LP English Grade3 Complex Sentences
LP English Grade3 Complex Sentences
LP English Grade3 Complex Sentences
At the end of the 50-minute lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. identify the parts of a complex sentences;
b. share ideas on how to take care of the books; and
c. write the correct subordinating conjunctions.
a. Prayer
Let’s pray. May I ask Jaimhie to lead us
in praying. Jaimhie:
b. Greetings
Good morning class!
c. Checking of Attendance
As I call your row, I want you to go to
the attendance wall and transfer your
name in the “IN” category from the
“OUT” category for me to know
whether you are present today. Is that
clear class?
All: Yes, teacher!
Oh! There’s nothing left in the OUT
category. Meaning, all of you are
present today. Since everybody is
present, give yourselves a “Perfect
(Pupils will do the “Perfect Clap”)
d. Setting of the Classroom Rules
Before we start, always remember our
classroom rules and procedure:
Rule #1
That’s right! If I raise this picture all of All: Sit properly, Teacher
you will sit properly.
Again, if I raise this picture, what are
you going to do?
All: I will sit properly, Teacher.
Very good!
Rule #3
And the last one?
All: Raise your hand, Teacher.
If you want to speak or ask question
just raise your hand.
Again, if you want to speak or ask
question, what are you going to do?
All: I will raise my hand, Teacher.
Are these rules clear to you, class?
All: Yes, Teacher
Very Good!
e. Drill
Class, I have here some phrases and as
I flashed them, I want you to read it. Is
it clear?
f. Review
Let me see if you really mastered our
past lesson.
What was our topic yesterday?
Cause and effect, teacher.
Very Good!
Again, which comes first? Is it the
cause or the effect?
Cause, Teacher.
In a sentence what connects the cause
to effect?
Conjunctions, Teacher.
Very Good!
It seems that you really mastered our
past lesson, with that give yourselves a
“Perfect clap”. (Pupils will do the “Perfect clap)
g. Unlocking of Difficulties
And now, here are the set of words
that we will about to encounter as we
go on to our next lesson. I will read the
word first, gives its meaning then you
will repeat after me. Is that clear class?
Independent clauses
is a group of words that contains a
subject and verb and expresses a Independent Clause, Teacher.
complete thought.
Dependent clauses
is a group of words that contains a
subject and verb but does not express Dependent Clause, Teacher.
a complete thought.
a. Motivation
Teacher Rhea will sing a song and I
want you to sing with me.
Are made of two parts Are made of two parts
One independent clause One independent clause
And a dependent clause And a dependent clause
With the conjunctions. With the conjunctions.
b. Presentation
Did you enjoy our song?
Yes, Teacher.
What have you noticed about the
song? We spelled out Complex, Teacher.
Which tells the first idea? Many people move to the city
Which tells the second idea? They can find a better job
Which idea can stand alone? Many people move to the city.
Which idea cannot stand alone? They can find a better job.
Which tells the first idea? When people move to the city
Which idea cannot stand alone? When people move to the city
c. Lesson Proper
Class, for today we will learn about the
Complex Sentences.
d. Generalization
Now you know the complex sentence.
Now will you remember it? Yes, Teacher.
e. Application
Now class, it’s play time!
Is it clear class?
Write 5 complex sentences and underline the conjunctions.