Chapter 2 - Ion Uptake Mechanisms of Individual - 2012 - Marschner S Mineral Nut
Chapter 2 - Ion Uptake Mechanisms of Individual - 2012 - Marschner S Mineral Nut
Chapter 2 - Ion Uptake Mechanisms of Individual - 2012 - Marschner S Mineral Nut
cases nutrient solutions, can contain high concentrations of
The uptake of nutrients by higher plants is characterized by selec- mineral elements not needed for plant growth, or that are
tivity of transport and accumulation in specific tissues, cells or potentially harmful to plants. The mechanisms by which
subcellular compartments. These characteristics are genetically plants accumulate nutrients must therefore be selective.
determined and can differ both between and within plant spe- This selectivity can be demonstrated particularly well in
cies. This chapter reviews the environmental, physiological and algal cells (Table 2.1), where the external and vacuolar
developmental factors that affect the entry of nutrients into the (cell sap) solutions are separated by only two membranes:
extracellular space (apoplasm) of roots, their transport across the plasma membrane and the tonoplast.
the plasma membrane and tonoplast of root cells, and the path- In Nitella, the concentrations of K, Na, Ca, and Cl ions
ways of their movement to the xylem. It describes the structure are higher in the cell sap than in the pond water, but the
and composition of cellular membranes, the electrochemical
concentration ratio differs considerably between the ions.
gradients that determine the energetics of solute transport across
membranes, and the mechanisms involved and the genetic iden-
By contrast, in Valonia growing in seawater, only K is more
tity of the proteins that facilitate the transport of nutrients across concentrated in the cell sap, whereas the Na and Ca concen-
the plasma membrane and tonoplast of plant cells. The overriding trations are lower in the cell sap than in the seawater.
influence of plant nutritional status on the expression of mecha- Selective ion uptake is also a typical feature of higher
nisms by which roots acquire nutrients is emphasized. plants. When plants are grown in a nutrient solution of
limited volume, the external concentrations of ions change
with time (Table 2.2). The concentrations of K, P and
nitrate decline markedly, whereas those of Na and sulphate
As a rule, there is a great discrepancy between the con- can even increase, indicating that water is taken up faster
centrations of mineral nutrients in the soil and the nutri- than either of these two ions. Uptake rates, especially for K
ent requirements of plants. Furthermore, soil, and in some and Ca, differ between plant species (e.g., maize and bean,
TABLE 2.1 Relationship between ion concentrations in the substrate and in the cell sap of Nitella and Valonia
Nitella concentration (mM) Valonia concentration (mM)
A B Ratio A B Ratio
Ion Pond water Cell sap B/A Seawater Cell sap B/A
Potassium 0.05 54 1080 12 500 42
Sodium 0.22 10 45 498 90 0.18
Calcium 0.78 10 13 12 2 0.17
Chloride 0.93 91 98 580 597 1
Modified from Hoagland (1948).
TABLE 2.2 Changes in the ion concentration of the external (nutrient) solution and in the root
sap of maize and bean
External concentration (mM)
Concentration in root
After 4 daysa sap (mM)
Ion Initial Maize Bean Maize Bean
Potassium 2.00 0.14 0.67 160 84
Calcium 1.00 0.94 0.59 3 10
Sodium 0.32 0.51 0.58 0.6 6
Phosphate 0.25 0.06 0.09 6 12
Nitrate 2.00 0.13 0.07 38 35
Sulfate 0.67 0.61 0.81 14 6
No replacement of water lost through transpiration.
FIGURE 2.1 Cross-section of two rhizodermal cells of a maize root. V, vacuole; C, cytoplasm; W, cell wall, E, external solution. Courtesy of
C. Hecht-Buchholz.
Table 2.2). The concentrations of ions in the root sap are it is necessary to follow the pathway of solutes (ions,
generally higher than those in the nutrient solution; this is charged and uncharged molecules) from the external solu-
most evident in the case of K, nitrate and phosphate. tion through the cell wall and the plasma membrane into
The results obtained from both lower and higher plants the cytoplasm and vacuoles of plant cells.
demonstrate that ion uptake is characterized by:
1. Selectivity. Certain mineral elements are taken up pref- 2.2 PATHWAY OF SOLUTES FROM THE
erentially, while others are discriminated against or EXTERNAL SOLUTION INTO ROOT
almost excluded. CELLS
2. Accumulation. The concentration of elements can be
much higher in cell sap than in the external solution. 2.2.1 Influx to the Apoplasm
3. Genotype. There are distinct differences between plant
Movement of low-molecular-weight solutes (e.g., ions,
species in their ion uptake characteristics.
organic acids, amino acids, sugars) from the external solu-
These observations lead to many questions. In particu- tion through the walls of individual root cells (the free
lar, how do individual cells and higher plants regulate the space) is a non-metabolic, passive process, driven by dif-
uptake of ions both to satisfy plant demand and to avoid fusion or mass flow (Fig. 2.1). Nevertheless, cell walls
ion toxicities? To understand the regulation of ion uptake can interact with solutes and, thereby, facilitate or restrict
Chapter | 2 Ion Uptake Mechanisms of Individual Cells and Roots: Short-distance Transport 9
K 0.66
FIGURE 2.2 Schematic diagram of the pore system of the apparent free
Ca2 0.82 space. DFS, Donnan free space; WFS, water free space.
passage across the root and uptake across the plasma mem- TABLE 2.4 Cation exchange capacity of root dry
brane of individual cells. matter of different plant species
The primary cell wall consists of a network of cellu- Cation exchange capacity
lose, accounting for about 15–30% of its dry weight, cross- Plant species (mmol (100 g)1 dw)
linking glycans (generally xyloglucans in Type I walls,
Wheat 23
but in the Type II walls of commelinoid monocotyledons
mostly gluconoarabinoxylans) and glycoproteins, all Maize 29
embedded in a pectin matrix (Carpita and McCann, 2000). Bean 54
Type I cell walls contain more pectin than Type II cell
Tomato 62
walls. Both Ca and B are also integral components of cell
Based on Keller and Deuel (1957).
walls, which can be additionally impregnated with Si. The
cell wall network contains pores, the so-called interfibril-
lar and intermicellar spaces, which differ in size. For root
hair cells of radish, a maximum diameter of 3.5 to 3.8 nm by typical Donnan distributions. Trivalent cations, such
(35–38 Å) has been calculated and maximum diameters for as Al3, bind more strongly than divalent cations, such as
the pores in plant cell walls are generally in the range of Ca2, which bind more strongly than monovalent cations,
5.0 nm (Table 2.3). The diameters of hydrated ions, such such as K. Plant species differ considerably in their cat-
as K and Ca2, are small in comparison. Therefore, ion exchange capacity (CEC), that is, in the number of cat-
the pores themselves would not be expected to offer any ion exchange sites (fixed anions; R·COO), located in cell
restriction to ion movement through the cell wall. walls (Table 2.4).
In contrast to nutrients and low-molecular-weight organic As a rule, the CEC of dicotyledonous species is
solutes, the movement of high-molecular-weight solutes greater than that of monocotyledonous species (White
(e.g., metal chelates, fulvic acids and toxins) or viruses and and Broadley, 2003). As the external pH decreases, the
other pathogens through one cell walls is severely restricted effective CEC is reduced, particularly in monocotyledo-
by the diameter of the pores. nous species (Allan and Jarrell, 1989) as protons occupy
A variable proportion of the pectins in cell walls con- an increasing proportion of the cation binding sites.
sist of polygalacturonic acid, originating mainly from Because of apoplastic barriers within the root, such as the
the middle lamella. Accordingly, their carboxylic groups Casparian band of the endodermis and exodermis, only
(R.COO) act as cation exchangers in the cell wall con- part of the AFS is directly accessible to cations from the
tinuum of roots and other plant tissue, the so-called apo- external solution. Exchange adsorption of cations in the
plasm. In roots, cations from the external solution can apoplasmic AFS is not a prerequisite for ion uptake across
accumulate in the free space, whereas anions are repelled. the plasma membrane or for the movement of ions within
Hope and Stevens (1952) introduced the term appar- the apoplasm. However, fixed negative charges in the AFS
ent free space (AFS). This comprises the water free space can influence both the absolute and relative concentrations
(WFS), which is freely accessible to ions and charged and of cations in the apoplasm, especially when roots grow in
uncharged molecules, and the Donnan free space (DFS), dilute solutions (White and Broadley, 2003). Thus, root
where cation exchange and anion repulsion take place (Fig. CEC can affect the rate and selectivity of ion influx into
2.2). Ion distributions within the DFS are characterized root cells and apoplasmic ion movements indirectly. It
10 PART | I Nutritional Physiology
has been speculated that this could account for the posi- 4 I
45Ca 42K
FIGURE 2.4 Protein associations with biological membranes. Integral transmembrane proteins extend through the lipid bilayer in α-helical or β-sheet
structures. Peripheral proteins are attached to the membrane either by covalently attached lipid groups or through interactions with integral membrane
proteins. Based on a figure from Essential Biology of the cell by Bruce Alberts et al. (1998). Reproduced by permission of Garland Science/Taylor &
Francis Books, Inc.
CH2 O P O CH2 CH2 N+(CH3)3
R1 O CH O−
R2 O CH2 Phosphatidylcholine
R2 O CH2
Monogalactosyl diglyceride
CH2 S O−
R2 O CH2
Sulfoquinovosyl diglyceride
FIGURE 2.5 Chemical structures of selected membrane lipids. Phospholipids are represented by phosphatidylcholine, glycolipids by monogalactosyl
diglyceride and sulphoquinovosyl diglyceride, and sterols by β-sitosterol, respectively.
hydrophobic portions lie within the bilayer, alongside (Westerman and Roddick, 1981); membrane lipid compo-
the hydrophobic tails of the lipid molecules, while their sition changes during exposure to low temperatures (e.g.,
hydrophilic portions extend into the aqueous environment Welti et al., 2002; Penfield, 2008), and DGDG and SQDG
on either side of the membrane. Other membrane proteins can replace phospholipids in membranes of P deficient
are located entirely outside the bilayer. These peripheral plants (Hölzl and Dörmann, 2007; White and Hammond,
proteins are bound to the membrane through lipid groups 2008). Similarly, the composition of root membranes is
attached covalently through prenylation (attachment of the influenced by temperature, salinity and the ionic composi-
isoprenoids farnesyldiphosphate or geranylgeranyldiphos- tion of the external solution (e.g., Cakmak and Marschner,
phate), S-acetylation (attachment of palmitate or stearate) 1988c; White et al., 1990b; Wu et al., 1998; Lindberg
or N-myristolation (Sorek et al., 2009), or are associated et al., 2005; López-Pérez et al., 2009). The changes in
with other membrane proteins through ionic interactions. lipid composition reflect often the adaption of a plant to its
It is thought that lipid modification of membrane proteins environment. For example, membranes of plants growing
also facilitates their subcellular targeting and clustering at low temperatures have more phospholipids with charged
into specific domains. headgroups and shorter fatty acid chains with lower degree
Lipid composition not only differs between cellular of saturation, and greater sterol content than plants grow-
membranes (Table 2.6), plant tissues and plant species ing at higher temperatures (Staehelin and Newcomb, 2000;
(Staehelin and Newcomb, 2000), but is also strongly influ- Wallis and Browse, 2002; Penfield, 2008). Such changes
enced by environmental factors. In leaves, for example, shift the freezing point (i.e., the transition temperature) of
distinct annual variations in sterol concentrations occur membranes to a lower temperature and may therefore be
Chapter | 2 Ion Uptake Mechanisms of Individual Cells and Roots: Short-distance Transport 13
FIGURE 2.7 Nomenclature of transport proteins. Schematic representation of primary active transport mechanisms, such as ABC transporters (e.g.,
glutathione conjugate pump), metal transporters (e.g., Ca2-ATPase) and H-ATPases, secondary active transport mechanisms, such as the K/H sym-
porter or the Na/H antiporter, and passive transport mechanisms, such as the NH4 carrier and the K channel. Figure adapted from White (2003).
H+ H+
H+ Ca2+
Ca2+ ATP
Urea ATP
Cation Amino Zn2+
acid Heavy ATP
NH4+ Cu2+
K+ metals ATP
Ca2+ G-X
K+, Ca2+ H+ H+
K+ NO3−
Cation H+
Cl− H+
Na+ H2PO4−
Cl− H+ H+
Anion Ca2+ SO42−, MoO42−
Anion H+ H+
Organic Mg2+ Cl−
Citrate H+ H+
Zn2+, Mn2+ K+
H+ H+
Cations NA-Fe, NA-Zn
H+ H+
Mg2+ B Amino acid
Fe2+, Zn2+ H+ H+
Cu2+, Mn2+ NO3− Cl−
H+ H+
Cu+ SO42− Na+
H+ H+
K+ B
H+ H+
Fe2+, Mn2+ NO3−
FIGURE 2.9 Transport proteins of the tonoplast and plasma membrane of plant cells. See text (Section 2.4.1) for details.
by facilitated diffusion but by active transport against their AtSLAC1 protein have been proposed as candidates for the
electrochemical gradient, as discussed below. In the stele, S-type anion channels of root cells (Teakle and Tyerman,
uniporters and channels facilitate the efflux of potassium, 2010).
nitrate, sulphate, phosphate, chloride and organic acids In addition to uniporters and channels, solute transport
from xylem parenchyma cells into xylem vessels in the across membranes can be catalysed by primary or second-
direction of their electrochemical gradients (Section 3.2). ary active transporters that move solutes against their elec-
Similar transport proteins are present in the plasma mem- trochemical gradient. Several ATPases are present in the
branes of other plant cells, where they serve both general plasma membrane of plant cells. These catalyse the efflux
and specific functions. Channels in the plasma membrane of H, Ca2 and heavy metals from the cytoplasm. The
of root cells facilitating the efflux of malate or citrate plasma membrane H-ATPases catalyse H efflux, which
into the rhizosphere, such as members of the Al-activated is then coupled directly, through the proton electrochemi-
malate transporter (ALMT) family and the multidrug and cal gradient, or indirectly, via the cell membrane potential,
toxin extrusion (MATE) protein family, respectively, have to the movement of other solutes. The plasma membrane
been implicated in Al tolerance and improving P availabil- Ca2-ATPases remove Ca2 from the cytosol to maintain
ity in acid soils (Delhaize et al., 2007; Ryan et al., 2011). the low cytosolic Ca2 concentrations required for cell sig-
Channels facilitating the efflux of chloride, such as the nalling (Section 6.6). In the stele, Ca2-ATPases and CPx-
depolarization activated R-type and S-type anion chan- ATPases catalyse the efflux of Ca2 and other divalent
nels (White and Broadley, 2001; Roberts, 2006; Teakle cations from the symplast to the xylem (Section 3.2).
and Tyerman, 2010) in the plasma membrane of root cells, A multitude of secondary active transporters are
may be required for charge compensation of other ion present in the plasma membranes of root cells, which
fluxes. Recently, homologues of the Arabidopsis thaliana couple H influx to the movement of solutes against their
16 PART | I Nutritional Physiology
electrochemical gradients (Fig. 2.9). Proton-coupled trans- extremely sensitive to inhibition by Ca2 (Gaxiola et al.,
porters in the plasma membrane of root cells are respon- 2007; Martinoia et al., 2007).
sible for the uptake of anions, such as nitrate (e.g., NRT1 Magnesium is essential for both H-ATPases and H-
and NRT2 transporters), phosphate (e.g., PHT1 transport- PPiases, since their substrates are Mg.ATP and Mg.PPi
ers), sulphate (SULTR1 transporters), chloride and (prob- (White et al., 1990c; Gaxiola et al., 2007). In addition, the
ably) molybdate (White and Broadley, 2001; Buchner H-PPiases require Mg2 for their activity (White et al.,
et al., 2004; Fitzpatrick et al., 2008; White and Hammond, 1990c; Gaxiola et al., 2007). Inorganic pyrophosphate is
2008; Gojon et al., 2009; Miller et al., 2009; Shinmachi generated in several major biosynthetic pathways, such
et al., 2010). In addition, proton/potassium symporters, as starch synthesis or activation of sulphate. Cytosolic
such as those encoded by the KUP/HAK gene family, facil- PPi concentrations generally lie in the range 50–400 µM,
itate K uptake by root cells (White and Karley, 2010), and which is adequate to drive this proton pump (White et al.,
homologues of the maize yellow stripe 1 protein (ZmYS1) 1990c). Under most circumstances, H-PPiases contribute
allow proton-coupled symport of Fe and Zn conjugates far less than H-ATPases to proton transport into the vacu-
(White and Broadley, 2009) into root cells. Proton-coupled ole. Therefore it has been suggested that H-PPiases act as
transporters also alleviate element toxicities by remov- ancillary enzymes to maintain the proton electrochemical
ing chloride, sodium and boron from root cells (White gradient across the tonoplast when the activity of the H-
and Broadley, 2001; Munns and Tester, 2008; Miwa and ATPases is restricted by substrate availability, for example
Fujiwara, 2010). In the stele, proton-coupled transport- during anoxia (White et al., 1990c), or at high tempera-
ers load nitrate and B into the xylem (Miller et al., 2009; tures, which promote protein degradation (Martinoia et al.,
Miwa and Fujiwara, 2010). Similar transport proteins 2007).
are present in the plasma membranes of other plant cells, The proton electrochemical gradient generated by the
where they serve both general and specific functions. The tonoplast H-ATPase and H-PPiase supports the activi-
transport of amino acids, peptides and sugars across the ties of a large number of proton-coupled transporters.
plasma membrane is also catalysed by proton-coupled These catalyse the efflux of K (e.g., NHX and KEA
transporters. transporters), Na (NHX transporters), Ca2 (CAX trans-
The tonoplast of the vacuole similarly contains a porters), NO3 (e.g., AtCLC-a and AtCLC-c), sucrose
variety of primary active transporters, proton-coupled (e.g., AtSUT4), and various divalent cations, including
transporters, uniporters and channels (Fig. 2.9). In cells of Mg2, Zn2 and Mn2 (e.g., CAX, MGT and MTP trans-
higher plants, the electrical potential difference between porters) from the cytosol to the vacuole, and the influx of
the vacuole and the cytosol is about 20 to 60 mV K, nitrate (e.g., AtCLC-a), SO42 (e.g., AtSULTR4-1;
and the pH of the vacuolar sap can be as low as pH 3 AtSULTR4-2) and iron (e.g., AtNRAMP3) from the vacu-
(Martinoia et al., 2007). Based on estimates of solute con- ole to the cytosol in times of high demand for growth
centrations in the cytosol and vacuole, it is thought that (Shigaki and Hirschi, 2006; Martinoia et al., 2007; Gojon
sequestration of K, Na, Ca2, Mg2, Zn2, Mn2 and et al., 2009; Miller et al., 2009; White and Broadley, 2009;
nitrate requires active transport into the vacuole, whereas White and Karley, 2010; Zifarelli and Pusch, 2010). The
the movement of other anions is likely to be passive sequestration of K, Cl and NO3 in vacuoles is impor-
(White and Broadley, 2001, 2003; Martinoia et al., 2007; tant for turgor regulation and the sequestration of Na,
Teakle and Tyerman, 2010; White and Karley, 2010). Ca2 and heavy metals is important to avoid cytoplasmic
The tonoplast contains two distinct types of proton poisoning (Section 17.6). In addition, the sequestration of
pumps, the H-ATPases and the H-PPiases that generate essential elements and metabolites in the vacuole provides
the negative electrical potential across the tonoplast and storage for times of need (Martinoia et al., 2007).
lower the pH of the vacuole (Gaxiola et al., 2007). The The tonoplast also contains Ca2-ATPases (e.g.,
tonoplast H-ATPases of plants are complex oligomeric AtACA4) that pump Ca2 into the vacuole (White and
proteins comprising two subcomplexes: the peripheral V1 Broadley, 2003) and a variety of ATP Binding Cassette
complex, which consists of eight subunits (A, B, C, D, E, (ABC) transporters that protect the cytoplasm by remov-
F, G and H) and is responsible for ATP hydrolysis, and ing heavy metals, oxidation products conjugated to glu-
the trans-membrane V0 complex, which consists of up to tathione and xenobiotics from the cytosol into the vacuole
five subunits (a, c, c, d and e) and is responsible for pro- (Martinoia et al., 2007). These transporters are also
ton translocation (Gaxiola et al., 2007). These subunits are involved in the sequestration of chlorophyll catabolites and
encoded by the VHA genes. Plants possess two distinct natural pigments in the vacuole (Martinoia et al., 2007).
H-PPiases, which are both single subunit enzymes. The Several ion channels have been recorded in the tono-
Type I H-PPiases require K for their activity and are plast. These facilitate the movement of K, Cl, NO3,
relatively insensitive to inhibition by Ca2, whereas Type ammonia, amino acids, urea, Ca2, SO42, HPO42, sugars
II H-PPiases do not require K for their activity and are and organic acids in the direction of their electrochemical
Chapter | 2 Ion Uptake Mechanisms of Individual Cells and Roots: Short-distance Transport 17
the terms from enzymology, they defined the relationship marked effect on the uptake rate. These observations led to
between the rate of transport of a solute and its concentra- the hypothesis of dual systems for K transport, with System
tion by the Michaelis-Menten equation: I having a higher selectivity than System II.
In view of the usually very low concentrations, par-
V (Vmax S) /( K m S) ticularly of P and K, in soil solutions (Section 13.2) and
results of ion uptake studies in the low concentration range
where V is the rate of solute transport at a solute concen- (10 µM), the term Cmin was introduced to define the con-
tration of S, Vmax is the maximal rate of solute transport, centration at which net uptake of ions ceases before the
and Km is the Michaelis constant, which is the solute ions are completely depleted (Fig. 2.11). The Cmin con-
concentration at which half the maximal transport rate is centration is an important factor in ion uptake from soils,
reached. The Km value reflects the affinity of the trans- because it is the lowest concentration at which roots can
porter for the solute; just as in enzymatic reactions it indi- extract an ion from the soil solution. Cmin concentrations
cates the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate. differ considerably between plant species (Asher, 1978).
When assayed at low concentrations in the exter- For P, for example, a value of 0.12 µM has been found
nal medium, solute uptake is often described well by this in tomato (Itoh and Barber, 1983a), 0.04 µM in soybean
equation, as illustrated by K uptake by barley roots (Fig. (Silberbush and Barber, 1984) and 0.01 µM in ryegrass
2.10). It is evident from this experiment that the relation- (Breeze et al., 1984). For K, the corresponding values
ship between K uptake and K concentration in the exter- were 2 µM in maize (Barber, 1979) and 1 µM in barley
nal medium is the same whether the source of K is KCl (Drew et al., 1984). Cmin concentrations for nitrate can
or K2SO4. However, as we shall see later, when substrate vary from between more than 50 µM to less than 1 µM
concentrations are higher, the accompanying anion can depending not only on the plant species but also on the
have a significant effect on the uptake rate of a cation and
vice versa. As a first approximation, in the low concentra-
tion range, Michaelis-Menten kinetics can also be applied TABLE 2.8 Boron concentration in shoots and shoot
to describe uptake rates of many other solutes including dry weight of two barley genotypes with increasing B
the anions nitrate, phosphate, sulphate and chloride (e.g., supply
Epstein, 1972; Deane-Drummond, 1987; Siddiqi et al.,
1990; Teo et al., 1992; Laine et al., 1993; Wang et al., B supply (µM)
1993; White and Broadley, 2001; Li et al., 2007), the cati- 0 2.5 7.5 15
ons ammonium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc B concentration (mg kg1 dw)
and cadmium (e.g., Kelly and Barber, 1991; Huang et al.,
1992a; Kronzucker et al., 1998; Rawat et al., 1999; Sadana Schooner 5.6 10.0 22.1 46.4
et al., 2005; Broadley et al., 2007; Lux et al., 2011) and Sahara 3771 2.5 5.5 7.8 11.7
chelates such as Fe-phytosiderophores (von Wirén et al., Shoot dry weight mg per plant
1995). A low-capacity saturable uptake system can some-
Schooner 129 140 132 121
times be discerned in B-deficient plants (e.g., Dannel
et al., 2000); but the relationship between the uptake of Sahara 3771 74 84 92 107
B and its concentration in the external solution is often Based on Nable et al. (1990b).
reported to be linear in B-replete cells (Seresinhe and
Oertli, 1991) and plants (Table 2.8). However, the relation-
ship between solute concentration and its uptake by roots
cannot always be fitted to a simple Michaelis-Menten Imax
equation. This is a consequence both of the theoretical
I (uptake rate)
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 NO3−
0.2 0.2
0 0
0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 100
0.8 0.8
Efflux:Influx ratio
0.6 0.6
0 0
0.001 0.1 10 0.01 1 100
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
Na+ Cl−
0.2 0.2
0 0
0.1 10 100 0.1 1 100
External ion concentration
FIGURE 2.13 Ratios of efflux to influx across the plasma membrane for K, NO3, NH4, SO42, Na and Cl. Data from various studies, each
study plotted as a different symbol. Adapted from Britto and Kronzucker (2006).
20 PART | I Nutritional Physiology
The efflux of ions and other solutes is affected by sev- uptake in this experiment, therefore the contribution of
eral factors: (i) the integrity of the plasma membrane, (ii) increased efflux at higher root P concentrations cannot
the presence of transport proteins allowing efflux, (iii) the be evaluated. However, for nitrate, ammonium, potas-
electrochemical driving force for transport, and (iv) the sium, phosphate and sulphate, there is evidence that both
concentration of the solute in the cytoplasm. In pea, for increased efflux and reduced influx contribute to the
example, the initial high rate of net uptake of sulphate by decline in net uptake when internal concentrations are
S-deficient roots placed in a solution containing sulphate increased (Lee et al., 1990; Britto and Kronzucker, 2006).
decreases to about 30% within one hour due to a marked In the high concentration range (1 mM), a linear rela-
increase in sulphate efflux, despite a slight increase in influx tionship is often found between external concentrations and
(Deane-Drummond, 1987; Bell et al., 1995). Similarly, for the rate of ion uptake by plant roots. This has been observed,
nitrate and ammonium, the efflux component can account for example, for the anions nitrate, phosphate, sulphate
for a high proportion – almost 40–50% of the influx – and chloride (Loneragan and Asher, 1967; Epstein, 1972;
most probably due to the high concentrations of nitrate Borstlap, 1983; Clarkson and Saker, 1989; Siddiqi et al.,
and ammonium in the cytoplasm (Britto and Kronzucker, 1990; White and Broadley, 2001; Li et al., 2007), the cati-
2003, 2006). The rapid exchange between ions in the exter- ons ammonium, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium,
nal solution and in the cytoplasm is reflected in low half- iron and zinc (Epstein, 1972; Borstlap, 1983; Wang et al.,
times for exchange (t{1/2}), which are between 7–14 min for 1993; Rawat et al., 1999; White, 2001; Vallejo et al., 2005;
ammonium (Kronzucker et al., 1998), 10–50 min for potas- Broadley et al., 2007), for boron (Dannel et al., 2000), and
sium (White et al., 1991; Szczerba et al., 2006), 7–75 min for Fe-phytosiderophores (von Wirén et al., 1995). Several
for calcium (White et al., 1992), 10–20 min for sulphate explanations for the linear relationship (formerly defined
(Deane-Drummond, 1987; Bell et al., 1995), 10–20 min as System II; Epstein, 1972) have been proposed. The first
for chloride (Britto et al., 2004), 4–107 min for nitrate explanation is that it reflects influx through non-saturating
(Lee and Clarkson, 1986; Macklon et al., 1990; Britto and transport proteins, perhaps ion channels, in the plasma
Kronzucker, 2003) and 23–115 min for phosphate (Lee membrane of root cells. The second explanation is that it is
et al., 1990; Macklon et al., 1996). These rates of exchange the consequence of rapid chelation or metabolism of a sol-
with the cytoplasmic pool are usually orders of magnitude ute in the cytoplasm, or its removal by sequestration in the
faster than the rates of exchange with the vacuole (e.g., vacuole or transfer to the xylem, which maintains the elec-
Macklon et al., 1990; White et al., 1991, 1992; Bell et al., trochemical gradient, and reduces efflux, across the plasma
1995). membrane. The third explanation is that it represents a non-
The parameters of ion uptake kinetics are also strongly saturating, apoplasmic flux to the xylem. However, given the
affected by the nutritional status of plants. Roots of plants usually low ion concentrations in soil solutions, the ecologi-
deficient in a particular nutrient generally exhibit a greater cal significance of the low-capacity, non-saturating mecha-
Imax and a lower Cmin for that nutrient than plants suffi- nisms for the nutrition of plants grown in natural soils has
ciently supplied. Occasionally, but not always, deficient been questioned. There are, however, at least two excep-
plants also exhibit a lower Km. An example is given in tions: plants growing in saline soils (Section 17.6), and the
Table 2.9 for P. In plants with greater tissue P concentra- uptake of mineral nutrients from the apoplast following
tions, Imax for P uptake is substantially lower, and Km their long-distance transport in the xylem (Section 3.2) and
is also slightly lower. The Imax values were based on net phloem (Section 3.3).
2.5 FACTORS AFFECTING ION UPTAKE The volume of root tissue accessible for apoplasmic
BY ROOTS solute movement, the free space, represents only a small
fraction of the total root volume. For example, the free
2.5.1 Influx to the Apoplasm space is estimated to occupy 5% of a maize root (Shone
Before reaching the plasma membrane of root cells, ions and Flood, 1985). The presence of this free space ena-
must pass through the cell wall. In general, neither diffu- bles individual cortex cells to contribute to solute uptake
sion nor mass flow of ions or other low-molecular-weight from the external solution. Solute concentrations in the
solutes is restricted at the external surface of the roots. The free space depend on various factors such as the capacity
cell walls and water-filled intercellular spaces of the root for solute uptake by epidermal cells, the presence of root
cortex are, to a certain extent, accessible to these solutes hairs, the solute concentration in the rhizosphere solution
from the external solution. and the rate of transpiration. As shown more than 50 years
The main barrier to solute flux through the apoplasm of ago by Vakhmistrov (1967), at low external concentrations
young roots is the endodermis, the innermost layer of cells root hair formation is usually extensive and the uptake of
of the cortex (Fig. 2.14). Suberization of the radial and mineral nutrients is limited mainly to the rhizodermal cell
transverse walls of the endodermal cells (the Casparian layer, i.e. the outer-most cells of the cortex. This is particu-
band) creates an effective barrier against solute move- larly relevant for roots growing in soil, where the impor-
ment into the stele. In most angiosperm species suberiza- tance of root hairs for the acquisition of nutrients present
tion of the radial and transverse cell wall is also found in at low concentrations in the soil solution or with restricted
the hypodermis, or exodermis (cell layer below rhizoder- soil mobility, such as P, has been clearly demonstrated
mis; Enstone and Peterson, 1992; Ma and Peterson, 2003). (Gahoonia and Nielsen, 2004; Gahoonia et al., 2006; Zhu
These barriers may also protect the inner cortex from colo- et al., 2010).
nization by microorganisms, for example preventing the
colonization of sorghum roots by endophyte Polymyxa spp. 2.5.2 Effects of pH
(Galamay et al., 1992).
The pH of the external solution can have profound effects
Suberization of the exodermis generally occurs after
on the uptake of nutrients by plant roots. These can be
the formation of the endodermal Casparian band, par-
divided into three broad categories: (i) effects of solution
ticularly in fast growing roots (Ma and Peterson, 2003).
pH on the chemical species present in solution, (ii) effects
There are different views on the effectiveness of the exo-
of apoplasmic pH on the concentrations of ions present in
dermis as a barrier to solute movement through the root
the apoplasm, and (iii) influence of rhizosphere pH for the
apoplasm (Clarkson et al., 1987; Enstone and Peterson,
proton electrochemical gradient and the driving force for
1992). However, since the development of the exodermis
proton-coupled solute transport. In addition, solution pH
generally occurs after that of the endodermis, its function
can affect ion transport by protonation/deprotonation of
is thought to be largely structural. In plants adapted to sub-
amino-acid residues of transport proteins.
merged conditions, the exodermis serves another function,
The pH of the soil solution influences the availability
namely as an effective barrier against oxygen diffusion
of cations and anions for root uptake (White and Broadley,
(leakage) from the root aerenchyma into the rhizosphere
2009). In alkaline soils, the availability of P, Zn, Fe, Mn,
(e.g., Soukup et al., 2007).
Cu and B is very low, whereas in acid soils, plant growth is
mainly limited by toxic concentrations of Al3 and Mn2
in the rhizosphere. In addition, the pH of the external solu-
CB = Casparian band
O = Xylem tion also determines the chemical species present in the
rhizosphere. This is particularly relevant to the uptake of
Rhizodermis solutes that can be protonated and are transported across
the plasma membrane as specific chemical species, such
as boron, phosphate and ammonium. The rate of B uptake
Endodermis CB Root hairs
decreases strongly when the pH of the external solution is
increased (Fig. 2.15). This pattern is closely related to the
decrease in the ratio of boric acid, which is the substrate of
the transporter catalysing boron uptake by root cells (Miwa
and Fujiwara, 2010), to the borate anion. Similarly, the rate
of phosphate uptake decreases as the pH of the external
solution increases (Fig. 2.16). This can be explained by a
FIGURE 2.14 Schematic representation of cross section of a differenti- decrease in the concentration of H2PO4, the substrate of
ated root zone of maize. the proton-coupled phosphate symporter in the plasma
22 PART | I Nutritional Physiology
100 −Ca2+
60 +10 +Ca2+
6 7 8 9 10 11
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Solution pH pH
FIGURE 2.15 Relative uptake of B by barley roots as a function of the
FIGURE 2.17 Net uptake of K by barley roots from solutions con-
external solution pH. Uptake at pH 6 100 at each supply concentration.
taining 5 mM KBr as a function of the pH of an external solution with
Solid line: percentage of undissociated H3BO3. Key for B concentrations
(Ca2) or without calcium (Ca2). Modified from Jacobson et al.
(mg l1): 1.0 (open triangle), 2.5 (open square), 5.0 (open circle), 7.5 (filled
triangle), 10.0 (filled square). Based on Oertli and Grgurevic (1975).
(%) 80
K Ca Mg Mn N(NO3−) P S
FIGURE 2.18 Nutrient concentrations (expressed on a dry weight basis and as a percentage of the concentration observed in plants grown at pH
8.5) in shoots of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown in solutions with pH 8.5, 5.5, 4.0 and 3.3, respectively, as indicated in the columns for K. Data
recalculated from Islam et al. (1980).
Distinct diurnal patterns in solute uptake (maxima dur- Recently, it has been suggested that diurnal fluctua-
ing the day, minima during the night) have been observed tions in the uptake of nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, ammo-
for nitrate, phosphate, ammonium, potassium, iron and nium, potassium and iron may be related to the delivery of
zinc (e.g., Clement et al., 1978b; Zhang et al., 1991b; Le sucrose to the root in the phloem through the regulation of
Bot and Kirkby, 1992; Macduff et al., 1997; Cesco et al., the expression of genes encoding proteins catalysing their
2002; Vert et al., 2003; Louahlia et al., 2008). Root carbo- transport across the plasma membranes of root cells (Lejay
hydrate concentration may act as a coarse control for ion et al., 2003; Vert et al., 2003; Hammond and White, 2008;
uptake and is one of the factors responsible for the diur- Liu et al., 2009; Vance, 2010).
nal fluctuations in ion uptake. However, in maize roots, for There is evidence that the delivery of sucrose via the
example, diurnal fluctuations in nitrate uptake were only phloem can act as a systemic signal informing the root of
loosely related to root carbohydrate content (Fig. 2.19). In the shoot N and P status (Hermans et al., 2006; Hammond
soybean growing under short-day conditions, the typical and White, 2008) and that the increase in uptake capac-
diurnal fluctuations of nitrate uptake could be reversed by ity in roots of plants lacking sufficient N or P for maxi-
an intervening 3 h period of low light (i.e., imitating long- mal growth (Section 2.5.6) is effected by sucrose-induced
day conditions, repressed flower initiation); uptake rates of expression of nitrate and phosphate transporters.
nitrate were then twice as high during the night as com- Temperature. Physical processes such as exchange
pared with the day (Raper et al., 1991). adsorption of cations in the AFS are only slightly affected
by temperature (Q10 1.1–1.2, with Q10 referring to the
change in a reaction or process imposed by a change in
6 NO3− 0.6
temperature by 10°C). However, chemical and biochemical
Water soluble carbohydrates
4 0.4
exceeds 2, at least within the physiological temperature
range (e.g., Fig. 2.20; Clarkson et al., 1988; Wang et al.,
1993). Ion uptake is more temperature dependent than respi-
2 0.2 ration, especially at temperatures below 10°C. Furthermore,
at very high temperatures root respiration further increases
whereas ion uptake declines (Fig. 2.20), indicating that
membrane transport and respiration are not coupled directly.
0 0 In studies of temperature effects on ion uptake, two
0 6 12 18 24
phenomena are often studied: (i) the immediate effects of
an abrupt change in root temperature, which occur within
FIGURE 2.19 Diurnal fluctuations in nitrate uptake (solid line), nitrate seconds and reflect the direct effects of temperature on the
reductase activity and concentration of water-soluble carbohydrates in uptake system, and (ii) the long-term effects of growing
maize roots. Nitrate uptake: relative values, uptake at end of the light plants at a particular root temperature. The latter effects
period 100. Adapted from Keltjens and Nijenstein (1987).
are manifest after several days or weeks of growth at a
[µmol (g fw)−1 h−1]
Ion uptake
O2 consumption
0.6 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40
Temperature (C)
FIGURE 2.20 Rates of respiration () and uptake of P () and K () from solutions containing 0.25 mM K and 0.25 mM P by maize root segments
at different temperatures. Adapted from Bravo and Uribe (1981).
Chapter | 2 Ion Uptake Mechanisms of Individual Cells and Roots: Short-distance Transport 25
particular root temperature and include adaptive responses, than ammonium in cold-sensitive plants like cucumber
for example changes in root membrane properties. The (Tachibana, 1987), and in cold-tolerant species, such as
latter effects are of greater ecological significance. Such barley and ryegrass, the strong preference for ammonium
studies often compare plants exposed to different root tem- compared with nitrate uptake is little affected by the tem-
peratures, but the same shoot temperature. This creates a perature of the root zone (Macduff and Jackson, 1991;
temperature differential between the root and the shoot, Clarkson et al., 1992). Compared with Ca and Mg, uptake
and it is noteworthy that the shoot meristem of, for exam- rates of K are often more affected by root zone tempera-
ple, gramminoid plants is close to stem base. Thus, differ- tures. In winter wheat, the increase in K/(Ca Mg) ratios
ent temperatures in the rooting medium will influence cell in the shoots with increasing root zone temperature may
division and cell elongation in the shoot. In the long term, cause tetany in grazing beef cattle on winter wheat forage
such experimental systems can affect the growth rates of (Miyasaka and Grunes, 1990).
root and shoot quite differently and, thus, the root/shoot In contrast to plants grown in solution culture, the
biomass ratio (Clarkson et al., 1988, 1992). Accordingly, roots of plants grown in soil must forage for many immo-
long-term effects of root temperature on ion uptake can bile nutrients (Engels and Marschner, 1990; Rengel,
include feedback regulation via plant demand, an example 2001; Lynch, 2007; White and Hammond, 2008; White
of which is shown for maize in Table 2.12. and Broadley, 2009). In soil-grown plants, therefore, root
In maize, low root temperatures (12°C) decrease shoot temperature can affect the uptake of nutrients additionally
and root growth and uptake rates of nitrate and potassium, through effects on root growth rate and root system mor-
as might be expected for a cold-sensitive plant species. phology (Section 13.3).
However, the reduction in ion uptake at low tempera-
ture was not a temperature effect on the roots per se, but
2.5.4 Interactions between Ions in the
reflected feedback regulation via lower shoot demand.
This was shown by increasing the temperature of the shoot Rhizosphere
growing zone (stem base) (24/12°C). Shoot growth was In the preceding sections, for the sake of simplicity, the
strongly increased (i.e., the demand for nutrients) and so transport of a particular ion was treated as a singular
were the uptake rates of nitrate and potassium per unit root process. In reality, however, the transporters catalysing ion
weight (Table 2.12). Similarly, in other graminaceous spe- uptake are rarely specific and ions can compete directly
cies, poor growth at low root temperatures is generally not for transport. This competition is influenced by the proper-
caused by limited uptake of nutrients such as N, K or P ties of the transporter itself and by the concentrations of
(Clarkson et al., 1986, 1992). different ions in solution. Solutes that are not transported
Low root temperatures can affect the uptake of nutri- can also interact with transport proteins altering their activ-
ents differently, P uptake usually being reduced more than ity. In addition, there may be indirect interactions between
the uptake of other nutrients (e.g., Engels and Marschner, ions as a result of their transport across the plasma mem-
1992a; Engels, 1993). The uptake rate of nitrate seems to brane, for example via effects on membrane potential
be more strongly reduced at low root zone temperatures through the movement of charge, or via effects on the pro-
ton electrochemical gradient through the coupling of solute
transport to proton movements.
TABLE 2.12 Shoot and root growth and uptake of
nitrate and K by maize plants grown at different root Competition
zone temperatures (RZT) and the temperatures at the Transport proteins catalyse the movement of nutrients
stem base (shoot growing zone temperature, SGT) for from the rhizosphere solution to the cytoplasm across the
eight days plasma membrane of root cells (Fig. 2.9). Competition
Temperature treatment between ions of the same valency for entry to a chan-
(SGT°C/RZT°C) nel protein or for binding to a carrier protein is common,
24/24 12/12 24/12 whether these ions are ultimately transported or merely
inhibit the transport process. Such competition occurs
Shoot growth (g fw day ) 1 1.91 0.32 1.34
particularly between ions with similar physicochemi-
Root growth (g fw day1) 0.85 0.20 0.26 cal properties (valency and ion diameter), for example
Nitrate uptake (pmol g1 fw day1) 6.40 4.20 7.60 between the alkali cations potassium (K), rubidium
(Rb), cesium (Cs) and sodium (Na), or between the
K uptake (pmol g1 fw day1) 2.50 1.20 3.10
Group II divalent cations calcium (Ca2), strontium (Sr2)
After Engels and Marschner (1992a). and barium (Ba2). It is important to note, however, that
the inhibition of transport of a particular ion by another ion
26 PART | I Nutritional Physiology
TABLE 2.13 Interactions between the uptake of NH4 TABLE 2.14 Uptake of labelled Mg2 (28 Mg) by barley
and K by maize rootsa seedlings without or with supply of K and Ca2
(0.25 mM each)
Concentration in roots (µmol g1 fw)
Ammonium Potassium Mg2 Uptake (µmol Mg2 (10 g)1 fw 8 h1)
2004). In almost all cases, increasing the availability of to the resealing of the plasma membrane following dam-
ammonium strongly suppresses nitrate uptake. By contrast, age (Schapire et al., 2009). These functions of Ca2 are
increasing nitrate supply generally has little or no effect on reflected, for example, in the higher rates of efflux of low-
ammonium uptake (Breteler and Siegerist, 1984). Thus, molecular-weight solutes across the plasma membrane of
when nitrogen is supplied as NH4NO3, ammonium is taken Ca-deficient cells when faced with environmental chal-
up in preference to nitrate. In Norway spruce, the rhizo- lenges, such as low temperatures or mechanical damage.
sphere ammonium concentration must fall below about Calcium can be removed fairly readily from its binding
100 µM NH4 before nitrate uptake occurs (Marschner sites at the outer surface of the plasma membrane, for
et al., 1991). In short-term experiments with barley, exter- example by chelators (Van Steveninck, 1965), or can be
nal ammonium inhibited net influx of nitrate within 3 min, exchanged by high concentrations of H or metal cations
and upon removing ammonium from the external solution including Na (Lynch et al., 1987), which will increase
net influx of nitrate resumed within 3 min (Lee and Drew, solute efflux.
1989). Such immediate effects suggest that they arise from Rhizosphere Ca2 concentration also influences the
the effect of ammonium on the electrochemical gradients selectivity of ion uptake, and the relative accumulation
supporting nitrate uptake across the plasma membrane. of K and Na in particular. For example, in the absence
of Ca2 there are clear differences in the K/Na uptake Effects of Extracellular Calcium ratio between the ‘natrophobic’ maize and the ‘nat-
rophilic’ sugar beet. However, the presence of Ca2 in
An example of synergism, first discovered by Viets (1944), the rhizosphere solution shifts the uptake ratio in favour
is the stimulation of cation and anion uptake by extracel- of K at the expense of Na in both species (Table 2.18).
lular Ca2 at low rhizosphere pH (Table 2.17; Fig. 2.17). These shifts in K/Na uptake ratio are likely to be due
It is thought that this phenomenon is the result of Ca2 to the fact that extracellular Ca2 inhibits Na influx
counteracting the negative effects of high H concentra- through voltage-insensitive cation-channels (White, 1999;
tions on plasma membrane integrity or the activity of the Maathuis and Amtmann, 1999; Munns and Tester, 2008),
plasma membrane H-ATPase. Calcium, as a divalent but has little effect on K influx through inward-rectifying
cation, stabilizes membranes through interactions with K-channels (White, 1997a; Maathuis and Amtmann,
the negatively charged headgroups of phospholipids and, 1999). High Ca2 concentrations in the soil solution are
thereby, influences membrane function. It also contributes particularly beneficial for the maintenance of high K/Na
uptake ratios in saline environments as they increase plant
salt tolerance.
TABLE 2.17 K and Cl uptake in barley roots with or Cation–Anion Relationships
without Ca2 supply with external pH 5.0
The uptake of cations and anions occurs through differ-
Uptake rate (µmol g1 dw (2 h) 1) ent transport proteins (Fig. 2.9), therefore direct inter-
External K net Cl net actions between cations and anions for uptake are rare.
solution (mM) K influx uptake Cl influx uptake However, the uptake of one nutrient can influence the
uptake of another indirectly through effects on the mem-
0.1 KCl 116 3 117 6 35 1 34 4
brane potential, the proton electrochemical gradient or via
0.1 KCl 137 2 140 7 53 3 52 4 feedback regulation through plant growth or metabolism.
1.0 CaSO4 The stimulation of cation uptake by anions, and of anion
uptake by cations, is observed frequently, and is generally
a consequence of the necessity to maintain charge balance. solutions. Different uptake rates of cations and anions
However, synergism in ion uptake can also be the result of require both compensation of electrical charges and regu-
a general increase in root metabolic activity when nutrients lation of cellular pH. At high external concentrations these
are supplied after a period of deprivation. requirements become a limiting factor for the uptake of K
When present at low concentrations in the rhizosphere, when accompanied by SO42 and for Cl when accompa-
the rate of uptake of a cation is not affected by the accom- nied by Ca2 (Table 2.19).
panying anion and vice versa, as shown in Table 2.19 for Different rates of cation and anion uptake by roots can
K and Cl. At high external concentrations, however, cause perturbations of intracellular pH. The stabilization
an accompanying ion that is taken up relatively slowly of cytosolic pH in the range of 7.3 to 7.6 is achieved by
can reduce the uptake of an oppositely charged ion that is the so-called cellular pH-stat, which consists of two com-
transported at a faster rate: for example, SO42 depresses ponents: the biophysical pH stat, characterized by proton
K uptake and Ca2 depresses Cl uptake from single-salt transport across the plasma membrane or tonoplast (Fig.
2.21), and the biochemical pH stat, which involves produc-
tion and consumption of protons through metabolism and
is achieved by the formation and removal of carboxylic
TABLE 2.19 Rate of K and Cl uptake by maize plants groups (Britto and Kronzucker, 2005; Miller and Cramer,
with different accompanying Ions 2004; Peuke, 2010). The functioning of the biochemi-
Uptake rate (µmol g1 fw h1) cal pH stat is thought to be reflected in the net changes
in organic acid concentrations in roots in response to an
K from Cl from
Concentration imbalance in cation–anion uptake ratio (Table 2.20). When
(mM) KCl K2SO4 KCl CaCl2 K2SO4 is supplied, the excess cation uptake is compen-
0.2 1.6 1.6 0.8 0.7 sated for by an equivalent synthesis of organic acid ani-
ons and when CaCl2 is supplied the excess anion uptake is
2.0 2.7 1.9 2.0 1.0
compensated for by an equivalent decrease in the synthesis
20.0 5.7 2.2 4.3 2.1 of organic acid anions. These changes in organic acid con-
Recalculated from Lüttge and Laties (1966). centrations are also reflected in the rates of CO2 fixation in
the roots (dark fixation).
solution Plasma Cytoplasm
(Apoplasm) Vacuole
membrane Tonoplast
A Cat+ Cat+
(K+) R COO
H+ H+
(SO42−) (SO42−)
B Cat+ Cat+
H+ H+ H+
An− An−
2−) (NO32−)
R COO− + H+ R COO− + H+
FIGURE 2.21 Model for internal pH stabilization and for charge compensation at different ratios of cation:anion uptake from the external solution. A.
Excessive uptake of cations (Cat), for example, with K2SO4 supply. B. Excessive uptake of anions (An), for example, with Ca(NO3)2 supply.
30 PART | I Nutritional Physiology
The main reactions involved in the traditional concept the net H efflux was 2.15 µmol g1 root fresh weight
of the biochemical pH stat in relation to different cat- h1, leading to a decrease in the pH of the external solu-
ion–anion uptake ratios are shown schematically in Fig. tion from 5.60 to 5.12 (Hiatt and Hendricks, 1967). The
2.21. Excessive cation uptake (A) results in an increase cation–anion balance in plants and the consequences for
in cytosolic pH, which increases the synthesis of organic rhizosphere pH and mineral nutrition of plants has been
acids. This produces anions (R.COO) for pH stabiliza- reviewed by Haynes (1990) and, in the context of nitrogen
tion and charge compensation and enables the subsequent nutrition, by Britto and Kronzucker (2005).
transport of cations and anions either into the vacuole or In the cytoplasm, the equilibrium between carboxyla-
the shoot. By contrast, excessive anion uptake (B) is cor- tion (CO2 fixation) and decarboxylation is thought to be
related with a decrease in cytosolic pH, which stimulates regulated by the pH sensitivity of two enzymes, phospho-
the decarboxylation of organic acids from the storage pool enolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase and malic enzyme (Fig.
(i.e., the vacuoles). This causes an increase in pH as decar- 2.22). An increase in pH activates PEP carboxylase (reac-
boxylation consumes protons. In addition to increases or tion (1)), and both the rate of CO2 fixation and the syn-
decreases in root concentrations of organic acid anions, thesis of oxaloacetate are increased. After oxaloacetate is
the biochemical pH stat also affects the pH in the root reduced to malate by the enzyme malate dehydrogenase,
apoplasm and external solution with excess cation uptake the malate can be directly transported into the vacuoles
increasing proton efflux thus decreasing the external pH (reaction (2)), where it acts as a counterion for excess cati-
whereas excess anion uptake increases it. In the experi- ons (Fig. 2.21A). Alternatively, malate can be incorporated
ment reported in Table 2.20 when K2SO4 was supplied, into the cytoplasmic pool of the organic acids of the Krebs
cycle, and another organic acid from this pool (e.g., citric
acid) can be transported into the vacuole. An oxalate-based
biochemical pH stat may play an important role in plant
TABLE 2.20 Relationship between the uptake of cations species that accumulate large amounts of oxalate, such as
and anions and the organic acid concentration of members of the Chenopodiaceae (Davies, 1986). When
isolated barley roots anions are taken up in excess (Fig. 2.21B), the pH of the
cytoplasm decreases and malic enzyme (reaction (4)) is
External (µmol g1 fw) Change in 14
CO2 activated, leading to the decarboxylation of malate and the
solution organic acid fixation production of CO2. As a result of these reactions, the cyto-
(mM) Cations Anions (µmol g1 fw) (relative) plasmic pH is stabilized and the cation–anion ratio in the
2 K2SO4 17 1 15.1 145 cells maintained. This biochemical pH stat responds rap-
1 KCl 28 29 0.2 100 idly to supply of K2SO4, PEP carboxylase activity being
increased by 70% within 20 min (Chang and Roberts,
1 CaCl2 1 15 9.7 60 1992).
Based on Hiatt (1967a, b) and Hiatt and Hendricks (1967). Nitrogen nutrition (NH4; NO3; N2 fixation) has
a strong effect on cation–anion relationships in plants
Phosphoenol C O Oxaloacetate
pyruvate C O P PEP Carboxylase
Malate NADPH+H+
dehydrogenase NADP+
Malic enzyme HC OH Malate
4 CH 2
Pyruvate COOH
3 Vacuole
FIGURE 2.22 Model of the pathways of CO2 fixation (‘dark fixation’) and decarboxylation. Reactions (1)–(4) are explained in the text.
Chapter | 2 Ion Uptake Mechanisms of Individual Cells and Roots: Short-distance Transport 31
because about 70% of the cations and anions taken up by as observed for NO3-fed plants. However, under condi-
plants are either NH4 or NO3 (Van Beusichem et al., tions where NO3 uptake and assimilation are impaired
1988). Nitrogen nutrition affects both organic acid metabo- and cation/anion uptake ratio is high, a strong decrease
lism and the element composition of plant tissues (Table in the pH of the external solution has been observed.
2.21). Plants supplied NH4 are generally characterized by This phenomenon occurs in many plant species with, for
a high cation/anion uptake ratio and plants supplied NO3 example, P deficiency (Schjorring, 1986), Zn deficiency
by a low cation/anion uptake ratio. However, the effects of (Cakmak and Marschner, 1990) and Fe deficiency in dicot-
NH4 and NO3 on organic acid metabolism differ from yledonous plants.
those anticipated from Fig. 2.21, since N assimilation in In plants supplied NH4, net proton efflux and mainte-
roots is correlated with the production or consumption of nance of the cellular pH stat becomes increasingly difficult
protons. The shoots of higher plants have a limited capac- in roots when the pH of the external solution is low. The
ity to dispose of protons, thus, NH4 assimilation takes presence of high NH4 concentrations in the rhizosphere
place in roots (Engels and Marschner, 1993). The assimila- causes a reduction in both the cytoplasmic and vacuolar
tion of NH4 produces protons, thus, despite a high total pH of root cells (Gerendas et al., 1990). Poor growth of
cation uptake by NH4-fed plants, the pH in the cytoplasm NH4-fed plants at low external pH is probably related
decreases during NH4 assimilation and must be stabilized to the difficulty in maintaining cytosolic pH homeostasis
both by enhanced proton excretion and the decarboxyla- in the face of high NH4 fluxes across the plasma mem-
tion of organic acids (Fig. 2.21B). The protons are effluxed brane of root cells, together with cation–anion imbalance,
to the external solution in equimolar amounts to the NH4 and the high energy costs incurred by the futile cycling
taken up (Marschner et al., 1991) or to the excess cat- of ammonium across the plasma membrane (Miller and
ion uptake (van Beusichem et al., 1988). In contrast, the Cramer, 2004; Britto and Kronzucker, 2006).
assimilation of NO3 is correlated with an approximately Maintenance of cytoplasmic pH homeostasis involves
equimolar consumption of H (Raven, 1986). Depending costs in terms of energy, photosynthate and water (Raven,
on whether NO3 reduction and assimilation take place 1985). This is particularly true in relation to N nutrition.
in the root or the shoot, carboxylates are either produced When both NH4 and NO3 are supplied, cytoplasmic pH
in the roots or transported in the phloem from the shoots homeostasis may be achieved by similar rates of H pro-
to the roots to maintain charge balance (Peuke, 2010). duction (NH4 assimilation) and H consumption (NO3
Legumes dependent on biological nitrogen (N2) fixation assimilation) and thus have a very low energy requirement
are characterized by a cation/anion uptake ratio 1 and (Raven, 1985; Allen et al., 1988). This may explain, in
have higher tissue concentrations of organic acid anions part, why optimal growth for many plant species is usually
and greater proton efflux than plants supplied NH4 (Allen obtained with a mixed supply of NH4 and NO3.
et al., 1988).
The pH of the external solution is strongly influenced 2.5.5 External Concentration
by the form of plant nitrogen nutrition due to differences
in cation/anion uptake ratio, nitrogen assimilation and cel- The relationship between the rate of influx (I), or uptake,
lular pH stabilization (Fig. 2.23). When plants with pref- of an ion and its concentration in solution (S) can usually
erential NO3 reduction in the roots, such as sorghum, are be described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics in the low con-
supplied NO3, the external pH usually increases consid- centration range: the flux saturates, transport appears to be
erably with time. When they are supplied NH4NO3, after selective and is closely coupled to metabolism. In contrast,
preferential uptake of NH4 and depletion of external at high external ion concentrations, the uptake rate is often
NH4, a transient decrease in the pH of the external solu- linearly related to solute concentration (I kS) through
tion during NH4 uptake is followed by an increase in pH, a proportionality parameter (k), is not very selective, and
TABLE 2.21 Ionic balance in shoots of castor oil plants grown with different forms of N supply
Cations Anions
2 2 2
Form of N supply K
Ca Mg Total NO3
SO4 Cl Organic acidsa Total
NO3 99 85 28 212 44 18 11 2 137 212
NO3- TABLE 2.22 Influx of nitrate into barley roots without
and with an induced high capacity nitrate uptake system
6 NO3 Influx (µmol g1 fw h1)
1400 Shoot
(A) (B)
[nmol (g root fresh wt)−1 h−1]
Plasma 8 Tonoplast
1000 membrane
P 7
600 i
400 Gene
P expression
SO4 2−
0 synthesis
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 10 20
Time (hours) Protein
Time (days)
FIGURE 2.26 Time course of changes in the influx of sulphate (SO42)
and phosphate (Pi) in roots of barley plants deprived of external sulphate 1 3
supply for up to 5 days (A) and then resupplied with sulphate for up to 24
hours (B). Adapted from Clarkson and Saker (1989).
2 4
5 6
K concentration H+
(g kg1dw)
K uptake ADP + P
(pmol cm1 sec1) Root Shoot
15.8 58.5 80.0 FeIII Chelate
28.0 55.5 64.5
33.8 49.9 43.5 particle
FeIII chelate NADP+ / NAD+
36.8 55.1 41.3
From Barber (1979).
Fe2+ Fe2+
TABLE 2.26 Proton excretion (pH), reducing capacity of the roots and iron uptake ratea in
cucumber (Strategy I) with or without Fe preculture
Fe nutritional Reducing capacity Fe uptake
status Chlorophyll H excretion (µmol FeII g1 (µmol (g1
(preculture) (mg g1 dw) (pH solution) root dw (4 h) 1) root dw (4 h) 1)
Fea 12.2 6.2 3.2 0.03
FIGURE 2.29 Model for root responses to iron deficiency in graminaceous species (Strategy II): enhanced synthesis and release of phytosiderophores
into the rhizosphere, chelation of Fe3, Fe2, Cu2 and Mn2, and transport of metal-phytosiderophore chelates across the plasma membrane by trans-
port proteins. The structures of the phytosiderophore mucigenic acid and its corresponding Fe(III) chelate are also shown.
Strategy II is confined to graminaceous plant species The stability constant for the Fe3-mugineic acid com-
(cereals and grasses) and characterized by an Fe defi- plex in water is in the order of 1033 (Murakami et al.,
ciency-induced enhanced release of non-proteinogenic 1989). The release of phytosiderophores is induced by
amino acids called phytosiderophores (Takagi et al., Fe deficiency (Table 2.27) and rapidly decreases when
1984; von Wirén et al., 1995; White and Broadley, 2009; Fe is resupplied to a Fe-deficient plant (Fig. 2.30A).
Guerinot, 2010). The chemistry of phytosiderophores is Both the release of phytosiderophores and the uptake of
species specific and determines the contrasting abilities metal-phytosiderophore complexes follow a distinct diur-
of different grasses and cereals to acquire Fe (Römheld nal rhythm (Fig. 2.30B) being highest in the first hours
and Marschner, 1990; Bashir et al., 2006; Nagasaka after onset of light. The Fe3-phytosiderophore com-
et al., 2009). Enzymes involved in the synthesis of phy- plex enters the root cytoplasm via proton-coupled Fe3-
tosiderophores from L-methionine include S-adenosyl- phytosiderophore symporters in the plasma membrane of
methionine synthetase, nicotianamine synthase, root cells of cereals and grasses (Fig. 2.29; Römheld and
nicotianamine amino-transferase and deoxymugineic acid Marschner, 1990; von Wirén et al., 1995; Schaaf et al.,
synthase (Bashir et al., 2006; Guerinot, 2010). The expres- 2004; Ishimaru et al., 2006; White and Broadley, 2009;
sion of genes encoding these enzymes, and also of genes Guerinot, 2010). Homologues of the maize yellow stripe 1
involved in S uptake and methionine synthesis, is often (ZmYS1) protein belonging to the oligopeptide transporter
rapidly up-regulated in response to Fe deficiency (Bashir (OPT) family mediate Fe3-phytosiderophore uptake
et al., 2006; White and Broadley, 2009; Guerinot, 2010). by Strategy II plants (von Wirén et al., 1995; Schaaf
Phytosiderophores, such as mugineic acid (Fig. 2.29), et al., 2004; Ishimaru et al., 2006; Puig et al., 2007; White
form highly stable complexes with Fe3, Zn2 and Cu2. and Broadley, 2009; Guerinot, 2010). The corresponding
38 PART | I Nutritional Physiology
Release of PS
0.5 3
0 0
10 11 12 13 14 15
Age of plants (days) 0 6 12 18 24
(A) (B) Time of day
FIGURE 2.30 Release of phytosiderophores (PS) from barley roots as affected by plant Fe nutritional status (A), and diurnal rhythm of release of
phytosiderophores (B). Assays were performed on iron-sufficient () and iron-deficient () plants. Data from Römheld (1987a, b) and A. Walter, per-
sonal communication.
TABLE 2.28 Uptake and translocation of K (42K) and Ca (45Ca) supplied to different zones of the
seminal roots of maizea
Root zone supplied
(distance from tip, cm)
(1 mM) Accumulation and translocation 0–3 6–9 12–15
K Translocation to shoot 3.8 14.6 15.6
Accumulation in zone of supply 11.5 3.8 1.9
Translocation to root tip – 4.3 2.0
Total 15.2 22.7 19.5
Ca Translocation to shoot 2.4 2.2 2.4
Accumulation in zone of supply 4.1 1.6 0.4
Translocation to root tip – – –
Total 6.5 3.8 2.8
Based on Marschner and Richter (1973).
Data expressed as micromoles per 12 plants in 24 h.
dw ratio of the nutrient-limited plants is often large, visual cells in the basal zones. The apical root zones have higher
deficiency symptoms are absent. respiration rates (Thomson et al., 1989b), which decrease
This highly formal concept is an interesting variation to rapidly when the carbohydrate supply to roots is inter-
the common approach for studying the nutrition of plants, rupted, for example following excision (Brouquisse et al.,
in which the influence of external concentration and plant 1991). In general, there is a tendency for the rate of ion
nutrient status on nutrient uptake, growth responses and uptake per unit root length to decrease with distance from
various physiological and biochemical parameters (e.g., the root apex. However, this tendency strongly depends
photosynthesis) are studied. This concept allows study- on the identity of the ion, plant nutritional status and plant
ing the effects of mineral nutrition under suboptimal but species. When K or Ca are supplied to different regions of
steady-state conditions. However, these steady-state con- seminal roots of maize (Table 2.28), the uptake rate of K is
ditions, in which the relative nutrient supply is adjusted slightly lower in the apical zone than the sub-apical zone,
to the relative growth rate, are not typical of those expe- despite the high K requirement for growth. The high K
rienced by plants growing in the field. For field grown concentration in root apical cells of about 200 mM (Huang
plants, fluctuations in nutrient supply to the roots are as and Van Steveninck, 1989a) is maintained not only by
common as fluctuations in other environmental parameters uptake from the external solution but also by delivery from
such as irradiation, temperature and water supply. To cope more basal root zones (Table 2.28) or from the shoot via
with these fluctuations plants possess a range of adaptive the phloem (Gould et al., 2004). Similar observations have
mechanisms. Fluctuations in nutrient supply are compen- been made in other cereals (White et al., 1987; Vallejo
sated for by modulating uptake capacity, changes in root et al., 2005) and also in non-mycorrhizal long roots of
morphology and physiology and root/shoot biomass ratio perennial plant species such as Norway spruce (Häussling
(Chapters 14–16), and the storage and remobilization of et al., 1988).
mineral nutrients (Chapters 3 and 6). In contrast to K the uptake of Mg, and particularly of
Ca, is higher in apical than in basal root zones (Marschner
2.6 UPTAKE OF IONS AND WATER ALONG and Richter, 1973; Ferguson and Clarkson, 1976;
Häussling et al., 1988; White, 2001). This is also shown
THE ROOT AXIS in Table 2.28. Because Ca mobility in the phloem is low,
Roots vary both anatomically and physiologically along apical cells of the root must meet their Ca demand for
their longitudinal axes. This should be borne in mind when growth by direct uptake from the external solution. Root
models for ‘the’ behaviour of root tissue and root cells apical zones also contribute considerably to Ca delivery
are based on studies with isolated roots or roots of intact to the shoot (Table 2.28; Clarkson, 1984; White, 2001).
plants. In the apical zone, non-vacuolated cells dominate. At the root tip, Ca may reach the xylem through an exclu-
These cells differ in many respects from the vacuolated sively apoplasmic pathway or may be transported across
40 PART | I Nutritional Physiology
Cortex root hair cells, play a key role in the acquisition of min-
eral nutrients, especially K and P (Gahoonia and Nielsen,
2004; Gahoonia et al., 2006; Jung et al., 2009; Zhu et al.,
2010), the relative importance of the two pathways for
Early metaxylem
solute transport across the root cortex is unknown. It will
Late metaxylem depend on: (i) the external concentration versus the capac-
Root ity and affinity of the transport system for a particular
hairs Phloem
Endodermis solute at the plasma membrane of root cells; (ii) the root
Casparian band zone considered: depending on environmental conditions
and the growth rate of the root, the exodermis can develop
B (hypodermis) within a centimetre of the root apex or remain undeveloped
Rhizodermis (Ma and Peterson, 2003) and may possess ‘passage cells’
(Storey and Walker, 1987); and (iii) the hydraulic con-
FIGURE 2.32 Segment of a transverse section of a maize root showing ductivity of the root zone considered and the transpiration
(A) symplasmic and (B) apoplasmic pathways of solute movement across rate of the shoot. For water, estimates of the contribution
the root.
of the apoplasmic pathway to radial transport across roots
vary between about 10 and 70% (Javot and Maurel, 2002;
presumably to allow water to bypass the Casparian band Hachez et al., 2006; Maurel et al., 2008).
through a transcellular pathway (Hachez et al., 2006) The endodermis is also not a perfect barrier to the apo-
plasmic movement of water and solutes from the cortex
2.7 RADIAL TRANSPORT OF IONS AND to the stele (Fig. 2.32). In addition to the presence of pas-
sage cells in some plant species, this barrier may be ‘leaky’
at two sites along the root axis, at least. At the root apex,
There are two parallel pathways of movement of solutes where the Casparian band is not yet fully developed, the
and water across the cortex towards the stele: one pass- apoplasmic movement of water and solutes to the stele can
ing through the apoplasm (cell walls and intercellular occur. However, the movement of some solutes, such as
spaces) and another passing from cell to cell in the sym- polyvalent cations like aluminium, through the apoplasm
plasm through the plasmodesmata (Fig. 2.32). In most of of the root apex can be restricted by mucilage formed at
the root, the apoplasmic movement to the stele is restricted the external surface of the rhizodermal cells (Section
by the Casparian band in the walls of endodermal cells 15.4). The apoplasmic pathway to the stele is also possi-
(White, 2001). This band is suberized and joins each endo- ble in basal root zones where the structural continuity of
dermal cell (stage I endodermis). In the basal regions of the endodermis is disrupted transiently by the emergence
the root, suberin lamellae cover the entire surface of endo- of lateral roots from the pericycle, as has been demon-
dermal cells (stage II endodermis). This prevents endo- strated, for example, for Ca (White, 2001), Al (Rasmussen,
dermal cells taking up solutes from the apoplasm (Moore 1968) and water (Häussling et al., 1988; Wang et al.,
et al., 2002). Thick cellulose secondary walls are deposited 1991). This ‘bypass-flow’ becomes particularly impor-
over the suberin lamellae, which can be lignified (stage tant for water supply to the shoot at high transpirational
III endodermis). The nature and extent of these cell wall demand (Sanderson, 1983) and in the accumulation of Na
modifications are determined by both genetic and environ- in leaves under saline conditions (Yeo et al., 1987; Plett
mental factors. and Møller, 2010). Both genetic and environmental factors
In most angiosperms, another apoplasmic barrier, the influence the movement of water and solutes via the apo-
exodermis, can develop in parallel with the endodermis plasmic pathway through their effects on the development
(Ma and Peterson, 2003). The exodermis develops in the of the endodermis and exodermis. Accelerated deposition
same three stages as the endodermis. Formation of an exo- of suberin and lignin restricts the apoplasmic movement of
dermis is found, for example, in Zea mays, Allium cepa, or cations and other solutes to the xylem (White, 2001;
Helianthus annuus, but not in Vicia faba or Pisum sativum Enstone et al., 2002; Krishnamurthy et al., 2009; Lux
(Enstone and Peterson, 1992). However, there are some- et al., 2011) and reduces hydraulic conductivity (Boyer,
what different views on the function of the exodermis as 1985; Cruz et al., 1992).
an effective barrier for transport of water and solutes in the The symplasmic pathway plays a key role in deliver-
apoplasm of the root cortex. Termination of the apoplasmic ing most nutrients to the xylem, beginning either at the
pathway at the exodermis, as suggested by Enstone and rhizodermis and the root hairs, at the exodermis, or at the
Peterson (1992), would confine the entry of solutes and endodermis. Radial transport in the symplasm requires
water to the root symplast to the rhizodermal cells in basal movement through plasmodesmata, which connect neigh-
root zones. Although rhizodermal cells, and in particular bouring root cells (Fig. 2.33). Plasmodesmata have a
42 PART | I Nutritional Physiology
(A) (B)
Plasma TABLE 2.30 Intracellular K activity and number of
plasmodesmata in tangential walls of hair and hairless
Proteins cells of the root epidermis
Number of
ER Microchannel
Plant K activity Per cell
Callose species Cell type (mM) Per µm2 junction
Trianea Hair 133 2.06 10,419
Cell wall bogotensis
Hairless 74 0.11 693
Cytoplasmic sleeve Raphanus Hair 129 0.16 273
Desmotubule sativus
Hairless 124 0.07 150
Plasma membrane
From Vakhmistrov (1981).
FIGURE 2.33 Schematic representation of plasmodesmata including High cytosolic Ca2 concentrations induce closure of
substructural components. Solute fluxes between adjacent cells occur in plasmodesmata (Tucker, 1990) and many environmental
the cytoplasmic sleeve, between the plasma membrane and the appressed stimuli that increase cytosolic Ca2 also disrupt the sym-
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) forming the desmotubule. Partial control plasmic movement of water and nutrients across the root.
of solute fluxes by callose deposition in the cell wall. The cytoplasmic
sleeve is interrupted by actin and other proteins that create microchannels
The number of plasmodesmata per cell varies consider-
through which solutes can diffuse. Modified from Maule (2008). ably between plant species and cell type (Table 2.30).
Rhizodermal cells that have developed into root hairs
generally have more plasmodesmata than other rhizoder-
mal cells. The relatively small number of plasmodesmata
complex structure (Lucas and Lee, 2004; Maule, 2008; in Rhaphanus raises the question as to whether the root
Lucas et al., 2009). The simplest type, which occurs in hairs are of major importance for symplasmic radial trans-
young tissues, comprises a tube of appressed endoplasmic port in this plant species. However, not only the number
reticulum (ER) running through the pore, the desmotubule. of plasmodesmata, but also whether they are functional
The transport of solutes and water between cells occurs must be taken into account. In the endodermis of young
in the ‘cytoplasmic sleeve’, i.e. the cytosol between the barley roots, on average 20,000 plasmodesmata per cell
desmotubule and the plasma membrane (Fig. 2.33). Protein have been found (Helder and Boerma, 1969). In the terti-
structures in the cytoplasmic sleeve create microchannels ary (lignified) endodermis of older zones of barley roots,
through which solutes can diffuse (Lucas and Lee, 2004; there are far fewer plasmodesmata, but the number appears
Maule, 2008; Lucas et al., 2009). In more mature tissues, to be sufficient to permit considerable radial transport of
the structure becomes more complex through the addition both water and ions through the endodermis (Clarkson
of branches and the formation of central cavities (Maule, et al., 1971).
2008; Lucas et al., 2009). Plasmodesmata can be closed The mechanism of symplasmic transport of solutes
and opened by the production and degradation of a ‘col- seems to be chiefly by diffusion, facilitated by radial water
lar’ of callose (β-1,3-glucan) and they generally have a size flux and cytoplasmic streaming. During their radial trans-
exclusion limit of about 1 kDa, which is regulated physi- port through the symplasm, elements can be metabolized
cally by the collar and also by interactions with cytosolic and/or sequestered in the vacuoles of root cells. When a
proteins (Lucas and Lee, 2004; Maule, 2008; Lucas et al., nutrient is supplied to roots of a plant that is deficient in
2009). Indeed, plasmodesmatal microchannels can dilate that nutrient (‘low-salt’ roots), it is accumulated in vacu-
to allow the passage of solutes in excess of 20 kDa. The oles of root cells resulting in an immediate accumulation
primary role of plasmodesmata appears to be cell com- in roots and a delay in its translocation from the roots to
munication, as they regulate the transport of transcription the shoots (Fig. 2.34). Thus, when the supply of a nutrient
factors and microRNAs that control plant development and is suboptimal, the roots usually have higher tissue concen-
responses to biotic and environmental challenges (Lucas et trations of that particular nutrient than the shoot. In long-
al., 2009). Addionally, the regulation of plasmodesmatal term studies, this phenomenon is responsible, in part, for
conductance represents another mechanism of cellular the often observed shift in the relative growth rates of roots
control of ion fluxes across the root. and shoots in favour of the roots under nutrient deficiency.
Chapter | 2 Ion Uptake Mechanisms of Individual Cells and Roots: Short-distance Transport 43
(A) (B)
12 closed (li
open Soils heath
Roots Large metaxylem
content (µmol plant−1)
10 vessels
Nodal roots
Primary root
FIGURE 2.35 Model of root hydraulic conductivity and formation of a
2 soil rhizosheath in the root system of maize. Modified from Wenzel et al.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (hours) Time (hours)
delay in metaxylem maturation not only affects hydraulic
FIGURE 2.34 Accumulation and translocation rates of K (42K) in bar-
ley plants from a solution containing 1 mM KCl (0.5 mM CaSO4) after conductivity of the roots and plant water relations (Wang
preculture with (A) or without (B) 1 mM KCl. et al., 1991) but also the movement of solutes to the xylem
and their translocation to the shoot.
TABLE 2.31 Root uptake and translocation to the shoot of phosphate and sulphate in the wildtype
and pho1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana
Phosphatea Sulphate
Root uptake Translocation Root uptake Translocation
Genotype (nmol g1 h1) to shoot (%) (nmol g1 h1) to shoot (%)
Wildtype 1,593 35 291 25
Mutant 1,559 0.9 367 12
Poirier et al. (1991).
Supply of 8 µM Pi.
mechanisms. Members of the P2A and P2B Ca2-ATPase are up to 400 mM. Upon maturation of the metaxylem ves-
families load Ca into the xylem and members of the heavy sels, the accumulated K, together with the other solutes
metal P1B-ATPase family load Zn and Cu into the xylem in the vacuoles, is released into the transpiration stream.
(White and Broadley, 2003, 2009). It is thought that Mg According to McCully and Canny (1988), this leakage
and Mn are also loaded into the xylem by ATPases, from maturing xylem vessels could account for about 10%
although the genes encoding these transporters are not yet of the shoot demand of growing maize plants. Thus, a sig-
known. Boron is loaded into the xylem by orthologues of nificant proportion of the solutes present in the xylem sap
the Arabidopsis AtBOR1 transporter (Miwa and Fujiwara, (including proteins) may derive not from active xylem
2010). The regulation of xylem loading separately from loading but from maturing xylem vessels.
solute uptake offers additional possibilities to control the
selectivity and rate of long-distance transport to the shoot, 2.9 FACTORS AFFECTING ION RELEASE
for example in response to shoot demand. INTO THE XYLEM AND EXUDATION
Separate genetic control of solute uptake and xylem
loading from that of root cortex cells is in agreement with
the observation that selective inhibitors of protein syn- The permeability of plant membranes to water is higher
thesis strongly impair xylem loading of nutrients, such than that to ions. Plant cells or roots therefore behave as
as K, without affecting their accumulation in the roots osmometers. Ion release into the apoplasm of the stele
(Läuchli and Pflüger, 1978; Morgan et al., 1985) and that decreases both the osmotic potential and the water poten-
diurnal fluctuations in nutrient uptake by the roots and tial (they become more negative) in the stele, and a cor-
their delivery to the xylem do not coincide (Herdel et al., responding net flux of water from the external solution is
2001). Another example of the separate genetic control induced. As a result of this water flux, the hydrostatic pres-
of solute uptake and xylem loading is shown in Table sure increases. As the endodermis with its Casparian band
2.31. Compared with the wildtype, the pho1 mutant of ‘seals’ the apoplasm of the stele, the hydrostatic pressure in
Arabidopsis thaliana requires very high external P supply the stele induces a volume flow of water and solutes in the
for normal growth. The recessive gene (pho1) regulates the non-living xylem vessels towards the shoot. Because of this
loading of P into the xylem (Poirier et al., 1991). At low P ‘root pressure’ droplets are sometimes released on the tips
supply, the mutant becomes severely P deficient because of and margins of leaves, a process known as guttation. This is
impaired translocation of P to the shoot, although P uptake particularly apparent in seedlings and young plants at night
by the roots does not differ from the wildtype plant (Table and in the early morning (under conditions of high relative
2.31). Sulfate translocation to the shoot is similar in the air humidity and low transpiration). Exudation from the
mutant and the wildtype plant. Evidence for tight regula- stumps of cut plants (e.g., freshly mown grass) is also the
tion of P loading into the xylem is also shown by the ina- result of root pressure. Root pressure and the correspond-
bility of maize plants to meet the P demand of the shoot at ing volume flow in the xylem are of particular importance
low root zone temperatures (Engels and Marschner, 1992a). for the long-distance translocation of Ca into low-transpir-
The discovery of the abundance of living metaxy- ing organs such as fruits. Volume flow and composition of
lem vessels in more than half of the total root length in the xylem exudate can provide important information on
mature maize plants (Wenzel et al., 1989) renewed the the influence of external and internal factors on root activ-
view of leakage as a mechanism of ion release into the ity and metabolism, nutrient uptake and assimilation in the
xylem (McCully et al., 1987). The concentrations, of K, roots, release into the xylem and the cycling of nutrients and
for example, in the vacuoles of living metaxylem vessels organic solutes in plants.
Chapter | 2 Ion Uptake Mechanisms of Individual Cells and Roots: Short-distance Transport 45
TABLE 2.32 Relationship between external concentration, exudate concentration, and exudate volume
flow in decapitated sunflower plants
External solution Exudate (mM) Concentration factor Exudation
KNO3 CaCl2 volume flow
(mM each) K Ca2 NO3 K Ca2 NO3 (mL (4 h)1)
0.1 7.3 2.8 7.4 73 28 74 4.0
1.0 10.0 3.2 10.7 10 3.2 10.1 4.5
10.0 16.6 4.2 10.3 1.7 0.4 1.0 1.6
TABLE 2.33 Exudate volume flow and K and Ca concentrations in the exudate of
decapitated maize plants at different temperatures
concentration (mM)
Exudate volume Ratio K/
Temperature (°C) flow (mL h1) K Ca2 Ca2
8 1.32 13.4 1.5 8.9
18 5.48 15.2 1.0 15.2
28 7.93 19.6 0.8 24.5
Marschner (1995).
Concentration of KNO3 and CaCl2 in the external solution: 1 mM each.
For technical reasons, it is difficult to measure ion xylem exudate. However, the relative concentration differ-
release into the xylem directly. Although secretions from ence decreases as the external concentration is increased
xylem-feeding insects, such as the meadow spittlebug (Table 2.32). Thus, the concentration gradient (‘concentra-
(Philaenus spumarius), can be obtained from intact plants tion factor’) between the external solution and the xylem
(e.g., Watson et al., 2001; Malone et al., 2002; Teakle exudate decreases, and can even fall below 1 in the case
et al., 2007), most experimental evidence on xylem load- of Ca, i.e. the concentration of Ca in the xylem exudates is
ing comes from studies of xylem exudate, or xylem sap, lower than that in the external solution. The volume flow
obtained from isolated roots or decapitated plants (Section of xylem exudation shows a somewhat different pattern,
3.2). Because of reabsorption along the xylem pathway and is maximal at an external concentration of 1.0 mM
(Section 3.2), and the contribution of solutes from matur- in the experiment reported in Table 2.32. At 0.1 mM, this
ing metaxylem vessels, the concentration of ions at the flow is limited by the ion concentration in the xylem. In
sites of collection can differ from that at the sites of load- contrast, at 10.0 mM, the flow is limited by water availa-
ing into the non-living xylem vessels. When interpreting bility (i.e., the low water potential in the external solution)
analyses of xylem exudate it should be kept in mind that (i) and the small concentration gradient between the external
at least two separately regulated membrane transport proc- solution and the xylem. The increase in the concentration
esses are involved in symplasmic radial transport of nutri- of nutrients in the xylem exudate with increasing exter-
ents from the external solution into the xylem (i.e., influx nal concentration from 1.0 to 10.0 mM does not compen-
to the symplasm and xylem loading), (ii) an apoplasmic sate for the decrease in the exudation volume flow. Thus,
pathway can contribute to the delivery of water and solutes in contrast to their accumulation in roots, which generally
to the xylem, and (iii) xylem sap volume flow is affected follows a hyperbolic relationship with the external con-
by root hydraulic conductivity and rate of transpiration. centration, the rate of root pressure-driven translocation
of nutrients to the shoot can decline at high external solute
2.9.1 External and Internal Factors Affecting concentrations due to limited water uptake.
An increase in the root zone temperature often has a
the Composition of Xylem Sap greater effect on the exudation volume flow than on the
As a rule, an increase in the external ion concentration ion concentrations in the exudate (Table 2.33). This is
leads to an increase in the concentration of ions in the consistent with the expectation that a root behaves as an
46 PART | I Nutritional Physiology
TABLE 2.34 Exudation volume flow and ion TABLE 2.35 Flow rate and ion concentration in the
concentration in the exudate of decapitated maize xylem exudate of wheat seedlingsa
plants with (O2 treatment) or without root respiration
(N2 treatment)
Parameter KNO3 K2SO4
Exudation volume concentration Exudation flow rate 372 180
Treatmenta,b flow (ml h1) (mM) (µl h1 50 plants1)
TABLE 2.36 Relationship between photoperiod, TABLE 2.37 Role of shoot demand on net uptake,
carbohydrate content of roots, and uptake and net translocation and flux of K in the xylem exudate of
translocation of K in decapitated maize plantsa maize
Photoperiod (h) K flux (µmol g1 root fw h1)
12/12b 24/0 Net Xylem
Shoot Net uptake translocation exudates
Carbohydrate in roots (mg) 122 (48) 328 (226)c
demanda 0–3 days 0–3 days day 3
Total potassium uptake (mmol) 1.3 5.0
High 2.26 1.83 8.55
Potassium translocation in 1.0 3.5
Low 2.28 1.17 2.46
exudation volume flow (mmol)
Engels and Marschner (1992b).
Exudation volume flow (mL 8 h1) 30.3 88.5 a
Shoot demand altered by the shoot base temperature, see Table 2.12.