Ed 203 Reviewer
Ed 203 Reviewer
Ed 203 Reviewer
Development - the progressive series of changes of an orderly and coherent type toward the
goal of maturity.
- implies qualitative change or a change in the kind of functioning.
There are two essentially antagonistic processes taking place simultaneously throughout life
–growth (evolution) and atrophy (involution).
Development - refers to the systematic changes and continuities in the individual that occurs
between conception and death or “from womb to tomb”. It is systematic because the changes
are orderly patterned and relatively enduring while continuities are ways in which we remain the
same or continue to reflect our pasts
Growth - pertains to an increase in the size of bodily or structural parts of the organism as a
whole. It usually comes in the form of physical changes that occur from conception to maturity.
Growth is easily measurable because it is quantitative in nature.
Maturation - is the biological unfolding of a genetically influenced, often age related, sequence
of physical changes and behavior patterns including the readiness to master new abilities.
These include functions which are common to the human race, such as creeping, crawling,
sitting, standing, and walking. Such changes emerge over time and are relatively unaffected by
the environment, except in cases of malnutrition or severe illness. Much of a person’s physical
development falls into this category.
Learning - is the acquisition of knowledge and skills through experience which can result in a
relatively permanent change of behavior.
3. Construction of knowledge
- The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful
Knowledge widens and deepens as students continue to build links between new
information and experiences and their existing knowledge base. The nature of these
links can take a variety of forms, such as adding to, modifying, or reorganizing existing
knowledge or skills. How these links are made or developed may vary in different subject
areas, and among students with varying talents, interests, and abilities. However, unless
newknowledge becomes integrated with the learner's prior knowledge and
understanding, this new knowledge remains isolated, cannot be used most effectively in
new tasks, and does not transfer readily to new situations
Educators can assist learners in acquiring and integrating knowledge by a number of
strategies that have been shown to be effective with learners of varying abilities, such as
concept mapping and thematic organization or categorizing.
4. Strategic thinking
- The successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning
strategies to achieve complex learning goals.
Successful learners use strategic thinking in their approach to learning, reasoning,
problem solving, and concept learning.
They understand and can use a variety of strategies to help them reach learning and
performance goals, and to apply their knowledge in novel situations.
They also continue to expand their repertoire of strategies by reflecting on the methods
they use to see which work well for them, by receiving guided instruction and feedback,
and by observing or interacting with appropriate models.
Learning outcomes can be enhanced if educators assist learners in developing,
applying, and assessing their strategic learning skills.
6. Context of learning
- Learning is influenced by environmental factors, including culture, technology, and
instructional practices.
Learning does not occur in a vacuum. Teachers play a major interactive role with both
the learner and the learning environment.
Cultural or group influences on students can impact many educationally relevant
variables, such as motivation, orientation toward learning, and ways of thinking.
Technologies and instructional practices must be appropriate for learners' level of prior
knowledge, cognitive abilities, and their learning and thinking strategies.
The classroom environment, particularly the degree to which it is nurturing or not, can
also have significant impacts on student learning.
- The learner's creativity, higher order thinking, and natural curiosity all contribute to
motivation to learn. Intrinsic motivation is stimulated by tasks of optimal novelty and
difficulty, relevant to personal interests, and providing for personal choice and control.
Curiosity, flexible and insightful thinking, and creativity are major indicators of the
learners' intrinsic motivation to learn, which is in large part a function of meeting basic
needs to be competent and to exercise personal control.
Intrinsic motivation is facilitated on tasks that learners perceive as interesting and
personally relevant and meaningful, appropriate in complexity and difficulty to the
learners' abilities, and on which they believe they can succeed.
Intrinsic motivation is also facilitated on tasks that are comparable to real-world
situations and meet needs for choice and control.
Educators can encourage and support learners' natural curiosity and motivation to learn
by attending to individual differences in learners' perceptions of optimal novelty and
difficulty, relevance, and personal choice and control.
1. Genetic Disorders
- Many disorders appear to be transmitted through the operation of dominant and
recessive genes. Autosomal disorders are caused by genes located on the autosomes.
The genes that cause sex-linked disorders are found on the X chromosome.
Autosomal Disorders
- Phenylketonuria (PKU). Most recessive autosomal disorders are diagnosed in infancy or
early childhood. For example, one recessive gene causes a baby to have problems
digesting the amino acid phenylalanine. Toxins build up in the baby’s brain and cause
mental retardation. This condition is called phenylketonuria (PKU).
- If a baby consumes no foods containing phenylalanine, however, she will not become
mentally retarded. Milk is one of the foods PKU babies cannot have, so early diagnosis
is critical. For this reason, most doctors require all babies to be tested for PKU soon after
Sickle-Cell Disease.
- It is a recessive disorder that causes red blood cell deformities (Raj & Bertolone, 2010).
- In sickle-cell disease, the blood cannot carry enough oxygen to keep the body’s tissues
healthy. However, with early diagnosis and antibiotic treatment, more than 80% of
children diagnosed with the disease survive to adulthood (Raj & Bertolone, 2010).
- Persons with sickle-cell trait carry a single recessive gene for sickle-cell disease, which
causes a few of their red blood cells to be abnormal. Doctors can identify carriers of the
sickle-cell gene by testing their blood for sickle-cell trait. Once potential parents know
that they carry the gene, they can make informed decisions about future childbearing.
Huntington’s Disease. Disorders caused by dominant genes, such as Huntington’s disease, are
usually not diagnosed until adulthood (Amato, 1998). This disorder causes the brain to
deteriorate and affects both psychological and motor functions. Until recently, children of people
with Huntington’s disease had to wait until they became ill themselves to know for sure that they
carried the gene. Now, doctors can use a blood test to identify Huntington's gene. Thus, people
who have a parent with this disease can make better decisions about their own childbearing and
can prepare for living with a serious disorder when they get older.
Sex-Linked Disorders
- Color Blindness. Most sex-linked disorders are caused by recessive genes. One fairly
common sex-linked recessive disorder is red-green color blindness. People with this
disorder have difficulty distinguishing between the colors red and green when they are
next to each other. Most people learn ways of compensating for the disorder and thus
live perfectly normal lives.
Hemophilia - The blood of people with hemophilia lacks the chemical components that cause
blood to clot. Thus, when a person with hemophilia bleeds, the bleeding does not stop naturally.
Fragile-X Syndrome - A person with this disorder has an X chromosome with a “fragile,” or
damaged, spot. Fragile-X syndrome can cause mental retardation that becomes progressively
worse as children get older (Jewell, 2009). Fragile-X syndrome is also strongly associated with
autism, a disorder that interferes with children’s capacity to form emotional bonds with others
- Fortunately, fragile-X syndrome is one of several disorders that can be diagnosed before
2. Chromosomal Errors
- There are different chromosomal anomalies that have been identified, and most result in
miscarriage. When babies do survive, the effects of chromosomal errors tend to be
A single-X pattern (XO), called Turner’s syndrome, and a triple-X pattern (BX) may also occur,
and in both cases the child develops as a girl.
- Girls with Turner’s syndrome— perhaps 1 in every 3,000 live female births (Tanner,
1990)—show stunted growth and are usually sterile. Without hormone therapy, they do
not menstruate or develop breasts at puberty. Neuroimaging studies show that Turner
syndrome is associated with abnormal development in both the cerebellum and the
- These girls also show an interesting imbalance in their cognitive skills: They often
perform particularly poorly on tests that measure spatial ability but usually perform at or
above normal levels on tests of verbal skill
- Girls with an XXX pattern are of normal size but are slow in physical development. In
contrast to girls with Turner’s syndrome, they have markedly poor verbal abilities and
overall low IQ, and they do particularly poorly in school compared with other children
with sex-chromosome anomalies
Rubella. The first few weeks of gestation comprise a critical period for a negative effect from
rubella (also called German measles). Most infants exposed to rubella in the first trimester show
some degree of hearing impairment, visual impairment, and/or heart deformity (Ezike & Ang,
2009). Fortunately, rubella is preventable. A vaccine
- Adult women who were not vaccinated as children can be vaccinated later, but the
vaccination must be done at least 3 months before a pregnancy to provide complete
immunity. Moreover, the vaccine itself can be teratogenic, another good reason to wait
several weeks before attempting to conceive.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) & Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
- Mother-to-child transmission of HIV is the spread of HIV from a woman with HIV to her
child during pregnancy, childbirth (also called labor and delivery), or breastfeeding
(through breast milk).
- Pregnant women with HIV must receive HIV medicines during pregnancy and childbirth
to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV. In some situations, a woman with HIV
may have a scheduled cesarean delivery (sometimes called a C-section) to prevent
mother-to-child transmission of HIV during delivery.
- Babies born to women with HIV should receive HIV medicines for 4 to 6 weeks after
birth. The HIV medicines reduce the risk of infection from any HIV that may have entered
a baby’s body during childbirth.
- Because HIV can be transmitted in breast milk, women with HIV should not breastfeed
their babies. Baby formula is a safer alternative.
Chronic Illnesses. Conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and lupus, can also negatively
affect prenatal development
- And recent research indicates that prenatal exposure to some maternal health
conditions, such as the fluctuations in metabolism rate characteristic of diabetes, may
predispose infants to developmental delays
- One of the most important goals of the new specialty of fetal-maternal medicine is to
manage the pregnancies of women who have such conditions so that the health of both
mother and fetus will be supported.
Environmental Hazards. There are a number of substances found in the environment that may
have detrimental effects on prenatal development.
- For example, women who work with mercury (e.g., dentists, dental technicians,
semiconductor manufacturing workers) are advised to limit their exposure to this
potentially teratogenic substance (March of Dimes, 2011).
- Consuming large amounts of fish may also expose pregnant women to high levels of
mercury (because of industrial pollution of the oceans and waterways). Fish may also
contain elevated levels of another problematic industrial pollutant known as
polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs.
- For these reasons, researchers recommend that pregnant women limit their
consumption of fish, especially fresh tuna, shark, swordfish, and mackerel (March of
Dimes, 2011).
There are several other environmental hazards that pregnant women are advised to avoid
(March of Dimes, 2011):
• Lead, found in painted surfaces in older homes, pipes carrying drinking water, lead crystal
glassware, and some ceramic dishes
•Arsenic, found in dust from pressure-treated lumber
•Cadmium, found in semiconductor manufacturing facilities
• Anesthetic gases, found in dental offices, outpatient surgical facilities, and hospital operating
•Solvents, such as alcohol and paint thinners
• Parasite-bearing substances, such as animal feces and undercooked meat, poultry, or eggs
4. Teratogens: Drugs
- There is now a huge literature on the effects of prenatal drugs, especially controlled
substances such as heroin and marijuana (Barth, 2001). Sorting out the effects of drugs
has proved to be an immensely challenging task because many women use multiple
substances: Women who drink alcohol are also more likely than nondrinkers to smoke;
those who use cocaine are also likely to take other illegal drugs or to smoke or drink to
excess, and so on.
- In addition, many women who use drugs have other problems, such as depression, that
may be responsible for the apparent effects of the drugs they use
- Furthermore, the effects of drugs may be subtle, visible only many years after birth in the
form of minor learning disabilities or increased risk of behavior problems.
- Research suggests that smoking during pregnancy may cause genetic damage in the
developing fetus
- In addition, the link between smoking and low birth weight is well established. Infants of
mothers who smoke are on average about half a pound lighter at birth than infants of
nonsmoking mothers and are nearly twice as likely to be born with a weight below 2,500
grams (5 pounds 8 ounces), the common definition of low birth weight. The primary
problem-causing agent in cigarettes is nicotine, which constricts the blood vessels,
reducing blood flow and nutrition to the placenta.
Drinking. The effects of alcohol on the developing fetus range from mild to severe. At the
extreme end of the continuum are children who exhibit a syndrome called fetal alcohol
syndrome (FAS). These children, whose mothers were usually heavy drinkers or alcoholics, are
generally smaller than normal, with smaller brains and often with distinct physical anomalies or
- They frequently have heart defects, and their faces have certain distinctive features
including a somewhat flattened nose and nose bridge and often an unusually long space
between nose and mouth. However, the disorder is often difficult to diagnose.
Cocaine. Early studies found a number of associations between prenatal cocaine exposure and
developmental problems such as low birth weight and brain damage (Ornoy, 2002).
- However, most such studies ignored the fact that most cocaine-using pregnant women
are poor and abuse multiple substances, making it difficult to separate the effects of
cocaine from those of poverty and other drugs.
- Cocaine can lead to pregnancy complications, such as disruption of placental function
and premature labor that may adversely affect the developing fetus.
Marijuana and Heroin. Prenatal exposure to marijuana appears to interfere with a child’s growth
(Marrou, 2009). Even at age 6, children whose mothers used the drug during pregnancy are
smaller on average than their non-drug-exposed peers (Cornelius et al., 2002).
- Researchers also have evidence suggesting that prenatal exposure to marijuana
adversely affects the developing brain
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs. In general, doctors advise against taking any
unnecessary medicines during pregnancy. But some pregnant women must take drugs in order
to treat health conditions that may be threatening to their own and their unborn child’s life.
- For instance, pregnant women with epilepsy must take antiseizure medication because
the seizures themselves are potentially harmful to the unborn child. Other drugs that
pregnant women may have to risk taking, even though they can be harmful, include
medications that treat heart conditions and diabetes, those that control asthma
symptoms, and some kinds of psychiatric drugs. In all such cases, physicians weigh the
benefits of medication against potential teratogenic effects and look for a combination of
drug and dosage that will effectively treat the mother’s health condition while placing her
unborn child at minimal risk
Diet. Both the general adequacy of a pregnant woman’s diet, measured in terms of calories, and
the presence of certain key nutrients are critical to prenatal development
- Dietitians recommend that expectant mothers take in about 300 calories more per day
than before they were pregnant
- When a woman experiences severe malnutrition during pregnancy, particularly during
the final 3 months, she faces a greatly increased risk of stillbirth, low infant birth weight,
or infant death during the first year of life
- Autopsies show that infants born to malnourished mothers have smaller brains, with
fewer and smaller brain cells than normal (Georgieff, 1994).
- There are also risks associated with gaining too much weight during pregnancy. In
particular, women who gain too much weight are more likely to have a cesarean section
delivery (Takimoto, 2006); they are also prone to postpartum obesity, which carries a
whole set of health risks, including heart disease and diabetes
Age. In most cases, older mothers have uncomplicated pregnancies and deliver healthy babies,
but the risks associated with pregnancy do increase somewhat as women get older
- Their babies are also at greater risk of weighing less than 5.5 pounds at birth, a finding
that is partly explained by the greater incidence of multiple births among older mothers.
Still, infants born to women over the age of 35, whether single or multiple births, are at
higher risk of having problems such as heart malformations and chromosomal disorders.
- At the other end of the age continuum, when comparing the rates of problems seen in
teenage mothers with those seen in mothers in their 20s, almost all researchers find
higher rates of problems among the teens.
- However, teenage mothers are also more likely to be poor, less likely to receive
adequate prenatal care, less likely to be married, and more poorly educated about
pregnancy and birth than older mothers are
Stress and Emotional State. The idea that emotional or physical stresses are linked to poor
pregnancy outcomes is firmly established in folklore (DiPietro, 2004).
- Results from studies in animals suggest that these beliefs are justified: Exposure of the
pregnant female to stressors such as heat, light, noise, shock, or crowding significantly
increases the risk of low birth-weight offspring as well as later problems in the offspring
(Schneider, 1992).
- Likewise, studies in humans show that stressful life events, emotional distress, and
physical stress are all linked to slight increases in problems of pregnancy, such as low
birth weight (DiPietro, 2004). Moreover, studies involving experimentally induced
stressors (e.g., requiring a pregnant woman to take some kind of cognitive test) show
that they seem to cause short-term changes in fetal activity, heart rate, and other
Poverty. The basic sequence of fetal development is clearly no different for children born to poor
mothers than for children born to middle-class mothers, but many of the problems that can
negatively affect prenatal development are more common among the poor. Poor women are
also likely to have their first pregnancy earlier and to have more pregnancies overall, and they
are less likely to be immunized against such diseases as rubella. They are also less likely to
seek prenatal care, and if they do, they seek it much later in their pregnancies.
Newborns and toddlers progress from using reflexes to gross motor skills to fine motor skills.
Motor skills can be divided into three rough groups: locomotor patterns such as walking and
running, non locomotor patterns such as pushing and pulling, and manipulations like grasping
and throwing.
Table 1 presents the summary of the different reflexes which have survival value to the newborn
and Table 2 gives the milestones of motor development in the first two years.
The Sensory Capacities
- The newborn’s vision is about 10-30 times lower than normal adult vision. By 6 months
of age, vision improves and by the first birthday, the baby’s vision approximates that of
an adult.
- It was found out that babies prefer to look at patterns such as faces and concentric
circles rather than at color or brightness.
- The newborn hears sounds. Do babies hear organized sound patterns as in speech or
music? Research shows that babies show preferential orientation to speech and music
and as early as the prenatal development and infancy there are evidences pointing
toward the newborn’s preference for the mother’s voice , and her native language . So
the newborn arrives with a bias to speech and music and this reflects coherent
- Newborn babies can discriminate various smells.
- It was found out that when newborns were presented with a new smell, activity level,
heart rate and breathing pattern changed. If the smell continued, the newborn becomes
habituated to it and learned to take no notice.
- The newborn also showed a favorable bias to the mother’s smell as evidenced by taking
notice of the breast pad which absorbed some milk
- There is evidence that the sense of smell has been present even during the prenatal
period. When given different solutions, the reactions of the newborn would vary
depending on the strength of the solution. Sensitivity to taste is certainly present in the
newborn but not nearly as precise as in the adult.
Cognitive Development
Stage 3 (4 to 8 months)
- It can be observed that prior to Stage 3 most of the baby’s behavior is directed toward
the self.
- In addition, the baby cannot distinguish itself from the objects in the environment. The
baby cannot also coordinate eye-hand coordination, but during Stage 3, all these things
change. The baby’s behaviors are increasingly directed to events or objects beyond its
body. The baby can likewise recognize the difference between self and other objects and
the baby grasps or manipulates objects it can reach. This now illustrates eye-hand
- Another important milestone of Stage 3 is that the baby seems to repeat events that are
interesting. This paves the way for intentional action on the part of the baby.
Language Development
- Language is used diversely throughout one’s life span. It serves as a mechanism of
self-stimulation and control of individual activity.
- It also functions as a self-guidance mechanism for predicting and thinking about future
behavior as well as a mechanism that organizes social behavior and interactions of
people with each other.
- Language ,which is of verbal-symbolic form, is only one of the many forms of
communication. There are many ways of communicating one’s feelings, emotions, and
- Infants begin to make vocal sounds at birth. It is initially undifferentiated, however,
infants may be able to develop a variety of cries.
- Shortly after birth, the newborn is capable of making gestures and sounds. Crying is the
first form of communication and has a great adaptive value. By the time the baby is
about 3 -6 months old, cooing is heard especially when the baby is happy. These sounds
can match the sounds heard from people around them.
- Babbling occurs between 6- 10 months old and gets to be mistaken as the first words.
Babbling is not real language because it does not hold meaning for the baby. The first
words appear between 10-14 months and these single word utterances are called
- As the months progress, babies can express in telegraphic speech usually consisting of
a few essential words. The words to be spoken are usually nouns, followed by action
words, then modifiers, personal-social words and function words.
Language Milestones
*smallest units of sound in speech
**fundamental rules for putting sentences together in one’s language
1. Learning Theory.
- The learning theory explains speech and language development as products of
reinforcement of infant/baby responses.
- B.F. Skinner, the foremost proponent of learning theory, maintained that language, like
other learning, is based on experience and thus children learn language through operant
2. Social–learning theory.
- The theory maintains that babies learn language by listening, observing and imitating the
sounds they hear adults make and, again, reinforced for doing so. It describes the
presence of interactions between parent or caregiver and child. Mutual imitation occurs
and is a factor in language development.
3. Psycholinguistic Theory.
- Psycholinguistics is the study of the development of language from the cooing and
babbling of the baby to the organized words and sentences of older children.
- This theory emphasized the role of pre-programmed or built-in structures as the major
determinants of language development. As such, human beings have an inborn capacity
for language acquisition emphasizing the active role of the learner.
- Noam Chomsky (linguist), the major proponent, proposed that the human brain has an
innate capacity for acquiring language; babies learn to talk as naturally as they learn to
walk. He suggested that an inborn language acquisition device (LAD) programs
children’s brains to analyze the language they hear and figure out its rules.
- Nativists point out that almost all children master their native language in the same
age-related sequence without formal teaching.
4. Adults may also have the tendency to talk to babies in a special kind of way , originally called
motherese by linguists but now called infant-directed speech. This simple language is spoken in
a higher pitched voice and at a slower pace than is spoken between adults.
Socio-Emotional Development
- How does the baby’s sense of self develop? It develops in the context of relationships
with family members, peers, and other people in the social environment. During the first
years of life, the sense of self emerges from the affectional relationship between parents
and baby, known as attachment. The emotional bond is characterized by a tendency to
seek and maintain closeness to a specific figure, particularly during stressful situation.
- According to John Bowlby, the beginnings of attachment occur within the first six months
with a variety of built-in signals that the baby uses to keep the caregiver engaged.
- According to Ainsworth, these include looking & following, rooting & sucking, adjustment
of posture, listening, smiling at each other, baby vocalizing or crying, and grasping &
clinging. It is imperative that there is a lot of responsive interaction between caregiver
and the baby. The timing of the caregiver’s response to the baby is important.
1. Secure attachment.
- The baby often greets the mother warmly when she returns and, if highly distressed, will
often seek physical contact with her, which helps alleviate the distress. The child may be
outgoing with strangers while the mother is present.
2. Resistant attachment.
- The baby tries to stay close to the mother but explore very little while she is present.
They become very distressed as the mother departs. When the mother returns, the baby
is ambivalent; the baby remains near her but at the same time seems angry at her for
having left and is likely to resist physical contact initiated by the mother. Resistant babies
are wary of strangers when the mother is present. This shows insecure attachment.
3. Avoidant attachment.
- The baby also displays insecure attachment. The baby shows little distress when
separated from the mother and will generally turn away from and may continue to ignore
the mother even when she tries to gain the baby's attention. Avoidant babies are often
sociable with strangers but may occasionally avoid or ignore them in much the same
way that they avoid or ignore their mothers.
4. Disorganized/disoriented attachment.
- This seems to be a curious combination of the resistant and avoidant patterns that reflect
confusion about whether to approach or avoid the caregiver. When reunited with their
mothers, these babies may act dazed and freeze; or they may move closer but then
abruptly move away as the mother draws near; or they may show both patterns in
different reunion episodes.
- Quality of caregiving, the character or emotional climate of their homes, and their own
health conditions and temperaments can contribute to the kinds of attachments the
babies establish.
● Thomas and Chess identified nine dimensions or qualities that help indicate
temperament, including: activity level, rhythmicity, distractibility, approach or withdrawal,
adaptability, attention span and persistence, intensity of reaction, threshold of
responsiveness, and quality of mood.
● By looking at these dimensions, caregivers can not only determine what their babies'
temperaments are like, but they can also identify ways of interacting and dealing with
certain aspects of their temperament in order to foster a nurturing environment for that
child and even prevent many complications before they arise.
A. Activity level.
- Some babies are placid or inactive. Other babies thrash about a lot and, as toddlers,
they are always on the move. At this stage, they must be watched carefully.
B. Mood.
- Some babies are very smiley and cheerful. Although securely attached to their teachers,
others have a low-key mood and look more solemn or unhappy.
C. Threshold for distress.
- Some babies are very sensitive and they become easily upset when stressed. Other
babies can comfortably wait when they need to be fed or get attention.
D. Rhythmicity.
- Some babies get hungry or sleepy on a fairly regular and predictable basis. Other babies
sleep at varying times and follow an unpredictable pattern. They are the ones who are
hard to put on schedule.
E. Intensity of response.
- When a baby’s threshold for distress has been reached, some babies are restless.
Others act cranky or fret just a little. Some cry with terrific intensity or howl with despair if
they are stressed.
F. Approach to a new situation.
- Some babies are more cautious while some others approach new persons, new
activities, or new play possibilities with zest and enjoyment.
G. Distractibility.
- There are babies who can concentrate on a toy regardless of noise in a room and there
are babies who easily get distracted.
H. Adaptability of each child.
- Some children react to strange or difficult situations with distress, but recover fairly
quickly. Others adjust to new situations with difficulty or after a very long period.
I. Child’s attention span.
- Some have a long attention span. They continue on a task for a fairly long time. Others
flit from one activity to the other.
● Erikson stressed that children are active explorers who adapt to their environments,
rather than passive slaves to biological urges who are molded by their parents.
● He believed that at every stage of life people must cope with social realities in order to
adapt successfully and show a normal pattern of development.
● It is considered psychosocial in nature because development is a result of the interaction
between inner instincts and outer cultural and social demands.
● According to him, human beings face eight major crises or conflicts during the course of
their lives. Each conflict has its own time for emerging as dictated by both biological
maturation and social demands that developing people experience at particular points in
life. And each must be resolved successfully to prepare the individual for a successful
resolution of the next life crisis.
The focus of this discussion will be Stages 1 & 2 for they concern infancy and toddlerhood.
Erikson believed that the behavior of the major caregiver (usually the mother) is critical
to the child’s establishing a sense of basic trust.
For the successful resolution of this task, the parent must be consistently loving and
respond predictably and reliably to the child. Those babies whose early care has been
erratic or harsh may develop mistrust. In either case, the child carries this aspect of
basic identity through development affecting the resolution of later tasks.
During this stage of development the baby learns to control their actions. It is typical for
children at this age to use the word ‘no’ more than the word ‘yes’, for instance. Erikson
argued that the child is developing the notion of control over objects and events in their
world and by saying ‘no’ the child is developing a sense of autonomy.
Autonomy can be seen in other behaviors of a child. The child may grab a toy from a
sibling and not give it back under pressure from their brother or their parent. They may
demand to be held by a parent or to be let down, seemingly at random. As the child’s
expression of need for control increases, however, so the parent starts to set parameters
of what they consider acceptable behaviour. Toilet training is an important step toward
autonomy as well as the acquisition and use of language.
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
● Sigmund Freud believed that people are born with biological drives that must be
redirected to make it possible to live in society.
● He proposed that personality is made up of the id, the ego, and the superego. Newborns
are governed by the id, which operates under the pleasure principle. The ego, which
represents reason, gradually develops during the first year of life or so operates under
the reality principle.
● The ego’s aim is to find realistic ways to gratify the id in ways that are acceptable to the
superego. The superego develops at about 5 or 6 years old. It includes the conscience
and incorporates socially approved standards of shoulds and should nots. The superego
operates under the moral principle.
● Freud proposed that personality forms through unconscious childhood conflicts between
the urges of the id and the requirements of civilized life. These appear in the sequential
stages of psychosexual development in which sensual pleasure shifts from one part of
the body to another. At each stage, the behavior that is the chief source of gratification
(or frustration) likewise changes.
● Freud considered the first three years of life as crucial for personality development. For
this particular discussion, focus will be on the first two stages of psychosexual
development that corresponds to the early years of life.
The first stage is the oral stage. This stage encompasses the first year of life. During this stage
the main source of erotic stimulation is the mouth (in biting, sucking, chewing). Freud contended
that too little or too much gratification in any of these stages can result in fixation and may show
up in adult personality. For example, a baby whose oral needs were not met, when feeding was
a main source of sensual pleasure, may grow up to become nail biters or smokers or develop
“bitingly”critical personalities.
The second stage is the anal stage.
- In their second year, children supposedly get their erotic pleasure from their bowel
movements, through either the expulsion or retention of the feces. Generally, toilet
training occurs during this period. A person who, as a toddler, experienced very strict
toilet training may become obsessively clean, rigidly tied to schedules and routines, or
defiantly messy.
Lesson 1. Characteristics, developmental tasks of early childhood, and physical & motor
● Developmental tasks are guidelines that enable individuals to know what society expects
of them at given ages.
● Robert Havighurst theorized that development is continuous throughout the entire
lifespan where the individual moves from one stage to the next by means of successful
resolution of problems or performance of developmental tasks.
The following are the developmental tasks which ought to be mastered from babyhood until
early childhood.
a. Learning to walk.
b. Learning to take solid foods.
c. Learning to talk.
d. Learning to control the elimination of body wastes.
e. Learning sex differences and sexual modesty.
f. Achieving physiological stability.
g. Acquiring concepts and language to describe
social and physical reality.
h. Readiness for reading.
i. Learning to relate oneself emotionally to parents, siblings,
and other people.
j. Learning to distinguish right and wrong and developing a conscience.
● Gross motor development refers to acquiring skills that involve the large muscles. These
gross motor skills are categorized into three: locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative
● Locomotor skills are those that involve going from one place to another, like walking,
running, climbing, skipping, hopping, creeping, galloping, and dodging.
● Non-locomotor ones are those where the child stays in place, like bending, stretching,
turning and swaying.
● Manipulative skills are those that involve projecting and receiving objects, like throwing,
striking, bouncing, catching, and dribbling.
● Preschoolers are generally physically active. Level of activity is highest around three and
becomes a little less as the preschooler gets older.
● Preschoolers should be provided with a variety of appropriate activities which will allow
them to use their large muscles. Regular physical activity helps preschoolers build and
maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints, control weight and build lean muscles,
prevent or delay hypertension, reduce feelings of depression and anxiety and increase
capacity for learning.
● Fine motor development refers to acquiring the ability to use the smaller muscles in the
arm, hands and fingers purposefully. Some of the skills included here are picking,
squeezing. pounding. and opening things, holding and using a writing implement. It also
involves self-help skills like using the spoon and fork when eating, buttoning, zipping,
combing, and brushing.
● Different environments provide different experiences with fine motor skills. For example
the availability of information and communications technology in largely urban areas
makes younger and younger children proficient in keyboarding and manipulation of the
mouse and the use of smart phones and tablets. While other children use their fine
motor skills in digging soil, making toys out of sticks, cans and bottle caps. Still others
enjoy clay, play dough, and finger paint.
Handedness, or the preference of the use of one hand over the other is usually
established by age 4. Earlier than this, preschoolers can be observed to do tasks using
their hands interchangeably. We can observe a preschooler shifting the crayon from left
to right and back again while working on a coloring activity. This tendency is known as
Generally, children possess common skills classified as hand skills and leg skills. Below is a
description of skills which the different body parts can perform during the early childhood stage.
Hand Skills
● Children are able to perform hand skills which are of self-help nature. These include
self-feeding, bathing, brushing the teeth, buttoning the shirt, and combing the hair. They
can also exhibit skills such as throwing and catching balls, coloring, using the scissors,
scribbling, molding clay, and drawing, among others.
Leg Skills
● Children learn to jump from an elevated position usually by movements resembling
walking. They learn to climb stairs first by crawling and creeping. After they can walk
alone, they go up and down steps in an upright position, placing one foot on a step and
then drawing the other foot up after it. The child can demonstrate hopping, skipping,
running, galloping, and jumping. As the child’s age advances, s/he can learn riding the
bicycle, balancing on a rail, jumping rope, skating, and dancing.
Both the hand and leg skills can be used by the child for play and school activities.
● At the heart of the preschooler years is their interest to draw and make other forms of
artistic expressions. This form of fine motor activity is relevant to preschoolers. Viktor
Lowenfeld studied this and came up with the stages of drawing in early childhood:
Stage 1. Scribbling stage.
- This stage begins with large zig-zag lines which later become circular markings. Soon,
discrete shapes are drawn. The child may start to name his/her drawing towards the end
or this stage.
Stage 2. Preschematic stage.
- May already include early representations. At this point adults may be able to recognize
the drawings. Children at this stage tend to give the same names to their drawings
several times. Drawings usually comprise of a prominent head with basic elements.
Later, arms, legs, hands and even facial features are included.
Stage 3. Schematic stage.
- More elaborate scenes are depicted. Children usually draw from experience and
exposure. Drawings may include houses, trees, the sun and sky and people. Initially,
they may appear floating in air but eventually drawings appear to follow a ground line.
Physical Skills
Fine-motor Skills:
36-48 Months (3-4 years)
● Consistently turns pages of a picture or story book one page at a time looking at pictures
with interest
● Purposefully copies diagonal lines
● Purposefully bisects a cross
● Purposefully copies a square
● Purposefully copies a triangle
● Cuts with scissors following a line
● Piaget’s second stage of cognitive development is called the preoperational stage and
coincides with ages 2-7 (following the sensorimotor stage).
● The word operation refers to the use of logical rules, so sometimes this stage is
misinterpreted as implying that children are illogical. While it is true that children at the
beginning of the preoperational stage tend to answer questions intuitively as opposed to
logically, children in this stage are learning to use language and how to think about the
world symbolically.
● These skills help children develop the foundations they will need to consistently use
operations in the next stage.
● There are two substages of Piaget’s preoperational thought, namely, symbolic substage
and intuitive substage.
● In the symbolic substage, preschool children show progress in their cognitive abilities by
being able to draw objects that are not present, by their dramatic increase in their
language and make-believe play.
● Symbolic function or use of symbols. This is the ability to represent objects and events
using mental representations to which a child has attached meaning. A symbol is a thing
that represents something else. (A drawing, a written word, or a spoken word, numbers,
or images) A key part of this stage is the child’s developing capacity to employ symbols,
particularly language. Words become symbols for objects, labels are learned for objects;
hence, thinking becomes more symbolic in nature.
● Ex. Kerstin, age 4, remembers ice cream, its coldness and taste, even she has not seen
anything that triggered this like open freezer door, or television commercial.
● In the intuitive substage, preschool children begin to use primitive reasoning and ask a
litany of questions. The development in their language ability facilitates their endless
asking of questions. While preschool children exhibit considerable cognitive
development, their improved cognitive processes still show some aspects of immaturity
or limitations.
● Animism. The belief that inanimate objects are capable of actions and have lifelike
qualities. Preoperational children tends to attribute life to objects that are not alive.
● The remarks indicate that preschool children believe that inanimate objects have 'lifelike'
qualities and are capable of action.
● Preschool children who use animism fail to distinguish the appropriate occasions for
using human and nonhuman perspectives.
More examples:
● It could be a child believing that the sidewalk was mad and made them fall down, or that
the stars twinkle in the sky because they are happy.
● To an imaginative child, the cup may be alive, the chair that falls down and hits the
child’s ankle is mean, and the toys need to stay home because they are tired.
Egocentrism. This is the tendency of the child to only see his point of view and to assume that
everyone also has his same point of view. (The term egocentric does not mean the child is
selfish but he meant that he sees the world as centered around himself or herself. They only
consider their
own point of view and they are not capable of putting
themselves in another's place. They have difficulty
understanding another person’s point of view or they are
unaware that the other person has a point of view.)
Item # 2, "Child silently nods on the telephone as to answer
his father who is on the other side of phone inquiring if Mom is around," is another
limitation in preschool children's symbolic thought. Piaget calls this egocentrism,
the inability to distinguish between one's own perspective and someone else's