2 if Solomon Kane is within the Aura ascending numerical order, unless all Virtues have
of Justice. already taken a Turn in this Round. If that is the case,
then the Round is over. If there is no trigger for the
• If the miniature taking the test is an enemy: Chapter’s end, then start a new Round.
+1 for every Shadow in Solomon Kane’s
Designer’s Note:
Never Nice
• If the miniature taking the test is Solomon Kane:
Virtue Turns
2 Roll 3 dice.
3 You may choose to either flip one of the dice from 2
step (2) to its opposite face (see the table on
page 25), OR re-roll one of them.
4 Add any dice you had in your dashboard’s OR
Donated and Reserved areas to the dice from
step (2) to form your pool. Dice in Donated and
Reserved areas are not rolled again – they keep
the result they had when they were initially placed
5 Allocate each dice in your pool to one of the
5a. A space with the matching symbol on: 5a
i. Your dashboard.
ii. One of your active Virtue cards.
iii. A Discovery card that is in play and has
a dice slot.
iv. The central Action space on another
Virtue player’s dashboard. Note that this
Action will cost an additional . iii iv
5b 5c
A slot on any Action can be paid for with any dice
result. When all dice symbols on an Action have been
covered, the Action is said to have been paid for and
will be resolved in step (6).
resolved, discard that card. Actions on your dash-
board are always available.
7 Choose whether to keep or discard any remaining
active cards from your left- and right-hand slots.
REPLACE 8 If either or both of your left-and right-hand slots
are empty, choose a card from your hand to place
9 9 Draw back up to a hand of 2 Virtue cards. If your
deck runs out, shuffle your discard pile to form a
new one.
10 10 Discard any dice that are not in the Reserve area of
your dashboard. This includes dice on Virtue and
Discovery cards. The number of spaces shown on
the dashboard is the limit of Reserved dice you
DISCARD may store. If you ever get more dice in Reserve
than you have slots, then you must choose which
one(s) to remove until each dice has a slot to fit in,
on your dashboard.
! 11 Trigger any “end of Turn” effects.
12 Flip your Turn-order token over to its opposite
side to show that your Turn is over. This ends a
Virtue Turn.
13 Darkness takes a Turn.
Darkness Turns
1 Resolve an Omen card if it is on top of the Dark-
ness deck.
2 Draw the top card from the Darkness deck.
3 If the current Chapter is a Story, resolve the Story When resolving a Nightmare card, always
section of the card, discard it, then go to step (5). resolve the Story section regardless of whether
Otherwise, go to step (4). the Chapter is a Scene or a Story.
Core Rules: Darkness Turns
Virtue Shockwave
Whenever a Shadow moves into an area that
contains a Virtue, or a Virtue moves into the
same area as any Shadows, a Shockwave is
triggered. Remove from the board the target
Virtue, and all Shadows in that Virtue’s Aura
range, without revealing an Event.
Additional Game Modes: Providence
Designer’s Note:
The Same But Different
Of all the Virtues, Providence is the most powerful.
She wanders the world alone, relying on none of her
sisters for aid, and this solitude has forced her to Providence is very good at some things that
learn skills to suit every occasion. She can turn her the Cardinal Virtues struggle with, and vice
talents to offer comfort to any in need, regardless versa. This means that playing an Act with her
of the situation, and it is often to her that lost souls is often quite a different experience, with the
cry out for aid. main challenges coming at different points in
the tale. Providence can often amass maxi-
Providence is a loner, and cannot be used with the mum stats on the board early on, and look
other Virtues. She can be played either as a solo unbeatable, only to run into real trouble later
player against the game, or as part of a 2-player when she comes across a Chapter where she
game, against a Darkness player. needs to be in several places at once: some-
thing that is much easier when there are four
of you…
Additional Game Modes: Providence
Providence uses the normal rules, with the following
additions and changes.
ancient men
Providence is designed so that when she is in play
A U R A:
you won’t need the miniatures, actions, or Auras of
chosen cha
the four Cardinal Virtues.
When a Scene’s map shows one or more of the and gre
+1 +X TO
Cardinal Virtues on the board, Providence can A C
choose one of them to replace with her own minia-
ture. Any other Virtues on the map are ignored.
+1 DICE.
Designer’s Note:
triggered by her presence. Shockwave she triggers while this part of
her Aura is removes all Shadows within
2 areas of her.
B +1 Dice
Wish You Were Here Providence may roll 4 dice at the start of
her Turn instead of 3.
Not having her Sisters around can be a pain,
and this is one of the things that makes C +X to all Tests
playing Providence different from playing Co- ,
operative mode as a solo. Sure, Providence is Solomon Kane adds X to all of his tests. X is
more powerful than any other single Virtue, the number of Aura sockets with in them.
especially when her Aura is powered up, but
For example, if only the +1 Dice effect has ,
when Events or Actions mention Virtues by
then that is the total effect of Providence’s Aura.
name it is almost always better to have them
present than not. In another example, if the +1 Dice and the +X
to tests effect are both active, then as long as
the Aura is active, Providence will roll 4 dice
each Turn, and Solomon Kane will modify all
tests by +2.
Providence’s Aura is variable. It starts with no effect
and becomes more powerful as is placed in the
associated sockets.
Each socket powers a different Aura effect. As long
as the is in the associated socket, the effect
works. Providence’s Aura is the combination of all
the effects that currently have .
Additional Game Modes: Darkness
Designer’s Note:
Darkness is the eternal enemy; the bleak antithesis of
all the good that comes from the Virtues. She cannot A Real Challenge
be beaten, bargained with, or slain; she can only be
temporarily overcome. Darkness will always return. Playing against a Darkness player instead of
a Darkness AI is much more challenging. This
Darkness can be played in either Confrontation or is neither a good thing, nor a bad one: it’s just
Duel modes; struggling against either Providence or worth knowing before you start. If you’re up for
the four Cardinal Virtues. the extra challenge then that’s great, and we
certainly had a great time playtesting against
Darkness uses the normal rules, with the following (and with) her. If you’d rather have an easier
additions and changes. time, then you might want to give the Virtue(s)
a Blessing or two to redress the balance
somewhat, or try one of the other modes that
uses the AI. See Game Modes on page 10, and
Setup Difficulty on page 11.
Darkness Turns
does, plus her own dashboard and miniature. The
Darkness player starts by placing her dashboard on
the table, and dealing one Darkness card into each
of the left- and right-hand slots. These cards are in A Darkness Turn has an expanded sequence when
addition to the Darkness deck, which is constructed there is a Darkness player. Use the following steps:
as usual.
1 Allocate all, some, or none of the dice in your
In addition, place the Corruption tokens and Night- Reserve to Actions on your dashboard. A slot on
mare cards nearby. Darkness will definitely want to any Action can be paid for with any dice result. You
use these if she has a chance. may also choose to spend Corruption tokens in this
Finally, place the "Between Light and Dark" Discovery step. Each Action may only be paid for and resolved
card (D0000) next to the Cloud. This will be available once per Turn. When all the symbols on an Action
to the Virtue players throughout the Act. have been covered, the Action is said to have been
paid for and will be resolved in step (2).
The remainder of setup is as normal.
2 Resolve any Actions that have been paid
for. Only Actions whose price was paid in full
can be resolved. Note that you cannot resolve
"Impiety" if Danger is at 1 , because you can-
not reduce Danger below this.
3 Resolve an Omen card if it is on top of the
Darkness deck.
4 Choose either the left- or right-hand Dark-
ness card on your dashboard to resolve. If only
1 card is available, then you must choose that. If
both slots are empty, skip this step.
5 If the current Chapter is a Story, resolve the
Story section of the card, discard it, then go to
step (7). Otherwise, go to step (6).
6 If the current Chapter is a Scene, resolve
the Near section of the chosen Darkness card
Additional Game Modes: Darkness
Additional Game Modes: Darkness
and then the Far section. When both sections have If the Darkness miniature enters the same area as
been resolved, discard the card. Solomon Kane, she engages him. This works the
same way as a Shadow, but with a different effect.
7 Draw a Darkness card from the top of the Dark- The Darkness miniature is returned to her dashboard.
ness deck until both left- and right-hand slots of the Then, draw 2 Event cards, look at them, and decide
Darkness dashboard have a card. Place them face up. which to discard and which to resolve. You must
8 The Virtue with the next Turn-order token starts resolve one of them. Darkness does not gain a Corru-
their Turn, or the Round ends. ption token when she engages Solomon Kane herself.
When Darkness enters the same area as a Virtue, or
vice versa, both are removed, a Shockwave is triggered,
Dice but there is no Event. This happens before Solomon
Kane can be engaged, if he is in the same area.
Darkness is empowered by the pain and fear of
others. A Virtue cannot stop Darkness from entering her area,
nor can Darkness stop a Virtue.
At the end of a Virtue Turn, all and results that
were used this Turn to activate an Action, or would Darkness is removed by a Shockwave as if she was
normally have been returned to the supply for any a Shadow.
other reason, instead go to the Darkness player.
Without changing their result, place these in the
Reserve section of the Darkness player’s dashboard.
If there are more dice than will fit in Reserve, the Darkness has the same Aura as a Shadow. Or, more
Darkness player must choose which to keep and accurately, they have the same Aura as she does.
which to return to the supply.
Corruption Tokens
Discarding Darkness Cards
Darkness gains Corruption tokens when the world
Some Actions add or remove Darkness cards. When slips away from the path of Truth and Light. This is
Darkness is being played, adding a card works as represented by a Shadow engaging Solomon Kane
usual, but the rule for removing one needs to be while Darkness is also in his Surroundings. The
changed. Corruption token is in addition to the Event that is
When removing a Darkness card, the player resolving triggered as usual.
the Action can choose either the left- or right-hand
card from the Darkness dashboard to discard.
Designer’s Note:
Stay on target!
However, if the Darkness card required Hunters to
Move and Fight, then the Darkness player would
select the miniatures and Move them, but would not
make any decisions during the Fight itself.
Designer’s Note:
Priority of Decisions
Even Darker
Normally, when there is a choice to be made, the
Virtues make the decision. However, when Darkness
is being played, she is sometimes called on to make
her own choices. There are three circumstances when
Darkness decides: Another way to make life entertainingly more
difficult for the Virtues is to allow Darkness
1 When using the Despair and Malevolence Actions
to make all the decisions regarding Fight
on her dashboard. Effect cards for Rabble, Villain, and Nemesis
2 When resolving the Near and Far sections of a miniatures. This is an often subtle, but sur-
Darkness card. This applies only to the selection of prisingly potent benefit for Darkness in those
Acts that feature a lot of combat.
which miniature(s) Move, and where they go, and
must follow all applicable rules. For example, if the
Darkness card said to Move the farthest Shadow
and two were equidistant from Solomon Kane, then
the Darkness player could decide which to Move.
This section includes all the extra rules of the game. You don’t need to study these before you start. It’s better
to get playing, and just look up what you need to when you come across it for the first time.
In addition, we have included many references to core rules too, so that you can use this section as an index,
or glossary, for the whole game.
Broadly speaking, these entries are split into two main types. The first is game terms. This is a continuation
of the sort of thing you find in the core rules; just for less common situations. The second type is keywords.
These are found on the cards, and are possibly best thought of as stage directions for the cast of characters in
our narrative. They explain how individuals behave, and offer a lot of clues to the perceptive player. Once you
learn what they mean, they will allow you to guess what might come next, even if it is not yet revealed.
Action Adjacent
The wide variety of Adventures in Solomon Kane means that Two areas are adjacent if they share a common border. An
the game includes many different possible actions. Many enemy adjacent to SK can be activated by the Near section of
actions involve tests. However, while all tests are actions, not a Darkness or Nightmare card. An enemy that is not adjacent
all actions are tests. Movement is another common action. to SK can be activated by the Far section of a Darkness or
Nightmare card.
Many actions have a cost. This is in either (or both) dice results
and stats. If dice are involved, there will be a slot onto which Being in the same area as something does not count as being
a dice with the appropriate result can be placed. If the action adjacent to it.
has a cost, then it must be paid in full within a single Turn to
activate the action. See also: Surroundings.
See page 35 for more on how dice are used and how to pay
for actions.
Active Card
Active cards are the left- and right-hand Virtue cards of the
Virtue players. They are available for immediate use. Cards in
hands, decks, or discard piles are never active.
Active Player
Compass Rose
(see page 39).
Blessing The compass rose token can sit beside the board in any
convenient location. Its orientation will be defined by the
See page 29. Chapter map in the Story Book.
When a compass direction is called for by a card, use the
compass rose token as reference.
only donate a dice to a player who has not yet had their Turn
in the current Round.
Explore Tokens
are defeated. When a character is defeated, they are removed
from play.
Note that some Explore actions do not need Explore tokens Hunter
and are triggered by other means. These will be explained on
the relevant Chapter’s Discovery cards. Hunters are fighters who are actively seeking combat with
Solomon Kane.
be the attacker.
After Solomon Kane Moves, each Follower immediately Moves
the same number of areas towards Solomon Kane.
Gloater: (N)
This miniature cannot gain wound tokens.
Temperance, Justice, Prudence), Providence, Darkness, and
the Shadows. Everything else in the game is Mortal.
Mortals are usually flesh-and-blood creatures, although
Gideon’s ghost and the poltergeists also fall into this category.
1 Crowd Rabble More common mortals are humans like Solomon Kane
himself, African tribesmen, or one of Kane’s arch-enemies like
le Loup. Animals like bears and wolves are also Mortal.
2 Champion Villain Mortals are separated into allies, enemies and neutrals. Allies
are mortals controlled by the Virtue players. Enemies are
mortals controlled by the Darkness. Neutrals are controlled
3 Hero Nemesis neither by the Virtues nor the Darkness.
without understanding the cause. This allows both the Virtues
and Darkness to influence the outcome of Solomon Kane’s
adventures without him realising that he is seldom alone in
See page 26. his endeavours.
See page 29. In addition, they are used for many different effects as
described in Chapter entries or Discovery cards.
Some miniatures have specific character names (“Matthew
Hopkins” or “Sam”) whereas others have titles or more generic
names (“Two-Sworded Thug” or “Male Villager”).
For example, Discovery card XX states “whenever a Shadow An Omen card is a trigger for something that happens during
Spawns, also place a Thug miniature in the same area as the a Chapter. This is a timed effect, although in some Chapters
Spawned Shadow”. This means that players can choose any the same event may be triggered by other means as well.
Thug miniature of the Thug set to satisfy the ruling of this
Discovery card. N is the timer, X is what happens when the Omen is triggered.
Similarly, Discovery card XXX states “At the end of each Virtue When setting up the Darkness deck for a Chapter, start by
taking the listed number of Darkness cards and shuffle them.
Turn, -1 Clarity unless Solomon Kane is in the same area as
Deal out N of these cards into a pile, then place the Omen
a Villager miniature”. This card does not distinguish between
card on top of that pile. Then deal the rest of the Darkness
the “Male” or “Female” Villager and any Villager miniature of
cards on top. This is the Darkness deck for the Chapter.
that set will satisfy the ruling of this Discovery card.
An Omen card is resolved if it is on top of the Darkness
deck at the start of a Darkness Turn, or if it is discarded
for any reason.
To resolve an Omen card, first discard the Omen card itself, “Random: D145 - D147” means take Discovery cards numbers
then reveal the related DXX Discovery card. D145, D146, and D147 and shuffle them together. Drawn one
of them at random.
For example, Omen (5): D666 means place the Omen card
A Remains in Play until XX card stays in effect until the XX
condition is met. For example, until the end of a later Chapter
or until the end of an Act.
A single dice is re-rolled by picking it up and rolling it again.
The result of the re-rolled dice replaces the original result.
This refers to a single line of instruction. When completing a
listed action and its effect, it is considered resolved. In the
. See Discovery Cards (page 24). case where more than one action is listed, resolve them
independently. (e.g. A Darkness card listing “1 Hunter Moves
Progress Tokens
1 and Fights (3), a Hunter can be chosen to resolve the Move
effect but not resolve the Fight effect (since they’re not
adjacent to SK)).
Not every task can be completed with a single successful
test. Progress tokens keep track of how far along a larger
task is. They can be used for both good tasks, and disastrous Reveal: X
ones. Their exact use will be described on the Chapter or
Discovery cards.
Find card X, turn it over to reveal the front, and then follow the
instructions on the card to resolve it.
Scouts are reconnoitring an area, looking for something or
Darkness and Nightmare cards describe when and how far
A prisoner has been captured by his foes and is at their mercy. Scouts Move. Scouts Move in cardinal directions, as dictated
by the compass rose token, or Move towards a defined target.
Players cannot Move this character (though game effects
can). The character may still take any tests that are available In some Chapters, Scouts can Search.
to a Prisoner.
Random: X - Y
This is an action that only Scouts can take, and only when
Where X and Y are two Discovery card numbers that define the listed in the current Chapter entry or on Discovery cards.
ends of a range.
When a Search test can be taken on a character, a Search test
Shuffle all the Discovery cards in the listed range will be listed as part of the target miniature’s stat line. This
together, then draw 1 card at random. For example,
48 tells you who the Scouts are looking for.
For example, Solomon Kane ( Search: Up to 4: D22, 5-6: D23, The maximum Shadow Spawn Threshold of each section is 6.
7+: D24).
Note that the Shadow Spawn Threshold is only a limit to how
Scouts may also use Search to activate other special actions as many Shadows can be Spawned and has no effect on other
dictated on Discovery cards. means of placing Shadows on the board. The number of
Seeker: X
Shadows in play can exceed the Shadow Spawn Threshold by
other means, for example, Justice’s Equilibrium card.
At the end of each Virtue Turn, a Seeker will Move 1 area
towards the nearest X. X can be either a specific miniature or
Prudence, Temperance, Courage, Justice, and Providence are
all Virtues. They are god-like Immortals who aid Solomon
Kane in his fight against Darkness. Darkness is not a Virtue,
though she is an Immortal.
The supply is the general term for the place(s) you keep any
tokens, dice, or other resources that are not currently held Depending on the Chapter, a Virtue may either start on the
by any player(s) or on the Cloud. It can be more than one board, or off. If the Virtue is not on the board, place it on its
physical place. dashboard, on top of its Aura. This will remind you that the
Aura only applies when the miniature is on the board.
When a Virtue is placed on the board, it cannot be placed in an
area that contains another Immortal.
A miniature’s Surroundings are the area they are in, plus all A Virtue cannot Move into an area that already contains a
adjacent areas. Virtue.
Mortal miniatures cannot enter the same area as a Warden.
Wild Dice
See page 25.
A wounded miniature cannot Move more than one area per
Vandal (N): X
Vandals are destructive individuals who want to destroy
something defined as N.
At the end of each Virtue Turn, each Vandal that has not
moved this Turn will remove one N token from the area they
are in. As soon as the last N token is removed from an area,
they take the action or reveal the card X.
Action: 44 Defeat: 28
Adjacent: 44 Difficulty: 11
Aura: 45 Doors: 30
Character: 45 Enemy: 46
Choose: 45 Engage: 46
Coward: 45 Flip : 46
Credits: 55 Flip : 23
Hunter: 46 Random: 48
Light: 26 Re-roll : 48
Modifiers: 32 Rounds: 33
One-Use: 48 Sentry: 49
Supply: 50 Wounded: 50
Surroundings: 50
GAME DESIGNER: Jake Thornton
SCENARIO DESIGNERS: Babis Giannios, Nikolaos Niotis and Dale Rowe
LEAD GAME DEVELOPERS: Babis Giannios, Nikolaos Niotis and Dale Rowe
GAME DEVELOPERS: Josh Chambers, Ed “cake day” Harrison,
Stuart Siddons and Steve Slack
NARRATIVE CREATORS: Mark Brendan and Jake Thornton.
ART DIRECTOR: Stéphane Gantiez
ARTISTS: Carl Art, Aurélie Bouquet, Stéphane Gantiez,
Christophe Madura and Guillem H.Pongiluppi
MINIATURE SCULPTORS: Giorgio Bassani, Grégory Clavillier, Gaël Goumon,
Edgar Ramos, Edgar Skomorowski, Olivier Thill,
and Irek Zielinski
GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Stéphane Gantiez, David Rakoto, Louis Guillon,
Arnaud Marchand, Laurent Lucchini, Ed Harrison,
Michael Watson, Panagiota Tsibalidi, Sandra Fournel,
Karsten Schulmann and Jamie Noble Frier
TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: Erwann Le Torrivellec
PROOFREADERS: Ben Clapperton, Leonidas Vesperini, Corina Cretu
and Bruno Cailloux
TRANSLATOR: Anne Vétillard
MARKETING & COMMUNICATION: Az Drummond, Leonidas Vesperini, Helena Tzioti,
Backerkit and the Mythic Team
PROJECT LEADERS: Dale Rowe and Jake Thornton
PUBLISHERS: Léonidas Vesperini and Benoît Vogt
© 2020 Robert E. Howard Properties LLC (“REHP”) SOLOMON KANE, ROBERT E HOWARD and related names, logos,
characters and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of REHP. All rights reserved.
SOLOMON KANE Miniatures Board Game © 2020 - Mythic Games.
“These things be deeds of some power of evil.
The lords of darkness have laid a curse upon
the country. A strong man is needed to combat
Satan and his might. Therefore I go, who have
defied him many a time.”