1. a) What is software? What are the development lifecycle phases? [4M]
b) What is meant by system requirements? [3M]
c) How do we assess the quality of software design? [4M]
d) Why does software fail after it has passed from acceptance testing? [3M]
e) State the importance of scheduling activity in Project management. [4M]
f) Can a program be correct and still not exhibit good quality? Explain. [4M]
2. a) Elucidate the key features of the software process models with suitable examples. [8M]
b) Explain how the principles underlying agile methods lead to the accelerated [8M]
development and deployment of software.
7. a) Briefly describe the three main types of software maintenance. Why is it sometimes [8M]
difficult to distinguish between them?
b) Write about capability maturity model and how it is used for software quality. [8M]
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