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Films As A Model System: Evaluation of The Tauc Method For Optical Absorption Edge Determination: Zno Thin

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Phys. Status Solidi B 252, No. 8, 1700–1710 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/pssb.



basic solid state physics
Evaluation of the Tauc method for
optical absorption edge determination:
ZnO thin films as a model system
Brian D. Viezbicke, Shane Patel, Benjamin E. Davis, and Dunbar P. Birnie III*

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8065, USA

Received 19 December 2014, accepted 20 February 2015

Published online 23 March 2015

Keywords band gaps, near-edge absorptivity ratio, optical absorption, polycrystalline semiconductors, Tauc plots, thin films, ZnO

* Corresponding author: e-mail [email protected], Phone: (848) 445-5605, Fax: (732) 445-5595

One of the most frequently used methods for characterizing deviation from stoichiometry and which has been widely
thin films is UV–Vis absorption. The near-edge region can be studied. Our examination of the band gap values and their
fitted to a simple expression in which the intercept gives the distribution leads to a discussion of some experimental
band-gap and the fitting exponent identifies the electronic factors that can bias the data and lead to either smaller or
transition as direct or indirect (see Tauc et al., Phys. Status larger apparent values than would be expected. Finally, an
Solidi 15, 627 (1966); these are often called “Tauc” plots). easily evaluated figure-of-merit is defined that may help guide
While the technique is powerful and simple, the accuracy of more accurate Tauc fitting. For samples with relatively
the fitted band-gap result is seldom stated or known. We sharper Tauc plot shapes, the population yields Eg(ZnO) as
tackle this question by refitting a large number of Tauc plots 3.276  0.033 eV, in good agreement with data for single
from the literature and look for trends. Nominally pure zinc crystalline material.
oxide (ZnO) was chosen as a material with limited intrinsic

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1 Introduction This paper describes an in-depth for the present study. Published plots were redigitized and a
analysis of the Tauc method of optical absorption edge consistent methodology was applied to extract the band-gap
determination as applied specifically to direct band-gap per the Tauc method, as described in detail below. The band-
materials. The Tauc method uses simple multi-wavelength gap data were compared with their original source, yielding
absorption spectroscopy and is relied upon for materials a determination of the basic precision of the method. Other
evaluation of functional photovoltaic layers, transparent aspects of the shape of Tauc plots are discussed as possible
conductors, sensor coatings, and films used for many other contributors to error in the method. Additionally, we suggest
applications. The seminal work by Tauc, Grigorovici, a new figure of merit that helps identify plots with better
and Vancu [1] presented a simple and useful method for inherent accuracy.
assessing amorphous thin-film materials, though the method Zinc oxide is a good candidate for evaluating the Tauc
is now broadly applied to crystalline thin films as well. method because it has been widely studied for a number
While extensively used to explore phase development, there of useful applications [2–20]. Among these applications,
remains some question about its application to polycrystal- the band-gap plays a central and fundamental role as it
line thin films as well as on the accuracy of the method. Our controls many absorption and conductivity phenomena.
assessment of the Tauc method is performed on a material Single crystal optical studies have found a direct band-gap
of simple stoichiometry known to form easily from many of 3.3 eV [21–23], though many of the papers surveyed in
chemical routes: ZnO. A review of thin-film zinc oxide the present thin film analysis have collected data from
(ZnO) literature yielded a large set of papers that cited very well crystallized films or even epitaxially grown
Tauc's seminal work and included plots of data measured on layers.
undoped samples. This body of work included over 120 Numerous deposition methods are available for zinc
individual Tauc plots that were used as the test population oxide thin films including sol–gel [24–29], chemical vapor

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Phys. Status Solidi B 252, No. 8 (2015) 1701

deposition [9, 18, 30, 31], hydrothermal [32, 33] or

solvothermal growth [34], magnetron sputtering [35–38],
and pulsed laser deposition (PLD) [39–42]. It is stable in a
hexagonal wurtzite structure with lattice parameters of
(c ¼ 5.205 Å, a ¼ 3.249 Å) [43]. While every stoichiometric
compound must thermodynamically have point defects
at some level (and therefore by definition be non-
stoichiometric), the phase of ZnO has been experimentally
studied and found to have very little deviation from the
ideal 1:1 ratio. For example, the early work of Allsopp
and Roberts found a slight zinc excess, but less than
50 ppm [44]. This is much more stoichiometric than many
phases and thus, provides a good calibration test case for
the Tauc method, as described further below.

2 Background While investigating the optical and

electronic properties of amorphous germanium, Tauc et al.
[1] proposed and substantiated a method for determining Figure 1 Example Tauc plot from UV–Vis analysis of a ZnO thin
film that illustrates the method of fitting the linear region to
the band gap using optical absorbance data plotted
evaluate the band-gap at the X-axis intercept, here about 3.27 eV.
appropriately with respect to energy. This was further Reprinted by permission from Ref. [47].
developed in Davis and Mott's more general work
on amorphous semiconductors [45, 46]. They show that
the optical absorption strength depends on the difference in this squared-exponent plot.1 This linear region has been
between the photon energy and the band gap as follows: used to extrapolate to the X-axis intercept to find the band-
gap value (here about 3.27 eV). At even higher energies, the
ðahvÞ1=n ¼ Aðhv  Eg Þ; ð1Þ absorption processes saturate and the curve again deviates
from linear.
where h is Planck's constant, n is the photon's frequency, a To select and justify a linear region for extrapolation,
is the absorption coefficient, Eg is the band gap, and A is a one must understand the reasons for these lower and upper
proportionality constant. The value of the exponent denotes deviations from linear behavior. On the low energy end,
the nature of the electronic transition, whether allowed or the deviation from linearity can be associated with defect
forbidden and whether direct or indirect: absorption states that are near the band edge. This
phenomenon has been investigated by Urbach [48] and in
for direct allowed transitions: n ¼ 1/2, subsequent years, therefore, identified as an “Urbach Tail”.
for direct forbidden transitions: n ¼ 3/2, These states are usually described by an exponential
for indirect allowed transitions: n ¼ 2, function, corresponding to a typical distribution of density
for indirect forbidden transitions: n ¼ 3. of states, evident in the absorption behavior seen in the
example Tauc plot (Fig. 1). On the high energy end,
Typically, the allowed transitions dominate the basic saturation of available transition states is responsible for a
absorption processes, giving either n ¼ 1/2 or n ¼ 2, for leveling out of absorption strength in most collected spectra.
direct and indirect transitions, respectively. The next section explains more specifically how we have
Thus, the basic procedure for a Tauc analysis is to done the Tauc fitting of the data on ZnO presented by many
acquire optical absorbance data for the sample in question authors previously.
that spans a range of energies from below the band-gap
transition to above it. Plotting the (ahn)1/n versus (hn) 3 Model As noted above, we collected a large number
is a matter of testing n ¼ 1/2 or n ¼ 2 to compare which of published Tauc analyses of undoped ZnO that included
provides the better fit and thus identifies the correct plots of the absorbance data against the photon energy [9,
transition type. 26, 32–34, 36, 37, 49–119]. This was critical, as our
Figure 1 gives one example of Tauc plot for ZnO assessment of the application of the Tauc method required
where the absorption coefficient times the photon energy to the consistent application of a fitting method, as described
the second power is plotted versus the incident photon
energy [47]. The second power (ahn)2 was used as zinc
oxide is well known to have a direct allowed transition. The region of linearity may seem rather narrow on an absolute energy
The characteristic features of Tauc plots are evident: at basis (being only ~0.1 or ~0.2 eV wide in many cases). However, this is to
be expected for direct band-gap materials, which are typically found to
low photon energies the absorption approaches zero—the have extremely rapid rise in absorption coefficient value immediately
material is transparent; near the band-gap value the above the band-gap energy—which is the basis for establishment of the
absorption gets stronger and shows a region of linearity Tauc method to begin with.

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1702 B. D. Viezbicke et al.: Tauc method for optical absorption edge determination

below. Through the following method over 120 individual

Tauc plots were re-assessed2 to extract band-gaps for
comparison with the originally published results and to build
a histogram of band-gap values determined for this material.
This population contained materials made with many
deposition methods and varying process conditions with
each method. Our digitization of the published plots was
done using “Plot Digitizer”3 to acquire data from digital
(PDF) images of the graphs in each of the journal articles in
Each literature Tauc plot was digitized in the following
manner: a screen captured digital image of the plot was
collected at the highest resolution possible. The saved
JPG image was imported into the digitizing software.
Once imported, the process for digitization began with
the assigning of origin, axes, and scale according to the
Figure 2 Linear regression fitting quality for different portions of
published graphical data. Then each distinct data point was the data as a method of choosing the best linear region for
logged, or for smooth curves then reasonably closely spaced extrapolating the “Tauc gap”: (*) five sequential data points, (&)
data points were digitized. Each “click” logged by the 11 sequential points, and (~) 15 sequential points used.
software was then saved in a data file specifying X (typically
photon energy, eV) and Y (typically absorption Tauc
function, (ahn)2) values.
Each of the digitized data sets was first replotted and Or, similarly when fitting a line to a clearly curved part of
visually examined to ensure no artifacts of digitization were the dataset, the same R2 reduction will occur. Figure 2
present as unrealistic outliers not corresponding to the illustrates this behavior with the general trend downward
originally published figures. Though there was no expected for the energy values between 3.2 and 3.3 eV (see arrow).
specific disagreement with the Tauc fitting presented by the Referring back to Fig. 1, it can be seen that this is a region of
source authors in any case, the present work tried to develop upward curvature for the Tauc plot, so that extending the fit
a completely unbiased method for picking the linear portion to larger ranges of data can force the inclusion of more
of the plot and finding the band-gap value. The raw digitized curvature and therefore poorer fits (as shown). The best fit
data were then processed in a spreadsheet to achieve a series values are found in the mid-point photon energy region
of linear regressions corresponding to incremental portions between 3.30 and 3.35 eV (as marked with the red ellipse in
of each data set. We typically fitted using an 11-data-point Fig. 2), which corresponds to the energy range used by the
window for evaluating the local linear regression (using 5 original authors to fit the band-gap, as shown by the line
datapoints on either side for any given local fit), and then we they have drawn (see Fig. 1). In our analysis, each linear
slid this fitting-window along and tested the fit at every regression can be evaluated to find the X-axis intercept
possible location. The impact of fitting window width can be (the band-gap value). Figure 3 shows how this band-gap/
illustrated in Fig. 2 where we plot the R2 value for each intercept value changes depending on which set of adjacent
incremental linear regression fit for the data we extracted datapoints are used for linear regression fitting. The best
from the graph shown in Fig. 1. Three different curves are R2 values for fitting correspond to the band-gap values
presented that cover 5, 11, and 15 datapoint windows, highlighted with the ellipse, all around 3.28 eV. Note that
respectively. When fewer data points are used for fitting the choice of the width of fitting window imposes only a
then better R2 results are generally obtained (as a slight change in extrapolated band-gap value establishing a
mathematical certainty). However, if the actual linear method-imposed precision of about 0.005 eV. Interest-
region is relatively short then using a bigger span of ingly, the standard regression error from any specific fit can
datapoints will force the inclusion of points that are clearly be used to calculate a confidence interval for specific
not part of the linear region and the R2 value will be reduced. fit's extrapolated band-gap value. For the data shown in
Figs. 1–3, the best-fit region is found to have 95%
confidence intervals of 0.0025 eV, 0.0015 eV, and
While this seems like a large number of Tauc analyses, we know that
there are far more ZnO analyses in the literature that have also used the
 0.0023 eV, for the 5, 11, and 15 points fitting windows,
Tauc method, but may not have cited Tauc's original work directly. We respectively. The smaller fitting window has a better R2
believe that the present sample population is large enough to give an value, but the extrapolation is poorer because it is based on a
excellent representation of the larger body of ZnO works—and the Tauc narrower range of energy values and fewer data points.
method more specifically. These papers are not being endorsed nor are The largest fitting window has a wider basis for making
they being criticized; they are merely showing the range of variability of
samples and band-gap determinations when studied by the Tauc method. the extrapolation, but the R2 value is a little lower and the
(v. 2.6.2—December 17, 2012 Build), written and freely distributed by confidence interval a little wider, too. In any case, these
Joseph A. Huwaldt and Scott Steinhorst. confidence intervals must be considered the best precision

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Phys. Status Solidi B 252, No. 8 (2015) 1703

generalizable, we suggest normalizing using a value taken at

2% higher energy than the Tauc gap that has been
determined by the fitting process, i.e., at hn ¼ 1.02Eg. To
generalize this further and make the concept applicable to
indirect materials, also, we take the square root and correct
for the 2% difference in photon energy to arrive at a factor
we call the “Near-Edge Absorptivity Ratio”, or NEAR,
which is essentially the ratio of the absorption coefficients
at those two energy values:
( )1=2
ðahvÞ2 jhv¼Egap aðEgap Þ
NEAR ¼ 1:02 ¼ :
ðahvÞ jhv¼1:02Egap að1:02Egap Þ

Note that this ratio is dimensionless and can thus be

Figure 3 Fitted Tauc gap obtained from linear regression fits evaluated from (ahn)2 graphs even when arbitrary units are
covered in Fig. 2. The region where the best R2 values were used in the plots. The þ2% offset is arbitrary and merely
obtained is also the region where the fitting slope is steepest and the intended to probe how steep the curve is close to the Tauc
largest Tauc gap intercept is found: (*) five sequential data points, gap. Similarly, when the NEAR factor would be applied to
(&) 11 sequential points, and (~) 15 sequential points used. an indirect-gap material (where the (ahn)n would have been
plotted with a 1/2 power, then the ratio would need to be
squared to yield a dimensionless absorption coefficient ratio.
We have evaluated this ratio for all of the redigitized
values for the technique, though when many measurements Tauc plots and provide some analysis of its utility in the next
are considered and compared the accuracy is not as good as section.
this. It should be noted that at much lower energy values
(below 3.2 eV for this dataset), the extended range of the 4 Results Following the fitting protocol described
Urbach tail will also give good linear fits, but the preferred above, we have digitized and re-fit over 120 Tauc plots on
answers will typically correspond to the steepest region of nominally-pure ZnO thin film materials. This has allowed a
the Tauc plot and yield the largest Tauc gap (intercept) statistical evaluation of the Tauc method as well as giving us
values as emphasized by the shape of Fig. 3. the ability to calculate the NEAR values for all of these
In the case of amorphous silicon, which has a gradual samples.4
absorption edge and more pronounced Urbach tail, the It is recognized that our analysis brings together an
difficulty of finding the linear region to fit has been extremely large number of measurements of (ideally) the
discussed by Sweenor et al. [120] based on earlier comments same composition ZnO material in thin film form, though
by Dawson et al. [121] that suggested errors as large as admittedly examining a wide range of different possible
0.3 eV in some cases. So, in summary, the present work has microstructures due to their different processing histories.
used the R2 value itself to identify the section of the data that As a first measure of the population under study, we plot the
is most linear, and the line from this region is used to find the cumulative probability distribution of Eg values as reported
extrapolated Tauc gap. And, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3, when in the original publication, as shown in Fig. 4. While a
some of the datapoints from the Urbach tail region happen to general sigmoidal shape is evident, the curve jogs to the
be included in the fit the tendency will be to yield Tauc gaps right at high energy showing that the entire population
that are slightly lower than are found for less defective cannot be fit with a single gaussian distribution. In fact, if we
samples with more linear plot regions. fit the central part as a normal population it requires a mean
In view of the importance of the overlap between the at 3.266 eV with a standard deviation of 0.051 eV, but with
linear region used for Tauc gap fitting and the lower energy two apparent extra subpopulations, one at higher energies
Urbach tail absorption effects, we have also tried to provide and one at lower. We discuss some possible reasons for
a quantitative measure for comparing different plots and these groups in a later section.
data. We note that if there were no Urbach tail at all then the Next it is important to evaluate how well the
absorption would be zero up to the optical gap and then rise redigitization process has worked for extracting and fitting
linearly according to Eq. (1). So we suggest that the (ahn)2 the band-gap from graphical data. Figure 5 displays the
value measured at the Tauc gap should relate to the size of cumulative probability distribution of the difference
the Urbach tail, though perhaps not to its energy breadth or
shape in detail. Often the Tauc plots are put on an arbitrary 4
See Supporting Information for specific quantities, including NEAR
units scale, so we normalize this value by comparing it values from each of the subject graphs from the literature along with the
to a (ahn)2 value at slightly higher energy. To make it original source's Tauc gap value and our refitting of the Tauc gap.

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1704 B. D. Viezbicke et al.: Tauc method for optical absorption edge determination

compiled from many samples and groups, so it is likely that

the comparisons between samples from one researcher
would have a higher precision.
Finally, using the digitized curve shapes we have
evaluated the Near-Edge Absorptivity Ratio for every plot,
as discussed above. Again, to get a measure of the values
typically found for ZnO thin film studies (and perhaps
representative of values that would be found for other direct-
gap thin film materials), we plot a cumulative probability
distribution as shown in Fig. 6. This curve is reasonably well
represented by a normal distribution with mean of 0.60 and
a standard deviation of 0.16, though again there is evidence
of a small excess subpopulation at higher NEAR values.

5 Discussion As shown above, the Tauc method is

a reasonable and simple technique for determining a
Figure 4 Cumulative probability distribution of literature characteristic optical band-gap of a thin film material. We
reported band-gap value of zinc oxide determined by the Tauc
have shown that even working from redigitized graphical
method (see Table S1 of the Supporting Information for specific
values and source citations). data, the technique is precise at a level of 0.01 eV; however,
the range of values of Tauc gap found in the literature
for ZnO films spans a very wide range, 3.1 to 3.5 eV
(see Fig. 4), which, of course, significantly stems from
between the reported band-gap and the value we have materials differences, microstructure development progres-
obtained with our regression process. The difference data sion, and possible stress-optical or quantum confinement
follow a distribution much more tightly grouped around effects. Before digging into these and other possibilities, we
zero difference between the two populations, with tails first examine the correlation between the Tauc gap values
extended on the low and high end. The central 60% of the that are determined and the shape of the Tauc plot, as
studies have an agreement of 0.01 eV when comparing represented by the NEAR factor. Recalling that the master
the reported Eg and our digitized reassessment of the Eg. plot of Tauc gap values (Fig. 4) seemed to have extra
While there may be many sources of error (see discussion frequencies at both low and high gap values, we subdivide
below), the tight distribution shown here substantiates the the population into three groupings with low, medium, and
simple Tauc method and the ease with which data can be high Tauc gap values—taking them in 30, 40, and 30%
digitized from good plots. We take the observed error quantities, respectively. Figure 7 gives the cumulative
to represent the relative precision of the method when probability distribution for the NEAR factor for each of
performed on individual datasets. The fitting data were these subpopulations. It is interesting to see that the “low”
group (indicated by circles) is significantly shifted to the
right compared to the “medium” and “high” groups. This is

Figure 5 Comparison of band-gap as reported by orginal

publication (“Reported”) to the assessed band-gap found here
with re-digitized data (“Fitted”). The difference between the two
is plotted in the format of a cumulative probability distribution Figure 6 Cumulative probability distribution of the Near-Edge
over the sample population. Absorptivity Ratio, as discussed in the text.

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Phys. Status Solidi B 252, No. 8 (2015) 1705

Figure 7 Cumulative probability distribution of the Near- Figure 8 Cumulative probability distribution of the Tauc gap for
Edge Absorptivity Ratio for subpopulations grouped according the subpopulation having the Near-Edge Absorptivity Ratio among
to their reported Tauc gap as discussed in the text (cf. Fig. 4): the lower half of the whole population. Open circles show the full
(*) subpopulation with lowest 30% of reported Eg values, population for comparison.
(&) subpopulation with middle 40% of reported Eg values, and
(~) subpopulation with highest 30% of reported Eg values.
resulting from Tauc plot shapes that have small NEAR
factors. One paper that contributed five of these data points
likely caused by samples that have more intense Urbach (Abraham and Dekany [49]) came from samples with
tailing or sub-gap absorption and are therefore more likely particle size ranging from 3.2 to 7.1 nm, which exhibited
to undergo Tauc plot fitting that includes some of this tail band gap values ranging from 3.625 eV down to 3.372 eV as
intensity—forcing the Tauc gap intercept to be somewhat particles grew with time suggestive of a quantum confine-
lower than would be expected for the ideal material. Given ment effect. Bahneman et al. [122] have looked at the optical
that the “medium” and “high” distributions are so similar, properties of tiny ZnO particles and also observed a
then we suggest that extra population distribution found significantly wider gap for particles smaller than about 5 nm.
before at high Tauc gap values (see Fig. 4) must be rooted in Another group (Tan et al. [85]) found a significant blue-shift
physical differences in those samples when compared with in their optical data, too. Because of the low processing
thin layers of ideal single crystal material. In one further temperatures for some of their samples, they attributed the
analysis step, we use the NEAR factor as a guide, suggesting larger gap values to the material being amorphous rather
that smaller NEAR values will indicate coatings or thin than crystalline. Finally, two of these data points come
films that have higher inherent crystallinity (and lower from the work of Ma et al. [109] who attribute the larger
Urbach tailing, as a result). Figure 8 illustrates this concept effective gap measurements to a Burstein–Moss shift [123]
by comparing the Tauc gap values derived only from where stronger reduction during deposition makes the
samples with the relatively smaller NEAR values (taking the sample more n-type and therefore pushes the predominant
lowest 50% of the whole population). Immediately, two absorptions to higher photon energy values. Similarly, there
things are evident: (i) the main part of the distribution is are nanoparticle hydrostatic pressure effects that can also be
significantly tighter than found for the whole population, at play [124]. Srikant and Clarke have performed an
and (ii) the high-gap fraction seems to have been retained especially careful calculation of the stress-induced band-
and perhaps enhanced. Observation (i) suggests that the edge shifts for thin films subject to thermal expansion
NEAR factor is smaller for samples that are more similar to differences between the ZnO films and the substrate [125].
each other—and by inference might be more representative They predict a 0.023 eV increase between their C- and
of good intrinsic ZnO material. For example, we can fit R-plane sapphire deposition orientations, which is close to
this sub-distribution very nicely with an average of 3.276 the experimental increase of 0.030 eV that was observed. On
and a standard deviation of 0.033 eV. Given that this is a the other hand, for their samples deposited on fused-silica
population of more than 60 samples and fabricated using the predicted stress-optic shift is in the opposite direction
many methods in many labs around the world, then this from the experimental finding. However, when deposited
has to be viewed as an amazingly tight distribution. For on an amorphous substrate, the resultant ZnO morphology
comparison, Dawson et al. [121] reported an accuracy of had a grain size of 30–80 nm and a much more extensive
0.02 eV when using three different fitting methods on the Urbach tail suggesting that grain boundary states were
same set of samples. responsible.
We turn our attention now to observation (ii)—that there These specific cases show that there are quantum
are many data points showing high Tauc gap even though confinement and solid-state physics effects that tend to push

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1706 B. D. Viezbicke et al.: Tauc method for optical absorption edge determination

band-gap values up. However, these are not the only effects applicable to not just the amorphous materials originally
that might contribute to changes in the perceived optical examined by Tauc et al. [1], but to polycrystalline
band-gap. For example, if the samples being tested have semiconductors as a class. Finally, the NEAR quantification
minority second phases then the optical properties may be of the degree of disorder imparted by Urbach tails has been
derived, at least partly, from these second phase particles. introduced and used to guide evaluation of Tauc plot fitting
And, certainly, the possibility of amorphous phase and quality.
Urbach-tail mid-gap states is critical as these are already
known to contribute to the lower energy part of the Supporting Information
absorption spectrum. Finally, it has been suggested that Additional supporting information may be found in the
other approximations of the optical absorption physics for online version of this article at the publisher’s website.
disordered materials may be more physically appropriate
and scalable to different thicknesses of material (see for Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by
example the work of Cody et al. [126, 127], which has been National Science Foundation Grant No. 0903661 “IGERT:
discussed specifically in comparison with the Tauc method Nanotechnology for Clean Energy”. Further support from the
by Mok and O'Leary [128]). Still, it might be argued that a Corning/Saint-Gobain/McLaren Endowment is also greatly
direct-gap material with a strong tendency to crystallize appreciated.
(ZnO) might behave much differently from a hydrogen-
terminated, dangling-bond-based, disordered material like References
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