Curved Beams

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Torsional and Bending Stresses in Machine Parts = 137 Since the torque transmitted is the product of the tangential load and the radius of the pulley, therefore tangential load acting on the pulley T _238x10" ogy R600 Since the pulley has four arms, therefore tangential load on each arm, W = 3967/4 = 99.2N ‘and maximum bending moment on the arm, M = Wx R=99.2 x 600 = 59 520 N-mm Let 2b = Minor axis in mm, and 2a = Major axis in mm = 2 x 2b = 4b Given) Section modulus for an elliptical cross-section, x x = ath == 2% xb= nb mm Z= 7 xatb= 5 Ob? xd=Rb We know that bending stress (6,), ts = Mw 59.520 _ 18943 "7 aD or bs = 18 943/15 = 1263 “or b= 10.8 mm Minor axis, 26 = 2x 10.8 =21.6 mm Ans. and major axis 2a = 2x 2b=4x 10.8= 43.2 mm Ans, 5.5 Bending Stress in Curved Beams We have seen in the previous article that for the straight beams, the neutral axis of the section ‘coincides with its centroidal axis and the stress distribution in the beam is linear. But in case of curved. beams, the neutral axis of the cross-section is shifted towards the centre of curvature of the beam ‘causing a non-linear (hyperbolic) distribution of stress, as shown in Fig. 5.8. It may be noted thatthe. neutral axis lies between the centroidal axis and the centre of curvature and always oceurs within the ‘curved beams. The application of curved beam principle is used in crane hooks, chain Tinks and. frames of punches, presses, planers etc x) Fig 5.8. Bending stress in a curved beam Consider a curved beam subjected to a bending moment M, as shown in Fig. 5.8. In finding the bending stress in curved beams, the same assumptions are used as for stright beams. The general expression for the bending stress (6,) in a curved beam at any fibre at a distance y from the neutral 138 = A Textbook of Machine Design anis, is given by M (_y % = Ae LR y where -M = Bending moment acting atthe given section about the centroidal axis, A = Areaof erss-section, ¢ = Distance from the centoidal axis to the neutral axis = Radius of curvature ofthe centroidal axis, > Radius of curvature of the neutral axis, and Distance from the neutral axis tothe fibre under consideration. Itis| positive for the distances towards the centre of curvature and negative for the distances away from the centre of curvature, Notes : 1. The bending stress in the curved beam is zero at a point other than at the centrdal axis 2, Ifthe section is symmetrical such asa crcl, rectangle, beam with equal flanges, the the maximum bending stress will always occur at the inside fibre 3. Ifthe section is unsymmetrical, then the maximum bending stress may occur tether the inside fibre ‘or the outside fibre. The maximum bending sess at the inside fibre is given by Moy oH eR where 9, = Distance from the neural axis to te inside fibre = R, ~ Rand A, = Radius of curvature ofthe inside fibre. The maximum bending sess at he ouside ibe is given by My, Sn = Ae. where 3, = Distance from the neutral axis to the outside fibre = R, ~ Ry and Radius of curvature of the outside fibre may be noted thatthe bending stress tthe inside fibre is ensile while the bending stress at the outside fibee is compressive, 44. the section hasan axial load in adltion to bending, then the axial or direct stress (6) must be added, algebraically tothe bending stress, in order to obtain the resultant stesson the section. In other words, Resultant sess, s 154 8p, ‘The following table shows the values of R, and R for various commonly used cross-sections in ‘curved beams. Table 5.2. Values of R, and R for various commonly used cross-section in curved beams. Section Values of and R Torsional and Bending Stresses in Machine Parts = 139 Values of Rand R gly + by) ame 3(b, +b.) tel | | w tt ' J Tale | alee te 1 [ Ho “Te pl) Nite 2-9 +b-H 1 lh-4t) R=RY i+ +H) 140 = A Textbook of Machine Design Seaton Values of and -—— a Kb— D+ t. ex Try ls int HW 11 | =n oe i) aoe ( Re . bt R R 7 mt | boa 1 ie Lad ya-o tL eat] pene aA TOR) aeasd ek, = rx ——+| |", ——+ — ; stom le |] tlt, Ths lt j ea | °0 t TT \ Ht oe | De ee ee PR onsen ed a &, ——+ sample 5.10. The frame afa punch presi shown in Fg 59. Find he ress at he nner dad outer surface section 2X of he frames FW = 3000 Solution. Given + W= 5000 NP, = 18 mm: D, = 6 mm: h= 40mm: R kya25 440-65 mm We know that area of section at X-X, ‘ 1 a= 4 48 +6)40=480 ‘The various distances are shown in Fig. 5.10. We know that radi of eurvature ofthe neutral X bb, (hs")e F)-e-% sca Aja 2) Tot i, ($)-as—6 Seon Al dimensions in mm Fig 59 Torsional and Bending Stresses in Machine Parts = 141 and radius of curvature ofthe centroidal axis, + 2b,) _ 45 , U8 + 2x6) 3 (18 +6) R=R+ Distance between the centroidal axis and neutral axis, = R-R, = 41.67 -38.83 = 2.84 mm and the distance between the load and centroidal axis, x = 100+R= 100+ 41.67 = 141.67 mm ‘© Bending moment about the centroidal axis, M = Wax = 5000 141.67 = 708 350 N-mm. ‘The section at X-X is subjected to a direct tensile load of W = $000 N and a bending moment of | _M=708 350 N-mm, We know that direct tensile stress at section X-X, Ww _ 5000 A 480 10.42 Nimm? = 10.42 MPa. Al dimensions in mim. ie 5.10 Distance from the neutral axis to the inner surface, % 98.83 — 25 = 13.83 mm Distance from the neutral axis to the outer surface, Ys 15 — 38.83 = 26.17 mm We know that maximum bending stress atthe inner surface, 9, = Mad = 08 350%1393 «059.4 Nim? A. R 80x 2.84% 25 = 287.4 MPa (tensile) and maximum bending stress at the outer surface, og, = Meta = 208 350% 26.17 _ 5099 pm? 0 Ace. Ry 480% 284% 65 = 209.2 MPa (compressive) 142 = A Textbook of Machine Design Resultant stress on the inner surface = 6,+0,,= 10.42 + 287. and resultant stress on the outer surface, 6,, = 10.42 ~ 209.2 =~ 198.78 MPa 198,78 MPa (compressive) Ans. 297.82 MPa (tensile) Ans, ‘Abg crane hook Example S.11, The crane hook carries a load of 20 kN as shown in Fig. 5.11. The section at X-Kis rectangular whose horizontal side is 100 mm. Find the stresses in the inner and outer fibres at the given section Solution, Given : W=20 KN =20x 10°N ;R,=50mm :R, ‘We know that area of section at X-X, A 20% 100 = 2000 mm? The various distances are shown in Fig. 5.12. 150mm ;= 100mm ;b=20mm ‘We know that radius of curvature of the neutral axis, h 100 100 a“ 312- <91.07 mm w(&) oe, (2) 18 LR) 88 Uso and radius of curvature of the centroidal axis, A 0 210 R=R+ a -® Distance between the centroidal axis and neutral axis, ¢ = R-R, = 100-91.07=8.93 mm and distance between the load and the centroidal axis, x =R=100mm : Bending moment about the centroidal axis, M = Wx.x=20% 10° x 100= x 10°N-mm Torsional and Bending Stresses in Machine Parts = 143 ‘The section at X-X is subjected to a direct tensile load of W= 20 10° N and a bending moment of M=2> 10° N-mm, We know that direct tensile stress at section X-X, WwW _ 20x10* ‘A 2000 = 10.Nim 0 MPa Zs All dimensions in mim “Fesection at XX ‘All dimensions in mm, Fig. S11 Fig. $12 ‘We know that the distance from the neutral axis to the inside fibre, 3, = R,-R,=91.07—50=41.07 mm, and distance from the neutral axis to outside fibre, Maximum bending stress atthe inside fibre, My; _ 2x10°x 41.07 Sn = Ace. R, 2000x8.93%50 and maximum bending stress atthe outside fibre, Moy, __ 2x10 5893 m= Ave. R, 200X893 x 150 MPa (compressive) ‘+ Resultant stress at the inside fibre 9,49, 92 Nimm? = 92 MPa (tensile) = 44. N/mm? 10-+92 = 102 MPa (tensile) Ans. and resultant stress atthe outside fibre 1 ~ 8, = 10-44 =~ 34 MPa = 34 MPa (compressive) Ans. Example 5.12. A C-clamp is subjected to a maximum load of W, as shown in Fig. 5.13. Ifthe ‘maximum tensile stress in the clamp is limited to 140 MPa, find the value of load W. Solution. Given : Gjqq) = 140 MPa = 140 Nim? ; R, = 25 mm ; R, = 25 +25 = 50 mm ; 19mm ;4,=3mm 313mm ;h=25 mm We know that area of section at X-X, A= 3x2243%19= 123 mm? 144 = A Textbook of Machine Design ‘The various distances are shown in Fig, 5.14, We know that radius ‘of curvature of the neutral axis, x m3 a n+teh t ef [50 =o, [ a Jee.) Ko 309-3) +325 +3 19 — 3) og 3 os ag-3) ( a ye e( 1 atm FE “Tox 0.113 +3%0693 3.887 aaa and radius of curvature of the centroidal axis, Section of X-X arr All dimensions in mm, k Werth eO—0 ars Tati POH} PUI 4 975472 25x3+309-3) 75448 = 25+82=332 mm Distance between the centroidal axis and neutral axis, ¢ = R-R,=332-31.64= 156mm and distance between the load W and the centroidal x =504+R=504332=83.2 mm Bending moment about the centoidal axis, M = War=W83.2=83.2 WNemm [x25 —+} mes 38 ee $0 Al dimensions in mm. Fig. 14 is subjected to a direct tensile load of W and a bending moment of 83.2 W. ‘The maximum tensile stress will occur at point P (Le. atthe inner fibre ofthe section), Distance from the neutral axis to the point P, Torsional and Bending Stresses in Machine Parts = 145 Direct tensile stress at section X-X, wow AB and maximum bending stress at point P, 008 W Nim? 83.2 W x 6.64 A.e.R, 123X1.56% 25 We know that the maximum tensile stes8 Oj, 140 = 6, +6,,= 0.008 W+0.115 W=0.123 W W = 140/0,123 = 1138 N Ans. Note : We know that distance fom the neural axis to the outer fibre, y, = R,-R, =50~ 31.64 = 18.36 mm oy = 0.115 W N/mm? + Maximum bending stessat the outer fibre, May, _832Wx18.36 Bee R, 123x156%50 6. o6w and maximum stress a the outer ibe, 0.008 W—0.16 W. (0.152. W Nima? = 0.152 W Nim? (compressive) From above we see that stress atthe outer fibre is larger inthis case than atthe inner bre, but this stress at outr fibre is compressive. 5.6 Principal Stresses and Principal Planes In the previous chapter, we have discussed about the direct tensile and compressive stress as ‘well as simple shear. Also we have always referred the stress in a plane which is a right angles tothe Tine of action of the force. But it has been observed that at any point in a strained material, there are three planes, mutually perpendicular to each ‘other which carry direct stresses only and no shear stress, Itmay be noted that ‘out of these three direct stresses, one will be maximum and the other will be minimum, These perpendicular planes Which have no shear stress ‘Armature con- taining several cols “The ends ofthe cols are arranged round are known as principal the snan Planes and the direct suesses along these planes are known as prinelpal stresses. The planes on 80 lectic goneroton undergo hh forsonal sess. Which the maximum shear stress act are known as planes of maximum shear.

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