12th Grade English English
12th Grade English English
12th Grade English English
Psychology - 2
For questions 1-5, choose the best word or expression to 4. Scarlett : Let’s go to the Italian restaurant.
fill in the blank(s).
Kinsley : - - - -
1. The police got the - - - - of the murderer at the crime A) That’s a good idea. What’s your favourite football
scene. team?
E) amazing
2. The doorbell rang many times, but - - - - answered. 5. Luke : I don’t think you should sell your house.
A) everybody David : - - - -.
B) somebody
A) Thanks for the advice, but I need money
C) someone
B) That’s great! We can have a picnic
D) anybody
C) I’m sorry, I can’t come tomorrow
E) nobody
D) Oh no, I have a new car already
E) OK, we can watch TV at night
3. Many parents are completely - - - - about their For questions 6-8, choose the irrelevant statement to
children’s education and show little interest in it. the text given.
A) sympathetic
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V