Sinipian ES-E-BE-SLCP
Sinipian ES-E-BE-SLCP
Sinipian ES-E-BE-SLCP
Head Teacher I
We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country
and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.
To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic
education where:
I. Introduction
Sinipian Elementary School is a complete elementary school located at Barangay Sinipian Nagcarlan,
Laguna. It was established in 1925 and sits on a 5,787 square meter land owned by the school as indicated
in the school land title. The usual means of transportation is jeepney, tricycle, motorcycle and bicycle.
School catchment areas are Barangay SInipian, Barangay Balimbing, Barangay Balinacon and Barangay
Oples. The school has eight teaching personnel composed of one Master Teacher, four Teacher III, three
Teacher II and one nationally- funded Administration Aide. The school is currently lead by Head Teacher
I, Mr. Diosdado B. dela Cruz.
It has a population of 190 learners: 100 male and 90 female. All classrooms are conducive to learners
providing comfort rooms for boys and girls. We have School Gulayan sa Paaralan and it is adjacent to the
Schools Administration Building. Gulayan sa Paaralan supports the school-based Feeding Program.
Flagship Programs
For 96 years, Sinipian Elementary School has continued to provide quality education despite various
administrative changes. Even though it is a small school, it is experiencing various challenges in teaching
and keeping up with system changes.
Various programs, projects and other activities were carried out with the help of parents and
barangay officials. It began with such a step to further improve the quality of education and to orient the
stakeholders of changes in the education system.
Some of the programs implemented by the school are: Project SIKAP (2017) Simultaneous
Improvement of K-12 Affecting Proficiency, a project aims to lessen the number of learners with low
proficiency level of performance in solving word problems, to create effective remedial intervention and
to instill study habits among learners through reinforcement activities using localized materials like
Blue`s clues and by following MDAS in solving word problem; Project SiKaPP (2020) Sikaping
Karunungan sa Pagbasa ay Paunlarin, project that helped the learners who are struggling in reading
and poor in comprehension through spelling activities, graphic organizers, videos and storytelling;
Project READ (2020), Reading Exercises Attaining Development, project promoting practice in
reading to improve learners` reading speed and comprehension level; Project SES2 (2020) Science
Exploration in Sinipian Elementary School project to increase the achievement level of the school base
on the assessment given and Project MAPEH (2020) Malusog At Malakas na Pangangatawan,
Ehersisyo ang Huhubog dyan, project encourages every pupil to make exercise part of their daily life to
be healthy.
In these trying times, it has added yet another program termed as MMDA (Module Mo, Damputin at
Aralin). This program is designed to encourage parents in monitoring their children`s progress in school
during pandemic
Through this said program, modules and other forms of learning materials are being distributed to the
learners through the parents’ involvement. They are the ones who are instructed to go to school to get the
learning modules of their children from the designated classrooms without any intervention nor direct
contact with the teachers.
II. Goals:
Highlights of Accomplishments
Deped Sec. Leonor Magtolis Briones said in her speech at the launch of Sulong Edukalidad ng
Karunungan that “provision of access to Education in the first step to achieve a bright future. That is why
we always aim to have complete basic education. This is indeed true, that is the reason why despite that
we are amidst of pandemic the school with its administration and all its personnel is in unity in educating
the youth minds in all possible ways.
That is the reason why we teachers are doing our best to teach the learners. We are always
participating in the different contests from District to Regional and we are very proud that even in face to
face or to modular teaching our learners were one of the winners in the said contests like 1 st Place in
Division HistoQuiz Bee, 4th Place in Division Math Challenge and 2nd Place in Division English Contest.
Our Project SIKAP (Simultaneous Improvement of K-12 Affecting Proficiency) is really a great help
in increasing the achievement level of the learners in Mathematics through the different reinforcement
activities, use of localized materials, Blue`s Clues and through following PEMDAS in solving word
problems, we resolved the problems in Mathematics. And also through different remedial interventions,
we instill study habits among learners.
Project GAY (Gulay ay Yummy) is also connected because improving nutrition of learners is its
objective. It aims to raise public consciousness on health and nutrition and to lessen the number of
severely wasted and wasted learners in nutritional status. Together with the help of the teachers, parents
and LGU the Gulayan sa Paaralan is being practiced. Teaching learners to plant more vegetables and
eventually harvesting them for the learners to eat became successful.
To provide high quality education and childcare in a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment that
builds a foundation for life-long learnings.
We aim to develop a happy, safe and supportive learning environment and provide a well-rounded
confident and responsible pupil who aspire to achieve their full potentials.
Objective: Conspire with other school teachers for the pupils journalism development
This project is intended to provide various training for teachers about ICT and pedagogy and
strategies in teaching.
III. Context:
Consistency is a must!
Even though we are experiencing pandemic, the school is consistently producing and implementing
programs/projects intended to cope the challenges brought by pandemic education setup.
Project GAY (Gulay ay Yummy), a project under the school-based feeding program aiming to lessen
the number of severely wasted and wasted learners in nutritional status.
Together with the help of the teachers, parents and LGU the Gulayan sa Tahanan is being practiced.
The school is providing seeds of various vegetables like petchay and mustasa. Teaching learners to plant
vegetables at home and eventually harvesting them with their family.
Project Waste Disposal Appropriate and Segregation, a project launched by YES-O officers and a tie-
up program between the school and the Community’s LGU focusing on allowing the learners to
participate in Zero Waste Management Program of our government. It also aims to enable learners to be
aware of the cleanliness of their homes and community surrounding.
With the support of their parents, the learners will design and produce any household items using
recyclable materials like bottles, magazines, and plastic. The teacher will provide checklist to parents
enable them to monitor the responsibilities of learner and attendance to LGU to monitor the cleanliness of
the surrounding of the learner. This will enhance the learners` sense of responsibility and creativity.
Project KAPITAN (Kaagapay at Aalalay sa Pag-aaral upang Itaguyod ang Talento at Abilidad ng mga
Nag-aaral), project that producing a family-school community partnership and collaboration where a
shared responsibility and reciprocal process engage school, families and local barangay officials, other
barangay councilors and the community to reinforce good values and good learning habits to all our
learners, thereby these partnership makes our school stronger.
This is to minimize and later totally put absenteeism and dropouts to zero, this project is indeed
intended to be continued through and beyond the pandemic times.
Aside these three (3) student-focused school programs, Sinipian Elementary School has also designed
and plan to continue in its implementation the following teacher-focused programs.
Project WRITES (Writing, Reporting, Illustrating Training to Elevate Skills: This project is intended
to provide training for selected teachers in writing news and feature articles to produce school newspaper.
Under this project, the school would tie up with other school to gain and share knowledge and best
Project ICT (Innovative Coaching for Teachers): This project is intended to provide various training
for teachers about ICT and pedagogy and strategies in teaching.
Under this project, the school head will assess the strengths and weaknesses of the teachers using the
individual development plan. Then, he will plan a School Learning Action Cell every month and the
teachers will attend and participate the said training.
Elevated enrollment from 2017 to 2019 Insufficient number of teachers who are
Accomplished PPAs equipped in ICT
GAY, SiKaPP, Four (4) teachers only
Enough infrastructures (5 Instructional
Buildings, DCP units, Flat Screen TVs and
other related IT equipment)
Possible school PPAs collaborates Limited Face to Face Order
Learning Modality Transition
Enhanced Technical Skills of Teachers via
Provided Trainings and Write-shops
Safe Operations Weekly Virtual Storytelling and Adherence to health protocol
Kumustahan with the Teachers guideline and assuring the
via Google Meet health and safety both of
Implementation of IATF health teaching and non-teaching
protocols at school personnel and parents
Application of DepEd mandates
relating to distance learning
Continuous Teacher
Development Programs through
Virtual or Face-to-Face SLAC
Year-round implementation of
Project MMDA for module