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Cloud Computing

Prof. Soumya Kanti Ghosh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture – 09
XML Basics (Contd.)

Hello. So, we will continue our discussion on cloud computing. So, if you remember the
last lecture you are talking about XML basics, we are talking about this how XML
discussing how XML allows us to interoperate between, between different interacting or
cooperating system in a or in a distributed system. And how it can it can become a one of
the major backbone for realizing cloud computing specially in SaaS type of cloud
software as a service type of cloud, right.

So, we were discussing about DTD and XML schema XSD. So, today we will continue
that that discussion and on this basics of XML, alright.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:11)

So, as if you remember that we are discussing about XML schema which is primarily
defines the structure of the XML. So, XML of a used data like say I have a XML of a
student data of a particular batch of student of IIT Kharagpur, it will be a huge volume of
data now whenever I want this data say our placement section or our account section for
the bank or other things. So, they want to they want to share some of these data with the
external agencies, right.

So, one way of looking at it that share a part of the schema look at the schema and say
are the part of the things with the with the external agencies, or I want to on the other
way in your organization takes the data from the other organization. So, the first of all it
there is a need of that schema to be to be agreed upon that what should be there. So, the
XML schema place a vital role in exchange of information helping in interoperability
between different repositories.

So, a new specification, schema is a new specification which came up in 2001 to specify
validation rule of XML, right. So, what we have seen well formed any XML parser first
check whether that it is syntactically correct that is well formed. And secondly, the
schema it checks with the schema if available to say that whether it is valid with respect
to the schema. So, what we say it is a valid XML document, alright. So, so there are W3
some spec and best practice as you can see. So, it use pure XML to do this XML schema
that are written in XML, schemas are more powerful and DTDs can specify things like
integer type, date, real thing etcetera and other type of parameters.

They are often use for type validation alright, or for relating data base schemas to XML
models all right. So, it is I can if I know the schema than I create the database and then
pump this XML data to this database or other way around, alright. They do not however,
let you declare entities; those can be done only in DTD.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:46)

So, it cannot define this in entities. The followings will see that how schema is
equivalent to our DTDs. Like the last DTD we have if have if you remember in the XML
basics that first class. So, that same thing is now represented as a schema.

So, what we see it is more of XML type document and in doing. So, I can handle this
schema the same way I handle a XML data, alright.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:09)

So, that that is a beauty of the thing; another aspect that the important aspect of XML is
XML name space, right; it is a very important aspect as XML allows user defined data.
So, you need to be careful on that which type of definition is there and which namespace
we are looking at. If you remember last class we are discussing that if I define a entity
call table or element call table then I need to specify whether this is a table which type of
table. Like I can have a table as we have we have discussed that furniture or the table can
be from a say table of a word processor or spread said type of things.

So, in order to distinguish I have to say table of furniture type then it has some definition,
table of say word processing has some other definition alright. So that means, where I
will define this I will define in the namespace. So, the namespace tell me name space
basically specifies that which what element is there what sort of dealing etcetera etcetera
there. So, it is a mechanism for identifying different spaces for XML names alright that
is element or attributes names. This is a way of identifying different language dialects,
consisting of names that have specific semantics and processing meanings all right. The
key is one language mean a specific security key, as we are talking about table the
distinguished from, the key in another language with maybe a database key, right.

So, key maybe some sort of a security key and in some other thing the key what we are
looking for is more of a database related keys. So, this two keys are one from database
schema a database name space and another for this security name space need to be
defined somewhere. So, it is a may use uses a special XMLNS, XML name stands for
XML namespace attribute to define this name space right. The namespace is given as a
URL string alright, but the URL does not reference does not reference anything in
particular they maybe nothing is there. So, it may not refer to something.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:39)

So, namespace so, mixing language dialogues together. So, namespace let you do this
relatively easier like I can have something from the something from that like, I want both
the keys all right. From the database keys then I use the security key for unlocking the
database, and then user database key for accessing the both the keys I am using
somewhere someone right. And both are in the XML So, this XML namespace may
allow me to do that like I can say that db dot key mean something or somewhere
something dot some they that security dot something it means a some other key.

So, I basically specify the type of key is there. So that means, here if you look at these
are the name space which are a default space right. Which define by the W3C whereas,
this namespace empty is a math related namespace right. That is also a predefined, but I
say that the empty is a math related namespace. Now whenever I do anything with this
particular math related then I say empty double colon mathml and title and so on and so
forth; that means, I say that I am referring these math namespace.

So, empty prefix indicates the space mathml a different language mathml maybe a totally
different language and I basically able to use those elements of that particular namespace
in my document.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:18)

So, this so, namespace as we sees plays a important role and you should be careful, and
the namespace definition are should be there. So, in other words so, whenever we do like
we have seen that mathml that what we do is more of looking at that particular
namespace and how to use it and type of things.

Another important aspects already we have discussed some of these is XML software,
right. So, as XML document is one is representation textual mode whereas, I have a I
need to process it and type of thing one a first of all I validate well form or not syntactic
recurring this is one part. Secondly, need to process it for different application etcetera.
So, this XML software plays a important role.

So, XML parser reads in XML data checks for syntactic possibly with DTD and schema
constraint, and makes all data available to an application. There are three generic XML
APIs or parser APIs like one is a SAX parser simple API to XML event based it is a very
popular widely used parser and available mostly in all platform. Another is DOM parser,
document object model or object tree based parser another is JDOM parser, java DOM
parser right. So, lots of XML parsers and interface software available in different
operating systems. SAX based parsers are fast often as fast as you can stream data and
these are very low bellowed parser and this pretty fast though the functionalities less.
Whereas DOM is slower more memory intensive create in memory version of the entire
document and type of things all right. And validating can be much slower than non
validating parser, because validating parser need to validate whether it is conformed to
the schema before doing any processes.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:33)

So, these are some of the quick look at the different parsers like if the SAX parser is the
available there, it say event based interface parser reports event whenever it sees a tag
attribute text node unresolved external entities and other.

Programmers attach event handlers to handle the events, right. Advantages it is simple to
use, very fast, not doing much before you get the tax and data, right. So, it is a it is pretty
fast, low memory footprints. So, it is low payload. Disadvantages not doing much of the
processing. So, you need to do some of the processing at your end. Not useful if you
have dynamically modify document world series in memory. So, it is not useful if you
dynamically modify the documents it is memory since you will have to do the all the
work and put memory of yourself anyway. So, what it is there it is useful when you have
a vanilla type XM processing requirement which process and goes on with low memory
footprint and ready fast and overall pretty simple to use.

Whereas the document object model or the DOM parser it is a object based interface
parser generates in memory tree, in memory tree or the in memory XML tree
corresponding to the XML document. DOM interface identifies method for accessing
and modifying the tree, right. So, that is the advantage very useful for dynamic
modification access to the tree. So, if there is a dynamic modification access to the tree
dynamically changing then it is extremely useful, useful for query that is looking for data
and depends on the tree structure. So, querying because if it is a tree structure which
plays a role it is useful. It is the same interface for many programming language C plus
plus, JAVA that is as such the interface wise interpret interoperate with different
languages; disadvantage can be slow, right.

Needs to produce the tree and may need lots of memory DOM programming interface is
little bit not that state forward. So, it needs to be little complex and needs more what we
say professional handling of the data, here handling of this programming.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:08)

So, in case of a DOM parser the parser this parser interface it goes to this structure of the
tree which is in build maintaining the thing and based on that it grabs the application.
The JDOM or the java DOM it is java based object oriented.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:24)

So, it is similar to DOM with the; it is from java. Parser generates in memory tree
corresponding the document. JDOM interface has methods for accessing and modifying
the tree, right. So, where accessing and modifying the tree, advantages very useful
dynamic modification of the tree useful for querying that depends on the tree structured.
So, if your query is dependent on the tree structure it is pretty first and useful. Much
nicer object oriented programming interface than DOM. So, it is much means better
programming interface is there.

These advantage can be slow, a new and not entirely cooked not. So, new these days, but
there are you need some expertise to work on it and it works on JAVA that is that maybe
disadvantage or it may be thought of what we say that they you need to know JAVA to
work on it may not be a big issue.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:30)

There are few more like a DOM4J which is java framework for reading writing
navigation and editing XML right. Provides access to SAX, DOM, JDOM interface and
other XML entities like XSLT and other type of interface, can do mixed SAX, DOM
parsing. And it has some of the some advantages like good of all lots of goodies and all
rolled into one things in JAVA package can make SAX and DOM parser Apache open
source license, means free use and so and so forth.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:17)

There are disadvantages it is again JAVA only and maybe concerns for open source
nature of things like that, some of the things, but nevertheless it is a good one. There are
some other XML parser like Xerces and XML toolkit, XML for C plus and etcetera,
etcetera. So, rather there are a good number of XML parser to not only well formed and
validating also try to do more complex operations in our, in basically in when we are
doing interoperating in some distributed system like cloud.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:50)

So, there are some of the benchmark like how the parser will be there, whether regarding
speed memory and stream processing, there are few parser benchmarks.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:08)

XML processing another important aspect is XSLT right. So, extensible style sheet
language, right. So, how XML to be represented is given by this style sheet, right. So, in
some other sense I can say that XML along with the styling allows me to represent it or
displayed right. So, sometimes XML plus XSLT is something equivalent to HTML type
of things like not that all power wise, but it is characteristics wise. So, XSLT extensible
style sheet language is primarily used for transformation type of things right. Or it is
more of a transformation type of things. XML language for processing XML data, does
tree transformation takes XML and XSLT style sheet as input, and produce a new XML
document with a different structure and type of things.

So, as it is XSLT. So, I can basically do some sort of a filtering operations on the XSLT
right. So, it takes the XML data, does some sort of process it XSLT and generate a
another XML data on the other hand and produces a new XML document with different
structure and so on and so forth. So, advantages of course, very large very useful for tree
transformations; so, if I want to transform the tree or say I have a tree XML tree, and for
my application I require want to use a sub tree of it, right. So, how can I do it? So, I can
have this filtering using this XSLT and then filter these things to the other part.
So, disadvantage can be slow for large document or style sheets right. It can be
disadvantages and can we slow can be difficult to debug style sheet, poor error detection,

(Refer Slide Time: 18:16)

So, that another is that not so versatile in error detection. So now, if you look at our big
picture. So, XML data is coming right. So, we have now a style sheet with a it requires
again another XML parser. And then it goes to this processor, processing unit. And we
have this different tree.

So, I have a tree here and I can have a part of the tree out here, right. So, taking these as
input the data out is a XML which is which is based on the XSLT has been filtered for
the and generated new XML. XML messaging use XML as the format for sending
messages between the systems. Advantages common syntax, self describing easier to
parse can use common existing transport mechanism to move the XML data like https
(Refer Slide Time: 18:59)

So, XML needs a carrier protocol to transfer the data. So, I can we can use any transport
data transport mechanism like transport we should not mix up this transport with our
transport layer protocols. So, it is a transport mechanism means underlying the network
and by which you can do that http, https, SMTP and so on and so forth. And there are
some requirement and disadvantages of the same this type of XML messaging.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:55)

And there are common messaging models. So, a using a http to protocol for XML
messages, in other since this XML messages are if you see this is a post at said that this
portion of the thing is a standard protocol, http protocol mechanisms.

Whereas, it is the XML message or the XML document is embedded into the things. So,
that it is a envelope which is the http protocol itself and then it is embedded into the

(Refer Slide Time: 20:32)

So, there are some of the standards for message format like XML-RPC. So, a very
simple way of encoding function method calls call name and passed in the things. So, it
is one of the message format is soap simple object access protocol primarily used in web
services in a service oriented architecture. So, more complex wrapper which lets you
specify schemas for interface more complex rules for handling and proxy messages and
so and so forth.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:13)

So, that can be done through this type of soap message format. And if you see again the
XML messaging plus processing XML is a universal format for data exchange right. So,
I have this application with soap API, and from here I can basically two different type of
supplier. So, interact with different type of supplier though, at the backbone the overall it
is the same XML applications which interacts with different other applications over http.
So, it is a soap message which is which piggyback on http and carried over as a payload
of this http and deliver at the things, the other entities extracts and deliver to that
particular applications which is running.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:12)

So, if we look at this family of XML all right. So, if you look at this is this middle
portion is the cores of the things like we have a XML, XSLT, XSL, X path, X pointer
and so forth we have not covered or we have not discussed on all the component it is first
of all that amount of time is not there. And Secondly, we want to have a fill that how this
allows me or what are the typical properties of XML is there. Those who are interested in
a more looking at the XML can follow any standard book for event W3C see a school
tutorial and try to do some small projects of the things.

Nevertheless; so, we have this sort of APIs these are different styling, these are different
protocols, web services application areas where the XML feeds in. And there can be
different other type of things. So, what it tries to show the versatile nature of this XML
and it is companion technologies. This XML and this community plays a vital role in
realizing this distributed structure of systems right. So, I have distributed systems which
are which are talking to each other and doing that is why I have soap messaging, WSDL
messaging, WSDL UDTI which are primarily XML based.

And so, and we have different type of other namespaces like mathml and there are SVG
for generating graphics and type of things. So, this shows this XML is a versatile in
nature in allowing data transformation and if I want to represent this data then I require
some styling either through XSLT or some XLD some style sheets which allows me to
represent the data and type of things even; I can generate a HTML file which can be
viewed in to the viewed at the other end, right.

So, we basically have what we had is a very basic introductory things or XML try to see
that what are the major components of the XML, and how this component help us in
realizing interoperability. If you look at the cloud or any distributed systems where the
sort of interact interfaces interacting or interoperability needs are there XML is the de
facto language to realize this. So, with this we will conclude today, for our this basics of

Thank you.

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