##History SAPxRFC
##History SAPxRFC
##History SAPxRFC
Date Changes
v 3.0.27 (12.10.21) added: support of Delphi 11
v 3.0.25 (10.06.20) added: support of Delphi 10.4 Sydney
v 3.0.23 (30.11.18) added: support of Delphi 10.3 Rio
v 3.0.21 (05.05.17) added: support of Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
v 3.0.19 (28.12.16) added: support of components in Win64 tool palette
changed: updated docu
fixed: handling of negative numbers
v 3.0.17 (23.06.16) added: support of Delphi 10.1 Berlin
v 3.0.13 (26.02.16) added: fully redesigned SAPxExplorer tool (for Delphi
XE+ versions)
added: masking of password on tracing of connection
changed: old SAPxExplorer is renamed to SAPxExplorerV3
changed: switched internal representation of BCD from
Currency to String
changed: updated docu
removed: TAnsiCharSet
fixed: order of TSAPxRFCUseSapGUIGS items according to
USE_SAPGUI parameter
fixed: cropping of WideChar
fixed: UInt<->String conversions for old Delphi-s
fixed: list of parameters in RFC wrappers for Standard
fixed: default value of MapToBCD on loading from an
alias (bmDouble -> bmDefault)
v 3.0.11 (01.10.15) added: RAD Studio 10 Seattle is now supported
v 3.0.9 (15.04.15) added: RAD Studio XE8 is now supported
changed: replaced root registry key HKLM to HKCU for
storing SAPx data
changed: fixed getting structured type in the schema
"ASCII Client <-> Unicode SAP server"
added: added error handling for RFC object list to
display "clear" error messages
v 3.0.7 (21.11.14) changed: fixed trace info for client connection
changed: fixed the product names SAP(r) in packages
added: RAD Studio XE7 is now supported
changed: added checking of alignment for INT, INT2 and
changed: fixed getting meta info for referenced data
changed: fixed getting meta info for non-Unicode SAP
v 3.0.5 (23.05.14) added: RAD Studio XE6 is now supported
changed: added workaround fot installing RFC_FLDS_U
changed: optimized calculation of Field's offset
added: displaying an error that the trial version
requires a running Delphi IDE
changed: fixed displaying an error when a SAP RFC
library cannot be loaded
changed: fixed AV's in both server and client parts
when a SAP RFC library is not loaded
v 3.0.3 (10.12.13) added: added tracing into gsSAPxRFCBase unit (loading
RFC lib)
changed: fixed StringBuilder and renamed it to
changed: TSAPxRFCSrvConnectionThreadGS fixed a
deadlock in Execute
when connection cannot be established
(communication error, ...)
changed: fixed x64 support in Trial version
changed: removed .Net support in Trial version
v 3.0.1 (19.11.13) changed: the manuals are fully rewritten
changed: the demos are fully rewritten
added: a demo guide was added
added: RAD Studio XE5 is now supported
added: x64 is supported
changed: splitted design and runtime packages;
removed: .Net support removed
changed: TSAPxRFCCustomAliasListGS removed explicit
modifying the registry
added: TSAPxRFCvServerConnectionGS new multicast event
objects as a replacement
of the existing event handlers (e.g.
BeforeConnectEvent instead of BeforeConnect)
changed: TSAPxRFCvClientConnectionGS.OnLogin is
properly redirected to TSAPxRFCClientConnectionGS.OnLogin
TSAPxRFCServerApplicationGS.UseTransactionControl property was introduced
added: reworked tRFC handling
added: TSAPxRFCServerApplicationGS added Start and
Stop overload methods for detailed connection control
changed: TSAPxRFCServerApplicationGS renamed ShutDown
to Stop, CanShutDown to CanStop
removed: TSAPxRFCCustomConnectionGS Open/Close methods
(see now the Active property)
changed: TSAPxRFCCustomConnectionGS inherits from
TComponent instead of TCustomConnection
changed: TSAPxRFCvCustomConnectionGS Connected renamed
to Active and
changed: TSAPxRFCvCustomConnectionGS Active gets
ReadOnly for Server and ReadWrite for Client connection
v (07.05.13) added: RAD Studio XE4 Win32 support
added: ReadTableMini to the demos
fixed: RFC_TIMEOUT problem
fixed: TSAPxRFCvServerConnectionGS BeforeConnect,
AfterConnect, BeforeDisconnect,
AfterDisconnect were not called correctly
fixed: failed to compile using FPC
fixed: failed to compile using C++ Builder 6
v (06.09.12) added: RAD Studio XE3 Win32 support
v (30.07.12) added: IDOC demo
v (30.06.12)
changed: improved environment report (included SAPx
and Delphi versions)
changed: SAPxRFCExplorer project upgraded to XE2
added: FSAPxRFCEnableUnload (False by default) to
control explicit unloading
of librfc32.dll. This fixes AV after unloading
(occures with SAPGUI 7.2 patch level new than
middle of 2011)
fixed: TSAPxRFCvServerTableGS fails to return tables
data with dtIntGS and similar binary field types
v (30.09.11)
added: RAD Studio XE2 Win32 support
changed: compileXxx.bat renamed to more user friendly
fixed: AV in server application on connection lost
v (24.09.10)
added: RAD Studio XE support
added: AllowStartProgram connection methods
changed: all DXxxx names changed to DNn, eg D2010 to
v (28.04.10)
fixed: few threading issues
fixed: SX-0070: D5-D7: Demo project compilation fails
with compiler internal error
v (02.12.09)
fixed: SX-0068: SAPx executes a module, but did not
return the output data properly.
Tracing had some errors in decribing this
situation properly
fixed: C_RFC_INVALID_PARAMETER and other error codes
where not handled properly
fixed: SX-0067: D2010: Installer fails install SAPx in
certain environments
v (23.09.09)
fixed: SX-0065: SAPx applications raised an AV on exit
v (07.09.09)
added: SX-0063: D2010 support
added: SX-0060: Describe librfc dll installation
fixed: SX-0061: SAPx returns wrong value for numc-
field, when it is bigger than a 32bit-value
fixed: SX-0059: librf32u.dll / SAPxRFC in RAD Studio
2009 / not worked correctly
v (23.04.09)
added: demo ABAP object creation screenshots
added: C++ Builder 2006, 2007, 2009 compatibility
v (19.03.09)
added: support for 4102 character set
changed: improved recognition of little / big endian
integer encodings
v (10.03.09)
added: few more tracing points
fixed: tracer does not output UTF16 preabmle to a
trace file
v (05.01.09)
added: Delphi 2009 support (librfc32u.dll)
added: FPC & Lazarus support (Win32 at moment)
added: TSAPxRFCParameterGS.StructName,
properties, allowing automatically fill field
added: all structured parameters and table
install its structure, if it is not yet
changed: BeginTransaction is renamed to
changed: updated demo ABAP objects creation
changed: updated Docu content
fixed: AV at setting field of structured parameter
v (07.07.08)
fixed installer issues (SX-47)
v (14.06.08)
v 2.1.1
v 2.1.0
v 2.0.4
v 2.0.3
v 2.0.2
v 2.0.1
v 2.0.0
v 1.6.1
v 1.5.3
v 1.5.2
v 1.5.1
v 1.5.0
v 1.4.5
v 1.4.4
v 1.4.2
v 1.4.0
v 1.3.2
v 1.3.1
12.01.04 Demo\ABAP\*.* - added: single directory with all ABAP demo code
Demo\*\<many files>- changed: cleaned demo code and changed names of demo
ABAP objects
v 1.3.0
v 1.2.1
- changed: updated
v 1.1.1
- changed: documentation updated
v 1.1.0
v 1.0.0