As part of your Tier 4 (general) visa application, you are very likely to be required to attend an
interview. The interview will be carried out by Home Office UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) service
staff and is usually done via video link. The interview will take place at the visa application centre
when you go to give your biometric information. The interviewer will make a report and send it the
Entry Clearance Officer who is the person who will make a decision about your Tier 4 visa application.
This information is to be used as a guide only. It does not provide all of the answers. You will need to
prepare for the interview yourself, do your own research and think about your own answers.
Credibility interviews - Example questions
Why do you want to study in the UK? About your finances
What have you heard about the education system in How much are your course fees?
the UK? If the course is available for less in your home country,
How will studying in the UK benefit you? why pay extra to study in the UK?
How would study in the UK be different to studying in How will you fund your time in the UK?
your home country? Who will be paying your course fees?
Why the UK, not another country, e.g. USA? How are you/your parent’s able to afford this?
Why did you choose Bangor University? Do you know the cost of living in the UK?
What research have you done to help you choose? How much will your accommodation cost?
How did you hear about Bangor University? How much money will you need for general living
How big is Bangor University? expenses?
What is the reputation/ranking of Bangor University? These questions are to check that you can genuinely
Did you consider any other universities? afford to pay for your studies for the whole length of
your course. Think about the advantages of studying in
Do you know anyone else who has studied at Bangor?
the UK and why you are prepared to make the
Where is Bangor and how will you get there? investment. You need to give very clear, complete
Where is the nearest airport to Bangor? answers about your financial situation.
How long will it take to get to Bangor? Working during your studies
Questions about your course Do you plan to get a job in the UK?
Did you consider any other courses? If yes, why did you If yes, how much do you expect to get paid?
decide this one as your final choice? Do you know how many hours you are allowed to
How long is the course? Is there an option to extend, work?
e.g. placement or study abroad? You should not rely on getting a job to fund your course
What module options are there? fees and living costs. Your reason for coming to the UK
What is the level of your course? (Check your CAS) is to study, so if you do hope to work, you should think
about how this would help your studies/academic
How will this course help with your future plans?
How does this course fit in with your previous
Your future plans and career
qualifications and experience?
What do you hope to do after you finish your course?
Does the course offer professional qualifications?
Do you plan to stay in Bangor or elsewhere in the UK
How is your course assessed? E.g. exams, coursework?
after your studies?
Is this course is available in your home country? If yes,
What are your career plans?
why choose the UK?
Do you plan to progress to Master’s, PhD etc.?
Is there a dissertation? Fieldwork? Lab work?
How much do you expect to earn after you graduate?
What is your course start date?
Other questions
What type of job will you be able to do afterwards?
Do you have any relatives who live in the UK?
Life in Bangor
Can you explain any gaps in your study or work history?
What are your accommodation options in Bangor?
Which option do you think you will choose? If you have not studied recently, why are you returning
to study now?
What facilities are available at Bangor University? E.g.
sports, theatre, social activities etc. Do you work in your home country? How does your
study relate to your job?
What will you do during the holidays?
Some useful links to help you with your research: (see ‘Welfare & Advice’ and ‘New students might like to see’)