Major 1
Major 1
Major 1
Submitted by
J.VINAY - 19671A0153
K. VEDAVYAS - 19671A0156
M.SHIVA KUMAR - 19671A0160
M. MUKESH - 20675A0162
In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering
Under guidance of
1.1 General
Black Cotton Soil is a cohesive soil. It is considered difficult or problematic soil for
civil engineers. It possesses the characteristics of swelling during the rainy and
shrinking during summer. In both situations, it poses difficulties. Swelling caused in
Black Cotton Soil during the rainy season, the structure has uplift pressure and
generates heave in the foundations, plinth beams, ground floors of the buildings and
canals, roads surfaces, etc and on shrinkage in the summer season, cracks created in
walls, slabs, plinth protection, floors, etc.
⚫ In the rainy season, Black cotton soil swells due to a higher percentage of clay. It
swells during the rainy season and cracks in summer due to shrinkage.
⚫ The Black Cotton soils are highly compressible and have extremely low bearing
capacity. The soils have great shrinkage and swelling characteristics. The shear
strength of the soils is incredibly low. Black Cotton soil is also known as
Expansive soil.
⚫ A large part of central India and a part of South India covering Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, South Gujarat, and Utter Pradesh is
covered with Black Cotton Soils. The covering is approximately 3,00,000 sq. km.
These soils have been created from basalt or trap-rocks. These soils are very
favorable for growing cotton.
⚫ The soils are highly compressible and have extremely low bearing capacity. It is
greatly tough to work with such soils.
⚫ Lightly loaded structures are greatly susceptible to defect as a result of the volume
changes in the soil. Under-reamed piles are considered largely suitable as
foundations for buildings or houses and different light structures. These piles are
carried to depths below the zone of seasonal deviation in water content.
⚫ Particular construction technology has been acquired traditionally in most of the
places where such type of soil is found, yet, cracks are identified in several
structures as sufficient precautions are not carried out during the construction and
maintenance period of the buildings.
1. Shallow Black Cotton Soil
2. Medium Black Cotton Soil
3. Deep Black Cotton Soil
Similarly, the load-bearing capacity of black cotton soil is extremely less which is
affecting several types of foundation failure like punching failure, general shear
failure, etc.
It is always asked up to what depth, black cotton soil should be replaced? The answer
to this question is to replace all the black cotton soil up to whatever depth it exists.
However, there are two problems with this answer, one, whether it is economically
possible and two, whether it is technically needed.
To stabilize the black cotton soil, many researchers have worked on black cotton soil
using variety of materials. different types of admixtures, waste material, etc. have
been used formerly by many researchers for carrying out investigation work for
stabilizing black cotton soil. Any comprehensive literature on this subject, i.e. related
to the stabilization of Black cotton soil, has been reviewed and some of the literature
is provided below.
2.1 Past research using California bearing ratio & Jute Fibre on Back
Cotton Soil:
➢ Amit Kumar Jangid et al, (2018): studied to improve engineering
characteristics of black cotton soil by using Recon 3s fibre with 15% Kota
stone slurry. From the experimental research carried out it has been found that
the black cotton soil changes from inorganic clay of medium plasticity to
inorganic clay of low plasticity with 15 percent of Kota stone slurry, and the
plasticity index of black cotton soil decreases by 10.81 percent and 1.5 percent
fiber is found as the optimal fiber quantity to increase the shear strength
parameter of black cotton soil.
➢ Prashanth Hugar (2018):The results indicated that with addition of VPW to
Black Cotton Soil, the Maximum Dry Density is increased and Optimum
Moisture Content is decreased. The Unconfined Compressive Strength values
are increased with addition of ARGF to mixture of BC soil and optimum
dosage of VPW. The unconfined compressive strength values are increased
with curing period. Finally the UCS values for different combinations like BC
soil alone, BC soil and randomly distributed fibers ARGF. The maximum
UCS result is obtained for the mixture of Black Cotton Soil and optimum
dosage of VPW with 0.75% of ARGF.
➢ Sandyarani, C. K. Patil, Dr. Vageesha S. Mathada, Bharamagoud. B
(2018): conducted studies on the effect of black cotton soil with varying
percentages of lime of 2,5,9 and 12% with Varying percentages of sisal fibre
of 0.2, 0.5, 0.9 and 1.2% and varying lengths of 3 to 3.4 cm length at the
interval of 0.2 cm. The OMC and MDD value increased at 9% of Lime and at
0.5% of sisal fibre. The Unconfined compressive strength values also
increased as compared to black cotton soil. The combination of black cotton
soil is mixed with optimum value of lime and highest aspect ratio of sisal fiber
(L/D Ratio of 170) at 0.2mm diameter achieved maximum value of un soaked
CBR of 10.10%.
➢ Harshita Bairagi, R.K. Yadav, R. Jain (2017): conducted studies on the
behaviour of black cotton soil reinforced with 5% lime and Jute fibers from
0% to 5% by weight of black cotton soil. The C.B.R. increases from 3.10% to
4.95% and UCS from 1.09 kg/cm2 to 1.35 kg/cm2. The OMC increases
from16.20 to 19.60 while MDD decreases from 1.68 to 1.58. The shrinkage
limit values increases from 13.75% to 28.68% with increase in the jute fibers
percentage. The Optimum moisture content values increases from 16.20 to
19.60.The Maximum dry density are also decreased from 1.68 to 1.58. From
the test results it can be concluded that the addition of jute fibres to lime
stabilized BC soil decreases its swelling behaviour and increase the C.B.R. and
unconfined compressive strength properties.
➢ Lokesh Gupta (2016):He investigated the join impact of lake and jute fiber on
soil sub grade. In his present examination an endeavor has been made to
investigate the consolidated impact of lake cinder and jute fiber to improve the
lousy soil sub grade qualities. To execute this, the standard delegate test, CBR
and unconfined compressive quality tests were led first on soil test in part
supplanted by lake fiery debris with dose 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% and
afterward soil in addition to various length (1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm) and substance
(0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%) of just fiber. From test outcomes, the presumed that
the blend of soil + 30% lake fiery remains + jute fiber (L – 1cm, 1.5%)
produces the best outcomes and noteworthy improvement than other mix
➢ H. P. Singh et. al. (2013):For concentrate the improvement in CBR estimation
of soil, they strengthened soil with jute fiber normal fiber. In this examination
the dirt examples were set up at greatest dry thickness comparing to ideal
dampness content in CBR shape with and without fortification. The level of
jute fiber by dry load of soil was taken as 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1.0%. The
length of fiber was taken as 30 mm, 60 mm and 90 mm and two distinct
breadths, 1 mm and 2 mm were considered for every fiber length. Test
outcomes showed that CBR estimation of soil increment with the expansion in
fiber content. It was likewise seen that expanding the length and breadth of
fiber further builds the CBR estimation of strengthened soil and this expansion
is generous at fiber substance of 1% for 90 mm fiber length having distance
across 2 mm. They were additionally reasoned that the greatest increment in
CBR worth was observed to be over 200% over that of plain soil at fiber
substance of 1% for fiber having width 2 mm and length 90 mm
Laboratory test
Specific gravity
UCS test
Atterberg limits
CBR test
Compaction tests
Sieve analysis
Analysis of results
Assessing stabilization
Step 2: To find the Moisture- Density relationship of Black Cotton Soil the
compaction test is carried out.
Step 3: Compaction is carried out to obtain the MDD & OMC of Black Cotton Soil
mixed with varying percentages ( 1%,2%,3%,4%) of Virtified polish waste
Step 5 For the mixture of BC soil and virtified polish waste and jute firers are added in
different percentage (0.25%, 0.5%, 0,75% and 1%) to prepare the UCS specimen.
Step 4: The Unconfined compressive strength specimens are prepared according to the
maximum dry density obtained from the compaction of BC soil and Virtified Polish
[1].Diwakar Singh, Dr. Vandana Tare, Dr. Kundan Meshram, "Stabilization of Black
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[2].Sandyarani, C. K. Patil, Dr. Vageesha S. Mathada, Bharamagoud. B,
“Comparative Study on Black Cotton Soil Stabilization by using
Lime and Sisal Fiber”, IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in
Science & Technology| Volume 5 | Issue 1 | June
2018 ISSN (online): 2349-6010
[3]. Namrata D Sune, S.A Deshmukh, “STABILIZATOIN OF BLACK COTTON
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Issue: 12 | Dec 2018
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