Clinical Features, Evaluation, and Diagnosis of Sepsis in Term and Late Preterm Neonates - UpToDate
Clinical Features, Evaluation, and Diagnosis of Sepsis in Term and Late Preterm Neonates - UpToDate
Clinical Features, Evaluation, and Diagnosis of Sepsis in Term and Late Preterm Neonates - UpToDate
All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.
Literature review current through: Feb 2023. | This topic last updated: Jan 10, 2023.
Sepsis is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among newborn infants. Although
the incidence of sepsis in term and late preterm neonates is low, the potential for serious
adverse outcomes is of such great consequence that caregivers should have a low threshold
for evaluation and treatment for possible sepsis in neonates.
The epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, and evaluation of sepsis in term and late
preterm neonates will be reviewed here. The management and outcome of sepsis in term
and late preterm neonates are discussed separately. (See "Management and outcome of
sepsis in term and late preterm neonates".)
● Sepsis in preterm neonates (see "Clinical features and diagnosis of bacterial sepsis in
preterm infants <34 weeks gestation" and "Treatment and prevention of bacterial
sepsis in preterm infants <34 weeks gestation")
● Group B streptococcal (GBS) infection in neonates and infants, including management
of well-appearing newborns at risk for GBS (see "Group B streptococcal infection in
neonates and young infants" and "Management of neonates at risk for early-onset
group B streptococcal infection")
● Outpatient evaluation and management of febrile neonates (see "The febrile neonate
(28 days of age or younger): Outpatient evaluation and initial management")
● Evaluation and management of ill-appearing infants (see "Approach to the ill-appearing
infant (younger than 90 days of age)")… 1/33
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The following terms will be used throughout this discussion on neonatal sepsis:
● Late preterm neonates (also called near-term neonates) are those born from 34
through 36 completed weeks of gestation [1]. (See "Late preterm infants".)
• Late-onset sepsis (LOS) is generally defined as the onset of symptoms at ≥72 hours
of age [3]. Similar to EOS, there is variability in the definition, ranging from an onset
at >72 hours of life to ≥7 days of age.
Newborn infants with EOS typically present with symptoms during their birth
hospitalization. Term neonates with LOS generally present to the outpatient setting or
emergency department unless comorbid conditions have prolonged the birth
hospitalization. The approach to evaluating febrile neonates in the outpatient setting is
discussed separately. (See "The febrile neonate (28 days of age or younger): Outpatient
evaluation and initial management", section on 'Neonates 8 to 21 days old'.)
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Use of forceps during delivery and electrodes placed for intrauterine monitoring have
been implicated in the pathogenesis of EOS because they penetrate the neonatal
defensive epithelial barriers [8].
• Vertical transmission, resulting in initial neonatal colonization that evolves into later
• Horizontal transmission from contact with care providers or environmental sources
Disruption of the intact skin or mucosa, which can be due to invasive procedures (eg,
intravascular catheter), increases the risk of LOS. LOS is uncommonly associated with
maternal obstetrical complications.
The overall incidence of neonatal sepsis ranges from 1 to 5 cases per 1000 live births [9-11].
Estimated incidence rates vary based on the case definition and population studied. In a
systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies from around the world, the
estimated pooled incidence of neonatal sepsis was 22 per 1000 live births, with an
associated mortality rate of 11 to 19 percent [12]. This translates to a global incidence of
three million cases of neonatal sepsis per year [12]. Globally, neonatal sepsis and other
severe infections were responsible for an estimated 430,000 neonatal deaths in 2013,
accounting for approximately 15 percent of all neonatal deaths [13].
● Term neonates (≥37 weeks gestational age) – The estimated incidence of sepsis (both
early- and late-onset) in term neonates is 1 to 2 cases per 1000 live births [9,10]. In a
prospective national surveillance study (2006 to 2009), the incidence of EOS (defined as
positive blood or cerebrospinal fluid cultures) was 0.98 cases per 1000 live births; the
rate among neonates with birth weight >2500 g was 0.57 per 1000 [11].
● Late preterm neonates (34 through 36 weeks gestational age) – The incidence is higher
in late preterm than term neonates. In an observational cohort study (1996 to 2007),
the reported incidences of EOS and LOS (defined as positive blood culture) in late
preterm neonates were 4.4 and 6.3 per 1000, respectively [14].… 3/33
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● Preterm neonates <34 weeks gestational age – The incidence of sepsis in preterm
neonates is discussed separately. (See "Clinical features and diagnosis of bacterial
sepsis in preterm infants <34 weeks gestation", section on 'Incidence'.)
The incidence of EOS in the United States has decreased, primarily due to reduction in group
B streptococcal (GBS) infections, owing to the use of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP)
[15-19]. Early-onset GBS infection rates in the United States reported through the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention's Active Bacterial Core Surveillance Report have declined
from 0.6 per 1000 live births in 2000 to 0.25 per 1000 live births in 2018 [20,21]. Late-onset
GBS infection rates have remained relatively stable in the same interval (0.4 per 1000 live
births in 2000 and 0.28 per 1000 live births in 2018). (See "Group B streptococcal infection in
neonates and young infants", section on 'Epidemiology'.)
GBS prevention efforts have not increased the burden of early-onset Escherichia coli infection
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) and E. coli are the most common causes of both EOS and LOS,
accounting for approximately two-thirds of early-onset infections [16,22-24].
Other bacterial agents associated with neonatal sepsis include ( table 1):
● Listeria monocytogenes, although a well-recognized cause of EOS, only accounts for rare
sporadic cases of neonatal sepsis and is more commonly seen during an outbreak of
listeriosis [25,26].… 4/33
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contaminant in otherwise healthy term neonates who have not undergone invasive
Common nonbacterial agents associated with neonatal sepsis include (see 'Differential
diagnosis' below):
● Herpes simplex virus (see "Neonatal herpes simplex virus infection: Clinical features
and diagnosis")
Maternal factors that are associated with an increased risk of EOS in the neonate,
particularly group B Streptococcus (GBS) infection, include intra-amniotic infection (clinical
chorioamnionitis), intrapartum maternal fever, maternal GBS colonization, preterm birth,
and prolonged rupture of the membranes (PROM) [4,6,29]. Though the duration of ruptured
membranes is commonly considered when assessing the neonate's risk of infection, it is
unclear whether PROM is an independent risk factor for sepsis in the absence of intra-
amniotic infection [30]. The approach to identifying pregnancies at risk for neonatal EOS and
indications for maternal intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) are discussed separately.
(See "Prevention of early-onset group B streptococcal disease in neonates", section on
'Identification of pregnancies at increased risk for early-onset neonatal GBS' and "Prevention
of early-onset group B streptococcal disease in neonates", section on 'Intrapartum antibiotic
Maternal GBS screening and IAP reduce the risk of GBS infection but do not eliminate it. In a
prospective national surveillance study that included 117 term neonates with early-onset
GBS infection, 66 percent were born to mothers who did not receive IAP, because maternal
GBS screening culture was either not performed (29 percent of mothers) or was negative (51
percent of mothers) [11].
Clinical manifestations range from subtle symptoms to profound septic shock. Signs and
symptoms of sepsis are nonspecific and include temperature instability (hypothermia or… 5/33
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fever), irritability, lethargy, respiratory symptoms (eg, tachypnea, grunting, hypoxia), poor
feeding, tachycardia, poor perfusion, and hypotension ( table 2) [8].
Because the signs and symptoms of sepsis can be subtle and nonspecific, it is important to
identify neonates with risk factors for sepsis and to have a high index of suspicion for sepsis
when a newborn deviates from their usual pattern of activity or feeding [8].
● Fetal and delivery room distress – The following signs of fetal and neonatal distress
during labor and delivery may be early indicators of neonatal sepsis:
● Other findings – Other findings associated with neonatal sepsis, and their
approximate frequencies are listed below ( table 2) [8,11]:
• Jaundice – 35 percent
• Hepatomegaly – 33 percent
• Poor feeding – 28 percent
• Vomiting – 25 percent
• Abdominal distension – 17 percent
• Diarrhea – 11 percent
Neonates with signs and symptoms of sepsis ( table 2) require prompt evaluation and
initiation of antibiotic therapy [4,8]. Because the signs and symptoms of sepsis are subtle
and nonspecific, the threshold for performing laboratory testing is low. Our approach is
generally consistent with guidelines published by the American Academy of Pediatrics [4,35].
● Review of the pregnancy, labor, and delivery, including risk factors for sepsis and the
use and duration of maternal intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP). (See 'Maternal
risk factors' above.)
● Comprehensive physical examination. (See "Assessment of the newborn infant".)
● Laboratory testing – The extent of the evaluation is directed by the neonate's signs and
symptoms (if present) and maternal risk factors, as discussed in the following sections.
Early-onset sepsis calculator — A multivariate predictive model for determining the risk of
EOS, the EOS calculator, has been developed and validated in various clinical settings [29,36-
38]. The EOS calculator is a web-based tool that can be used to estimate the risk of EOS in
individual patients based on risk factors (eg, newborn clinical condition, highest intrapartum
maternal temperature, maternal group B Streptococcus [GBS] status, administration of… 7/33
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maternal IAP, gestational age, duration of rupture of membranes). The calculator requires
the user to input the local incidence of EOS. If the local incidence of EOS is unknown, the
users should enter "0.5 per 1000." The calculator provides guidance on whether diagnostic
evaluation and empiric antibiotic treatment are warranted. The threshold used to trigger
evaluation and empiric treatment varies, depending on the clinical circumstances. The EOS
calculator is not valid for preterm neonates (<34 weeks gestation) and does not apply to
● Cultures from tracheal aspirates if the neonate is intubated. (See 'Other cultures'
below.)… 8/33
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In addition, some clinicians obtain a complete blood count (CBC) with differential and/or
other inflammatory markers (eg, C-reactive protein [CRP], and/or procalcitonin [PCT]). In our
practice, we do not routinely perform these tests because they add little information and do
not impact clinical decisions. These tests are described in greater detail below. (See
'Complete blood count' below and 'Other inflammatory markers' below.)
Neonates with LOS generally present to the outpatient or emergency department setting
unless comorbid conditions have prolonged the birth hospitalization. Additional details
regarding the evaluation of febrile or ill-appearing neonates are provided separately. (See
"Approach to the ill-appearing infant (younger than 90 days of age)" and "The febrile
neonate (28 days of age or younger): Outpatient evaluation and initial management",
section on 'Neonates 8 to 21 days old'.)
● Ill appearance (see "Approach to the ill-appearing infant (younger than 90 days of
● High estimated risk of EOS based on a validated risk calculator (see 'Early-onset
sepsis calculator' above)
● Cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis (white blood cell [WBC] count of >20 to 30 cells/microL)
( table 3) (see "Bacterial meningitis in the neonate: Clinical features and diagnosis",
section on 'Interpretation of cerebrospinal fluid')
The empiric antibiotic regimen should include agents active against GBS and other
organisms that most commonly cause neonatal sepsis (eg, E. coli and other gram-negative
pathogens) ( table 1). Our suggested empiric regimens are summarized in the table
( table 4) and discussed in greater detail separately. (See "Management and outcome of
sepsis in term and late preterm neonates", section on 'Initial empiric therapy'.)
The goals of the diagnostic evaluation are to identify and treat all neonates with bacterial
sepsis and minimize the treatment of patients who are not infected. Laboratory assessment
includes cultures of body fluids that confirm the presence or absence of a bacterial
pathogen and other studies that are used to evaluate the likelihood of infection.
● Blood sampling – The following considerations are important when obtaining a blood
• Volume of blood – The optimal volume of blood is based on the weight of the
neonate. A minimum blood volume of 1 mL is desirable for optimal detection of
bacteremia when a single blood culture bottle is used [4]. At the author's institution,
the suggested optimal volume is 2 mL for neonates weighing ≤3 kg and 3 mL for
those who weigh >3 to 5 kg. Dividing this volume into two aliquots to inoculate an
anaerobic as well as the aerobic culture bottle may optimize recovery of rare strict
anaerobic species, and most neonatal pathogens grow under anaerobic conditions.
blood cultures. In most cases of neonatal sepsis, blood cultures become positive within
24 to 36 hours [40].
If LP is performed, cerebrospinal fluid should be sent for Gram stain, routine culture, cell
count with differential, and protein and glucose concentrations. The interpretation of
cerebrospinal fluid needs to account for variations due to gestational age, chronologic age,
and birth weight ( table 3).
The clinical features and diagnosis of neonatal bacterial meningitis are discussed separately.
(See "Bacterial meningitis in the neonate: Clinical features and diagnosis".)
Urine culture — Urine culture obtained by catheter or bladder tap should be included in the
evaluation for LOS (ie, onset at ≥72 hours after birth). A urine culture need not be routinely
performed in the evaluation of suspected EOS (onset within the first 72 hours after birth),
because a positive urine culture in this setting is a reflection of high-grade bacteremia rather
than an isolated urinary tract infection [4]. (See "Urinary tract infections in neonates".)
Other cultures — In neonates with late-onset infection, cultures should be obtained from
any other potential foci of infection (eg, purulent eye drainage or pustules).
Tracheal aspirates can be of value if obtained immediately after first intubation. However,
the trachea and proximal bronchi are not sterile, so a positive tracheal culture may represent… 11/33
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colonization rather than infection, particularly in a neonate who has been intubated for
several days.
Gram stain or culture of other sites (eg, gastric aspirate, body surface sites [eg, axilla, groin,
and external ear canal]) add little to the evaluation and should not be performed [4].
Complete blood count — A complete blood count (CBC) was commonly used in the past to
evaluate the likelihood of sepsis in a neonate with risk factors or signs of infection. However,
the CBC has poor sensitivity and specificity and cannot establish or exclude the diagnosis of
neonatal sepsis. At the author's institution, CBCs are no longer routinely performed in the
evaluation of suspected early- or late-onset neonatal sepsis because they add little
information and do not impact clinical decisions. Other centers may continue to routinely
perform CBCs in this setting.
● Early-onset sepsis – For most neonates with suspected EOS, we suggest not obtaining
a CBC as part of the diagnostic evaluation. The CBC does not perform well in predicting
risk of EOS in neonates. If a CBC is obtained, it should not be used as the sole
determinant of whether to treat empirically with antibiotics [41-45]. The CBC can be
used in combination with risk factors, clinical assessment, and/or other tests. However,
it adds little to these other assessments. CBCs obtained 6 to 12 hours after delivery are
more predictive of sepsis than those obtained immediately after birth because the
white blood cell count (WBC) and absolute neutrophil count (ANC) normally increase
during the first six hours after birth [41,42,46,47].
Large multicenter studies have evaluated the diagnostic value of CBCs in neonatal EOS
[6,41,42,48-50]. These studies demonstrated correlations between various WBC
parameters (including WBC count, ANC, and ratio of immature to total neutrophils [I/T
ratio]) and culture-proven sepsis; however, none were sufficiently sensitive or specific
to reliably predict neonatal sepsis.
● Late-onset sepsis – CBCs are less variable at >72 hours after birth than they are in the
first few days of life. However, WBC indices still perform poorly in identifying neonates
with LOS [51].
Other inflammatory markers — A number of acute phase reactants have been used to
identify infected newborns. Many of these tests have acceptable sensitivity; however, they all
lack specificity, resulting in poor positive predictive value [52]. No single biomarker or panel
of screening tests is sufficiently sensitive to reliably detect neonatal sepsis [53].… 12/33
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including maternal fever, fetal distress, stressful delivery, perinatal asphyxia, meconium
aspiration, and intraventricular hemorrhage [54].
A single measurement of CRP is not a useful aid in the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis,
because it lacks sufficient sensitivity and specificity [55]. However, sequential
assessment of CRP values may help to exclude the diagnosis of sepsis. If the CRP level
remains persistently normal (<1 mg/dL [10 mg/L]), bacterial sepsis is unlikely [4].
CRP levels may be helpful in guiding the duration of antibiotic therapy in suspected
neonatal bacterial infection. Neonates with elevated CRP levels that decrease to <1
mg/dL (10 mg/L) 24 to 48 hours after initiation of antibiotic therapy typically are not
infected and generally do not require further antibiotic treatment if cultures are
negative. However, we do not routinely use serial CRP measurements for this purpose
since this practice appears to be associated with longer length of hospital stay [56].
An elevated CRP level alone does not justify continuation of empiric antibiotics for more
than 36 to 48 hours in well-appearing neonates with negative culture results [57].
Additional evaluation may be warranted to investigate alternative explanations for
persistently elevated CRP values.
data randomized clinical trial suggested that adding serial PCT measurements to other
standard assessments (ie, clinical examination and culture results) may shorten
duration of antibiotic therapy [61]. However, in this trial, the treating clinicians
overruled the study protocol's suggested duration of antibiotic therapy in >40 percent
of the enrolled neonates, which limits the certainty of the study's findings. Additional
data are needed before monitoring PCT levels can be adopted into routine neonatal
clinical practice. If PCT levels are obtained, they should be used in conjunction with
other clinical indicators of sepsis and should not be the sole basis of decision-making.… 13/33
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antigen CD64 also have high sensitivity for identifying neonates with sepsis [60,66].
However, these biomarkers are generally not used in clinical practice.
The diagnosis of sepsis is based upon isolating a pathogenic organism in culture. Few
neonates who undergo sepsis evaluation are ultimately diagnosed with sepsis.
Probable sepsis — In some cases, a pathogen may not be isolated in culture, yet the
neonate has a clinical course that is concerning for sepsis (eg, ongoing temperature
instability; ongoing respiratory, cardiocirculatory, or neurologic symptoms not explained by
other conditions; or laboratory abnormalities suggestive of sepsis [cerebrospinal fluid
pleocytosis, persistently elevated C-reactive protein]).… 14/33
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Alternative diagnoses ( table 5) should also be entertained when a neonate with suspected
sepsis has negative cultures. (See "Management and outcome of sepsis in term and late
preterm neonates", section on 'Probable but unproven sepsis' and 'Differential diagnosis'
Infection unlikely — Neonates with mild and/or transient symptoms (ie, fever alone or
other symptoms that quickly resolve) who remain well-appearing with negative cultures at
36 to 48 hours are unlikely to have sepsis. Empiric antibiotic therapy should be discontinued
after 36 to 48 hours in these neonates [4,68].
The differential diagnosis of neonatal sepsis includes systemic viral, fungal, and parasitic
infections and noninfectious causes of temperature instability and respiratory,
cardiocirculatory, and neurologic symptoms ( table 5). The clinical history, disease course,
and laboratory findings may help to distinguish neonatal sepsis from other infectious and
noninfectious disorders. Ultimately, appropriate microbiologic testing is required to confirm
the diagnosis.
It is often difficult to differentiate neonatal sepsis from other conditions. However, given the
morbidity and mortality of neonatal sepsis, empiric antibiotic therapy should be provided
(after obtaining cultures) to infants with suspected sepsis pending definitive culture-based
Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions
around the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Sepsis in neonates"
and "Society guideline links: Group B streptococcal infection in pregnant women and
UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and "Beyond the
Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain language, at the 5th to 6th
grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key questions a patient might have
about a given condition. These articles are best for patients who want a general overview
and who prefer short, easy-to-read materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are
longer, more sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th… 15/33
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grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and are
comfortable with some medical jargon.
Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We encourage you to
print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate patient education articles
on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info" and the keyword(s) of interest.)
● Basics topics (see "Patient education: Sepsis in newborn babies (The Basics)")
• Common pathogens – Group B Streptococcus (GBS) and Escherichia coli are the most
common bacteria causing neonatal sepsis. Other pathogens are summarized in the
table ( table 1). (See 'Etiologic agents' above.)
• Maternal risk factors – Maternal risk factors for neonatal sepsis include intra-
amniotic infection, intrapartum fever, preterm delivery, maternal GBS colonization,
and prolonged rupture of membranes. (See "Prevention of early-onset group B
streptococcal disease in neonates", section on 'Identification of pregnancies at
increased risk for early-onset neonatal GBS'.)
• Fetal distress
• Temperature instability (fever or hypothermia)
• Respiratory and cardiocirculatory symptoms (most commonly respiratory distress
and tachycardia)
• Neurologic symptoms (irritability, lethargy, poor tone, and seizures)
• Gastrointestinal abnormalities (poor feeding, vomiting, and abdominal distension)… 16/33
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Some less common pathogens*
Early onset ¶
Late onset ¶… 19/33
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Vascular S. aureus
catheter- CoNS
Intestinal E. coli
source/NEC Klebsiella
Other enteric
GA: gestational age; GBS: group B Streptococcus; E. coli: Escherichia coli; H. influenzae: Haemophilus
influenzae; S. aureus: Staphylococcus aureus; CoNS: coagulase-negative staphylococci; NICU:
neonatal intensive care unit; N. meningitidis: Neisseria meningitidis; S. pneumoniae: Streptococcus
pneumoniae; C. trachomatis: Chlamydia trachomatis; NEC: necrotizing enterocolitis.
* This table summarizes bacterial pathogens in neonatal sepsis and in focal neonatal infections.
Common pathogens are listed roughly in order of relative frequency within each category; less
common pathogens are listed alphabetically. The list of pathogens within each category is not
exhaustive. This table does not address nonbacterial causes of neonatal infections (eg, herpes
simplex virus, enterovirus, parechovirus, Candida). Refer to separate UpToDate content for
additional information on nonbacterial pathogens.
¶ The definitions of early and late onset vary in different reports. Within UpToDate content, we
generally define early onset as <72 hours after birth and late onset as ≥72 hours. However, some
experts use <7 days versus ≥7 days, respectively, for these definitions. The definitions of early
and late onset as they pertain to GBS disease are somewhat different. Early-onset GBS infection
typically presents within 24 hours of birth but can occur through day 6 after birth. Late-onset
GBS typically occurs at 4 to 5 weeks of age.… 20/33
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Finding Frequency*
Hyperthermia +++
Tachycardia +++
Lethargy ++
Poor feeding ++
Apnea ++
Bradycardia ++
Poor perfusion/hypotension ++
Vomiting ++
Jaundice ++
Hepatomegaly ++
Cyanosis +
Hypothermia +
Irritability +
Seizures +
Abdominal distension +
Diarrhea +
* +++: commonly associated (≥50% of cases); ++: frequently associated (25 to 50%); +:
occasionally associated (<25%).
1. Nizet V, Klein JO. Bacterial sepsis and meningitis. In: Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant, 8 th ed,
Remington JS, Klein JO, Wilson CB, et al (Eds), Elsevier Saunders, 2016. p.411.
2. Stoll BJ, Puopolo KM, Hansen NI, et al. Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis 2015 to 2017, the Rise of Escherichia coli, and
the Need for Novel Prevention Strategies. JAMA Pediatr 2020; 174:e200593.… 21/33
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Reproduced with permission from Pediatrics, Vol. 144, Page e20191881, Copyright ©… 22/33
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7/3/23, 19:28 Clinical features, evaluation, and diagnosis of sepsis in term and late preterm neonates - UpToDate
Reproduced with permission from Pediatrics, Vol. 144, Page e20191881, Copyright ©
2019 by the AAP.… 24/33
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0 to 7 days 7 (0 to 30) NR 144 (51 to 270) 50.4 (11 to 138)
(n = 88) [4]
WBC: white blood cell count; ANC: absolute neutrophil count; PMNs: polymorphonuclear
leukocytes; SD: standard deviation; IQR: interquartile range; NR: not reported; CSF: cerebrospinal
¶ CSF obtained from hospitalized neonates at high risk for infection (eg, unexplained jaundice,
prolonged rupture of membranes, maternal fever, etc); infection excluded by sterile cultures (CSF,
blood, urine) and lack of clinical evidence of bacterial or viral infection.
Δ CSF obtained in the emergency department during evaluation for possible infection; infection
was excluded by sterile cultures (CSF, blood, and urine). Infants with positive polymerase chain
reaction for enterovirus were also excluded; however, not all infants underwent enteroviral
testing. CSF parameters were similar in infants who tested negative for enterovirus and those
who were not tested.
1. Naidoo BT. The cerebrospinal fluid in the healthy newborn infant. S Afr Med J 1968; 42:933.
2. Sarff LD, Lynn H, Platt MD, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid evaluation in neonates: Comparison of high risk infants with
and without meningitis. J Pediatr 1976; 88:473.
3. Thomson J, Sucharew H, Cruz AT, et al. Cerebrospinal Fluid Reference Values for Young Infants Undergoing
Lumbar Puncture. Pediatrics 2018; 141:e20173405.… 25/33
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4. Mhanna MJ, Alesseh H, Gori A, Aziz HF. Cerebrospinal fluid values in very low birth weight infants with suspected
sepsis at different ages. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2008; 9:294.
5. Rodriguez AF, Kaplan SL, Mason EO. Cerebrospinal fluid values in the very low birth weight infant. J Pediatr 1990;
116:971.… 26/33
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Antibiotic regimen
Empiric therapy
Late onset (≥72 hours) – Admitted from the Preferred regimen – Ampicillin and an
community aminoglycoside (typically gentamicin)*
Special circumstances:
Ampicillin and expanded-spectrum
cephalosporin, or
Vancomycin and expanded-spectrum
cephalosporin, or
Vancomycin and an aminoglycoside
(typically gentamicin)*… 27/33
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Pathogen-specific therapy
MRSA Vancomycin
This table summarizes our suggested antibiotic regimens for empiric and pathogen-specific
therapy for neonatal sepsis. The initial choice of empiric therapy depends on the neonate's age,
likely pathogens, and presence of an apparent source of infection (eg, skin, joint, or bone
involvement). Local antibiotic susceptibility patterns should also be considered.
¶ Nafcillin or oxacillin can be used in the empiric regimen in lieu of vancomycin if the neonate is
not critically ill and has a recent negative MRSA screening test.… 28/33
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Viral infections:
Spirochetal infections:
Parasitic infections:… 29/33
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Fungal infection:
Neonatal abstinence History of maternal drug use; Positive drug screening tests
syndrome sweating, sneezing, nasal
stuffiness, and yawning
Transient tachypnea of the Onset of symptoms within two CXR findings include increased
newborn hours after delivery; lung volumes, mild
symptoms usually resolve cardiomegaly, prominent
within 24 hours vascular markings, fluid in the
interlobar fissures, and pleural
Respiratory distress Most common in preterm CXR findings include low lung
syndrome infants; rare in term infants; volume and diffuse
onset of symptoms within first reticulogranular ground glass
few hours after delivery, appearance with air
progressively worsens over bronchograms
first 48 hours of life
Neonatal abstinence History of maternal drug use; Positive drug screening tests
syndrome sweating, sneezing, nasal
stuffiness, and yawning
Neonatal abstinence History of maternal drug use; Positive drug screening tests
syndrome sweating, sneezing, nasal
stuffiness, and yawning
CSF: cerebral spinal fluid; HSV: herpes simplex virus; PCR: polymerase chain reaction; EV:
enterovirus; HPeV: human parechovirus; CMV: cytomegalovirus; RSV: respiratory syncytial virus;
SARS-CoV-2: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; RPR: rapid plasma reagin; VDRL:
venereal disease research laboratory; CNS: central nervous system; T4: thyroxine; TSH:
thyrotropin; CXR: chest radiograph; VACTERL: malformations of the vertebrae, anus, cardiac
structures, trachea, esophagus, renal system, and limbs; CHARGE: coloboma of the iris or
choroid, heart defect, atresia of the choanae, retarded growth and development, genitourinary
abnormalities, and ear defects; CDH: congenital diaphragmatic hernia; TEF: tracheoesophageal
fistula; ECG: electrocardiogram; PDA: patent ductus arteriosus.
Adapted from: Nizet V, Klein JO. Bacterial sepsis and meningitis. In: Infectious diseases of the fetus and newborn infant,
7 th ed, Remington JS, et al (Eds), Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia 2010.… 32/33