##History SAPxRFC

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History "Connect for SAP(R) Classic"


Date Changes

v 3.0.27 (12.10.21) added: support of Delphi 11

v 3.0.25 (10.06.20) added: support of Delphi 10.4 Sydney

v 3.0.23 (30.11.18) added: support of Delphi 10.3 Rio

v 3.0.21 (05.05.17) added: support of Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

v 3.0.19 (28.12.16) added: support of components in Win64 tool palette
changed: updated docu
fixed: handling of negative numbers

v 3.0.17 (23.06.16) added: support of Delphi 10.1 Berlin


v 3.0.15 (29.03.16) fixed: permissions in installer

fixed: search for RTL in installer
changed: updated gsSetEnv tool

v 3.0.13 (26.02.16) added: fully redesigned SAPxExplorer tool (for Delphi
XE+ versions)
added: masking of password on tracing of connection
changed: old SAPxExplorer is renamed to SAPxExplorerV3
changed: switched internal representation of BCD from
Currency to String
changed: updated docu
removed: TAnsiCharSet
fixed: order of TSAPxRFCUseSapGUIGS items according to
USE_SAPGUI parameter
fixed: cropping of WideChar
fixed: UInt<->String conversions for old Delphi-s
fixed: list of parameters in RFC wrappers for Standard
fixed: default value of MapToBCD on loading from an
alias (bmDouble -> bmDefault)

v 3.0.11 (01.10.15) added: RAD Studio 10 Seattle is now supported

v 3.0.9 (15.04.15) added: RAD Studio XE8 is now supported
changed: replaced root registry key HKLM to HKCU for
storing SAPx data
changed: fixed getting structured type in the schema
"ASCII Client <-> Unicode SAP server"
added: added error handling for RFC object list to
display "clear" error messages

v 3.0.7 (21.11.14) changed: fixed trace info for client connection
changed: fixed the product names SAP(r) in packages
added: RAD Studio XE7 is now supported
changed: added checking of alignment for INT, INT2 and
changed: fixed getting meta info for referenced data
changed: fixed getting meta info for non-Unicode SAP

v 3.0.5 (23.05.14) added: RAD Studio XE6 is now supported
changed: added workaround fot installing RFC_FLDS_U
changed: optimized calculation of Field's offset
added: displaying an error that the trial version
requires a running Delphi IDE
changed: fixed displaying an error when a SAP RFC
library cannot be loaded
changed: fixed AV's in both server and client parts
when a SAP RFC library is not loaded

v 3.0.3 (10.12.13) added: added tracing into gsSAPxRFCBase unit (loading
RFC lib)
changed: fixed StringBuilder and renamed it to
changed: TSAPxRFCSrvConnectionThreadGS fixed a
deadlock in Execute
when connection cannot be established
(communication error, ...)
changed: fixed x64 support in Trial version
changed: removed .Net support in Trial version

v 3.0.1 (19.11.13) changed: the manuals are fully rewritten
changed: the demos are fully rewritten
added: a demo guide was added
added: RAD Studio XE5 is now supported
added: x64 is supported
changed: splitted design and runtime packages;
removed: .Net support removed
changed: TSAPxRFCCustomAliasListGS removed explicit
modifying the registry
added: TSAPxRFCvServerConnectionGS new multicast event
objects as a replacement
of the existing event handlers (e.g.
BeforeConnectEvent instead of BeforeConnect)
changed: TSAPxRFCvClientConnectionGS.OnLogin is
properly redirected to TSAPxRFCClientConnectionGS.OnLogin
TSAPxRFCServerApplicationGS.UseTransactionControl property was introduced
added: reworked tRFC handling
added: TSAPxRFCServerApplicationGS added Start and
Stop overload methods for detailed connection control
changed: TSAPxRFCServerApplicationGS renamed ShutDown
to Stop, CanShutDown to CanStop
removed: TSAPxRFCCustomConnectionGS Open/Close methods
(see now the Active property)
changed: TSAPxRFCCustomConnectionGS inherits from
TComponent instead of TCustomConnection
changed: TSAPxRFCvCustomConnectionGS Connected renamed
to Active and
changed: TSAPxRFCvCustomConnectionGS Active gets
ReadOnly for Server and ReadWrite for Client connection

v (07.05.13) added: RAD Studio XE4 Win32 support
added: ReadTableMini to the demos
fixed: RFC_TIMEOUT problem
fixed: TSAPxRFCvServerConnectionGS BeforeConnect,
AfterConnect, BeforeDisconnect,
AfterDisconnect were not called correctly
fixed: failed to compile using FPC
fixed: failed to compile using C++ Builder 6

v (06.09.12) added: RAD Studio XE3 Win32 support

v (30.07.12) added: IDOC demo

v (30.06.12)
changed: improved environment report (included SAPx
and Delphi versions)
changed: SAPxRFCExplorer project upgraded to XE2
added: FSAPxRFCEnableUnload (False by default) to
control explicit unloading
of librfc32.dll. This fixes AV after unloading
(occures with SAPGUI 7.2 patch level new than
middle of 2011)
fixed: TSAPxRFCvServerTableGS fails to return tables
data with dtIntGS and similar binary field types
v (30.09.11)
added: RAD Studio XE2 Win32 support
changed: compileXxx.bat renamed to more user friendly
fixed: AV in server application on connection lost

v (24.09.10)
added: RAD Studio XE support
added: AllowStartProgram connection methods
changed: all DXxxx names changed to DNn, eg D2010 to

v (28.04.10)
fixed: few threading issues
fixed: SX-0070: D5-D7: Demo project compilation fails
with compiler internal error

v (02.12.09)
fixed: SX-0068: SAPx executes a module, but did not
return the output data properly.
Tracing had some errors in decribing this
situation properly
fixed: C_RFC_INVALID_PARAMETER and other error codes
where not handled properly
fixed: SX-0067: D2010: Installer fails install SAPx in
certain environments

v (23.09.09)
fixed: SX-0065: SAPx applications raised an AV on exit

v (07.09.09)
added: SX-0063: D2010 support
added: SX-0060: Describe librfc dll installation
fixed: SX-0061: SAPx returns wrong value for numc-
field, when it is bigger than a 32bit-value
fixed: SX-0059: librf32u.dll / SAPxRFC in RAD Studio
2009 / not worked correctly

v (23.04.09)
added: demo ABAP object creation screenshots
added: C++ Builder 2006, 2007, 2009 compatibility

v (19.03.09)
added: support for 4102 character set
changed: improved recognition of little / big endian
integer encodings

v (10.03.09)
added: few more tracing points
fixed: tracer does not output UTF16 preabmle to a
trace file

v (05.01.09)
added: Delphi 2009 support (librfc32u.dll)
added: FPC & Lazarus support (Win32 at moment)
added: TSAPxRFCParameterGS.StructName,
properties, allowing automatically fill field
added: all structured parameters and table
install its structure, if it is not yet
changed: BeginTransaction is renamed to
changed: updated demo ABAP objects creation
changed: updated Docu content
fixed: AV at setting field of structured parameter

v (07.07.08)
fixed installer issues (SX-47)

v (14.06.08)

14.06.08 updated help files and installer

04.06.08 updated installer

02.06.08 fixed few .Net incompatibilities

build Inno Setup installer

15.04.08 added support for Unicode server

added support for RAD Studio 2007
fixed possible truncation of trailing zeros in numbers
fixed SAPx server hang-up, if SAP server is offline
fixed Delphi.Net support
fixed issues and improoved support for (SX-40):
* RFCTYPE_STRING ('g') - use AsVarString: WideString
* RFCTYPE_XSTRING ('y') - use AsVarBytes:
* RFCTYPE_XMLDATA ('v') - use AsXMLString: WideString

v 2.1.1

08.11.06 fixed few numeric converting errors

Explorer will automatically close connection
node after server disconnected

v 2.1.0

19.10.06 added support for 'L' type

changed restricting message for 'h' type
implemented support for 'C' (changing) parameters

v 2.0.4

16.08.06 packing updated

moved to DOM v 5.2

v 2.0.3

04.07.06 Updated help files

v 2.0.2

27.03.06 BCB 2006 support

v 2.0.1

07.03.06 AV on getting BCD data

"invalid number 0.000" error
.Net: few errors

v 2.0.0

20.02.06 support of Delphi.Net

support of Delphi 2006

v 1.6.1

15.06.05 removed SAPxRFC_USE_METABASE and dependency on MB

v 1.6.0

15.06.05 product renamed from SAPx to Connect for SAP(R)

v 1.5.3

02.06.05 fixed bug with Align Fields Off. Added {$A+}

fixed issue with 'P'(dtBCDGS) and text representation

v 1.5.2

07.03.05 gsSAPx.inc updated for compatibility with Delphi 2005

gsSAPxRFCd2005.* added for Delphi 2005 support
changed to overcome Delphi 2005 combo box issues
gsSAPxRFCClient, fixed issue with undeclared identifiers at
gsSAPxRFCServer, design time

v 1.5.1

22.11.04 gsSAPxRFCStdObj fixed bug in TSAPxRFCTypeElementGS, leading

to structure installation failure

v 1.5.0

30.07.04 added: C++Builder demo projects (SX-9)

changed: host names replaced demo ones (SX-7)

changed: alias support extended to cover most

of parameters (SX-6)
changed: some properties have now more strict
data types
fixed: bug in alias storing

gsSAPxRFCStdObj.pas fixed: renamed EOF to Eof and BOF to Bof for

C++ Builder compatibility

gsSAPxRFCServer.pas fixed: memory leak

changed: command line support extended to cover
most of parameters

<most of files> changed: reviewed class members visibility

<documentation> new: complete help rewrite (SX-2)
changed: reviewed documentation

v 1.4.5

30.06.04 gsSAPxRFCStdObj.pas added: SAPxRFCIsStructType function

changed: now uses SAPxRFCIsStructType

fixed: wrong generation of tables (SX-5)

changed: now uses SAPxRFCIsStructType
fixed: added check for Delphi reserved words
changed: generation path defaults to TEMP

v 1.4.4

11.05.04 gsSAPxRFCStdObj.pas fixed: Compatibility bugs of v 4.6, 6.0, 6.2

added: library, RFC DLL version info to connection

status pane

v 1.4.2

11.03.04 gsSAPxRFCStdObj.pas fixed: dtDateGS, dtTimeGS, dtNumberGS is padded by

'0'. Was
expecting spaces and initializing by spaces.

v 1.4.0

04.03.04 gsSAPxRFCStdObj.pas changed: renamed few global routines to follow naming

changed: optimized few triming / padding routines
fixed: dtByteGS is padded by #0. Was expecting spaces
initializing by spaces.
fixed: dtDateGS, dtTimeGS padding issues
fixed: dtBCDGS padding issue. Also Null value was not
detected properly and was initializing by
fixed: table buffer sometimes was not initalized

fixed: AppendRecord / InsertRecord methods was raising

'DataSet is readonly' exception.
fixed: record buffer sometimes was not initialized

changed: global functions was renamed

v 1.3.2

16.01.04 Demo\ABAP\*.* - changed: most files renamed and containing ABAP


Demo\*\<many files>- changed: many demo ABAP objects renamed

v 1.3.1

12.01.04 Demo\ABAP\*.* - added: single directory with all ABAP demo code

Demo\*\readme.txt - changed: updated instructions to install ABAP demo

for all demos

Demo\*\<many files>- changed: cleaned demo code and changed names of demo
ABAP objects

v 1.3.0

16.11.03 gsfSAPxRFCLogin.* - changed: gs-soft "look and fill"

Demo\Explorer\*.* - changed: gs-soft "look and fill"

v 1.2.1

30.10.03 gsSAPxRFCBase.pas - changed: message text fixed

- changed: updated

***** - changed: trial checking code

v 1.1.1

17.10.03 compile*.bat, - new: for building binaries


gsSAPx.inc - changed: BCB6 support added

gsSAPxBuild.inc - new: for building trial version

gsSAPxRFCbcb5.bpk, - changed: compiler parameters changed,

gsSAPxRFCbcb5.res - version info updated

gsSAPxRFCbcb6.* - new: BCB6 packaged

gsSAPxRFCd5.* - changed: compiler parameters changed,

- version info updated
gsSAPxRFCd6.* - changed: compiler parameters changed,
- version info updated

gsSAPxRFCd7.* - changed: compiler parameters changed,

- version info updated

gsSAPxRFCBase, - changed: added trial run checking code

gsSAPxRFCStdObj, - fixed incompatibility issues of Delphi and BCB
gsSAPxRFCServer, - changed error message text
gsfSAPxRFCLogin, - removed incidental security info

- changed: documentation updated

Help\SAPxRFC.hlp - changed: help updated

- changed: formating added

- checking is SAP gui installed or not

v 1.1.0

28.04.03 <all units> - clean up usage clauses

gsSAPxRFCBase - extended to definitions in 6.2

- self adjusting depending on RFC DLL version

gsSAPxRFCCallTools - added support for new data types

gsSAPxRFCServer - reworked tracing - it is now common for all lib

parts feature
- tracing can be turned off by IFDEF

gsSAPxRFCStdObj - added support for new data types

- compatible with from 4.x to 6.x servers
- reworked tracing - it is now common for all lib
parts feature
- tracing can be turned off by IFDEF
- fixed few minor bugs

gsSAPxRFCvClient - added support for new data types

gsSAPxRFCvServer - code cleaned up

v 1.0.0

31.01.03 gsSAPxRFCClient - Added support by alias of IntType, FloatType

data format parameters
- TSAPxRFCClientConnectionGS now automatically
detects server format of integers and floats
gsSAPxRFCDataMove - added code to check total size of record. It must
be less than 512 bytes.

gsSAPxRFCServer - set IntType, FloatType to defaults for WinTel

- updated to use TSAPxRFCTracerGS

gsSAPxRFCStdFunc - added TSAPxRFCSystemInfoGS function

gsSAPxRFCStdObj - added new data format parameters IntType and

- added automatic decoding of binary data in server
format into client format
- added new properties for TSAPxRFCCustomConnectionGS
DetectedIntType and DetectedFloatType

gsSAPxRFCTracer - copied gsTracer to here and renamed

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