Farming 2
Farming 2
Farming 2
Agriculture will continue to be an important food to be provided by a large labour force. The
element for Malaysia and the concept of smart landlord became a farmer [3]. The Agricultural
farming will change the country's agricultural Revolution also sparked an increase in
landscape in the long run. IoT technology will international trade as agricultural products could
enable farmers to view their farms remotely. At not be marketed all over the country. Profit from
the same time big scale agriculture could easily be agricultural activity has been maximized. The
implemented and monitored precisely. revolution also advances the field of transport. For
example, there are steam engine designs and
Section 2 will discuss about the revolution in railway designs. The emergence of labourers and
agriculture industry. The next section will employers has created a large-scale economic
elaborate the architecture of IoT system for smart system. However, the working class did not get
farming. Section 4 will share some data captured any good service.
by IoT system in smart farming. The positive
results also will be explained in 4th section. Malaysia has become the world's leading
Section 5 is the conclusion. commodity producer by exporting results such as
cocoa, rubber and oil palm. Bio-technology has
been used in the agricultural sector. In addition,
the Malaysian agricultural sector has become an
II. RESEARCH BACKGROUND increasingly developed industry. Malaysia is also
a centre of herbal production. Another success is
that Malaysia has created various research
As a reference we can see the development of agencies such as RISDA and MARDI that
a longer agricultural revolution in Europe. It starts contribute to the development of the agricultural
with a land ownership system. Private land sector. Farming management such as FAMA,
ownership systems and public land selection FELDA, FELCRA is a success because of
systems have been established. The following growing Malaysian agricultural produce.
lands belong to the rich and the individual. The Agricultural technologies such as hydrophonic,
following land is used for small-scale farming, hanging fertigation and fertilizer have been used
livestock rearing, animal hunting, fishing and in agricultural activities. Malaysian agricultural
day-to-day living. The Government leveraged products have a wide international market [4].
public land for the purpose of massive agricultural Malaysia has become the pioneer of halal hubs.
production. The landlord fenced the public land.
Land Enforcement Act is enforced. Larger areas The challenges facing Malaysia in the 21st
are available for planting. This has caused century to ensure the well-being of the nation's
ordinary people to lose the source of livelihoods economy is from the financial, investment,
and smallholder farmers into farm labourers. technology, globalization, market and labour
Some of them migrated to the city and became aspects. This paper will focus on the use of IoT
factory labourers. technology in smart agriculture. One of the
example revolution for agriculture is in robot
The plant rotation system created by Lord revolution for agriculture. This is shown in Figure
Townshend was established for land optimum 1.
usage [2]. It is used continuously throughout the
year. This system tells to plant different crops Agriculture with robotic revolution started with
according to season, using different soil nutrients. working as half or fully autonomous machine
This strategy to make sure plants able to grow systems at scalable productivity. Technology
fertile. New plants are also introduced. Among available, first applications as master slave
them, clover, clover, turnip and potato. New tools systems in research. Second revolution is working
such as seed drill are also created by Jethro. Seed at plants from seed to harvest. Singular solutions
drilling is used for digging and retailing. It's done exist. Handling of large masses in short time
fast. limited. Third revolution is working at the plant to
improve health and growth. First ideas and
Commercial farming serves as the source of the applications known. Future is working within the
country's economy and is in commercial trading. plant to improve health.
When it comes to commercial production,
agricultural overhaul products can be exported
and farmers will become international traders.
Commercial farming also allows for sufficient
2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS)
2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS)
system [10 - 11]. Most of the controls are In Figure 4 there are several valves to drain the
performed by remote node units or named as water. In addition, humidity, temperature and
sensor node in this paper. Host Control function is other parameter sensors can be viewed as well.
usually limited to parameter settings. Figure 4 This of course facilitates the farmer in monitoring
shows an example IoT centralized system. the situation of the existing system. The farmer
can also control the valves and pumps by selecting
the set devices and also change the colour
according to the desired condition. GUI packages
are usually included with the program. With the
program farmer can change existing GUI layout
or create own layout of system which will be
monitored or controlled. The most important part
of GUI is an alarm feature. Alarm is a digital state
of NORMAL or ALARM. IoT system alarms can
be set according to our needs such as type of alarm
and level of alarm set point. Figure 5 shows the
sample of GUI screen.
Fig.4. Overall IoT Architecture
2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS)
2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS)