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Ced110 - Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across The Curriculum

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21st Century Literacy Skills and Teaching resources can use strategies like jigsaw learning, peer tutoring,
and group projects. They can also provide students
In the 21st century, literacy skills have evolved with opportunities to lead discussions, ask questions,
beyond just the ability to read and write. Today's and provide feedback to their peers.
learners need to be equipped with a diverse set of skills,
including critical thinking, problem-solving, 2. An inquiry-based classroom environment is
collaboration, communication, creativity, and digital a student-centered approach to learning that encourages
literacy. students to ask questions, investigate topics, and explore
ideas independently. In this approach, the teacher acts as
To effectively teach 21st-century literacy skills, a facilitator, guiding students through the learning
educators need to adopt new teaching resources that process and encouraging them to take ownership of their
incorporate these skills into their teaching methods. learning.
Some of the most effective teaching strategies for the
development of literacy skills include: The goal of an inquiry-based classroom
environment is to promote critical thinking, problem-
1. Student-led learning, also known as solving, and collaboration skills among students. To
cooperative learning, is an approach to teaching and create this environment, teachers can:
learning where students take an active role in their own a) Foster a sense of curiosity: Encourage students
learning. In this approach, students work together in to ask questions and explore topics that interest them.
small groups to solve problems, complete projects, or b) Provide resources: Offer a variety of resources
discuss and explore ideas. such as books, articles, and websites to help students
explore their interests and research their questions.
The main goal of student-led learning is to c) Encourage collaboration: Encourage students
promote collaboration, critical thinking, and to work together to investigate topics and solve
communication skills among students. The teacher acts problems.
as a facilitator, providing guidance and support when d) Emphasize reflection: Provide opportunities
needed, but allowing students to take ownership of their for students to reflect on their learning and progress.
learning. e) Allow for flexibility: Allow students to choose
their own topics, pace their learning, and pursue their
There are several benefits of student-led learning, own lines of inquiry.
including: f) Use open-ended questions: Ask open-ended
a) Increased engagement: When students take an questions that require critical thinking and encourage
active role in their own learning, they are more engaged exploration.
and motivated to learn. g) Emphasize the process: Focus on the process
b) Improved critical thinking skills: Working of learning, rather than just the outcome.
collaboratively with peers helps students develop
critical thinking skills as they analyze, evaluate, and By creating an inquiry-based classroom
synthesize information. environment, teachers can help students develop critical
c) Enhanced communication skills: Through thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills that
cooperative learning, students learn how to will prepare them for success in the 21st century.
communicate effectively with others, expressing their
ideas and listening to others' perspectives. 3. Collaborative activities are group-based
d) Promotes social-emotional learning: Student- learning experiences that involve students working
led learning fosters a sense of community and helps together towards a common goal or project. These
students develop social-emotional skills like empathy, activities can range from simple discussions and
cooperation, and responsibility. brainstorming sessions to more complex projects such
e) To implement student-led learning, teachers as group presentations or research papers.

thinking and problem-solving skills to apply, analyze,

The benefits of collaborative activities in evaluate, or create knowledge. These activities can be
education are numerous, including: used to develop students' higher-order thinking skills
a) Improved communication skills: and prepare them for success in the 21st century.
Collaborative activities require students to communicate
and share ideas with one another, improving their Some examples of HOTS activities in education
communication skills. include:
b) Enhanced critical thinking skills: a) Case studies: Students analyze real-world
Collaborative activities challenge students to analyze scenarios to identify and solve problems.
and evaluate information, improving their critical b) Inquiry-based learning: Students ask
thinking skills. questions, conduct research, and explore ideas
c) Increased motivation: Collaborative activities independently.
can be more engaging and motivating for students than c) Problem-solving activities: Students work
individual work. together to solve problems or puzzles, developing their
d) Encourages diversity and inclusivity: critical thinking skills.
Collaborative activities allow students with different d) Socratic discussions: Students engage in open-
backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to work ended discussions that require them to analyze and
together and learn from each other. evaluate information.
e) Promotes social-emotional learning: e) Debate or argumentative writing: Students
Collaborative activities can help students develop argue for or against a specific topic, using evidence and
social-emotional skills like empathy, cooperation, and critical thinking to support their arguments.
responsibility. f) Project-based learning: Students work on a
long-term project, developing research, communication,
Some examples of collaborative activities in education and problem-solving skills.
include: g) Simulations: Students participate in
a) Group projects: Students work together to simulations that require them to apply their knowledge
complete a project, such as creating a presentation or and skills to real-world situations.
conducting research.
b) Peer editing: Students exchange their work HOTS activities require students to engage in higher
with one another and provide feedback and suggestions order thinking processes, such as analysis, evaluation,
for improvement. and synthesis. By providing opportunities for students to
c) Collaborative writing: Students work together engage in these activities, teachers can help students
to write a story, essay, or report. develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and
d) Role-playing: Students act out scenarios or collaboration skills that are essential for success in the
simulations, taking on different roles and working 21st century.
together to achieve a common goal.
e) Debates: Students engage in a formal debate, 5. Creative learning is an approach to learning
arguing for or against a specific topic. that emphasizes the development of students' creativity
f) Collaborative activities in education can be an and innovation skills. This approach recognizes that
effective way to improve student engagement, creativity is an essential skill for success in the 21st
motivation, and learning outcomes. century, and encourages students to think outside the
box, experiment with new ideas, and take risks in their
4. HOTS stands for Higher Order Thinking learning.
Skills, which refer to the cognitive skills that enable
students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize Some examples of creative learning in education
information. HOTS activities in education are learning include:
experiences that require students to use their critical a) Arts-based learning: Students engage in

creative activities such as music, dance, visual art, or reasons:

drama to develop their creativity and self-expression. Enhances learning: Students who can critically assess
b) Design thinking: Students use a structured and analyze material are better able to absorb and retain
problem-solving approach to identify, prototype, and it.
test solutions to real-world problems.
c) Project-based learning: Students work on Encourages creativity: Students are urged to look
long-term projects that allow them to explore their beyond what they already know and consider many
interests and develop their creativity and innovation points of view as they develop their critical thinking
skills. skills, which can result in the creation of fresh, original
d) Maker education: Students use hands-on ideas.
activities such as robotics, coding, or woodworking to
create tangible projects and develop their creativity and Fosters problem-solving abilities: By studying the
problem-solving skills. circumstance, considering many solutions, and assessing
e) Entrepreneurship education: Students learn to the efficacy of each, critical thinking abilities assist
develop and market their own business ideas, pupils in better identifying and addressing problems.
encouraging creativity, innovation, and critical thinking. Students are more prepared for the workforce
because employers are placing a greater importance on
Creative learning in education can help students employees' critical thinking abilities, which are
develop important skills such as critical thinking, necessary for making intelligent decisions and resolving
problem-solving, communication, and collaboration. It challenging issues.
also encourages a growth mindset, which is essential for
students to embrace challenges, persevere through Teachers can use activities and tasks like class
failure, and take risks in their learning. By incorporating discussions, debates, case studies, and research projects
creative learning into their teaching practices, educators to help students learn to analyze and evaluate material to
can help students develop the skills and mindset needed build critical thinking abilities. Also, it's crucial to give
to thrive in the 21st century. kids feedback and direction on their thought processes
so they may learn to spot and eliminate any biases or
Century Skill Categories inaccuracies.

A. Learning skills Creativity

In the context of education, learning skills refer A key component of education is creativity,
to a collection of talents or competences that kids must which entails coming up with original concepts,
develop to learn successfully and flourish in school and strategies, and solutions to issues. It applies to creative
beyond. These abilities, which are frequently referred to expression as well as innovation, critical thinking, and
as "learning to learn" capabilities, support students in problem-solving.
becoming more independent, driven, and capable Here are some reasons why creativity is important in
learners who can pick up information and apply it in a education:
variety of settings.
Encourages creative problem-solving: Creativity
Critical thinking enables kids to think creatively and provide original
The ability to critically analyze information and solutions to issues.
ideas in a methodical, logical, and impartial manner is a
crucial educational skill. It entails assessing data, Fosters investigation and curiosity: Creativity inspires
claims, and supporting material before reaching children to investigate novel concepts and subjects as
reasoned conclusions based on that analysis. well as to be curious about their surroundings.

Critical thinking is significant in education for several hone critical thinking abilities: To be creative, pupils

must be able to critically analyze their own thoughts and Builds empathy and understanding: Collaboration
methods. gives kids the chance to speak with friends who have
Academic performance is improved when various opinions and backgrounds, which helps to
students are encouraged to use creativity in their studies develop empathy and understanding.
because they are more likely to be motivated and
engaged, which improves academic results. Prepares students for the workforce: Students are
better prepared for the workforce by learning how to
Prepares students for the workforce: Employers seek effectively collaborate with others. Successful
originality and innovation in their staff members in collaboration is a key ability in many professional
today's economy, which is driven by rapid change and contexts.
Teachers might set up tasks and activities that
Teachers can offer opportunities for pupils to require students to collaborate, like group projects, peer-
explore and experiment with various ideas and to-peer teaching, and class debates, to promote
techniques to promote creativity in the classroom. collaboration in the classroom. Also, it's critical to
Open-ended tasks, group projects, and exercises that create a welcoming and inclusive learning climate in the
promote cooperation and creativity can all be used to classroom that supports and promotes different
this goal. Instructors can also provide students feedback viewpoints and ideas. In order to help students, develop
that promotes creativity and risk-taking while upholding excellent teamwork and communication skills, teachers
academic standards. should offer direction and comments on the
collaborative process.
Students collaborate in the classroom to achieve Communication
a common goal or aim, such as finishing a project, Education must include effective
finding a solution to a problem, or developing a new communication. It is essential to helping students learn
ability. Group conversations, peer-to-peer education, and teachers deliver successful instruction. The
and collaborative projects are just a few examples of the transmission of concepts, ideas, and information
numerous ways that collaborative learning can be between people or groups in an understandable manner
implemented. that fosters learning is known as effective
The following are some advantages of cooperation in
education: The following list of ways that communication is crucial
in education.
Collaborative learning demands active engagement
from all students, motivating them to interact with the Supporting Learning: Clear communication makes it
course material and one another. easier for pupils to comprehend the theories and
concepts being taught. To make sure that pupils
Building social and communication skills: Students understand the lesson, teachers employ a variety of
have the chance to work together to improve their verbal and nonverbal communication techniques.
conflict-resolution, leadership, and communication
abilities. Developing Relationships: Effective communication is
key to creating a supportive environment for both
Increases motivation and engagement: Students who teachers and students. This makes it easier to establish a
work together often feel a sense of ownership and welcoming learning environment where students feel at
investment in their learning, leading to increased ease asking questions, looking for clarification, and
motivation and engagement. expressing their opinions.

Encourage Active Participation: Communication requires the ability to assess the information's
motivates students to take an active role in their dependability, relevance, and quality. This entails
education. Students can participate in discussions, evaluating the reliability of the source, the veracity of
debates, and other activities that foster critical thinking the data, and the relevance of the information.
and problem-solving abilities when their teachers are
effective communicators. Using Information: Information literacy also includes
the ability to utilize the knowledge acquired to solve the
Giving Feedback: Teachers can give students feedback current issue or problem. To produce a meaningful
on their work when there is effective communication result, this entails organizing, synthesizing, and
between them. Students need this input to understand evaluating data.
where they need to improve and how to achieve it.
Communicating Information: Information literacy
Encouraging Collaboration: Students can work also encompasses the capability of properly and
together on group projects, assignments, and other tasks successfully communicating information to others. This
by communicating with one another. The teamwork and includes adhering to copyright rules, citing sources
social skills that are so important in the modern accurately, and utilizing suitable forms and
workplace are developed through this partnership. communication methods.

Good communication encourages collaboration Information literacy is a crucial ability for

among students, encourages the development of healthy people in the modern digital world. It include
connections, encourages active engagement, and determining information needs, getting information,
provides feedback. analyzing it, using it well, and communicating
information ethically. Those that are information literate
B. Literacy Skills are better equipped to think critically, solve problems,
and continue to learn throughout their lives.
Information literacy
The ability to successfully find, assess, use, and Media literacy
share information is referred to as information literacy.
Information literacy skills are crucial for navigating and Media literacy is the capacity to use a variety
successfully utilizing the vast amount of information of media, such as radio, television, newspapers,
that is currently available online in the digital age. magazines, social media, and the internet, to access,
assess, create, and communicate messages. In today's
The following are some essential elements of media-saturated culture, where people are continuously
information literacy: inundated with information from many sources, it is a
crucial talent.
Identifying Information Needs: Knowing when
information is needed and knowing what information is The following are some crucial elements of media
needed specifically to solve the problem or deal with the literacy:
situation at hand are two skills that one must have in
order to be information literate. Accessing Media: Being media literate entails being
able to access media from a variety of platforms and
Accessing Information: The ability to obtain sources, including both traditional and new media.
information from a variety of sources, such as libraries,
databases, the internet, and other resources, is a key Understanding Media Messages: After accessing
component of information literacy. media, it's important to be able to understand the
messages it is trying to transmit, including the language,
Evaluating Information: Information evaluation images, and underlying meanings.

Technology Evaluation: Being literate in technology

Evaluating Media Messages: The ability to assess the also means being able to assess its quality,
caliber, reliability, and biases of media messages is dependability, and security. This entails evaluating the
another aspect of media literacy. This entails evaluating technology's origin and any possible risks related to its
the information's source and the purposes for which it application.
was intended.
Technology Creation: Another aspect of technology
Creating Media Messages: Writing, filming, and literacy is the capacity to design, develop, and program
editing are all parts of the process of creating media hardware and software.
messages, which is another aspect of media literacy.
Communicating Technology is the ability to properly
Communicating Media Messages: media literacy and effectively transmit information related to
includes the ability to communicate media messages technology. This involves being aware of how
properly and effectively. This involves being aware of technology affects society and having the ability to
how media affects society and how it shapes public explain to people the positives and negatives of
opinion. technology.

Being media literate is essential in today's Being technology literate is essential in the
media-driven society. It includes gaining access to current digital world. It entails comprehending
media, analyzing and assessing media messages, technology, using it skillfully and effectively, assessing
producing media messages, and successfully and technology, developing technology, and ethically
responsibly communicating media messages. Those disseminating knowledge about technology. One can
who are media literate can critically absorb and create succeed in the modern world and adjust to technological
media, which empowers them to make wise decisions improvements and changes by having technology
and actively engage in society. literacy abilities.

Technology literacy C. Life Skills

The term "technology literacy" describes the
capacity to utilize, comprehend, and ethically evaluate Life skills refer to a set of abilities and
technology. Technology is a big part of our lives now competencies that enable individuals to cope with the
that we live in a digital age, and being tech literate is challenges of daily life and make positive choices that
crucial for success in a lot of different areas, such as lead to personal and social well-being. These are
work, school, and personal life. essential for personal and social well-being. They
enable individuals to cope with the challenges of daily
The following are some crucial elements of technology life, make positive choices, and achieve personal and
literacy: professional success. Developing life skills is an
ongoing process that requires practice, feedback, and
Understanding Technology: Being literate in reflection. These skills encompass a wide range of
technology is being able to comprehend the abilities, including:
fundamentals of hardware, software, and networks.
Using Technology: Being literate in technology also Flexibility is a crucial life skill that describes
means being able to use different forms of it the capacity to change with the times and adapt to novel
successfully and efficiently. To accomplish activities, conditions. It is the capacity to maintain an open mind,
you can use computers, cellphones, tablets, and other agility, and willingness to try new things.
Because life is unexpected and ever-changing,

flexibility is essential. Individuals that are flexible are

better equipped to deal with unforeseen circumstances Leadership abilities can be useful life skills in the
and obstacles, adjust to new contexts, and recover from following ways:
failures. The ability to easily handle opportunities and
challenges can help people achieve their personal and Establishing goals: Leadership abilities include the
professional goals. capacity to establish objectives, produce a vision, and
The following are some ways that flexibility can be a design a strategy to reach those objectives. Both the
valuable life skill: personal and professional worlds can benefit from this
Managing Change: Flexibility enables people to
manage changes in their personal or professional Making decisions: Leadership abilities call for people
situations, such as adjustments to their work, to make responsible decisions that are best for their
relationships, or health. group or organization. The ability to make good
decisions can increase success on both a personal and
Problem Solving: In order to identify fresh answers to professional level.
challenges, those who are flexible are more likely to
approach them with an open mind. Communication: Effective interpersonal
communication is a necessary component of leadership.
Career Advancement: Flexibility enables people to This involves the capacity for giving and receiving
accept new roles and responsibilities in changing work feedback, active listening, and brief and clear
contexts. communication.

Interpersonal Relationships: Flexibility enables This involves the capacity for giving and
people to modify their conduct and communication to receiving feedback, active listening, and brief and clear
meet the requirements of others and build wholesome communication. Leadership abilities include the
interpersonal relationships. capacity to inspire and motivate people to work toward
a common objective. This ability can be used in
Self-Development: Being flexible enables people to interpersonal interactions, group endeavors, and work
remain receptive to new encounters and pick up new environments.
abilities, which can result in both personal and
professional development. Conflict Resolution: Possessing strong negotiating,
problem-solving, and conflict resolution abilities are
Flexibility is a vital life characteristic that helps people essential for leaders. Positivity in relationships and great
deal with change, adjust to new circumstances, and outcomes can result from effective conflict resolution
succeed both personally and professionally. Those who techniques.
are flexible in their thinking are better able to solve
problems, advance in their occupations, build Empathy: A quality of effective leaders is their
wholesome relationships, and keep learning and capacity to comprehend and relate to the feelings and
growing throughout their lives. experiences of others. This ability can assist people in
developing trustworthy relationships.
Leadership Important life skills like leadership can improve both
The ability to lead, inspire, and drive others toward a personal and professional success. People's capacity for
common objective is an essential life skill. Through goal setting, decision-making, communication, and
improving one's ability to make decisions, communicate interpersonal interaction can all be enhanced by
effectively, and build relationships with others, effective increasing their leadership skills. Empathy, motivation,
leadership skills can assist people in succeeding in both and conflict resolution abilities are necessary for
their personal and professional lives. effective leadership. These traits can help people build

strong relationships and motivate others to work toward for both personal and professional success. The capacity
a common objective. to successfully manage time, tasks, and resources to
achieve desired results is known as productivity. It
Initiative entails concentrating on tasks that are significant and
An important life skill for success in both vital while working more intelligently rather than
personal and professional life is initiative. It is the harder.
capacity to act and make choices without prompting or
direction from others. People with initiative are The following are some crucial abilities that boost
motivated by themselves, pro-active, and driven to productivity:
Time management: Making the most of the time
Taking initiative requires various important talents, such available requires prioritizing work, defining goals, and
as: scheduling activities. Effective time managers are better
able to meet deadlines and complete tasks on time.
Setting goals: People with initiative are able to create
goals for themselves that are precise, quantifiable, Focus: An essential element of productivity is the
achievable, pertinent, and time bound. They establish a ability to concentrate on tasks that are vital. More
strategy to achieve their goals because they are clear effective than those who are easily distracted are those
about what they want to accomplish. who can tune out outside distractions and maintain their
attention on their objectives.
Self-motivation: High levels of self-motivation are
necessary for initiative. Initiative-driven people are Organization: For productivity, it's important to have
motivated by their own desire to succeed and are not strong organizational abilities. Those who are organized
dependent on outside forces to propel them. can locate the tools they need to finish jobs quickly and
can avoid wasting time seeking for lost objects.
Problem-solving: Initiative requires the capacity to
recognize and address difficulties. Those that have Establishing goals: Goal setting is a crucial component
initiative are proactive in tackling problems and finding of productivity. People are more likely to remain
answers. focused on what needs to be done when they have
precise goals in place.
Decision-making: Initiative also demands the ability to
make sound decisions. People with initiative can Setting priorities for tasks is yet another
analyze the benefits and drawbacks of several essential productivity factor. Those who can prioritize
possibilities and come to well-informed conclusions. their duties and focus on the most crucial ones first are
more likely to succeed.
Time management: Effective time management is a
must for initiative. To accomplish their objectives, A valuable life skill, productivity enables
people with initiative can successfully manage their people to accomplish their objectives and make the most
time and prioritize their duties. of their time. People can improve their efficiency,
A crucial life skill, initiative enables people to effectiveness, and success in many facets of their lives
take charge of their lives and realize their full potential. by learning productivity skills.
People can become more independent, self-assured, and
successful in many facets of their lives by learning to Social skills
take initiative. A collection of life skills known as social skills
is crucial for forming and preserving healthy
Productivity connections with other people. Those with social skills
Productivity is a vital life skill that is necessary can communicate with others in a courteous,

sympathetic, and productive way. They facilitate individuals, businesses, and organizations of all sizes, as
interaction, teamwork, and the development of deep they help to assure financial stability and security.
relationships. Some of the key financial skills include:

These vital social abilities can help you succeed in both Budgeting: The capacity to develop and maintain a
your personal and professional life. budget includes keeping track of income and expenses,
establishing financial goals, and making necessary
Communication: Establishing relationships with modifications.
people requires effective communication abilities.
Those who can communicate clearly and actively listen Saving: The capacity to set money aside for unforeseen
to others are more likely to succeed in social settings. costs, contingencies, and long-term objectives like
Empathy: Empathy entails knowing and considering
the thoughts and feelings of others. Those who can Investing: The capacity to choose investments wisely,
show empathy have a higher chance of developing good including comprehension of various investment types,
relationships with others. evaluation of risk and return, and portfolio
Collaboration: Collaboration entails productively
collaborating with others to achieve a common Debt management: The capacity to responsibly
objective. Successful people are more likely to succeed manage debt, which includes comprehending interest
in circumstances where there are teams of people rates and repayment conditions, setting priorities for
working together. debt payments, and staying away from high-interest
Resolution of disputes: Disagreements arise naturally
in human relationships. Positive connections with others Financial planning: The capacity to develop a
are more likely to be maintained by those who can comprehensive financial plan, which may include tax,
handle problems in an effective, respectful, and estate, and retirement planning.
constructive manner.
Analytical skills: Ability to evaluate financial
Building relationships with others for the information, such as financial statements, market
advantage of both parties is the practice of networking. patterns, and economic indicators.
Effective networkers have a higher chance of achieving
success in their careers. Communication abilities: The capacity to effectively
Social skills are vital for people to develop in convey financial information to stakeholders, especially
order to form satisfying relationships, advance in their through the presentation of financial data and the
employment, and live rewarding lives. People can formulation of financial suggestions.
strengthen their interpersonal and professional
connections, communicate more effectively, and work Making educated financial decisions, achieving
with others and solve problems more successfully by financial goals, and overcoming financial obstacles can
having excellent social skills. be made easier for people and enterprises by developing
these financial abilities.

6. Financial Skills

The capacity to efficiently handle financial resources,

such as money, investments, and other assets, is referred
to as having financial skills. These abilities are vital for

21st Century Literacies

OECD GLOBAL Competence Framework
A. Globalization and Multicultural Literacy in
Education The information, skills, attitudes, and values
Multicultural literacy and globalization are that people need in order to succeed in a globalized
key ideas in education because they both work to environment are outlined in the OECD Global
advance a better knowledge and appreciation of many Competence Framework. The framework was created
cultures, values, and viewpoints. This is a reference to with students, teachers, and educational systems around
how the globe is becoming more interconnected, with the world in mind. It is based on research from a variety
the flow of people, goods, and information across of fields, including education, psychology, sociology,
international borders. Due to this, there is now a larger and economics.
need for people to comprehend and value various The framework is organized around three key
cultures and viewpoints as well as to acquire the skills areas of global competence:
necessary to succeed in a globalized workforce.
Understanding and appreciating many cultures ● Cognitive: This relates to the knowledge and
and viewpoints within one's own community and society comprehension of international concerns,
is referred to as multicultural literacy. This involves including intercultural sensitivity, familiarity
being aware of various cultures, languages, faiths, with international organizations and institutions,
traditions, and practices, as well as being conscious of and familiarity with international topics and
the viewpoints and experiences of oppressed groups. trends.
In education, globalization and multicultural ● Social: This includes the intercultural
literacy can be promoted through a variety of communication, empathy, and conflict
techniques, including: resolution abilities and attitudes required for
successful communication and collaboration in
Curriculum development: Schools can create curricula a global society.
that incorporates many viewpoints and experiences, as ● Behavioral: This relates to the capacity to
well as literature, history, and social studies from behave morally and responsibly in a global
various cultures and geographical areas. environment, which includes the capacity to act
Cultural exchange programs: Schools can support to address global concerns, the capacity to make
initiatives that provide kids the chance to engage with moral decisions, and the capacity to modify
students from other nations and cultures while learning behavior in response to changing conditions.
about various views.
Language instruction: Schools can provide language The framework also stresses the significance of
courses that encourage knowledge of and respect for fostering global competency through initiatives like
many tongues and cultures. service learning, foreign travel, and cultural exchange.
Professional development: Teachers can take part in
multicultural and global education-focused professional Through encouraging global competency, the
development courses to get the information and abilities OECD hopes to increase people's sense of civic duty
necessary to successfully educate a variety of student and prepare them for the opportunities and challenges of
demographics. a constantly evolving global society.
Community partnerships: To give children the chance
to interact with various communities and cultures, Globalization
schools can work with nearby companies and In light of globalization, the OECD Global
groups.Students can learn the knowledge, skills, and Competence Framework stresses the importance of
attitudes necessary to become educated, sympathetic, building global competence. The term "globalization"
and involved global citizens by supporting globalization refers to the world's growing interconnection and the
and intercultural literacy in school. transnational flow of people, goods, and information.

Due to this, there is now a larger need for people to creation, cultural exchange programs, language
comprehend and value various cultures and viewpoints acquisition, and community partnerships, can be used in
as well as to acquire the skills necessary to succeed in a education to promote the development of multicultural
globalized workforce. competency. Individuals can acquire the knowledge,
The OECD defines global competence as "the abilities, and attitudes necessary to become educated,
ability to critically and from multiple perspectives sympathetic, involved, and global citizens as well as to
analyze global and intercultural issues, to understand contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society
how differences affect perceptions, judgments, and through supporting multicultural competency in school.
ideas of self and others, and to engage in open,
appropriate, and effective interactions with others from Intercultural communication
different backgrounds on the basis of a shared respect The OECD Global Competence Framework's
for human dignity." intercultural communication competence is a crucial
For people to prosper in a globalized world, one. Intercultural communication is the capacity to
they must gain global competence. It involves the interact appropriately and effectively with individuals
capacity for successful intercultural communication, from other cultural backgrounds, taking into account
comprehension of global concerns and their local linguistic, philosophical, and social differences.
implications, and appreciation of the contributions of For people to prosper in a globalized
various cultures and viewpoints. environment, intercultural communication skills
With a range of strategies, such as curriculum development is crucial. It comprises the capacity to
development, cultural exchange programs, language comprehend and value various cultural norms and
acquisition, and community partnerships, the expectations, to acknowledge and question one's own
development of global competency can be promoted in cultural prejudices and presumptions, and to modify
education. People can acquire the knowledge, skills, and one's communication style in order to interact
attitudes necessary to become educated, empathic, productively with people from various cultural
active global citizens and to contribute to a more backgrounds.
peaceful and fairer world by encouraging global With a number of methods in education, such as
competence in education. language study, cultural exchange initiatives, and
classroom activities that build communication and
Multiculturalism understanding among students from various cultural
The role of multiculturalism in fostering global backgrounds, intercultural communication skills can be
competence is also emphasized by the OECD Global developed.
Competence Framework. Embracing cultural diversity Intercultural communication is one of the
within a society, including variations in language, three main components of social competence, one of the
religion, customs, and traditions, is referred to as three essential domains of the OECD Global
multiculturalism. Competence Framework. The development of empathy,
The OECD defines multicultural competence as respect for cultural differences, and the capacity for
"the capacity to interact, engage, and communicate productive global collaboration are all directly related to
effectively and respectfully with people from different the development of intercultural communication
cultural backgrounds, recognizing and valuing their abilities.
diversity, and modifying one's conduct accordingly." People can acquire the knowledge, abilities, and
For people to prosper in a diverse and linked attitudes necessary to become educated, sympathetic,
world, they must develop multicultural competence. It involved, and global citizens and to contribute to a more
comprises the capacity to comprehend and value many peaceful and equitable world through encouraging the
cultures and viewpoints, to acknowledge and confront development of intercultural communication skills in
one's own prejudices and stereotypes, and to interact and education.
work well with individuals from various origins.
A number of strategies, such as curriculum WEEK 11: VIDEO

How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian speaking.

Treasure These are things I think we need to avoid. But is
The human voice: there a positive way to think about this? Yes, there is. I'd
It's the instrument we all play. It's the most like to suggest that there are four really powerful
powerful sound in the world, probably. It's the only one cornerstones, foundations, that we can stand on if we
that can start a war or say "I love you." And yet many want our speech to be powerful and to make change in
people have the experience that when they speak, people the world. Fortunately, these things spell a word. The
don't listen to them. And why is that? How can we word is "hail," and it has a great definition as well. I'm
speak powerfully to make change in the world? What I'd not talking about the stuff that falls from the sky and
like to suggest, there are a number of habits that we hits you on the head. I'm talking about this definition, to
need to move away from. I've assembled for your greet or acclaim enthusiastically, which is how I think
pleasure here seven deadly sins of speaking. our words will be received if we stand on these four
I'm not pretending this is an exhaustive list, but things. So what do they stand for? See if you can guess.
these seven, I think, are pretty large habits that we can The H, honesty, of course, being true in what
all fall into. First, gossip. Speaking ill of somebody you say, being straight and clear. The A is authenticity,
who's not present. Not a nice habit, and we know just being yourself. A friend of mine described it as
perfectly well the person gossiping, five minutes later, standing in your own truth, which I think is a lovely
will be gossiping about us. Second, judging. We know way to put it. The I is integrity, being your word,
people who are like this in conversation, and it's very actually doing what you say, and being somebody
hard to listen to somebody if you know that you're being people can trust. And the L is love. I don't mean
judged and found wanting at the same time. Third, romantic love, but I do mean wishing people well, for
negativity. You can fall into this. My mother, in the last two reasons.
years of her life, became very negative, and it's hard to First of all, I think absolute honesty may not be
listen. I remember one day, I said to her, "It's October 1 what we want. I mean, my goodness, you look ugly this
today," and she said, "I know, isn't it dreadful?" morning. Perhaps that's not necessary. Tempered with
It's hard to listen when somebody's that love, of course, honesty is a great thing. But also, if
negative. And another form of negativity, complaining. you're really wishing somebody well, it's very hard to
Well, this is the national art of the U.K. It's our national judge them at the same time. I'm not even sure you can
sport. We complain about the weather, sport, about do those two things simultaneously. So hail.
politics, about everything, but actually, complaining is Also, now that's what you say, and it's like the
viral misery. It's not spreading sunshine and lightness in old song, it is what you say, it's also the way that you
the world. Excuses. We've all met this guy. Maybe say it. You have an amazing toolbox. This instrument is
we've all been this guy. Some people have a incredible, and yet this is a toolbox that very few people
blamethrower. They just pass it on to everybody else have ever opened. I'd like to have a little rummage in
and don't take responsibility for their actions, and again, there with you now and just pull a few tools out that you
hard to listen to somebody who is being like that. might like to take away and play with, which will
Penultimate, the sixth of the seven. embroidery, increase the power of your speaking. Register, for
exaggeration. It demeans our language, actually, example. Now, falsetto register may not be very useful
sometimes. For example, if I see something that really is most of the time, but there's a register in between. I'm
awesome, what do I call it? And then, of course, this not going to get very technical about this for any of you
exaggeration becomes lying, and we don't want to listen who are voice coaches. You can locate your voice,
to people we know are lying to us. And finally, however. So if I talk up here in my nose, you can hear
dogmatism. The confusion of facts with opinions. the difference. If I go down here in my throat, which is
When those two things get conflated, you're listening where most of us speak from most of the time. But if
into the wind. You know, somebody is bombarding you you want weight, you need to go down here to the chest.
with their opinions as if they were true. It's difficult to You hear the difference? We vote for politicians with
listen to that. So here they are, seven deadly sins of lower voices, it's true, because we associate depth with

power and with authority. That's register. you the six vocal warm-up exercises that I do before
Then we have timbre. It's the way your voice every talk I ever do. Any time you're going to talk to
feels. Again, the research shows that we prefer voices anybody important, do these.
which are rich, smooth, warm, like hot chocolate. Well First, arms up, deep breath in, and sigh out,
if that's not you, that's not the end of the world, because ahhhhh, like that. One more time. Ahhhh, very good.
you can train. Go and get a voice coach. And there are Now we're going to warm up our lips, and we're going
amazing things you can do with breathing, with posture, to go Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba, Ba. Very good. And
and with exercises to improve the timbre of your voice. now, brrrrrrrrrr, just like when you were a kid. Brrrr.
Then prosody. I love prosody. This is the sing-song, the Now your lips should be coming alive. We're going to
meta-language that we use in order to impart meaning. do the tongue next with exaggerated la, la, la, la, la, la,
It's root one for meaning in conversation. People who la, la, la. Beautiful. You're getting really good at this.
speak all on one note are really quite hard to listen to if And then, roll an R. Rrrrrrr. That's like champagne for
they don't have any prosody at all. That's where the the tongue. Finally, and if I can only do one, the pros
word "monotonic" comes from, or monotonous, call this the siren. It's really good. It starts with "we" and
monotone. goes to "aw." The "we" is high, the "aw" is low.
Also, we have repetitive prosody now coming So you go, weeeaawww, weeeaawww.
in, where every sentence ends as if it were a question Fantastic. Give yourselves a round of applause. Take a
when it's actually not a question, it's a statement? And if seat, thank you. Next time you speak, do those in
you repeat that one, it's actually restricting your ability advance. Now let me just put this in context to close.
to communicate through prosody, which I think is a This is a serious point here. This is where we are now,
shame, so let's try and break that habit. Pace. I can get right? We speak not very well to people who simply
very excited by saying something really quickly, or I aren't listening in an environment that's all about noise
can slow right down to emphasize, and at the end of and bad acoustics. I have talked about that on this stage
that, of course, is our old friend silence. There's nothing in different phases. What would the world be like if we
wrong with a bit of silence in a talk, is there? We don't were speaking powerfully to people who were listening
have to fill it with ums and ahs. It can be very powerful. consciously in environments which were actually fit for
Of course, pitch often goes along with pace to purpose? Or to make that a bit larger, what would the
indicate arousal, but you can do it just with pitch. Where world be like if we were creating sound consciously and
did you leave my keys? Where did you leave my keys? consuming sound consciously and designing all our
So, slightly different meaning in those two deliveries. environments consciously for sound? That would be a
And finally, volume. I can get really excited by using world that does sound beautiful, and one where
volume. understanding would be the norm, and that is an idea
Sorry about that, if I startled anybody. Or, I can worth spreading.
have you really pay attention by getting very quiet.
Some people broadcast the whole time. Try not to do Simple Social Skills
that. That's called sodcasting, Imposing your sound on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MqJcXsTcBc
people around you carelessly and inconsiderately. Not
nice. Of course, where this all comes into play most of (di ko matranscript ng maayos, suko na ako T^T)
all is when you've got something really important to do.
It might be standing on a stage like this and giving a talk
to people. It might be proposing marriage, asking for a
raise, a wedding speech. Whatever it is, if it's really
important, you owe it to yourself to look at this toolbox
and the engine that it's going to work on, and no engine
works well without being warmed up. Warm up your
voice. Actually, let me show you how to do that. Would
you all like to stand up for a moment? I'm going to show

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