Biochem 2
Biochem 2
Biochem 2
1.Name 2 essential fatty acid (linoleic acid and alpha – linolenic acid).
1. linoleic acid
2. alpha – linolenic acid
2.Which of this acid is precursor omega (w)- 3 and omega (w)- 6 fatty acid) Chap 16 pg 182
3.What are the major product of beta oxidation of fatty acid
o Acetyl CoA
4.Calculate the net amount of True or actual ATP produced in the beta oxidation of 20
carbon fatty acid
(A) 200 (B) 110 (C) 136 (D) 134 (E) 140
5. Even number fatty acid metabolism produce acetyl CoA (2 carbon compound) as their
final product. What is the final product in beta oxidation of odd number fatty acid
- Final product will be Propionyl CoA
6. During the production or synthesis of glycogen(glycogenesis) which of this enzyme is
regarded as rate limiting step
Glycogen synthase
7. The enzyme in the question #6 will form what kind of bond?
- 1,4 Alpha-Glycosidic Bonds
9. What kind of bond is formed by the branching enzyme in glycogen synthesis?
o Amylo-a(1->4) -> a(1->6)-transglucosidase
o Helps create an 1,6 Alpha-Glycosidic Bond
10. The synthesis of the glycogen granule in the absence of residual glycogen begins with a
protein called:
(A) Glycogenin (B) Isomerase (C) glucokinase (D) peroxidase
12. The enzyme used in the conversion of Glucose 6 phosphate to Glucose -1- phosphate is
(A) Glycogenin (B) phosphoglucomutase (C) glucokinase (D) Glycogen synthase
(E) glycogen phosphorylase
13. Which of these substrates activates Glycogen synthesis
A) Insulin B) Glucagon (C) Epinephrine (D) norepinephrine
14. Which of these substrates inhibits Glycogen synthesis in the liver
A) Insulin B) Glucagon (C) Epinephrine (D) norepinephrine (E) B and C only
15. In Glycogenolysis, which of this enzyme is the rate limiting enzyme or step. This
enzyme breaks bond by using inorganic phosphate (Pi)
A) Glycogenin (B) phosphoglucomutase (C) glucokinase (D) Glycogen synthase (E)
glycogen phosphorylase
16. In Glycogenolysis which of this substrate activates the pathway in the skeletal muscle
and Liver
A) Insulin B) Glucagon (C) Epinephrine (D) norepinephrine
18. In the liver Glucose – 6 – phosphate is converted to Glucose using what enzyme
A) Glycogenin (B) phosphoglucomutase (C) Glucose – 6 –phosphatase (D) Glycogen
synthase (E) glycogen phosphorylase
19. 22 years old female student athlete that runs track complains of pain during exercise
and planning the athletic team. Patient was diagnosed with McArdle disease. Which of this
enzyme is deficient in this patient?
A) Glycogenin (B) phosphoglucomutase (C) Glucose – 6 –phosphatase (D) Glycogen synthase
(E) glycogen phosphorylase
20. 10 months old boy had slowly progressive muscle weakness involving hand and leg. His
liver is enlarged. imaging (CT scan) reveals cardiomegaly. Muscle biopsy showed muscle
generation and lysosome filled with clusters of electron dense granules. Without
treatment and replacement of enzyme the child may die. What is the name of this disease?
A) McArdle disease (B) Pompe disease (C) Hers Disease (D) Von Gierke Disease
21. In question # which of this enzyme is deficient in this patient
A) Lysosomal alpha 1, 4- glucosidase (B) Branching enzyme (C) Glucose - 6- phosphatase (D)
hepatic glycogen phosphorylase enzyme
22. Jones a 2 yrs old boy presents to the clinic with lethargy, severe hypoglycemia. His
liver is enlarged (hepatomegaly), and his serum shows hyperlipedmia. He has protruding
abdomen and emaciated extremities. The blood sample shows that the glycogen structure is
abundant, and structure is normal. He was diagnosed with Von –Gierke disease. Which of
this enzyme is deficient in this patient?
A) Lysosomal alpha 1, 4- glucosidase (B) Branching enzyme (C) Glucose - 6- phosphatase (D)
hepatic glycogen phosphorylase enzyme
23. What is the function of hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) lipid metabolism in the adipose
A) Break down triglyceride to Glycerol and Fatty acid (B) break down VLDL (C) break
fatty acid
24. What is the function of lipoprotein lipase in lipid metabolism in the muscle or brain
A) Break down triglyceride to Glycerol and Fatty acid (B) break down VLDL to release free
fatty acyl COA and glycerol (C) break down fatty acid (D) converts glucose to DHAP
25. Lipoprotein are divided into Chylomicroms, VLDL, LDL and HDL. Which of this
lipoprotein contains the largest amount of lipids?
A) VLDL (B) LDL (C) HDL (D) Chylomicron (E) Apo E -2
26. The formation of cholesterol gall stone is due the following
A) Over secretion or production of Cholesterol
B) Under secretion of bile acid (bile acid solubilize cholesterol)
C) Under production of Cholesterol
D) Over production bile acid
E) A and B only
27. During the synthesis of cholesterol which of the of these enzymes is the rate limiting
A) HMG CoA Synthase (B) HMG CoA reductase (C) Squalene Synthase (D) Squalene
28. In question #27, which of these enzymes inhibited by statin drug used in treating
hypocholesteremia (lowering cholesterol)
A) HMG CoA Synthase (B) HMG CoA reductase (C) Squalene Synthase (D) Squalene
29. Which of these agents can be used to dissolve cholesterol stone (gall stones) which cause
A) Chenodeoxycholic acid (B) Statin (C) Cholestyramine (D) Squalene monoxygenase
30. Aldosterone is a steroid hormone. What is the function of aldosterone?
- Reabsorbs Na+ and H2O and secrete to K+ and H+
31. Vitamin D is a steroid hormone. what is the function of vitamin D?
- Aid absorption of Ca2+ on the intestine.
32. What is the function of cholecystokinin during lipid digestion
- Stimulates the slowing of food into the duodenum
- Stimulates the release of pancreatic lipase and bile from the gall bladder.
33. Which of enzyme start the digestion of lipids
- Lingual lipase
34. What enzyme is secreted by the pancreas to help digest lipid further?
- Pancreatic Lipase
35. What is the function of bile salt in digestion of lipids
- Emulsification of fats into tiny droplets for easier digestion.
36. Which vessel carries the free fatty acid from small intestine to the subclavian via the
thoracic duct.
- Lymphatic vessels, fatty acids taken in via lacteals
37. Fatty acid plus lipoproteins in lymphatic vessel is called
- Chyle.
Biochem 2 Practice Question Chap 16 and 17
1. Jane a 16-year-old female presents with menstrual abdominal cramp. She was
prescribed NSAID (Ibuprofen). She later claimed that is feeling a lot better 15
minutes after taking the Ibuprofen. Which of the biochemical pathways produces
- Arachnoid acid pathway.
2. In the question number # 1 above, which enzyme in the pathway is inhibited by
COX 1 and 2
3. What is the precursor of Arachidonic acid?
- Phospholipid A2
4. John 13 years old male presents to the clinic with polydipsia, poly urea, and
polyphagia. His blood glucose level using fingerstick glucometer reads 340mg/dl.
He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (deficiency to no insulin). Which of the
following will occur or be elevated in this patient
A) In production of fatty from glucose in the liver
B) Decrease conversion of fatty acid to ketone bodies
C) Increase store of triacylglycerol in the adipose tissue
D) Increase production of Acetone from non -enzymatic decarboxylation of acetoacetate in
the liver
5. The liver cannot use ketone bodies for the production of energy because the liver
lacks __________(thioltransferase or thiophorase)
- succinylcoA transferase
6. Ketone bodies can cause acidosis because the PKa of the carboxyl end is 4.0.
Blood plasma has a PH of 7.35 -7.45. This will lead to deprotonation of the H+ from
carboxyl end of the ketone bodies (3-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate). The
increase H+ in the blood leads to ______
- ketoacidosis
7. Ketoacidosis can cause what kind of metabolic derangement? respiratory acidosis,
Alkalosis, metabolic acidosis or alkalosis?
- Metabolic acidosis.
8. The fruit breath smell from type 1 diabetic patient is derived from _______ compound
- Acetone
9. Which of these compounds are classified as ketones bodies
(A) Acetone, 3-hydroxybutyrate, and acetoacetate (b) Acetone, Ethanoic acid, and
acetoacetate (C) Methane, 3-hydroxybutyrate, and acetoacetate (D) Benzene, 3-
hydroxybutyrate, and acetoacetate
10. What is the function of Citrate shuttle in fatty acid synthesis?
- Shuttle acetyl CoA from the matrix mitochondria to the cytosol
11. What is the function of Carnitine shuttle in Beta oxidation of fatty acid?
- Move FA from the cytosol to matrix of mitochondria for Beta Oxidation
12. Which of these is an inhibitor of Carnitine shuttle and prevents the entry of long
chain fatty acid from entry the mitochondria
A) Citrate (B) Malonyl CoA (C) Acetyl COa (D) HMG CoA
13. The impaired production or oxidation of medium chain fatty acid of less than 12
carbons results in decrease amount of acetyl coA need for the production of glucose by
gluconeogenesis. This condition is the result of deficiency of medium chain chain fatty
acyl CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD). This will result in fasting hypoglycemia in Children
which can lead to seizure and death. Tx reduces fatty food, more carbohydrate and
prevent fasting.
14 Myopathic CAT-2 (CPT-2) deficiency: Carnitine 2 enzyme: Deficiency lead to muscle
aches, weakness, myoglobinuria, Rhabdomyolysosis, this can be provoked by prolonged
exercise, fasting.
-Muscle biopsy shows elevated triglyceride,
-It is Autosomal recessive and It has late onset. Due to defect in muscle specific CAT 2
-Symptom exacerbated by high fat diet and low carbohydrates
-Tx: cease muscle activity and give glucose