Project Guidlines

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School of Arts and Science

Department of Computational Studies

Mini Project Work Guidelines

B. Sc Computer Science

These guidelines are intended to give both students and faculty members at the Department of
Computational Studies a set of procedures and expectations that will make the project evaluation
process easier, more predictable, and more successful.

The Eligibility criteria for the Under Graduate students are to be followed as per the regulations
given by School of Arts and Science. The Continuous Assessment Marks shall be 50 there shall
be three assessments during the semester by a review committee. The Head of the Department
shall constitute the review committee. The End Semester Marks shall be 50 shall be two
assessments (ie: Evaluation of final report and Viva-Voce – 20 and Outcome –10)

General Suggestions and Expectations

The students are advised to choose a project that involves a combination of sound background
research, a solid implementation, and a thorough evaluation of the project's output in both
absolute and relative terms. Interdisciplinary project proposals and innovative projects are
encouraged and more appreciable.

o The fifth semester is allotted to do a project work in an organization

with sufficient infrastructure to carry out the Mini project work.
o The students would choose an organization and submit the details of
the organization to the project guide and HoD.
o The students should send a requisition letter from the HoD to the
organization and should get the letter of acceptance from the
o The guide and HoD have to approve the company / organization and in
case of any change suggested by the guide or HoD, the student should
change the organization.
o Only upon the receipt of the acceptance letter, the student will be
relieved from the College to join the company.

o Project report to be prepared as per the guidelines and format given by


o If the student fails to attend the review or the guide refuses to endorse
the student’s work, the committee can invite HOD. HOD is
empowered to resolve any further matters.

o In case of re-reviews, any number of re-reviews can happen depending
on the discretion of the panel and it should happen within the
prescribed time.

o HOD, can initiate further steps to ensure the smooth implementation as

deems appropriate of guidelines.

o If the work of the candidate is found to be insufficient and plagiarism,

the committee & HODwill decide the further process.

1 Continuous Assessment Marks
Review Committee 5
a Review 1 10
Guide 5
Review Committee 5
b Review 2 10
Guide 5
Review Committee 15
c Review 3 30
Guide 15
Total CAM 50
2 End Semester Marks
Internal Examiner 20
a Evaluation of final report and Viva-Voce 40
External Examiner 20
Conference Presentations /
b Outcome Publication of papers 10 10
/prototypes /patents etc.
Total ESM 50
Total Marks 100

Meeting Your Guide

You must make sure that you arrange regular meetings with your guide. The meetings may be
brief once your project is under way but your guide needs to know that your work is progressing. If you
need to talk to your guide between meetings and cannot locate them in their office, contact him/her and
asking him/her to suggest a time when they will be available. When you go to see your guide (or second
marker) you should have prepared a written list of points you wish to discuss. Take notes during the
meeting so that you do not forget the advice you were given or the conclusions that were reached.

The Guides are advised to give projects and suggest project titles focusing more on the

current field of research and ensure the level of innovation. Also guides are advised to check

for the formatting of the presentation and project report. Staff member cannot guide more

than two projects in the academic schedule.

The Project Presentation and Demonstration

One of the most important skills which the project aims to assess is your ability to

communicate your ideas and work. As part of the assessment you will be required to give a

presentation and demonstration of your project to your Project Committee.

Each presentation will be for 20 minutes (to be decided by the project committee at the

initial stages and 30 for the final stages including a demonstration. Guides will help you to

structure your talk and will be willing to go through it with you beforehand. The

presentation is also a compulsory component of the project. The objective of the

presentation is to find out exactly what you have done and to ensure that you get an accurate

mark that is consistent with other projects.

Schedule for Project Reviews

Review Tentative Date

Zeroth Review 01-12-2022

First Review 08-12-2022

Second Review 03-01-2023

Third Review 31-01-2023

Project Requirements: Expectations from Students (in each Presentation)

Zeroth Review




References (Min 5 Papers)

First Review


Literature Survey Proposed System

Modules Split-up and Gantt chart

Second Review

Architectural Design for Proposed System

ER Diagram, DFD, Use case diagram (if necessary) Algorithms / Techniques used with complexity
Expected outcomes


50% of code implementation

Third Review

Detailed Design (if any deviation)

Experimental Results Performance Evaluation References

Contribution of the Project

100% of code implementation – Demo

Approval Guidelines of First Review

•Comparison with the existing systems and Complexity Metric.

•Deliverables to be mentioned clearly for each review.

•Work distribution among team members. Evaluation based on the complexity of the work.


•The presentation should have maximum of 12 – 15 slides

•Presentation will be for 20 minutes

•System to be tested using testing software’s.

•All two reviews are compulsory.

Project Committee

•The committee is advised to find the enough complexity in the project.

•All the two panel members must be presented during the review.

•Reviews to be conducted in the seminar hall and the available class rooms(in the department)

Guides to check

•Advised to check for the formatting of the presentation and the documentation.

•Check for the attendance of the students (Regular meeting for the discussion).

Sl.No Project Work – Out Source Project Work – Internal

25-11-22 to 30-11-22 01-12-2022

(5 Days) Zeroth Review

02-12-22 to 07-12-22 08-12-2022

(5 Days) First Review

08- 12-2022 to 16-12-2022

(8 Days)
Regular Class

19-12-2022 to 24-12-2022
CAT I Exam

26-12-2022 to 02-01-2023
5 (7 Days)

Second Review

Onwards Regular Classes

8 31-01-2023
Third Review

HOD Dean

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