SUD-HSE-PR-004-01 - HSE Training
SUD-HSE-PR-004-01 - HSE Training
SUD-HSE-PR-004-01 - HSE Training
HSE Training
1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair
HSE Training
SUDAIR-HSE-PR-004-00/Rev. 00/26 Apr. 2021
PV IPP Project, KSA
2: 20
L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
Revision history
Revision Date Description of changes Status
Status Codes
IFR: Issued for Review
IFA: Issued for Approval
IFI: Issued for Implementation
Legal Notice
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HSE Training
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
1. Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 5
3. References ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 Standards and guidance documents .............................................................................. 5
3.2 Saudi regulatory documents .......................................................................................... 5
4. Acronyms and definitions ......................................................................................................... 6
5. Roles and responsibilities.......................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Project Director/Assistant Project Directors .................................................................. 7
5.2 Project EHS Manager...................................................................................................... 7
5.3 Construction Manager ................................................................................................... 8
5.4 EHS Trainer ..................................................................................................................... 8
5.5 EHS Practitioner ............................................................................................................. 8
5.6 Supervisor and Foreman ................................................................................................ 8
6. Procedure .................................................................................................................................. 9
6.1 Induction training ........................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Work-specific training ................................................................................................. 12
6.3 Certification training .................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Toolbox talks ................................................................................................................ 13
6.5 Online training .............................................................................................................. 15
7. Records ................................................................................................................................... 15
8. Associated documentation ..................................................................................................... 16
8.1 Forms ............................................................................................................................ 16
8.2 Presentations ............................................................................................................... 16
8.2 Procedures ................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix A: Induction sticker ..................................................................................................... 17
Appendix B: Sample new inductee sticker .................................................................................. 19
HSE Training
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
1. Purpose
This procedure defines EHS training requirements, with a view to enabling staff and workmen
to carry out their work in a safe, healthy, and environmentally friendly manner, whilst
concurrently ensuring their continual professional development.
2. Scope
This procedure covers the company’s approach to all in-house and third-party EHS training
for the 1.6 GWac / 1.8 GWp Sudair PV IPP Project in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
It is applicable to all L&T PT&D employees project employees, including subcontractors’ staff
and workmen, and visitors who have access to the project site.
3. References
This procedure is aligned with the third-party documents detailed below, which should be
consulted for further guidance.
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
Abbreviation Meaning
EHS Environment(al), Health and Safety
IPP Independent Power Producer
ISO International Organization for Standardization
L&T Larsen & Toubro Limited
OHSMS Occupational Health and Safety Management System
PT&D Power Transmission & Distribution
PTW Permit to Work
PV Photovoltaic
QEHS Quality, Environment(al), Health and Safety
TBT Toolbox Talk
TPC Third-Party Certification or Third-Party Certificate
VC Video Conferencing
VRT Virtual Reality Training
The terms used in this procedure shall have the meanings ascribed to them hereunder:
Induction: A form of introduction for new office and site employees and
workmen, designed to enable them to carry out their work in a
safe, effective, and professional manner.
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
Ongoing training: Any planned activity that is carried out to update or refresh the
skills of employees and develop them both professionally and as
Virtual Reality Training: Digital simulation of lifelike scenarios for training purposes.
• ensure that site employees are introduced to the company’s mode of operation through
EHS induction training;
• maintain induction training records;
• regularly review contents of induction training materials;
• identify training needs for site employees, and ensure that suitable training is provided;
• ensure that certification requirements are met.
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
• inform the EHS Trainer in a timely manner regarding induction training needs;
• assist the EHS Trainer in planning work-specific training;
• assist the Project EHS Manager in planning certification training.
• ensure that toolbox talks are conducted daily, prior to the start of any work;
• maintain toolbox talk records;
• provide on-the-job guidance to execution staff and workmen in respect of goof EHS
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
6. Procedure
6.1 Induction training
6.1.1 Identification of induction training needs Induction training is required whenever: Induction training may also be required to address the revision or modification of
management system policies and procedures. On receipt of the request, the EHS Trainer shall prepare the site induction/training
room and any required training aid such as:
• overheads;
• short training videos;
• photos and slides;
• flip charts;
• chalkboards;
• handouts;
• safety and health cards;
• tools, equipment, or materials covered in the training, etc.
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) If need be, the EHS Trainer shall ensure the presence of persons fluent in the
languages understood by inductees, who shall act as interpreters on the date of the
• QEHS policy;
• Drug and Alcohol Policy;
• Employee Welfare Policy;
• Stop Work Policy;
• site and labor camp rules and regulations;
• emergency arrangements;
• first aid facilities;
• welfare facilities;
• workplace hazards and mitigation measures;
• PPE requirements
• EHS responsibilities associated with their job activities;
• client-specific health and safety requirements;
• reward and disciplinary schemes;
• project grievance resolution mechanism;
• any other pertinent information deemed necessary by the EHS Trainer. Drivers shall attend driver-specific induction, which shall cover the following
subjects: Induction shall be conducted in English and any other languages commonly spoken
by the inductees.
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) Induction for subcontractor employees shall, at a minimum, cover the topics cited
under par. above but shall be tailored to suit each subcontractor’s particular
needs per their scope. The EHS Trainer shall also induct all site visitors on EHS issues, prior to admitting
them on site. Such training shall be a short version of the site induction program and
its contents shall depend on the purpose and duration of the site visit, and the
visitors’ potential exposure to safety hazards. Visitors who are required to remain on site for a period in excess of three (3) days
shall undergo the full EHS induction program, whose contents are outlined under
par. Induction training contents shall be reviewed regularly by the EHS Trainer, in
consultation with the Project EHS Manager, on a semimanual basis and, if required,
they shall be revised to meet current requirements. Refresher induction shall be repeated for all persons employed at the site at periods
not exceeding twelve (12) months. The minimum passing grade shall be set at 70%. Only those who pass the
examination shall be allowed on site. Those who fail, shall be required to re-attend
the induction course, as many times as required, until they pass.
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East) The EHS Trainer shall then enter the training title and date in each passport,
sign/stamp the entry and hand the passport over to the inductee. Employees shall be required to carry their personalized passports with them at all
times whist on site and shall make sure that they are promptly updated whenever
they attend in-house or third-party training courses, as described in the succeeding
paragraphs. In addition, on completion of the site induction course, the EHS Trainer shall affix a
sticker on the inductees’ hardhats, indicating the induction date, to facilitate easy
identification of employees who have been inducted and prevent site access to
those who have not. A sample induction sticker is shown in Appendix B. Newly inducted employees shall also bear, for a period of one month, a conspicuous
“NEW” sticker on either side of their hardhats, as per the sample in Appendix B, to
ensure that they are easily identified and provided with proper guidance, support,
and oversight.
6.2.2 Training courses shall be delivered by EHS Trainer or shall be conducted utilizing the
VRT modules developed by L&T headquarters in Chennai.
6.2.3 Ongoing training may also be provided by external training organizations, approved
by the competent authorities or the Owner, in accordance with par. 6.3
6.2.5 On completion of the training session, trainees shall take a written multiple choice
exam, which shall be prepared by the EHS Trainer, and shall be required to achieve a
passing grade of 70% to be allowed to carry out work related to the training
received. Those who fail, shall be required to re-attend the training, as many times
as required, until they pass.
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
6.2.6 The EHS Trainer shall enter the training details of successful trainees in their training
passports and, if the training session’s duration was greater than or equal to four (4)
hours, award then a certificate of successful completion.
6.3.2 An indicative list of required third-party health and safety certification trainings has
been included in form SUDAIR-HSE-FO-13-xx-Project Training Matrix for
6.3.4 Certification cards shall be held by trained site employees, whilst copies of
certificates shall be maintained by the EHS Trainer.
6.4.2 Supervisors/Foremen assigned the role of delivering toolbox talks shall have
attended internal PTW training and TBT delivery training.
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
• collecting feedback and comments on the work process, hazards, and controls.
6.4.4 Toolbox talks shall be held at the worksite so that all workers are able to see and
evaluate the hazards discussed. It shall, where possible, include all people involved
in the work or those who may be affected by it such as subcontractors, vendors, etc.
6.4.5 Toolbox talks shall be an open, two-way dialogue between all members of the work
team to discuss all quality and EHS aspects of the job prior to starting the activity. If
a task is going to be performed by only one person this dialogue should be held
between that person and his immediate supervisor.
6.4.7 Supervisors/Foremen shall finish the toolbox talk by asking attendees: “Is there
anything we have not discussed but you want to ask?”
6.4.9 Toolbox talk records shall be kept and maintained by an EHS Practitioner designated
by the Project EHS Manager.
6.4.10 In addition to routine toolbox talks, the Project EHS Manager or EHS Trainer shall
conduct special toolbox talks:
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
6.5.2 The HR Manager may, at his discretion, also organize online training courses and
webinars for site staff.
6.5.3 Employees who successfully complete an online ATLNext training course receive a
computer-generated certificate. Training records for said employees are maintained
electronically by the application and are accessible online.
7. Records
7.1 Following records shall be maintained onsite:
7.2 All records specified above, except TBT records, shall be maintained and updated by
the EHS Trainer. TBT records shall be maintained by an EHS Practitioner designated
by the Project EHS Manager.
7.3 Said records shall be retained for a minimum period of three (3) years or until the
close of the project, whichever comes first.
7.4 Personnel specified under par. 7.2 shall produce said records, when and as
requested by the Owner, third-party auditors and/or authorities.
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
8. Associated documentation
8.1 Forms
• SUDAIR-HSE-FO-012-xx-Induction Training Test
• SUDAIR-HSE-FO-013-xx-Project Training Matrix
• SUDAIR-HSE-FO-015-xx-Training/TBT Attendance Sheet
• SUDAIR-HSE-FO-017-xx-Request for Induction
• SUDAIR-HSE-FO-072-xx-Induction Training Attendance Sheet
8.2 Presentations
• SUDAIR-HSE-TI-001-xx-Induction Training Presentation
8.2 Procedures
Not applicable.
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
HSE Training
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Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
HSE Training
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Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
HSE Training
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L&T Construction
Power Transmission & Distribution (Middle East)
50 mm
HSE Training
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