Howland Current Source For High Impedance Load Applications: Articles You May Be Interested in
Howland Current Source For High Impedance Load Applications: Articles You May Be Interested in
Howland Current Source For High Impedance Load Applications: Articles You May Be Interested in
Erratum: “Howland current source for high impedance load applications” [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 114705
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 129901 (2017); 10.1063/1.5016966
Note: Temperature effects in the modified Howland current source for electrical bioimpedance spectroscopy
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 076103 (2017); 10.1063/1.4991829
The components were selected according to a developed
The EHCS was divided into two parts: core and aux-
MATLAB algorithm to find the resistor values which give the
iliary circuit. The core represents the main topology; this
maximum output impedance. It also considers the transcon-
may be the basic Howland current source (BHCS) or the
ductance (G), desired bandwidth (BW), output swing, load
enhanced one (EHCS) with or without a buffer in the posi-
range, and amplifier parameters (gain and bandwidth). The
tive feedback loop [buffered EHCS (BEHCS)]. The auxiliary
algorithm conducts a sweep on parameters α (=R2A /R2B ) and
circuit represents the circuitry for increasing the performance
β (=R4 /R3 ) (these resistances are shown in Fig. 1), to find
of the core in a desired way, such as GIC, NIC, and lead-lag
the maximum output impedance. This algorithm is based on
the equations presented in Sec. III. Care was taken in the
The decision procedure to choose the best combination of
layout of the circuit by making a good ground plane and min-
core and auxiliary circuit was based on the literature and theo-
imum of length traces, reducing stray capacitances, parasitic
retical evaluation. Also, by using the governing equations and
inductances, cross talk, and electromagnetic interferences.
simulations of the circuit, the optimal configuration was found
and tested experimentally. To compare the novel circuit to the
literature topologies, measurements were made by simulations
and experimental analysis of frequency response, phase, and III. THEORETICAL EVALUATION
output swing. A. The core
Simulations were conducted in PSPICE version 16.3,
and experimental measurements were collected by using a The EHCS topology was chosen over the BHCS since its
Tektronix oscilloscope (model MSO 4034) and a Tektronix performance is better.27 In order to decide among the EHCS
function generator (model AFG 3251). Both theoretical evalu- topology variations found in the literature and design the cir-
ations and experimental data analysis were processed in MAT- cuit with optimal performance, this work used a mathematical
LAB version 7.8.0. The PSPICE model of the AD825, pro- model of the EHCS based on the equations presented by
vided by Analog Devices, was used to simulate the OPAMPs Tucker et al.19 These equations describe the output impedance,
implemented in this work. transconductance, noise, and the maximum load for a linear
The output current was calculated by dividing the mea- response. It considers the input signal connected to the positive
sured voltage across the load to the measured resistance. input of the EHCS and a first order OPAMP model. Figure 1
Frequency response was tested, both in experiment and shows the EHCS circuit used here. To increase the accuracy
in simulation, using 4 different resistance values ranging in the calculations, some modifications in the equations were
from 560 to 5600 Ω. 25 discrete frequencies were analyzed made based on circuit analysis. It was considered the transcon-
ranging from 100 Hz to 10 MHz. The performance of the ductance bandwidth, which was neglected by Tucker.19
circuits was evaluated based on the output current error com- A simple circuit inspection showed that the transconductance
pared to the low frequency transconductance gain. The out- bandwidth is dictated by the amplifier gain-bandwidth product
put swing was measured by applying a low frequency input (f H ) and the negative feedback gain. The following equation
voltage with different load values while the input amplitude describes the transconductance G with its frequency dependent
was kept at 1.65 V. Then, the maximum load that main- term:
tains a linear operation could be evaluated. Average was R2A + R2B 1
G+ = . (1)
used in the measurements to reduce the effect of noise and R1 R2A 1 + R4 /R3 s + 1
disturbances. 2πfH
114705-3 Morcelles et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 114705 (2017)
In order to model the effects of resistor mismatch, finite achieve better results with the BEHCS circuit, but at the cost
gain, and bandwidth of the OPAMP, the output impedance of transconductance bandwidth, according to Eq. (1). There-
(Z 0 ) can be represented in terms of two resistances (R01 and fore, it was considered the simple EHCS topology for the core
R02 ) and a capacitance C 0 , according to Tucker.19 However, circuit.
it does not consider the effects of common mode gain, which
are significant in high gain amplifiers. Therefore, this effect B. The auxiliary circuit
was modeled by adding this term, as shown in the follow-
ing equation, where AOL is the open-loop DC gain of the It has been found in the literature that the EHCS design
amplifier: has its output impedance degraded by parasitic capacitances
and non-idealities,19,20 but this may be reduced using auxiliary
1 + AOL R +3 R circuits. Generalized impedance converters35,36 and negative
3 4
RO2 = (R2B //(R2A + R1 )) . (2) impedance converters29,37 have been used to reduce capaci-
1 + CMRR R + R tance effects, but the improvement is very limited in band, not
3 4
being suitable for broadband applications, for example. One
Equation (3) represents the maximum acceptable load to
topology which increases the output impedance and swing,
get a linear operation for a given fixed output current. This
keeping its robustness in a wide bandwidth without calibra-
is limited by voltage compliance, and it was modified from
tions, is the one proposed by Zanganeh38 (see Fig. 2). This
the study of Tucker et al.19 by adding a denominator term,
is a load-in-the-loop current source at the output of an EHCS
representing the current that flows through the positive feed-
circuit, working as a current buffer output stage. The load-in-
back resistors, where V SAT is the saturation voltage of the
the-loop EHCS (LL-EHCS) circuit isolates the load from the
EHCS source, increasing both the output swing and output
I − R2B impedance (which is 1 + AOL 2 times higher than Z 0 ). AOL 2 is
RL,max = OUT . (3) the frequency dependent open-loop gain of the second ampli-
1 + R R+2BR fier. The results obtained by Zanganeh38 were only based on
1 2A
The rest of the equations presented by Tucker 19 were kept simulations, so a deeper theoretical analysis and experimental
unchanged. All equations used here were previously proved data were needed.
by simulations with several OPAMPs. By using this model, it By using the proposed EHCS model and some analysis
was possible to choose the best configuration for application over the LL-EHCS circuit, it further investigated the theoret-
required and then to design an appropriate auxiliary circuit. ical improvements obtained from this topology. It was found
The circuit used by Constantin and Gheorghe30 introduces that the negative input capacitance of the second amplifier is
a buffer between the output of the Howland source and its pos- a critical parasitic component to this topology, reducing the
itive feedback loop, called here BEHCS. This buffer increases overall output impedance of the circuit and generating a peak
both the output resistance and swing of the EHCS circuit, as response at high frequency. The following equation describes
it forces the output current to flow only in the load and not the output impedance considering the negative input capac-
through the feedback loop. Adapting Eqs. (2) and (3) with the itance of the second amplifier (C in2 ), the finite gain (AOL 2 ),
model presented by Tucker 19 to the BEHCS case, one can find the bandwidth (f C2 ), and the output impedance of the EHCS
that both the output resistance and swing are increased by the stage (Z 0 ):
terms ∆Z 0 and ∆RL ,m áx , considering the ratio R4 /R3 = 1, as !
shown in the following equation: ZO,LL−EHCS = × *.1 + s /. (5)
sCin2 ZO + 1 +1
R2B 2πfC2
∆RL,máx = ∆ZO = 100%
, -
. (4)
R2B + 2R2A The output swing of the overall circuit is higher than the
The high output impedance of the EHCS circuit can only standard circuit, but the first term shows the degradation caused
be achieved if its resistor values follow the well-known rela- by C in2 . Equations (6) and (7) describe the maximum load
tionship, which is (R2A + R2B )/R1 = R4 /R3 .27 For the BEHCS supported by the first and the second stages, respectively. The
case, the relationship is R2A /R1 = R4 /R3 . Equation (4) sug- maximum load supported by the whole circuit is the minimum
gests that the increasing performance provided by the BEHCS between the values resulted from Eqs. (6) and (7). It can be
is proportional to the ratio R2B /R2A and reaches a maximum noticed that both equations are frequency dependent, which
of 100% when R2B 2R2A . However, increasing the ratio
R2B /R2A without precaution may lead to similar problems of
the BHCS topology.27 For the BEHCS circuit, in the typical
case of R2B = R2A , both the output resistance and swing are,
at maximum, 33.3% higher than the EHCS. This results in an
increase of 33.3% in the range of loads that can be used to a
fixed output current error. To the requirements of this work,
that improvement is not enough to justify the introduction of
another amplifier in the circuit, which increases cost and com-
plexity and may introduce new parasitic components that can FIG. 2. The EHCS circuit followed by a load-in-the-loop stage,38 where RL
compromise the design. The increase of the ratio R4 /R3 may is a resistive load.
114705-4 Morcelles et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 114705 (2017)
FIG. 3. The LLC-EHCS circuit with the compensation network, where the FIG. 5. Frequency response of (a) EHCS, (b) LL-EHCS, and (c) LLC-EHCS
values of R and C were empirically calibrated. circuits for the transconductance gain at five different loads.
114705-5 Morcelles et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 114705 (2017)
B. Experiments
To reduce the effects of resistor mismatch, R1 was replaced
by a variable resistance and then was empirically calibrated
to achieve the maximum output impedance. This allows the
output resistance to be affected only by the OPAMP non-
idealities, hence predicting it using only Eq. (2). A capacitor
was placed in series to R2B to avoid DC positive feedback.
In order to find the maximum output impedance operation
point, a low frequency voltage signal, in series with a resis-
tor of 62 kΩ, was applied at the output of the EHCS stage. It FIG. 7. Phase response of the LLC-EHCS topology with five different
resistive loads.
was assumed that the maximum output impedance gives the
minimum voltage drop on the 62 kΩ resistor, so by measur-
ing this drop it was possible to find the maximum Z 0 without
knowing its value. The compensation circuit was empirically Figure 8 shows the positive voltage swing and negative voltage
adjusted to get the lowest current errors over the frequency swing of both the EHCS and LLC-EHCS as a function of
range. The practical result was a resistor R of 1.33 kΩ and a loading.
capacitor C of 7 pF. Figure 6 shows the measured transcon-
ductance of the three Howland topologies using 4 different
resistive loads (0.56, 1.0, 2.2, and 5.6 kΩ). The base value
for transconductance (G) was measured using a 50 kHz sig- TABLE II. Experimental circuit parameters for both EHCS and LLC-EHCS
nal with a load of 560 Ω, which is in the band of operation.
Figure 7 shows the measured phase response of the proposed Parameter EHCS LLC-EHCS
LLC-EHCS circuit. In order to investigate for abnormal peaks
between 2.2 and 5.6 kΩ loading, measurements using a 3.3 kΩ G 304.5 µS 304.2 µS
load was also collected for both LL-EHCS and LLC-EHCS BW (3 dB) 5.0 MHz 7.0 MHz
f 1% (@560 Ω) 490.0 kHz 3.7 MHz
f 1% (@1 kΩ) 210.0 kHz 3.9 MHz
Measured transconductance (G), bandwidth (BW ), and
f 1% (@2.2 kΩ) 170.0 kHz 3.9 MHz
maximum load impedance (Z lmax ) are shown in Table II. Also, f 1% (@5.6 kΩ) 80.0 kHz 1.2 MHz
it shows the maximum frequency (f 1% ) that yielded output Z lmax 2.0 kΩ 7.5 kΩ
current error (relative to G) below 1% for the different loads.
114705-6 Morcelles et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 114705 (2017)
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