Blockchain Developer Geography Analysis 2023
Blockchain Developer Geography Analysis 2023
Blockchain Developer Geography Analysis 2023
Share of
Blockchain Developers
is Shrinking
March 2023
The U.S. is losing its lead in blockchain developers
● Over 23,343 open source software engineers are responsible for a market
worth over $1 trillion currently.
● The U.S. has lost market share to emerging markets such as India and Ukraine.
● The U.S. is losing 2 percent market share per year for the last five years and is
now down to 29% market share from 40% market share. This threatens U.S.
preeminence in finance and technology.
● If current growth rates continue, we anticipate 1 million new open source
software engineering jobs will be created by 2030. There are likely 3 million
new non-technical roles that will also be created by 2030.
Developers are sticky: network value is roughly back to
January 2018 levels, but monthly active developers
increased +297%
Blockchain developer ecosystem keeps growing
23,343 monthly active developers in December 2022
The U.S. can capture the next 1M blockchain devs
An accumulated growth model from 2017 to 2022 suggests a ~1M developer base
by 2030
Blockchain Developers
Method #1: Self-Reported Locations
Software developers have accounts with public information such as location or links to their social networks.
When available, we extract the country from the location data specified by the software developers in their
social network accounts and their code versioning platform accounts.
With this technique we were able to extract the location country from 11,024 developers that contributed to
blockchain open-source development up until end of 2022.
Twitter, GitHub
1. Users can input free text in the location information. A percentage of values may be false locations or
unrelated values.
2. Users who move from one country to another might forget or not want to update their location
3. We mapped 193 countries in 33 languages, including flag emojis, 1,008 U.S. locations and the top 30
cities in the world. However, we didn’t map cities in certain languages. As a result, countries like China,
India, Brazil, or Indonesia may be underrepresented.
Method #2: Developer Time Zones
To measure blockchain software development activity, we use the time zone of the developers when they submit code
to the git open-source database. Our analysis uses over 200 million such instances. The UTC offset when a developer
submits code broadly indicates the longitude segments they are located in. We defined 3 broad segments: Americas
(between UTC -12 and UTC -3), Europe / Africa (between UTC -2 and UTC +3) and Asia / Oceania (between UTC +4 and
UTC +14).
Publicly accessible source code on GitHub and Bitbucket since 2015. Details are available at
1. Time zones are shared by multiple countries and even continents. For example, U.S. time zones are shared with
Canada, Central America, and Latin America. Accordingly, we can distinguish between developer activity in the
Americas vs. other locations, but not within the Americas. Similarly, time zones overlap between Europe and
Africa, and with Asia and Oceania.
2. To evaluate this model’s performance, we used Method #1 (Self-Reported Locations) as the ground truth to
conclude that Method #2 has an accuracy of 85%. In other words, this time-based model is good at identifying
development in the U.S.
Method #1
Self-Reported Locations
Location data is a scarce piece of information from
blockchain developers
Sample size funnel (2022 only)
19,956 logged in 4,898 devs with inferable
developers country location
36% of accounts that have contributed to 70% of users with location information
open-source blockchain did so while have inferrable country location.
being logged-in with an account in
The number of blockchain developers with inferrable
country location grows proportionally with the number of
active developers
Sample size
North America and Europe are currently home to 29%
of all blockchain developers each
Share of blockchain developers by region in 2022
India's blockchain developer share steadily grew
from from 2% in 2017 to 6% in 2022
Share of blockchain developers by region over time
U.S. is losing its lead. Around 2% share is lost every
year since 2017
U.S.’s Share of blockchain developers
Comparatively, Europe (excl. U.K.) has been able to
maintain a share of blockchain developers of 29%
Share of blockchain developers in the E.U.
2022 was the first year that the U.K.’s share of
blockchain developers went below 7%
Share of blockchain developers in the U.K.
India, Africa, and LATAM are capturing blockchain
dev share from the U.S.
Normalized Share of blockchain developers by region over time
U.K. and Germany lead devs in Europe, but their share
declined slightly; Ukraine’s share grew 2% in 3 years
Share of blockchain developers within Europe (4%+ share cut-off)
Method #2
Developer Time Zones
An alternative way of measuring location of
development work
Inferring Developer Location through Commit Timestamp Offsets
Our second method for inferring the location of developers analyzes the
timestamps of their code commits. We use the offset between the timestamp of a
developer's commit and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) to infer their location.
For example, if a developer commits code to a public repository between UTC -13
and UTC -3, we can infer that they are located somewhere in the Americas.
This method can provide a more complete picture of the global distribution of
developers, even if they have not provided detailed location information on their
social media profiles. Albeit being less precise than Method #1, the volume of data
available with Method #2 is orders of magnitude larger than with Method #1.
Method #2 has an accuracy of 85% if we assume
Method #1 as the ground truth
1. We divide the world into 3 wedges
with common time zones / longitude
ranges: Americas, Europe & Africa
and Asia & Oceania
2. We use Method #2 (developer’s time
zone) to infer the wedge to which
developers might belong
3. From Method #1, we map all
countries to one of the three wedges
4. For each developer, we compare the
inferred wedge using Method #2 with
the developer’s actual country (from
Method #1)
5. We calculate the inference accuracy
of Method #2 → 85%
Dev share in the Americas is below 30% for the first
time, even including LATAM
Share of blockchain developers in the Americas time zones
Countries in the Asia / Oceania regions took 3
years longer to onboard blockchain developers
Share of blockchain developers by time zone wedge
U.S. Specific Thoughts
Blockchain is the next wave of the Internet
The U.S. must move quickly to preserve preeminence in
financial markets and related technologies
1. Jobs & Financial Impact: U.S. preeminence in blockchain software
development enables the U.S. to create jobs and fuel financial inclusion, as the
broader blockchain ecosystem continues to grow.
2. Standards Influence: By designing new protocols, U.S. engineers define the
standards for financial systems and data systems. These are the SWIFT and
HTTP equivalents of the modern era. Losing market share means that other
countries can have larger influence over global financial and data standards.
3. National Security: The U.S. must shape development of new technology and
financial products to reflect American values and national security objectives.