Energy and Electrical Audit

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11 IV April 2023
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

Energy and Electrical Audit

Aakash Raj1, Dr. Beemkumar Nagappan2
Masters of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (Energy and Environmental Management),
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, JAIN University, Bangalore India

Abstract: The energy audit is the key to a systematic approach to decision-making in the field of energy management. Energy
efficiency is essential for the supply and use of energy throughout the sector through optimal management. Energy management
and energy audit to reduce costs by saving energy for various types of industries, institutions, hospitals, residential areas, etc.
KIIT University is one of such progressive University that for see the future that it hired EnerVision, a Private Third-Party
company to conduct such an audit, and we as a Team of BEE Certified Energy auditors, accepted this proposal and conducted
an audit in first week of March. The Key findings 0f the audit and the general procedure, Equipment’s, Methodology and
Synopsis is presented in the report. These management and audit discover areas where there is electricity waste and implement
efficient and appropriate energy use through effective energy management and auditing methods, the environment too can be
protected. Energy and money can be saved without affecting the natural and quality work performed in each department. This
article briefly explains the process of energy audits and energy management in and around buildings.
Keywords: Energy Management, energy audit, energy conservation, environment, electricity

Energy is one of the main inputs for the economic growth of any country. One of such major form of energy is Electricity, as
electricity being energy, it is necessary to see how the use, distribution and consumption is done, to better achieve this, energy audit
is done. It is a comprehensive process of evaluating the energy usage of a building, process, or system, with the aim of identifying
opportunities to reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency. The audit typically involves a detailed examination of energy
flows within the system, including the energy inputs and outputs, as well as an analysis of the efficiency of various components
such as lighting, heating, ventilation, and cooling systems. The goal of an energy audit is to identify areas where energy is being
wasted and to recommend measures to reduce energy consumption, which can lead to significant cost savings and environmental
benefits. An energy audit can be performed on residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, and can be conducted by qualified
professionals or through self-assessment tools. The audit report typically includes recommendations for energy-efficient practices,
such as upgrading equipment and systems, improving insulation, optimizing lighting and temperature controls, and incorporating
renewable energy sources. Pressure on electric utilities is rising as the current transmission and distribution system tools.


The Objective of the Electrical, safety, Power Quality and Energy audit include multiple phases;
A. Physical Parameters
1) Measuring all electrical Parameters like Voltage, Current, Power Factor, Power and compare the same with respect to IEC.
2) Physical Checking of electrical circuit and compare the same with respect to applicable Indian standard/ Indian Electricity Rule
IS 732-2019, Code of Practice for electrical wiring installations, fourth revision.
3) Review & testing of protection system with respect to short circuit, leakage current and insulation damage and over voltage &
current for all equipment and meters.
4) Checking the entire electrical distribution system at maximum load with the help of Thermal Imaging Camera and providing
solutions to overcome the existing heating problem.
5) Checking and analyzing 24hrs power quality (Electrical parameters like voltage, current, harmonics, Power, Power Factor,
Unbalancing, Earth neutral voltage) at main power supply to the office with the help of power Quality analyzer.
6) Thermography of all Electrical feeders and DB’s on Load by TESTO German Make Thermal Imaging Camera
7) Insulation resistance test of all power cables for different utilities.
8) Checking of performances of Fire Alarm system, Fire Fighting system.
9) Review of the SOP of Fire Fighting system in case of emergency.
10) Review of the Fire Exit, all shafts, doors, Emergency lighting system, Signage.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

B. System Safety
1) Grounding topology and efficacy of earth pits using Online earth resistance tester.
2) Detection of hot spots in the electrical power distribution using thermal imaging
3) Visual Inspection of major equipment and proper protective instruments and relays and safety interlocks
4) Assessment of Maintenance practices affecting safety
5) Study of AMCs for critical and major equipment and systems
6) Review of logs being maintained
7) Check on status of power Cables, routing and terminations
8) Taking Stock of redundancy, standby and source changeovers
9) Ascertaining that the SLD is on “as built’ basis
10) Need and presence of integration of systems for safety

C. Operational /Human Safety

1) Inspection of PPE, other safety provisions (like rubber mats, instruction & escalation charts etc.)
2) Preparedness for emergency
3) Operational level skills, need for trainings and orientations
4) Provision of First Aid
5) Availability and coverage of fire detection
6) Provision and adequacy of fire-fighting measures

Power Quality Monitoring at the Main LT source of Power at the service entrance and output of the UPS systems. The data logging
to be done using EN 50160 compliant three phase, four wire power analyzers. The below mentioned parameters will get logged over
time duration of 24 hours:
A. Power Quality Data Logging
1) Dips and Swells in the voltages
2) Brown outs/Interruption in the voltages
3) Rapid voltage changes in the voltages
4) Flicker in the voltages
5) RMS level voltage variations
6) Unbalance in the voltages
7) Harmonics in the voltages
8) Power Frequency variations
9) Review of the knowledge of existing facility staffs on emergency operation

B. Steps followed for the Electrical Audit

1) Physical Inspection of the Entire distribution system w.r.t Cable gland, Cable size, Panel body condition, inside terminal blocks,
meter and indicating lamps etc.
2) Electrical Parameters measurement and comparing w.r.t design parameter/Connected load standard.
3) Thermal Scanning of the distribution system and analysis of the root cause of the hot spot.
4) Review of the Electrical safety and the protection system like Earthing circuits and Lightning arrestor.
5) Review of the performance of the APFC panel and its impact on the Electricity bills.

a) Energy Auditing Instruments (Tools)

 Frequency meter – used for measurement of power supply frequency.
 Digital Multimeter - used for measurement of voltage, current and resistance.
 Clamp on amp. Meter – used for measurement of current without interrupting the connection.
 Clip on Dig. PF Meter – used for measurement of power factor without interrupting the connection.
 Clip on Dig. Watt Meter – used for measurement of power without interrupting the connection.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

 Lux meter – used for measurement of illumination level.

 Harmonic Analyzer – used for analysis of harmonics in power system.
 Power Analyzer - used for measurement and analysis of electrical power Electrical Distribution System
 Non-contact Tachometer – used for measurement of speed of rotation equipment.
 Digital Manometer – used for measurement of differential pressure.
 Thermo-hygrometer – used for measurement of air velocity and humidification, ventilation, Airconditioning and Refrigeration
systems etc.
 pH meter – used for on-the-spot analysis of effective acidity or alkalinity of a solution/ water.
 Infrared Thermometer – used for measuring temperatures from distance using infrared technology.
 Temperature indicators – used for measuring of gases/ air, liquid, semi solids, powders etc. using
 different types of probes.
 Flue gas analyzers – used for optimizing the combustion efficiency by measuring the oxygen and CO
 levels in the flue gas of boilers, furnaces etc. and calculation of CO2 percentage in excess air level and
 efficiency.
 Stream Trap Monitor – used for performance evaluation of steam Traps.

b) Site Details
KIIT University Campus-16 is receiving power from a single source of State’s Electricity supply board at 33 KV and its main feeder
is located in the campus-6 control room main LT panel.
There is one Oil cooled type transformer of Universal Transformers Make of rating. The transformers were maintained well and no
leakage of oil from the transformer was noticed. The records were checked and found satisfactory.
Feeder and Cable are capable of catering power to the respective loads. As per the record all feeders and protection devices are
tested annually. However, most of the feeders are found heating.
Power factor is maintained at the source with the help of Automatic power factor correction system which is operating in auto mode.
Hence it is recommended to have a real time power factor correction panel in place of the Existing Power Factor correction system.
This will help in improving the power quality along with power factor and reduce TD losses.
LT Panel and rooms need to be kept clean. Breakers are serviced on a yearly basis. Panels are properly earthed at two points.
Cable’s end terminations are in good condition and no heating was noticed at the cable termination. Transformers winding
temperature is normal.
There are a total four buildings in the campus-16 to which the electrical supply is provided from campus-16 LT panel.

A. Transformer
Physical observation
1) One 750 KVA Oil cooled transformer is installed and is catering power to hostel and admin buildings.
2) The Foundation of Transformer found normal.
3) Transformer is free from oil leak.
4) Silica gel found normal.
5) PM & Oil filtration of all the transformers are done annually.
6) Body and neutral earthing are in good condition.

B. PQ & Harmonics Analysis

1) Avg Voltage 242 V.
2) Max voltage recorded 247.5 V at the 4:22 AM Morning.
3) Voltage found normal.
4) VNG is normal < 1 Volts.
5) Avg Vthd- 2-3 % Normal.
6) Avg Athd < 10%. Which is normal. Except in the B-phase which is 15% little on the higher side.
7) Voltage profile is free from abnormal drops.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 675
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

8) Thistransformer is for campus-1 academic, admin and hostel buildings.

9) Load percentage on transformer – 48.4%.
10) Load is uniformly distributed.
11) Temperature found was normal.

C. Main Electrical Room

One main LT panel is installed in the main electrical room and this LT panel has an incoming supply from the transformer. All the
sections in the panel are connected by one Bus-Coupler. One separate power factor correction system is installed.
Supply to all the other panels in the campus-6 building is provided from this LT panel. Sub panels are installed in each building and
on each floor.

D. Power factor correction system:

The Details of the Power factor correction system is as follows:
Power factor correction system for transformer of 750 KVA is 250KVA
1) Total 6 Steps. (5 KVAR x 1 nos, 10 KVAR x 12nos, 50 KVAR x 2 nos, 100 KVAR x1 nos)
2) Total 11 capacitors 25KVARx8, 10 KVARx2 & 5KVAR x 1nos rating.
3) Total capacity= 250 KVAR The present running conditions of the transformer is;
4) 5 Steps are ON
5) 5 KVARx1, 10KVARx2
6) 50 KVAR x 2 are ON
7) All the capacitor bank currents are within the rating.
8) Capacitors are working normally.
Load on Transformer R-558 Amp, Y-541 Amp, B-528 Amp
At present, APFC Panel is working normally.

E. Campus-16 Main LT Panel (Transformer output):

1) Vrms
Voltage of single phase is given in the table for the date of 2nd march 2023 of duration 1 hour using power quality meter

Table 1: Vrms – Average voltage is good and within the limit.

Name Date Time Avg Min Max Unit Duration Units

V1 (d:h:min:
02-03-2023 12:46 PM 231.30 212.00 238.60 V 1:00:00:00
rms s)

02-03-2023 12:46 PM 232.78 216.60 240.30 V 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min: s)

V3 (d:h:min:
02-03-2023 12:46 PM 232.56 223.80 239.90 V 1:00:00:00
rms s)

VNE (d:h:min:
02-03-2023 12:46 PM 0.00 0.00 0.00 V 1:00:00:00
rms s)

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 676
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

Figure 1; Graph of Single-phase voltage

2) Urms
Voltage of 3 phase is given in the table for the date of 2nd march 2023 of duration 1 hour using power quality meter

Table 2; Urms –Average voltage is good and within the limit

Name Date Time Avg Min Max Units Duration Units
U12 rms 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 401.61 364.10 414.10 V 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
U23 rms 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 403.69 387.80 417.20 V 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
U31 rms 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 401.38 381.40 413.20 V 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)

Figure 2; Graph of 3-phase voltage

3) Arms
The Current distribution of 3 phase is given in the table for the date of 2nd march 2023 of duration 1 hour using power quality meter
Table 3; Current distribution along 3 phases
Name Date Time Avg Min Max Units Duration Units
A1 rms 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 290.22 129.00 652.00 A 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
A2 rms 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 282.17 118.00 688.50 A 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
A3 rms 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 271.94 120.00 632.50 A 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
AN rms 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 50.22 18.80 113.50 A 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 677
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

Figure 3; Current distribution along 3 phases, Load is distributed uniformly in all the phases.

4) VThdr
Voltage Harmonics are the result of nonlinear loads that convert AC line voltage to DC. Harmonics flow into the electrical system
because of nonlinear electronic switching devices, such as variable frequency drives (VFDs), computer power supplies and energy-
efficient lighting. Voltage Harmonics looks good in the table for the date of 2nd march 2023 of duration 1 hour using power quality
Table 4; Voltage Harmonics
Name Date Time Avg Min Max Units Duration Units
02-03-2023 12:46 PM 1.571 1 2.3 %r 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
V2 THDr 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 1.584 0.9 2.3 %r 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
02-03-2023 12:46 PM 1.592 0.9 2.2 %r 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)

Figure 4; Voltage Harmonics, the values are normal and are within the limit

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 678
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

5) AThdr
Current harmonics originate because of the presence of non-linear loads like variable speed drives, inverters, UPS, television sets, PCs,
semiconductors. Current Harmonics looks good in the table for the date of 2nd march 2023 of duration 1 hour using power quality
Table 5; Current Harmonics
Name Date Time Avg Min Max Units Duration Units
02-03-2023 12:46 PM 7.092 4.3 10.9 %r 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
A2 THDr 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 9.081 4.4 18.8 %r 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
02-03-2023 12:46 PM 10.905 6.4 19.9 %r 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)

Figure 5; Current harmonic values are low and within the limit except in the B-phase which is little on the higher side.

6) Power (KW)
Power measures the rate of electrical energy transfer by an electric circuit per unit of time. Denoted by P and measured using the SI unit
of power which is watt or one joule per second. The power consumption is given in the table for the date of 2nd march 2023 of
duration 1 hour using power quality meter
Table 6; Power Consumption
Name Date Time Avg Min Max Units Duration Units
P1 (W) 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 62.679 30.357 140.982 W 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
P2 (W) 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 59.606 28.056 147.763 W 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
P3 (W) 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 58.362 27.946 136.284 W 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
PT (W) 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 180.647 87.125 421.175 W 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)

Figure 6; Power Consumption

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 679
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

7) Power Factor
Power factor (PF) is the ratio of working power, measured in kilowatts (kW), to apparent power, measured in kilovolt amperes (kVA).
Apparent power, also known as demand, is the measure of the amount of power used to run machinery and equipment during a certain
period. It is found by multiplying (kVA = V x A). The power Factor is given in the table for the date of 2nd march 2023 of duration 1
hour using power quality meter
Table 7; Power factor of the panel across 1 hour span
Name Date Time Avg Min Max Duration Units
PF1 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 1.00 0.98 1.00 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
PF2 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 0.99 0.97 1.00 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
PF3 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 1.00 0.97 1.00 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
PFT 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 1.00 0.98 1.00 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)

Figure 7; Power factor of the panel across 1 hour span, Avg Power factor values are good.

8) Energy
Energy is the capacity to do work, so electrical energy determines the capacity provided for the electricity consumed per unit time.
Cumulating the total Energy consumed, it can be calculated that Werther the loads are matched and distributed promptly or not, this
will also give a brief idea how much energy we are consuming and may help in getting possible measures to save it. The whole aspect
of this work is to inspect and analyze the power system in the site and check Werther any faults and or any imbalances are seen, this
will help to improve the process on how the energy is consumed. For such the whole loads needs to be balanced and the power
consumption needs to be recorded,
It also provides a method on how energy flow changes during time, which will allow us to check Whether there are any faulty systems
that are taking unnecessary power. For instance, if compressor of a HVAC is faulty, The graph can give us an idea that when the
compressor is on, multiple energy than required than normal consumption, Allowing us to know the fault in it.

Table 8; The Energy consumption for the date of 2nd march 2023 of duration 1 hour using power quality meter. The total unit
consumption during this recording session that is for one day is 4335 units
Name Date Time Max Units Duration Units
Ep1 (Wh) 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 1.50 Wh 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
02-03-2023 12:46 PM 1.43 Wh 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
Ep3 (Wh) 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 1.40 Wh 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)
EpT (Wh) 02-03-2023 12:46 PM 4.34 Wh 1:00:00:00 (d:h:min:s)

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 680
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

9) Connected Load Details & Air-Condition System

Table 9; Load Details of Campus-16 (Transformer -750 KVA)
Load Details of Campus-16 (Transformer -750 KVA)
S. N Name of the Item Quantity Wattage Total wattage
1 2 X 11 Watt PL-S fitting 722 22 15884
15-Watt LED Panel
2 52 15 780
Light(325x215) mm
3 2x18 PL-C Watt Fitting 203 36 7308
4 T-5 28-Watt fitting 61 28 1708
5 T-5 14-Watt fitting 4 14 56
6 2X400 Watt Metal Halide Light 1 800 800
7 1200mm Ceiling Fan 1 80 80
8 450mm Wall Mounting Fan 3 80 240
9 400mm Wall Mounting Fan 30 80 2400
10 300mm Wall Mounting Fan 2 80 160
11 300mm Exhaust fan 15 80 1200
12 6HP Submersible Motor 1 4476 4476
Total 35092
35.45 KW

Table 10; AC Details of Campus – 16

AC Details of Campus - 16
S. N Name of the Item Quantity Capacity (Ton) Total Wattage
1 Split 7 1.5 14000
2 Split 22 2 55000
3 Cassette 15 3 52500
4 Cassette 66 4 297000
5 Window 3 1.5 6000
6 Duct able 10 11 115000
123 Total 539500

Table 11; Units’ consumption in KWH (including Hostel and Academic)

Date Units’ consumption in KWH (including Hostel and Academic)

28th Feb 4326

1st March 4867
2nd March 4325
3rd March 4115
4th March 3945
5th March 4335
6th March 4126
7th March 4032

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

10) Thermal Report

a) Transformer

Figure 8; Thermal of Transformer

b) Main incomer ACB

Figure 9; Main Incomer MCCB Termination

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at


Based on the study analysis and calculations, an energy audit can provide valuable insights into the energy usage patterns of a
building, process, or system. The audit provided the collection of data on energy inputs and outputs, as well as an examination of the
efficiency of various components such as lighting, HVAC systems, and appliances. The data collected during the audit is analyzed
to identify areas where energy is being wasted or used inefficiently. This analysis may include calculations of energy consumption
and cost, as well as comparisons of energy usage to industry benchmarks or best practices. The results of the energy audit can be
used to develop a comprehensive plan for improving energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption. This may include
recommendations for upgrading equipment and systems, optimizing lighting and temperature controls, improving insulation, and
incorporating renewable energy sources. By implementing the recommendations of an energy audit, building owners and managers
can potentially achieve significant cost savings on their energy bills, as well as contribute to environmental sustainability by
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, an energy audit is a valuable tool for assessing and improving energy efficiency in
buildings, processes, and systems. It can help identify opportunities for cost savings and environmental benefits, and provide a
roadmap for achieving energy efficiency goals. Based on the key findings, certain remarks and recommendations are provided so
that some necessary changes can be made for better energy efficiency.

A. Main Panel Room

Table 12; Summary Sheet of Remarks
S. N Panel Observations Recommendations
Panel Meter is not calibrated calibrate the meters
Heavy dust is noticed in the panel Clean and service the entire panel
Cable e n t r y o p e n i n g s i n t h e
ca bl e Close all the unwanted openings
chamber is not closed
Main LT panel body earthing
Tight the same
termination found loose
Nut bolts washers found rusted at some
Service the same.
Smoke detector is absent in the main
Install smoke detector
panel room
1 Main LT Panel
Safety rubber mat is not placed for the
Place the rubber for entire panel
entire panel front side
SLD is not updated and not fixed for all
Place the Updated SLD
the panels in the campus
Fire extinguisher signages are absent Install fire extinguishers signages
2 Heavy dust is noticed in the panel Clean and service the entire panel

B. Fire safety
Table 13; Fire System Summary Sheet
S. N Observations Recommendation
1. Safety Signages: Place the danger signages with auto glow
Danger signages are absent at the electrical room doors as well as at the type on all the electrical room doors.
transformer yard gate. Place the auto glow type fire
Fire exit signages in all the buildings are provided. extinguisher signages in all
Fire extinguisher signages are absent in all the buildings. the locations.
2. Fire Extinguishers: It is recommended to install
ABC dry powder type, Co2 type & K type fire extinguishers are installed in a high-pressure fire suppression system for
all the locations of the campus-6. the data center.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 683
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue IV Apr 2023- Available at

Fire suppression system is absent in the data center.

All the fire extinguishers refilling date is within the period.
All the fire extinguishers are well maintained.
3. Hydrant system & Sprinkler system: It is better to have a Diesel driven pump
Hydrant system is installed only for the Auditorium building. All the for the hydrant and sprinkler system.
locations are installed with Hose reel and Hose pipe of appropriate length as
per the IS standards.
Sprinkler system is installed only for the Auditorium building.
Both the hydrant and sprinkler system are pressurized and charged.
Only one electric pump is installed for both the hydrant and sprinkler
One underground tank of 25000 lit capacity is provided as a fire tank.
4. Fire Alarming System: Fire alarm system has to be implemented in
Smoke detectors are installed for the Auditorium building and Data center all of the campus-6 buildings.
and in the rest of the building locations it is absent.
In both locations the fire alarm panel was normal and healthy.
In both locations the fire alarm panel is provided by UPS power supply.
5. Emergency lights are provided in the main control panel room and in all the All the sand buckets should be filled ¾ of
building’s lobby area. its capacity with good granule sand.
Fire buckets in front of the main electrical
control rooms near DG set are not as per standard.

In conclusion, the energy audit has revealed several opportunities for energy savings and efficiency improvements in the campus
building. By implementing the recommended measures, the building can significantly reduce its energy consumption, lower its
carbon footprint, and save on energy costs in the long run. The findings of the energy audit suggest that the building can benefit
from improvements in lighting, HVAC systems, insulation, and other areas. The recommendations provided in the report are based
on careful analysis and consideration of the building's energy usage patterns, as well as industry best practices and standards.
It is recommended that the building owner or manager consider implementing the recommended measures in a phased manner,
starting with the ones that offer the highest return on investment. A thorough review of the energy audit report with a qualified
energy consultant can provide further guidance on prioritizing the recommendations based on their potential benefits and feasibility.
Overall, the energy audit report provides a roadmap for the audited building to improve its energy efficiency, reduce its
environmental impact, and increase its overall sustainability. As we all know, energy efficiency is the wave of the future. The world
is quickly moving towards energy sustainability. At the same time the mankind is trying to re-establish the connection it once had
with the nature. An energy efficient building is a step toward the direction of renewable energy, environmental protection, and
sustainable living.

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Technology, Volume 21, 2015, Pages 625-630, ISSN 2212-0173.
[5] > wiki >energy

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 684

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