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The Department Of Curriculum and Pedagogy

Faculty of Education
The University of British Columbia


1. Master's Degree Programs 3. Program Requirements
2. Admission Requirements 4. Advisement and Supervision

1. MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMS International Applicants to UBC Graduate programs

should have academic backgrounds within the general
Master's degree programs are governed by the policies requirements listed by country at:
of the Faculty of Graduate and Postodoctoral Studies, The
University of British Columbia Calendar, and by policies admission/minimum-academic-requirements-international-
specific to each department. All students should consult a credentials.
current online UBC Calendar in addition to this document, Applicants who do not meet the minimum average but
Graduate programs are guided by three administrative who have strong relevant professional experience to offset
levels: the Faculty of Graduate and Postodctoral Studies (G such deficiencies may be granted admission on the
& PS), the Office of Graduate Programs and Research recommendation of the Department, subject to the approval
(OGPR) in the Faculty of Education, and the department of the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral
concerned. The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
Studies is located in the Graduate Student Centre, Thea 4. Proficiency in the English language. Proof of such
Koerner House, 6371 Crescent Road (ph. 604-822-2848). proficiency is usually a degree from an institution in
The Office of Graduate Programs and Research in which English is the language of instruction, or a score
Education is located in Scarfe 2601 and is directed by the of at least 580 on paper based, or 237 CBT, or 92 IBT
Associate Dean of Education (604-822-5512). At the (with the minimum score of 22 in each component) on
department level, graduate programs are directed by the the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL),
Department Head, the Graduate Advisor, and the Graduate or a minimum overall band score of 6.5 at present with
Advisory Committee. a minimum score of 6.0 in each component of the
The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers academic (NOT general) International English
two Master's programs: Lanquage Testing Service (IELTS) test.
The Master of Education (M.Ed.) program is Department Requirements
designed primarily for practicing teachers who wish to 1. One-two year/s of teacher education; or a four-year
learn more about curriculum, teaching, and learning Bachelor's degree in Education
through the program areas offered by the Department and In special circumstances teacher education may be waived
who intend to return to teaching upon completion of the for those applicants who have a university degree with
degree. Students who feel that they might at some future sufficient standing and experience related to their proposed
date be interested in enrolling in a doctoral program are field of study.
advised to follow a Master of Arts (M.A.) program rather 2. Normally 18 credits of senior course work or a
than an M.Ed. professional concentration in the area of interest.
The Master of Arts (M.A.) is designed for those 3. Normally two years' teaching experience or other
students who, in addition to their interest in curriculum, relevant professional experience.
teaching, and learning, wish to develop their expertise as 4. A statement of intent clearly outlining the area of
educational researchers. interest and focus for study. Applicants are
encouraged to discuss their plans with a Department
member before applying.
Admission requirements are the same for both Master's 5. Statements of support from three referees including,
programs. whenever possible, professors familiar with the
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Requirements applicant's academic work.
1. Holder of a degree that is academically equivalent to a Offer of Admission
UBC 4-year Bachelor's degree. Any offer for admission is valid only in the university
2. A minimum 76% average (B+ or 3.33) on ALL senior year within which it is made (May 1- April 30).
undergraduate credits (3rd and 4th year courses). Applicants who do not accept an offer must reapply if they
3. Sufficient preparatory academic background to carry wish to be considered for admission in a subsequent year.
out graduate work in a chosen field.

Application Deadlines
Applicants must ensure that complete applications (including references, CV, transcripts and statement of
intent) are received by the Department by the following date:
Start Date Deadlines
September 1, 2014 February 1, 2014
September 1, 2015 December 1, 2014

3. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS document that identifies the need for the project, describes its
content, and lists source materials, must accompany all non-
The Master of Education (M.Ed.) print submissions.
The program consists of a minimum of 30 credits, of
which 24 must be courses numbered at the 500 level. The journey toward the Graduating Project:
Students select either a program consisting entirely of courses
(for example, ten, three-credit courses) or 27 credits of 1. Prepare a proposal in which you describe the purpose of
coursework plus a graduating paper/project (3 credits). your project, the approach you will take, the literature or
For B.C. teachers: TQS requires a capstone experience other source material that you will use, and the planned
(EDCP 590 Graduating Paper). organization of your project. You should clearly indicate
why the proposed project has professional relevance.
Required Courses Your adviser will review this proposal. Once it has been
EDCP 562 (3) Introduction to Curriculum Issues and Theories approved, give a copy to the Graduate Programs Assistant
EDUC 500 (3) Research Methodologies in Education to be placed in your file.
The additional credits in the program are selected in 2. Register in EDCP 590 (3 credits) and re-register each
consultation with one’s advisor and include the number of term until complete. With your adviser's guidance
credits required according to the selected area of complete the work on your project and prepare for a
specialization (see table below). public presentation. All graduating projects must be
approved and signed by your advisor and a second
Graduating Project qualified faculty member. Projects are assessed using
If the M.Ed. Graduating Project is selected (3 credits), it criteria that are typical in university graduate programs:
is intended as a culminating project that is of personal use to e.g., how well the stated purpose is achieved, clarity and
the student and considered educationally valuable by an organization, depth and quality of analysis, and use of
audience of professional peers. appropriate source materials.
3. Arrange for the public presentation of your project . This
It can take the form of:
event does not need to be on campus, but it should be
 a synthesis or critical analysis of some professionally
attended by your adviser and second reader.
relevant literature; an exploration of a curriculum-related
4. Submit an e-copy to the Graduate Programs Assistant
problem that culminates in a proposal for addressing the
(together with a written summary if the project is in non-
print format). A signature title page is required in the
 an application of theory to a specific curriculum context;
same format as the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral
 a critical analysis of existing policies or programs,
Studies requires for theses.
culminating in a proposal for an innovative program;
5. Prepare to graduate, and make others aware of your
 a personally relevant creative project that also has
project in your own educational setting!
educational application and relevance;
 the production of multi-media materials to be used in an
The Master of Arts (M.A.)
educational context;
The program consists of 30 credits, of which at least 24
 or some other possibility to be discussed with your credits must be courses numbered at the 500 level, and includes a
adviser. (The Department's Graduate Advisory thesis (EDCP 599) normally for nine credits.
Committee will resolve any dispute over what may or Required Courses
may not qualify as a Graduating Project). EDCP 562 (3) Introduction to Curriculum Issues and Theories
EDUC 500 (3) Research Methodologies in Education
Although a formal written paper may be submitted, we also
Students should take at least one additional research
encourage the production of a variety of educational resource
methodology course to support their planned thesis research. The
materials, exhibitions, journal and magazine articles, multi- additional credits in the program are selected in consultation with
media and oral presentations, performances, videos, etc. that their advisor and include the number of credits required according
can be shared with an audience of educators. A written to their area of specialization (see table below).
Required Courses by Program Area of Specialization
Usually a thesis proposal is developed during the latter half
ALL EDCP 562 – Introduction to Curriculum Issues and
of course work in consultation with the advisor, and often first Theories(3)
drafted as part of EDUC 500 or other research methodology EDUC 500 – Research Methodologies in Education (3)
course. Once a problem or focus for inquiry is decided upon, a
research committee is formed in consultation with the program Art Education Nine credits of ARTE content at the 500 level
advisor. The committee should consist of the research supervisor
who chairs the committee and at least two other members (see Business Currently Not Available
FOGS policy
supervision/supervisory-committee). Curriculum Twelve credits from CUST content at the 500 level or from
When work on the research proposal begins, the student Studies a combination of courses in the areas of specialization.
should register in EDCP 599 (9 credits) and re-register each term Curriculum and
in this course until the thesis is complete. Once the proposal is Leadership (CULE)
fully developed, it is read by the supervisory committee and a
meeting is scheduled for the oral presentation of the proposal, Home Three to six credits of HMED content at 500 level.
Economics Ed.
questioning and discussion by the committee, and committee
approval before the research begins. Mathematics Twelve credits of MAED content at 500 level
The supervisory committee is responsible for guiding the Education
student in planning the research and in the preparation of the Museum EDCP 558, EDCP 565, EDCP 567 (in lieu of EDCP 562),
thesis. Care should be taken to choose a thesis advisor and Education and EDCP 598
committee who have the expertise necessary to direct research in
the chosen topic area. Music Education Nine credits of MUED content at 500 level.
A thesis is distinct from a graduating project in that it should
Physical Three to six credits of PETE content at 500 level
be: Education
 framed and situated within the scholarly literature
related to the topic of inquiry; Science Six credits of SCED content at 500 level
 of interest and relevance to scholars beyond the Education
immediate or local context of the researcher;
 a contribution of new insights or understanding to the Social Studies EDCP 541 (3 credits of SSED content)
scholarship in the area of inquiry.
On completion of a thesis, the student meets with her/his Technology Three to six credits of TSED content at 500 levels
committee for an oral defense of the work. All research defense Studies
meetings are public and their occurrence is announced in the Education
Department. The student must file an e-copy of the thesis with the
Graduate Programs Assistant. Guidelines for thesis writing and
preparation are available at: Required courses in all master's programs in the Department
students/dissertation-thesis-preparation. of Curriculum and Pedagogy are EDCP 562 and EDUC 500.
The master’s thesis will normally be for nine credits in the Additional required courses are specified by program areas of
Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy. If students in specialization and indicated in the table above. Students should
consultation with their research supervisor and committee wishes enroll in required courses early in their program and at first
to complete a thesis for other than nine credits, this must be available offering in the required courses in their areas of
approved by the thesis supervisory committee and the Department specialization. Students who wish to take courses in more than
Graduate Advisory Committee when the research proposal is one area of specialization, should select their area of
approved, prior to beginning the research. specialization as Curriculum Studies (CUST). While the
Department endeavours to offer all graduate courses on a regular
basis, the availability of specific courses depends on a minimum
number of students enrolling. No student's progress in a program
will be held up because specific required courses are not offered
by the Department.

Students must maintain continuous registration
throughout all years, and keep up with fee payments, until
graduation. Students are not sent fee statements but must check
Student Information Services for fees owing and pay by the dates
due. Failure to pay by the due date will result in the student being
placed on “Financial Hold” and registration/ Library privileges
halted. There is a processing fee (check Calendar for amount)
to be taken off Financial Hold.
Status Independent Study
Students are considered full-time if they pay full-time Guided Independent Study courses (those numbered 580)
tuition fees. Students are automatically assessed full-time to a maximum of 9 credits MAY be part of a program.
tuition fees (assessed on Schedule A) unless they have
indicated in writing that they would like to be switched to Study at Other Canadian Universities
Schedule B (part-time tuition fee schedule). Once on schedule The Western Dean’s Agreement, The Graduate Exchange
B, students are not permitted to revert back to Schedule A. Agreement, and the Canadian University Graduate Transfer
Students need to be registered full-time to be eligible for Agreement make it possible for students enrolled in a graduate
any competitive awards. degree program to study at another member institution and
Students who are planning on taking a Master’s degree on a transfer credit to their home institution.
part-time basis must obtain approval of their departmental Details are available on the Faculty of G & PS website
advisor and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and it is important that such plans be made early to allow
prior to the beginning of the first term of the program (i.e. sufficient time for applications to be processed.
prior to the commencement of the degree program) in which
fees are first assessed. 4. ADVISEMENT AND SUPERVISION
Students permitted to pay their tuition fees according to
Schedule B are advised that: When a student is accepted for graduate study in the
1. they are not eligible to receive interest-free status Department, the Graduate Advisory Committee designates the
government loans, and University fellowships or student's pro-tem advisor (being temporary). Prior to
scholarship admittance into a program, if a student has had contact with a
2. are not eligible for teaching assistantships, research Department member that he or she wishes to have as an
assistantships, student housing, or assigned desk space advisor, this should be indicated in the application for
at the University graduate studies.
3. the 5-year maximum time allowed for the program The student should contact the pro-tem advisor and
applies to part-time students arrange for a meeting soon after being admitted to a program.
Students who pay tuition fees according to Schedule B are not A “Program Planning Form for M.A. / M.Ed.” should be
permitted to revert back to Schedule A after the initial completed, reviewed and updated frequently. The plan should
payment of the tuition fees in the first term of the program. outline required and elective courses to be taken and a
Tuition fees paid according to Schedule B are payable in three timeline for thesis or graduating project completion. The
(3) instalments per year (plus authorized student fees). No student and advisor should hold regular meeting times as
Master’s student who selects Schedule B will pay total fees of appropriate.
less than the first nine (9) instalments (plus authorized student The pro-tem advisor may become the student's advisor for
fees). Upon program completion, any instalments not already the duration of the program, including the thesis research. If a
assessed will be assessed at that time. student wishes to change program advisor, such a change
For detailed information regarding specific program fees, should be made as early as possible in the program. When a
please refer to the Fees section of the UBC Calendar. student changes advisor, he/she should complete the "Change
of Advisor Form" available from the Graduate Program
Duration Assistant. In agreeing to serve as advisor for a graduate
A Master's program must be completed within five years student, the faculty member is making the commitment to
from the date of admission. Most students plan to complete assist that student in completing all of the requirements for the
within two to three years. A student whose progress in the degree. Students are advised therefore to select their advisors
program must be interrupted should apply for "on leave" and research topics with care.
status which may be granted for up to one year. Parenting Students are encouraged to obtain a copy of the
leave of up to one year duration is also possible. Handbook of Graduate Supervision available from the Faculty
If a program is not completed within five years, a one of Graduate Studies or to read it at
year extension is possible in exceptional circumstances. Each
student's progress is reviewed annually by the Department.

For further information on policies and a variety of topics of interest to graduate

students visit the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies web–site at:
Updated November 25, 2013

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