OGMG Midterm
OGMG Midterm
OGMG Midterm
Perception: A cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our environment → affect
actions and decisions; based on (1) perceiver (2) target (3) situation
Johari’s Window: enhance the individual's perception on self and others; invented by John + Harris.
Open Area = Public Self, Hidden Area/Facade = Private Self
- Disclosure: What others don't know about me, but I know → others know about me
- Feedback: What I don't know about myself, but others do → I know about myself
4.2 Stereotyping
● Stereotypes: an individual's set of beliefs about the characteristics or attributes of a group. They
apply to whole groups, whereas person schemas apply to individual people → can lead to poor
decisions and create barriers
● Stereotyping process (CIEM): Categorization (based on criterias) → Inferences (about ppl in
same category) → Expectations/Application of Inferences (interpret behaviors about others) →
Maintenance (overestimating frequency of stereotypic behavior, incorrectly explaining expected
and unexpected behaviors, Differentiating minority individuals from ourselves)
● Managerial Impact - Managing stereotyping:
○ Educate people about stereotypes and how they influence behavior and decision making
+ Encourage all employees to increase their awareness.
○ Create opportunities for diverse employees to meet and work with others.
● Self-monitoring: extent to which a person observes their own self-expressive behavior and
adapts it to the situation
○ Positive relationship between high self-monitoring and career success
Personality: stable and mental characteristics responsible for a person’s identity
Nature vs nurture controversy: (50:50---- 80:20): heredity from gene (education may be useless) VS.
training and development (education determine patterns of behavior)
Big Five Personality Dimensions: Conscientiousness = success for job and training performance;
Extraversion = success for managers and salespeople
Internal locus of control: attributing outcomes to one’s own actions
External locus of control: believing performance is the product of circumstances beyond one’s immediate
Nature/Components of Attitudes (ABC):
Attitude: learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with
respect to a given object
Affective: feelings or emotions one has about an object or situations (EX. favorable)
EX. Hatred → Killing whoever
Cognitive: beliefs or ideas one has about an object or situation (EX. well evaluative)
EX. Subjective norm: Not a good norm to kill people (VS. mafia not dorm)
Behavioral: how one intends to act or behave toward someone or something (EX. like to buy)
EX. Cannot possibly go and kill him (VS. mafia gives access to guns)
Cognitive Dissonance: discomfort a person experiences what their attitudes/beliefs are incompatible
with their behavior (EX. Smoking, discomfort from inconsistency → quit smoking or change attitude)
● Attitude = behavior → consistent, comfort VS. Attitude =/= behavior → inconsistent, discomfort
● To change Cognitive DIssonance
(1) Change attitude/behavior
(2) Belittle the importance (subjective norm) of the inconsistent behavior (EX. help friends)
(3) Find constant elements that outweigh the dissonant ones
Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior
Intelligence: capacity for constructive thinking, reasoning, problem solving; high intelligence = high
performance (7 types)
Types of Abilities: (1) General mental ability needed for all cognitive tasks (2) Unique to the task at hand
Emotions: complex human reactions to personal achievements and setbacks that may be felt and
Emotional intelligence: ability to manage oneself one’s relationships in mature and constructure ways
- SELF awareness (i.e. reading and understanding own) and management (i.e. emotional burst)
- SOCIAL (other) awareness (i.e. empathy) and management (i.e. relationship management)
Emotional Labor: Job ask you to present certain emotion; displayed =/ felt (real) emotion
- EX. Funeral service industry - sad emotion, Shopping center - happy emotion
○ Managerial Implications
■ Diagnoze work environment to determine level of employee motivation and job
■ Determine whether job redesign is appropriate for a given group of employees
■ Determine how to best redesign the job
4. Deci’s Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation: Intrinsic (within yourself, task = reward) vs. Extrinsic
(salary, reward outside, some contingency that depends on task performance)
○ Sense of meaningfulness: task purpose is important and meaningful
○ Sense of choice: ability to use judgment and freedom when completing tasks
○ Sense of competence: feelings of accomplishment associated with doing high-quality
○ Sense of progress: feeling that one is accomplishing something important
○ NOTE Extrinsic Reward may decrease intrinsic motivation
○ Managerial Implications
■ Foster a sense of meaningfulness by inspiring their employees and modeling
desired behaviors
■ Can lead for choice by empowering employees and delegating meaningful
assignments and tasks
■ Enhance a sense of competence by supporting and coaching their employees
■ Increase employees’ sense of progress by monitoring and rewarding them