Digit Map

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Contents DigitMap DigitMap
• Basic Concepts
• Digitmap Defined in MGCP
• Digitmap Defined in H.248
• DigitMap Configuration Method

Basic Concepts

As a number collection rule descriptor, a digitmap is a dial plan stored in the MGW and is used to detect and report the dial-up events received by
terminals. The digitmap is used to improve efficiency of the MGW sending dialed digits.

• If the dialed number conforms to one of the dial plans defined in the digitmap, the MGW sends all digits of a callee number in one
• If the dialed number conforms to none of the dial plans defined in the digitmap, the MGW releases the call and sends the busy tone to the

The format of a digitmap has been strictly defined in MGCP or H.248. A digitmap is a collection of digit strings. When the dialed digits received by
the MGW conform to a digit string, the digit collection completes.

Digitmap Defined in MGCP

Table 1 lists the strings allowed for constituting a digitmap defined in MGCP and meanings of the strings.

Table 1 Digitmap Defined in MGCP

Digit or Letter Meaning

0-9 -

A-D -

X It is used as a wildcard, standing for any digit ranging from 0 to 9.

T It indicates that the system reports the subsequently received digits one after another after a dial plan is matched and there are
still digits remained.

* It represents * in DTMF mode.

# It represents # in DTMF mode.

. It represents zero or more digits or letters that precede this digit.

| It is used to separate digit strings. Each digit string is a dial plan.

[] It shows that any one of the digits or digit strings can be selected.

For example, when you run ADD DMAP to add digitmap data, the UAC3000 configures an MGCP-based digitmap
[2-8]xxxxxxx|13xxxxxxxxx|0xxxxxxxxxx|9xxxx|1[0124-9]x|*|#|x.#|[0-9*#].T. Components of the digitmap are separated by | and this digitmap has
following 9 dial plans:

• [2-8]xxxxxxx: Matches an 8-digit number whose first digit ranges from 2 to 8, and the remaining 7 digits range from 0 to 9.
• 13xxxxxxxxx: Matches a 11-digit number whose first two digits are 13 and the remaining 9 digits range from 0 to 9.
• 0xxxxxxxxxx: Matches a 11-digit number whose first digit is 0 (national toll prefix) and the remaining 10 digits range from 0 to 9.
• 9xxxx: Matches a 5-digit number whose first digit is 9 and the remaining 4 digits range from 0 to 9.
• 1[0124-9]x: Matches a 3-digit number whose first digit is 1, second digit is 0, 1, 2, or within the range of 4-9, and the third digit ranges
from 0 to 9.
• *: Matches the asterisk (*) used to trigger supplementary services.
• #: Matches the pound key (#) to trigger supplementary services.

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• x.#: Matches no digit or multiple digits ranging from 0 to 9, and the pound key (#) is dialed to end the entry.
• [0-9*#].T: Matches no digit or multiple digits that can be asterisk (*), pound key (#), or within the range from 0 to 9. If digits are still
entered after the timer expires, the system still reports the digits one by one.

Digitmap Defined in H.248

Table 2 lists the strings allowed for constituting a digitmap defined in H.248 and their meanings of the strings.

Table 2 Digitmap Defined in H.248

Digit or Letter Meaning

0-9 -

A-D -

E It represents * in DTMF mode.

F It represents # in DTMF mode.

X It is used as a wildcard, standing for any digit ranging from 0 to 9.

S It represents the short timer. If the digits received matches a dial plan in the digitmap, the match should not be reported at once
because it is possible that several dial plans may be matched when more digits are received. The MGW must use the short timer,
which is set to 8 seconds for example, to receive more digits.

L It represents the long timer. If the MGW finds that at least one more digit is needed for matching a dial plan, the long timer,
which is set to 16 seconds for example, should be used.

Z It represents a long duration event. It is placed in a given digit position, which is in front of a symbol specifying the event. This
letter is in this position only when the duration of the event exceeds the long-duration threshold.

. It represents zero or more digits or letters that precede this digit.

| It is used to separate digit strings. Each digit string is a dial plan.

[] It shows that any one of the digits or digit strings inside the square bracket can be selected.

For example, when you run ADD DMAP to add a digitmap data, the UAC3000 configures an H.248-based digitmap to

DigitMap Configuration Method

Before configuring the digitmap, sort out all dialing types, extract the same element, and make some combinations.
The digitmap consists of following parts, which are separated by separators. The H.248 digitmap is used as an example.

1. Special number: It refers to emergency number and single number.

For example, [0-9]|100xx|10[128]x.|110|114|119|120|122.
2. Service number: It refers to local service number. If the service number is totally different, you can list the service number. If the service
number is in the same format, you can use "x" to represent different digits.
For example, 125x.|160|162|163xx|1643|16500|166xSx.|168xxSxxx|17xxxS.|19xxxxS.|200|2010|
3. Local number: The length of the digitmap is the same as that of the local number and the first digit of the digitmap cannot be 0, 1, or 9.
For example, [2-8]xxxxxxx can represent the 8-digit local number.
4. National toll number: Its digitmap consists of area code and local number. To make the subscriber dial the national emergency toll call, for
example, 0755110 (0755 is the area code and 110 is an emergency number), letter S (indicating a short timer) is added after the first three
digits of the local number.
For example, 075[57]xxxSxxxxx.
5. International toll number: Since the country code, area code, and local number are different for different countries and areas, they cannot
be listed in the digitmap. The first two digits are international toll prefix 00 and the last symbol is ".".
For example, 00xxxxx..
6. Service access code: Its digitmap consists of * or # as the first symbol followed by other digits. If the access codes are totally different,
you can list the access code according to carriers' requirements. If the access code is in the same format, you can use "x" to represent the
different digits. This digitmap configuration rule is applicable to following two types of access code: access code and access code +
subscriber's number, among which, the subscriber number can be toll number of local number.
For example, [EF]xxF|[EF]xxxF|EFxxxF|FexxF |FExxxF|EFxxF|Ex.SEx.SF|FF|EEx|EExx|EExxx|[EF]xxE|

Parent Topic: Basic Concepts

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