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m1 oom Cc Finishing maerits pace tf2 ‘int spociteaton 4 MeTaLs. ‘Auminum casings ator + Auminzd ste clan, ype a0 Aun teal sing 3103 Contouous hot (Senezmi gavanies se! ating aot ‘Stanoes te adsng 31.05 ‘Auinzed sto cain, ype 34.98 2 FLEXIBLE MATERIALS ~ Weather resistant ety aosate-ased maste aot Weather stat tx based vapour baer ast 202 ~ Weather resistant elastomer boss vapour barr mae 3203 Weather resistant bitumen bases vapour barr maste 204 = Contact adhesive 3205 = Componentadnesive 3208 epost sae fr PRPUR aor ~ Vapour stp sealer for. 3208 ‘Yapou sop 2-componer solr 3200 = Vapour stop epoxy resin 3210 ~ Weather estant UV-curing lasebereintoced polyester (GRP) aan . = Vapour tar mast fer CS, ple based aa2 O = Weather reste CSPE esta sheet aaa 3 TAPES! FOULS. ‘Aisi 960 as01 ‘men toe 3202 Rubber mast toe 3308 Grease ape 3.04 Vina 08 Buy ber tp 08 Gini ane + Vapour banter ulpex flo auminumpotestr ‘Vapour barter mutex ape of aluinumpolestr ‘Auminiam poyeste laminate tape GLASS FIBRE FABRICS = Glass fre fabric 420 though 850g er insulation matressos SILICA FABRICS ‘Sica abe 610 and 1085 gf forinsulaton metresses coaTINGs = Coating for insulation matvesses AUXILIARY MATERIALS + Auxiliary materia fhe pplication of cld fishing meters 2.1 Folded but rubbe sheet 22, Therma block = Auxlian materials for manufacturing neiton matrestes 24 Hand yams 22, Machine yams 23° Machine yams 24 Tee twosdstacking treads 25° Fastening eps 26 Factoring plates 27 Cass 28 Bee 29° Vekro 210. Staple cnt 3.4.00 20104001 paie2it2 CIN speciation 3940 aan a3 3401 3501 a6ot 326501 3.2502 ‘Soren aw, wc tows met tany Soom oat heeaeBate e py a ats yr conee _tiohting Comoietialolaie Nederlandse Industrie € awe THTL sect cringe snes rte iting tntton omasat met a 42 43 52 63 Inti specication the minum requirements or slunnium cladeng or bands ae ald Gown, ‘COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL: ‘Numinum: hace. wth ASTI B 2000 - Alloy 1080, ‘An acceptable aleratve ie commercial grade Alby 1050 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: “Tensie sength, yield strength, elongation and emer: nae, with ASTM B 200M -H 14 hard) ‘CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: ‘Chemical composlon In ac. wth ASTI 8-200 ‘Coroson resistanes: ce. wth ASTM 82004 Max, sutace temperature: 250°C (top. above 180°C cause structural daforntion, PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS: Packaging shal be such tat damage ding Yansport and stoago under nermalconcton shal be avoided, “The packaging material sha show the folowing ntrmation rmanecure, mater ype, production date, dimension, nd quay. dt min, 1000 mm ‘Sheet thickness: 06 mm, 08 mm. and 1mm fr Bt sheet 07 mm. forprtled sheet Dimensions and tolerances: ee. wth ASTB 8-200, Packaging: n ae. wth AST B 200M: ful westher-esistant siting Commies loti Nederande Indus a1. eee C a4 4a 42 43 2010410-01 page tof t Aluminized sto! Type 2 GENERAL: Ini paciionc the minimum requirements for sluminize sea lading ae iid down, ‘COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL: ‘Stel sheet wih an alurinium-coting: nace. wth ASTM A-468M -T2M300, Alumina layer thickness: nae. with ASTM A469 900 gin toa fr bot sides, 60 um par te = (CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: (Chemical composton: i aco. wth ASTM A-63M: table 2, commercial quit, Ccorosion resistance: aoe. wih ASTM AAEM Max surace temperature: 450°. PACKAGING ANO DIMENSIONS: PPeckaging shal be such that damage dung anspor and storage under normal conden sha be avoided The packaging mata! shat show he flowing information: ‘manufacture, matrtype, preduston date, denon, and quant wid: min, 600 mn ‘Sheet thickness: (0.56 men, 0.8 mm and 1.0 mm for at sheet 0.86 mm for profed sheet. Dimensions and iolerancesin aco with ASTM ABN _Aichting CommisleLolatie eerondse Industrie <, © cIN3.1.03 ml (oabe st casargm oe me e aes tne ut a ey page tot (GENERAL: Inshis pecication th minimum requirements fo zinc stool dng are lad dun. ‘toe shoet provided witha aluminlumizne alloy layer In aoe with ASTM A-792M, tested in sce. with ASTHASIO. Aluzn layer: tested nce ith AST AGO AND AS25M: 185 ln total for both sides, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: In aoe, wih ASTA A. 72M “The suzinc layer applied shal rat execk, fark or pee! dung mechanical processing with observance ofthe ‘rinoum defomation ous [Sheet cness <5 | iia as Tene nS] (CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Chemical eomposion:n oe, wih ASTM A 75214 CCorosion resistance: nace wih ASTM A-7EOM, Max surface temperature: 315°. (emp, sbove 215°C cause coer change. The protective actions etsined a tmp, upto 700°). PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS: Packagha:n ace, wih ASTM A-700: uly wetheresistas he plates shall be passivated or oltreated. Packaging shal be such that damage dung ranspart and storage under normal conatons sha be avoided ‘Te packaging material shal show te folowing information manufacture, material ype, podeton dato, dimension, and quantity. dn: mi. 600, ‘Shoe thickness: 05 mm and 0.8 mm fr fat sheet. (05 mm for profied shoe. Dimensions a telerances: in ace. wh ASTI A7S2M, Stichting lsalaie Nederlandse tndusteie Gi aa 42 43 5a Continuous hot ep (Sendimir) gotvanzed ste! cladaing forthe INI 3.4.08, ‘finishing of nection eee piven GENERAL: Inthisspeceaten the minimum requremens for continuous hotiped (Sendzmi) galvanized tos! adding li dw, ‘COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL: ‘Sto ste: In ac. with ASTM A S27, tested ia ae. with ASTI A 370, Zi ayer: tested in ac. ith ASTI A-GSRM: 275 noi fr both ies, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: nace, ith ASTM ASN “The zn layer applied shall not crack, ake or peel durng mechanical processing wih obwerance sf he minknum delormaton rus ee ass 12 a 3 a TR ‘itemicat PROPERTIES: ‘Chemica comgestion: in ace with ASTIN A554 CConesionresetanoe nace wih ASTM ASM Max surace temperature: 400°. PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS: Packaging shall be suc hal damage dung tansport and strage unde norma condtons shal be voiced “Tre packaging mater shal show the following inermation ‘manufacture, materi, ype, production date, mensions, and quarty wat: sin. $00 ma ‘See thickness: 0.5 mm and 08 mm for fat sheet. 0.5mm for profied sheet. Dimensions and telerncasin ace with ASTM AGSIM sting Comizsie Isolate Hederlense Industrie C (ni i eager see as 53 page tof (GENERAL: In tis speciteaton the minimum requtemens fr sales tel shee eid down, ‘COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL: ‘Staines soe sheet nace wih ASTM A167: ype 306 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: Tenale strength, yield stength and elongation: nce wth ASTI A167, (CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Chemical composition: in aos, wth ASTM A167 Corrosion raistanca: nace with ASTM 167 and ested ace wh AON. Max surface temperature: 800°C (2 $00°C causes calor change) PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS: Packaging shal be soc that damage during ransportand stage under noc conditons shal be avoited, ‘The packaging material shal show te folowing information ‘manufactur, materia, ype, production date, dimensons, and quantly ‘wat: i, 600, ‘Sheet thickness: 0.5mm 0.8 mm and 1 mm for Rat shoot 0.5 mm or profied sheet Dimenstcns and tolerances: ac. with ASTI A-480K Stichting Ieoatle Nederlandse Industrie a4 aa 42 43 52 53 Aluminized sto! lading forthe finishing of ineuletion INI 3.1.08 2010-08-01 page tof ‘Auminized ste! Type 4 (GENERAL: In this spocifcaton th minimum requirements for aluminized soo! Type 1 cladding ore lai down ‘COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL: ‘Stoo! shoet with an duminiumesicon alloy coating: in ac. with ASTM A-468M~T1M-300, withthe folowing amendments ‘Auminium icon ally layer tcknsss: 89 um incudeg both ses, oquivalent to a woight of 240~770 guinea for bot sides, Exposed side shal be coated with 17 wm ght grey polyestor resin (5 um primer +12 um topcoat) Back side shal be coated wth 13 ym polyester resin of ferent colour MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: In accordance wih ASTM ACM, “The aluniniumsiicon ay coating shal not ake orp! curing mechanical processing wit cbaervance ofthe minimum deformation radius, eat bicknats 0.58 mm — Minimum adhe 1 x aheatthcknaes eet Bicknars 00 im — Minimum rade 2 xehest tenes (CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Chemical composton: i ace. wth ASTM AGN abi 2, commercial quay. CConoson resistance: n ace wih AST ABN, “The stuniniu-sicon alloy coating layer shall conan ls than 0.04% by weigh of each of corner (Cu), Nekel (Nard Manganese (Mn Maximum sutace temperature: 100°C PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS: Packaging shal be auc that damage ding ranepor and storage under nermalconens shall be avoided “The packaging mate shal show the flowing information: manufacture, materi ype, production date, dimension, and quent, ‘wc: min. S00 mm ‘Shoot bickness: (0.56 mm, 0mm and 0 mem or at shea 0.68 mm for pote sheet Dimensions and tolerance in sce wth ASTM AAEM, Siting Commie lati ederonee Iastris at acetate-based mastic CIN 3.2.01 inl ira page 1 oft SENERAL, ‘ihis specification describes the miniaun requirenents_for weather resistant mastic applied for finishing of all types of insulating hnaterials for hot insulation systeas, 2 COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL: Ethylviny? acofate. 3 HEALTH aND SAFETY ASPECTS: 3 1 principal and the applicant shall take cognizance of the contents of the product and safety information sheots prior to specification 4 WATERIAL provénrtEss, 4.1 Tenperatire range: from 80°C to - 30°C. 4.2 Average solids content in accordance with ASTH-D792: 60% (volume). 5 GUFWICAL PROPERTIES: eschable chlorides ‘content in accordance with ASTH C871: max. 90 ppm. 6 comgustipiLTy: Flame spread index (dry) in conformity with ASTM E-84: max. 20 (neasured fon fiber-reinforced cenent stab) Flash point (wet) in acc. with ASTN 03628: non-flaxmable. “ LocaTly, difforent Fire requivenents may apply. 7 Packages 7.1 Packaging shall be such that damage during transport and storage under normal ‘conditions. shall be avoided. 7.2 The packaging material shall show the following information: manufacture, C material, type, flammability, production date, quantity, and storage life. Stichting tolale Nederlandse industrie ml ny Westher resistant latex based, Speci fication page 1 of 1 SENERAL: This specification describes the minimun requirenents for a weather resistant vapour barrier on a rigid foam cold insulation system. ‘cowpostTION_OF THE MATERIAL: Latex and water. HEALTH AND SAE crs: The principal end the applicant, shall take cognizance of the contents of tthe product and safety information sheets priar to specification. PERTLES: Temperature vange: Fron +90°C to - 30°C. Average solids content in accordance with ASTA-D1644; 58% (volume) Vater vapour permeability in acc, with ASTH-E86, procedure E GG7.8°C, 90% Ril): max. 0.001 g/ (a. hm Hg) ‘GHEMICAL_pRoveRTiES: Uesehable chlorides content in accordance with ASTM C871: max. 90 ppm. ‘compusT BILITY Flane spread tndex (dry) in conforatty with AST E-84: max. 0.3 (measured fon fiber-reinforced cenent slab) Flash point (wet) in acc. with ASTM 03828: non-flamable. “Locally, different Fire requirenents may apply. PACKAGING: Packaging shall be such that dasage during transport and storage under normal conditions shall bo avoided. ‘The packaging material shall show the foTlowing information: manufacture, raterial, type, flamability, production date, quantity, and storage life. Stichting teoatie Nederlandse Industrie : (ni caer ema aa 42 43 page tof (GENERAL: “This speciation describes the iri requirements for weather eslstan vapour barron 2 gk ‘am cad insulin system excuded expanded polsyene foam ‘COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL: ‘Based cn elastomers and slvents. HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: “Te pica nd he applicant shal take cognizance ofthe contents of he product nd safely Information sheets porto epecifeaton MATERIAL PROPERTIES: “Temperature range: om +100°C to -£0%C ‘Average slid content in scordance wih ASTID 782: 42% (volume) eter vapour permeabilly in ace. wi ASTE-EED, procedure E (7,8, 90% FLH}: 0.01 glint. Hl ‘CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Leachable chlrides contain acoordence wih ASTM C871 max. 9 ppm. ‘comeusTIBLITY: Fame spread nde (ry) n conformity wih ASTM E-4: na. 76 (measured on fberrebforced cement aby. Fash pin) nace. with ASTM D83: 32: Locally, ferent re requirements may apy. PACKAGING: Packaging shal be such that damage during Wanspot and storage under normal condions shal be voided “The packaging material shal show he foowng infomation: manufacture, male, ype, amma, production dats, quantity, ond storage te Stichting leaetie Nederlandse Industrie page 1 of 1 =I, Weather resistant bitmen based Soecitication peur berrier mastic Bie) c mi sO This specification describes the mininun requirenents for a weather resistant vapour barrier on @ cellular glass cold insulation. COMPOSITION OF THE NATER Bitunen and soTvents. HEALTH wip SAEEIY aspecrs; ‘The principal and the applicant. shall take cognizance of the contents of ‘the product and safety Information sheets prior to specification. MATERIAL PROPERTIES: TTerperatire range: fron +80°C to ~ 40°C. Average solids content in accordance with ASIN-D 792; 60% (volume) Mater vapour permeability in ace. with ASTI-E9S, procedure & (218°C, 80% Rell) sax. 0.001 @ (nha Ha). ‘CHEMICAL. ROPERTLES: Leachabfe chlorides ‘content in accordance with ASTM C871: max. 90 ppm ‘conpustreiL Ty: Flash point (wet) in acc. with ASTI 03243: 38°C. PACKAGING Packaging shall be such that damage during transport and storage under normal conditions shall be avoided. The packaging material shall show the foTlowing information: manufacture, saterial, type, flamnabiTity, production date, quantity, and storage life Stichting lalate Nederlandse tndustie ml e con Specification page 1 of 1 ENERAL This specification describes the minimus requirenents for contact adhesive applicable for ghaeing rigid foun for cold Yastlation, tncluding polystyrene. f Synthetic rubber/resin and solvents HEALTH AND SAEETY aspects: ‘The principal and the applicant shall take cognizance of the contents of the product and safety infornat ion sheets prior to specification. NATERIAL PROPERTLES: Temperature range: fron ¥65°C to -30°C. Average solids content in accordance with ASTH-D 1644: 36% (volune) (CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Leachable ehloridos content in accordance with ASIN C871: max. 90 ppa. ‘comusTABLLITY Flash point (wet) in ace. with ASTM D93: 18°C PreKaGING: Packaging shall be such that damage during transport. and storage under normal canditions shall be avoided. The packaging material. shall show the following information: manufacture, naterial, type, Flamability, production date, quantity, and storage Tif. Stichting teolatie Nederlandse Industele «2 mi eens on page tof GENERAL: “Tis speciation desarbes he minimum requrements fe 2-campenont sdhesive apie for jueing ns tom, lckudng expanded pte fam, fr cold sulin. ‘COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL: Polyurethane (ohentee). HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: “Te principal and the applant shal take cognizance ofthe contents ofthe product and safety information sheets prior to specifeston, MATERIAL PROPERTIES: “Temperature range: fom +150°C tt 70°C ‘Average sold content in accordance with ASTNLD 1644: 96% (volume) ‘comausTiBLry: Flashpoint (wet) nace wih ASTI B88; +100 PACKAGING: Peckaging shal be suc that demage during raneport and stage under normal conditions shall be voided, “The packaging material shal ehow the folowing information: menu, materi type, amma, rodeo dae, bing a, pot Hf, and quant. Stichting isolate Nederlandse Industrie Gi ems SE 42 72 page tof GENERAL: “The epecfleatondesorbes the minimum requeemente fora seer espe ina vapour sop and for eaing jon oft foam, a colt Insulation system excused cellar less anc expanded potysyrne fam, ‘COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL: Buty rubber and sohvents HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: “Te principal en he apcant eal take cognizance ofthe contents of he product and safety Infomation sheets prior ospecfeston, MATERIAL PROPERTIES: “Temperature ange: fm +120°C tt 60% Average elie content in accordance with ASTI. 481: 52% (lum). later vepour perms nace. wth ASTHESS, procedure E (87.86, 90% RH) sax. 0.0019 (hen Hg, CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Leachableenerides content in asortance wh ASTI C871: max. GO ppm. COMBUSTIBLITY: Flash pont (we) nace with ASTI 099: 30-¢ PACKAGING: Packaging shal be such that damage dung tansport and storage under normal condiions shall be rca, The packaging material shal show the folowngifeenation: manufacture, materia, pe, arma, production date, mixing rst, pot We, and quantity Sstchuing Islan Nederlandse Industrie Int eee a2 43 12 Vapour stop sealer for clluler glass (C5) 2006-10-01 age tot (GENERAL: ‘This specication describes the minimum requirements fo sealer apiled as vapour stop and for the vapcur Soh seating of ont cellar la cl insulation systems. ‘COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL: Butyl rutber and sven HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: “The principal andthe aplcant shal ake cognizance athe contnts of he product and safety inferation sheets pro to specication MATERIAL PROPERTIES: “Temperature ange: om +80°C to 60°. ‘Average soe content in accordance wth ASTM.D 782: 87% (volume). ‘Water vapour peesbiy nae. wth ASTM-ERS, procedure E, (37.50, 80% RLM): sax 0.008 g (hmm Ho} CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Leable chords content in accordance wt ASTM CE7t: max 60 mag, ‘compusTisiL ir: Flash pln (wet nace. wth ASTM Des: 30°C. PACKAGING: Packaging shat be such that damage dung tansport and storage under normal conto shall “The packaging materal shall stow the folowing information: manetocurs, materi ype, ftarsabity, proton éste, mixing ati, pte, a quantiy tiotng Commisielolatie Nederlandse Industrie Vapour stop 2-conponent seater ‘spect fication INI 3.2.08 page 1 of 1 SSENERAL: ‘This specification describes the minimus requirements for a 2-conponent, sealer’ applied as vapour stop on terminations of rigid foan cold insulation systen. gueosITLON OFT HATERIAL: oer HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: {Ihe principal and the applicant shal} take cognizance of the contents of ‘the product and safety information sheets prior to specification. WAUERIAL PROPERTIES: Temperature range: from +120°C to -196°C Average solids content. in accordance with ASTH-D 1644: 5% (volume) Mater vapour permeability in acc. with ASTN-E96, procedure E (378°C, 90% RL} max. 0.001 9 (0. ham I). CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Leachable chlorides content in accordance with ASTM C871: max. 90 ppa. COMBUSTIBILITY:. Flash point in acc. with ASTM 093: 423°C PACKAGING Packaging ‘shall be such that damage during transport and storage under normal conditions shall be avoided: formation: manufacture, The packaging material shall show the following ng ratio, pot life, and saterial, type, Tlanmability, production date, quantity ‘Stichting Isolatie Nederlandse Industrie oe Vapour stop epoxy resin Speci tcation nl oe C page 1 of 1 1 GENERA This specification describes the minimun requirenents for epoxy resin applied vapour stops on rigid foam in cold insulation systens 2 COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL: Based on polymers and epoxy resin. 3 HEALTH awa SAFETY aspects: 3.1, The principal and the applicant. shal? take cognizance of the contents of ‘the product and safety information sheets prigr to. specification. 4 NATERIAL_pRopERTES: 4.1 Tenperatire range: fron +100°C to -120°C. 4 2 Average solids content in accordance with ASIN-D 792: 88% (volume). 4.3 Mater vapour perseabiTity In ace. with ASTH-E96, procedure E (37-8°C, 90% RH.) 0.001 g/(n2-h.nm Hig) 5 GHNWTCAL PROPERTIES: Leachable chlorides content in accordance with ASTM C871: max. 0 ppa. 6 compustrentry Flame spread index (dry) in conformity with ASTM E-84: max, Flash potnt (wet) in acc. with ASTN 083: > 150°C. “Locally, different fire requirements may apply. 7 packaetne: 7.1 Packaging shall be such that damage during transport. and storage under nova! conditions. shall be avoided: (C18 the puctasing material shal show the folowing tnforation: manufacture, MSMah yperHlmmabitty, production eave taney. and storage 1 ‘Stichting Hsoltie Nederlandse Industrie cto omszat Ml Wreathr resistant Ucuring 1090-0018 Cc slsebor seinorced polyeetor (RP) page tof GENERAL: “This specication deserves the minimum requrements for vapour barr ising in eal incution _ystems andlor for a water tht sting of hetinsulatonsyoms ‘COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL: ‘Aloinate bated on dlasatber reinforced polyester resins, which curs by UV-adiaton HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: “The principal andthe applicant shal tke cognizance ofthe product andthe safety information heels pila to speciation, MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Temperate raree 0.80 S Weight 2 kin Bending rong 120 Mpa Tensile strength 50 Mpa | Elongation at break 1% | Compression strength 125 Mpa Impact reine 57 kiné Temper 45 Barco Layer thickness 48 mm Water vapour permesbity (1) | 0001 _ofs-hanmtg) (i) Weatr vapour permeability in ee. win ASTATEDE, procedure Et exoeedng the inated value, for applcstin as primer vapour bare in cold insulation sytem ony n combination wh vapour baer muti fal (CIN 8.3.05) CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Uvesistance: good, Resistance to (mos) chemicals good. Stichting tsoltle Nederlandse Industrie AY comsaat ml Weather resistant UVcuring se06-00-45 laseiborsenforeed polyester (GRP) pagezcl2 © comsusrmiry: Flame spread index (ry) nace with ASTI E84: 220 ‘Flam spread index (yn ce wth BS 476: lass 1+ Fach point (ete materia) in ace. wth ASTM DSS: = 26 + Local, rent fre requirements may apy. 7 PACKAGING: Peck hl be sch tb tr yr aa gh nth aan cg toner and storage under normal eonltons shall be avoided. “The packoging rater shal show the folowing infermaton: mansfeture, mati pe, farmabilty, roducton dat, quantiy, nd storage ie. Dimensions: ‘Total ayer thickness: 18 en 2.0 mm, (note, ang 10, with 600-1000 mn Stichting Isoltie Nederlandse ndustsie eV ec ¢ mi Vapour barr mateo onesan pobmerbse s 42 44 72. page tot GENERAL, “This specication describes te minimum requirements ora vapour barre pohmer, pled '38 vapour sop and othe vapour taht sealing jonsin car glass col inulaton| stems (COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL Stan motes polymer based mast HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS “Tho picipal andthe applicant shat take cognizance ofthe contents othe product and set infomation sheets pir to speciation MATERIAL PROPERTIES “Temperature range: 100°C to-50°. ‘Agplicaton temperature :5°C - 40°. Average solids content in accordance with ASTALD 762: 100%, _Weter vapour permesityn aco. wn ASTAVESS, procedure E (978°C, 00% RH): ‘max 0.001 g (hmm Hg, CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Lachble chlorides contntin accordance wih ASTM C87: max, 90 mag, comBusTiiry Fash spread range in accordance with ASTM EBA* * Local, itferent re oquremants may 390 PACKAGING Packaging shal be such that damage during ranspert and storage under narmal consiions stalbe volded “Tho packaging matoal shal show the folowing information: ‘manufecture, material type, Rammablty, production dae, ming rao, pote and quanti. Stichting Inlatie Nederlandse rndustrie a. A we a4 43 53 54 55 56 62 page tof GENERAL ‘This spcicaton describes the minum requements for a weather resstanteastomere sheet apaed as vapour bar andjaketng sytem on cold insulation systems ‘COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL Polyester relnorod choresutanated polyethylene (CSPE) sheet, HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS “The principal andthe appicant shal take cognizance ofthe contents of the produ and ‘tet formation sheets pier to specsieaton MATERIAL PROPERTIES Temperature range: 50°C @ 00°C. Weight 1.5kgin? Layerthickness = mm PHYSICAL PROPERTIES. Brooking svongth in accordance wih ASTM D781 =69NPa Elongation at break, n accordance with ASTM DTS1 = 25% Tear resistance, acorsance wih ASTM D761: 60N Hardness, Shore A, in acoorcance wih ASTMDZ240. : 8025 Woe: vapour permeabity n 2c. vith ASTM.E96, procedure max. 0.001 of (nhs Hg) E (37.86, 90% RH): (CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Leschabe choses conn n socordance wih ASTM C874: max 40 mg/kg, Resistant to acids, causts, salt solution and UV-ight ‘comausTiBLiTy Fash spread range in accordance with ASTM E84* < 25 * Locally, clifret fre requirements may apply Gini eater eink SPE eesioner Steet pore 0ot page 2012 8 PACKAGING 8.1 Packaging shalt be such hat damage during anspot and storage under noel conditions shal be voided 82 Thepackagig materi shal show te following information ‘manufacture, matrlype, anmabilty, production det, quantity and strane io. insulation facing; also for the seal ing ‘Specification ini = c page 1 oF 2 1 GENERAL In this specification the mininun requirements are laid down for aluniniue tape - for the above mentioned applications 2 COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL ‘Alusinium foil, provided on one side with an adhesive layer on the basis of synthetic rubber and synthetic resin, and covered with a protective foil ‘The aluminium tape is glassfibre-reinforced or otherwise. C 3 HEALTH AND SAFETY asPecrs: 3.1 The principal and the applicant shall take cognizance of the contents of the product and safety information sheets prior to specificatfon [3.2 tmcase of Fire the adhesive layer may produce toxic gasses. 4 WATERIAL pRoreRTtEs: 4.1 Temperature range: For a short period: -40°C to 70°C Permanently 2 40°C to 55° ‘Application temperature: > 10°C 15 pysteau psoveeries: (C5. Tensite strength > 20 Wem (glassfibre-reinforced type): > 64 W/on } tested in ace. with ASTM D-882. 5.2 Elongation at break (alassfibre-reinforced type): > * sq?) tested in ace. with ASTN 0-892 5.3. Adhesive strength (angle: 180°) in We: after 20 min after 24 5 (tested in acc. with ASTH D-1000) on stainless see! 2091400 on aturinion a = on a printed surface 10 ze = on 8s voto 00 on righ 4 960 0 C on polystarene 160 2 Stichting teclatie Nederlandse industrie 8.2 9.3 ‘insulation facing; also for the seal ing Specification of cladding Joints SINI_3.3.01 ~ ~] 99-09-15 page 2 (CHEDICAL PROPERTIES: Uv resistance: good CconBUSTIBILITY: Flame spread index in conformity with ASTM £-84; < “Locally, different Fire requirements my apply. PACKAGING AND_DINENSIONS: Packaging in cardboard boxes and such that damage during transport. and storage under normal conditions shall be avoided. The packaging aaterial shal show the folloving infarmation: waatactre, ( raterial, te, protction date, dimensions, and quantity Dinensions: ‘Thickness of aluninium + 2 30 pm tosted in acc. with ASTM 0-374 n rot1ss Tength $0 a. Widths of aluminium tape: 25, 38, 50, 75 and 100 mm Stichting eolatie Nederlandse tndustele mn Bitumen tape with, aluainiun fo? backing for the sealing of cladding joints Specification SSENERAL In this specification the minimun requirements are Taid down for bitunen tape - for the above mentioned applications. ONPOSTTION OF HATER ‘in adhesive mass on the basis of bituninen and synthetic resin, backed with an embossed aluninium foil The adhesive layer 1s provided with a protective foil, which is removed during appl teat ion. HEALTH AND_SAPETY ASPECTS: The principal and the applicant shall take cognizance of the contents of the product and safety information sheets prior te specification MATERIAL pRoveRTes Temperature range + tested in acc. with ASTM D-1000: -30 ... +70°C. Application torperature: 2 10°C PHYSICAL pRoPeRTiEs Weight + tested in acc. with ASTM D-1000: approx. 1200 9/a? Tensile strength: tested tn acc. with ASTH D-1000: 2 14 Wea. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: WW resistance: good, ‘compusTrB4L Ty: Flane spread index tn conformity with ASTA €-84" * Locally, different fire requirements nay apply. PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS: Packaging in cardboard boxes and such that. danage during transport and storage under normal conditions shall be avoided ‘The packaging material shall show the following information: manufacture, material, type, production date, dimensions, and quantity. Dinens ions: ‘Total thickness + tested in ace. with ASTM D-1000: 1.1 am, On rots; Tength 7.5 a. Widths of bituminen tape: 50, 80, 100, 120 and 150 mm. im ets ate ae cores, 54 53 54 55 66 23.08 page 1of2 GENERAL: inthis epecfeaten the minimum requrements are aid down for ubber mastic ape forthe above mentioned sppteatins ‘COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL: A carrier of westhecssistant PVC ape provided with a ayar of fexte rubber matic. The adhesive «doe provided wth an protectve fol of eiconiad paper, which eto be removed dung sppleation. HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: ‘The pina and the applicant sal ake cogzanoe of he contents of he pote and safely Information sheets prior specication. MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Temperature range: tested in co. with ASTM D-1000: 20°16 100-0. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Temperature resistance: max 65° ‘Appeatlon temperatures between OFC and 38°C (ete in ace wh ASTI D000) Tensile sveng at 10% elongation tested nan. with ASTM D-1000:> 21 Nem Elongaton st brea: test in ace. with ASTM D100: » 200%, Tear resistance: tested in aoe. with ASTM D-1000:> 80 Nem Peeing resistance of apatape: 24 Nom Wier vapcutparmesbity (2350): £04 oth met (Teste nace. wth ASTM E-06+ £9) (ni fheseaingo neato es ‘CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Uv. reistancs: 00d Resistant o sci, casts and st slutons compusTiuiy: Fare eproad incon conformity with ASTANE- 84: <2 + Local diferent fre requirements may apo PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS: cnaa.0e 1996-00-15 peve20t2 Packaging in cardboard boxes and auch hat damage during ranepor and storage under norm condone shalbe avoided “Te peckoging mati shal show the fotowing Information: manufacture, mali, pe, production d denonion, ana quant, ola thickness: tested in aco, wh ASTALD1000: > 1.00 rm. ‘onl: length 9-12. "Tope with 60,100 an 800 rm, Stichting eolatie Nederlandse tnaustrie GC C page 1 oft Uy I INI 3.3.06 AQ ri 8.3 SENERAL In this specification the mininun requirements are Taid down for grease ‘tape ~ for the above mentioned application. ‘COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL: 1 double- impregnated acrylic fabric, covered on either side with a aass based on yeTlow patrolatun and fillers. The tape is backed with a polyethylene foil HEALTH. AND SAETY ASPECTS: The principal and the applicant shall take cognizance of the contents of the product and safety information sheets prior to specification. MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Temperature range: from -40°C to 40°C. PUYSICAL PROPERTIES: Weight + tasted In ace. with ASTM D-1000: approx. 1350 9/n? Dripping point: tested in ace. with ASTM D-1000: > 60°C. Tensile strength: tested in acc. with ASTM D-1000: > 30 N/es: Elongation at break: tested in acc. with ASTM D-1000: 10 - 18%, Mater vapour diffusion factor: tested in acc. with ASTH E-96: 8 gr/e /24 h. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: WW resistance: good. COWBUSTIBILITY: Flase spread range in conformity with AST £-84 * Locally, different fire requirements may apply. PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS: Packaging in cardboard boxes and such that danage during transport and storage under normal conditions shall be avoided The packaging material shall show the following information: manufacture, material, type, production date, dimensions, and quantity. Dinens ions: Total thickness tested in acc. with ASTH D-1000: 1.2 am. On roT1ss Tongth 10 a. Tape widths: 5, 10 and 15 cn. stchting teolatie Neerlandse Industrie - Gini srt ig = 4 52 53 56 37 page tof2 GENERAL: ln his specication the minimum requirements are lad doun fo vn! ape fore above mentioned ppcatone. ‘COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL: ‘Aweatter resistant PVC witha high pefgmance weather resistant aye achesve “Te adhesive ayers covered wither (stone papr ofl) wich is emoved curing aplication HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: ‘he prrcipl and the applicant shal tke cognizance fhe contents ofthe produc nd sat iformaon ees prior to speciation MATERIAL PROPERTIES: “Termperature range contruous) accortingto ASTM D-1000 -20°C...#70°C PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: -Aplcaton erperatur:secordng to ASTH 01000 10°C (aches) Tensile strenght tasted nace. ASTIAD-1000, 180 25m Elongation steak: testedinacs teASTIAD-1000 200% Baste: spptcaton at 15°C and 6 longaton max BON 250m Peel adhesion oven fat backside) 10 28mm ‘Sheer adhesion overap (tthe backside) ASTIED-1002 0 NI525mnF later vapour permeability in ace. to ASTM E-96(E) <0 Ago" hem) *)excoecng the ndeated value, fr cold aston as primary vapour bart the mati shal be ppl in combination with mull fl deserted under CIN 3.3.05, Stichting leottie Neelandse Industrie Gini nem a 82 83 (CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Uvsesitance 00d Resistant to acids, causts and sal sliens. comausTiat Fame spread index confomity with ASTIN E84" «10. * Lecely ferent re roquiements may app PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS: coma.a0s page 2012 Packaging in cardboard bowser auch tha darnage ding transport and storage under normal contions stall be aviced ‘The packaging meri ha show the folowing irfrmaton: manufacture, ype. reduction de, mensions and quay. “Total thickness: ested nao: wth ASTI D-1000: > 0:35 ron (nol long 15m 30m, Tape with: Som, 00mm, S00hm, 1000", fe Nederlandse industre C 61 62 cnt3.3.06 Buty! Rubber Tape with aluminium fo backing, 2007-10-01 for finishing of insulation systems wot GENERAL: ‘Thi epecition deserves the minimum requirement fo: buy tuber tape othe sore mertoned appeatons. ‘COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL: Asal adhesive, wicanising buy ubber car, at onesie backed vith a fol as par equrement. Le: ‘ype A: Pure slumilum ‘ype 8. Aluminum Poljester laminate ‘ype C: Poster Aluminium Polyester laminate The acesive tye is covered with a protctve fl fslcone paper of plast fo) whic sto be removed tung apscaen HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: ‘The principal and the appicant sha ake coprisance oe corti fhe product and safety vomaton hoc priorte speciation MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Temperature range (coninuous) accoraing 0 ASTIN D-1000° 20°C 1070. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Prom Siar Ta Type offer = 3 t rappin [ASTATD-T000 © "Tena arena eves Nem laahesve oven Tpeeing a 720" | — Nien wo] 6 | comin [Shear aiesin ovenap __[ENT2S77___| Nita io] 0 |e Wer vapour poreabity | ASTAE@5(E) | gm hmmiig | 0.10" | Toao™ |-TOo CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Uvrestance: good Resistant agaist ait, caustc and st slain. CcomBuSTIBILITY: Fame spread index confcrity with ASTI E88": < 10 * cal, iterent re requremens may 206 tng CmmissieLlaie Meranda ez ea cmis3.06 ‘Buty Rubber Tope with alumitum fll backing, 2007-40-01 Yorfnishing of insulation systems page 20f2 PACKAGING AND DIMENSIONS: Packaging in cardboerds bores and such hat damage during transport and storage under normal conations shat be avoided. ‘The packaging material shal show the folowing fernaton: manifest, ype, producten dat, dimensions and quar. Dimension “Thickness of buy rubber carer “Thickness of lui ‘ype “Tckness of aluminium /pahester ype Thickness of postr slminum /poyester type C length 18! ‘wa: 50m, 7m, s00r, 600m, 750mm 40m 25112 0f 2523 ym ‘2782 um tisiing Commis lt Nederiondee Industrie ni a = 22 42 62 53 page tof2 GENERAL: “This pecticaion deters the mnirum requirements for vapour bane slurinumipaveste fl, apie fo Taco slabs, segments, ection and mood ploces of gt foam oreo incu COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL: Fo composition: ‘2m ptyste fim 25 um aun foo '2,um polyester fim “otal hckress: 60m HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: “The pina an the applicant sal take cognizance of the contents of i produc and safety information sheet pret spaciaton MATERIAL PROPERTIES: Temperate range: from +1200 0 -00°C Voumatic mas: 199 glén? Wiser vapour permabity ln aco. wth ASTIN ERG procadueE (7.67, 90% RH. sax, 10.108 gm He) MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: Tensie erenat: 100 MPa ‘Yield strength 70Ntem Tearresistance(Eimendor: _400.ginm ‘CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Fungus resistance: loot Stichting tlatie Nederlandse Industrie 2. 2 CIN 3.3.10 ae ini screen mt pagezot2 7 PACKAGING: 7A Packaging chal be such thet damage during ranspert and storage under norma candons shall be 7.2 _Twepackaging matt shal show the folowing nermaton: manufacture, matrl, dmensons’ ype, quant. + fewitn ond fl nth, Stichting tsolatie Nederlandse tndustrie (ini ee a 22 42 a sis 512 page of2 GENERAL: “This specicaton deserts the minimum regiments oa vapour bane laminumiplyeter ap, ppl for seating ofolns ef ratipex fl and elbows fr eo rauation. ‘COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL: Fol compestion +2 um poyete fm 25 um ain flia 12 um poyeter fie adhesve yer pajacyte “ota thickness exclusive of adhesive layer: 60 um HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: “Te pipal an the applicant shal take cognizance ofthe contents of te product and sty Infomation sheets prior to spesfeaton MATERIAL PROPERTIES: “Temperature range: from H120%6 10-466 Volumetric mas: 1.89 kglén? _weter vapour parmesbilty n acc with ASTM EOS, procedure E (378°C, 9056 RLM) ax. 100° gf. hmm gh MECHANICAL PROPERTIES: carer: “Tensiestrengt 00 Mra Yes strength TONton Teorresetance (Emendorf; 400 gfnm 2. 2 cmni3.3.14 ml Vepour barker mate ap of aa at page 202 52° AdhooWe layer: 152.4 Bonding strength in sccordance with ASTM 0390; 19 (ape wih 25 mn) 522 Shearing value in conformity with ASTI 03654, procedure A: 15 KPa 1523 Tensio strength in accordance wit) ASTM D758 61 N (pe width 25 ren) 52 Protective layer: ‘iconed paper 6 CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Fungus rietance tet 7 PACKAGING: TA Packaging sal be such that damage durng tansport and storage under normal contions shall be voided 1.2 Theppackaging material sha show the folowing information: ‘manufacture, mater dimensions ype, quaniy. tape with ana tae length ‘tioning Ieoltie Nedertandee Industrie 52 54 56 inl ‘Aluminium polyester eminate tape, “orinculation fishing GENERAL ors.s2 2005-10-01 page 1of2 This specication describes the minimum reqement for an aluminium polyester laminae tape applied or nisin fe cl inslaton ‘COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL + Acomplx of 3 tyers aluminium and intemecate layers of polyester fm, wit high performance weather resistant adhesive layer ‘The achesive ayer i covered wth tne (icone paper oi) whic ¢ removed dung appleaton HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS ‘The principal andthe apalicant shal take cognizance ofthe contents of the product and eaty information sheets pit speciation MATERIAL PROPERTIES Temperature range PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Appleton temperature: according to ASTM D100, “Tensile strange Elongation at break Peal adhesion overlap ‘Shea adhesion overlap sare... 20", 10°C. 180% N25 mm, 1gKPa ister vepour parmesbiy in ace. with ASTH-ESS,procedueE:(7.8°C, 90% RA): ‘max, 10.10 g (nm Hg) (CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Resistant o UV ight Resistant to moat and orgie solvents Restricted resistance against aids and caustics (sluminiom) ‘Stichting teotasieNeertanee industri aT inl ee sit ppariinmen mn a2 a3 Tor ineulaton fishing ie comusTisiLiTY Flame spread index in contormiy wh ASTIN ES4™= 0 Local, ferent re requrements may apply PACKAGING ANO DIMENSIONS Pecksping shall be such that damage dung vensport and storage under nota condos shall bo avoided, “Tho packaging materi shal show the flowing nfrmation manufacture, mater type, production date, dmenslons and quan Dimensions ‘On ol, length 50m. “Tepe wth: 50 rm, 100-mm, 600 mm, StihtingHeolatie Nederlandse Industrie 1 24 22 23 | Glass Fibre fabric 420 through 950 g/a* i SENERAL: "99-09-15, page 1 of 3 Specification CIN 3.4.01 In this specification the minim requirenents for glass fibre fabric are Vaid down, COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL Material: E-glass Composition of the material: Guide nunbers in percentage by weight: Si02 50...86% Mo <6 nr203. 12.16% cao 16...25H 203 6...13% Rest: F, Na20, K20, Fe203 Fabric build-up: oe wt eo 0 = 1 waited nga | share satin | soane pin | sure satin | crowfaceSetin HEALTH AND SREETY aSPECTS: Depending in part on the coating applied. The principal and the applicart shall take cognizance of the contents of the product and safety information sheets prior to spect ication ‘Stichting Isolate Nederlandse ndustrie Glass Fibre Febric 420 through 950 g/n? S. s CIMT 3.4.01, mi aos page DoF 3 C 4 WATERIAL propceriEs: 4.1, Thermal properties: Coefficient of Vineair expansion 5 a= §.10-6/K Specific heat capacity r= 880 IMKg-K I Therwal conductivity at 20°C d= 0,65...1 Wek Temperature range, continuous 2 500°C Teaperature range, short duration 600" ! Softening point B40" 4.2 Metght and thickness of fabric type 320 590 650 950 weight fn? 20 590) 650 960 thickness mm 0,40 0,68 0,70 1,40 5 MECHUNTCAL PROPERTIES: 5.1 Tensile strenath: type 20 590 650 950 tensile strength in Wem: warp 1105 1080 1400 200 weft 640 1025 1300 825 5.2 Theoretical residual tensile strength of the non-coated material in accordance with DIN 60850/2 at: =e00¢ | z00%¢ | a00rc | onc | soarc | soore | ro0rc room | oa | eax | osx | aoe | ime | ox I For the influence of the coating on these values, see the coating specifications. Stichting Isoltle Nederlandse Industrie o e CINI_3.4.01 ini = page 3 of 3 6 CHEMICAL. PROPERTIES: | 6.1 E-gtass shatl be resistant to ofis, fats, solvents, organic acids, substances having pH values in the range of 3 to 9. 7 congustasnL 11: 1 Depending on the costing applied. Flame spread index non-coated in conformity with ASTY E84% max. 0 * Locally, different Fire requivenents say apply 8 TOLERANCES FoR DINENSIONS: for the yarn + 108 for the number of Fitanents per cn £ 10% for the weight 10% for the thickness 108 9 PACKAGING AND DINENSTONS: 9.1 Packaging shal be such that damage during transport and storage under normal conditions shall bo avoided. 9.2 The packaging material shal? show the following information: 1. type description; 2. voll length; 3. widths 4. number of meters. Sulchving Isolate Nederlandse ndustre aa 2.2 2a Silica tabric 610 and 1085 g/m. for insulation blankets Specification GINI 3.5.01 99-09-15 page lof 3 In this specification the mininun requirements for Silica fabric are laid dom. Note: In this specification the standard fabric 1s prescribed. However, ‘there are several types of Silica fabric. (COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIAL: Naterial: silica Composition of the material In percentage by weight sioz > 9m Nazo << 1k Fabric build-up: ‘ne oF a0 185 HEALTH AND SAFETY ASPECTS: Depending in part on the coating appl ted The principal and the applicant shall take cognizance of the contents of the product and safety information sheets prior to specification. Silica fabric 610 and 1085 g/n? ini ee ae pase 2 of ‘ AATERIAL PROPERTIES: 4.1 Thermal properties: Temperature range, continuous 000°C Temperature range, short duration + M00" Shrinkage at 1000°C (for preshrunk fabric) + max. 5% 1 For non-pre-shrunk fabric at Teast 10% 4.2 ——Keight and thickness of fabric ‘ope io | 1 C weight oft 10 1085 thickness am 0,61 1,05 5 MECHANICAL pRoneRTLES: 5.1 Tensile strength: type 610 1085 ‘tonsite strength in Nem: warp 280 500 weft 129 250 C 5.2 Theoretical residual tensile strength of the non-coated material in accordance with DIN 60850 at: aoore | 2o0re aoo-c | onc | soore | eo0-c | 700°c | aoc | s00-c | 1o00-¢ ros [rex [osx [oox [sox [oon [scx [acx |acx | asx For the influence on these values of the coating, see the coating specications © cates roperries: | 6.1 Sitiea-glass shall be resistant to acids Stichting Itlatie Nederlandse tndustrie 311ca fabric iW and 10us g/m | ini = Depending én part on the coating applied. Flane spread index non-coated in conformity with ASTH E84 max. 0. * Locally, different fire requirenents may apply. 8 TOLERANCES For DIMENSiONS: for the yarn 2 10% for the number of FfTanents per ex = 10% for the wetght: = 10% for the thickness 2 10% 9 PACKAGING AND OINENSTONS:, 9.1 Packaging shall be such that danage during transport and storage under normal conditions shall be avoided. 9.2 The packaging material shall show the following information: 1. type description; 2. voll Tength: 3. widths 4. munber of meters Stichting Isolate Nederlandse Industri <, - ‘CINI3.6.04 ini cunt mt cree e wee 1 GENERAL: Inthe speciicaton he inknum reqdrements for the several coatings applied toa fabric ae et com. 2 COMPOSITION OF THE MATERIALS: a Saar Para aay Ti cing co wa EA | Scone oar Cc AT cosa Bea - = Frere ae 6 SDS 3) MeALTH NO SAFETY ASPECTS: ‘Te ict an te pleas copia cone cle pr an fon hots or oeoaton 4 APPLCKTION OF THE MATERIAL: aS — [OSI aa pe aR He TSS EIST TT] ow |e | Pas [FPO —To a : exe swbatrade the ae 20 C praumicmtumdnmncowont | | tame — re Tm te ose st‘ woanadenctnetate co i ei Tg i WOE ST =| a RE [Cia a oo I we SE | FD |= Frame spread index of the coating nt conformity with ASTI E84: max 03 * Local, fren fr roqurements may apply. cont 3.25.01 ml Aeiony materia for thespian of 0106-419 finishing mates for cot sutton Cc ape toft 4 GENERAL: “This specifaton contains he tecncal equrement fr auliay mate 2 MATERIALS TOBE USED: 2A Folded ut rubber sest Material: butyl nbbormembrane Dimensions: thkness 4 rn Standeré 180 188-agng Cra theca Maer (minted) epoxy resin imgrognatie weed Dimensions hens 20 mn Temperate ints: 10°C HOC 3 PACKAGING: 3.4 Packaging shal be exh that damaging dng anspor and storage under normal condins shal bo vided 12 The packaging mato! sha show te folowng formation: manufacture, mater ype, produeson date, dimensions and quant. Stichting teolatie Negerlandee Industrie Gini snurgatiamanany page 10f2 4 GENERAL: “This specication consins the echicalrequrements fr autry msi of nsultionmatiresses. 2 MATERIALS TOBE USED: 24 anya Natal: Gude vabee ot. 7% gs, 23.9% porta Gioneter 101m C, exten. soe 22 Mean yas: Hotel: ude aos 8% ge, nerve Dioner: 033 Maxton, 00 23 ectin yas: Matra: meoneltven wah gt dng Dancer: 04Sien Maxtone, : 90° Coan Ts trendetacking treads: Natrol: Stainless steel according to ASTI AT67 type 204 Diameter: 4.0mm Naxtomp. : 300. 25 Fastening cps Maternal Stainless ste! accoing to ASTI A167 type 304. Diameter 1.7 me 28 Fastning laos: Material: Stainless sta! accorcng to ASTM A187 type 904. Clasps: Natrol + Palo orstealrickl pao or stanoss sto Schting Isolate Nederlandse Industee page 202 (i somtgnane Sa 28 skape: NMoteal _: Coated laseband, stitched alas fai or sytheland 29 Velo: Material = Nyon wit re retardant coating Max temp. : 100°C. 240 Staples: Motral —_; Stainless see scoring to ASTM A167 ype 304 C Oa

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