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I. Introduction ......................................................................................... 1
The Action Starts ..................................................................................... 1
The Situation ........................................................................................... 1
The ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®Game ..................................... 1
The DRAGONLANCE®Saga ....................................................................... 1
ll. Characters ........................................................................................... 2
Goldmoon ......................................................................................... ...... 2
Riverwind .......................................................... ...................................... 3
Raistlin Majere ................................................. ........................................ 4
Caramon Majere ......................................... ............................................. 5
Tanis Half-Elven ....... .. ....................................................... ....................... 6
Sturm Brightblade ...................................................................................7
Tasselhoff Burrfoot ..................................................................................8
Flint Fireforge ......... ............................................... .................................. 9
m. Non.Player Characters .... ................................................................ 10
Eben Shatterstone ................................................................................. l 0
Gilthanas ............................................................................................... l 0
Laurana ................................................................................................. 10
Men ....................................................................................................... 10
Nomads ................................................................................................. 10
IV. Monsters ............................................................................................ 10
V. Items ................................................................................................... 12
VI. Play Notes ......................................................................................... 13
Moving Around ...................................................................................... 13
Combat Advice ...................................................................................... 13
Where Am I? .......................................................................................... 13


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I. INTRODUCTION sorts take advantage of the chaos to pil- U. THE CHARACTERS
lage the remains of civilization.
It is more than three hundred years since During your quest, you will meet many
others in the wilderness. Some may join Daughter of the chieftain of the Que-Shu tribe, Goldmoon's
the Cataclysm, when the old gods aban- future seemed to be set from birth; whomever she married
doned the people of Krynn . Without the your party; it will be necessary to gain
allies to complete the quest. Some may would become.chief of the Que-Shu. Unknown to everyone,
interference of the old gods, Takhisis, the
offer items to aid you on your quest. Some the gods had dIfferent plans for her. The first sign of these
Queen of Darkness, spreads her power
from the Abyss by awakening evil dragons will attack you with sword or claw. The only plans came when Goldmoon fell in love with Riverwind
way to know if an encounter is friend or rather than any of the other more suitable young men.
and creating armies of Draconians. Once
foe is to approach and keep alert. But, you
her armies are victorious, she will be free When Riverwind returned from his quest to prove himself
to move from th e Abyss into Krynn. The can assume that anyone who attacks is
allied with the forces of evil. worthy, things really changed. The Staff that he returned with
only threat to the Queen's awesome power
didn't appear to do anything and Goldmoon's father con-
is the revival of belief in the old gods and You may find important items in many
the uniting of the resistance against the By Larry Elmore, from demned him to death. As the tribe started to stone Riverwind
places as you travel. Items may be freely
Draconian armies. "Dragons of Hope" to death, Goldmoon threw herself into his arms. Suddenly
offered by friends, cast aside by those flee-
ing the enemy, lying amidst abandoned " ~he Staff flared with a brilliant blue light and Goldmoon and
The first steps against Takhisis have been Riverwmd were standmg miles away from the village, all their injuries healed.
taken . The Disks of Mishakal have been towns, or fiercely guarded by the forces of
Takhisis. Treat your allies and items wisely, Rejected by their tribe, Goldmoon and
recovered and Goldmoon has become the
first True Cleric since the Cataclysm. But, they are the keys to your quest.
Riverwind traveled to attempt to discover the
while returning from the successful assault Staff's true nature. During their travels, they
on Xak Tsaroth, Goldmoon and the other became involved in a fight at the Inn of the
Companions of the Lance are captured by DRAGONS'" GAME.
Last Home and were rescued by the other
an army of Draconians. DRAGONS Of FLAME, and the whole
Companions. From the Inn, the Companions'
DRAGONLANCE@Saga are based on the
When all seems lost, the Companions are adventures took them to Xak Tsaroth. In
freed during an elven attack on the
game by TSR Inc. AD&D'" is the most
those terrible ruins, the Blue Crystal Staff was
Draconians. Now, the Companions must destroyed, but the Disks of Mishakal were
popular role playing game in the world . In
ally with friendly NPCs, battle Draconian recovered and Goldmoon became the first
a role-playing game you control one or
hordes, and sneak through the caves of True Cleric since the Cataclysm. Goldmoon
more characters in an unfolding,
Sia-Mori into the fortress of Pax Tharkas.
interactive story-line. now wields personal clerical magic and directs
Inside, the Companions must recover the
the awesome powers of the Disks of Mishakal.
sword 'Wyrmslayer' and free the slaves DRAGONS Of FLAME is an action game with
held there to bind the forces of the resis- many of the interactive elements of a
tance together. role-playing game. The computer is used
to keep track of all of the usual 'to hit:
THE SITUATION. 'damage: and 'saving throw'dice rolls
AD&D~ Game Statistics:
At the start of the quest, Draconian armies behind the scenes so that you can concen-
trate on what is actually visible - the Strength 12;
sweep down from the north toward the
charging Draconian with a sword . Intelligence 12; Wisdom 16;
elven lands of Qualinost. They already hold
Dexteri ty 14; Constitution 12;
the ancient southern fortress of Pax
THE DRAGONLANCE®SAGA. Charisma 17; Alignm ent - Lawful Good;
Tharkas. The Draconians seek to crush the
Hit Points 24; Armor Class 6.
Qualinesti between their armies and the The DRAGONLANCE®saga was put together
mountain fortress. by the TSR design staff and brought to life EQUIPl'IENT:
by the TSR artists. It has appeared in nov- Leather armor; Quarterstaff +2;
The lands before th e invasion are in chaos.
els, short stories, ADVANCED DUNGEONS Medallion of Faith ;
The countryside is full of wanderers both
& DRAGONS® role-playing adventures, and Clerical magic, see sub-menu.
friendly and unfriendly. Brave elven and
computer games. DRAGONS Of FLAME gives
nomadic warriors seek to turn aside the
you the chance to take part in the quest of
forces of evil. Innocent victims flee the
the 'Companions ofThe Lance: as they
advancing conquerors. Foul creatures of all
continue their fight to save Krynn from By Larry Elmore, from
Takhisis, the Queen of Darkness. "Dragons of Mystery"

Born into a family of virtual tribal outcasts, no-one in the So weak when he was born that he wasn't expected to live,
Que-Shu tribe had a lower social position. His family refused Raistlin survived through his sister's efforts and the protec-
to believe in the divinity of the tribal chieftain and were the tion of his twin brother Caramon. Just before their fifth
last believers in the old gods. Tolerated for his skills, birthday, the twins were taken to a fair where a conjurer
Riverwind would probably have been left alone to live his life performed tricks and illusions. Caramon watched for a while
had he not asked permission of the tribal chief to marry and wandered off, but Raistlin stayed all day and then
Goldmoon. astonished his family by reproducing every trick he'd seen.
The chief ordered Riverwind to search for proof that the old Shortly after Raistlin's sixth birthday, the family took him to a
gods still existed and not to return without a powerful magic Master Mage. The mage took Raistlin as a pupil after he was
item to convince the tribe. In reality, he never expected to By Larry Elmore, from found in the mage's library reading a spellbook, thought to
By Larry Elmore, from
see Riverwind again. As time passed, it seemed this wish "Dragons of Hope " be impossible without years of study. Never popular and
"Dragons of Hope "
would be fulfilled, but Goldmoon never gave up hope and her often bored, his studies continued despite his contempt for
faith was eventually rewarded. both fellow students and instructors. This period reinforced Caramon's protective-
ness towards his brother, providing the root for Raistlin's general dislike of
The Riverwind that returned wasn't the same man who left. He was harder,
humanity at large, together with a deep and lasting sympathy for the weak.
changed by things he'd seen and unable to remember exactly where he had
been. And he returned with an artifact, the Blue Crystal Staff. However, he was Raistlin supplemented the family income by public performances of illusions and
unable to demonstrate its powers, and was condemned to be stoned to death. As tricks, often bringing him into connict with his school. One of these public dis-
Goldmoon joined him in the hail of stones, the Staff flared with blue light agreements led to meeting Tasselhoff and subsequently Flint. Raistlin was the
and teieported both of them out of the tribal village. youngest mage to take (and pass) the Test which confirmed his future power and
gained him his Staff, while leaving him a physical wreck.
Later, when the Companions made their way
to Xak Tsaroth, Riverwind realized that the Unknown to the other Companions, Raistlin
ruined city was the place from where he had gained personally from the descent into Xak
retrieved the Staff. After his adventures with Tsaroth. He recovered the spell book of an
the Companions, he has seen the magnitude ancient mage, helping him become even
of the destruction wrought by the Draconians. more powerful.
Riverwind's aim in life is now the protection
of Goldmoon and the destruction of the
AD&D~ Game Statistics:
Strength 10;
Intelligence 17; Wisdom 14;
AD&D~ Game Statistics: Dexterity 16; Constitution 10;
Strength 18/ 35 (Damage +3) ; Charisma 10; Alignm ent - Neutral;
Intelligence 13; Wisdom 14; Hit Points II; Armor Class 5.
Dexterity 16; Constitution 13; EQUIPMENT:
Charisma 13; Alignment - Lawful Good; Staff of the Magius (+3 protection;
Hit Points 36; Armor Class 5.
+2 to hit - damage 1-8);
EQUIPMENT: Close combat with Staff as weapon;
Leather armor &: Shield; Ranged combat - see spell list.
Longsword +2 (damage 1-8);
Bow &: quiver of 20 arrows
(damage 1-6).

By Larry Elmore, from By Larry Elmore, from

"Dragons of Mystery" "Dragons of Mystery"

3 4

The twin brother of Raistlin, Caramon can be considered a Orphaned by the death of his elven mother, Tanthalas, better
complete opposite to his brother. From early childhood known as Tanis, was raised amongst the elves. As a half-
Caramon made himself the protector of his weaker brother, human, Tanis always felt somewhat of an outcast. He was
rescuing him time and time again from bullying tormentors. finally driven by his restless nature to leave Qualinesti for
His training as a warrior was started by his sister, Kitiara, who Solace and the only 'outsider' known to him, his friend Flint.
later became a Dragon Highlord in the service of Takhisis. By the time Tanis became involved with the Companions he
had become an experienced half-elven fighter wandering the
Inseparable from his brother, except when Raistlin was being world of Krynn in search of True Healing and clerics.
schooled in the magic arts, Caramon lived all his life in
Solace. There he met Sturm and later Tasselhoff and Flint His travels and early training amongst the Qualinesti elves
Fireforge. These friendships led to the formation of the have turned Tanis into a master swordsman. Few fighters are
By Larry Elmore, from skilled enough to match him in combat, should they even
By Larry Elmore, from 'Companions of the Lance' when they all met up at the Inn "Dragons of Hope "
"Dragons of Hope" of the Last Home in Solace on that fateful night where they reach him. His natural skill with the bow usually stops all but
met Riverwind and Goldmoon. the most deadly opposition before they come within reach of his sword arm.
Despite this formidable skill, his experiences in the ruined city have made him an
After their adventures in Xak Tsaroth with Riverwind and Goldmoon, Caramon is even deadlier warrior, whose capabilities will stand the Companions in good stead,
eager to return to Solace. He fears for the city's safety in a suddenly hostile world whatever the future may bring.
full of legendary creatures come to life and the implacable hostility of the
Draconians. He will soon realize that destiny awaits in furth er adventures with
the Companions ...

AD&D~ Game Statistics:

Strength 16 (Damage + I);
Intelligence 12; Wisdom 13;
AD&D'" Game Statistics: Dexterity 16; Constitution 12;
Strength 18/ 63 (Damage +3); Charisma 15; Alignment - Neutral Good
Intelligence 12; Wisdom 10; Hit Points 45; Armor Class 4.
Dexterity I I; Constitution I 7;
Charisma 15; Alignment - Lawful Good; EQUlPI'IENT:

Hit Points 44; Armor Class 6. Leather armor +2;

Longsword +2 (damage 1-8);
EQUlPI'IENT : Bow &. quiver of 20 arrows (damage 1-6).
Ring mail armor;
Longsword (damage 1-8);
(damage 1-6) .

By Larry Elmore, from By Larry Elmore, from

"Dragons of Mystery" "Dragons of Mystery"

5 6

The son of a true Knight of Solamnia, Sturm was sent south Most people not only don't understand Kender but don't
with his mother for safety when his father could no longer want to know them. This is often due to their basic
guarantee the security of their home. His father was to have personality traits: fearlessness, unbelievable curiosity,
sent for them when things calmed down - he never did. At irresistible mobility, independence and the need to pick up
this time, the Knights were looked down upon by the general anything not screwed down (un less they have a screwdriver,
population, who blamed them for failing in their duties by in which case ... )
not stopping the Cataclysm.
But, the Kender do not see themselves as thieves. They do
Conscious of his inherited position and duties, Sturm dedi- not steal for profit, but from intense curiosity about every
By Larry Elmore, from cated his life to the Knighthood , becoming a well trained but thing. Even when caught 'in the act' th ey offer an amazing
By Larry Elmore, from
"Dragons of Hope " inexperienced fighter. He holds the high ideals of his father "Dragons of Hope" range of excuses from: "You dropped it. " through "1was just
and the Knights despite the current state of the world. looking after it in case it got stolen." As far as they are
concerned, it is only "borrowing", and being called a thief is a grave insult.
Drawn to Caramon by their joint martial interests, the two quickly became fast
friends. For Caramon's sake, Sturm even somewhat befriended Raistlin. After Apart from size, Kender would be easily recognized by the number of pockets and
meeting up with Tasselhoff, Flint, and Tanis, the group traveled together as pouches that festoon their clothing. They are also recognized by their favoured
formidable adventurers until, with Flint's retirement, they went their separate weapon, the hoopak. Used exclusively by Kender, it is a combination staff (shod in
ways. They all agreed to meet at the Inn of the Last Home in five years' time. iron) and slingshot, a lethally potent weapon.
Having gained his inheritance by this time, Sturm was equipped as a Knight of Tasselhoff met Flint through the normal actions of a Kender - absolute amazement
Solamnia, and this meeting marked the at being accused of stealing a bracelet, as he walked off with it from Flint's stall.
start of the Companions' involvement in Tanis arrived to calm the situation and it wasn't long before they were fast friends.
the 'War of the Lance', when they rescued Tasselhoff was later responsible for the
Goldmoon and Riverwind. Returning from meeting with Caramon, Raistlin and Sturm.
the ruins, Sturm is full of pessimism The dangers of Xak Tsaroth don't seem to
about the spread of the Draconian forces have registered with Tasselhoff and he is
but determined to try and help stand already looking forward to whatever
against their evil, even though he believes happens next.
the Companions' numbers insufficient to
make much difference.

AD&D®Game Statistics:
Strength 13;
AD&D'" Game Statistics: Intelligence 9; Wisdom 12;
Strength 17 (Damage + I); Dexterity 16; Constitution 14;
Intelligence 14; Wisdom II ; Charisma II ; Alignment - Neutral;
Dexterity 12; Constitution 16; Hit Points 20; Armor Class 6.
Charisma 12; Alignment - Lawful Good;
Hit Points 40; Armor Class 5.
Leather armor;
EQUlPI'It:NT: Hoopak +2 (damage 3·8) ;
Chainmail armor; Sling + I with a pouch of 20 bullets
Two Handed sword +3 (damage 1-10); (damage 2-7 ).
No ranged weapon.

By Larry Elmore, from By Larry Elmore, from

"Dragons of Mystery" "Dragons of Mystery"

7 8
Born and bred a poor hill dwarf, Flint left home as soon as During your travels you will meet charac- There are groups of nomads who inhabit
he could earn a living. As the years passed and his skills ters that may accompany you on your the plains and wander the southern areas
quest. These non-player characters (NPC's) of Qualinesti. Some of these nomads may
grew, improved fortun es led him to buy a small house in
are necessary to complete the quest, but be willing to aid the party by joining or by
Solace, which became his base.
they will not join the party if you attack giving the party important items. Nomads
From there he travelled widely, due to the great demand for them. You must move up to the NPC and generally fight with sword and bow.
his skills. As his fam e spread, his work came to the attention take the risk of being attacked for an NPC
of the elven leader in QualinestL resulting in him becoming to join your party. IV. MONSTERS
one of the few dwarves not only to visit the elven kingdom This term describes anything that wants to
but to become a welcome visitor. Here Flint met and kill you. Some monsters are allies of the
befriended Tanis. When Tanis finally left QualinestL his As a mercenary, Eben is totally self-serving Draconians, others just see the party as a
and looks out for his own interests above handy meal.
natural destination was his old friend Flint in Solace. Tanis
all others. He is not evil, and seems always
was soon so useful that Flint made him his business partner. AGUAR (GULLY DWARVES):
By Larry t:Jm~re, fr~,m He later met the twins, Tasselhoff, and Sturm, and the six
to end up on the winning side in any fight.
Although Eben is not a coward, he is not The lowest class of dwarf, the Aghar, are
"Dragons 0 Hope formed a formidable adventuring company. Flint then retired
stupid and will always find a reason not to denied kin status by other dwarves and are
to Solace, but agreed to meet the other adventurers at the Inn of the Last Home lead the way into danger. He wears chain- regarded as comical nuisances by humans.
five years hence. mail and fights with shield and longsword. Their strongest instinct is survival. They
On that fateful day, five years later, the adventurers rescued Goldmoon and see cowardice as a virtue and have raised
Riverwind and formed the 'Companions of the Lance '. After the Companions' grovelling to the status of an art form. In
Gilthanas is an experienced elven fight- combat they either run away or mill about
experiences, Flint is confirmed as an implacable foe of the Draconians, as well as
er/ magic-user whose knowledge may prove trying to avoid being hit while kicking the
having his prejudices towards the Aghar fully confirmed.
of great value to the party. He is second in characters' shins.
line for the Qualinesti throne and knows
many of the secret places of the ancients. BAAZ DRACONlANS:
He fights in chainmail, using a + I long These Draconians are the smallest and
sword, and bow, along with some first and most common type. The Baal are used as
AD&D®Game Statistics:
second level spells. ground troops in the army. They are quite
Strength 16 (Damage + I);
fond of humans as a favored addition to
Intelligence 7; Wisdom 12; LAURANA: their diet so they are eager to close and
Dexterity 10; Constitution 18;
Laurana is a Princess of the Qualinesti. She fight. They wear some armor, use swords,
Charisma 13; Alignment - Neutral Good ;
has been captured by the Draconians and and crumble to dust when killed.
Hit Points 52 ; Armor Class 6.
is being held prisoner in Pax Tharkas. She
EQUIPMENT : normally wears + I chainmail and fights HoZAK DRACONlANS:
Studded Leather armor & Shield; well with a sword. Should the characters These Draconians are larger and less plenti-
Battleaxe +1 (damage 1-8); encounter her, they would be well-advised ful than the Baal. They are magic users and
Throwing axes (damage 1-6). to help her escape. She is greatly loved by are dedicated to the purposes of Takhisis.
the elves and is essential to final victory They do not wear armor but are harder to
over the Draconians. injure than the armored Baal. They use
magical attacks such as 'Magic Missile'.
MEN: When killed, their flesh dries, and their
The various townsfolk you meet may be bones explode, injuring anyone too close.
refugees from the Draconians or the
Draconian's allies. Refugees may join the
party and fight with the characters. They
will usually use a sword and little or no

By Larry Elmore, from

"Dragons of Mystery"

9 10
DIRE WOLVES: scale armor. Their boldness is reflected in inflict damage merely by touching their MONEY:
the bright bloody colors of their clothes. target. They may be resistant to some
These large wolves tend to hunt in packs. In the world of Krynn, gold is a pretty metal
spells and can only be hit by magic or
They will attack if they are hungry (which is but money comes in steel coins. Intelligent
KAPAK DRACONIANS: silver weapons.
most of the time). The dire wolves are monsters may be carrying money that they
smart and fast attacking with a vicious bite. These Draconians are larger than Baaz drop when they die.
and love to bully their smaller brethren.
DRAGONS: They differ from other Draconians by their Spirits of evil beings, condemned or deter- RINGS:
poisonous attacks. When killed their mined to stay in our world, these undead
There are two old, experienced, and deadly These items come in various different
bodies dissolve. are amongst the party's most deadly oppo-
dragons in Pax Tharkas: Flamestrike and forms for differing character types.
nents. Wraiths inflict damage merely by
Ember. Flamestrike guards the enslaved Although any character can get experience
MEN: touching their target. They may be resistant
children held in the fortress. She is some- for finding a ring, some rings require cer-
Hostile humans are normally in the employ to some spells and can only be hit by
what insane and cares for the children as tain character types to actually use them . A
of the Draconians or are common bandits magic weapons.
her own . This could be to the party's ring of Protection can be used by anyone
advantage as Flamestrike will not use her taking advantage of the current chaos. In but a ring of Spell Storing can only be used
breath weapon if the children are within either case they can be armed, armored by a magic user.
range. On the other hand, Ember will hap- and dangerous. These large winged monsters are a rather
pily use his flaming breath, his spells, and stupid distant cousin of the dragons. They POTIONS:
his claws on any foe he comes near. Both STIRGES: do not have a dragon's breath weapon or
There are many different kinds of potions.
of these ancient red dragons are terrible These nasty little flying bloodsuckers love spells, but they can attack with powerful
All potions of the same kind are the same
opponents who are more likely to kill char- nothing more than fresh, warm blood. claws and a poisonous sting.
color. The only way to find out the effect of
acters than to be killed by them. Guess what human beings represent to a potion is to try it.
Stirges? They continue to attack until
GIANT WASPS: killed or full. These magically animated corpses are Different potions may have different effects
These unintelligent monsters are large often used as tireless guardians that fight on different types of characters. If you use
enough to pose problems to you and the TROLLS: until destroyed. They may be resistant to a potion and see no Change in the charac-
party since, "If it moves, it must be food or some spells. ter then the potion may be unsuitable for
These large shambling humanoids are not
a home for eggs." Giant Wasps are tough, that character, or you may be in the wrong
highly intelligent but like so many others,
taking a lot of damage before dying. They treat humans as a pleasant dietary supple- v. ITEMS location for the potion's effect.
attack with bite and poisonous sting, pre- ment. They make very tough opponents, There are many items within the game Healing potions are not all the same
ferring to attack from the air. they are difficult to injure and, when finally which can be of use to the party. Items may strength and their effect varies. They
wounded, lheir injuries start healing auto- increase a character's abilities in combat or restore damage taken but can't increase a
GOBLINS: matically. Using their claws or clubs, they may be worth experience points. To pick character's 'Hit Points' beyond the starting
These 4' tall humanoids are evil by nature are capable of inflicting terrible injuries. up an item, move a character over the item value. These potions can be used by
and love to indulge in nasty pastimes such and choose Take from the menu. To use an anyone.
as torture and slavery. They tend to use WAR DOGS: item, select Use and then select the item.
Strength and Invulnerability potions both
whatever they can scavenge for both arms These large attack trained dogs usually ARMOR AND SHIELDS: last for a variable amount of time and only
and armor. have light leather armor and spiked col- affect Tanis, Riverwind, Caramon, Sturm
lars. They tend to attack on sight with a The usefulness of armor or a shield
and Flint. While their effects last they can
horrible bite. depends on the character actually using the
be very useful in dangerous situations.
With the front half of an eagle and the rear item. There's no point in Tanis (who starts
of a lion, these monsters have an insa- WILD DOGS: with leather armor +2) using leather armor Strength potions increase the damage
tiable appetite for horseflesh, but are quite + I but Goldmoon (who starts with ordinary inflicted by the character. The amount of
These medium sized domestic dogs have
willing to settle for fresh human. Although leather armor) would get some benefit. To extra damage varies, as some potions are
gone wild in the chaos of the invasion.
capable of flight they will attack from the check the utility of an item, use the item stronger than others.
They only attack if they are very hungry.
ground and are extremely aggressive, semi- and look at the character's statistics.
Invulnerability potions give immunity to
intelligent carnivores. WIGHTS: non-magical attacks, make it more difficult
These undead humans are often found in to be hit by magic, and increase resistance
catacombs where they try to destroy any to the effects of a magical hit.
These large humanoids are born evil and living thing that crosses their path . Wights
love to kill. Their skill is reflected in the
care they give their polished weapons and

II 12
MAGIC ROPE: In your lust for battle, don't just kill every- CREDITS
thing that moves. There are friendly NPCs
This can be very useful if you find some-
that may join the party or who have items Program Creation:
thing to climb.
essential to the game.
U.S. Gold Ltd.
SCROLLS: Don't lose sight of your objectives - find
Product Manager:
Scrolls hold either magic or clerical spells. Wyrmslayer, rescue Laurana, and free the
women and children imprisoned in Pax Mike Wilding
After a scroll is used the next spells thrown
come from the scroll. and not from the Tharkas. Then, get out alive. Developers:
character's memory. Scrolls may only be George MacDonald, Graeme Bayless
used by characters of the appropriate type. COMBAT ADVICE:
Some characters are better than others for 16 Bit Programing:
WANDS: combat purposes so keep them at the Graham Lilley
These items offer a ready source of addi- front of the party. Don't forget to move
16 Bit Graphics:
tional spells, but each one has a limited characters to the back of the party if
they've taken a lot of damage. It is easier Kevin Bulmer
number of charges which cannot be
replaced. to heal characters than to raise them from 8 Bit Programing and Graphics:
the dead (which can only be done a limited
Mr. Micro
WEAPONS: number of times - look at Raistlin's
Constitution). Design Coordination:
The party may find weapons of all types,
including the ancient sword Wyrmslayer Use Ranged Combat as much as possible,
Laurence H. Miller
itself, which is essential to game comple- as it pays to hurt the enemy before they Playtesting:
tion. Make sure that a found weapon, when can close. Make sure you attack properly, U.S. Gold Ltd. & Strategic Simulations, Inc.
used as a replacement actually improves a some monsters can only be hit with a high
character's combat ability - don't replace a attack, others only with a low attack. Firing Based on the Module:
+3 sword with a + I sword! low at a flying monster doesn't do anyone DL2, Dragons of Flame, by Douglas Niles
except the monster any good. Note that
MISCELLANEOUS: magic users don't have to be in the lead to Original Cover Graphic:
The party can find other items, including: use their ranged spell abilities as long as Jeff Easley
ammunition for ranged weapons, jewelry they're one of the first four characters.
and gems. All items are worth experience
WHERE AM I? Laurence H. Miller, George MacDonald
points, but it may be necessary to dispose
of some items if the characters become Keep track of your position throughout the Art and Graphic Design:
overloaded. game. In the wilderness, pay regular atten- LOUIS SAEKOW DESIGN: Peter Gascoyne & David Boudreau
tion to the Quest Map to check the charac-
VI. PLAY NOTES ter's location and the position of the Desktop Publishing:
MOVING AROUND: advancing Draconian armies. Taking a LOUIS SAEKOW DESIGN: Peter Gascoyne
wrong turn into the Draconian armies may
Keep a close eye on the advancing be your last move. Pre-press Production:
Draconian forces as shown on the Quest LOUIS SAEKOW DESIGN: Kirk Nichols
Map. If the characters don't visit the north- Once underground, you should keep
ern areas early in the game, the enemy will your own record of where you've been. Printing:
make it impossible to travel there. Once Pay attention to distinctive areas to help Muller Printing Co.
the Draconian armies arrive, anyone or you remember where you've been. There
anything of use will be permanently are secret doors in some areas and traps
unavailable for the rest of the game. in others - keep your eyes open and be
careful. Questions or Problems?
Examine any inhabited (or formerly inhab-
ited) areas for anything that you can find. Our main business telephone number is (408) 737-6800. Recorded hints and other
Early in the game you needn't worry too recorded product information are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on our
much about limits on the number of items Hotline: (408) 737-6810 . To speak with a member of our Technical Support Staff please
you can carry. call the Hotline number between II a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.

Strategic Simulations, Inc. ("SSI ") warrants that the diskette(s) on which the enclosed program is recorded
will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase. If
within 30 days of purchase the diskette(s) prove defective in any way, you may return the diskette(s) to
Strategic Simulations, Inc ., 675 Almanor Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086-2901 and SSI will replace the diskette(s)
free of charge . In addition , if the diskette(s) prove defective at any time after the first 30 days, return the
diskette(s) to SSI and SSI will replace the diskette(s) for a charge of $10.00 (each disk) plus $3.00 for ship-
ping and handling. California residents, add applicable sales tax.


ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, DRAGONLANCE , and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by
and used under license from TSR Inc. , Lake Geneva, WI. USA

Copyright ©1989 Strategic Simulations, Inc . All Rights Reserved. Copyright ©1989 TSR, Inc. All Rights

This handbook, any other accompanying printed material and the computer programs, on the accompanying
floppy disks or cassettes, described herein, are copyrighted and include proprietary information belonging to
SSI , Inc. and TSR, Inc. No one is permitted to give or sell copies of this handbook, any other accompanying
printed material and the computer programs, on the accompanying floppy disks or cassettes or listings of the
programs on the disks or cassettes to any person or institution except as provided for by written agreement
with TSR, Inc. No one may copy, photocopy, reproduce, translate or reduce to machine readable form this
handbook or any other accompanying printed material, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent
ofTSR , Inc.

Any person/persons reproducing any portion of this program for any reason , in any media, shall be guilty of
Copyright violation and subject to the appropriate civil or criminal legal action at the discretion of the copy-
right holder(s).


Each of our games undergoes extensive playtesting prior to its release. Through this process we hope to
uncover and correct any errors in programming . However, due to the complex nature of our simulations,
some program errors may go undetected until after publication. In addition to errors in the program, there are
occasionally problems with the disk itself. We experience the industry standard of approximately a 3 to 5%
failure rate of duplicated disks. Before assuming that a disk is defective, make sure to check your disk drive.
Up to 95% of the disks returned to us as defective will run fine on our computer systems. Often the problem
is with a disk drive that needs servicing for alignment, speed , or cleaning.

Should you have a defective disk, please return the disk only (keep all other parts of the game) to our
Customer Support Department, along with a note describing the problem you have encountered. A replace-
ment disk will be provided upon our receipt of the defective disk.

Should you uncover an error in the program , return both your game disk and any "save game" disks to our
Customer Support Department. Please enclose a description of what was taking place in the game when the
error occurred. Upon correction of the program error, we will return an updated disk to you.

Always make sure to include your name , address , and daytime telephone number with any correspondence.
We will do our best to see that any problems are corrected as soon as possible.

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