S00-SPGO-GOA-TOR-000003 SGP ERR TOR Issued For Use
S00-SPGO-GOA-TOR-000003 SGP ERR TOR Issued For Use
S00-SPGO-GOA-TOR-000003 SGP ERR TOR Issued For Use
Version 1.0
Review Date -
Released on 29 June 2020 - Version 1.0
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SGP ERR TOR Terms of Reference
The approved FID1 SGP Phase 1 scope which will be the focus of this Execution
Readiness Review includes:
The remaining scope from the SGP FID1 IP below is subject to future Shareholder
and AEH Board approvals once the associated EA and PL amendments are made
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In 2017/18 the project scope was split into three FIDs to meet the SGSA timelines
to met shareholder requirements:
FID 1 – TIPEX and Daandine high pressure delivery points and David low
pressure delivery point
FID 2 – Harry low pressure delivery point and greenfield Field Compressor
Stations 2 (Girrahween) and 8 (Lynwood) medium pressure delivery points.
FID 3 – Jammat low pressure delivery point and sustaining wells
Previous Reviews
The project was then the subject of numerous assurance checks including:
1. Mar’18 – VAR/ESAR
2. Apr’18 – repeat VAR
3. May’18 – ESAR/PER
4. Jul’18 – repeat ESAR/PER
The Shareholder’s decided not to take FID. The TIPEX team was redeployed and
the project team reduced to a skeleton development team. Through 2019 the
Arrow team provided shareholder support to progress the project to an agreed
development concept which resulted in a shareholder alignment under the
Strategic Alignment Agreement (SAA). Changes made to the development
concept and sequence during this period were not subject to the Arrow MOC
system as they were shareholder decisions outsaide of Arrows direct control.
Following the successful FID decision in April 2020 the project team has been
Risk Description
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Risk Description
ramp up over the next 5 years with associated impact on project value
NPV and reputational impact.
Short term construction arrangements puts the 2020 learning curves with
Long Term CNJV at risk of being lost, and potential transition to a CMSA post 2020
Gathering may delay learning curve with new contractor and inability to realise long
Construction term efficiencies and innovations, which could lead to significant cost
Contracting increases, schedule delay impacting GSA promise and heightened OHS
The overall SGP risk management has been rationalised with only key project level
risks – risks with an impact to the overall project objectives being elevate to the
SGP project level while lower level risks are managed under the sub projects or at
a component level (e.g. risks to a specific off-plot batch)
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As a result of current short term construction contracts and bidding all construction work in 2020,
there is a risk that 2020 learning curves with CNJV will be lost, and if a new construction contractor is
selected there will be an overlap of construction contractors for 6-8 months with higher administration
Long Term Construction Young,
and field monitoring which Arrow is not resourced for, delay of learning curve with new contractor and Guy
inability to realise long term efficiencies and innovations,
which could lead to erosion of cost benefit of competitive tendering process, schedule delay impacting
GSA promise and heightened OHS exposure.
As a result of visual amenity and HSE concerns, perception of wasted resource, environmental impact
(air quality and noise) and planned/unplanned shutdowns there is a risk of stakeholder concern caused Young,
R-3111 SGP Community Flaring Risk
by flaring which could lead to impact on land access, community and government and overall social Guy
licence to operate.
As a result of delay to gaining QGC connection agreement and final tie-in (critical path), there is risk of
Meeting IDP production volumes Young,
on PL253
delay to commissioning the Hopeland Pilot Pipeline, which could lead to failure to reach IDP production Guy
volumes on PL 253 (0.38 PJ required by Feb 2020, 1 year from PL grant), and putting PL253 at risk.
As a result of non-alignment with joint venture partner CleanCo, there is a risk of delay or inability to
Kogan PL194 Joint Venture with Young,
produce from PL194 and the graticulated blocks of PL1053 (Warra) and PLa1052 (Macalister), which Guy
could lead to missed revenue opportunity and non-compliance with tenure obligation
Inability to achieve continuous As a result of Arrow not achieving the targeted improvement pre-development and learning curve post
R-2632 improvement and Learning Curve development, UTC targets will not be met leading to increased cost Berry, Mike MED MED CPX ↔
targets for SGP
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can deliver efficient flawless execution of the FID1 project scope related to
the Tipton, Daandine, David and Harry delivery points
has embedded Target Zero and associated appropriate HSSE & SP
objectives and targets in project execution planning
has established the organisational capability and plan to execute the FID1
has completed the rebaselining of the project (from 2018 base)
that an appropriate change process has been completed to incorporate
changes (since Apr’18) into the current assured development premise noting
changes driven by shareholder are reflected in key project documents
has closed out all actions from previous assurance reviews (VAR Apr’18,
PER Jul’18, VAR Aug’19) that are still relevant to the FID 1 scope
is set up for success to meet the FID1 value delivery promise.
To achieve this the review team’s key focus will be to test the consistency of the
key project elements including;
evaluating the plan to progress future phases in parallel with the execution of
FID1 scope
Incorporation of Target Zero into Project execution planning
assessing the risk management structure and that identified controls are
effective. Review Arrow assessment on residual risks to FID1 value
confirmation that the Technical Authorities, leadership and management
roles are assessed against the HSE Competency Requirements Table
review the adherence to the contracts and procurement plans, that the level
of maturity of HSSE in contractors is acceptable (i.e. equivalency of
standards in Mode 1 and 2 contractors), and that contractor readiness for
construction including scope specific risks, contractor controls, and process
for HSSE & SP evaluation of contractors for upcoming tenders are in place.
Operations Readiness for Tipton, David & Daandine scope.
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Items out of scope for this review (can still be referred to if required to meet the
overall PER objective):
4.3 Participants
The participants to the SGP ERR are listed in the table below.
Name Role
Scott Hellewell (Brisbane) Integrated Activity Planning Manager (Project Services and
Mr Bai Jianhui (Beijing CNPC - Project Manager (Project Services and Controls)
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Name Role
Andy Marris (Perth) Shell - Crux Contracts and Procurement Manager (Contracts
and Procurement)
SGP Team
Guy Young SGP Business Opportunity Manager
Liang Gao General Manager Projects
Andrew Down SGP Project Manager – Execution
Tyrone Wilkinson Off-plot Execution Manager
Chris Lau SGP Project Controls Lead
Sarah Binks Risk & Assurance Lead
Nathan Blundell Front End Development Manager
Tony Carson SGP Lead Estimator
Will Nicholl Central Engineering Manager
Roy Horsham SGP Engineering Lead
Zhu Lijun Well Engineering Team lead
Ted Bergman Well Operations Manager
Cosmas Hiew TipEx Project Manager
Brad Jackman Senior OR&A Engineer
Mac Gordon ORA Manager
Peter Koay Lead Economist
Vikram Sharma Reservoir Engineering & Production Technology Manager
Zhou Mingping Manager Project Support & Excellence
Lauren Cunningham Finance Lead
Phil Skeet Development Planning Lead
David Wigginton Produced Water Manager
Garry Sellman C & SU Manager
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4.5 Delivery
The Project Execution Readiness Review will undertake the following steps:
Importance Urgency
High Potential to significantly impact meeting project Within 1 mth
Medium Potential for significant impact/ enhancement of Within 3 mth
NPV through cost, schedule, revenue or (before 1st
reserves (>5%) disturbance)
Low Potential for impact /enhancement of NPV Within 6 mth
(<5%) (before IPF
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5. Definitions
The following definitions apply.
Term Definition
C&P Contracts and Procurement
C&SU Commissioning and Start Up
CGPF Central Gas Processing Facility
CSRA Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis
DG4 Decision Gate 4
DRB Decision Review Board
ESAR Estimate and Schedule Assurance Review
FCS Field Compression Facility
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FID Financial Investment Decision
GSA Gas Sales Agreement
HP High Pressure
HSE Health Safety Environment
IJV Integrated Joint Venture
IPF Inlet Processing Facility
LP Low Pressure
MoM Minutes of Meeting
MP Medium Pressure
O&M Operations and Maintenance
OAP Opportunity Assurance Plan
ORP Opportunity Realisation Process
OR&A Operations Readiness & Assurance
PCAP Project Controls Assurance Plan
PER Project Execution Review
SGP Surat Gas Project
TECOP Technical Economic Commercial Organisational
TOR Terms of Reference
VAR Value Assurance Review
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
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6. Document Administration
This document has been created using ORG-ARW-IMT-TEM-00005 v4.0
Revision history
Revision Revision Date Revision Summary Author
Related documents
Document Number Document title
Position Incumbent Approval Date
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In addition to documents submitted with the FID1 SP in Nov 2019 the followup deliverables
will be provided as prereading in advance of the review.
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