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Chapter 04: Prefixes

Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 12th Edition


1. Pertaining to between the ribs:

a. Intracostal
b. Infracostal
c. Costochondral
d. Mediastinal
e. Intercostal
ANS: E REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

2. Pertaining to the opposite side:

a. Bilateral
b. Contralateral
c. Unilateral
d. Contraindication
e. Lateral
ANS: B REF: p. 108 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

3. High blood pressure:

a. Hypertrophy
b. Hypoglycemia
c. Hyperplasia
d. Hypoglycemia
e. Hypertension
ANS: E REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

4. A congenital anomaly:
a. Transient ischemic attack (TIA or “mini-stroke”)
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Hemiglossectomy
d. Microcephaly
e. Acromegaly
ANS: D REF: p. 113 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

5. Symbiosis:
a. Parasitism is an example
b. Symmetric organs
c. Biopsy
d. Group of symptoms
e. Prolapse of the uterus
ANS: A REF: p. 113 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

6. Signs and symptoms preced an illness:

a. Apnea
b. Syndrome
c. Euphoria
d. Prodrome
e. Prognosis
ANS: D REF: p. 111 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

7. Condition of abnormal development:

a. Dysplasia
b. Dyspnea
c. Hyperplasia
d. Hypertrophy
e. Dystrophy
ANS: E REF: p. 106 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

8. Antibodies:
a. Bacteria
b. Protein substances made by leukocytes
c. Phagocytes
d. Produced by erythrocytes to fight disease
e. Antibiotics
ANS: B REF: p. 114 OBJ: Understand antigen-antibody reactions.

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9. Symphysis:
a. Bifurcation
b. Symptoms occurring together
c. Living organisms that grow together for mutual benefit
d. Bones that grow together, as in the pelvis
e. Synthesis of substances
ANS: D REF: p. 113 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

10. Ultrasonography:
a. X-ray recording of sound waves
b. Amniocentesis
c. Sound waves and echoes are used to create an image
d. Radioactive material is injected and sound waves are recorded
e. Abdominal x-ray recording
ANS: C REF: p. 118 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

11. Metamorphosis:
a. Paralysis of limbs
b. Spread of a cancerous growth
c. Precancerous
d. Change in shape or form
e. After death
ANS: D REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

12. Hypertrophy:
a. Underdeveloped
b. Poor development
c. Increase in cell size; increased development
d. Increase in cell numbers
e. Newborn
ANS: C REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

13. Excessive sugar in the blood:

a. Hypodermic
b. Hypoglycemia
c. Glycosuria
d. Hematuria
e. Hyperglycemia
ANS: E REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

14. Retroperitoneal:
a. Region of the stomach
b. Within the chest
c. Behind the abdomen
d. Within the abdomen
e. Below the pelvis
ANS: C REF: p. 112 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

15. Antigens:
a. Streptococci
b. Antibiotics
c. Antitoxins
d. Produced by antibodies
e. Penicillins
ANS: A REF: p. 107 OBJ: Understand antigen-antibody reactions.

16. Return of disease symptoms:

a. Prolapse
b. Relapse
c. Syndrome
d. Prodrome
e. Remission
ANS: B REF: p. 112 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

17. Dia-:
a. Flow
b. Down, lack of
c. Through, complete
d. Against
e. Near
ANS: C REF: p. 108 OBJ: Define prefixes.

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18. Abductor muscle:
a. Bending forward
b. Located proximally
c. Pertains to both sides
d. Carries a limb toward the body
e. Carries a limb away from the body
ANS: E REF: p. 105 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

19. Dyspnea:
a. Abnormal formation
b. Difficult breathing
c. Inability to sleep
d. Condition of lack of water
e. Inability to breathe
ANS: B REF: p. 108 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

20. Brady-:
a. Fast
b. Bad
c. Short
d. Slow
e. Large
ANS: D REF: p. 107 OBJ: Define prefixes.

21. Located on the dorsal side of an endocrine gland in the neck:

a. Pituitary gland
b. Parathyroid glands
c. Adrenal glands
d. Mammary glands
e. Salivary glands
ANS: B REF: p. 111 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

22. Recombinant DNA:

a. Pregnancy that is out of place
b. Artificial kidney machine
c. Backward development
d. Antibodies made against normal tissue
e. Gene from one organism is inserted into another organism
ANS: E REF: p. 112 OBJ: Understand antigen-antibody reactions.

23. Tachycardia:
a. Bad, painful swallowing
b. Inability to swallow
c. Near the windpipe
d. Rapid breathing
e. Rapid heartbeat
ANS: E REF: p. 114 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

24. Epithelium:
a. Surface cells that line internal organs and are found in the skin
b. Membrane surrounding bone
c. Connective tissue that binds muscles to bones
d. Adipose tissue
e. Above the stomach
ANS: A REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

25. Percutaneous:
a. Within a vein
b. Through a vein
c. Through the skin
d. Surrounding cartilage
e. Surrounding a bone
ANS: C REF: p. 111 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

26. Slow heartbeat:

a. bradicardia
b. bradycardia
c. bradicardea
ANS: B REF: p. 107 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

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27. Both sides:
a. bilateral
b. bilaterel
c. bilataral
ANS: A REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

28. Lack of water:

a. dehydrashun
b. dehidration
c. dehydration
ANS: C REF: p. 128 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

29. Without oxygen:

a. anoxia
b. aoxyia
c. anocksia
ANS: A REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

30. Against infection:

a. antesepsis
b. antisepsis
c. antisespsis
ANS: B REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

31. Before birth:

a. antipartum
b. antipartem
c. antepartum
ANS: C REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

32. Not breathing:

a. apnea
b. aphnea
c. afpnea
ANS: A REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

33. Foreign substance:

a. antigene
b. antigen
c. antegen
ANS: B REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

34. Feeling of well-being:

a. euforia
b. uforea
c. euphoria
ANS: C REF: p. 128 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

35. Through the skin:

a. pericutaneus
b. percutaneous
c. percutanous
ANS: B REF: p. 129 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

Select the correct meaning for the following prefixes.

36. ante-:
a. against
b. before
c. after
ANS: B REF: p. 106 OBJ: Define prefixes.

37. ana-:
a. in, within
b. up, apart
c. before, forward
ANS: B REF: p. 106 OBJ: Define prefixes.

38. brady-:
a. slow
b. fast
c. with, together
ANS: A REF: p. 107 OBJ: Define prefixes.

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39. con-:
a. out, outside
b. against
c. with, together
ANS: C REF: p. 107 OBJ: Define prefixes.

40. ad-:
a. away from
b. toward
c. with, together
ANS: B REF: p. 106 OBJ: Define prefixes.

41. dys-:
a. through, complete
b. against, opposite
c. abnormal, bad, difficult, painful
ANS: C REF: p. 108 OBJ: Define prefixes.

42. epi-:
a. above
b. between
c. beneath
ANS: A REF: p. 109 OBJ: Define prefixes.

43. intra-:
a. Between
b. above
c. within
ANS: C REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

44. hypo-:
a. above, excessive
b. deficient, under
c. surrounding
ANS: B REF: p. 109 OBJ: Define prefixes.

45. poly-:
a. many, much
b. through
c. abnormal, beside, near
ANS: A REF: p. 111 OBJ: Define prefixes.

46. meta-:
a. bad
b. beyond, change
c. large
ANS: B REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

47. para-:
a. surrounding
b. abnormal, beside, near
c. all
ANS: B REF: p. 111 OBJ: Define prefixes.

48. ab-:
a. beneath
b. away from
c. toward
ANS: B REF: p. 105 OBJ: Define prefixes.

49. cata-:
a. down
b. up
c. before, forward
ANS: A REF: p. 107 OBJ: Define prefixes.

50. endo-:
a. out, away from
b. in, within
c. out, outside
ANS: B REF: p. 109 OBJ: Define prefixes.

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Select the correct prefix for the following meanings.

51. All:
a. pan-
b. para-
c. per
ANS: A REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

52. New:
a. macro-
b. para-
c. neo-
ANS: C REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

53. Surrounding:
a. pre-
b. peri-
c. per
ANS: B REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

54. Half:
a. hemi-
b. bi-
c. dia
ANS: A REF: p. 109 OBJ: Define prefixes.

55. Between:
a. infra-
b. intra-
c. inter-
ANS: C REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

56. Small:
a. micro-
b. pre-
c. supra-
ANS: A REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

57. Fast:
a. tachy-
b. brady-
c. hypo-
ANS: A REF: p. 114 OBJ: Define prefixes.

Select the meaning for the following combining forms and suffixes.

58. necr/o:
a. rule, order
b. to bind, tie, connect
c. death
ANS: C REF: p. 130 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

59. carp/o:
a. wrist bones
b. to cut
c. rig
ANS: A REF: p. 104 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

60. gloss/o:
a. sugar
b. tongue
c. shape, form
ANS: B REF: p. 104 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

61. seps/o:
a. poison
b. protection
c. infection
ANS: C REF: p. 104 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

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62. cost/o:
a. wrist bones
b. ribs
c. to cut
ANS: B REF: p. 104 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

63. -rrhea:
a. flow, discharge
b. nourishment, development
c. structure, formation
ANS: A REF: p. 105 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

64. -plasia:
a. stop, control
b. breathing
c. development, formation
ANS: C REF: p. 105 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

65. -pnea:
a. breathing
b. drooping, sagging, prolapse
c. flow, discharge
ANS: A REF: p. 105 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

66. -partum:
a. birth, labor
b. to grow
c. to measure
ANS: A REF: p. 105 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

67. -trophy:
a. stop, control
b. development, nourishment
c. to measure
ANS: B REF: p. 105 OBJ: Define and review word parts.


68. Select the term that is spelled correctly:

a. neonatal
b. neonatel
ANS: A REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

69. Select the term that is spelled correctly:

a. postmortum
b. postmortem
ANS: B REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

70. Select the term that is spelled correctly:

a. metastasis
b. metastesis
ANS: A REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

71. Select the term that is spelled correctly:

a. symdrone
b. syndrome
ANS: B REF: p. 128 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

72. Select the term that is spelled correctly:

a. biforcation
b. bifurcation
ANS: B REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

73. Select the term that is spelled correctly:

a. antebody
b. antibody
ANS: B REF: p. 126 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

74. Select the term that is spelled correctly:

a. antibiotic
b. antebiotic
ANS: A REF: p. 126 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

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75. Select the term that is spelled correctly:
a. diarrhea
b. diarhhea
ANS: A REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

76. Select the term that is spelled correctly:

a. symbiosis
b. symbyosis
ANS: A REF: p. 128 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

77. Select the term that is spelled correctly:

a. benign
b. beningn
ANS: A REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.


Match the terms with their correct meanings.

a. abduction
b. adrenal
c. anoxia
d. antitoxin
e. benign
f. bradycardia
g. contralateral
h. endotracheal
i. euphoria
j. hemiglossectomy
k. hypodermic
l. infracostal
m. intercostal
n. neoplasm
o. pancytopenia
p. parathyroid
q. retroperitoneal
r. tachypnea
s. transurethral

1. Pertaining to below a rib

2. New growth (tumor)
3. Condition of slow heartbeat
4. Pertaining to under the skin
5. Condition of deficiency of all (blood) cells
6. Carrying away from (the body)
7. Two endocrine glands, each above a kidney
8. Condition of “no” oxygen (deficiency)
9. Pertaining to through the tube leading from the bladder to the outside of the body
10. A substance that acts against a poison
11. Pertaining to within the windpipe
12. Rapid breathing
13. Pertaining to the opposite side
14. Four endocrine glands in the neck region
15. Feeling of well-being
16. Removal of half of the tongue
17. Pertaining to between the ribs
18. Harmless, noncancerous
19. Pertaining to behind the membrane surrounding the abdominal organs

1. ANS: L REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
2. ANS: N REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
3. ANS: F REF: p. 107 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
4. ANS: K REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
5. ANS: O REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
6. ANS: A REF: p. 106 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
7. ANS: B REF: p. 106 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
8. ANS: C REF: p. 105 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
9. ANS: S REF: p. 114 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
10. ANS: D REF: p. 107 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
11. ANS: H REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
12. ANS: R REF: p. 105, 114 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
13. ANS: G REF: p. 108 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
14. ANS: P REF: p. 111 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
15. ANS: I REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
16. ANS: J REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
17. ANS: M REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
18. ANS: E REF: p. 123, 132 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Copyright © 2021, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 8

19. ANS: Q REF: p. 112 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Match the terms with their correct meanings.

a. anoxia
b. anteflexion
c. antepartum
d. antisepsis
e. apnea
f. bilateral
g. congenital anomaly
h. contralateral
i. bilateral

20. Against infection

21. Not breathing
22. Before birth
23. Condition of no oxygen
24. Irregularity at birth
25. Pertaining to the opposite side

20. ANS: D REF: p. 107 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
21. ANS: E REF: p. 105 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
22. ANS: C REF: p. 105 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
23. ANS: A REF: p. 105 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
24. ANS: G REF: p. 107 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
25. ANS: H REF: p. 108 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Match the terms with their correct meanings.

a. dialysis
b. diarrhea
c. exophthalmos
d. malaise
e. malignant
f. metamorphosis
g. metastasis
h. pancytopenia

26. Condition of change in shape or form

27. Vague feeling of bodily discomfort
28. Deficiency of all blood cells
29. Separation of wastes from the blood
30. Spread of a cancerous tumor to a secondary organ or tissue
31. Outward bulging of eyeballs

26. ANS: F REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
27. ANS: D REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
28. ANS: H REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
29. ANS: A REF: p. 108 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
30. ANS: G REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
31. ANS: C REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Match the terms with their correct meanings.

a. neoplasm
b. paralysis
c. parathyroid
d. prodrome
e. relapse
f. remission
g. syndactyly
h. syndrome

32. Loss of movement in muscles

33. Symptoms that appear before an illness
34. Symptoms lessen and patient feels better
35. Disease or symptoms return
36. Webbed fingers or toes
37. New growth (tumor)

32. ANS: B REF: p. 111 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
33. ANS: D REF: p. 111 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
34. ANS: F REF: p. 112 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
35. ANS: E REF: p. 112 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
36. ANS: G REF: p. 113 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.
37. ANS: A REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

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Match the meanings with their correct prefixes.
a. together; with
b. toward
c. away from
d. within
e. surrounding
f. beneath; under
g. above
h. against
i. before
j. between
k. abnormal; near, beside
l. through

38. inter-
39. intra-
40. infra-
41. contra-
42. ad-
43. para-
44. peri-
45. per-
46. syn-
47. pro-

38. ANS: J REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

39. ANS: D REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.
40. ANS: F REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.
41. ANS: H REF: p. 108 OBJ: Define prefixes.
42. ANS: B REF: p. 106 OBJ: Define prefixes.
43. ANS: K REF: p. 111 OBJ: Define prefixes.
44. ANS: E REF: p. 111 OBJ: Define prefixes.
45. ANS: L REF: p. 111 OBJ: Define prefixes.
46. ANS: A REF: p. 113 OBJ: Define prefixes.
47. ANS: I REF: p. 111 OBJ: Define prefixes.


Choose the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en).

1. Symbiosis: __________

ANS: io

REF: p. 128 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

2. Endotracheal: __________

ANS: tra

REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

3. Metamorphosis: __________

ANS: mor

REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

4. Congenital __________

ANS: gen

REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

5. Hyperplasia: __________

ANS: plas

REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

6. Symphysis: __________

ANS: sym

REF: p. 128 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

Copyright © 2021, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 10

7. Polyneuritis: __________

ANS: ri

REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

8. Antitoxin: __________

ANS: tox

REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

9. Malaise: __________

ANS: aise

REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

10. Bifurcation: __________

ANS: ca

REF: p. 127 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms.

Give meanings for the following prefixes.

11. anti-: __________

ANS: against

REF: p. 107 OBJ: Define prefixes.

12. brady-: __________

ANS: slow

REF: p. 107 OBJ: Define prefixes.

13. bi-: __________

ANS: two

REF: p. 107 OBJ: Define prefixes.

14. ad-: __________

ANS: toward

REF: p. 106 OBJ: Define prefixes.

15. epi-: __________

ANS: above

REF: p. 109 OBJ: Define prefixes.

16. inter-: __________

ANS: between

REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

17. mal-: __________

ANS: bad

REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

18. peri-: __________

ANS: surrounding

REF: p. 111 OBJ: Define prefixes.

19. per-: __________

ANS: through

REF: p. 111 OBJ: Define prefixes.

Copyright © 2021, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 11

20. neo-: __________

ANS: new

REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

21. cata-: __________

ANS: down

REF: p. 107 OBJ: Define prefixes.

Complete the following terms by supplying the missing word parts.

22. Pregnancy that is out of place: __________topic

ANS: ec

REF: p. 108 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

23. Good feeling (well-being): __________phoria

ANS: eu

REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

24. Condition of abnormal formation (of cells): dys__________

ANS: plasia

REF: p. 105, 108 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

25. Pertaining to within the windpipe: endo__________

ANS: tracheal

REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

26. Pertaining to below the ribs: infra__________

ANS: costal

REF: p. 104, 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

27. Blood condition of less than normal sugar: __________glycemia

ANS: hypo

REF: p. 104, 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Complete the following terms from the definitions by supplying the missing word parts.

28. Pertaining to after birth: __________ natal

ANS: post

REF: p. 104, 111 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

29. Slow heart rate: __________ cardia

ANS: brady

REF: p. 107 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

30. Out of place: ec __________

ANS: topic

REF: p. 108 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

31. Pertaining to between the ribs: inter__________

ANS: costal

REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

32. Deficiency in all (blood) cells: __________cytopenia

ANS: pan

REF: p. 110 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Copyright © 2021, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 12

33. Condition of increased blood sugar: __________glycemia

ANS: hyper

REF: p. 109 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

34. Pertaining to above the kidneys: supra__________

ANS: renal

REF: p. 106 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

35. Bad (abnormal) formation: __________plasia

ANS: dys

REF: p. 105, 108 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

36. Before birth: __________partum

ANS: ante

REF: p. 105-112 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

37. Return of disease symptoms: re__________

ANS: lapse

REF: p. 112 OBJ: Use prefixes to build and define terms.

Give prefixes for the following meanings. Don’t forget the dash (“-”)

38. Two: __________

ANS: bi-

REF: p. 107 OBJ: Define prefixes.

39. All: __________

ANS: pan-

REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

40. New: __________

ANS: neo-

REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

41. Surrounding: __________

ANS: peri-

REF: p. 111 OBJ: Define prefixes.

42. Half: __________

ANS: hemi-

REF: p. 109 OBJ: Define prefixes.

43. Between: __________

ANS: inter-

REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

44. Small: __________

ANS: micro-

REF: p. 110 OBJ: Define prefixes.

45. Fast: __________

ANS: tachy-

REF: p. 114 OBJ: Define prefixes.

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Give meanings for the following combining forms and suffixes.

46. necr/o: __________

ANS: death

REF: p. 130 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

47. gloss/o: __________

ANS: tongue

REF: p. 104 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

48. seps/o: __________

ANS: infection

REF: p. 104 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

49. cost/o: __________

ANS: ribs

REF: p. 104 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

50. -pnea: __________

ANS: breathing

REF: p. 105 OBJ: Define and review word parts.

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