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SNOWFLAKES – 6 Minute English

1) What’s the meaning of “Snowflake”?

2) In your opinion, is it an offensive word? Explain why you think so.

3) What group of people often use this word when referring to millennials? Do you agree with them? Why?

4) In which year was “Snowflake” one of Collins Dictionary’s Word of the Year?

a) 1996 b) 2006 c) 2016

5) Which of the following sentences is true according to the listening?

a) Something that is offensive is rude, disgusting and makes people feel bad and upset.
b) Something that is offensive is rude, insulting and makes people feel hurt and upset.
c) Something that is offensive is raw, disgusting and makes people feel hurt and upset.
d) Something that is offensive is raw, insulting and makes people feel bad and upset.

6) Which of the following topics often comes up in offenses, according to the listening?

a) Sexuality. c) Religion. e) All of them are correct.

b) Race. d) Politics.

7) According to Evan Davis, what’s the reason most people take offence?

8) Again, according to Evan Davis, what happens when groups that do suffer from discrimination call it out?

9) In this context, something that is taboo is something that is regarded by society as…

10) In which book appeared for the first time the word snowflake (as an adjective for somebody)?

11) Define with your own words the following words or expressions:

 Take offence:

 To invoke:
 Taboo:
TRANSCRIPT: maynot be genuine, that doesn't mean people don't have a
Neil: Hello. Welcome to 6 Minute English, I'm Neil. right to be offended. Here's Evan Davis again.
Rob: And I'm Rob. Evan Davis: Where the so-called snowflakes surely have a
Neil: Rob, would you say that were a snowflake? point is this, societies are entitled to make certain things
Rob: Wow, I can't believe you said that, that's so offensive. taboo and the millennials use of the word offensive is
How could you be so rude? simply designed to say some views are not just wrong they
Neil: So I guess that's a yes then? Sorry, I only asked. are in a special category of wrong.
Rob: Don't worry, I wasn't really upset, I just wanted to Rob: His point here is that societies can decide that certain
demonstrate the meaning of the word. The word snowflake things are taboo. In this context something that is taboo is
has taken on a new meaning in recent years. These days it's something that is regarded by society as being shocking and
used as an insult. It's used to criticise people or groups that offensive and that it is OK for people to be offended by
are seen to be very easily offended or upset by things that these things.
others say. Neil: And I think the point he makes is a good one. The
Neil: There is usually a political side to it too, isn't there? word snowflake is usually used as an insult - but some
Rob: Yes, people who use the word snowflake tend to be people may feel proud to be a snowflake because it means
from the political right and they usually use it about those they are standing up for a particular standard, they have a
on the political left, particularly millennials - young, socially level of decency and social responsibility that is higher than
aware adults. that of those who are calling them snowflakes.
Neil: Well we'll explore this topic in more detail shortly, but Rob: Well I hope we haven't caused any offence today.
first a quiz question. In which year was snowflake one of Before we review the vocabulary, can we have the answer
Collins Dictionary's words of the year? Was it…1996, 2006 to today's question Neil?
or 2016. Neil: Of course, I asked in which year was snowflake one of
Rob: Well, we said it's quite a recent word so I'm going for Collins Dictionary's words of the year? Was it… 1996, 2006
c) 2016. or 2016.
Neil: Well, we'll find out if you're right later on in the Rob: And I said c) 2016. It's got to be right!
programme. The topic of offence is a very complicated one. Neil: Well, do you want to hear the story? Interestingly the
First what do we mean by offence Rob? term was coined in 1996 in the book Fight Club, but it was
Rob: Thanks for that. That is a really difficult question. in 2016 that it was one of the dictionary's words of the
Something that is offensive is rude, insulting and makes year. Now let's review our words of the day. First there is
people feel hurt and upset. What's difficult about it though offence.
is that we don't all find the same things offensive. Some Rob: People can take offence and be offended by
people can be deliberately offensive and some people may something that is offensive. Something that is offensive
be offensive without meaning to be. could be rude, insulting and shocking. It might take the
Neil: Also, different people respond to offence in different form of humiliation or discrimination against a person or
ways - some accept it as the price of free speech and some group.
try to stop the people they think are offensive from saying Neil: The term snowflake is a word used by some people to
the things they do. talk about other people who they think get offended too
Rob: These terms come up quite a lot in discussions about easily and unnecessarily. They don't want to change their
equality, race, religion and of course, politics. language or ideas just because snowflakes get upset. Then
Neil: The topic was discussed in detail in the BBC Radio we had the word invoke. If you invoke something you use it
programme Sweet Reason. Evan Davis presented the as a reason to explain your actions and feelings
programme and here is the first part of his summary of the Rob: To call something out is to challenge it, to highlight it
discussion. What does he say is the reason some people and look for justification.
talk about offence? Neil: And finally we have taboo. Something that society
Evan Davis: First, on occasion, people probably do invoke says is offensive and shocking. So there we have it. What do
offence when really they just have a political disagreement you think Rob of this topic.
and on occasion groups that suffer discrimination or Rob: Well it is a very difficult subject, particularly when it
exclusion perhaps find it exhilarating or uniting to call out comes to politics, religion and society. Free speech is good
that discrimination. but at times, particularly on social media, I think can be
Neil: He says that some people take offence when it's just a unnecessarily unpleasant.
political disagreement. He says they invoke offence. Neil: Well, try not to be offended but it is time for us to
Rob: If you invoke something it means that you use it to leave you for this programme. Do join us next time.
support your point or explain your action. So to invoke Remember you can find us on Instagram, Facebook,
offence is to say that we are acting this way because we are Twitter, YouTube and of course our website
offended by what you have said, although the offence may And of course, we have a new app
only be a political difference rather than something truly which you can find on our website. It's free and it's brilliant
offensive. isn't it Rob?
Neil: Davis goes on to say that groups that do suffer from Rob: Absolutely!
discrimination may get some feelings of unity when they Neil: See you soon, bye.
call out discrimination. They feel more together when they Rob: Bye!
publicise and highlight the discrimination they have
experienced. Even though some offence that is taken

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