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2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS)

Smart Agriculture Using Internet of

Ibrahim Mat, Mohamed Rawidean Mohd Kassim, Ahmad Nizar Harun, Ismail Mat Yusoff
MIMOS Berhad,
Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
{ibm, dean, nizar.harun, ismail}

Abstract- Recent researches hypothetically shown contribution to the economy. It is therefore

the potential of Internet of Things (IoT) to change desirable to be given new breath to the local
major industries for a better world, which includes agriculture sector, especially the source of food
its impact towards the agriculture industry. crops. To achieve this, the Malaysian agricultural
Farming industry must grasp IoT to feed 9.6 billion
sector needs structural changes in a massive scale
of global population by 2050. Challenges such as
extreme weather conditions and rising climate driven through the Smart Farm Revolution or
change shall be overcome to fulfil the demand for smart farming to nurture this area. The Smart
food. Smart farming based on IoT technologies will Farm Revolution refers to the latest use and
enable growers and farmers to reduce waste and integration of the latest technology in agriculture,
enhance productivity ranging from the quantity of with the aim of increasing the quantity and quality
fertilizer utilized to the number of journeys the farm of domestic crop harvest. For example, drones can
vehicles have made. So, what is smart farming? be used to spray insects, analyse soil cultivation
Smart farming is a capital-intensive and hi-tech and monitor crop yields quickly and without the
system of growing food cleanly and sustainable for
use of a bunch of labour. In addition, an Internet
the masses. It is the application of modern ICT
(Information and Communication Technologies) of Things (IoT) based sensor can be used to
into agriculture. In this paper, the hardware and transmit real-time plants data to farmers for their
software of the IoT for smart farming will be appropriate actions.
presented besides sharing the successful results.
In addition, to encourage farmers to improve
Keywords – IoT, smart farming, agriculture, ICT their agricultural technology, the government may
and sensor technology. also introduce a new system. In this system, the
government will give subsidy to farmers
I. INTRODUCTION according to the rate of their technology adoption
[2]. However, it is imperative for farmers to be
given comprehensive assistance and advice on the
Malaysia has witnessed rapid economic growth use of smart farming techniques before the
of post-independence, especially after the proposed system is widely introduced. It is time
introduction to heavy industries in the 1980s and for Malaysia to tackle its efforts to empower local
1990s. The country, originally based on agriculture through a technological revolution,
agriculture and fisheries, today is led by services especially through smart agriculture.
that account for about 55 percent of Malaysia's
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) value. Over the In order to provide skilled and semi-skilled
last decades, the contribution by Malaysian manpower for the purpose of preserving the
agricultural sector has been declining due to the technology revolution, there is a need to
development of the local industry and the services emphasize the study about the Technical and
sector. In 1970, almost 30 percent of GDP was Vocational Education and Training (TVET) on
contributed by agriculture. However, this agricultural industry. This emphasis will create
percentage has dropped sharply to 8.2 percent in employment opportunities for young people and
2017 [1]. The dominance of commodity future generations to be more open and
cultivation in local agriculture due to its higher competitive. This will reduce the dependency on
commercial value has resulted in crop yields such foreign workers.
as the paddy, vegetables and fruits, which
remained weak in terms of crop size and

978-1-5386-6666-1/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 54

2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS)

Agriculture will continue to be an important food to be provided by a large labour force. The
element for Malaysia and the concept of smart landlord became a farmer [3]. The Agricultural
farming will change the country's agricultural Revolution also sparked an increase in
landscape in the long run. IoT technology will international trade as agricultural products could
enable farmers to view their farms remotely. At not be marketed all over the country. Profit from
the same time big scale agriculture could easily be agricultural activity has been maximized. The
implemented and monitored precisely. revolution also advances the field of transport. For
example, there are steam engine designs and
Section 2 will discuss about the revolution in railway designs. The emergence of labourers and
agriculture industry. The next section will employers has created a large-scale economic
elaborate the architecture of IoT system for smart system. However, the working class did not get
farming. Section 4 will share some data captured any good service.
by IoT system in smart farming. The positive
results also will be explained in 4th section. Malaysia has become the world's leading
Section 5 is the conclusion. commodity producer by exporting results such as
cocoa, rubber and oil palm. Bio-technology has
been used in the agricultural sector. In addition,
the Malaysian agricultural sector has become an
II. RESEARCH BACKGROUND increasingly developed industry. Malaysia is also
a centre of herbal production. Another success is
that Malaysia has created various research
As a reference we can see the development of agencies such as RISDA and MARDI that
a longer agricultural revolution in Europe. It starts contribute to the development of the agricultural
with a land ownership system. Private land sector. Farming management such as FAMA,
ownership systems and public land selection FELDA, FELCRA is a success because of
systems have been established. The following growing Malaysian agricultural produce.
lands belong to the rich and the individual. The Agricultural technologies such as hydrophonic,
following land is used for small-scale farming, hanging fertigation and fertilizer have been used
livestock rearing, animal hunting, fishing and in agricultural activities. Malaysian agricultural
day-to-day living. The Government leveraged products have a wide international market [4].
public land for the purpose of massive agricultural Malaysia has become the pioneer of halal hubs.
production. The landlord fenced the public land.
Land Enforcement Act is enforced. Larger areas The challenges facing Malaysia in the 21st
are available for planting. This has caused century to ensure the well-being of the nation's
ordinary people to lose the source of livelihoods economy is from the financial, investment,
and smallholder farmers into farm labourers. technology, globalization, market and labour
Some of them migrated to the city and became aspects. This paper will focus on the use of IoT
factory labourers. technology in smart agriculture. One of the
example revolution for agriculture is in robot
The plant rotation system created by Lord revolution for agriculture. This is shown in Figure
Townshend was established for land optimum 1.
usage [2]. It is used continuously throughout the
year. This system tells to plant different crops Agriculture with robotic revolution started with
according to season, using different soil nutrients. working as half or fully autonomous machine
This strategy to make sure plants able to grow systems at scalable productivity. Technology
fertile. New plants are also introduced. Among available, first applications as master slave
them, clover, clover, turnip and potato. New tools systems in research. Second revolution is working
such as seed drill are also created by Jethro. Seed at plants from seed to harvest. Singular solutions
drilling is used for digging and retailing. It's done exist. Handling of large masses in short time
fast. limited. Third revolution is working at the plant to
improve health and growth. First ideas and
Commercial farming serves as the source of the applications known. Future is working within the
country's economy and is in commercial trading. plant to improve health.
When it comes to commercial production,
agricultural overhaul products can be exported
and farmers will become international traders.
Commercial farming also allows for sufficient

2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS)


Generally IoT sensor node system for smart

agriculture has several components, these
components are Processor units, memory, power
supply units, interface parts, and sensors. Figure 3
shows the basic configuration of IoT sensor node
for smart agriculture.
Fig.1. IoT Agriculture Revolution in Robotic [2]

Fig.2. IoT Future Smart Farming [2].

Figure 2 shows how the future farming will be.

The farming data reside in cloud. The farm
generates vast quantities of rich and varied data.
This is stored in the cloud. Data can be used as
digital evidence reducing time spent completing Fig.3. IoT Sensor Node for Smart Agriculture
grant applications or carrying out farm
inspections. In smart tractors, Smart Tractors GPS The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is a unit that
controlled steering and optimized route planning contains microcontroller that interpret input
reduces soil erosion and saving fuel costs [5]. An signals and execute control measures, in
agricultural drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle accordance with the programs stored in memory,
applied to farming in order to help increase crop and communicate the decisions they take as
production and monitor crop growth. Through the control signals to the output interface. The power
use of advanced sensors and digital imaging supply unit is required to convert the source AC
capabilities, farmers are able to use these drones voltage to the DC voltage (5 V) needed by the
to help them gather a richer picture of their fields. processor and circuit series in the input-output
Sensors attached to livestock allowing monitoring interface modules [8 - 9]. The memory unit is the
of animal health and wellbeing. They can send place where the program used to perform the
texts to alert farmers when a cow goes into labour control measures is stored. Programming tools is
and developers infection increasing milk yields. used to insert the required programs into memory.
The program is made using this device then
In Fleet of agro robots, robots capable to reduce transferred into IoT sensor node. Input and output
fertilizer cost by 99.9% [6]. Aerial drones survey units are the interfaces where the processor
the fields, mapping weeds, yields and soil receives information from and communicates
variation enable precise application of inputs and information control to external devices.
mapping to increase yields by 5% [7].
The term IoT system for smart agriculture
usually refers to a centralized system that can
monitor and control all parts of a widespread

2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS)

system [10 - 11]. Most of the controls are In Figure 4 there are several valves to drain the
performed by remote node units or named as water. In addition, humidity, temperature and
sensor node in this paper. Host Control function is other parameter sensors can be viewed as well.
usually limited to parameter settings. Figure 4 This of course facilitates the farmer in monitoring
shows an example IoT centralized system. the situation of the existing system. The farmer
can also control the valves and pumps by selecting
the set devices and also change the colour
according to the desired condition. GUI packages
are usually included with the program. With the
program farmer can change existing GUI layout
or create own layout of system which will be
monitored or controlled. The most important part
of GUI is an alarm feature. Alarm is a digital state
of NORMAL or ALARM. IoT system alarms can
be set according to our needs such as type of alarm
and level of alarm set point. Figure 5 shows the
sample of GUI screen.
Fig.4. Overall IoT Architecture

From Figure 4 it can be seen that actuator

controls the valve instead of control centre.
Control centre only set the parameters to be sent
to remote nodes. Remote note will compare the
parameters and the actual parameters to reach the
set point will activate the related devices
accordingly. All of these processes can be
monitored on control centre GUI (Graphical User
Interface). GUI can be seen from normal PC, tab Fig.5. IoT System GUI
or mobile phone as illustrated in Figure 4.

The IoT big system typically implements a

distributed database or commonly called a
database tag, which contains several data Figure 6 shows the low cost smart dosing
elements called tags or points. A point represents system. Smart dosing function is to automatically
one input or output monitored or controlled by the run the mixing process to add water and fertilizer
system. Point can be either "hard" or "soft". Hard according to the EC level set by the GUI.
point represents the actual input / output in the
equipment that is monitored or controlled. The
soft point is the logic or arithmetic operation of
the system. Distributed database means the
reference parameters reside in remote node or
sensor node.

GUI is a device that provides processed data

onto the machine to the farmer and farmers can
control the equipment through GUI at control
centre. GUI at control centre is usually connected
directly to the database and software system. GUI
is the part that manages data exchange, data
acquisition, data management such as scheduling
processes, to help control certain equipment, etc.
The GUI system usually presents data onto the
form of graphs or images, this facilitates the Fig.6. IoT System GUI
farmer to control the equipment and monitor it.

2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS)

house produced bigger and thicker mushroom

compared to conventional mushroom house
within the same period of time.

Fig.7. IoT Software Flow Diagram

Fig.8. Temperature and Humidity Data from IoT system.

Before placing on the IoT system, what needs

to be done is to set the interface correctly. System
can be controlled by three methods. The control
methods are manual, schedule and automatic.
Manual means farmer need to ON and OFF the
hardware button manually. Schedule or semi-
automatic means that farmer need to set the time
to ON and OFF the individual devices. Automatic
means farmer need to setup the threshold value
that will be a close loop to the devices such as
circulation fan, exhaust fan, sprinkler, misting,
pump, valve, thermal screen, ventilation screen,
roof and irrigation drip valve. Fig. 9 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Data from IoT System

Figure 7 shows the flow of the software for the

smart wireless sensor node.
Table I: Yield Comparison between conventional
mushroom house and IoT mushroom house
Average Smart Conventional
Per Mushroom mushroom
Thickness 2.6cm 2.3cm
In this section, few data samples collected from Weight 40gram 35gram
the IoT system will be displayed. Figure 8 and
Figure 9 shows the data for temperature and
humidity captured by IoT system. Figure 9 shows Table II shows the amount of water and the
the data collected by IoT system for Carbon amount of fertilizer used in a day for scheduled
Dioxide (CO2). Two positive results will be and automatic irrigation mode. Based on the data
shared in this paper. The first result is about the in Table II, in scheduled mode irrigation, 2,500ml
IoT system for mushroom cultivation. Second of water fertilizer consumed in a day while in
result is about the irrigation management done by automatic irrigation mode, the total amount of
IoT irrigation system. water fertilizer in a day is 1000ml only. Average
saving for each chili crop in a day is 1,500ml.
Table I shows the size comparison between two 1,000 chili trees saved 1,500 litres of water
mushroom house, the conventional mushroom fertilizer.
house and IoT mushroom house. IoT mushroom

2018 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS)

[7]. Mohammed Feham, “An Efficient Key Management

Scheme for Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks”,
Table II: Usage of Fertilizer with Water (WF)
Wireless Sensor Network 01/2012; Vol. 4, No. 6: p155,
Consumption Scheduled vs. Automatic Irrigation. 2012.
Type of Total WF per Total
Irrigation Irr. per Irr. (ml) WF (ml) [8]. Akira Suyama, Ushio Inoue, "Novel Concept for a Long
Lifetime Wireless Geo-fencing System With an
(Irr.) of day Integrated Sub-10 μA Wake-Up Receiver", ICIS 2016,
Water June 26-29, 2016, Okayama, Japan.
(WF) [9]. Fabrice RECLUS, Kristen DROUARD, "Geo-fencing
Scheduled 5 500 2,500 for Fleet & Freight Management", 978-1-4244-5347-
4/09/$26.00 ©2009 IEEE.
Automatic 2 500 1,000
[10]. Christian stergaard Laursen, https: // /
2017/ 03/ 10/ internet-of-things -a-comparison-of-

[11]. Nik Hisham, Ahmad Rizan, Ibrahim, Ahmad Nizar, "IR

V. CONCLUSION 4.0 Using IoT and LORAWAN to Accelerate Lentinula
Edodes Growth", ICSSA2018, 2018.
In IoT-based smart farming, a system is built for
monitoring the crop field with the help of sensors
(light, humidity, temperature, soil moisture, etc.)
and automating the irrigation system. The farmers
can monitor the field conditions remotely. IoT-
based smart farming is highly efficient when
compared with the conventional approach. The
applications of IoT-based smart farming not only
target conventional and large farming operations,
but could also be new ways to uplift other growing
or common trends in agricultural like organic
farming, family farming (complex or small
spaces, particular cattle and/or cultures,
preservation of particular or high quality varieties
etc.), and enhance highly transparent farming.


[1]. IoT for All, "IoT Applications in Agriculture", https: //

www. iotforall. com/ iot- applications- in-agriculture /,
January 2018.

[2]. Peter Mooney, “Open Source Farming the next

Agricultural Revolution“, http : // mitmullingar. com/
event/ is-open-source- farming- the- next-agricultural-
revolution/, 2017.

[3]. Bank Negara Malaysia, “Membangunkan Industri

Agromakanan Berasaskan Kelebihan Kompetitif 2011-
2020", 2011.

[4]. Malaysia Kini, “Menyahut seruan pertanian


[5]. Silke de Wilde, "The future of technology in

agriculture", STT 81, 2016.

[6]. L. Mainetti, L. Patrono, A. Secco, and I. Sergi, “An IoT-

aware AAL system for elderly people,” 2016 Int.
Multidiscip. Conf. Comput. Energy Sci. Split. 2016,


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