A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Percentiles For Grouped Data
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Percentiles For Grouped Data
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Percentiles For Grouped Data
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2 authors, including:
Craig Refugio
Negros Oriental State University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Craig Refugio on 17 February 2019.
Knowledge: identify percentiles for grouped data and its key concepts;
Skill: solve the value of the specific percentile for grouped data; and
Attitude: develop patience and perseverance in finding the percentiles for grouped data.
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Energizer
c. Review
Let the students recall the formula in getting the value Call student
of nth quartile and decile for grouped data. to answer.
cf b
Qk LB 4 i
f Qk
cf b
Dk LB 10 i
f Dk
B. Motivation
Activity: 4Pics1Word Call students
Divide the class into 6 groups. As a group, let the to answer.
students think of a word that is accurate to the 4
pictures found inside the envelop. After 3 minutes,
the representative of each group should present and
explain why they came up with that word.
1st group: Expected answers:
2nd group:
2nd group: POSITION
3rd group:
3rd group: DIVIDE
4th group:
5th group:
6th group:
C. Presentation
Let the students create a sentence or phrase using all
the words they have formed. Measure of position that
divides a distribution Call students
into 100 equal parts. to answer.
By applying the previous learning, let the student Percentiles Call students
guess the topic for the day. to answer.
D. Lesson Proper
In the same manner as calculating the quartiles and
deciles, 𝑃𝑘 class is the class interval where the
score is contained. In computing the percentile of
grouped data, the following formula is used:
cf b Post the
Pk LB 100 i formula.
f Pk
LB = Lower Boundary of the 𝑃𝑘 class
N = total frequency
cf b = cumulative frequency of the class
before the 𝑃𝑘 class
f Pk = frequency of the 𝑃𝑘 class
i = size of class interval
k = nth percentile, where n=1, 2, 3, …,
97, 98, and 99
Example #1
Calculate the 65th and 32nd percentile of the
Mathematics test scores of 50 students.
Scores Frequency
46-50 4
41-45 8
36-40 11 Post the data.
31-35 9
26-30 12
21-25 6
Let the students complete the table by pasting the
strips of papers found under the armchairs.
sitting in the
chair where
Solution #1 the strip is
placed should
CI f LB <cf be the one to
46-50 4 45.5 50 paste it to the
41-45 8 40.5 46 right place in
36-40 11 35.5 38 the table.
31-35 9 30.5 27
26-30 12 25.4 18 Call students
21-25 6 20.5 6 to answer and
explain their
Hence, 𝑃65 = 38 and work.
𝑃32 = 29.67
E. Enrichment
Group Activity:
(In a group of three.) Students will be given another
envelop which contains the data distribution found
below. Each grouped should be asked to find:
Group 1: 𝑃15 Post the data.
Group 2: 𝑃65
Group 3: 𝑃90
Class interval f
61 - 65 10
56 – 60 9
51 – 55 8
46 – 50 1
41 – 45 5 Ask one
36 – 40 2
31 – 35 9 Hence,𝑃15 = 31.33 in each group
26 – 30 5
21- 25 1
𝑃65 = 56.33 and 𝑃90 = to present
63 and explain
their answer
to the board.
F. Generalization
How do we compute the value of the nth percentile? In computing the value Call a student
of the nth percentile, we to answer.
must follow the
following formula:
cf b
Pk LB 100 i
f Pk
Calculate the 10th, 70th, and 94th percentile of the following grouped data.
Class f
110 – 119 2
100 – 109 5
90 – 99 10
80 – 89 14
70 – 79 16
60 – 69 10
50 – 59 8
Calculate the 15th, 21st, 32nd, 39th, 48th, 56th, 60th, 75th, 87th, and 94th percentile of the following
grouped data.
Class f
151 – 160 8
141 – 150 12
131 – 140 6
121 – 130 10
111 – 120 7
101 – 110 11
91 – 100 13
81 – 90 9
71 – 80 4
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