Summary Plants
Summary Plants
Summary Plants
There are many different types of plants which we can classify in different
Some flowering plants produce fruit They don´t produce flowers and
with seeds inside. These plants are most of them reproduce through
called angiosperms and include spores.
plants such as roses, apple trees, Mosses and ferns don´t produce
cherry trees, blackberry bushes and seeds. They produce tiny spores
grasses such as rice and wheat. which they release into the air.
Other flowering plants have very
small flowers and don´t produce
fruit. Their seeds develop inside
cones. These plants are called
gymnosperms. Evergreen trees such
as the pine tree belong to this group.
Animal pollination is the transfer of pollen from the stamen to the stigma
of another plant or of the same plant by an insect or a bird.
Wind pollination involves wind blowing the pollen from one plant to
mosses ferns
fruits cones
with with
seeds seeds
Plant nutrition
Plants make their own food. To do this they need water, minerals, light
and energy from the Sun and carbon dioxide.
Plants make food in their leaves. Leaves have tiny pores called stomata through
which carbon dioxide enters the plant. Plants also release oxygen through the
stomata. The leaves are made up of very small cells. Inside these cells are tiny
structures called chloroplasts. Each chloroplast contains a green chemical called
chlorophyll which gives leaves their green colour and absorbs the light from the
sun. Leaves use the light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar
and oxygen.
Plants are living things and so they need to breathe, just like people and
animals. During the day they can also use the oxygen they produce during
the photosynthesis process. At night, however, they must take in oxygen
from the air and release carbon dioxide.
CO2 O2
O2 CO2
In respiration plants take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide into the