Nmiotc Statement of Functions Change 2

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Change 2


Change Change Date of Change made by:

No.: Order: Change: Rank Full Name Signature


TABLE OF CHANGES .............................................................................................................. 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ 2
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 4
1. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 4
2. COMMAND .................................................................................................................... 4
3. COMMAND PRINCIPLES .............................................................................................. 5
4. ORGANIZATION ............................................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................ 7
GENERAL................................................................................................................................. 7
1. ESTABLISHMENT ......................................................................................................... 7
2. MISSION ........................................................................................................................ 7
3. TASKS ........................................................................................................................... 7
4. COMMAND ARRANGEMENTS ..................................................................................... 7
5. PERSONNEL ................................................................................................................. 8
6. FUNDING ....................................................................................................................... 8
7. GOVERNING DOCUMENTATION................................................................................. 8
8. LOGISTICS .................................................................................................................... 9
9. AVAILABILITY – NMIOTC PROGRAM OF WORK (NPOW) ......................................... 9
10. NMIOTC ADVISORY BOARD (NAB) - SN REPRESENTATION ................................. 10
11. NMIOTC FUNCTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS ................................................................. 10
12. LOCATION ................................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................................................... 12
PROCESSES ......................................................................................................................... 12
1. FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................ 12
2. PRINCIPAL PROCESSES ........................................................................................... 12
3. SECONDARY PROCESSES ....................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................. 15
STRUCTURE.......................................................................................................................... 15
1. ELEMENTS .................................................................................................................. 15
2. COMMAND .................................................................................................................. 15
3. RELATIONS ................................................................................................................. 15
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................... 17
DUTIES................................................................................................................................... 17
1. COMMAND GROUP .................................................................................................... 17
a. Commandant ............................................................................................................ 17
b. Office of the Commandant ........................................................................................ 17
c. Health and Safety Office ........................................................................................... 17
d. Deputy Commandant ................................................................................................ 18
e. Office of the Deputy Commandant ........................................................................... 18
f. Liaisons Office .......................................................................................................... 18
g. Chief of Staff ............................................................................................................. 18
h. Office of the Chief of Staff ........................................................................................ 19
i. Legal Advisor Section ............................................................................................... 19
j. Director of Staff Operations ...................................................................................... 19
k. Administration/ Coordination Office .......................................................................... 19
l. Public Information & Media Office ............................................................................ 20
m. Registry .................................................................................................................... 21
n. Protocol Office .......................................................................................................... 21
o. Communication Office .............................................................................................. 21
p. Linguistic Office ........................................................................................................ 21
2. EDUCATION & TRAINING DIRECTORATE ................................................................ 22
a. Exercise Planning Section ........................................................................................ 22
b. Program Planning and Evaluation Section ............................................................... 22
c. Program Execution and Force Certification Section ................................................. 23
d. Student Administration/ Affairs Section .................................................................... 23
3. TRAINING SUPPORT DIRECTORATE ....................................................................... 24
a. Technical Support Section ........................................................................................ 24
b. Transformation Section ............................................................................................ 25
4. SUPPORT DIRECTORATE ......................................................................................... 27
a. Budget & Finance Section ........................................................................................ 27
b. Engineering – Supply & Transportation Section ....................................................... 28
c. Security Section........................................................................................................ 29
d. Manpower & Personnel Section ............................................................................... 29
e. Host Nation Support Section .................................................................................... 30
ANNEX A .................................................................................................................................. 1
TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE........................................................................................ 1
NMIOTC CO-ORDINATING BOARD (NCB) ............................................................................. 1
ANNEX B .................................................................................................................................. 1
TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE........................................................................................ 1
NMIOTC ADVISORY BOARD (NAB) ........................................................................................ 1



The Statement of Functions (SoF) of the NMIOTC constitutes the major institutional
document, which defines its mission and tasks, the chain-of-command relations and
cooperation with other command entities. Moreover, it delimits and legitimates the duties,
responsibilities, the jurisdiction and command hierarchy of the staff, in order to ensure its
effective operation. By this method, structured duties, responsibilities and jurisdiction are
assigned to the staff.
It is apparent that this document is not a check-off list of actions and duties of the staff of
the center for each and every activity; rather, it constitutes the general framework of duties
and defines the basic directions for the Center’s effective operation.

Command, as defined in AAP-6, is the authority vested in an individual of the armed
forces for the direction, coordination, and control of military forces. These three functions, for
the NMIOTC, are determined as follows:
a. Direction: The function of planning, decision making, defining priorities, developing
policies and issuing orders.
b. Coordination: The function of defining an interrelation between various activities
regarding their place, time or action, in order to achieve the expected overall result.
c. Control: The functions of assuring that all activities are executed in harmony with
the plan that was decided or the directions that were provided or the standing orders, and that
in every case, these activities serve the mission.
The application of the three functions of Command for a specific duty, within a staff,
follows a cyclic process. This process commences with the collection of relevant data and
information (Observation of the situation), continues with their evaluation (Estimation), leads
to the Planning and concludes with the Decision and its conveyance. Next step is the

Execution, where coordination becomes effective, as
planned, and terminates or is fed back with new data
by the Control, which continues to operate throughout
the cycle. This cycle is graphically depicted in Fig.1.

The essential principles of Command, the
NMIOTC core values, which must be taken under
consideration during the application of Command and
Control (C&C) are the following: Fig.1: Command Cycle

a. Unity of Command, for ensuring a unified effort and explicitness of responsibilities

and to avoid any conflicts. It provides the consistency that is essential for the planning and
execution of all tasks.
b. Decentralized Execution, for achieving the utilization of the potential, experience
and specializations of the subordinates.
c. Team Spirit, for pursuing the mutual perception to problems, for ensuring the trust
between the Commandant and his/her subordinates, and for achieving a unified modus
operandii, in cases where no explicit instructions or orders have been given.
d. Flexibility, for ensuring the adaptability to changing conditions.
e. Innovation, for achieving cost effective solutions, based on available resources
(human, fiscal, software, hardware) to rising problems.
f. Awareness, for ensuring commonality of observation and of its evaluation.

Organization, in the NMIOTC, is the process of sorting and utilizing all activities and
sources of a command entity, necessary for the achievement of its mission. The planning of
the organization is one of the most essential actions of any command entity, since the correct
handling of this issue will judge the entity’s long term effectiveness. The function of the
organization defines the role of each staff member, based on the available means, as well as
the methods of coordination of the effort of all persons for the accomplishment of the required
mission. A command entity is organized for one sole purpose: to achieve its aims and

In every attempt for organization, an appropriate organizational structure has to be
selected. This is depicted in the form of a chart, i.e. it is a graphical demonstration of the
various levels and their interrelation, in the form of a pyramid. The classic method to
institutionalize these relationships is the formation of sections, within which the sources and
activities are grouped in order to accomplish a required task.
The existence of such an internal structure is essential for the effective working of the
staff. This structure must enable the directorates/sections/offices, as well as each person
individually, to be aware of their role within the entire command structure and is initially
expressed according to the logical grouping of activities.
All this introductory information is the basis on which this publication was developed. It
will also serve as a steering guide for any future changes to it.




The establishment of a NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center
(NMIOTC) was decided by the NATO Defence Minister’s Meeting on the 12 th of June 2003.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Hellenic Chief of the
National Defence General Staff (CHOD) and both NATO Strategic Commanders (Bi-SC) on
the 15th of November 2005. This agreement defined the legal status, use, function as well as
other basic issues of the NMIOTC. This MoU is termed the “NMIOTC Functional Relationship
MoU – FR/MoU” throughout.

The NMIOTC’s mission is:
“To conduct the combined training necessary for NATO forces to better execute surface, sub-
surface, aerial surveillance, and special operations activities in support of Maritime
Interdiction Operations (MIO)”.

For the purpose of fulfilling its mission, the NMIOTC will:
a. Improve allied naval units' expertise in MIO through specific training programmes.
b. Promote skills, interoperability and co-operation among naval units through sea
training and simulation.
c. Support ACT in the development of tactical maritime doctrines for MIO, training
directives and manuals.
d. Support ACT in areas such as research, experimentation, modeling and simulation.
e. Contribute to the ACT lessons learned process.

a. The Hellenic CHOD exercises full command of the NMIOTC and has delegated
administrative control to the Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff (HNGS).

b. The NMIOTC Coordinating Board (NCB) is the Board advising on the coordination
of the activities of the NMIOTC as well as on the long-term matters regarding its mission. Its
Terms of Reference (TOR), set out in the NMIOTC FR MOU, are provided herein as Annex A.

The NMIOTC is multinationally manned and open to participation of all NATO nations.
The NATO nations providing personnel to the permanent manning of the NMIOTC are
referred as Sponsoring Nations (SNs).
The Greek personnel is derived from all three branches of the Hellenic Armed Forces,
but also from the Hellenic Coast Guard as well as the Police.
The breakdown of personnel is depicted in the standing NMIOTC Personnel Establishment
(PE), which is annexed in the bilaterally signed “Manning – Activities – Training” MoU, termed
“NMIOTC MAT MOU” throughout.
The SN personnel manning the NMIOTC are granted international status under the Paris

Construction, as well as operation and maintenance (O&M) costs is funded by the
Framework Nation (FN). As a general rule, all services and products provided to ACT and
ACO under the provisions of the NMIOTC FR MOU are free of charge. Reimbursement is
required from customers for the costs related to their participation in the Centre's activities
and training, according to specific provisions of NATO Standardization Agreements.

The operation of the NMIOTC is governed by the following documents:
a. The provisions of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty
regarding the Status of their Forces (NATO SOFA), dated 19 June 1951.
b. The North Atlantic Treaty, dated 28 August 1952.
c. The Protocol on the Status of International Military Headquarters set up pursuant to
the North Atlantic Treaty (Paris Protocol), dated 28 August 1952.
d. The Agreement between the Hellenic Republic and the Supreme Headquarters
Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) on the Special Conditions applicable to the Establishment

and Operation on Greek Territory of International Military Headquarters (SHAPE – Greece
Agreement), dated 15 September 1999.
e. The Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other
States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces (PfP
SOFA), dated 19 June 1995 and including the Further Additional Protocol to the Agreement
among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the
Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces (Further Additional Protocol to the
PfP SOFA), dated 19 December 1997.
f. MC 324/2 – The Military Command Structure, 9 November 09.
g. MCM-250-03 – NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Centre Concept, 7
May 04.
h. MC 58/3 Terms of Reference for Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, 17
May 04.
i. The NMIOTC FR MOU, dated 15 Nov 05.
j. The NMIOTC MAT MOU (Change 1), dated 16 July 11.

The organization of the logistic services of the NMIOTC as well as the rights and
responsibilities of the logistic support organs are termed in the Hellenic General Regulation
for the Supply of Armed Forces Materiel Administrations (GRSAFMA).
a. For NMIOTC logistic support, the MOU between the Government of the Hellenic
Republic and the SACEUR and the SACT regarding the Provision of Host Nation Support for
the Execution of NATO Operations / Exercises, dated 12th of August 2004, is used as a base
for further agreements. This is termed “HNS MOU” throughout.
b. Nations participating in the multinational manning of the Centre, accept the
conditions of the HNS MOU.
c. A price list relative to all provided services is depicted in NMIOTC Directive 60-1
and is publicized and uploaded to NMIOTC official website for whom it may concern.


The NMIOTC develops the annual NPOW as well as of the two upcoming years in close
coordination with HQ SACT. The NPOW includes all activities the NMIOTC will perform

during the course of a particular calendar year and indicates the level of funding available in
support of the individual activities under the NPOW.
Upon final approval, the FN distributes the NPOW to the other SNs and the NMIOTC.
For the purpose of their timely inclusion into the draft NPOW, HQ SACT and SACEUR
provides all NATO requirements for the NPOW to the NMIOTC.
HQ SACT coordinates any out of cycle requirements with the NMIOTC.


The NAB is a body responsible for providing advice to the Commandant of the NMIOTC
on all NMIOTC activities for the effective execution of his mission.
Each SN nominates a representative to the NAB.
The NAB is responsible for taking into consideration SNs’ interests regarding all matters
pertaining to the NMIOTC.
The TOR for the NAB, outlined in Section VIII of the NMIOTC MAT MOU, are provided
herein as Annex B.


a. NMIOTC is a NATO Education and Training Facility (NETF), focused on maritime
issues. Being a member of the NATO educational core, NMIOTC supports SACT’s efforts to
meet the education and training requirements of the Alliance. Specifically it:
(1) Cooperates closely with HQ SACT and follows training guidance and
(2) Establishes links with other NATO entities, as appropriate, in coordination
with HQ SACT, giving precedence to relationships with other NATO Training and Educational
Facilities (NETFS) and the Maritime Component Commands (MCCs).
(3) Follows the established NATO decisions, regulations, directives and other
(1) Works closely with the NMIOTC to identify the necessary requirements within
NATO for training to be conducted by the NMIOTC.
(2) Provides the appropriate guidance to enable the NMIOTC to effectively
conduct its mission.

(3) Coordinates all activities of the NMIOTC with NATO.
(1) Ensures close cooperation between the MIO subject matter experts within
ACO and the NMIOTC to support the optimal development and conduct of training and
(2) Ensures routine liaison between the NMIOTC and ACO, in particular the
MCCs, to coordinate NMIOTC activities with NATO naval training and exercise activities.
d. The NCB:
(1) Coordinates and provides advice on the NPOW for the next cycle:
(a) By coordinating the activities of the NMIOTC with the functions of other
NATO organizations.
(b) By coordinating the NMIOTC activities with activities of ACT and ACO in
the next NPOW cycle.
(c) By assessing shortfalls in the concluded NPOW cycle.
(2) Coordinates and provides advice on the long-term matters regarding the
NMIOTC mission.
(3) Reviews the NMIOTC curricula in order to ensure it conforms with regard to
lessons learned, new doctrine and concepts, as well as relevant ACT guidance.
(4) Provides advice on further matters regarding the NMIOTC's mission, as

The NMIOTC is located inside the northern region of the Souda Naval Base, on the
island of Crete.




The NMIOTC’s mission generates a set of processes that the personnel of the Center, is
called upon to fulfil. These are grouped as follows:
a. In the field of capabilities provided to NATO Education and Training:
(1) Improve Naval Units MIO expertise through specific training programmes, in
accordance with the provisions of the Bi-SC Directives 75-2 and 75-7.
(2) Promote skills, interoperability and cooperation among Naval Units through
training activities.
b. In the field of capabilities provided to NATO Transformation:
(1) Contribute and support ACT in the development of MIO tactical maritime
doctrine, training directives and manuals.
(2) Contribute and support ACT in fields of research, experimentation, modelling
and simulation.

As a result of the above, the NMIOTC has 2 principal processes:
a. Education & Training Process.
(1) The NMIOTC follows Bi-SC Directives for Course Development/ Evaluation,
prepares course documentation, runs courses and provides the internal evaluation reports.
Under HQ SACT direction it arranges staff assistance visits for conducting external
(2) The safety of the students is of paramount importance, thus a step-by-step
“build-up” is required towards their practical training and evaluation. Once their knowledge,
understanding and adherence to the safety precautions are validated (as well as the pertinent
knowledge of the education material), the final evaluation is conducted. This layering is
achieved through the phasing of all courses into 3 phases, where applicable:
(a) Classroom Indoctrination.
During this phase the students become familiar with the NATO doctrines
and procedures for MIO. Also they are exposed to the safety precautions with respect to MIO.
(b) Simulator Training.
During this phase the students spend time on the NMIOTC tactical
trainers so as to demonstrate the application of NATO doctrines and procedures, with respect
to MIO, as well as the understanding of and adherence to safety precautions.
(c) Practical Training.
During this phase the students will be provided with, and will be required
to perform, demonstrations that successfully and safely complete all boarding tasks.
(3) The safety of students and trainers requires implementation of specific control
measures that reduce the risk inherent in pertinent modules. These measures should be a
product of a continuous risk analysis regime that will aim to identify dangers and hazards. It
should encompass, at least, applicable Host Nation Health & Safety regulations (H&SR).
Moreover it should also aim to take into account H&SR that are either suggested or proposed
by the nations receiving training.
(4) This process outputs:
(a) Development of training activities.
(b) Evaluation of training activities.
(c) Accreditation for training activities – Educational claim.
(d) Trainee evaluation & certification.
(e) Customer Nation support & satisfaction.
(f) NPOW development & monitoring.
b. Transformation Process.
(1) The Alliance’s transformational effort is commanded and controlled by ACT.
NMIOTC, therefore, follows the guidance set forth by HQ SACT.
(2) The transformational effort requires close monitoring and coordination of all
participants to the wider ACT transformational network. For this reason liaisons are
established inter alia amongst the network participants.
(3) The MIO doctrine, procedures even equipment are under continuous scrutiny
so as to better reflect lessons identified not only in operations but in training also. This leads
to a connection not only with ACO and its sub-entities but with the trainees after they have
completed their training.
(4) Assisting the education, training and transformation are the NMIOTC
simulator. They provide near-real time operational analysis and can be used as a “test

ground” to prove both doctrine and procedures. They, of course, are a transformational goal
themselves (simulation – modelling).
(5) This process outputs:
(a) Continuous improvement of doctrine, procedures and equipment related
to MIO.
(b) Innovation.
(c) Alliance connectivity.
(d) Evaluation of training activities.
(e) Inputs to NPOW & monitoring.

The NMIOTC has 2 secondary processes:
a. Staff process.
(1) The workings of the NMIOTC staff is the manifestation of the NMIOTC
Command cycle.
(2) This process outputs:
(a) Flexibility.
(b) Internal staff rhythm.
(c) Paperwork (written).
(d) Briefings (oral).
b. Host Nation (HN) support process.
(1) The responsibilities of the FN are covered by the governing the NMIOTC
(2) This process outputs:
(a) Fiscal & Manpower Resource Management.
(b) Logistics.
(c) Security.
(d) Multinational Personnel Support.



The NMIOTC has 4 organizational elements:
a. The NMIOTC Command Group (CG).
The CG provides command & control for the NMIOTC.
b. The Education and Training (E&T) Directorate.
The E&T is responsible for planning and executing all training activities required to
accomplish the NMIOTC mission.
c. The Training Support (TS) Directorate.
The TS is responsible for the functions that directly support the activities conducted
by E&T.
d. The Support (S) Directorate.
The S is responsible for the functions that are required to sustain the NMIOTC’s
ability to conduct its training activities.

a. The NMIOTC is headed by:
(1) Commandant (COM).
(2) Deputy Commandant (DCOM).
(3) Chief of Staff (COS).
b. The CG is headed by the COM, who is also supported by the DCOM. The
Directorates report to the COS.

a. The Directorates are further broken down into:
(1) Sections.
(2) Offices.
b. The NMIOTC organizational elements are connected as follows:






Fig. 3: NMIOTC CG Organizational Structure

a. Commandant
Provides leadership and guidance to the NMIOTC staff in order to enhance the
combined and joint training operational level. As directed by the Allied Commander
Transformation, develops the joint experimentation, interoperability and doctrine, integrates
efforts with other NATO and national organizations. Tests and validates new concepts and
integrates them into the Operational Commanders’ training programs. Ensures the effective
and efficient delivery of education and training products in accordance with the direction of the
Allied Command Transformation.
b. Office of the Commandant
Responsible to the Commandant NMIOTC, for all aspects concerning the
Commandants involvement, as directed by him/her.
c. Health and Safety Office
Responsible to the Commandant NMIOTC, for preventing accidents, observing and
implementing safety regulations. Ensures the safety execution of the training provided,
identify probable risks, inspects training sites, provide health and safety training as well as
being continually abreast of NMIOTC and HS ARIS safety trends.
d. Deputy Commandant
Responsible to the Commandant NMIOTC. In the event of the Commandant’s
absence and/or temporary incapacitation, functions on behalf of the Commandant in
accordance with the duties as set forth in the Commandant’s Job Description and as
delegated by the Commandant.
e. Office of the Deputy Commandant
Responsible to the Deputy Commandant NMIOTC, for all aspects concerning the
DCOMs’ involvement, as directed by him/her.
f. Liaisons Office
Links the NMIOTC, with other than NATO members or participants to this Training
Centre, who under certain circumstances approved by NAC, contribute or observe the
activities in which the NMIOTC is involved. It possesses a central role in the NMIOTC liaison
structure and because of the multinational nature of the NMIOTC is has a demanding and
pivotal appointment in the successful prosecution of liaison. Establishing and maintaining
liaison in peacetime, co-ordinating the LNO Teams both in and out, organising LNO training
and acting as the single point of contact on liaison matters. It is the point of contact within
NMIOTC for the reception, briefing and debriefing of LNOs. In peacetime it is the NMIOTC’s
lead in Partnership for Peace issues.
g. Chief of Staff
Responsible to the Commandant NMIOTC. In the event of the Deputy
Commandant’s absence and/or temporary incapacitation, functions as the DCOM in
accordance with the duties as set forth in the TORs and as approved by the Commandant.
Maintains currency on all activities of the NMIOTC. Undertakes tasks and responsibilities as
directed by the Commandant. Principal and supplementary responsibilities, as described in
his Job Description. Directs, coordinates and supervises all staff activities. He/She is the
Focal point for the initiation and coordination of all NMIOTC staff efforts. Receives decisions
of Director NMIOTC. Promulgates policies for the day to day functioning of staff and ensures
accuracy of published instructions in accordance with policies Director NMIOTC. Allocates
functions, tasks, budget and facilities to ensure proper management of the NMIOTC.

h. Office of the Chief of Staff
Responsible to the Chief of Staff, for all aspects concerning the COS’ involvement,
as directed by him/her.
i. Legal Advisor Section
Provides to the Commandant and all Directorates with legal advice on all matters
affecting the NMIOTC. Provides assistance and advice to the Commandant NMIOTC, on all
legal matters affecting the Commandant including the rights, privileges and obligations
granted or imposed by the NATO Status of Forces Agreement, the Protocol on the Status of
International Military Headquarters, and bilateral agreements. Participates actively in the
preparation of exercises and give his evaluation on the legal consequences of their execution,
in particular with regard to the methods planned and the means to be used. Provides Liaison
and consults with legal advisers in both higher and lower formations and disseminates to the
staff any changes in both International law and the laws of individual nations which might
effect, planning and the conduct of operations. Provides instruction to NMIOTC personnel and
others as required in the laws of armed conflict and ensures that knowledge gained is
continually maintained. Advices on and assists in the negotiation and drafting of documents
affecting the Headquarters e.g. Memoranda of Understanding, Status of Forces Assignments
and bi-lateral assignments.
j. Director of Staff Operations
Responsible for co-ordinating, prioritising, and supervising all activities of the
Admin/Coord office, PIO/Media office, Registry office, Protocol office and Linguistic office,
ensures the NMIOTC with the best and most timely staff work. Formulates and announces
policies for the optimal day to day functioning of the staff. Ensures that sufficient guidance is
obtained, recorded and disseminated to the appropriate staff elements and agencies to
enable them to perform their tasks in due time. Ensures that sufficient administrative and
linguistic support is provided to the staff. Ensures that all published instructions are in
accordance with the policies of the Commandant. Responsible for the development of the
NMIOTC management plan.
k. Administration/ Coordination Office
Responsible to DOS for all aspects of the organisation of the NMIOTC. His office is
especially responsible for the development of the NMIOTC management Plan and for all
multinational aspects within the Headquarters. Develops plans related to the HQ structure,

Establishment issues, Management Planning. POC to HNDGS, SHAPE, ACT and other
national and NATO HQs on a wide variety of external issues affecting the peacetime and
operational requirements of NMIOTC HQ. Responsible to execute and adjust procedures
which ensure the optimal day-to-day functioning of the HQ in co-ordination with all NMIOTC
Directorates. Responsible to provide secretarial, clerical and additional assistance to the
DOS. Responsible for the provision of all clerical and administrative support to the
Headquarters’. Provides the Cosmic Atomal Control Officer of the HQ. Develops the Clerical
and Staff Support policy within the HQ. Maintains the functional control of all clerks within HQ.
Maintains the functional control of civilian clerical staff. Prepares Position papers/impact
statements as directed by DOS. Coordinates the allocation of offices, maintenance and repair
of offices and furnishings. Advises the Commandant and subordinate HQ's on medical issues.
It has the functional on all medical matters.
l. Public Information & Media Office
The Public Information & Media Office (PIOM), supports the Commandant by
communicating accurate information in a timely manner to audiences to improve public
awareness and understanding of the military aspects of the NMIOTC’s role, aims, mission,
activities and issues, thereby enhancing organisational credibility. PIOM is the function
responsible to promote NMIOTC’s aims and objectives to audiences in order to enhance
awareness and understanding of military aspects of the NMIOTC. Responsible for
establishing and implementing the NMIOTC’s Media policy in accordance with National and
SACT's procedures as well as Commandant’s directives and is also responsible to the
Commandant for all matters concerning public relations and public information. Plans and
conducts the NMIOTC Media Campaign. PIOM is responsible for content management and
the appearance of NMIOTC Internet websites. The Chief PIOM is the Commandant’s Public
Affairs advisor and official spokesperson, reporting directly to the Commandant. Responsible
to plan and implement the PI campaign. Advises the Commandant on all PI matters and
keeps Commandant and staff officers informed on all media and public opinion trends.
Responsible for establishing and maintaining relations with the national and international
media and information agencies in order to ensure confidence and support to the NMIOTC’s
PIOM organizes, moderates and conducts potential news Conferences. It is the
initial POC for all media inquiries and ensures that all NMIOTC personnel are properly

prepared for press conferences and interviews. Provides photographic support to official
events. Directs the publication of advertising.
m. Registry
Provides courier and central registry support to the NMIOTC. Controls and
maintains the Management and Archival Storage System. Retains, organises and maintains
documents and electronic media for future retrieval and dissemination. Maintains Library of
military literature, magazines, newspapers and Allied Publications, and documents related to
exercise events.
n. Protocol Office
Responsible for the planning and co-ordination of all VIP visits to the NMIOTC.
This includes co-ordination, conduct, control itineraries, escorts, transportation and billeting
requirements as well as compilation and dissemination of information. Prepares ceremonies
and parade reviews. Plans and co-ordinates all aspects of the visits of distinguished visitors to
the NMIOTC HQ. Provides official protocol liaison with governmental and other military
agencies in Greece. Staffs and publishes itineraries and memoranda on all visits of
distinguished persons and ceremonies for National holidays. Conducts official functions and
honour ceremonies for arrivals and departures of general officers assigned to NMIOTC HQ.
Co-ordinates the arrangements of the Commandant, DCOM, COS, Senior National
Representatives, other HQ’s, embassies, consulates and interested Flag/ General Officers.
Collects and researches information on problems, activities, developments and important
events occurring in NMIOTC required for preparation of the NMIOTC Annual Command
o. Communication Office
Responsible for the organization, operational exploitation and audit of the
functioning the allocated communication system in NMIOTC. Ensures the safety of
communications and the safe management of material (publications, appliances etc). Handles
matters concerning the operation of Signals Distribution Office and Crypto Centre of NMIOTC.
Responsible for maintaining, managing and updating the communication library of
p. Linguistic Office
Provides all linguistic and translation services from Greek into official NATO
languages, and vice versa, within the NMIOTC.


Fig.4: NMIOTC E&T Directorate Organizational Structure (up to sections)

The primary mission of the Education & Training Directorate is to improve allied naval
units’ expertise in Maritime Interdiction Operations through specific training programs. The
Directorate must be prepared to support real-time operational HQ (OHQ) training needs in
support of real world operations (“Just in Time” training) as determined by the operational
Commandant (e.g. Mission Rehearsal Exercises). Designs, develops, executes and evaluates
training programs tailored to satisfy defined training objectives. Additionally, it is responsible
for testing and validating new concepts, and integrating them into training programs. Finally, it
is responsible for the assessment of training effectiveness and for the implementation of
continual improvements into the training program.
a. Exercise Planning Section
Responsible for the planning and execution of exercises, aimed at allied naval
units, in order to meet specific course and/or training objectives. During the conduct of these
exercises, the section mans the exercise control (EXCON). Checks that Computer-Aided
Exercise (CAX) design and database management meets all exercise objectives. Produces
the proposed NMIOTC Program of Work (NPOW) for the following year, and checks the
execution of the current year’s NPOW in coordination with DOSO and Programme Planning
and Evaluation Section.. It is the focal point for exercise scheduling, scenario development,
planning and coordination. Additionally, it is responsible for preparing detailed written
instructions and for preparing and presenting oral briefs as necessary.
b. Program Planning and Evaluation Section
Designs, evaluates and reviews all training programmes. Drafts and tracks all
Programs of Instruction (PoIs). Plans and controls the course calendar based on requests.

Defines training & education objectives according to the NMIOTC principles. Prepares annual
review reports concerning training and course calendar by taking lessons learned into
consideration. Establishes procedures and documentation for developing of new courses
programs and revisions of the existing courses. Reports on the efficiency and adequacy of
instructors and sea trainers.
c. Program Execution and Force Certification Section
Responsible for the execution of all training activities as well as the certification of
the participants. Responsible for the content and relevance of the training modules. Develops
all related material (e.g. student guides, presentations, lecture notes, SOPs, exams).
Observes, analyzes, assesses and certifies participants’ performance. Conducts the
assessment debrief to the training audience. Responsible for the good physical fitness,
welfare and the strict compliance to all applicable safety regulations of all training participants.
Reports on the efficiency and adequacy of instructors and sea trainers.
d. Student Administration/ Affairs Section
Co-ordinates, plans, prepares, executes and subsequently monitors all
administrative activities related to students. The Section provides secretarial services to the
Directorate. Coordinates, with the course directors on all administrative issues concerning
students. Liaises with the related national/international Training & Education Institutions and
Main Subordinate Directorates of the Centre. There is a subordinate office for Morale,
Welfare & Recreation (MWR), which is manned on a volunteer basis by dependent members
of NMIOTC’s personnel. This Office is providing services for the benefit of the trainees, the
attendees and visitors of NMIOTC, as well as for the permanent staff of the Centre and is
responsible for the following:
i. Organize cultural events and trips in historical sites and natural
ii. Organize ceremonies and protocol events (lunches, cocktails etc.).
iii. Organize ceremonies regarding the welfare of the staff (Christmas tree
ceremony etc).
iv. Organize athletic/sports events.
v. Creates and keeps track of POC from local entertainment providers.
vi. Is responsible for the operation of the library of the Centre.
vii. Cooperates with the respective offices of NAMFI and NSA in order to

coordinate the required actions and become cost effective.


Responsible for leading and managing this Directorate. Responsible for management of
the NMIOTC contribution to the SACT experimentation and interoperability program,
especially in the areas of identification, coordination and program development on
experimentation opportunities, doctrine development, shortfall identification, assessments,
standardization requirements, and database development.

Fig.5: NMIOTC TS Directorate Organizational Structure (up to sections)

a. Technical Support Section
Responsible for assessing the current status of NATO’s procedural and system
interoperability capability and developing and maintaining a NATO Interoperability home page
and database. Directs and coordinates the interoperability effort in the areas of shortfall
identification, deficiency, compliance review, assessments and home page and database
development. Provides inputs to the Transformation section in order to improve NATO’s
interoperability. Monitors the promulgation of transformation initiatives including new concepts
pertaining to MlO doctrine. Review and updates the integrated interoperability program of
work in coordination with ACT/ACO. Conducts evaluations to identify interoperability
deficiencies and to confirm compliance. Compiles written interoperability deficiency or
compliance reports. Reviews operations/exercise/experiment post action reports for
interoperability issues. Identifies interoperability requirements. Reviews and updates
interoperability program processes as required. Develops and maintains a classified NATO
interoperability-status database. Manages and coordinates Simulation & Modeling (S&M)
resources to enable execution of the event program. Responsible for timely S&M service

delivery to the NMIOTC. Coordinates and de-conflicts S&M requirements with other section
heads. Coordinates and liaises with outside agencies, NATO and non-NATO representatives
and contractors. Manages assigned personnel. Manages Section’s budget. Responsible for
Section input to all after action reports. Responsible for S&M related Service Level
Agreements (SLAs) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) input. Responsible for
selection of the appropriate model for a given Computer Aided Exercise (CAX) scenario.
Coordinates and de-conflicts exercise design and tool utilization with exercise planners.
Manages and coordinates the installation, maintains and troubleshoots CAX hardware,
software and communications for exercise preparation, and implements complete exercise
control architecture. Manages and coordinates the maintenance of an effective CAX database
of units and performance parameters. Manages and coordinates CAX training of exercise
control staff. Manages SLAs with outside agencies. Provides technical inputs to SLAs.
Responsible for model evaluation. Coordinates the model, simulation and database related
input for the after exercise report. Manages the coordination of model, simulation and / or
database related lessons learned with model developers and exercise planners. Acts as the
“knowledge base” for training model capabilities and limitations. Ensures suitable allocation of
hardware to simulation functions and processes. Provides updated versions of simulations
and tools for installation. Coordinates C4 architecture for exercise and on intended
connectivity arrangements and performance requirements. Provides C4 updated versions of
simulation interfaces to C2 for installation on selected equipment. Advises EXCON staff on
measures to adapt the course and flow of an exercise during its execution. Responsible to
task C4-CIS resources to enable execution of the event program. Responsible for timely C4-
CIS, audio, visual, (secure) telephone and fax services delivery to the NMIOTC. Prioritizes the
tasks, derived from the event program, from a C4-CIS prospective. Liaises and coordinates
with other agencies and ADL course providers. Coordinates with NATO and non-NATO
representatives. Manages service providers. Establishes a CIS infrastructure maintenance
and replacement policies.
b. Transformation Section
Responsible of coordinating the transformation effort in the areas of doctrine &
experimentation (D&E), analysis & lessons identified (A&LI) with special focus on operations
procedures. Studies available and relevant sources and develops proposals for
improvements. Fosters and maintains close working relationship with other relevant

organizations, COE’S SHAPE, ACT, ACO. Provides experimentation subject matter expertise
related to MIO. Maintains a regular information exchange with NATO and national agencies
for the identification of future experimentation opportunities.
Maintains a central reference library of experimentation documentation. Identifies conflicts in
NATO policy, doctrine and concepts on experimentation, informs the sponsoring authorities
for the conflicting documents and provides proposed amendments to ensure harmonisation
with the current NATO position. Responsible for supporting exercises and experimentation
trials through direct planning and execution functions, with an emphasis on experimentation.
Supports MIO related experimentation as directed, coordinating efforts with other NATO
training centres to avoid duplication of effort. Responsible for proposing refinements to
concepts under development based on evaluation of experimentation results. Incorporates
post exercise/experiment data into further concept refinement and preparation for
implementation in the joint training program, where appropriate. Collaborates closely with
ACT Operational Experimentation Staff Officers to coordinate and de-conflict the new concept
experimentation work plan. Directs and coordinates the experimentation effort in the areas of
analysing doctrine and new concepts and determines if new or updated doctrine is required.
Supports efforts to harmonize MIO doctrine development.
Cooperates closely with the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Center in Portugal to assess
the impact of current capabilities, priorities, policies, and doctrine with particular emphasis on
training and interoperability analysis/assessments. Develops proposals for doctrine
improvements. Determines and provides the doctrinal support for the introduction of new
capabilities. Liaises with SHAPE, nations and assigned formation on doctrinal matters as
necessary. Develops and publishes collection plans for NMIOTC exercises. Gathers data and
comments from all NMIOTC directorates concerning their responsibilities and tasks during
exercises. Analyses all data and comments for validity and identifies key MIO strengths and
weaknesses and, from them, derives lessons which can be identified from these areas.
Produces summary reports of key lessons to be learned from MIO exercises, followed by a
final summary of the overall MIO lessons. Develops and provides briefings on lessons


Responsible for Headquarters services and support services to the staff of NMIOTC. Is
responsible to provide to the COM, through the COS, planning, direction, coordination,
integration and execution of Logistics, Personnel, Financial, Security and Host Nation

Fig.6: NMIOTC S Directorate Organizational Structure (up to sections)

a. Budget & Finance Section

Runs the NMIOTC B&F to ensure the financial operations of NMIOTC comply with
HN Financial Regulations, Rules and Procedures and the HNGS/HNDGS Financial Manual
with respect to budgeting, purchasing and contracting, accounting, treasury, and auditing.
Supervises the preparation of the NMIOTC Annual Financial Plan (AFP).
Prepares the NMIOTC impact statement and forwards the budgets to the HNDGS
for endorsement. Responsible for the maintenance of the accounting information system.
Manages the execution of approved budgets to include the receipt, disbursement
and reporting of all international funds per HNGS / HNDGS Finance Regulations, Rules and
Procedures. Supervises the preparation of all fiscal documentation. Supervises the staff
activities in executing the financial operations of NMIOTC with respect to budgeting,
purchasing and contracting, accounting and treasury. Develops guidance, prepares and
produces the NMIOTC annual budgets based on national Regulations and other directives.

Monitors the execution of the budget and advises and informs on budget matters and the
proper use of budget allocation. Coordinates and prepares reports on budget status for
management review and implements decisions made.
Coordinates and prepares the Annual Financial Plan and accompanying tables.
Coordinates and manages the costs related to Nations participating as “customers” in
NMIOTC activity and training. Directs and supervises the work staff in BDF&A. Produces
budget allocation documents. Coordinates, facilitates and conducts training and instruction in
HN Budget and Disbursing subjects to multinational staff assigned to B&F section. Maintains
proper accounts to show budgetary credit approved, transfers and related commitments/
uncommitments and payments. Maintains other fiscal accounts such as Disbursing’s cash
balance and suspense transactions (to show guarantees, deposits, advances and payments
or receipts). Acts as the Disbursing Officer on a daily basis, verifying that compliance with
payment instructions has been carried out expeditiously. Retains authorisation up to the
amounts allocated by HN regulations. Ensures that proposed commitments are within the
funds available for the purpose in the approved budget. Produces financial statements
reflecting the accounts he/she is responsible for. Assesses expenditure activity against the
anticipated monthly trends for each expence code. Acts and informs all expence code
handlers of any reallocation of current year funding as directed. Signs contracts and commits
obligate funds on behalf of HQ, in accordance with warrants issued by HNGS/HNDGS, as
applicable. Assists in developing and implementing NMIOTC contracting policies and
procedures in accordance with related HN directives. Approves custom and tax exemption
forms. Provides contracting assistance to HQ, Participating Nations, including obtaining price
and availability data as required. Collates, interprets and disseminates P&C Management
Information as directed. Develops, executes and monitors the P&C Staff Training Plan
including training for nominated augmentees.
Sponsors P&C aspects of HQ doctrine, procedures and policy.
b. Engineering – Supply & Transportation Section
Ensures the provision of transportation services, vehicle, small boat and small
arms maintenance and overall policy and guidance relating to supply matters. Coordinates
and supervises the maintenance and upkeep of NMIOTC facilities. Provides overall policy and
guidance relating to engineering, supply and transportation matters within NMIOTC. Plans,
coordinates and manages staff activities related to engineering, supply and transportation

services. Establishes requirements, prepares, coordinates and submits budget proposals for
all types of internationally funded equipment, supplies and services. Manages all military
transportation assets at NMIOTC in accordance with Host Nation-HN regulations. Manages
and controls all local military transport administration and planning. Directs and coordinates
all transport requirements for exercises, VIP visits and conferences. Plans and implements
programs to replace vehicles. Provides local General/Flag Officer/VIP transportation services.
Manages all military transportation assets at NMIOTC in accordance with HN regulations.
Coordinates all authorised military transportation requirements for NMIOTC. Plans and
controls all maintenance, repair and accounting of vehicles.
c. Security Section
Responsible for security policies and procedures within the NMIOTC in accordance
with NATO, SACT and Host Nation directives. Controls and co-ordinates physical security of
NMIOTC including development of NMIOTC defense plans. Liaises with host nation Security
Authorities. Direct, co-ordinate and supervise all HQ SECURITY personnel in their specialist
Security activities. Plans and coordinates security during important meetings and conferences
inside and outside the center. Files and maintains NATO clearance certificates. Develops
security policies and procedures. Chairs NMIOTC security committees, ensuring completion
of committee work according to NATO directive procedures. Carries out preliminary
investigation into all security violations. Provides initial general security threat briefs for all
NMIOTC newcomers. Provides briefs at intervals given in NATO directives. Maintains contact
with local police on relevant security matters. Maintains/updates security officer handbook
and relevant NMIOTC forms. Oversees access control system and issue off personal access
cards for all NMIOTC employees.
d. Manpower & Personnel Section
Responsible for manpower management and military and civilian personnel
management in the NMIOTC. Provides overall policy and guidance relating to manpower and
personnel administration within NMIOTC. Plans, coordinates and manages staff activities
relative to manpower, personnel and organizational matters.
Provide overall management of the NMIOTC Peacetime Establishment (PE)
manpower requirements and military/civilian personnel matters. Promulgates and enforces
personnel and establishment policies of higher headquarters. Analyses and advises on
matters related to the NMIOTC PE organizational structures. Provide analytical support to

NMIOTC and HQ ACT on any NATO manpower issues. Provide detail command guidance on
NMIOTC manning trends/ effectiveness including civilian manpower allocations. Plans and
executes the manning and augmentation activities in HQ. Recommends the multinational
personnel policies. Responsible for providing administrative assistance to the NMIOTC
activities. Provides all the transportations needed. Responsible the well functioning,
maintenance of minor defects and the decent appearance of entire galley’s area. Provides the
NMIOTC’s training ship maintenance, security and descent appearance. Responsible for
providing services to NMIOTC’s fitness center.
e. Host Nation Support Section
Directs and coordinates Host Nation Support (HNS) policy and planning.
Coordinates real HNS requirements for NMIOTC exercises. Responsible for the management
and administration of the housing support program provided to NATO military and civilian
personnel and their families assigned to the installation in accordance with the laws and rule
of the local economy, treaties, and status of forces agreements. Liaises with national
support units, as required, for coordination on personnel matters and installation activities.
Maintains listing of suitable and available rental properties. Provides information, liaison, and
translation support between tenants, landlords, and utility companies. Locates, and certifies
as suitable, new or replacement properties. Provides support advice (including representation
and participation in committees, conferences, boards ,and working group meetings).
Supports Headquarters in training and exercise events.





1. The present Terms of Reference define the purpose and functions, the composition,
decisions, chairmanship and further details regarding the NCB.


2. For fulfilling its role the NCB, as an integrated body of the NMIOTC, will:
a. Coordinate and provide advice on the NPOW for the next NPOW cycle
i. by coordinating the activities of the NMIOTC with the functions of other NATO
ii. by coordinating the NMIOTC activities with activities of ACT and ACO in the
next NPOW cycle,
iii. by assessing shortfalls in the concluded NPOW cycle.
b. Coordinate and provide advice on the long term matters regarding the NMIOTC's
c. Review the NMIOTC curriculum in order to ensure that it conforms with lessons
learned, new doctrine and concepts, as well as relevant ACT and further NATO guidance.
d. Provide advice on further matters regarding the NMIOTC's mission, as necessary.

3. All decisions of the NCB require the consensus of all of its permanent members.

4. The NCB will ordinarily be composed of OF 4/5-level representatives of the permanent
- The Hellenic Navy General Staff, as the Chairperson,
- HQ SACT, as the Co-Chairperson,
- ACO, as designated by SHAPE,
- ACT, as designated by HQ SACT and

- the Deputy Commandant/COS of the NMIOTC.
5. Representatives of further nations or entities, especially further ACT or ACO entities, as
invited or appropriate, may also participate in the meetings of the NCB in an advisory role.


6. The Chairperson will prepare and convene the NCB meetings.
7. In close coordination with the Co-Chairperson, the Chairperson will prepare the agenda
of the meeting. The agenda and the invitations for the NCB meetings will be distributed by the
Chairperson to the permanent members of the NCB, as well as to the required further
attendees, 45 days in advance of each meeting.
8. The Chairperson, in coordination with the Co-Chairperson, will agree on and provide the
records of the NCB meetings to all members of the respective meeting.
9. The Chairperson will prepare and provide the agreed advice on the NPOW and any
further matters to the HMOND so that a timely decision on the NPOW can be achieved.


10. The NCB will ordinarily meet once a year at the NMIOTC at least nine months before the
beginning of the next NPOW cycle. The Chairperson may decide deviations from the location.
11. In extraordinary circumstances and at the request of either Participant, the Chairperson
will convene the NCB outside the regular cycle.

12. For the coordination of specific issues, the NCB may establish temporary

13. The NMIOTC will provide the required venue and secretarial support and will be
responsible for the documentation and archiving of the records of the NCB meetings.





1. The NAB is a body responsible for providing advice on all NMIOTC activities. The NAB
will provide advice to the Commandant (COM) for the effective execution of his mission. Each
SN will nominate in writing a representative to the NAB.
2. The NAB is responsible for taking into consideration SNs’ interests regarding all matters
pertaining to the NMIOTC. These responsibilities include but are not limited to proposals on
the NPOW, as well as to changes to the Annexes of the NMIOTC MAT MoU.
3. The NAB will be composed of:
a. The COM, who will chair the NAB; and
b. The SNs’ nominated OF-3 and above level, representatives.
4. The Director of Staff Operations (DOSO) will function as the NAB Secretary.
5. Each SN may provide any other required experts to support its NAB Representative.
6. The conclusions of all NAB meetings are decided upon by consensus.
7. Routine meetings of the NAB will take place annually; additional meetings may be called
by the COM or by any SN, through the COM.
8. The agendas of NAB meetings will be drawn up in advance and distributed to SNs at
least 30 days prior to each meeting. Minutes will be drawn up and will be distributed to the
members of the NAB.


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