The Trolleybus As An Urban Means of Transport in The Light of The Trolley Project
The Trolleybus As An Urban Means of Transport in The Light of The Trolley Project
The Trolleybus As An Urban Means of Transport in The Light of The Trolley Project
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13 authors, including:
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All content following this page was uploaded by Marcin Wolek on 15 June 2016.
Edited by
Marcin Wołek and Olgierd Wyszomirski
This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF
Edited by
Marcin Wołek and Olgierd Wyszomirski
Gdańsk 2013
dr hab. Tadeusz Dyr, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics,
Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
Weronika Edmunds, Dean Edmunds
Photo on cover
Marcin Wołek
ISBN 978-83-7865-174-1
Introduction 7
Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union 9
1.1. Transportation Problems and Challenges Faced by European Cities 9
1.2. The European Union Public Transport Policy 14
1.3. The TROLLEY Project as a Partnership for the Development
of Sustainable Public Transport 19
Bibliography: 158
Authors 163
The trolleybus, as a means of urban transport, has functioned since the 1880’s reaching the peak of
its development in the post World War 2 period. It then suffered a slump which came to an end in the
1970’s, together with the Fuel Crisis, and is yet to regain the status it enjoyed during its heyday. Neverthe-
less, in many cities the trolleybus constitutes an vital part of transport services, whereas its development
in the state, continent, and the entire world is also of importance as it influences the technical develop-
ment and scale of production of rolling stock as well as power equipment. This, in turn, affects the pric-
ing, costs, and, ultimately, economic efficiency in addition to the quality of trolleybus transportation.
Thus, the promotion of this mode of transportation is not only necessary, but should also lead to its
further development in those cities utilizing trolleybuses in addition to helping to facilitate the decision
to introduce them to the cities, in which they are not present. In turn this would lead to a decrease in
costs connected with the introduction of trolleybuses and influence the wider application of modern
solutions in powering, exploitation and modernisation.
The Trolley project was brought to life in order to reach the aforementioned aims. Its task was to
promote the trolleybus as an eco-friendly and economically effective mode of urban transport in the cit-
ies and regions of Central Europe. The project was realised as a part of the Central Europe Programme
and partially funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Based on the extensive experience
of nine partners from six countries of Central Europe, as well as on the organisation TrolleyMotion,
it sought ways to develop the potential of the trolleybus, paying special attention to the increase in
electromobility, which is one of the elements attesting to the realisation of sustainable development.
At the end of the Trolley project, the team of scholars and practitioners centred around the De-
partment of Transportation Market at the University of Gdańsk (acting as the partner for the project)
prepared a study entitled “The Trolleybus as an Urban Means of Transport in the Light of the Trolley
Project” and published it in the form of an e-book. The aim of the study was to present the factors,
scale of action, as well as the determinants of the development of trolleybus transport, with particular
emphasis on the cities participating both directly and indirectly, through their transport companies, in
the Trolley project. The study was organised according to the above aim.
The first part is dedicated to those factors which play a part in urban transport development within
the European Union. It then focuses on the development and scope of utilization of the trolleybus
transport within a city, particularly with regards to the cities involved in the Trolley project. The fol-
lowing part of the study discusses the technical and exploitation elements of trolleybus transport. The
organisation and management of the trolleybus transport constitute the object of further deliberations,
focusing especially, again, on those cities participating in the Trolley project.
Later on, the study takes a close look at the costs of trolleybus transport paying close attention to
the cities participating in the Trolley project. It also presents a model view on the economical efficiency
of the transport trolleybus research. The acquired method is then implemented in the estimation of
the economical effectiveness of this mode of transport in the cities participating in the Trolley project.
The next part of the work presents the issues connected with the image of trolleybus transport
shaped by marketing techniques – important considering the aim of the Trolley project. The final part
8 Introduction
of the work is dedicated to the directions and determinants of the development of trolleybus transport.
It sets out to determine its potential role in the future, taking into consideration the cities participating
in the Trolley project. Psychological factors were considered important amongst the determinants of the
future development of the trolleybus transport.
The authors of this study do acknowledge the fact that it does not fully present the complexity of the
issues connected with the functioning of trolleybus transport. The Trolley project was the first of its kind,
fully dedicated to this mode of urban transport. During its realisation it became apparent that there is a
significant need for the exchange of experiences and knowledge, which would sustain and serve the de-
velopment of the trolleybus transport. The vast number of stakeholders (meaning the cities’ authorities,
organizers and operators of urban transportation, companies engaged in manufacturing and distribution
of energy, manufacturers of rolling stock, non-governmental organizations as well as scientific communi-
ties) created a unique circle – a platform for the discussion and exchange of information – focused around
trolleybus transport. Due to the technical advancement (especially in terms of storing energy) and the
formation of ambitious aims for the municipal transport policy, a trolleybus is likely to become a strong
element in urban transport concerned mainly with eco-friendliness and energy efficiency.
The experiences gathered as a part of the Trolley project became the starting point for other activities,
which are currently realised in Gdynia as a part of the CIVITAS DYN@MO project. They include, among
others, testing of new traction batteries, which enable trolleybuses to drive without the traction network.
The study was written by thirteen authors, the majority of them both scientists and practitioners
who, through their professional activity, greatly influenced the development of trolleybus transport
within Gdynia. They work for the trolleybus operator PKT Gdynia sp. z o.o., the Board of Public Trans-
port in Gdynia as well as for the Metropolitan Transport Association of Gdansk Bay. The undertaking
of this study has benefited greatly from the extraordinary involvement of Dr. Ernest Czermański, who,
along with the editors, remained most active throughout the whole process. Significant input was also
provided by Dr. Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk from the Technical University of Gdansk, as well as Dr. Michał
Wolański from the Warsaw School of Economics.
The research carried out as a part of the Trolley project constitutes the main source for the study.
The Internet was also recognised as an important source of information, along with guides from within
the industry and the Trolley project. The study also refers to publications and papers from industry
conferences. Additionally, a survey was prepared for the purposes of the study and was completed by
trolleybus transport companies participating in the Trolley project. Part of the book, concerning the
functioning and development of the trolleybus transport in the cities taking part in the Trolley project,
was written based on the findings of the aforementioned research.
The editors of the study would like to thank all participants of the Trolley project for their involve-
ment in the preparation of the relevant data. They would also like to express their gratitude to the
authors of the appropriate sections, whom in writing them have drawn upon all their knowledge and
often passion for trolleybus transport, as was undoubtedly the case with Dr. M. Bartłomiejczyk, Dr. M.
Wolański, M. Połom, M. Pudło and both editors of the study.
Words of appreciation are also due to the reviewer, Dr. hab. Tadeusz Dyr, Associate Professor of
the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom. His valuable comments enriched the text and
became and inspiration for further study in the field.
Dr. Marcin Wołek – the coordinator of the Trolley project at the University of Gdańsk
Prof. Dr. hab. Olgierd Wyszomirski – the head of the Department of Transportation Market at the
University of Gdańsk.
Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport
in the European Union
One of the most important global trends is the dynamic growth of cities and the concen-
tration of socio-economic functions in metropolitan areas. According to UN projections,
world population will increase to 8.9 billion by the year 2050, two thirds of which will live in
cities. By the year 2025, there will be only two European cities (Moscow and Paris) among
the 30 most populous cities of the world. The average population of the thirty most populous
cities of the world will have tripled between 1965 and 2025. However, the structure of ur-
banization shows important differences between cities of developed and developing countries
(Table 1.1), which is related to the diversity of its structure.1, 2
In developed countries, the dynamic process of urbanization has abated, giving way to
what one can may call “qualitative” urbanization, which manifests itself in institutional, spa-
tial and economic aspects. The urban development of developing countries is focused in an
entirely different direction. In this case the spatial aspect of urbanization is expressed in the
uncontrolled growth of the area and the population of the city.
Before the Industrial Revolution the spatial structure of cities was determined by the
needs of pedestrians. The Industrial Revolution, however, brought new impetus to their spa-
tial development, as cities and settlements which already existed began expanding and ex-
ceeding their boundaries. They often developed around industrial plants, which due to their
size were placed outside the existing city limits. P. George notes “the size and appearance of
cities were changed as a result of the Industrial Revolution and the development of the capi-
talist economy in the nineteenth and early twentieth century.” Residential areas were built
World Urbanization Prospects: The 2011 Revision. United Nations, Department of Economic and
Social Affairs, Population Division, October 2012, CD-ROM Edition.
In 1965, the average population of each of the 30-most populated cities in the world amounted to
5.79 million, while the forecast for 2025 assumes that it will increase to 18.38 million. Own calculation
based on World Urbanization Prospects: The 2011 Revision. United Nations, Department of Economic
and Social Affairs, Population Division, October 2012, CD-ROM Edition.
10 Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union
near factories as a result of the lack of an efficient public transport system, which led to the
chaotic development of the city. The excessive concentration of different functions and their
migration intensified the presence of negative external effects. Only the emergence of urban
transport (in the first half of the nineteenth century) has enabled a more efficient use of
urban space and its further development. This was confirmed in the dispersion of the city
structure and its further spatial expansion. “With transport more readily available, homes
no longer had to be cramped within a narrow circle around the industrial centre, any more
than did workshops”. This process has been enhanced by the development of motorization,
which led to the emergence of the phenomenon of “urban sprawl”.34
The thesis of the leading role of cities in the modern European economy needs no justi-
fication. “In many respects the European Union can be seen as a Union of cities, as approxi-
mately 1600 urban areas with more than 50 000 inhabitants are defined as functional urban
areas”. Economic social and political functions are centred in European cities and determine
the current role of Europe in the global economy. A well functioning city requires an efficient
transport system, ensuring its internal and external accessibility. This book, however, is con-
cerned only with its internal availability.5
The transport system of a city is formed by the interaction between public transport and
privately owned vehicles. The framework for these relationships is established through trans-
port policy, the long-term goal of which should be to reduce the need for transport, whilst in
P. George: Miasto. PWN, Warszawa 1956, p. 16.
C. Clark: Transport breaker or maker of the cities. “Town Planning Review” 1958 no 2, pp. 237–250
[after:] Urban Transport. Ed. P. Rietveld, K. Button, P. Nijkamp. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2003, p. 512.
Ensuring quality of life in Europe’s cities and towns. Tackling the environmental challenges driven
by European and global change. “EEA Report” 2009 no 5, p. 10.
Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union 11
the short-term, to rationalize the structure of the modal split and the formation of behaviour
appropriate to the balancing of transport.6
The relationship between the city and transport is complex and bi-directional. The pres-
ence of externalities adds complication and difficulty in quantifying the problem. An efficient
transport system is a prerequisite for the economic development of a city and its region, as
well as one of the most important factors determining the quality of life in the city.
Challenges for European cities due to bi-directional relations between urban space and
the transport activity can be summarized in the following points:
• Demographic; particularly the issue of population ageing and changes in the population
of urban centres. „The major demographic impact upon land use in many cities has thus
come not from the growth of population, but rather from its restructuring. It is mainly
the social and age changes of past generation”. As a result, the number of households with
fewer people is growing, which is accompanied by an increase in demand for housing
and transport services. According to demographic projections for the EU, the percentage
of people aged 65 years and older in the general population of the EU in 2020 will reach
24%, and in 2050, as much as 29% compared to the current 17%. The ageing of the Euro-
pean population (the increase in the percentage of older people in the population and the
lengthening of the average life span) brings huge challenges for urban mobility planning,
focused on improving the availability of services, ease of use (fleet, infrastructure, pas-
senger information and customer service) and the creation of new business models taking
into account the lower level of mobility, as well as the lower purchasing power of those
who are no longer economically active.7, 8
• Economic; the complexity of which is reflected in the first instance by the expenditure
incurred for the development and maintenance of the transport system, and in the second
instance the fact that transport is an important factor affecting the economic competitive-
ness of the area. The transport sector is also a major employer creating stable jobs due the
mandatory nature of the provision of a number of transport services.
An important aspect that lies somewhere between spatial and economic issues is the im-
pact of transport on urban property values, reflected in the increase in their value thanks to
improved transport accessibility. An example is the increase in the value of property located
near the newly launched metro line in Warsaw (Poland), and in Washington, DC (USA),
where ”cheap, good-quality metro service increased the willingness of people to pay for land
parcels near metro stations”.9
• Spatial; for which the relationship between the city and the privately owned vehicle be-
comes crucial to the process of shaping the spatial structure of cities, especially in the last
few years. The European urban space, having been focused on the needs of drivers, has
been transformed in a way, which hinders rapid change in its function. The importance
of spatial development in shaping the transport market is highlighted by T. Litman, who
Transport miejski. Ekonomika i organizacja. Red. O. Wyszomirski. Published by Gdansk University
P. Kivell: Land and the City. Routledge, London 1993, p. 88.
Based on Eurostat and EUROPOP 2008.
K. Button: Transport Economics. 3rd edition. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham – Northampton, 2010, p. 73.
12 Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union
T. Litman: Transportation Market Distortions. “Berkeley Planning Journal” 2006 Vol. 19, p. 19.
K. Small, E.T. Verhoef: The economics of urban transportation. Routledge, London, New York 2007,
p. 2.
R. Cervero, O. Sarmiento, E. Jacoby, L. Gomez, A. Neiman: Influences of built environments on
walking and cycling: lessons from Bogota. “International Journal of Sustainable Transportation” 2009
nr 3(4), p. 209.
Cities at crossroads: Unlocking the Potential for Green Urban Transport. World Bank and Asian
Development Bank 2012, p. 35.
Girardet H.: Creating Sustainable Cities. “Schumacher Briefings” No 2. Green Books, Totnes 2003,
p. 13.
Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union 13
Borderline environmental and spatial aspects include the land consumption of urban
transport infrastructure. Scarcity of land and the variety of stakeholders (i.e. car-drivers, pe-
destrians, public-transport operators) create a state of permanent conflict. The low efficiency
of a passenger vehicle, with the average number of passengers not exceeding two, contrasts
with the potential of public transport. In addition, the energy efficiency of a passenger car
compared to public transport is much lower, especially during peak hours.
• Social – in which the availability of transport services determines the possibility of taking
advantage of public goods. „Transportation policy is inevitably social policy, with specific
winners and losers in any transportation investment decision. Projects to benefit higher-
income motorists may harm lower-income pedestrians, whereas other investments may
significantly expand mobility and job opportunities for those too young, old or disable
to drive”. The role of transport in the fight against social exclusion manifests itself in of-
fering services that are affordable, available and accessible, defining what is an acceptable
minimum basic mobility / access provision.15, 16
Depending on the local and national conditions, the above factors determine European
cities’ varying degrees of attractiveness for investors and developers.
The strong market position of public transport, especially electrified public transport
(trams and trolleybuses) is a characteristic element of the supply side of urban transport
markets in the cities of Central and Eastern Europe, as shown in Table 1.2. The condition for
maintaining a relatively high share of public transport in the modal split is to raise the qual-
ity of services and to deepen public transport’s integration with private modes of transport,
such as cars and bicycles.17
Table 1.2. The Characteristics of the Modal Split in the Cities of Central-Eastern and Western Europe
Cities of Central-Eastern Europe Cities of Western Europe
Higher share of public transport Lower share of public transport
Lower share of bicycle transport Higher share of bicycle transport
High or average dynamics of individual transport
development Low dynamism of private transport development
Source: own study.
Maintaining a high share of public transport in the cities of Central and Eastern Europe is
a major challenge in the case of the dynamic development of private passenger transport and
the ongoing transformation of urban space, the major impetus for the development appeared
only recently (it is related to the transformation of the political system and the membership
in the EU).
J. Tumlin: Sustainable Transportation Planning. Tools for Creating Vibrant, Healthy ad Resilient
Communities. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey 2012, p. 4.
Social exclusion and the provision of public transport. Main report. Department for Transport,
London, p. 5.
Hebel K., Wołek M.: Perspektywy rozwoju komunikacji tramwajowej w polskich miastach. „Trans-
port i Komunikacja” 2010 no 1, p. 18.
14 Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union
Recent recommendations for cities include the leading strategy to reduce the negative
impact of transport on urban areas. It consists of the following components:18
• Avoid;
• Shift;
• Improve.
The Avoid strategy includes activities aimed at decreasing the number of vehicle kilome-
tres by Transport Demand Management, land use planning, Information and Communica-
tion Technologies (ICT), localized production and shorter supply chains.
The Shift strategy focuses on activities aimed at shifting from private vehicles to non-
motorized transport and public transport.
The Improve strategy includes activities aimed at improving existing vehicles, like the
downscaling of vehicle engine size, increased penetration of electric vehicles and carbon-
neutral liquid fuels as well as the implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
The multifaceted relationship of urban transport and space is one of the most important
determinants of the development of European cities. Shaping its availability on the basis of
full economic calculation takes into account the occupancy of land and the loss/benefit rec-
ognized as a result of transport by the general public, should be an important prerequisite for
strategic investment, organizer/management decisions.
Transport policy must serve the general interest and should be a part of wider socio-
economic policy, integrated at different territorial levels. Formation of a suitable transport
policy, in an age which seeks complex solutions, requires taking into consideration a broader
context and referring to other sector policies (i.e. social, energy, environmental, and eco-
nomic policies).
Climate policy has gained special recognition within a European context becoming one
of the most important factors determining the development of transport in the EU. Its aim is
to radically reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The transportation sector was singled out as an
area, which has the potential to achieve this by the year 2020. The vast concentration of set-
tlements, as well as the varied forms of activities which take place within cities, constitutes a
direct reason why the relocation of population in the urbanised areas of the European Union
generates approximately 40% of the CO2 emissions resulting from road transportation.19 The
Green Economy Report. Transport, Investing in Energy and Resource Efficiency. UNEP 2011.
Preparation of a green paper on urban transport: Report on urban transport in Europe. Prepared
for the European Commission, Directorate General for Energy and Transport. Final version. MVV
Consulting, Tractebel Suez Engineering, 2007, p. 2 for Keep Europe moving – Sustainable mobility
for our continent. Mid-term review of the European Commission’s 2001 Transport White Paper. Com-
munication From the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament. Brussels, 22.06.2006,
Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union 15
entire transportation sector is strongly dependant on petroleum and its derivatives, generat-
ing 2/3 of the general demand for this resource in the European Union.20
The Strong dependency of the transportation sector on liquid fuel is rooted in the relative
easiness with which petroleum is transported and processed; its low cost in the 1980’s and
1990’s; as well as the long-standing tradition and potential of the fuel trade and the transport
policy of carriers providing their services on various markets of the transportation branches.
Alternative power sources for vehicles require the construction of new, and the development
of the existing infrastructure intended for processing and providing power, as well as the
creation of a suitable demand, which would justify the large investment in the building of an
alternative vehicle power system, competitive to liquid mineral fuels. Unification of the power
infrastructure poses a serious challenge. Its varied nature, however, should not become an
obstacle for the popularisation of electric vehicles.
During the last two decades, the transport policy of the European Union was dominated
by the paradigm of branch shift.21 In relation to transportation services within cities it in-
cludes actions aimed at decreasing the share of the role of cars in the transportation task divi-
sion, whilst at the same time increasing the role of mass transportation, bikes and pedestrian
movement. It aims not to restrict mobility, but to transform it by shifting its focus onto more
sustainable trip planning within urbanised areas. Strong dependency on private passenger
vehicles results in:
• “Climate change – rising transport – related carbon driven by oil dependence and climate
change impacts.
• Environment and health – resulting in poorer air quality, congestion and health effects.
• Economic – rising fuel and congestion costs, wasted time and resources22”.
The above cannot be resolved by a transport policy based on ‘shift’ paradigm. In addition
to the above arguments, it is necessary to add that the introduction of electricity powered
passenger vehicles will not entirely solve the congestion issue present in the urbanised areas
of Europe.
European transport policy regarding urbanised areas should be, therefore, examined in
the light of a wider background of sustainable development issues. In the Commission’s an-
nouncement “A Sustainable Europe for a Better World: A European Union Strategy for Sus-
tainable Development” congestion has already been acknowledged as one of “the main threats
to sustainable development”.23 The same announcement included the proposal of ‘decoupling’.
Its aim is to “decouple transport growth significantly from growth in Gross Domestic Product
in order to reduce congestion and other negative side-effects of transport”.24
The evolution of the approach presented by the European Commission towards the issue
of shaping mobility in recent years is presented in Fig. 1.1.
The White Book “European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decide” outlined ambi-
tious challenges for the European transportation sector. Those referring to urban mobility
were mostly not realised, reductions in CO2 emissions as well as the reduction in the role of
passenger vehicles in urbanised areas among others.25
The document entitled “Keep Europe Moving” (2006) constituted an overview of those
effects of the transport policy achieved to date. It also aimed at incorporating changes of a
strategic nature; such as the expansion of the European Union, the acceleration of the pro-
cesses of globalisation, the improvement of international cooperation in the scope of climate
change as well as rising petrol and energy costs.
On the acceptation of The Green Paper: “Towards a New Culture in Urban Mobility” in
2007, the European Commission opened up a new discussion which resulted in the publica-
tion of “Action Plan on Urban Mobility” in 2009. The Green Paper emphasised the fact that
although urban mobility has a local character, the result of a lack of action within this sphere
may have a European, or even global, nature. Transport problems pointed out in The Green
Paper were:26
• Congestion,
• Negative effect on the natural environment – air pollution, high CO2 emissions, noise
pollution, energy consumption,
• Limitations in accessibility, especially for the elderly, disabled, parents with children,
• Road traffic safety, safety on board public transportation vehicles and at stops.
„Action Plan on Urban Mobility27” contained twenty measures, which focused on urban
mobility and transport matters. In this document, the central role for the sustainable urban
mobility plan has been outlined. The document presented a proposed action plan, which
would support urban mobility according to the rules of sustainable development. It included
a group of initiatives presented in Table 1.3. The focusing of the proposed actions on the plans
of sustainable, urban mobility development, constituted a breakthrough.
In its communication entitled “A Sustainable Future for Transport”, published in 2009,
the European Commission acknowledge the need to define a general mobility strategy which
would constitute an important element for the future White Book for transportation. The
document draws attention to the need for the separation of economic growth and growth in
the emission of greenhouse gases.
Ibidem, p. 12.
W. Rydzkowski: Trolleybus and Sustainable Transport Policy [Trolejbus a zrównoważona polityka
transportowa]. A lecture given during a conference entitled “Trolleybus in a Modern City” [Trolejbus
w nowoczesnym mieście]. Gdynia 21–22.03. 2013
Green Paper: Towards a New Culture in Urban Mobility. European Commission, COM (2007) 551
final, Brussels 2007, p. 2.
Action Plan on Urban Mobility. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,
the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, and the Committee of the Regions. Brus-
sels, 30.9.2009 COM(2009) 490.
Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union 17
Fig. 1.1. The Most Important Documents of the European Commission Regarding Urban Mobility
Published Between 2001 and 2011
Source: Own analysis.
18 Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union
Despite some progress in the introduction of the transport policy the remaining major
challenges posed to the European transport sector are:
• Competitive pressure resulting from ongoing economic globalisation processes,
• The strong dependency of the European Union member states on petroleum and its de-
rivatives (currently, the sector is dependent upon oil-based fuels and responsible for about
67% of the total oil demand in the EU),28
• The increase in congestion within the cities
• The imbalance of infrastructure in the expanded EU
The issues regarding urban transportation were emphasised in the White Paper entitled
“Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area...”, which postulates the need for integration
of, among others, spacial planning, pricing systems, efficient public transportation services,
and the infrastructure for non-motorised means of transportation within urban mobility
The central aims of European transport policy, namely the reduction of CO2 emissions
and the freeing of the transportation sector from petroleum, constitutes only a partial answer
to the urgent issue of high volume traffic in the cities resulting in traffic congestion (the White
Paper states that it “is vital not to restrict mobility”).2930
The two aims which refer directly to urban transport are the reduction of emissions result-
ing from it, as well as logistics through radical changes in vehicle powering solutions from
2030 and the introduction of the European system of information, management and payment
within multimodal transportation, which will play a significant role in the unification of the
urban transportation system with that of long-distance transportation (Table 1.4).
A review of activities aimed at the reduction of the negative influence of the transporta-
tion sector on the natural environment undertaken by cities, prepared in 2009 (revised two
years later) by the German GIZ Institute, points out that one of the most important compo-
nents of such activities is the improvement of the quality of the public transport, understood
in its complexity together with limitations for the users of passenger vehicles of varied scope
and affliction. Equally important are the actions supporting bicycle transportation and pedes-
trian movement as well as limitations on mobility resulting from integrated spacial planning.31
Kiel J., Maurer H., Fermi F., Fiorello D., Krail M.: Future challenges for European transport policy
– Assessment of the implications of future challenges for transport policy. Deliverable D3.1 of ASSIST
– Assessing the social and economic impacts of past and future sustainable transport policy in Europe.
Project co-funded by European Commission 7th RTD Programme. Fraunhofer-ISI, Karlsruhe 2013,
p. 13.
M. Wołek: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan As An Instrument Of Urban Transport Policy [Plan
zrównoważonej mobilności miejskiej jako instrument miejskiej polityki transportowej]. Paper present-
ed on the conference 10th Scientific and Technical Conference, Transportation Systems – Theory and
Practice, Gliwice 2013.
The White Paper – Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and
resource efficient transport system. COM(2011) 144, Brussels 2011, p. 6.
A. Wagner, P. Schaltenberg, J. Gomez Vilchez: Urban Transport and Climate Change Action Plans.
An Overview. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, commissioned
by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Eschborn 2011.
Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union 19
Table 1.4. The Aims of European Transport Politics and the Implications for Public Transport Within
Goals of EU transport policy Impact for public transport sector
1. Low emission urban transport and logistics Strong
2. Low-carbon fuels in aviation and maritime transport n/a
3. Freight, modal shift from road transport n/a
4. EU-wide high-speed rail network n/a
5. Multimodal TEN-T core network n/a
6. Long-term comprehensive network n/a
7. Traffic-management systems in all modes Strong
8. Multimodal transport information Strong
9. Close to zero fatalities in all modes Moderate
10. Towards ‘user pays’ and ‘polluter pays’ Moderate
Source: own analysis on the basis of the White Paper – Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards
a competitive and resource efficient transport system. COM(2011) 144, Bruksela 2011, s. 6.
The TROLLEY project was implemented under the Operational Programme of Central
Europe; a European Union program aimed at supporting transnational co-operation between
the countries of this part of Europe in order to increase innovation, accessibility, the state
of the environment, the competitiveness and attractiveness of particular cities and regions.
Activities related to such countries as Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Hun-
gary, Slovenia and partially Germany, Italy and western Ukraine. The programme budget for
2007–2013 amounted to EUR 298 million, and the financing of eligible project costs ranged
20 Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union
from 75% (for the so called “old EU member states”) through 85% (“new EU member States”)
to 90% (Ukraine).
The priorities of the Programme in the years 2007–2013 were:32
• driving innovation in a defined area;
• improving internal and external accessibility of Central Europe;
• responsible use of natural resources;
• improving the competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and regions.
The TROLLEY project was implemented in the framework of the Central Europe pro-
gramme. The activities were related to the Priority of “Improving the internal and external
accessibility of Central Europe”. It gained support for projects aimed at reducing the negative
impact of transport on the environment, promoting sustainable mobility, increasing safety
awareness and contributing to a higher quality of living.
The aim of the TROLLEY project was promoting trolleybuses as the cleanest and most
economical mode of transport for cities and regions of Central Europe. Based on their ex-
perience, nine TROLLEY partners from six Central European countries – Barnimer Busges-
selschaft from Eberswalde and Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (Niemcy), Salzburg AG (Austria),
Gdynia and The Univeristy of Gdańsk (Poland), SZKT Szeged (Hungary), Brno (Czech Re-
public) and TEP S.p.A. from Parma (Italy) together with TROLLEYMOTION organization
– searched for a way in which to unlock the potential of trolleybus transport in order to con-
vert the transport system from oil-dependant to electricity-based. This partnership involved
approximately 25% of all trolleybuses and 30% of all trolleybus lines operating in Central
Europe. The structure of the partnership of the TROLLEY project is presented in Figure 1.2.
It is worth noting that more than half of the partners are operators of public transport.
1; 11%
1; 11%
The TROLLEY project started in February 2010 and lasted until March 2013. It was the
biggest project of the European Commission “INTERREG Central Europe”, with a budget
32, 4.02.2013
Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union 21
of EUR 4.2 million, of which EUR 3.2 million was contributed by the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF).
The Project Coordinator was Salzburg AG (Austria). It main aims were as follows:
• the development of operating strategies, which may be feasibly implemented in other cit-
ies operating trolleybuses;
• the development of innovative methods of promoting trolleybus transport, depicting it as
an environmentally friendly form of transport;
• the revitalization and improvement of the image of trolleybus transport in Central Europe.
The structure of the project was adopted with these aims in mind. It included three main
• optimizing energy consumption;
• increasing the reliability and efficiency of trolleybus transport;
• improving the image of trolleybus transport.
The structure of theTROLLEY project is presented in Figure 1.3.
The third initiative contained a number of measures aimed at reducing the energy con-
sumption in trolleybus transport, both for the fleet and the overhead network. One of the
key products included in this the package was a manual on the conversion of diesel buses
into trolleybuses.
The initiative designed to increase the efficiency and reliability of trolleybus transport
included activities aimed at increasing trolleybus transport integration with other means of
transport, inducing the development of trolleybus transport in non-urban areas, and in some
cases exploring the possibility of trolleybuses replacing regular buses.
22 Chapter 1. Conditions for the Development of Public Transport in the European Union
The final initiative included promotional activities and the use of instruments of market-
ing research. These activities were particularly focused on shaping the image of trolleybus
transport, increasing awareness of trolleybus transport and its advantages and the establish-
ment of the Central European Trolleybus Knowledge Centre. The European Trolleybus Day,
which was initiated in 2010, is an interesting example of an activity included in this work
package. It is addressed to a wide audience and celebrated by an increasing number of cities,
including those that were not partners in the project (e.g. Tychy and Lublin, Poland in 2013).
Promotional activities carried out under this project are further described in chapter 8.3.
The second initiative involved horizontal action, including issues of promotion and dis-
semination of information about the project, and, more broadly, about trolleybus transport.
The main target groups were citizens of the Project’s partner cities, policy makers, representa-
tives of manufacturers of the fleet and electrical equipment and other trolleybus operators in
Europe. An interesting manifestation of the activities of this work package was the develop-
ment of e-learning modules corresponding to major thematic issues of the TROLLEY project.
Chapter 2. Development and The Scope of Trolleybus Transport
Operations in Europe
In the early nineteenth century urban transport comprised of pedestrians and draft ani-
mals. Cities were filled with horse-drawn carriages. The first Stephenson railway was built
in 1985. This invention disseminated in subsequent decades, and cities began to operate city
railways, either pulled by horses or powered by steam engine. The first electric tram was built
by Siemens in Berlin in 1881. The inventor presented the first rail-free electric vehicle powered
by an overhead wire in 1886. This vehicle may be considered a prototype of the trolleybus.
However, in the eve of World War I, the dominant role in urban transport was played by
electric trams.
The first trolleybuses with roller collectors of the Lloyd system, powered by two overhead
wires suspended one above the other, were launched at the beginning of the twentieth cen-
tury. Trolleybuses were often complementary to the existing tram network. The drawback
was the need to switch the trolley collectors in order for vehicles to overtake each other. The
systems were technically imperfect and rarely continued to operate after World War I.
From the beginning of the twentieth century motorization began to play a bigger role.
Petrol powered vehicles were however slow, inefficient and not very durable. They originally
had wooden wheels with a steel ring. In order to improve comfort, cast rubber padding was
soon introduced. Driven on stone roads, these cars turned out to be far less comfortable than
trams, which run on smooth rails. Nevertheless, tram rail systems required maintenance and
huge investments in order to keep pace with the expansion of cities.
In the meantime, the first trolleybus systems powered with two parallel overhead wires
were built. They used roller collectors; nevertheless this feature did not work efficiently with
the overhead wire due to a small contact area between the roller and the wire. Due to the
lack of rails, the vehicle concept was accepted in some British cities, where such systems were
introduced and called rail-less trams.
The interwar period and the twenties witnessed significant technical progress in the au-
tomotive and road industry. The invention of asphalt roads enabled the smooth travel of rail-
24 Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe
independent vehicles and improved their operating speed while reducing shocks, damage to
vehicle bodies and operating costs. At the same time, pneumatic tires were added to heavy
The smooth asphalt surface and the pneumatic wheel are inventions, which together with
the development of car design, have created the potential to build the modern trolleybus. The
introduction of the new trolley collector with a long area of contact with the wire was the
basis for the construction of an efficient means of transport, more economical than buses,
and independent of rails.
The thirties were the heyday of the development of the trolleybus. In London, where
it fulfilled a special role, the local public transport authority, facing the need to overhaul
and expand both the worn out tracks and the large but obsolete rolling stock, decided to
introduce trolleybuses. While using the existing overhead wire infrastructure, trolleybuses
ensured greater comfort and more dynamic transport which increased the operation speed.
Comfort was ensured by pneumatic wheels – at that time a novelty – and smooth, powerful
acceleration, made possible by the use of a powerful motor driving the pneumatic wheels
which ensured very good traction. As a result, in the years 1934–1940 two thirds of London’s
tram system was converted to a trolleybus system, which resulted in the world’s largest fleet
of over 1700 vehicles.
Other British cities soon followed suit. Trolleybus systems were also developing intensely
in Germany and Italy. The Soviet Union developed its own trolleybus designs replacing pre-
war designed trams which were removed from the centers of many cities.
Trolleybuses also played a role in Germany’s wartime economy, with both German cities
and cities occupied by Germany introduced trolleybus transport in order to save fuel. Many
of these systems were still operated after World War II.
After the war many Western Europe countries significantly increased their level of motori-
zation, the car becoming a desirable status symbol and a synonym for prosperity. Transport
companies noted yearly declines in both traffic and revenue. In the ‘50s trolleybus transport
was still being developed with more capacious bodies and powerful motors being introduced.
With each passing year, however, it became clear that the downward trend towards public
transport was permanent. The dangers associated with the excessive development of indi-
vidual transport – pollution, congestion, lack of parking space and the associated loss of time
for society and the economy – were not yet considered.
Lorries and buses with diesel engines were also being developed at this time. Underfloor
and later rear engines were introduced with the power and efficiency of the being engine in-
creased, and automatic gearboxes were installed. Fuel was relatively inexpensive, while main-
taining the trolleybus infrastructure was relatively expensive. Despite the fact that the number
of conductors was reduced, trolleybus operating costs were still high. Nevertheless, with the
development of cities, it was necessary to decide whether or not to expand the tram and
trolleybus network. Many cities, influenced by the development of the automotive industry,
suspended trolleybus lines and shut down electric transport systems.
At this time in socialist countries a car was a luxury. Car ownership was extremely rare
– as little as a few cars per 1000 inhabitants. However, trolleybuses were being developed
their design initially based on designs from World War II until new vehicles were eventually
developed. In the USSR trolleybuses proved their superiority over buses equipped with inef-
Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe 25
ficient petrol engines. Soviet trolleybuses were put into service in a number of cities associated
with the Soviet bloc.
In the United States, renowned for huge tram systems at the beginning of the twentieth
century, public transport began to favor buses following the war. Owning and running one’s
own car became an integral part of life, and public transport was considered obsolete and
gradually relegated to a marginal level. Significant urban rail systems were only kept in the
largest metropolitan areas.
The fuel crisis in 1974 and the increasing cost of fuel changed the falling trend. It soon
became obvious that oil is by no means the ideal fuel. This period also saw a rise in public
awareness of environmental issues and of the dangers of air pollution. A number of cities
reduced expansive development of road infrastructure and began analyzing alternatives to
individual transport. Trolleybus transport was one of the considered modes of transport. The
vehicles were equipped with new and more cost-effective drive control systems – thyristor,
then transistor, and finally inverter with AC motors. The development of the trolleybus was
hindered by the need to develop its infrastructure from scratch. However, due to the oil crisis
trolleybus transport was developed in France and in many cities across Western Europe with
the existing systems maintained and the trolley bus fleet modernized.
In the meantime, the Soviet Union continued its uninterrupted development of trolleybus
transport. Nevertheless, associated countries were influenced by western tendencies – many
trolleybus systems in Poland and in Prague were shut down. However, this trend was reversed
in the late ‘70s and trolleybus transport was developed in new cities.
With the advent of the ‘90s’s, the ecological trend intensified. In addition, low-floor trol-
leybuses were introduced. It helped increase the quality of trolleybus transport in many cities.
In Central Europe, after the change of regime in former Soviet states, trolleybus transport
began to be restored. Fleet renewal was associated with improved quality of service and was
often an opportunity for the introduction of new technologies – batteries, super capacitors
or auxiliary combustion engines.
In Western Europe, in cities where trolleybus transport was preserved, the fleet was re-
newed and given traffic privileges. As of the year 2000 Swiss cities began to introduce bi-artic-
ulated low-floor trolleybuses, with similar capacity to trams that do not require the construc-
tion of expensive tracks. Trolleybuses became useful in the promotion of public transport.
Many cities call for the introduction of reduced or zero emission zones, for which trolleybuses
are a perfect solution. At the same time, trolleybuses are popular due to the trend towards
the development of hybrid and electric vehicles, which are considered the future of urban
Trolleybus transport in Europe has gone through periods of varied popularity. However,
despite the liquidation of a number of trolleybus systems in the world in the 1960s the ratio
26 Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe
of systems within individual countries remains very similar. During the first half of the ‘60s
the largest trolleybus system was operated in London and Great Britain could have been con-
sidered “a trolleybus promised land”. It was the country with the highest share of trolleybus
transport within its public transport system. Besides Great Britain, trolleybuses were also
popular in Switzerland, the Soviet Union and the socialist countries of Central and Eastern
Europe. This fact was largely magnified by the underdevelopment of the automotive industry
within the Eastern Bloc.
With the end of a period of development for trolleybus transport systems in the mid-
twentieth century, came a wave of liquidation in many European countries. This negative
trend began in Britain – not only the home of the largest number of trolley bus systems, but
also the main producers of trolleybus vehicles and equipment related to the construction of
both overhead and power systems – before spreading to other European countries.. It should
be noted that the decision to withdraw trolleybus systems from British cities was neither
taken for economic reasons, nor was it a result of environmental concerns. The substitution
of electric modes of transport with buses powered by combustion engines was rather politi-
cal in nature.
The situation changed considerably following the global oil crisis in the late ‘60s and ‘70s.
Once again attention was redirected towards electric modes of transportation, including trol-
leybuses. In Europe a number of new trolleybus systems were established, while the existing
systems were expanded and modernized. However, trolleybus transport was not reintroduced
in Great Britain and (with the exception of some cities) in Germany which had previously
operated almost 100 systems.
In the ‘90s trolleybus transport was hindered by the difficult economic situation found in
many countries as a result of the economic transformation (systemic), particularly in the for-
mer Soviet Union and Central Europe. As a result, some systems did not withstand financial
distress, underinvestment, and the degradation of their fleet and infrastructure. There was a
noticeable opposing trend against trolleybus transport (inherently more expensive to build
and to operate) in favor of bus transport, preferred for its somewhat lower operating cost,
whilst environmental concerns were sidelined. These actions led to the closure of almost 30
European trolleybus systems by 2012 (including that of the Russian Federation with its Asian
territories), from 266 systems which were operated in the 1990s. The dynamics of the change
in the number of operated trolleybus systems from 1990s to 2012 is shown in Fig. 2.1. How-
ever, a number of new systems were built at this time – mainly in Italy, but also in Sweden,
Spain, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
By the end of the first decade of the 21st century there was an increase in environmental
awareness with local authorities (as well as within the population), which again resulted in a
shift towards electric modes of transport, including trolleybuses. This effort was strengthened
by the cohesion policy of the European Union becoming the main source of modernization
and development of trolleybus transport in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It
should be noted that among the 21 trolleybus systems decommissioned in Europe during the
last two decades of the twentieth century, the area which bared relation to the phenomenon
was made up only of post-socialistic countries whose economies were in transition. A appar-
ent “renaissance” of trolleybus transport was reflected in the commissioning of several spec-
tacular investments, the most important being the trolleybus network in Rome, which was
Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe 27
launched on 23 March 2005, trolleybuses returning to the streets of the Italian capital after 32
years of absence. Aside from Rome, over the last two decades trolleybus transport was intro-
duced in Landskrona (Sweden), Genoa, Lecce, Bari and Bologna (Italy), Castellón (Spain),
Târgu Jiu, Baia Mare, Piatra-Neamt, Ploieşti (Romania), Kosice and Zilina (Slovakia), Ceske
Budejovice (Czech Republic) and Kerch (Ukraine). The distribution of trolleybus systems in
Europe at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries is illustrated by Fig. 2.2.
Fig. 2.1. Number of active trolleybus systems in European countries between the 1990s and 2012
Source: own work.
Besides the construction of entirely new trolleybus transport systems one can observe
the development of existing networks reflected by an increase in the length of routes and
replacement of trolleybus fleets, which although somewhat stalling in the last two-three
years of economic crisis, has always benefited from support by the EU Structural Funds and
specific measures, such as the preparation of Ukraine to host the UEFA European football
Championship in 2012. A very important role in shaping the transport policy of European
countries is played by the European Union which allows the execution of projects such as
the development of trolleybus transport through various funding mechanisms for environ-
mental investment and innovation. In Central and Eastern Europe, where nine countries
(the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and
Estonia) of the former socialist bloc have joined the European Union and thus adopted its
structures, have become an area of intensified investment in trolleybus transport in recent
years. Each of these states had previously operated trolleybus transport systems before joining
the EU and thanks to EU support funds, have now modernized and expanded this type of
transport. These countries have experienced greater investment in trolleybus transport since
2004 than over the previous 30 years. Particularly noteworthy projects are the expansion
of the trolleybus system in Gdynia (Poland), Lublin (Poland), Plzeň (Czech Republic) and
Szeged (Hungary), which resulted in a more prominent role for trolleybus transport within
the transport system as a whole within these cities. Many other cities in the region, including
Ostrava, Opava, Teplice, Zlin, Ceske Budejovice, Marianske Lazne, Zilina, Presov, Debrecen,
28 Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe
Budapest, Cluj Napoca, Baia Mare, Vilnius, and Tallinn have modernized their routes and a
significant part of their fleet.
rolleybus systems
Fig. 2.2. Distribution of trolleybus systems in Europe excluding the Russian Federation.
Source: own work.
Among 49 European countries 18 do not have a single city operating trolleybus transport.
These include Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland and Finland, the remaining countries being
small states, in most of which trolleybus transport has never been in operation. It should be
noted within these countries research is being conducted on the feasibility of employing this
type of transport, e.g. Helsinki and Leeds.
As a result of the processes discussed above, trolleybus transport did not regain the level
of popularity it enjoyed before the decline of the 1960s in some Northern and West European
countries. Switzerland and (to a lesser extent) Italy have resisted the trend of replacing trol-
leybuses with buses. In most Swiss trolleybus systems investments are being made that give
a positive outlook on their future.
The largest number of trolleybus networks in Europe can be found within the Russian Federa-
tion (taking into account the whole territory of the country), Ukraine, Italy, Bulgaria, Switzerland,
Czech Republic and Romania. Other countries operate only a few systems at most. Within Europe,
Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe 29
trolleybus networks have never existed in Albania, Montenegro, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Mac-
edonia, Slovenia and Cyprus, and in small countries such as Andorra, Liechtenstein, Malta and
Monaco. Analyzing the number of existing trolleybus networks in Europe throughout history, the
number of decommissioned systems exceeds that of existing systems.
In Europe, activities were undertaken to modernize trolleybus transport in order to make
it more effective. Given their dependence on the traction power supply, new solutions are be-
ing researched to make trolleybuses more flexible. Technological advancement now allows for
alternative ways to power the trolleybus drive with either combustion units serving as a gen-
erator, a large capacity battery or super capacitor. It was the high maintenance cost of buses
kept for the eventuality of a power failure, broken overhead wires or in the event of serious
long-term repair or roadworks that influenced operators to aim at improving the operation
of trolleybuses. Trolleybuses remaining in the depot were financially deficient, and buses
operating on trolleybus lines increased the costs associated with trolleybuses. In the 1980s
the first trolleybus lines with alternative power sources appeared with vehicles equipped with
fuel driven generators and the first traction batteries. Such trolleybuses began to be used on
a broader scale at the beginning of the 21st century. Outside of the cities of Western Europe,
(particularly Switzerland and Italy where they were already in operation) the first Central Eu-
ropean low-floor trolleybus, the Škoda 21TrACI was introduced. It was equipped with a diesel
engine with a capacity of 100kW, which acted as a generator to power the trolleybus electric
drive. The original purpose for the vehicle was line No.1 in the Czech town of Hradec Králové,
where the final section was to service a street not fitted with an overhead wire network. The
brand new trolleybus has replaced the makeshift solution used for several years in the form
of the high-floor Škoda 14Tr with a trailer equipped with an internal combustion unit. Škoda
21TrACI trolleybuses were also delivered to Plzeň. Similar solutions are used by all manufac-
turers of low-floor trolleybuses in the European Union and Switzerland. Vehicles, on request,
may be equipped with combustion powered generators (Fig. 2.3) by such manufacturers as
Solaris, Škoda, Viseon, HESS, Van Hool.
Fig. 2.3. Combustion unit ready for installation in an articulated Breda MenariniBus trolleybus bound
for Rome, with an electric motor by Škoda Electric in 2011
Photo Marcin Połom.
30 Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe
The combustion generator is the first and also the most popular of the solutions to diver-
sify the power source. The popularity of this solution is mainly due to the ease with which it
can be fitted in a trolleybus (the module’s producer provides a complete, pre-assembled kit to
be installed in the vehicle) and the availability of technology. Traction batteries are a second
alternative power source, however, they are for now less popular and less likely to be seen in
regular operation. This is caused by the underdevelopment of this technology and until re-
cently, its high purchase cost. The interest in traction batteries has increased significantly over
the last five years, mainly due to the development of modern technology, the introduction of
new solutions in serial production and a decrease in costs. Rome, Budapest, Landskrona and
Gdynia are considered pioneers of this solution.
The biggest advantage of traction batteries over combustion generators is their lack of
emissions. A traction battery equipped trolleybus remains a fully electric vehicle, which is
very important for those companies exclusively operating electric vehicles. Using combus-
tion generators is burdensome in depots, which are not adapted to maintaining combustion
vehicles. This is not a problem in the case of traction batteries, nevertheless, they are disad-
vantaged by their limited range. A trolleybus can only operate along a specified section of
a route, whilst dependent on the battery’s capacity. The battery capacity has an effect on its
weight, a battery the size of a 100kW combustion generator allowing for a distance of 3 to
7 km depending on the technology used. In the case of battery operation in an emergency
situation (temporary closure of a short section of the route) or linearly when handling a short
distance, such as free range, the battery capacity currently available should be regarded as suf-
ficient. Taking into consideration the fact that the battery (Fig. 2.4) can be recharged during
Fig. 2.4. Two modules of nickel-cadmium batteries built into a Solaris Trollino 12M trolleybus in
Gdynia in 2009 r.
Photo Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk.
Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe 31
regular operation, the disadvantage associated with the short range capacity is not that trou-
blesome. Besides the aspects of battery capacity and weight, their life is also very important.
The last group of solutions are energy storing super capacitors – the least popular, how-
ever, also in use for the shortest period of time. Due to the novelty of the technology and
its relatively scarcer availability with respect to the earlier discussed power supplies, there is
very little experience with this solution. Currently used super capacitors for traction batteries
have a much lower energy capacity, but other than when acting as an alternative source of
power they really affect the efficiency of the electricity consumption of a trolleybus. Thanks
to their rapid discharge and recharge, they are used in the current operating cycle, and allow
improved traction e.g. during voltage drops in the overhead network. The speed at which they
are able to recharge is important when recuperative (regenerative) braking occurs and there
is no power receiver on the same stretch of the grid. In this case, the trolleybus accumulates
the energy in super capacitors rather than wasting it on a braking resistor. This solution will
surely be developed as standard and reinforce the competitiveness of vehicles using electric-
ity. There is currently an attempt to connect super capacitors with traction batteries (Ostrava,
Tallin) or a combustion generator (Eberswalde, Parma, Milan) in a single drive unit. The
question remains as to whether super capacitors will be more effective when mounted on the
side of the power supply (power substation) or on the receiver side (trolleybus).
Table 2.1. An example of using an auxiliary power source in regular trolleybus operation
Country City An example of using auxiliary power source in regular operation
The use of a diesel-powered trolleybus when operating trolley line 1 from the
Hradec Králové Central Station to Kluk, where the last section of the route is traveled with the
help of a combustion unit.
Traction battery powered trolleybus is not used in regular traffic, trolleybuses
Czech Mariánské Lazně with internal combustion power generators are operated on lines 6 and 7, and
Republic travel short sections which do not have overhead wires.
Using a combustion power generator on line 221, Bílovecká – Kylešovice Škola
section and Divadlo – Vrchní – Ratibořská section.
Combustion generator powered trolleybuses are operated on sections of lines
12 and 13 which do not have overhead wires.
In 2008 a small trolleybus network was built, expansion of which was began in
Spain Castellón 2010. Trolleybuses are equipped with combustion powered generators, which
are used to turn around on a currently extended route.
Articulated trolleybuses on Line 33 are powered from the overhead wire, but the
Slovakia Bratislava line itself is not connected to the rest of the network. Therefore, the trolleybuses
use the generator in order to reach the line and to return to the depot.
The small trolleybus network operates 4 trolleybuses, which link the railway
station with the city center. They vehicles use the alternative power source in
Sweden Landskrona
order to reach the area of operation and to return to the depot. 3 of the vehi-
cles use traction batteries and the fourth uses a combustion power generator.
Hungary Debrecen Line 3E uses combustion power generators exclusively.
Line 90 operated by Ganz Solaris Trollino 18 trolleybuses use the traction bat-
Italy Rome
tery each time the vehicles pass through the old city.
Source: own work.
32 Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe
Table 2.2. European trolleybus transport systems using alternative power sources in operated ve-
Traction bat- Combustion power
Nr Country City Super capacitors
teries generator
1. Linz X
2. Salzburg X
3. Bulgaria Sofia X
4. Hradec Králové X
5. Mariánské Lazně X X
6. Opava X
Czech Republic
7. Ostrava X X
8. Plzeň X
9. Zlín X
10. Estonia Tallin X
11. Greece Athens X
12. The Netherlands Arnhem X
13. Limoges X
14. Lyon X
15. Nancy X
16. St. Etienne X
17. Spain Castellon X
18. Lithuania Kaunas X
19. Latvia Riga X
20. Eberswalde X X
21. Germany Esslingen X
22. Solingen X
23. Norway Bergen X
24. Gdynia X
25. Tychy X
26. Portugal Coimbra X
27. Romania Timişoara X
28. Slovakia Bratislava X
Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe 33
29. Bern X
30. Biel X
31. Fribourg X
32. Genève X
33. La Chaux-de-Fonds X
34. Lausanne X
35. Switzerland Luzern X
36. Montreux-Vevey X
37. Neuchatel X
38. Schaffhausen X
39. St. Gallen X
40. Winthertur X
41. Zürich X
42. Sweden Landskrona X X
43. Budapest X
44. Hungary Debrecen X
45. Szeged X
46. Bologna X
47. Genoa X
48. Lecce X
49. Milan X X
50. Italy Modena X
51. Naples X
52. Parma X X
53. Rome X
54. San Remo X
Source: own work.
Fig. 2.5. Solaris Trollino 12M in Gdynia (Poland), taking a detour through a street without the over-
head wire in 2012.
Photo K. Grzonka.
34 Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe
Of all the trolleybus networks in Europe, 54 are experienced in using alternative power
sources in emergencies or regular operation (Table 2.1, 2.2; Fig. 2.5). Most systems operat-
ing trolleybuses equipped with additional power supply operate in Switzerland – 13 cities, in
Italy – 9 cities and the Czech Republic – 6 cities. The combustion generator is the dominant
alternative power supply and is used in 46 cities. As a result of limited availability, there is far
less experiences with other alternative power sources: the traction battery is used in 8 cities
and super capacitors are used in 7 cities. Many cities which commission new vehicles plan to
equip them with alternative power sources, hence the total amount of experience in this field
will be gradually on the rise.
From the beginning of the 1960s trolleybus transport began to gain popularity all over the
world, with the development of existing networks and the productive building of new ones. In
the ‘70s the wave of decommissioning of trolleybus transport in the UK, France and Germany
also caused non-European countries like the USA to lose interest.
After 1970, as a result of the global oil crisis, the growth of the national income of many
countries and the new credit policy of banks, the pace of trolleybus network development
accelerated. Between 1970 and 19’90s the majority of new trolleybuses were manufactured in
Europe, the Asian part of the USSR and other countries of that region. In particular, many
new systems were set up in China and North Korea (about 30 in total). The oldest active
trolleybus line can be found in Shanghai, China and has operated continuously from 1914,
today running about 300 vehicles. As of 2009 its trolleybuses began to use a separate lane..
The world’s largest trolleybus network can be found in Moscow, the total length of its routes
reaching 600 km, although during its heyday it reached 1300 km. The fleet includes 1300 trol-
leybuses, operating on 100 lines. The longest trolleybus line was built in 1959 on the Crimean
peninsula. Its length is 86,7 km, linking Simferopol and the Black Sea resorts (Alushta, Yalta).
At the end of 2012 trolleybus transport operated outside of Europe in more than 100 cit-
ies, of which 6 systems were in North America, 11 in South America, one in Australia and the
remaining systems in Asian countries and the Asian part of the Russian Federation.
A key operating element of trolleybus transport is its characteristic fleet. In the case of
European cities, the number of producers is fixed, and most cities use the same types of
Solaris, Škoda, Van Hool, Breda, VISEON or Irisbus vehicles. Non-European systems use
different trolleybuses, usually dedicated to particular cities, often uncharacteristic. It is worth
mentioning some of the existing non-standard systems, such as Quito (Ecuador), where trol-
leybuses are operated on dedicated lanes equipped with high platforms appropriate to the
vehicle’s floor.
Four of the Trolley project participants have operated trolleybus transport since the 1940s.
One of the participants – since the 1950s and a further participant – since the 1970s (Table 2.3).
Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe 35
Table 2.3. Trolleybus transport launch dates in the cities participating in the Trolley project
City Year Day and month
Salzburg 1940 01.10
Eberswalde 1940 03.11.
Gdynia 1943 18.09
Brno 1949 30.07
Parma 1953 25.10
Szeged 1979 29.04
Source: own work based on data received from companies operating trolleybuses in the above cities.
In Salzburg trolleybuses replaced trams. The first stage of development of trolleybus trans-
port in the city took place from 1940 to 1949, by the end of which 4 trolleybus lines were
operated on routes with a length of 16.8 km, using 26 one-piece (non-articulated) trolleybuses
performing 1.482 million vehicle-kilometers annually. The first trolleybuses in operation were
10 MAN/Schumann MPE I from 1940 onwards. In 1941 4 Vetra CS 60 joined the fleet, but
they were decommissioned 2 years later. In 1942 10 MAN/Schumann MPE II also joined the
fleet and in 1948 – a MAN Gräf & Stift EO I.1
The second stage of development of trolleybus transport in Salzburg ended in 1978, when
6 routes were operated with a total length of 29.9 km. The fleet of 54 vehicles performed
3.078 M km annually. At the turn of the 1960s trolleybuses introduced during the first stage
of development were still operated, together with 4 MAN Gräf & Stift from the years 1954–56
and 3 Uerdingen/Henschel from 1956. New vehicles were also purchased and putting them
into operation became the next step in the development of trolleybus transport in Salzburg:
• first 5 articulated Henschel trolleybuses in 1961;
• 32 articulated Gräf & Stift trolleybuses from 1961–1976;
• 23 non-articulated Gräf & Stift from 1971–1975;
The third stage of development of trolleybus transport in Salzburg ended in 1988, when
9 lines were operated on routes 44.5 km in length. The fleet of 73 vehicles performed 4.161
million kms annually. The following new vehicles were introduced:
• 45 articulated Gräf & Stift trolleybuses from 1979–1980;
• 6 non-articulated Gräf & Stift trolleybuses in 1986;
The fourth stage of trolleybus transport development in Salzburg ended in 2003, when 8
lines (one less) were operated on routes with a combined length of 52.6 km (8 km longer).
The fleet of 74 vehicles performed 4.197 million km annually. The following new vehicles were
introduced in this stage:
• 2 articulated Gräf & Stift trolleybuses in 1989;
• 8 non-articulated Steyer trolleybuses from 1989–1990s;
• 24 articulated Gräf & Stift trolleybuses from 1987–1994;
• 32 articulated, low floor Gräf & Stift / MAN trolleybuses from 1994–1997;
G. Mackinger, Der Obus in Salzburg, Verlag Kennig, Nordhorn 2005, p. 21 and further.
36 Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe
• 32 articulated low-floor Van Hool trolleybuses (half of which were equipped with an aux-
iliary combustion engine) from 1995–2005, i.e. exceeding the aforementioned stage by 2
The next stage of development of trolleybus transport in Salzburg ended in 2007. That
year 8 trolleybus lines were in operation, but the combined length of the routes was increased
to 62.1 km. The fleet of 81 vehicles performed 4.633 million km annually. 6 articulated, low-
floor Van Hool trolleybuses joined the fleet since 1995. At this stage trolleybus lines started
to substitute bus lines.
The sixth stage of development of trolleybus transport in Salzburg ended in 2009, when
the number of lines was increased to once again total 9, the combined length of the routes
reaching 63.5 km. The new trolleybus line substituted a bus line and was serviced by a fleet
made up of 86 vehicles, including the first three articulated Solaris Trollino 18 with an auxilia-
ry combustion engine. 15 such trolleybuses were brought to Salzburg between 2009 and 2010.
There were 9 trolleybus lines in Salzburg in 2011 operating on routes of 64 km, the com-
bined length of the lines totaling 191.6 km. The fleet included 94 vehicles (not counting an-
tique vehicles) with 70 low-floor (74%) and 30 with auxiliary drive equipped vehicles (32%).
The average vehicle was 8 years old. These trolleybuses serviced a total of 5.271 million vehi-
cle-kilometers, which is the most in the history of Salzburg, carrying 40 M passengers
In 2012 Salzburg launched two additional trolleybus lines, increasing their number to 12.
10 new vehicles were put into operation. These are low-floor articulated Solaris vehicles with
a new body style reminiscent of modern trams or subway cars, hence the name Metrostyle.
Just like in Salzburg in Eberswalde trolleybuses replaced trams, initially using the existing
tram network drawing the electrical current via a single pole. These were MAN type MPE I.
Later, after adding a second pole, Škoda 9 Tr were used. In the 1990s, the first low floor Gräf
& Stift NGE 152 trolleybuses were introduced, however, by the year 2010 they began to be
substituted by Solaris Trollino 18. There were no changes in the number of lines and the length
of the routes throughout this period.
In 2001 Eberswalde operated 2 trolleybus lines of 37.2 km in length. The length of the
routes was 16 km. The company’s fleet included 13 articulated vehicles, out of which 9 were
equipped with an auxiliary engine. The trolleybuses have travelled a distance of 755 thousand
vehicle-kilometers, carrying 2.8 million passengers. In 2012 the last 3 Graf & Stift NGE 152
trolleybuses were replaced by Solaris Trollino 18 vehicles, Since then, all vehicles in this city
have been equipped with auxiliary drives.
Trolleybus transport in Gdynia was launched with a single line serviced by 10 new Hen-
schel vehicles which were adapted in order to tow trailers. During the first few years, the
fleet was complemented by the use of JATB 2, Alfa Romeo and FIAT Breda and FIAT Tollero
vehicles. Subsequent additions were Henschel trolleybuses and Büssing buses converted to
trolleybuses. In 1949 13 new Vetra trolleybuses were added to the fleet. In 1957, which marked
the end of the first stage of development, 5 lines were operated with the combined length of
the routes being 30.5 kms and the 32 strong fleet travelling 2.2 million vehicle-kilometers.
The next stage during the years 1958–70, was a period of growth for Gdynia’s trolleybus
transport. From 1958 onwards 41 Škoda 8 Tr were added to the fleet, along with the introduc-
tion of 79 Škoda 9 Tr from 1962, including 7 used vehicles introduced in 1973. By the end
of this stage of development, 97 trolleybuses, made up exclusively of Škoda 8 Tr (26 units)
Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe 37
and Škoda 9 Tr (71 units) were in operation. These trolleybuses operated on 10 lines with the
combined length of the routes being 33.5 km performed 5.1 million vehicle-kilometers.
The next period, during the years 1971–79, was a period of decline. The number of lines
was reduced to 3, the length of the routes to 23 km, the number of units to 43 and the number
of vehicle-kilometers to 2.27 million. From 1975 Soviet ZiU 9 trolleybuses were introduced to
the fleet with 103 such vehicles brought to Gdynia from 1982 onwards. In 1976 the local public
transport authority began to retrofit Jelcz Berliet buses with trolleybus drives and equipment,
adding 22 such vehicles to the fleet starting in 1982.
The next stage for trolleybus transport in Gdynia was a period of revitalization which
spanned the years 1981–97. During this time the total length of the routes was increased to
35.9 km, the longest since its beginning. The number of lines was increased to 8, the length to
79 km, and the number of vehicle-kilometers to 4.1 million. In 1987 new Jelcz 110 MTE and 120
MTE vehicles became part of the fleet, with 85 units purchased from the year 2000 onwards,
In addition to these vehicles, 10 articulated trolleybuses, conversions of used Ikarus 280 buses,
were added. These were the first articulated trolleybuses in Gdynia’s trolleybus transport, the
very first unit of which was introduced in the 1990s, the last of which was decommissioned
in the year 2000.
The year 1998 was the beginning of a new stage in Gdynia’s trolleybus transport, as it
began to operate completely independently from bus transport. This stage, which lasted until
the year 2004, did not see any change in the length of the routes – 36.3 km in 2004 – nor in
the number of vehicles in service – a total of 75 in 2005. The number of vehicle-kilometers
also remained stagnant at 4.1. However, the number of lines increased to 11, which means that
increasing the directness of the routes, was undertaken at the cost of decreasing the average
frequency on particular lines. More innovative was the addition of the first low-floor Jelcz
121E trolleybus in 1999. A further addition during the years 2003–2004 was made up of 6
low-floor Solaris Trollino 12 trolleybuses.
The final stage of development of trolleybus transport in Gdynia began in 2005. At this
stage, a spatial expansion of the trolleybus network was conducted within the framework of
two projects supported by a dominant share of funds from the European Union. By the end of
2012 the entire fleet was entirely upgraded to low-floor, non-articulated vehicles. New Solaris
Trollino 12 trolleybuses (50 units by 2001) and rebuilt Mercedes O405 and O530 (30 units by
2004) were added to the fleet.
Gdynia operated 12 trolleybus lines with the combined length of routes amounting to 44
km in 2011. The trolleybus transport operator owned 85 vehicles, including 76 low-floor, all
of them non-articulated. The average vehicle was 9 years old. 32 vehicles were equipped with
an auxiliary drive in the form of traction batteries. The maximum number of trolleybuses in
simultaneous operation was 72, performing a total of 5 million vehicle-kilometers and carry-
ing 22.7 million passengers.
In 2012, a 13th ‘historic’ line – to be operated with antique trolleybuses – was launched
(1957 Saurer, 1975 Škoda 9 Tr and a 1994 Jelcz 120MT). This line operates only on Sundays
and holidays from May to October.
The first trolleybuses in Brno were 15 Škoda 6 Tr units, operated until the mid 1960s. They
were joined in 1953 by 16 Škoda 7 Tr units – later withdrawn together with Škoda 6 Tr units in
the 1960s. In the years 1957–60 the number of trolleybuses in Brno was increased to 11 Škoda
38 Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe
8 Tr. In the years 1963–1981 a total of 121 Škoda 9 Tr units were purchased. The last of these
Škodas was decommissioned in 1996.
The first Škoda 14 Tr trolleybuses were brought to Brno in 1982. By the year 1995 there
were 123 trolleybuses of such type. The first articulated trolleybuses were brought to Brno in
the 1990s. 8 new vehicles of such design were purchased in the years 1990–91 and 5 used ones
in 2011. Low floor trolleybuses began to operate in Brno in 1999. In the years 1999 and 2002
a total of 43 non articulated, low-floor Škoda 21 Tr were purchased. In the years 2003–2004
a total of 8 articulated, low-floor Škoda 22 Tr were purchased. Since 2007 Brno has also had
low-floor 25 Tr Irisbus vehicles in service.
Following its development, the trolleybus network in became one of the largest networks
in the Czech Republic. In the year 2011, 54 km of routes were operated by 13 lines with a
combined length of 108 km. The company’s fleet included 147 units with an average age of 15,
none equipped with an auxiliary drive, including:
• 25 articulated (17%) and 122 non-articulated;
• 64 low-floor (44%) and 83 high-floor.
In 2011 a total of 6.2 M vehicle-kilometers were serviced on all lines, carrying 42.7 million
Trolleybuses in Parma began their operation on 3 lines, and just like in Salzburg and
Eberswalde, they replaced trams. The first trolleybuses were 16 Fiat 2401 Cansa units, on
3 lines with routes measuring 13.3 km in length. In the years 1959–64 the number of trol-
leybuses increased to 20 with the introduction of 4 Fiat 2411 Cansa vehicles. In 1968 with an
unchanged number of lines and trolleybuses in the inventory, the route of one trolleybus line
was extended, thereby increasing the total length of the routes to 14.1 km. Four years later in
1972, trolleybus transport in Parma suffered a decline resulting in trolleybuses being replaced
on one of the three operating lines. The length of trolleybus routes did not change and the
company kept their 20 vehicles.
During the 1980s a period of development took place. The process of exchanging the fleet
to new vehicles began in 1981. The first purchases were 10 Menarini Monocar 201 units. They
were joined by another 10 units of the same brand five years later – this time type 201/2. In
1987 one of the operating lines was extended without lengthening the trolleybus routes. Two
years later one of the bus lines was transformed into a trolleybus line. As a result, in 1989, 20
trolleybuses operated on 3 lines with routes totaling 14.1 km. 10 years later another bus line
was converted into a trolleybus line extending the length of the route to 18.6 km and increas-
ing the number of vehicles to 34, with the introduction of the first 14 low-floor trolleybuses
Autodromo BusOtto, equipped auxiliary combustion drives.
In 2011 Parma had 4 trolleybus lines with a combined length of 27.5 km and routes of 18.6
km. The trolleybus operator had 29 Menarini Moncar 201 and 201/2 and Autodromo BusOtto
units, including 14 low-floor trolleybuses (48%). None of the vehicles were articulated and
the average vehicle was 21 years old. A total of 0.599 million vehicle-kilometers were serviced,
carrying 7.1 million passengers. 2012 was marked by the introduction of nine low-floor articu-
late Van Hool ExquiCity trolleybuses with a modernly designed body similar to that of a tram.
The first trolleybus line in Szeged substituted a tram line, which was shut down 10 years
earlier. The first stage of development of trolleybus transport in the city took place from 1979
to 1985 when the trolleybus network expanded by substituting bus lines. In 1985 6 trolleybus
Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe 39
lines were operated with a combined length of 22.8 km. The fleet included 47 non-articulated
ZIU 9 and 4 articulated Ikarus 280 T units.2
The next stage of development of trolleybus transport in Szeged came to a close in 1996. It
was marked by a decline, the number of lines being reduced to 3 and the length of the routes
decreasing by 1/3 to 18 km. By the end of the stage 40 trolleybuses were operated, including
the units purchased in the years 1991–94:
• 11 articulated Škoda 15 Tr and 1 non-articulated Škoda 14 Tr;
• 6 articulated Ikarus 280 T.
The next stage of development of trolleybus transport led to the addition of 1 new line
(now 4) in 2004 and the lengthening of the routes to 22.4 km. The number of vehicles re-
mained unchanged at 40 units, the fleet still including ZIU 9, Ikarus 280 T, Škoda 15 Tr and
Škoda 14 Tr units.
The last stage of trolleybus transport in Szeged was crucial to its modernization and inno-
vation. As a result, in 2011 5 lines were operated on routes of 30.4 km. 44 trolleybuses serviced
a total of 1.862 million vehicle-kilometers, carrying 12.926 million passengers. The following
trolleybuses were added to the fleet at that time:
• 8 used articulated Škoda 15 Tr units;
• 4 modernized articulated Škoda 15 Tr units;
• 6 low-floor, non-articulated, modernized Škoda 21 Tr units;
• 5 low-floor Mercedes Citaro O530 obtained by converting used buses;
• the first articulated low-floor Škoda 22 Tr.;
• the first articulated low-floor Auto Rad Controlled.
By the end of this stage 23 (52%) of the units were articulated, while 14 (32%) were low-
floor. None of the trolleybuses was equipped with an auxiliary drive, whilst the average vehicle
was 17 years old.
During the following year the number of units in Szeged rose to 53, with 29 articulated
(55%) and 37 low-floor (70%) units.
The basic operational data of trolleybus transport in 2011 for cities participating in the
Trolley project is presented in Table 2.4. The data shows that among the participants:
• the longest trolleybus network was in Salzburg, the shortest – in Eberswalde;
the largest number of trolleybus lines were operated in Brno, the smallest in Eberswalde;
• the largest fleet was in Brno, the smallest in Eberswalde;
• the youngest fleet was operated in Eberswalde, the oldest in Parma;
• Salzburg and Eberswalde exclusively operate articulated trolleybuses, while Gdynia’s and
Parma’s fleets were exclusively made up of non-articulated units.
A.Z. Nemeth: The trolleybus system of Szeged, [In:] Determinants of Functioning of Trolleybus
Transport in Selected Cities of the European Union, edited by M. Bartłomiejczyk, M. Połom, Ber-
nardinium, Pelplin 2011, p. 52.
40 Chapter 2. Development and the scope of trolleybus transport operations in Europe
Table 2.4. The basic operation data of trolleybus transport in 2011 in cities participating in Trolley
Ordinal Parameter
Salzburg Eberswalde Gdynia Brno Parma Szeged
1. Route length [km] 64 16 44 54 18,6 30,4
2. Line length [km] 191,6 37,2 152 108 27,5 no data
3. Number of lines 9 2 12 13 4 5
4. Number of vehicles in fleet 94 13 85 147 29 44
5. Average vehicle age 8 2 8,9 14,7 20,9 16,6
Number of articulated
6. 94 13 0 25 0 23
7. Number of low-floor vehicles 70 13 76 64 14 14
Number of vehicles with an
8. 30 9 32 0 14 0
auxiliary drive
Total vehicle-kilometers in
9. 5,271 0,755 4,964 6,2 0,599 1,862
a year [mln]
Number of passengers in
10. 40,0 2,8 22,7 42,7 7,1 12,9
a year [mln]
Source: own work based on data received from companies operating trolleybuses in the above cities.
• in Eberswalde all vehicles were low-floor, while the least units of this kind could be found
in Szeged;
• most vehicles in Eberswalde were equipped with auxiliary drives, while in Brno and
Szeged there were no such units;
• the greatest volume of service was performed by trolleybuses in Brno, the least in Parma;
• the most passengers were carried in Brno, the least in Eberswalde.
Chapter 3. Factors Determining Demand for Trolleybus
Z. Pawlicka, Przewozy pasażerskie, WKiŁ, Warszawa 1978, p. 14.
O. Wyszomirski, Ekonomika komunikacji miejskiej, Uniwersytetu Gdański, Gdańsk 1986, p. 30.
A. Zalewski, Problemy oceny efektywności rozwoju miejskich systemów transportowych, SGPiS,
Warszawa 1981, p. 24–25.
42 Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services
Transportation needs resulting from professional aims are characterized by their strong
concentration in time, stable spatial organization and the highest frequency and regularity.
Transportation needs connected with accommodation and living, leisure and entertainment
as well as other aims are far less regular, spatially disorganized and less frequent.
According to the movement sources impact, transportation needs can be divided as fol-
lows 4:
• obligatory;
• somewhat necessary;
• optional;
• incidental.
Obligatory transportation needs are those which when fulfilled condition the life of a hu-
man being. Therefore, both obligatory needs and those which are somewhat necessary are
a regular occurrence. Obligatory needs create the necessity of everyday relocations during
school and work days, within established hours and distances (work, school). Needs which
are somewhat necessary require regular commuting, however not necessarily on a daily basis,
made at random hours and in various directions e.g. work-related travels. However, they are
not dependent on working hours, business trips and purchase-related travels.
Optional transportation needs are all other transportation needs, where the fulfillment of
such needs is contingent on individual decisions taken by passengers. Optional and inciden-
tal needs arise spontaneously. Optional needs relate to shopping, leisure and entertainment,
culture and socializing. Incidental needs are related to maintaining one’s health and resolving
official matters.
The possibility of transforming transportation needs into demand is conditioned by the
ability to tailor the public transport services offer to those needs. Due to the fact that in prac-
tice not all transportation needs (both in quantitative and qualitative repects) are fulfilled
by the public transport services offer, the need has arisen to distinguish between potential
demand and effective demand for public transport services. Effective demand is that which is
present on the market, and measured by the volume of transport services delivered by means
of public transport vehicles. Potential demand reflects those transportation needs that were
not fulfilled by a specific public transport offer. Therefore, this may be shown using a simple
PP = Pp + Pe
PP – transportation needs
Pp – potential demand
Pe – effective demand
It should be noted that even in a hypothetical situation where public transport within
urban areas is monopolized, not all transportation needs would become effective demand.
Disregarding factors related to specific microeconomic mechanisms (the consequence of the
M. Madeyski, E. Lisowska, Badania analityczne transportu samochodowego, WKiŁ, Warszawa 1970,
p. 109.
Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services 43
monopolistic tendencies of companies on the market) the main reason for the absence of a
desired balance between transportation needs and effective demand is the impossibility of
tailoring the transport offer to the individual transportation needs of a single resident due to
both the number and individual nature of such needs.
In order to identify the causes of disproportions between transportation needs and de-
mand, as well as to specify the extent of those differences along with their origin, a thorough
marketing survey on transportation needs, demand, behavior and the preferences of resi-
dents should be carried out.
Transportation behavior can be defined as a set of actions and activities that aim to fulfill
transportation needs. The decision-making process, which predates and determines these
actions and activities, should also be considered an integral element of this behavior5.
The following factors impact on the actions of consumer (and thus potential passengers):
• marketing-related, that is related to the intentional action of a seller aimed at inducing a
purchaser to buy specifics goods or services, in case of transport behavior this would be,
for example, the impact of transport organizers and carriers;
• related to economic, technical, political and cultural aspects;
• internal factors specified as the characteristics of a purchaser 6:
–– cultural;
–– social;
–– personal;
–– psychological.
Each disclosed transportation need entails specific requirements as to the manner of ful-
filling the need. Those requirements are known as transport requirements.
The number and type of transport requirements are virtually unlimited and are subject to
regular changes. They depend, to a large extent, on current transportation conditions, pos-
session or non-possession of a vehicle social status and lifestyle.
The most important and most frequent transport requirements are 7:
• time of travel;
• travel conditions;
• travel costs;
• travel safety.
Factors that determine the time of public transport service, and which, at the same time,
are detailed requirements raised with respect to public transport, are8:
• velocity determining the time of travel;
• frequency, punctuality and reliability specifying the waiting time;
• location determining the walking distance;
S. Gajewski, Zachowanie się konsumenta a współczesny marketing, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Łódź 1994,
p. 9.
B. Żurawik, W. Żurawik, Zarządzanie marketingowe, T. 1.,Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego,
Gdańsk 1993, p. 117.
M. Ciesielski, J. Długosz, Z. Gługiewicz, O. Wyszomirski, Gospodarowanie w transporcie miejskim,
Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu, Poznań 1992., p. 54.
Ibidem, s. 54.
44 Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services
Gospodarowanie w komunikacji miejskiej. Ed. by O. Wyszomirski, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu
Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2002, p. 69.
D.R. Kamerschen, R.B. McKenzie, C. Nardinelli, Ekonomia. Fundacja Gospodarcza NSZZ
„Solidarność”, Gdańsk 1991, p. 474.
Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services 45
specific good in general – that is to the whole demand function, even though, as mentioned
before, the elasticity for particular parts of a demand curve would be different11.
The shape of a universal curve of demand for passenger transport services in cities is yet
to be established. It is commonly believed that price elasticity of demand in transport is rela-
tively low. It is estimated that in economically well-developed countries the price elasticity of
demand for public transport services equals –0,4 and taxi services –0,312.
The data demonstrates that demand elasticity in public transport ranges between –0,2 and
–0,5 within a short period of time (one year) and between –0,6 and –0,9 in a longer period
(5–10 years) – table 3.1.13 Demand elasticity should be measured taking into account factors
characteristic for public transport within a specific area. American research indicates that in
the process of demand elasticity analysis the following diverse factors should be considered,
• the possibility of using a passenger car (elasticity of persons who cannot use a passenger
car is lower than in case of persons with a car);
• time of travel (elasticity during peak hours is about two times higher than during off-peak
Table 3.1. Recommended indicators of demand elasticity for public transport services
Price elasticity value
Demand change due to Market segment
In a short time horizon In a long time horizon
Change of ticket prices In total from –0,2 to –0,5 from –0,6 to –0,9
Change of ticket prices Peak hours from –0,15 to –0,3 from –0,4 to –0,6
Change of ticket prices Off-peak hours from –0,3 to –0,6 from –0,8 to –1,0
Change of ticket prices Sub-urban travels from –0,3 to –0,6 from –0,8 to –1,0
Number of services total from 0,5 to 0,7 from 0,7 to 1,1
from –0,05
Car operating costs total from –0,2 to –0,4
to –0,15
Source: T. Litman: Transit price elasticities and cross-elasticities. “Journal of Public Transportation” 2004, Vol. 7,
No. 2, p. 53.
Apart from changes in prices, there are also other factors that exert a significant impact
on the demand for public transport; income and preferences of passengers as well as public
transport efficiency which is determined by the pace of fulfilling other transport require-
ments, excluding price. Consequently, it is also possible to measure the demand response to
changes in those factors by establishing appropriate demand elasticities.
M. Ciesielski, J. Długosz, Z. Gługiewicz, O. Wyszomirski, op. cit., p. 71.
Ibidem, p. 71.
T. Litman, Transit price elasticities and cross-elasticities. “Journal of Public Transportation” 2004,
Vol. 7, No. 2, p. 52.
46 Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services
Table 3.2 presents the transport capacity of various public transport means in comparison
with a passenger car.
the use of these vehicles in traffic congested areas, where their ability to easily merge into the
flow of traffic has an influence on the capacity of the transport system in general.
However, the main limitations in using trolleybuses for fulfilling transportation needs in
terms of quantity, apart from their technical and functional properties, are costs:
• infrastructure costs;
• trolleybus purchasing costs;
• operating costs;
• external costs.
The cost of trolleybus infrastructure and its operation (and also modernization) is a factor
determining the decision of municipal authorities to use buss services which do not require
additional costs connected with infrastructure elements, even though the two means of trans-
port are comparable in terms of transport capacity.
The cost of purchasing trolleybuses exceeds the cost of purchasing buses. The fundamen-
tal economic factor determining the price ratio of trolleybuses and buses which, to an extent,
are based on the same construction solutions, is lower demand for them.. From the research
and development stage to activities promoting trolleybuses, the substantially lower number
of vehicles sold in comparison with buses, gives rise to the higher cost of trolleybuses. This is
despite the fact that the process of manufacturing trolleybuses is based on the same produc-
tion lines as in the case of buses as well as on the results of research carried out previously
with respect to the manufacturing of buses.
The operating costs of trolleybuses vary in different cities and they are determined mostly
by the cost of electrical power and employees’ remuneration.
The final economic factor presented above that could determine the use of trolleybus
services in cities, are external costs which, if calculated in a reasonable and precise manner,
could counterbalance the low opinion resulting from the costs of purchasing trolleybuses, as
well as infrastructure costs.
In terms of quality, the following factors provide good arguments in favor of using trol-
leybuses to fulfill transportation needs:
• the possibility of fulfilling transportation needs using trolleybus services, including opin-
ions on trolleybus services expressed by residents;
• the determination of public authorities to implement a transport policy on sustainable
• the environmental consciousness of residents and the belief that environmental issues are
of crucial importance to quality of life in a city.
The technical similarities of trolleybuses and buses in the scope of fulfilling transportation
needs are not conclusive when it comes to their comparable ability to fulfill transportation
needs in terms of the quality of services provided. As the survey carried out in Gdynia shows
(Fig. 3.2), residents expressed different opinions about the two means of public transport,
considering various transportation requirements and the modernization stage of both road
tractions (electric and combustion power).
Prior to the modernization of the trolleybus fleet and overhead power system, residents
of Gdynia considered trolleybuses to be slower, less comfortable, less aesthetic and less punc-
tual in comparison with buses. Consequently, residents, having the opportunity to use both
trolleybuses and buses on the same route, would choose to travel by bus even at the expense
Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services 49
of time. This situation was reflected in the research results – such transport behavior was
declared by 67% of respondents.
Fig. 3.2. Semantic profiles of buss, trolleybus and local rapid railway (SKM) services in Gdynia in 1998
Source: Preferences and transport behaviors of Gdynia residents in 1998. ZKM survey report. Gdynia 1999.
As a result social support for developing trolleybus lines in cities was relatively low: 28%
of residents wanted to replace trolleybus lines with bus lines and 43% were in favor of keeping
proportions in services provided by trolleybuses and buses (at that time those proportions,
measured with vehicle-kilometers, equaled 23% and 77% respectively). Upon completion of
the modernization of the overhead power system and replacement of the trolleybus fleet with
modern, low-flow vehicles, the number of respondents in favor of replacing trolleybuses lines
with bus lines decreased to the level of 9% whereas an increase from 11% to 18% was observed
with respect to replacing bus lines with trolleybus lines and developing new trolleybus lines
(despite an increase from 23 to 30% in the total share of trolleybuses in transport services).
The positive attitude of residents towards trolleybuses is a crucial factor that is taken
into account by local authorities in the process of taking political decisions. Environmental
arguments may prove insufficient in relation to the negative attitude of residents in general
towards trolleybuses which result from the relatively low quality of services offered by this
means of public transport. This issue is presented in detail in the next sub-chapter.
Other social and political factors influencing the development of trolleybus transport
may be:
• perceiving trolleybuses as an element which makes up a city image;
• the reluctance of public authorities to introduce substantial changes to the transport sys-
tem of the city.
50 Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services
M. Mazzocchi: Statistics for Marketing and Customer Research. SAGE, London 2008, p. 124
Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services 51
Table 3.3 presents collective data facilitating the comparative analysis of the opinions of
respondents opinions in particular cities in which the survey was carried out. The similarity
in opinions concerning the replacement of buses with trolleybuses and vice-versa in Gdynia
and Parma is notable16.
7% of the respondents in Brno (Czech Rep.) wish to substitute bus lines with trolleybus
lines. One in four respondents is expecting the opposite – substituting trolleybuses with bus-
es. This may result from the fact that public transport in Brno consists of trolleybuses, buses
and trams which cover the city with a dense network. Maintaining the current proportion
between trolleybus and bus lines is supported by 16% of respondents. Its worth noticing that
40% of respondents want to see new trolleybus lines. Respondents in Brno expressed very
strong opinions on the subject.
M. Wołek: Stosunek mieszkańców do trolejbusów jako czynnik społeczny determinujący rozwój
komunikacji trolejbusowej – analiza wybranych miast Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w ramach pro-
jektu TROLLEY [In:] Funkcjonowanie i rozwój transportu. Pod red. W. Rydzkowskiego „Zeszyty Nau-
kowe Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego. Ekonomika Transportu Lądowego” Nr 41. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu
Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2011, s. 105–117.
52 Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services
Tab. 3.3. Future steps taken by authorities with respect to trolleybuses services – the opinions of
resident in the surveyed cities
Brno Eberswalde Gdynia Parma Salzburg Szeged
Substitute bus lines with trolleybus
17% 41% 16% 20% 34% 26%
Substitute trolleybus lines with bus
27% 1% 12% 16% 3% 6%
Keep the bus to trolleybus ratio the
16% 27% 39% 25% 14% 25%
Create more trolleybus lines 40% 25% 26% 23% 41% 31%
No opinion 0% 6% 7% 16% 8% 12%
Source: own-study based on marketing survey conducted within TROLLEY Project, September–October 2010
41% of the respondents in Eberswalde wish to substitute bus lines for trolleybus lines. This
result is the highest among the opinions from the other surveyed and analyzed cities. Only
1% of the respondents is awaiting the opposite, that is, to substitute trolleybus lines with bus
lines. A quarter of respondents wish to maintain the existing proportion in the division of
the transportation tasks between the modes of transport analyzed. A comparable result was
reached in the case of supporters of the development of the trolleybus network. Only 6% of
respondents in Eberswalde did not hold their own opinion on the issue.
The majority of respondents in Gdynia feel that the bus to trolleybus ratio should not
change. Over ¼ of the passengers is in favor of creating new trolleybus lines. 16% of the
respondents want the current bus lines to be replaced with trolleybus lines, whilst 12% of
the respondents expect actions to the contrary. It is interesting to notice a slight advantage
in terms of the supporters of the trolleybus transportation over those of buses. 7% of the
respondents in Gdynia did not hold their own opinion on the issue.
1 in 5 respondents in Parma is in favor of bus lines being replaced by trolleybus lines,
whilst 1 in 6 for trolleybus lines to be replaced with bus lines. Opinions of the respondents on
maintaining current proportions between the trolleybus and bus lines are distributed evenly
(25% of the respondents). This is also the case, when it comes to the number of those in favor
of developing new trolleybus lines. As many as 16% of the respondents in Parma did not hold
their own opinion on the issue.
A definite majority of the respondents in Salzburg support the development of the trol-
leybus network (41%, the highest result among the surveyed cities) as well as the replacement
of the existing bus lines with trolleybus lines (every third respondent). Only 14% of the re-
spondents are in favor of maintaining the status quo, that is sustaining the current balance
in the division of transportation tasks between bus lines and trolleybus lines. Also notable is
the very low proportion of respondents (3%) in favor of trolleybus lines being replaced by bus
lines. 8% of the respondents in Salzburg did not hold their own opinion on the issue regarding
the future actions of the local governments in regards to the trolleybus network.
Almost a third of respondents (31%) in Szeged expect the new trolleybus lines to be created.
A quarter of the surveyed passengers wants the existing bus lines to be replaced with trol-
leybus lines, whilst only 6% of the respondents hold expectations to the contrary. 25% of
Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services 53
respondents do not want to upset the balance of between bus and trolley services. 12% of
respondents in Szeged did not hold their own opinion on the issue regarding the future ac-
tions of the local government in regards to the trolleybus network.
When analyzing the data presented in Tab. 1 it has to be taken into account that the struc-
ture of the opinions expressed by respondents in Szeged is the most similar to the aggregated
data. More than a quarter of the general number of respondents from the six surveyed and
analyzed cities expect buses to be replaced by trolleybuses. Meanwhile, those in favor of
replacing trolleybus lines with bus lines (only 7%) constitute a significantly lower group of
respondents. A similar share (27%) is held by respondents in favor of maintaining the exist-
ing balance between trolleybus and bus lines. The number of the respondents in favor of the
development of new trolleybus lines is slightly higher (29%). 1 in 10 respondents does not hold
their own opinion on the issue17.
The research conducted indicates that passengers using public transport hold significantly
diverse attitudes in relation to the future steps to be taken by local authorities with respect
to trolleybus transport. In German-speaking cities where ecological issues are of utmost im-
portance, high expectations were observed with respect to the development of trolleybus
transport as well as the replacement of bus lines with trolleybus lines. 41% of passengers in
Salzburg (Austria) expect new trolleybus lines to be opened (similarly in Brno – 40%) and
34% want bus lines to be replaced with trolleybus lines. The number of respondents preferring
the replacement of bus lines with trolleybus lines in Eberswalde (Germany) equaled 41%18.
In future, as a result of the implementation of innovative technological solutions, the
number of residents in favor of trolleybuses as the main means of public transport may see
further increase.
The selection of a target market is one of the most important strategic decisions for a
company. The choice of a specific target market carries a number of economic, localization,
environmental and social consequences. The process of selecting the target market is divided
into the following stages19:
• specification of the needs, requirements and features of purchasers present on a given
• analysis of the similarities and differences among purchasers;
• determination of market segments;
K. Migdał-Najman, K. Najman, M. Wołek: Improved image and patronage. Output 5.2.4 “Local Trol-
ley Guides”. Final Report. TROLLEY Project, April 2011.
M. Wołek: Stosunek..., op. cit., p. 105–117.
L. Garbarski, I. Rutkowski, W. Wrzosek: Marketing. Punkt zwrotny nowoczesnej firmy. Wyd. PWE,
Warszawa 2000, p. 182.
54 Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services
Ph. Kotler, K.L. Keller: Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, 14th edition, 2011, p. 228.
M. McDonald, I. Dunbar: Segmentacja rynku. Przebieg procesu i wykorzystanie wyników. Oficyna
Wydawnicza, Kraków 2003.
D. Mercer: Marketing, Blackwell Business, Cambridge 1992, p. 258.
Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services 55
the cost of vehicle-kilometers, and along with the term of a contract, is subject to changes, be
it transportation velocity, power or fuel prices.
In the case of a net cost contract, revenue and cost-related risks are transferred to an entity
providing transportation. Since the operator accepts higher business risks in a net contract
he demands more influence than in a gross contract. Revenues from ticket sales determine
those of the operator. Revenue-related risk may be subject to modifications depending on
revenues generated on sales, which may encourage the operator to take measures aimed at
increasing quality and effectiveness. Depending on detailed terms and arrangements, the
operator may have a significant impact on shaping service parameters such as frequency (at
constant volume of transport services during the term of a contract) or tariff change. In this
case, segmentation will become a significant element of the operator’s actions in the public
transport market.
Incentive contracts are a synthesis of the two former contracts. Part of the compensation
paid to the operator is contingent on the entire volume of transport services (as in the case
of gross cost contract) and the other part depends on the number of passengers transported.
Should that be the case, the operator may feel encouraged to effect market segmentation in
order to increase the relevant parameters of contract performance, for which the operator
may be entitled to a bonus payment (e.g. increase in the number of passengers, higher cus-
tomer satisfaction ratio, etc…).
In terms of incentive mechanisms the operator fundamentally receives a bonus payment
for exceeding a determined quality level. This, however, requires an efficient marketing infor-
mation system to be in place (organizer and operator), which assesses customer satisfaction
at different levels and on a regular basis.
Segmentation may be based on purchaser-related criteria or product-related criteria. In
the first case, we speak of demographic, economic, social and psychographic criteria. Carry-
ing out segmentation based on demographic and economic criteria is relatively simple and as
a rule does not require a marketing survey to be conducted.
Product-related segmentation is especially useful in public transport. “This is frequently
the next step taken once agencies have exhausted the possibilities of segmenting by demo-
graphics and/or geodemographics. In the transit industry, segmenting based on product us-
age is synonymous with segmenting based on ridership – notably frequency of ridership23”.
The advantage of such an approach is its use of quantitative data which is relatively easy to
gather (e.g. the number of travels in given categories) as well as its practical suitability in the
formulation of even short-term strategies and action plans.
A very important segmentation criterion in the process of establishing tariff policy in pub-
lic transport is the household income24. S. Cole, in turn, stresses strong correlations between
market segmentation (and characteristic features of particular segments) and various elastic-
ity categories. “In earlier studies it was clear that the passenger market in urban areas is one
R. Ellmore-Yalch: A Handbook: Using Market Segmentation to Increase Transit Ridership. A Man-
agement Guide. “Transit Comparative Research Program”, Report no 36.Transportation Research
Board. National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington D.C. 1998, p. III.
E. Cascetta: Transportation Systems Analysis. Models and Applications. Second Edition. Springer,
New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London 2009, p. 17.
56 Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services
market with segments between which customers will move. Their actions are determined by
price elasticities, fare structure changes, service elasticities and income elasticity”25.
In order to support this view, S. Cole presented in detail the U-18 segment, which is
characterized by the absence of demand elasticity (as a rule, transport costs are covered by
schools, public institutions and parents). Moreover, this segment can be characterized by
other parameters on non-school days (weekends and holidays), which makes it possible to
apply a flexible tariff and ticket solutions in order to increase the number of transports ser-
vices rendered on such days.
In the everyday functioning of the public transport market, both segmentation criteria
groups are used – those based on a customer and product profile (or related issue). In such a
case, the following aspects are considered26:
• place of living;
• place of work/school/universities,
• social and professional status;
• car ownership;
• the manner in which demand for public transport is put into place;
• tariff basis for public transport services;
• type of ticket.
Specific segmentation criteria related to trolleybus transport might include:
• the comparison of trolleybuses to other means of public transport;
• attitude towards environmental issues;
• attitude towards quality of life in a broad sense.
Based on the analysis carried out for Gdynia within the framework of the TROLLEY
project, two target groups for activities promoting trolleybus transport were defined. The
following criteria were considered:
• social and professional status;
• sex;
• age;
• opinions about trolleybus transport.
The two groups are27:
young people (combined segments of 16–20 and 21–30 years old), among which trolley-
bus transport has the best image. These are either students or those who have joined the labor
market recently. seniors – segment of 61+. This is a segment in which the image of trolleybus
transport is weaker. However, it seems that it could be radically changed if only the crucial
elements of the image (punctuality, speed, cleanness) could be improved. It should be noted
that this process is considered long-term.
S. Cole: Applied Transport Economics. Policy, management & Decision Making. 3rd Edition. Kogan
Page, London and Sterling 2005, p. 52.
O. Wyszomirski, K. Grzelec: Badania marketingowe w komunikacji miejskiej. Izba Gospodarcza
Komunikacji Miejskiej, Warszawa 1998, p. 14.
Developing a positive image of trolley communication among selected groups of inhabitants of
Gdynia (low-cost actions). Prepared by AMBER Consult for City of Gdynia in the framework of TROL-
LEY Project, Gdynia 2012.
Chapter 3. Demand For Trolleybus Services 57
The analysis of factors which have an influence on the image of trolleybus transport in
Gdynia was presented in Table 3.4.
Table 3.4. Analysis of factors influencing the image of trolleybus transport in Gdynia among defined
target groups
Size of tar- Leading theme for utiliza- Areas requiring improve-
Target group Postulates
get group tion ment
Ecological aspects. Trans-
directness, frequency, safety, cleanness, punctu-
Young people 45 102 port behavior is becoming
punctuality, ality, comfort
directness, punctuality,
Seniors 39 093 Quality of life comfort, safety
Source: self-study based on Preferences and behavior patterns of the inhabitants of Gdynia in 2010, The Market-
ing Survey Report of Urban Transport Management, April 2009, p. 24. Developing a positive image of trolley
communication among selected groups of inhabitants of Gdynia (low-cost actions). Prepared by AMBER Consult
for City of Gdynia in the framework of TROLLEY Project, Gdynia 2012.
Young people make up one of the most difficult groups to reach, due to their averse at-
titude towards the media or intensive advertising.
The element common to both target groups is perception of the trolleybus as a slow and
unfashionable means of public transport. This element should diminish over time. As a means
of transport, the trolleybus should be treated as an independent brand which requires that its key
attributes be specified. The attributes of the brand can be found by referring to the assumptions of
passengers in the defined target groups.
Chapter 4. Technical, Operational and Economic
Characteristics of Trolleybus Transport
Trolleybuses are driven by electric traction motors, which have different characteristics
than those of the internal combustion engines used in buses. The main feature of an electric
motor is its high torque and the possibility to adjust its speed over a wide range. Hence the
reason trolleybuses are not equipped with a gearbox and the motor is directly connected to
the driving axle via a Cardan shaft. The high torque is also advantageous in hilly areas where
trolleybuses achieve significantly better operating parameters than buses.
An important feature of the trolleybus is its ability to use its traction engine for braking,
meaning mechanical brakes are used minimally. The possibility of using the electric drive to
brake arises from the reversible nature of each electric machine: during braking the electric
motor acts as a generator and converts the vehicle’s kinetic energy into electricity. The energy
created can be dissipated with braking resistors or returned to the overhead wire and used
by other vehicles. This so called recuperative braking allows for recovery of the energy that
would be lost in a braking system as used in buses.
One can distinguish three main generations of traction motors currently in operation:
1) DC traction motor with resistor speed control,
2) DC traction motor with pulse speed control,
3) AC (induction) traction motor
The first generation of traction motors was either series wound or compound wound
(series and shunt). The use of a compound wound motor is characteristic for trolleybuses.
This is the result of driving trolleybuses with only one engine, which hinders the possibility of
shaping the characteristics and increases energy consumption because of the impossibility of
series/parallel switching of traction motors. A compound wound motor has a wider range of
regulation than a series wound motor. An example of this generation is Polish Jelcz pr 110 E
with a type DK210 compound wound traction engine with 110 kW power. In first generation
motors the voltage powering the traction motor controls the vehicle’s speed. The voltage is
adjusted with resistors, which results in significant losses of 20–40%.
The second generation trolleybuses are equipped with a series wound DC traction motor.
Analogous to the first generation, the speed is regulated by the traction motor’s voltage, how-
ever in this case the voltage is modulated without losses with a pulse-width modulating circuit
known as a chopper. An additional advantage of this solution is the easy implementation of
Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport 59
regenerative braking. It consists in returning power to the traction grid during braking. The
switching devices are based either on SCR thyristors, GTO or IGBT transistors. This solution
is used in the Solaris Trollino 12 T, equipped with a DK210 series wound traction motor and
a transistor based pulse switch manufactured by the Electro-technical Institute in Warsaw.
Virtually all currently produced trolleybuses are equipped with third-generation drive
systems. Their drive unit is an AC traction motor. It is powered from the overhead wire
through an inverter converting DC into AC. The purpose of the inverter is to control the
motor’s speed using voltage and frequency modulation of the output current. The IGBT in-
verter equipped traction motor’s power is between 165–250 kW. There are four and six pole
induction cage motors. Due to the small size and low weight, four-pole motors are the most
common and are equipped in most currently manufactured trolleybuses. However, the ad-
vantage of six-pole engines, a direct result of lower rated speed, is the possibility of equipping
a trolleybus with a standard bus rear axle with a 5:1–6:1 gear ratio.
Electrical apparatus, in contrast to the bus’s internal combustion drive, is characterized
by a modular design, which allows for an arrangement, which is much less restrictive to pas-
senger space. Examples of a trolleybus interior arrangement are shown on Fig. 4.1. The main
elements of the drive, the traction motor and the auxiliary combustion generator were placed
in the center of the vehicle, which enabled the a rear part of the bus to be completely low-floor.
Moreover, it made it possible to greatly increase the trolleybus interior capacity by avoiding
the installation of the so-called „drive tower”, typical of low-floor buses.
The traction motor can be placed in the rear of the vehicle, as with buses. An alternative,
increasingly common solution is to put the traction motor between the first and second axis
of the vehicle, a special motor chamber above which passengers seats are placed (Fig. 4.2, 4.3).
This solution allows a more even distribution of axle loads in the vehicle.
Fig. 4.1. Spacious interior design (Solaris Trollino 18, Salzburg, Austria)
Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk.
Alternative solutions should also be mentioned. These include the use of the portal axle
with integrated electric motors in the hubs (Fig. 4.4, 4.5). This solution allows for a very wide
passage at the back of the bus when accompanied by supersingle tires. Among others, this
solution is used in Irisbus Cristalis, and the prototype Trolza with a ZF AVE 130 axle.
60 Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport
Fig. 4.2. Traction motor chamber placed be- Fig. 4.3. The interior of the traction motor cham-
tween the axles, covered with passenger seats ber placed between the vehicle’s axles(Solaris
(Solaris Trollino 15) Trollino 15)
Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk. Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk.
The enclosure box with an inverter, a choke, an input filter, an immediate switch and a
converter is located on the roof, just like the resistor box. The chassis only holds the motor,
the compressor and pneumatics. This arrangement is dictated by the need to maximize the
low-floor area inside the trolleybus. Fig. 4.6 shows examples of roof enclosures holding elec-
trical installations.
Fig. 4.4. The back part of Cristalis trolleybuses, Fig. 4.5. The back part Neoplan trolleybuses,
equipped with AC induction (asynchronous) equipped with DC traction engines in the hubs
motors in the hubs – note the wide passage for – note the wide passage for passengers.
passengers Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk.
Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk.
Power is transferred via an insulated, single stage shaft to the hypoid portal axle with a
conical main gear and cylindrical reduction gears in the hubs. The wheel and axle are usually
comparable to those of buses.
Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport 61
Due to the same supply voltage and similar power, manufacturers seek to unify tram and
trolleybus drives. The main difference between the tram and trolleybus drives is the number
of motors, but this does not lead to other major differences in the structure of the electric
drive system.
A second, more important feature distinguishing a trolleybus fleet from rail rolling stock
is a two-stage isolation of the 600 V electric system. Train carriages are connected to the rails
by metal wheels, all conductive elements available to passengers are galvanically connected
to one pole of the power supply. Damage to the insulation of the 600 V system and a rupture
to the vehicle’s body will cause a short-circuit in the overhead wire 600 V system – the point
of failure – the vehicle body – rails, creating the short-circuit current triggering overcurrent
protection, which shuts off the power to the damaged vehicle. A trolleybus vehicles body is
isolated from the power supply, so a short-circuit between the 600 V electrical system and the
bodywork does not trigger overcurrent protection, so there is a risk of creating a dangerous
electric potential. For this reason, the trolleybus overhead wire with the electric potential of
600 V, analogously to IEC Protection Class II appliances, is equipped with double isolation.
As a safety precaution, trolleybuses are equipped with systems of continuous 600 V circuit
insulation monitoring and detectors of dangerous electrical potential on the body.
Another difference between rail vehicles and trolleybuses are the types of auxiliary equip-
ment used. As trolleybuses are built using the bodies of buses, they are equipped with the
same auxiliary equipment as buses, namely:
• the pneumatic system for brakes, suspension (ECAS leveling system) and door mecha-
• the hydraulic system for power steering.
As was already mentioned, a major difference is equipping trolleybuses with an autono-
mous driving system i.e. a system without the need for an overhead wire.
It is worth mentioning, that the overhead wire is characterized by momentary changes of
polarity. For that reason, the trolleybus electrical apparatus must be adopted in order to work
with different polarities.
Fig. 4.7 shows an example of a modern trolleybus-wiring diagram. The electrical traction
system voltage 600V is marked in red and the separated 600 V voltage is marked in blue.
62 Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport
A trolleybus is powered by an overhead wire with the help of trolley poles. Due to the possibil-
ity of changes in the polarity there is a voltage reverser (NP) installed, which can be a bridge
rectifier, a contactor or a transistor. An AC traction motor ST is powered by a traction inverter
FT. Auxiliary drives are also AC powered: compressor motor SS, hydraulics pump motor
SP and ventilation motor SW. Auxiliary AC motors and other auxiliary 24V circuits OP are
powered by static converters PP from the separated 600V voltage from a separating converter
PS. The auxiliary 24V circuit voltage also powers the separating static PF 24V/24V of the
traction inverter steering circuits. The 600 V – separated circuit is used due to the require-
ment of a two-stage insulation of the electrical installation under the overhead wire potential.
For powering the vehicle when there is no voltage in the overhead wire, an emergency drive
module is used (e.g. traction batteries, combustion driven generator). OG means heating, and
RH breaking resistor.
Fig. 4.7. An example of an electrical structure diagram of a trolleybus with AC traction motor
Source: own work.
The infrastructure necessary for the operation of trolleybus transport includes power sup-
ply facilities and equipment and technical facilities (depots) for fleet maintenance. The pur-
pose of the infrastructure is to provide electricity to the vehicles through the overhead wire.
Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport 63
The overhead wire system is powered by traction substations with 660 V voltage. Depots
serve as maintenance centers and garages.
Trolleybuses do not run on rails, so the trolleybus traction system works as the source of
power and the traction return system. The traction system is divided into sections of power,
which are supplied from the traction substations. This structure allows the decommission-
ing of a portion of the power supply system while leaving the rest operational. An example
schematic of a traction substation’s area of powering is shown in Fig. 4.8. The traction system
is divided into sections with section isolators placed on both overhead wires. The sections
are powered using bipolar power supplies, usually subterranean cables 625 mm2 made of
- 330 V + 330 V
Substation busbars
The most common and the safest way to power trolleybus systems is an isolated system,
in which the two poles of power are completely isolated from earth (IT systems). During
normal operation, due to the symmetry of the supply, voltage distribution is symmetrical on
both poles: the positive line voltage is +330 V and the negative is –330 V (power system with
rated voltage of 660 V). In the event of damage to the insulation of one of the poles there will
be a dispersed current flow towards ground, which is schematically shown on Fig. 4.9. Such a
situation may arise in a case where the overhead wire is broken or there is an insulation break-
down in the electrical system of a trolleybus and may pose a potential threat to users. The cur-
rent will flow from the positive bus bar of the substation, through the power supply, traction
wire, the place of damage to the insulation, ground, leakage resistance, traction wire’s negative
pole R– and the negative power supply to the negative traction substation. Due to the much
higher resistance R– from other elements of the circuit, we can assume that the amp value of
the earth fault will be equal to the ratio of the power resistance to R– resistance. Taking into
consideration that the insulation resistance is between 10–500 kΩ, one can assume that the
amp value of the earth fault will be between 1–60 MA. In comparison, in the case of a tram
the amp value of the earth fault could reach 10A, – which is over 100 times greater.. It must,
therefore, be concluded that from the point of view of safety from electric shock trolleybus
transport is much safer than the tram, as there is much smaller risk of bystanders getting an
electric shock coming into contact with an electric wire lying on the ground after it is broken.
64 Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport
Rectifier unit switchgear
R+ R-
Fig. 4.9. Damage to the insulation in the trolleybus power supply system
Source: own work.
From the point of view of the power structure, there are two ways to deploy traction
• centralized supply system
• decentralized supply system
The centralized supply system has its roots in early urban electric traction, when the first
tram networks were supplied from one central power plant (mostly steam, sometimes water).
As time passed, tram networks (and later trolleybus networks) developed and in order to
increase the supply power, power supply rectifier units were introduced (initially they were
rotary converters and later mercury arc rectifiers) supplied from the municipal mains power
and thus power plants evolved into substations. Next newly built tram (trolleybus) lines were
supplied from the central substation by increasingly longer power supplies.
A characteristic of the centralized power supply (Fig. 4.10) is the existence of large sub-
stations (powering even 20–40 power supplies), covering a large area of power with points
of supply often very far from the substation. Their length reaches sometimes 5 km and their
cross section areas 2000 mm2. Substations operating in the centralized system must supply
Section of catenary
uninterrupted power and thus are powered by two lines from the mains and have at least two
rectifier sets. The central power networks used unilateral traction wire. Centralized power is
common in Central Europe: in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
A decentralized system is a more modern way of powering a trolleybus traction system
(Fig. 4.11). It was created thanks to the rise of prefabricated, maintenance-free, small-scale
substations. In this arrangement, power substations are densely spaced (every 1–3 km), lo-
cated in the immediate vicinity of the overhead wire power points. Substations have one
rectifier group (they have 1–3 power supplies), they are often supplied with only one MV line
(6–35 kV). Damage to the rectifier unit or the supply line turns off the entire substation, so
reserves are provided by using the power supply from neighboring substations by combining
the power sections of the overhead line. Increasingly, bilateral power is also used. Decentral-
ized systems are used in Western Europe (Austria, Switzerland, Germany).
The main advantage of the decentralized system of overhead wire power is that less elec-
tricity is lost in the power supplies and a lower voltage drop in the DC grid. In addition, op-
erational practice shows that power cables are the most prone to damage of all power system
components. This is because cables run through a dense urban underground infrastructure,
which causes frequent cable damage during construction works. Also of importance is the
fact that smaller volume substations can be located in other public buildings and, as a result,
have less of an impact on the architecture of urban areas.
Section of
catenary supply
In many cases, existing power systems are being strengthened through the implementa-
tion of two-point power to the traction wire (Fig. 4.12), which is a modification to the bilateral
system. This solution is commonly used in the Czech Republic.
a) b)
Substation Substation
Fig. 4.12. One point (a) and two point (b) supply of section
Source: own work.
66 Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport
Traction substations convert the alternating current drawn from the power grid to DC
power for trolleybus traction. The supply voltage of the substation tends to differ: in Poland
it is 10–20 kV, in the Czech Republic 6–35 kV, Slovakia 22 kV, Hungary 10 kV and 20 kV. In
Austria, Sweden, the Ukraine and Lithuania, all substations are powered with 10 kV voltage.
A traction substation consists of three main parts:
• power switchgear (medium-voltage switchgear), which divides electricity for each recti-
fier unit,
• rectifier groups consisting of a transformer and rectifier, which convert the alternating
current electrical energy drawn from the grid to DC energy,
• DC current switchgear, which channels the energy supply into individual sections of the
overhead line.
An example of a simplified diagram of trolleybus traction substation is shown in Fig. 4.13.
This is a single-unit substation used in a decentralized power system. The rectifier unit is pow-
ered by 15 kV of alternating current from the public grid by the main switch and meter used
for settlement bills with the power company. The transformer voltage is lowered from 15 kV
to 525 V, then the voltage is rectified, resulting in 660 V direct current. In the DC distribution
unit the electricity is distributed to individual sections of the power supply. Each section of
the power supply is equipped with a linking – protection circuit, that allows the power for
Main switch 15 kV
Supply 400 V of own needs
Switch 660 V
DC Switch 660 V DC
individual sections to be turned off. Frequently the positive power section is equipped with
a high-speed switch breaker, which protects against short-circuit and overload, and the nega-
tive pole uses only a standard disconnector switch. It is possible to install switches on both
power poles or bipolar high-speed switches, however for economic reasons this is rarely done.
Substation equipment such as control systems, lighting and heating is powered by an ad-
ditional 400 V coil of the traction transformer.
Fig. 4.14 shows an example of a trolleybus substation interior. On the left: the medium-
voltage switchgear, on the right: the DC switchgear and at the rear: the rectifier unit.
Fig. 4.15 shows two examples of small volume trolleybus traction substations. In many
situations it is necessary for the traction to be incorporated into the existing architecture.
Examples of such solutions are presented in Fig. 16, which displays photos of a substation
stylized as a historical building and a subterranean substation
Fig. 4.15. Examples of single unit traction substations (Brno, Czech Republic and Gdynia, Poland)
Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk.
68 Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport
Fig. 16. Adopting traction substations to local architecture: a substation stylized as a historic building
and a subterranean substation (Gandawa, Belgium and Brno, Czech Republic)
Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk.
Depots are an essential element of the trolleybus transport system. Their primary role is
that of a technical facility for vehicles. However, more specifically the role of trolleybus depots
can be divided into the following categories:
• Vehicle maintenance – overhauls, repair, inspection,
• Vehicle storage,
• facilities for other technical services (e.g. substation and wire network maintenance),
• administrative – the seat of the operating company.
The task set out in groups 3 and 4 are not directly related to the maintenance of the trol-
leybus fleet, and therefore, will not be mentioned later in this paper. It should be noted that
in many cases the seat of technical services related to the maintenance of overhead wires and
substations is located outside the depot, for example, on one of the substations.
Activities related to the maintenance of vehicles consists of:
• daily maintenance,
• technical maintenance,
• medium repairs,
• main repairs.
Daily maintenance activities include the servicing of the basic mechanical parts of a trol-
leybus: braking, steering and the insulation of the high-voltage installation. This usually takes
around 10 minutes. Technical maintenance includes activities connected with the routine
servicing of individual elements of the vehicle, its scope and frequency determined by the
vehicle’s manufacturer. Technical maintenance includes checking the condition of the trac-
tion and the auxiliary motors, insulators, poles and ropes, electrical installation, coatings,
information stickers, inner and outer shell, seats, doors, windows, mirrors, steering system,
suspension, wheels and tires, braking system, body and chassis, v-belts. The electrical system
is cleaned, the level of oil in the gearbox is checked and mechanical components are lubricat-
ed. In addition periodic checks are performed on the tension of pole collectors, worn contacts
are exchanged, pantograph rods are cleaned, the state of the roof, doors and floor covers is
checked, the grill is checked for wear or repaired, the rear axle and drive shafts are inspected,
wheels and brake drums are removed, the thickness of brake linings are checked. Performing
Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport 69
medium, minor and major repairs and their scope depend on the company’s fleet strategy.
They usually include the exchange of corroded mechanical elements, the shell and the grill.
The garage in which daily and technical maintenance is performed should be equipped
similarly to bus depots, that is with inspection pits, vehicle lifts, etc. The main difference is
the need for an equipment maintenance area with platforms providing access to electrical
equipment located on the roof (Fig. 4.17). It is also important to equip depots with the devices
necessary to operate the electrical equipment, e.g. a blower to dry traction motors. The num-
ber of pits (stands) of daily and technical maintenance depends on the number of vehicles in
the fleet. For a small depot it is sufficient to use one position for technical and one for daily
maintenance (it is not advisable to perform those two activities at one station). It is recom-
mended that pit maintenance be undertaken in the form of a drive-through. Blind channels
are not recommended due to the need to withdraw the vehicle each time it is repaired.
Fig. 4.17. Trolleybus maintenance hall with balco- Fig. 4.18. Designated trolleybus garage pits in a
nies (Brno, Czech Republic) bus depot (Landskrona, Sweden)
Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk. Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk.
Large depots may have up to 4 daily maintenance pits and 4 technical maintenance pits.
The type of vehicle service stations depends on the conditions of a particular depot location.
In a case where both a minimal number of trolleybuses and also a much larger fleet are oper-
ated it is possible to dedicate to them two maintenance pits (Fig. 4.18, 4.19).
In addition to vehicle maintenance pits, depots should also be equipped with other techni-
cal facilities, the number and type of which depends on the characteristics of the fleet. In the
case of large depots the following elements can be distinguished
• electro-technical workshop,
• electronics workshop,
• mechanics workshop,
• pneumatics workshop,
• sheet-metal workshop,
• woodworking workshop,
• paint workshop,
• battery workshop,
• tire workshop,
• warehouse, tool storage.
Another key part of the depot is parking for the trolleybuses. This can be either outdoors,
partially covered or fully covered parking (Fig 4.20). Roofed parking protects vehicles from
the impact of weather conditions, reduces the rate of corrosion and most importantly, pre-
vents moisture from entering the electrical system when the vehicles remain stationary at
night. An important issue is the installation of the overhead wire within the trolleybus depot.
Trolleybus depots are usually equipped with electric traction, yet with the proliferation of
trolleybuses fitted with an auxiliary power source, it is not uncommon to build depots with-
out electric traction (Fig. 4.18) or only partially equipped with it. The overhead wire in the de-
pot is supplied at nominal voltage (600 or 750 V), but for safety reasons reduced (80–200 V)
overhead line voltage is used in vehicle servicing areas.
In cases where space is limited two level depots are built. An example of this is the Komín
depot in Brno (Czech Republic). The lower level is equipped with inspection pits, while the
higher level serves as parking (Fig. 4.20).
Fig. 4.20. Partially roofed parking spaces for trolleybuses (Gdynia, Poland) and fully roofed (Brno,
Czech Republic)
Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk.
Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport 71
Just like other public transport depots, trolleybus depots are equipped with vehicle wash-
ing stations. They can be built outside or inside the depot (Fig. 4.22). The washing stations
are built similarly to bus washing stations, but because the pole collectors are placed on the
vehicle’s roof, no elements of the washing station can be placed over the vehicle’s roof. Hence
the reason washing stations for trolleybuses are not built in form of a gate, but rather as two
parts. As a safety precaution the overhead wire’s voltage is lowered to 80V in the area of the
washing station. Some washing stations do not have an overhead wire at all and vehicles need
to use their auxiliary drive to pass through them.
Fig. 4.22. Inside (Pardubice, Czech Republic) and outside (Coimbra, Portugal) trolleybus washing
Photo M. Bartłomiejczyk.
72 Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport
The supply of transport services as well as the volume of its consumption can be described
by many measures. Transport capacity and performance constitute the two most important.
Transport capacity incorporates the total amount of service supply offered by a company
in a given period, with the use of certain resources and within a frame of a particular public
transport network.. Transport capacity is measured in:
• vehicle kilometres (vkm),
• seat kilometres (skm).
The transport capacity expressed in vehicle kilometres does not take into account the
amount of seats available in each of the utilized vehicles. It, therefore, does not represent
the actual transport capacity with regards to the passengers carried by the service operator.
Due to the fact, however, that the majority of routes are serviced by vehicles of which the
capacity is not fully utilised, the number of seats is not the main criterion used in order to
determine the transport capacity. It is rather described by the number of vehicles operating
on a given line or network together with the frequency of departures. Moreover, the standard
number of passengers (both sitting and standing) does not constitute the maximum number
of passengers which should be carried at a single time on a trolleybus. It depends on the
space utilisation norms accepted by the manufacturer of the vehicle, which are measured by
the number of passengers within an area of 1m². Whilst the saturation on board, commonly
accepted by the passengers amounts to 4 passengers per 1m², in reality the most frequently
encountered saturation allows for 6,7 passengers per 1m²1.
In calculating the transport capacity (measured in seat kilometres) the number of seats
provided for the passengers on each vehicle is included. The measure of transport capacity
expressed in seat kilometres is used especially to establish the point of saturation of transport
capacity. It can also be put to use in supply scope planning, especially during line planning
which includes time factor (meaning the frequency of departures in a day together with the
days of the week).
Most commonly, the transport capacity is set for one hour. It then stands for the maxi-
mum number of passengers for a given vehicle, which can be carried by it, from one trans-
portation point on a particular route or line to another, in an hour. It is expressed by the
following formula2:
Zh [pax] = Qp × W
Z h – stands for the transport capacity of the operator, measured in the number of passengers car-
ried per hour,
Q p – stands for the capacity of the vehicle measures in the number of seats provided for passen-
Transport miejski. Ekonomika i organizacja [Urban Transport, Economy and Organisation], ed.
O. Wyszomirski, Wydawnictwo UG, Gdańsk 2008, p. 83.
Ibidem, p. 84.
Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport 73
W – stands for the top number of vehicles which can depart from a given transportation point in
an hour and travel in the same direction.
At present, the methods used in registering passengers on the vehicles are not sufficient
enough to know beyond all reasonable doubt how far each passenger has travelled. Therefore,
in order to facilitate calculations, the most commonly applied method involves the applica-
tion of an approximate distance travelled by one passenger in a given period. The methods
of establishing the average distance vary between public transport companies. Sometimes it
is based on the results of measurements concerning the trip of a sample of passengers using
electronic cards/tickets, who log onto the system upon entering a bus and log out as they
step off the vehicle. The most common error connected with this method concerns the pas-
sengers who forget to log off the system. It also does not take into account passengers who
are using traditional or periodical tickets, who are not required, or not prompted, to log on
to such a system. The system used in Amsterdam can serve as an example of an efficient
measurement system. It is based on electronic readers, which take note of each person getting
on a bus/a tram/underground/city train, and which register each electronic ticket user. The
readers scan such tickets remotely, noting when their owner got on and off a vehicle.(24-hour,
a set number of days, monthly). In such a case, the analysis of the flow of the passengers may
be detailed.
Another, completely different method used to establish the average travel distance of each
passenger, is based on surveys conducted by the employees/contracted employees working for
the carrier, who randomly select a passenger and ask them where they started their journey
and when they intend to finish it. Even a large sample of answers does not guarantee, however,
a high measurement of accuracy. The method has been, nevertheless, employed for many
74 Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport
years. Currently, electronic measurement tools, used to measure the effective demand, are be-
coming more significant and they should dictate the path of development in public transport.
The way of establishing the volume of the effective demand contributes to the achievement
of a few aims. Firstly, the demand constitutes a value which can be compared to the level of
transport performance (in vkm) which is feasible to carry out. The relationship constitutes an
indicator of the level to which the vehicles are filled (utilisation of the transport capacity) in a
public transport company, which can be described by the formula presented below:
After the expansion of the formula we obtain the following:
∑Pax × L śr ∑Q p × ∑L
The indicator is within range <0; 1>. The average daily value of the indicator is between
30,0% and 35,0%. During the peak hours it reaches 50%. In practice it states that in order to
perform one passenger kilometre within urban transport the carrier supplies 2 seat kilome-
The quotient of the transport performance (in passenger kilometres) and transport ca-
pacity (in seat kilometres) allows for an evaluation of the level of utilisation of the carrier’s
transport capacity. It provides a dynamic indicator which constantly fluctuates in time both
in the daily, weekly and annual perspective.
The main influence on the supply of transport services provided in a given time belongs to
the company itself, which through the use of many tools and methods can affect the generat-
ing of the aforementioned service. As a whole, they constitute external factors shaping the
volume of the supply of transport services.
Those factors, examined with reference to the company utilising trolleybuses, can be
named as follows:
• Factors concerning the size of the given company:
–– the amount of manufacturing workers, including the drivers and technicians maintain-
ing the rolling stock and the network;
–– the amount of traffic management employees.
• Factors concerning the quality of work and company’s code of conduct:
–– experience of the manufacturing workers;
–– skills of the management;
–– analytical and monitoring skills of the traffic supervisors;
–– ability to create timetables;
–– health and safety, as well as quality procedures;
–– strategy and policy of development;
–– financial credibility of the company;
–– social responsibility;
–– ecological responsibility.
• Factors connected with the quantity of the rolling stock:
–– the number of trolleybuses on route;
–– the number of substitute trolleybuses;
Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport 75
Mindur M., Transport Europa – Azja [Transport Europe – Asia], Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu
Technologii Eksploatacji – PIB, Warszawa–Radom 2009, p. 163.
76 Chapter 4. Technical, operational and economic characteristics of trolleybus transport
–– The working law regulations, especially those regarding acceptable working patterns
for drivers;
–– The local legislation regarding city and regional planning and land development plan-
–– The local strategies regarding the development of public transport together with all
documents concerning the matter;
–– The local legal acts regarding the tariffs and methods of accounting the free and dis-
counted fares.
Chapter 5. Organization and Management
of Trolleybus Transport
Urban public transport is a matter of public service. This requires public authorities to
introduce specific regulations for this branch of the transport industry. Depending on the
scope of the regulation, one can distinguish the following models:
• deregulated,
• regulated.
In the deregulated model of urban public transport the role of public authorities is re-
duced to the minimum needed to provide the standard of transport service required by resi-
dents. The transport is in fact regulated, but only to a small extent.
In the regulated transport model, public authorities have a substantial influence on the
functioning of urban public transport. In order to provide the highest possible standard of
service in public transport, public authorities greatly influence the way it is shaped.
The main difference between the two regulation models mentioned above concerns the
service suppliers’ freedom of:
• access to the market,
• determining the quantity and quality of services offered,
• pricing,
• development of information and promotional media.
In the deregulated model of urban public transport services can be provided by any op-
erator meeting the technical and technological requirements arising from specific provisions
relating to public transport. Freedom of access can also affect the infrastructure necessary for
the provision of transport, particularly of all stops, interchanges, parking sites and systems
used to provide vehicles with electricity. It is necessary, therefore, to define the principles
governing the use of this infrastructure.
In the regulated model of urban public transport access is only given to operators who are
owned by the city or hired by the city to implement transport services in this city (or part of
the city), or to fulfill specific tasks within the service.
In the deregulated model of urban public transport the operator bears all market risk as-
sociated with basic decisions on how to provide services to achieve the desired profitability.
While providing commercial services, the operator can flexibly adapt them to the needs of the
market, deliberately choosing the most profitable areas of the market and customer groups. In
certain situations, the operator can also employ the cross-subsidization of services i.e. cover
Chapter 5. Organization and management of trolleybus transport 79
the deficit caused by unprofitable routes or lines with income gained by other profitable routes
or lines. The operator will do so if, thanks to an extended range encompassing both profit-
able and non-profitable services, the demand for services will rise enough to provide more
profit than a smaller range, which only includes profitable services. The rational action of the
operator is thus dependent on the correct assessment of the demand for transport services in
urban areas, both present and future. This assessment has a bearing on the operator’s whole
strategy including the scale of services, investments, renovation and introduced innovations.
In the regulated model of urban public transport the market risk is usually born by public
authorities, which regulate the functioning of the market. Nevertheless, it is possible to agree
a contract in which such risk is ceded to the operator. Public authorities specify the services
in terms of quantity and quality. It is also possible for the operator or operators employed by
the city to determine the scope and level of services themselves. In both cases, the planned
offer must be accepted by public authorities, particularly in terms of the possibility of it being
subsidized by the city’s budget.
In the deregulated model of urban public transport, the operator has the right to inde-
pendently set prices for transport services. In the regulated model of urban public transport
prices are adopted by public authorities and, therefore, are official in character.
The scope of information and promotion activities in the deregulated model of urban
public transport depends solely on the creativity of the operator. However, in the regulated
model the information and promotional message is the responsibility of the organizer of
The diversity of access of operators to the market determines the competition among the
suppliers. An inherent trait of the deregulated model of public transport is its instigation of
competition. The regulated model of transport may be based on one operator’s monopoly or
on competition between operators.
Taking into account the criterion of supplier competition in the regulated model the fol-
lowing solutions can be distinguished:
• a city-owned monopoly on transport services operating continuously thorughout the ur-
ban area;
• a monopoly of a single operator, hired to handle the transport of the city for a specified
time period after winning a tender;
• the competitive co-existence of operators who have won tenders to operate separate parts
of the city’s transport network.
Basic organization and management models of urban public transport are presented in
fig. 5.1.
Each of the solutions in the regulated model of urban public transport requires a different
way of organizing and managing the city’s transport. In the case of the monopoly of a city-
owned operator, the basic scope of organization and management activities can be performed
by the operator itself, whereas in the case of a monopoly of an operator, hired to handle the
transport of the city for a specified time period, there is the possibility that of a wide range
of organization and management activities can be undertaken both by public authorities and
the operator. Competition of operators on the market requires the majority of organization
and management activities to be performed by public authorities.
80 Chapter 5. Organization and management of trolleybus transport
• a need to specify the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the transport service in
the contract forming the basis of the operator’s transport activity;
• the determination of the level of subsidies rendered to public transport service via a ten-
• a decrease in the dependence of the transport offer on those resources at the disposal of
the operator;
• a presentation of evidence prompting the conduction of a wider scope of market research;
• a presence of strong incentives for the implementation of the transport service at a level
high in both quantity and quality.
In order to create conditions for the operator to operate efficiently, the contract has to be
signed for a period long enough to allow for the depreciation of the assets involved. The scale
of the project covered by the contract can effectively reduce competition to a small group
of large operators who are prepared to take on city transport service in its entirety. A major
problem that may arise is the lack of stable conditions of employment for basic professional
groups, due to the threat of losing the entire market by the operator. In addition, this model
requires the adoption of certain infrastructure solutions, particularly those parts of the in-
frastructure with a very long service life. Therefore, public authorities, who introduce this
model should:
• remain the owners of infrastructure and fleet;
• guarantee stable employment conditions to the basic groups of urban public transport
employees by requiring the operator to adopt specific formal and legal obligations in the
scope of their employment continuity;
• limit the duration of the contract to 5–6 years (as a result of the newly created conditions);
• precisely define the scope of duties of the operator;
• motivate the selected operator through appropriate incentives to provide efficient trans-
port services, as well as sharing the commercial risk.
In the regulated transport model it is also possible to introduce competition to the market.
Controlled by public authorities, the public transport authority must in this case play the key
role in organizing public transport. This results in the following:
• a periodic verification of the transport business by the market;
• the possibility of providing integrated transport services by a few operators of various
scales and forms of ownership;
• operating an integrated transport system despite the presence of many competing opera-
tors on the market;
• the possibility of influencing competition between operators for the proper development
of the transport service;
• the precise specification of the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the transport
service in contracts forming the basis of the operators’ transport activity;
• the payment of operators for provided services in the form of a single payment, not di-
vided into revenue from ticket sales and public subsidies;
• the strong focus of the offer on the needs of passengers, not on the operators supply capacity;
• the presence of incentives to conduct a wider scope of market research;
• strong incentives for the implementation of the transport service at a level high in both
quantity and quality.
82 Chapter 5. Organization and management of trolleybus transport
In the case of a monopoly, where the operator is contracted by public authorities, and
competition on the market, public transport services may be provided by operators with
different forms of ownership. In the model involving a monopoly, the operator may act as
publicly-owned or privately-owned. Meanwhile, in terms of competition on the market, a
situation may arise in which the services will be provided by:
• a single public operator,
• a single private operator,
• two or more public operators,
• two or more private operators,
• two or more operators with different forms of ownership.
In the competitive market model the implication is that it is theoretically possible to
achieve at a given period of time a monopoly in transport activity by a single operator. The
condition for such a monopoly is the winning of tenders for all parts of the transportation
network by a single operator.
The models presented above are universal in character, which means that they can be
adopted by an operator of either buses, trolleybuses or trams exclusively, or by one who oper-
ates more than one mode of transport. The specificity of trolleybus transport, however, limits
the practical applicability of the presented models.
The main feature of trolleybus transport is the strong connection of the vehicles to techni-
cal infrastructure, which determines the range and efficiency of the transport.
The inclusion of this feature is essential in assessing the applicability of different models
of organization and management to operate trolleybus transport. The deregulated model of
urban public transport is not applicable to trolleybus transport. It is difficult to expect that
in a competitive market a trolleybus operator will be able to effectively compete with bus
operators. This is why in reality a trolleybus operator may only operate within the regulated
transport model, either the one assuming a single operator monopoly, or competition be-
tween operators on the market. In each of the two models, a distinction can be made between
two options in which trolleybus transport can be operated. Basic models of organization and
management of trolleybus transport are presented in fig. 5.2.
While analyzing the applicability of each model of organization and management to trol-
leybus transport, it is important to notice that in all of these models the operator can provide
services with both buses and trolleybuses In such cases, the possibility of the interference of
competitive processes in options 3 and 4 must be taken into account. Operating both trol-
leybuses and buses in a single organizational structure may hinder the efficient functioning
of trolleybus transport as buses may become favored over trolleybuses for operational and
economic reasons.
Chapter 5. Organization and management of trolleybus transport 83
The model assuming monopolized market can be divided into two variants. In the first
option, the municipal trolleybus operator, acting as an internal operator, is the only entity
rendering transport services as a result of the direct delegation of service delivery. This variant
may occur in small cities with a well developed trolleybus infrastructure, making it possible
to satisfy all citizens’ needs for public transport. It is very important for the operator to be
prepared to use trolleybuses with two kinds of power, i.e. those, who can use a specialized
battery or an auxiliary combustion engine other than the main electric engine powered by the
overhead wire. This enables the use of trolleybus transport in those areas of the city in which
the installation of overhead wires is impossible, due to technical, economic or social reasons.
In the second option, the city puts up for tender the provision of trolleybus services for a
specified period of time. This option makes it possible to use specific conditions stating that
the trolleybus infrastructure remains the property of the city and either:
• the city handles the infrastructure’s maintenance, while the operator uses the city owned
trolleybuses, or
• the city handles the infrastructure’s maintenance, while the operator uses its own trol-
leybuses, or
• the operator handles the infrastructure’s maintenance and uses city owned trolleybuses, or
• the operator handles the infrastructure’s maintenance and uses its own trolleybuses.
Having taken into consideration the above solutions, it should be recommended that the
city takes responsible for the maintenance of the infrastructure, while the operator provides
84 Chapter 5. Organization and management of trolleybus transport
transport services using its own trolleybus fleet. The duration of the contract should in this
case correspond with the depreciation time of the vehicles. One benefit of this approach is
its assurance of the good order of the infrastructure for a longer time than the duration of
a contract. Transferring the responsibility for the maintenance of infrastructure to private
operators can lead to its degradation, especially if the operator does not obtain satisfactory
profits from transport operations, or for other reasons is interested in prolonging its contract.
In addition, the operator in service for a specific duration may not be interested in upgrad-
ing the trolleybus infrastructure or in introducing technical and technological innovations.
In the model assuming the monopoly of a trolleybus operator in urban public transport it
is presumed that the transport infrastructure does not in any way constrain its ability to fulfill
the transport needs of residents. However, in the competitive market model the trolleybus
operator does not participate in the competitive struggle with other providers of transport
services. The importance of trolleybus services, expressed by their share of the total vehicle-
kilometers of urban public transport, can be varied. The trolleybus lines can, therefore, be
considered as main, equivalent or complementary. In certain sections trolleybus and bus lines
may be substituted, particularly on the main traffic arteries, nevertheless there should be no
duplication of lines of various modes of public transport. These modes should work together
to achieve synergy and optimize the use of public funds to subsidize the operation of the
urban public transport system.
Analogously to the model assuming a monopoly, a model in which there is a competitive
market can also have two options for public trolleybus transport. In one of them a trolleybus
operator is entrusted with providing transport services, in the second one, an operator is
chosen via tender to execute the contract for a specified duration. In the second scenario, it is
possible to use analogous solutions for trolleybus transport to those described when referring
to the model which assumes the monopoly of a trolleybus operator contracted by the city.
In the model assuming a monopoly on services, the organization can be handled by an
organizer acting on behalf of public authorities or an operator handling both the organiza-
tion and rendering of transport services. However, in the competitive model it is necessary
to create a specialized public transport authority charged with the planning, organization and
control of the operation of urban public transport.
When comparing the monopoly and the competitive models, the latter, in which trol-
leybuses are operated with other modes of transport, particularly buses, should be considered
more applicable from the point of view of the current state of technical and technological
development of urban public transport.
The cities participating in the Trolley project have adopted various solutions for the or-
ganization and management of trolleybus transport.
Chapter 5. Organization and management of trolleybus transport 85
In Salzburg, trolleybuses are part of a public transport system which has been integrated
by a transport association called Salzburger Verkehrsverbund GmbH. This association oper-
ates in the form of a limited liability company, which is 100% owned by Salzburg land, cover-
ing an area of 7,156 km inhabited by approx. 530,000. residents.
The main tasks of Salzburger Verkehrsverbund GmbH are:
• the planning of the development of local and regional lines and networks of public trans-
• the coordination of transport services provided to passengers by local and regional public
• the monitoring of the quality of local and regional public transport;
• to provide information on the functioning of local and regional public transport;
• to ensure the possibility of purchasing integrated tickets for local and regional transport.
Trolleybuses in Salzburg are operated by Salzburger Lokalbahnen company as a part of
an integrated transport system. In addition to trolleybuses this company also operates the
local railway. The trolleybuses are branded Obus SLB, while the local railway is branded SLB
Salzburger Lokalbahnen. SLB belongs to Salzburg AG, a municipal holding, whose activities
encompass the following areas:
• energy (electricity, gas, water and heating);
• telecommunications (cable television, internet, telephony, business solutions);
• transport (public transport, suburban rail, FestungsBahn, Schaffsbergbahn, Monchsber-
gAufzug, tourism)
The holding was set up in 2000 through a merger of companies operating on the market
of municipal services in Salzburg. Its shareholders are the Salzburger land, the city of Salz-
burg and Energie AG Oberösterreich, Service- und Beteiligungsverwaltungs-GmbH, whose
majority shareholder is the land of Upper Austria.
Buses in Salzburg are operated by a separate, privately owned company. They are powered
either by diesel fuel or compressed natural gas (CNG). The transport association ensures the
integration of trolleybuses, buses and railway.
The timetables for trolleybuses in Salzburg are prepared by Salzburger Lokalbahnen Obus
SLB. The vehicles are operated seven days a week, all year round.
In the year 2011 8 out of 9 trolleybus lines were operated 7 days a week. The maximum
number of vehicles in operation was 86. The structure of vehicle-kilometers performed dur-
ing individual days was as follows:
• workday: 16,350;
• Saturday: 14,123;
• Sunday and holiday: 9,557.
The transport offer for Saturdays and Sundays in respect to weekdays was equal to 86%
and 58% respectively. Operating speeds for weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays were equal to
16.32 km/h, 17.59 km/h and 18.38 km/h. Trolleybuses used separate lanes with a combined
length of 8.9 km.
In the year 2011 trolleybuses enjoyed a dominant share in the public transport market,
thus ensuring their role as the main mode of urban public transport in Salzburg.
In Eberswalde trolleybuses are a part of the Berlin and Brandenburg transport system in-
tegrated by a transport association named Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB). This
86 Chapter 5. Organization and management of trolleybus transport
association integrates public transport operators from Berlin and Brandenburg and 18 cities
of Brandenburg, including Eberswalde, which has a 1,85% share in the association.
Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg was formed in 1996. It covers an area of 30,367 sq.
km inhabited by 6 million residents. Since 1999 a standard fare has been used throughout
the whole area of the association. The operators participating in the association operate the
following lines:
• 43 regional railway lines;
• 16 S-Bahn lines in Berlin;
• 9 metro lines in Berlin;
• 41 tram lines (26 in Berlin, 15 in Brandenburg);
• 949 bus lines (204 in Berlin, 745 in Brandenburg);
• 2 trolleybus lines (in Eberswalde);
• 7 ferry lines (6 in Berlin, 1 in Brandenburg).
In Eberswalde, the trolleybus operation company, Barnimer Busgessellschaft (BBG)
GmbH, is a publicly owned limited liability company. The company operates buses and trol-
leybuses and is trademarked Barnimer Busgesellschaft.
Eberswalde timetables are prepared by BBG GmbH and accepted by the association. The
vehicles are operated seven days a week, all year round on both lines.
The structure of vehicle-kilometers performed during individual days was as follows:
• workday: 2,523;
• Saturday: 1,055;
• Sunday / holiday: 1,018.
The transport offer in respect to weekdays was equal to 42% and 40% respectively. Oper-
ating speeds for weekdays and the two other days of the week were equal to 16.04 and 17.52
km/h. Trolleybuses did not have any separate lanes in Eberswalde in 2011. Their market share
was 11.7% of the vehicle-kilometers operated by BBG.
In Gdynia, trolleybuses are a part of a public transport system organized by Zarząd Komu-
nikacji Miejskiej w Gdyni (ZKM) and integrated by Metropolitalny Związek Komunikacyjny
Zatoki Gdańskiej (MZKZG). ZKM is a budgetary unit of Gdynia municipality and organizes
local public transport services in 7 municipalities (Gdynia, Rumia, Sopot, Żukowo, Kosa-
kowo, Szemud and Wejherowo). The main tasks of this entity are as follows:
• planning lines and networks of public transport;
• contracting operators to service individual transport lines;
• conducting the sale and collection of revenue from tickets for local transport services;
• maintaining stops for local transport;
• providing information on the functioning of local transport;
• ensuring the quality of transport services through a system of monitoring, regulation and
vehicle movement control;
MZKZG is a transport association of 14 municipalities forming the Metropolitan Area of
Gdańsk Bay, with the two biggest cities being Gdańsk and Gdynia. This association is a legal
entity. Its main tasks are as follows:
• to ensure the integrated operation of public transport including buses, trams, trolleybuses,
local railway (SKM), and to a limited extent regional railway (PR) and ferries throughout
the metropolitan area;
Chapter 5. Organization and management of trolleybus transport 87
• sales and collection of revenue from metropolitan tickets valid in all modes of transport
integrated by the association with the exception of ferries;
• providing information on the functioning of transport within the metropolitan area;
• promoting local urban public transport services.
Trolleybuses in Gdynia are operated by Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Trolejbusowej Sp.
z o.o. (PKT). The company has been operating since 1998, when it was separated from the
structures of a bus-trolleybus company. It is 100% owned by the municipality of Gdynia. In
the year 2011 it was one of seven operators contracted by ZKM. Other operators only use
buses. Two of them are 100% owned by the municipality of Gdynia, the remaining five are
privately owned.
Timetables for trolleybuses are prepared by ZKM and PKT executes them as apart of
its contract with ZKM, which entrusts PKT with the obligations of an operator. Trolleybus
transport operates all year round, 7 days a week. In the year 2011 8 out of 12 lines were oper-
ated 7 days a week. The maximum number of vehicles in operation was 72 and the number
of vehicle-kilometers performed during individual days was as follows:
• weekday: 13,601;
• Saturday: 11,244;
• Sunday / holiday: 8,353.
The transport offer for Saturdays and Sundays in respect to weekdays was equal to 83%
and 61% respectively. The offer distribution between different types of days of the week was
similar to that of Salzburg.
Operating speeds for weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays were equal to 15.39 km/h, 15.47
km/h and 15.57 km/h. The relatively low operating speeds are a result of deliberate longer
stops aimed to compensate possible delays caused by traffic congestion and for meal and
rest breaks for drivers. In 2011 there were no bus lanes for trolleybuses (this is still the case),
which is a further cause of such low operating speeds. The share of trolleybuses in local public
transport in Gdynia is equal to 26%.
In Brno, trolleybuses are part of a public transport system integrated within the South
Moravian Region. The regional organizer of transport in this area is KORDIS JMK (Integrovaný
dopravní system Jihomoravského kraje). Trolleybuses in Brno are operated by Dopravní Pod-
nik Města Brna (Brno City Transport Company), a joint stock company owned by the public.
Its network of lines includes trams, trolleybuses, buses and ferries on Lake Brno. Trolleybuses
have no separate organizational structure as in Gdynia or as is partially the case in Salzburg.
In 2011 all trolleybus lines in Brno were operated all year round, seven days a week. The
maximum number of vehicles in operation was 120, including 20 articulated trolleybuses. The
number of vehicle-kilometers performed during individual days was as follows:
• weekday: 21,500;
• Saturday: 9,100;
• Sunday / holiday: 9,300.
The transport offer for Saturdays and Sundays in respect to weekdays was equal to 42% and
43% respectively, clearly different from Salzburg and Gdynia, but similar to that of Eberswal-
de. Operating speeds for weekdays and Saturdays were equal to 13.76 km/h and 13.23 km/h.
Trolleybuses used separate lanes with a combined length of 1.4 km. The share of trolleybus
services in the public transport market in Brno was equal to 16% of the vehicle-kilometers.
88 Chapter 5. Organization and management of trolleybus transport
In Parma trolleybuses are operated as part of the public transport system organized by
Parma city and municipality in the Emilia-Romagna region by Società per la mobilità e il
trasporto pubblico (SMTP). The main tasks of this organization focus on planning the de-
velopment of transport infrastructure, as well as raising funds for investment. It also plans
and promotes the public transport service in Parma and integrates it with privately owned
passenger vehicles. The management of the public transport network is undertaken by out-
sourcing companies.
Parma trolleybus are operated by a public transport company, Transportii pubblici Parma
(TEP) – the organizational and legal form of a joint stock company owned by the public. In
addition to trolleybuses, the company also owns 345 buses, including 90 powered by com-
pressed natural gas (CNG). The trolleybuses are thus operated as part of a single organiza-
tional structure with buses. In 2011 their share in the public transport market was less than
8.5% of the company’s fleet.
The timetables for trolleybuses are prepared by TEP. Trolleybuses are not operated seven
days a week. In July and August the trolleybus transport is suspended and substituted by bus-
es. This is also the case when maintenance work is performed on the roads and the trolleybus
infrastructure. From September to June, trolleybuses in Parma are operated on weekdays and
Saturdays, but not on Sundays. In the year 2011 trolleybuses serviced 3,699 vehicle-kilometers
each and every weekday and Saturday, with an operating speed of 15.05 km/h. The maximum
number of vehicles in movement was 21. The vehicles did not use separate lanes, although
they did have a single street in the city center free from all other traffic. The share of trolleybus
services in the public transport market in Parma was equal to 4.4% of vehicle-kilometers.
In Szeged trolleybuses are operated as part of a public transport system integrated by
the public transport authority, whose main task is to collect revenue from ticket sales. Local
transport services in Szeged are performed by two companies, namely:
• Szegedi Közlekedési Társaság (SZKT), operating trams and trolleybuses;
• Tisza Volán (TV), operating buses.
SZKT is of municipal ownership and TV is owned by the state. Trolleybuses in Szeged are
operated together with trams and separately from buses.
Timetables for trolleybuses in Szeged are prepared by the company which operates the
vehicles and accepted by the public transport authority. Trolleybus transport is operated all
year round, 7 days a week. In the year 2011 4 out of 5 lines were operated 7 days a week. The
maximum number of vehicles in operation was 30, including 20 articulated trolleybuses. Dur-
ing weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays the trolleybuses serviced 6,644, 3,888, 3,888 vehicle-
kilometers respectively. The supply of trolleybus services was thus the same during Saturdays
and Sundays and equal to 69% of the supply on weekdays. The operating speed on weekdays
was equal to 15.8 km/h. The combined length of the lanes was 2.9 km. The share of trolleybus
services in the public transport market in Szeged was 17.9% of the vehicle-kilometers.
The basic data relating to the organization and management of trolleybus transport in
cities participating in the Trolley project is presented in Table 5.1.
From the data in Table 1 relating to the cities participating in the Trolley project, it can be
concluded that in the year 2011:
• in all the cities except Parma trolleybuses were operated throughout the year;
• only in Brno and Eberswalde were all trolleybus lines operated every day of the week;
Chapter 5. Organization and management of trolleybus transport 89
• in each city the number of vehicles in operation was between 11 and 120;
• only in Eberswalde and Brno was the number of vehicle-kilometers on Saturdays and
Sundays was decreased by more than 50%. In Parma the number did not decrease at all
on Saturdays, yet all services ceased to operate on Sundays and holidays.
• the operating speed on weekdays was between 14 and 16 km/h, while on Saturdays and
Sundays it was between 13 and 18 km/h.
Table 5.1. Organization of the service of trolleybus transport in 2011 in cities participating in the
Trolley project
Parameter Eber-
nal Salzburg Gdynia Brno Parma Szeged
Whole Whole Whole Whole
1. Period of Operation 10 months Whole year
year year year year
2. Number of Lines 9 2 12 13 4 5
Number of lines operated all
3. 8 2 8 13 0 4
Maximum number of operated
4. 86 11 72 120 21 30
Maximum number of operated
5. 86 11 0 20 0 20
articulated vehicles
Amount of vehicle-kilometers –
6. 16,350 2,523 13,601 21,500 3,699 5,664
Amount of vehicle-kilometers
7. – Saturdays Operating speed – 14,123 1,055 11,244 9,100 3,699 3,888
Amount of vehicle-kilometers –
8. 9,557 1,018 8,353 9,300 0 3,888
9. Operating speed – Weekdays 16.32 16.04 15.39 13.76 15.05 15.8
10. Operating speed – Saturdays 17.59 17.52 15.47 13.23 15.05 16.0
11. Operating speed – Sundays 18.38 17.52 15.57 13.23 – 16.0
Source: own work based on data received from companies operating trolleybuses in the above cities.
Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport
The general costs of each transportation company, including urban transport companies,
consist of the total costs incurred in order to provide a given service, expressed in a monetary
form, and accounted for in a given period of time.
The classification of such costs is carried out in cross sections corresponding with various
types of useful information concerning their extent, structure and dynamics.
The costs of an urban transport company can be grouped in the following way:
a) According to types of activity:
• The costs of the basic activity: exclusively the costs of the activity which constitutes the
reason for the company’s existence (i.e. providing a transport service for passengers);
• The costs of complimentary activities – isolated in cases where the subject is in charge
of facilities that fulfil activities complimentary to the basic activity (i.e. maintenance
facilities, boiler houses, social complexes, workforce hotels);
• The costs of administration and management – supporting and maintaining the man-
agement, training and administrative positions;
b) According to the level of complexity:
• Prime costs – there is no possibility to divide them into components (i.e. depreciation
deductions, salaries),
• Joint costs – groups of prime costs (i.e. costs of maintenance, departments);
c) Costs according to type:
• Utilization of material and energy, including fuels and industrial gases,
• Outsourced services,
• Taxes and fees including: – excise duty,
• Salaries,
• National insurance and other benefits,
• Depreciation,
• Remaining costs according to type (business travel; car allowance; accommodation,
fairs, exhibitions, advertising allowances; content and personal insurance; gratuities);1
In compliance with the Polish Accounting Act, 29 September 1994, – legislation in force as at 1/01/2011
(Dz. U. z 2009 r. nr 152 poz. 1223). The above order is considered a basic requirement for the companies
to produce a profit and loss account in an annual financial report.
Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport 91
In the breakdown of costs according to type, the account for total prime costs is aimed at
grouping the costs in tangible, non-tangible and financing contexts. It includes the following
groups of costs:
a) Depreciation,
b) Utilization of supplies and energy,
c) Outsourced services,
d) Salaries,
e) National insurance and other benefits,
f) Taxes and fees,
g) Other types of costs, such as business travel, property insurance.
In the above arrangement points a–b are treated as tangible costs, point d as non-tangible
costs, and points c, e, f, and g as financing costs. The arrangement does not allow for an
analysis of the relationship between the costs and their source or the stages of the transport
process. This requires that an account of the total costs in their functional context is created,
dividing the costs according to their source as follows:
a) Costs of the basic activity including: utilisation of direct supplies, salaries of workers di-
rectly involved in the manufacturing process, outsourced services, outsourced processing,
preparation of new services,
b) Department costs – indirect costs of manufacturing incurred by the departments con-
cerned with basic production, depreciation and maintenance costs of the equipment, in-
ternal transport, utilized tools, light, heating and cleanliness of the department,
c) Management costs – salaries of the board and managers, costs of the business trips, con-
nectivity, office, expense account, advertising, taxes and fees, warehouse and laboratory
maintenance, company cars expenses,
d) Purchase costs – costs of supplies,
e) Sales costs – concerning services on sale and including i.e. advertising costs,
f) Complimentary activities costs – costs of the maintenance workshops, boiler houses, as
well as living and social units.
Transport. Ed. by W. Rydzkowski, K. Wojewódzka Król, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa
2007, p. 346.
Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport 93
In the profit and loss account, by function of gross expenditure the costs are grouped in a
way which enables the calculation of individual costs of the enterprise. The costs are divided
into groups incorporating the following:
• Direct costs:
–– Direct supplies,
–– Depreciation of transport costs,
–– Direct salaries,
–– Other direct costs.
• Indirect costs:
–– Departments,
–– Companywide,
• Sales of transport services.
The companies of urban transport are interested mainly in the calculation of individual
costs. The account of individual prime costs in transport is governed mainly by the ways in
which transport service prices are being shaped. In the account of the individual prime costs
the components of the costs are gathered in groups of direct and indirect costs.
In the case of trolleybus transport, in a situation where the carrier manages the technical
infrastructure required to perform the service, prime costs include the costs of maintenance,
servicing and renovation of this infrastructure. The infrastructure costs are fixed costs, which
depend marginally on the volume of transportation tasks.
The correct functioning of urban transport in a situation where the functions of the organ-
iser and carrier are divided into two entities, requires certain types of settlements between the
commissioner (local government or its organisational unit) and the operator (carrier). The
choice of suitable settlement units, which would constitute appropriate means of conveying
the costs, is necessary. In urban transport the vehicle kilometre constitutes the most com-
monly applied unit. There are also other units such as vehicle hour, vehicle or route.
A vehicle kilometre constitutes a unit which stands for the distance travelled by a vehicle
in a given time.
A vehicle hour constitutes a unit which measures the time of engagement of vehicles
fulfilling a given task (i.e. exploitation work). It is calculated as the difference between the
time the activity ended and the time it commenced. This measure is used mainly in exploita-
tion data in passenger transport, but seldom in economic accounts. It is also applied during
planning (especially in the division of services). Currently the vehicle hour unit is not em-
ployed on a larger scale in settlements between the carriers and the commissioners of a given
transportation task. It can be used as a complimentary measure, i.e. in settling the ineffective
working hours of a vehicle.
Assuming the vehicle kilometre is a basic cost calculation unit in urban transport, then the
variable costs can conventionally include the costs dependable on the number of performed
vehicle kilometres. Similarly the fixed costs can include the costs dependable on the number
of performed vehicle hours, the number of utilized rolling stock and the length of routes:3
Transport miejski…., p. 133.
94 Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport
a) The variable costs per 1 vehicle kilometre can be expressed by a following formula4:
kz =kmp +ko+ krt,
kmp – stands for the costs of propellants, oils, grease and solar energy used for traction
ko – stand for tyres,
krt – stands for the repairs carried out due to utilisation, as well as the refurbishing of
the rolling stock, tracks and network,
b) The overhead costs dependant on the number of vehicle hours performed can be ex-
pressed by the following formula:
ksg =kvr +kmr + kow + koz,
k vr – stands for salaries, national insurance, and uniforms for the vehicle crews,
k mr – stands for the supplies related to transport services (excluding tyres and propel-
k ow –– stands for the departmental traffic costs,
k oz,– stands for the surcharge on department-wide costs.
The above division of costs enables the introduction of the following formulas:
a) The formula for the gross prime costs in urban transport5:
Kc = Wkmkz+ Wg ksg+ We ksp+ Ltkss,
The formula should incorporate depreciation of the rolling stock if it is calculated using the mileage
Transport miejski…, p. 134.
Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport 95
Wkm – stands for the number of vehicle kilometres performed,
Wg – stands for the number of vehicle hours performed,
We – stands for the number of vehicles in the inventory,
Lt– – stands for the length of the exploited routes.
K wkm
K km
S. Puławska, op. cit., s. 48–49.
96 Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport
The diversity of methodological approaches to the issue of the valuation of external costs
has prompted the European Commission to support activities to develop a manual on means
of evaluating external costs in the transport sector. In 2007 the book titled “Handbook on
estimation of external costs in the transport sector. Produced within the study Internalization
Measures and Policies for All External Costs of Transport”8 was published. At the same time
the European Commission published a consultation paper” Preparation of an Impact Assess-
ment on the Internalization of External Costs Consultation Document”, in which methods
for estimating costs were published. The methods presented were met with both positive ap-
praisal9 and critical assessment10.
The manual distinguishes the following categories of external costs:
• congestion;
• accidents;
• air pollution;
• noise;
• climate change;
• other (e.g. related to landscape transformation, water pollution).
Directive 2009/33/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of Europe of 23
April 2009 on the promotion of clean and energy efficient road transport vehicles, requires
entities and certain operators to take into account the power factor, the environmental im-
pact during the whole life of the vehicle, including energy consumption, CO2 and some other
pollutant emissions when purchasing road transport vehicles,in order to promote and stimu-
late the market for energy-efficient, clean vehicles.
In assessing the impact of electrically powered transport, the method by which the en-
ergy is produced is important. To characterize the production of electricity, the structure
of electricity production in selected EU countries has been shown in Table 6.1. This allows
the presentation of the current values (at a national level) of the share of carbon free energy
sources in total electricity production. This data was used in Chapter 7, in which, due to the
absence of local data on the structure of electricity production, average values for the country
have been used for the purpose of analyzing the effectiveness of the trolleybus system.
In the model comparing external trolleybus and bus costs, the structure of electricity
production should be taken into account. German studies conducted by the VDV11 provide
justification for this procedure. They compared the various public means of transportation in
terms of external costs during a full, seventeen-year life cycle, with the structure of electric-
ity production also being taken into account. It was trolleybuses using electricity from fully
renewable sources which were compared most favorably.
Handbook on estimation of external costs in the transport sector. Produced within the study Internalisa-
tion Measures and Policies for All external Cost of Transport. Delft 2008. Ver. 1.1.
Results of the Consultation on the Internalization od External Costs (TREN.A2/EMD (2007)).
External Costs in the Transport Sector – A Critical Review of the EC-Internalisation – Policy. Institute
for Transport Economics at the University of Cologne. May 2008.
R. Pütz: Quo Vadis Linienbus-Elektromobilität? Paper presented on the conference „New Horizons for
Urban Traffic”, Luzerna, November–December 2010.
Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport 97
The currently observed dynamic development of power systems, including the favorable
forecasts for electric batteries, constitutes the aspect most difficult to grasp in this analysis.
The cost of the production of such batteries should drop by around 60% by 2020.
Among the currently available commercial and technical means of transport, electric pub-
lic transportation is potentially the least harmful to the environment. This determines the
level of external costs generated by the transport.
Analyzing the impact of trolleybus transport on the environment in the city, the local
structure of electricity used by this means of transport should be considered. This factor has
been taken into account whilst building the efficiency model, in Chapter 7. Its importance
lies in the way in which electricity is obtained. In the case of coal energy, which is the basis of
energy for trolleybus transport, only the consequence of the transfer of CO2 emissions from
a city, to the area where the coal power plant is located needs to be taken into account. In
this case, even the most technically equipped trolley system does not meet the requirements
for full cleanliness since it generates CO2. Nevertheless, it does so outside the city, and its
advantage over the bus system is smaller in terms of emissions. However, in a case where
electricity is derived entirely from carbon free sources (hydropower, wind, solar) the trol-
leybus system has a strong advantage over buses, as it emits practically no CO2. It should be
added that nuclear power, in addition to not being a renewable energy source, is not seen as
a non-emission source, as it generates other substances, of which radioactive waste has the
most harmful effect
Among the trolley bus systems in cities participating in the project, only Trolley Salzburg
and Eberswalde can prove the non-emission origin of the electricity used in urban transport.
It is in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, where the share of non-emission energy
is less than 15%, that the structure of electricity production has to undergo the most extensive
98 Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport
This part of the analysis includes the costs of trolleybus transport in selected partner cit-
ies participating in theTrolley project, i.e. Salzburg, Parma, Gdynia, Szeged, and Eberswald.
Despite the efforts that had been made to unify the various elements of the analysis of the
selected cities, a full comparability of results was not presented. To a large extent, this is due
to the different accounting systems in individual partner countries. Also important are the in-
dividual economic and financial solutions applied in different transport companies and their
activity profile. To some extent, the local and national transport policy on the electric drive
can be decisive. Finally, the reason for the differences is the varying structures of the public
transport systems in the cities analyzed. In all cities buses powered by internal combustion
engines are operated, and additionally, in Gdynia and Parma, there are gas-powered buses.
Trams are operated in Szeged.
Data collected during the project on the costs incurred by public transport companies in
the twin cities had to be limited to the direct fixed and variable costs of the means of trans-
port in question. The aim of the analysis is to compare the operation costs of different means
of transport in the urban transport system, which differ in terms of their drive(motor), and
energy sources, and therefore the costs of purchase, maintenance and amortization. Other
costs, such as indirect factory overhead and departmental costs are similar for all means of
transport, regardless of the type of drive. Therefore there is no need for them to be presented.
In analyzing the above, the following methodology has been adopted:
• Firstly, the calculation of the direct costs of trolleybus transport has been presented.
• The direct costs for bus transport has then also been provided (where this was possible
due to the availability of data).
• Followed by the generic structure as the direct costs of trolleybus transport (in one case,
a bus) on the basis of the actual book values, taking into account the wear and tear of
fixed assets.
The comparative analysis presented sometimes provides divergent data. This is due to the
use of two methodologies. The first is based on the use of the actual costs for the accounting
year 2011, calculated for 1 vehicle-km (VKT). The second takes the value of amortization of a
new vehicle at the prices of 2012.
Calculation of the unit cost of the bus and trolleybus transport in Salzburg is shown in
Tables 6.2 and 6.3.
Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport 99
Table 6.2. Calculation of the unit cost of trolleybus transport in Salzburg in 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6
I. – 2,514 –
1. Electricity: PLN/VKT – 0,714 –
1.1. – the price of 1 kWh (net) PLN 0,28 – –
1.2. – standard energy consumption per 1 km kWh/1 km 2,55 – –
1.3. – overhead costs of energy consumption % 0 – –
2. Service and repair: PLN/VKT – 1,80 –
2.1. – the cost determined by the status quo PLN 105.882,35 – –
II. 93,235
3. Amortization/ depreciation: PLN/hour – – 39,305
3.1. – the price of a new vehicle PLN 3.400.000,00 – –
– the amount of annual capital allowance
3.2. PLN 136.000 – –
3.3. – annual working time of the vehicle hour 3.460 – –
4. Drivers’ salary and overheads: PLN/hour – – 53,93
4.1. – monthly salaries PLN 7.121,16 – –
Table 6.3. Calculation of the unit cost of bus transport in Salzburg in 2011
Values ap- Cost of 1
Item Unit cost elements Units Cost of 1 VKT
proved hour
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Fuel and oil: PLN/VKT – 2,398 –
1.1. – the price of 1 liter of fuel (net) PLN 4,36 – –
1.2. – standard fuel consumption per 100 km 1/100 km 55,0 – –
1.3. – overhead costs of oil consumption % 0 – –
2. Service and repair: PLN/VKT – 1,20 –
2.1. – the cost determined by the status quo PLN 247.058,70 – –
II. 78,015
3. Amortization: PLN/hour – – 24,085
100 Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport
In regards to Salzburg, the comparison of direct costs which vary according to the route
falls in favor of trolleybus transport. There is a slight difference of 0.48 PLN (0.12 EUR), in
the cost of of 1 vehicle-km (VKT), thanks to the low cost of electricity. Moreover, there is a
great margin of susceptibility to changes in the cost of this energy, that is an incredible 171%.
It means that an increase in electricity prices at this growth rate, whilst diesel fuel prices re-
main stagnant, still equates to lower direct costs associated with the movement of the vehicle.
When taking into account the amortization costs charged for 1 vehicle-km, it suggests that the
operating costs of are lower. This is due to the substantially higher purchase prices of new
trolley buses in relation to those of new combustion-powered buses.
In terms of the costs connected with trolleybus transport, the most important item is that
of the drivers’ salary. (Table 6.4).
Table 6.4. Generic structure of the direct costs of 1 vehicle-km trolleybus transport in Salzburg
Type of cost share share[%] value[PLN]
Energy costs 7,42 0,714
Maintenance costs 18,70 1,80
Driver’s salary 32,94 3,17
Network maintenance costs 16,92 1,629
Amortization 24,02 2,312
Total 100,0 9,625
Source: Own calculations based on accounting data, Salzburg AG.
Vehicle maintenance is the third largest cost item. A slightly smaller share is taken up by
maintenance costs (including substations), with power consumption being the least costly.
The total direct cost of 1 vehicle-km of a trolleybus calculated for Salzburg AG is 9.63 PLN
(2.41 EUR), which among the partner cities of Trolley project analyzed, is the highest.
Tables 6.5 and 6.6 show the calculation of operational unit cost for trolleybus and bus
transport in Parma.
Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport 101
Table 6.5. Calculation of the unit cost of trolleybus transport in Parma in 2011
Values Cost of Cost of
Item Unit cost elements Units
approved 1 VKT 1 hour
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Electricity : PLN/VKT – 1,629 –
1.1. – the price of 1 kWh (net) PLN 0,65 – –
1.2. – energy expenditure quota per 1 km kWh/1 km 2,5055 – –
1.3. – overhead costs of oil consumption % 0 – –
2. Service and repair: PLN/VKTm – 2,58 –
2.1. – the cost determined by the status quo PLN 317.646,90 – –
3. Amortization: PLN/hour. – – 35,37
3.1. – the price of a new vehicle PLN 2.600.000,00 – –
3.2. – the amount of annual capital allowance PLN 104.000 – –
3.3. – annual operating time of the vehicle hour 2.940 – –
4. The remuneration of drivers and the overheads: PLN/hour. – – 52,38
4.1. – monthly salary PLN 8.800 – –
4.2. – the amount of salary overheads % 19,73 – –
Source: Own calculations based on accounting data of provider TEP SpA.
Table 6.6. Calculation of the unit cost of bus transport in Parma in 2011
Values Cost of Cost of
Item Unit cost elements Units approved 1 VKT 1 hour
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Fuel and oil: PLN/VKT – 2,398 –
1.1. – the price of 1 liter of fuel (net) PLN 4,194 – –
1.2. – the fuel consumption per 100 km 1/100 km 41,58 – –
2. Service and repair: PLN/VKT – 4,08 –
3. Amortization: PLN/hour – – 12,47
3.1. – the price of a new vehicle * PLN 733.330,00 – –
3.2. – the amount of annual depreciation PLN 36.666,50 – –
3.3. – annual working time for vehicle hour 2.940 – –
4. The remuneration of the drivers and overheads: PLN/hour – – 52,38
4.1. – monthly salary ** PLN 8.800 – –
4.2. – the amount of salary overheads % 19,73 – –
Source : own study based on accounting data of provider TEP SpA
** value calculated on the basis of the average purchase price of the Solaris Urbino 12 delivered in 2012
** Based on the Italian National Institute of Statistics,, collection date 07.02.2013
102 Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport
In Parma direct costs associated with vehicle mileage are higher in the case of bus trans-
port when compared with trolleybus transport. 1 vehicle-km of trolleybus costs 9.37PLN
(2.34 EUR) and bus-10.29 PLN (2.57 EUR). These values do not reflect the cost of network
maintenance, which is shown in Table 6.7. within the generic structure of the direct costs of
trolleybus transport. In the structure, the share of the cost of maintaining the network is ap-
proximately 5%, other types of costs are 20–30 %.
Table 6.7. Generic structure of the direct costs of 1vehicle-km of trolleybus transport in Parma
Type of cost Share [%] Value [PLN]
Energy costs 15,60 1,629
Maintenance Costs 24,72 2,580
Driver’s salary 29,50 3,080
Network maintenance costs 5,27 0,550
Depreciation 24,91 2,600
Total 100,0 10,439
Source: Own calculations based on accounting data of provider TEP SpA.
The calculation of the unit cost of trolleybus transport in Gdynia is shown in Table 6.8.
In comparing the cost of Gdynia’s trolleybus company PKT sp. z o. o., the costs of one of
the bus company, which is also owned by the city, can be used. The company exclusively oper-
ates diesel-powered buses, whereas the two carriers do not differ in terms of operational work.
Trolleybus operator PKT has very low traffic-dependent direct costs per unit of 1 vehicle-
km, at 1.65 PLN (0.41 EUR). This is due to the fact that is owns its own comprehensive techni-
cal support, as well as the high durability of its fleet.
Direct costs related to work hours, such as depreciation, network maintenance, and driv-
ers’ salaries are already higher, despite the fact that the depreciation attributable to 1vehicle-
km is the smallest among trolleybus those systems analyzed. All in all, the total direct cost of
1vehicle-km of trolleybus transport in Gdynia amounts to 6.40PLN (1.73 EUR).
The generic structure of the cost of 1 vehicle-km of trolleybus and bus transport in Gdynia
is presented in Tables 6.9 and 6.10.
The direct unit cost of 1 bus vehicle-km is higher than that of a trolley by approximately
11.5%, depending on energy costs. It should be noted, however, that the bus operator pay-
ment costs provided include all employees in the company. Ensuring the comparability, bus
transport would prove to be less costly than that of trolleybus transport.
Table 6.9. Generic structure of the direct costs of 1vehicle-km for trolleybus operator in Gdynia
Type of cost Share [%] Value [PLN]
Energy costs 12,66 0,81
Maintenance Costs 12,13 0,84
Payment 47,19 3,02
Network maintenance costs 8,44 0,54
Depreciation 18,59 1,19
Total 100,0 6,40
Source: Own calculations based on accounting data, provider PKT Gdynia Ltd.
Table 6.10. Generic structure of the direct costs of 1 vehicle-km for bus transport in Gdynia
Type of cost Share [%] Value [PLN]
Energy costs 30,6 2,18
Maintenance Costs 5,2 0,37
Payment 54,2 3,87
Network maintenance costs N/A N/A
Depreciation 10,0 0,714
Total 100,0% 7,134
Source: Own calculations based on accounting data.
Table 6.11 shows the calculation of unit costs of trolleybus transport operating in Szeged.
104 Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport
Table 6.11. Calculation of unit cost for trolleybus transport in Szeged in 2011
Values Cost of Cost of
Item Unit cost elements Units
approved 1 VKT 1 hour
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Electricity: PLN/VKT – 0,7146 –
1.1. – the price of 1 kWh (net) PLN 0,352 – –
1.2. – standard energy consumption per 1 km kWh/1 km 2,03 – –
1.3. – overhead costs of oil consumption % 0 – –
2. Service and repair: zł/wzkm – 1,232 –
2.1. – the cost determined by the status quo PLN 41.366,86 – –
3. Amortization: PLN/hour – – 81,24
3.1. – the price of a new vehicle PLN 2.128.000 – –
3.2. – the amount of annual depreciation on PLN 193.455 –
3.3. – annual operating time of the vehicle godz. 2.381 – –
4. Drivers’ payment and overheads: PLN/hour – – 20,16
4.1. – monthly salary PLN 2.5501 – –
4.2. – the amount of salary overheads % 32,8 – –
Source: Own calculations based on accounting data provider SZKT.
The direct costs of 1 vehicle-km in trolleybus transport in Szeged amount to 1.95 PLN. This
is due to the low cost of electricity coupled with low energy consumption (due to flat terrain
of the city), and the low maintenance costs of vehicles.
Taking into account other direct costs (network maintenance, depreciation of vehicles
and drivers’ salary) cost structure is specific. More than 59 % of the cost is depreciation. This
is due to the employment of the calculation method based on the depreciation of cost of a
newly purchased trolleybus, for which a short, 11-year depreciation period was established.
The average period of amortization in other countries fluctuates between 15 and 20 years. The
second reason is the low level of usage of a trolley, which results in an annual distances ser-
viced of about 33 000 km. The vehicles of other operators may service twice this distance (eg,
Eberswalde up to 62 000 km). The result is a specifically shaped cost structure of 1 vehicle-km
for trolleybus transport in Szeged, which is shown in Table 6.12.
Table 6.12. Generic structure of the direct costs of 1 vehicle-km trolleybus transport in Szeged
Type of cost share Share [%] Value [PLN]
Energy costs 7,40 0,715
Maintenance Costs 12,76 1,232
Driver’s payment 14,82 1,430
Network maintenance costs 5,32 0,5137
Depreciation and amortization 59,70 5,762
Total 100,0 9,65
Source: Own calculations based on accounting data SZKT operator.
Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport 105
Tables 6.13 and 6.14 show the calculation of the operation unit cost for trolleybus and bus
transport in Eberswalde.
Table 6.14. Calculation of the unit cost of bus transport in Eberswalde in 2011
Item Unit cost elements Units Cost of 1 VKT Cost of 1 hour
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Fuel and oil: PLN/VKT – 2,64 –
1.1. – the price of 1 liter of fuel (net) PLN 4,40 – –
1.2. – standard fuel per 100km 1/100 km 60,0 – –
1.3. – overhead costs of oil consumption % 0 – –
2. Service and repair: PLN/VKT – –
2.1. – the cost determined by the status quo PLN 1,72 –
3. Amortization: PLN/hour. – – 34,20
3.1. – the price of a new vehicle PLN 1.280.000 – –
3.2. – the amount of annual depreciation PLN 128.000 – –
3.3. – annual operating time of the vehicle hour 3.743 – –
4. Drivers’ payment and overheads: PLN/hour – – 51,77
106 Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport
In a comparison of the direct costs of trolleybus and bus transport in Eberswalde the trol-
leybus comes out on top. Taking into account the costs associated with the route (fuel /energy
and vehicle maintenance) 1 vehicle-km serviced by bus costs about 34% more than by trolley.
This is influenced by the relatively low energy costs associated with trolleybuses (despite the
relatively high cost of electrical energy in Germany).
The total direct costs of 1 bus vehicle-km in Eberswalde amount to 9.14 PLN (2.29 EUR)
and are higher than those of the trolleybus at 0.88 PLN (0.22 EUR). This indicates that, in
certain circumstances – technical and organizational, economic and financial – trolleybus
transport can be seen to be more effective when compared to bus.
The generic structure of the direct costs of 1 trolleybus vehicle-km in Eberswalde are
shown in Table 6.15.
Table 6.15. Structure of the direct costs of one wozokm Eberswalde trolleybus transport.
Type of costs share [%] value [PLN]
Energy costs 17,22 1,44
Maintenance Costs 21,52 1,80
Payments 34,39 2,876
Network maintenance costs 1,24 0,104
Depreciation and amortization 25,63 2,144
Total 100,0 8,364
Source: Own calculations based on accounting data provider BBG.
The generic structure of the direct costs of 1 trolleybus vehicle-km in Eberswalde shows
that the largest share is taken up by personal costs (34%). This is followed by the depreciation
of vehicles and their maintenance. The lowest share of the costs is that of network main-
tenance, due to that fact that the network is relatively short, in very good condition and,
therefore, does not require more resources. Their share of 1.2% is extremely low in the scale
of all the analyzed cities.
The analysis of the direct costs of public transport operation in the cities participating in
the Trolley project does not allow for easy comparison between them. In any case, it is neces-
sary to take into account the specific conditions in individual cities influencing the level of
these costs. With this in mind it is beneficial to study the data in Tables 6.16 and 6.17, which
contain the amount and structure of costs of 1 trolleybus vehicle-km in all of the analyzed
cities participating in the Trolley project.
Chapter 6. The Costs of Trolleybus Transport 107
Table 6.16 Direct costs of 1 vehicle-km in trolleybus transport in urban areas participating in the
project Trolley [in PLN]
Direct costs – dependent on
Direct costs – dependent on time of work
City Total
energy maintenance depreciation payment
Salzburg 0,714 1,800 2,312 1,629 3,170 9,63
Table 6.17 Structure of the direct costs of 1 trolleybus vehicle-km in urban areas participating in the
Trolley project [%]
Direct costs dependent
Direct costs – dependent on the time of work
on the route
City Total
network mainte-
energy maintenance depreciation payment
Salzburg 7,42 18,70 24,02 16,92 32,94 100,00
Large differences in the overall activity of trolleybus operators in the cities participating
in the Trolley project, which determine the cost of one trolleybus vehicle kilometer, prevent
the drawing of firm conclusions concerning the relative level and generic structure due to
the influence of various conditions, which are largely described in this, and earlier sections
of this paper.
Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of Trolleybus Transport
Every major investment decision needs sound analysis of its potential economic out-
comes. Undoubtedly, building a new trolleybus network and the development of new lines
within an existing one is an example of such a venture. Long-term financial outcomes also
lead to decisions concerning the current modernization of the infrastructure and the trolley-
bus fleet, or generally about maintaining the trolleybus traffic on a given line or network. In
all these cases, the analysis of economic efficiency is a helpful tool, which enables conscious
and informed decisions to be made.
For many years, economic analysis for investments in the public sector in Poland was
seldom carried out. The decisions taken were usually of a political nature, and not in the best
interests of the issue at large. However, in the case of trolleybus networks there are traces of
analysis and discussion in literature. Nowadays, most infrastructure investments, including
new trolleybus lines and their modernization, are financed by EU funds, in which case the
analysis of efficiency is required. However, some authors of feasibility studies try to avoid the
direct comparison of two action scenarios, which differ only in their choice of traction, i.e.
identical “bus” and “trolleybus” variants.12
The TROLLEY project, aimed at openly drawing a comparison between the efficiency of
buses and trolleybuses. This chapter will present a general analysis of the efficiency of trol-
leybus transport as an alternative to classic buses, together with indications of conditions in
which trolleybuses are a more advantageous solution.
See eg.: J. Kaczmarczyk, 50 lat trolejbusów w Gdyni, „Transport Miejski” 3/1994, pp. 10–11, K. Szałucki,
O. Wyszomirski, Postanie Przedsiębiorstwa Komunikacji Trolejbusowej jako kolejny etap restruktury-
zacji gdyńskiej komunikacji miejskiej, „Transport Miejski”, 3/1998, pp. 22–24. The matter of trolleybus
communication efficiency can be found also in number 4/1989 of „Transport Miejski”, with two notes
on the subject, in the context of the possible construction of trolleybuses in Krakow, as well as in num-
ber 10/1989, where the main subject are trolleybuses in Słupsk and Dębica (both networks do not exist
The current guidelines concerning economic and financial analyses for EU projects can be found
in: Niebieska księga, Sektor transportu publicznego, Jaspers, Warszawa 2008 (
WstepDoFunduszyEuropejskich/Documents/BlueBookPublicTransport_21_09_forPDF.pdf, January 2,
Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport 109
The elaboration of the model and the discussion of conclusions will take place in three
stages. The current part contains general assumptions of the model, whereas the following
part discusses data units concerning internal and external costs of trolleybus transport, as
well as the results of modeling the efficiency of trolleybus transport for different sets of as-
sumptions. Then cross-sectional study of the results will be presented, the aim of which is to
define the factors determining the economic efficiency of trolleybus transport.
The analysis of economic efficiency can be carried out using two basic methods:3
• Taking into account only the cash flow statements – such an analysis is called a financial
• Taking in to account the cash flow statements, as well as the external costs, i.e. those costs
which are not directly covered by the party who generates them (eg. pollution costs); such
an analysis is called an economic analysis, as well as a social-economic analysis, due to the
fact that external costs are also described as social costs.4
The following study will take into consideration both of the above-mentioned concepts.
The financial analysis will take into account:
• the cost of the trolleybus infrastructure – its construction and maintenance;
• the cost of the trolleybus fleet and, correspondingly, the bus fleet – its purchase and main-
• the cost of energy – electricity (trolleybuses) or diesel fuel (buses).
The economic analysis additionally will take into account (for buses, as well as trolley-
• the cost of pollution emission;
• the external cost of noise pollution.
What should be emphasized is the fact that non-discriminatory costs were omitted, such
as the remuneration of the drivers of the vehicles.
In both cases, the sum of costs will be calculated for a period of 30 years, after which the
residual value of the infrastructure is assumed to be 35%. During this time period, the trol-
leybus fleet will be changed several times, where the operation periods of the vehicles are not
divisors of 30, which is why the costs of trolleybus fleet are counted not as a single financial
cost, but as a long-term straight-line depreciation throughout the whole operation period. It
is quite an inconsequence, as the financial analysis is generally carried out on the basis of cash
flow statements. This exception is, however, the simplest solution to the problem connected
with the fraction amount of vehicle life cycles during the period of analysis.
The costs for the operation period (the life cycle costs) are calculated by adding up and
then discounting, thus calculating the present value of the costs which will be carried in the
future, as presented in the formula:5
See eg.: H. R. Varian, Mikroekonomia, Kurs średni – ujęcie nowoczesne, Wydawnictwo Naukowe
PWN, Warsaw 2005, pp. 597–602.
See eg.: M. Podgórska, J. Klimkowska, Matematyka finansowa, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, War-
saw 2005, pp. 36–66.
110 Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport
t 0 (1 r) t
LCC – Life-Cycle-Cost;
t is the number of the specified period (the successive year of analysis);
Ct are the costs carried in the specified period (expressed in current prices);
r is the discount rate, amounting to 5% in the financial analysis and 8% in the economic
To differentiate between the financial and economic analysis, LCCF and LCCE will be
distinguished; i.e. the financial and economic life cycle costs accordingly.
All of the models use the concept of the so-called break-even point, which is expressed
as the critical traffic intensity. The break-even point shows an average amount of departures
for which the life cycle costs (both economic and financial) are equal for bus and trolleybus
transport. If the level of traffic exceeds this point, the electrical traction is more cost-effective
than a regular bus. This stems from the intuitive (at the stage of designing the model) as-
sumption that with heavy traffic, trolleybuses are more cost-effective. This assumption shall
be verified in the course of further analysis.6
Thus, LCC shall be calculated as a traffic intensity function. Traffic intensity is expressed
by the amount of departures in one direction during one weekday, where it has been as-
sumed that the year consists of 295 equivalents of weekdays, e.g. during the year there are 225
weekdays and 140 Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and days included in long weekends, with an
average level of traffic at 50% of a normal weekday.
As mentioned before, the internal costs of trolleybus transport have been divided in to
three basic groups: infrastructure, vehicles and energy.
Infrastructure costs and vehicle purchase have been determined on the basis of individual
analyses concerning experiences in Gdynia and Lublin, two Polish cities in which trolleybus-
es, are in service and which have modernized and developed their networks in recent years.
Assumptions concerning infrastructure costs are presented in Table 7.1. It is assumed that
one linear kilometer of traction network costs 1.5 million PLN, whereas a traction substa-
tion – 1.3 million PLN. For every 10km of network approximately 3 substations are required.7
The yearly maintenance cost of one linear kilometer of traction network is 100,000 PLN
per year.
It is also called the critical point or the point of balance. Rachunkowość zarządcza i rachunek kosztów.
Praca zbiorowa pod red. G. K. Świderskiej, Difin, Warsaw 2002.
If not stated differently – one linear kilometre of network is one kilometre of a two-way network. The
analysis is conducted in netto prices (VAT not included).
Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport 111
Table 7.1. Basic Parameters Concerning Investment and Operational Costs of Trolleybus Infrastructure
Traction network [PLN/km] 1 500 000
Traction substations [PLN] 1 300 000
Number of substations per km of network 0.29
Yearly maintenance costs [PLN/km] 100 000
Residual value of infrastructure (after 30 years) 35%
Table 7.2. Basic Parameters Concerning Investment and Operational Costs of a Trolleybus
Cost of bus [PLN] 770 000
Cost of trolleybus [PLN] 980 000
Bus operation period [years] 12
Trolleybus operation period [years] 20
Bus operation costs [PLN/km] 1.05
Trolleybus operation costs [PLN/km] 1.3
Assumptions concerning energy costs are in Table 7.3. Analysis has shown that in city
traffic a bus uses about 40 l/100 km, whereas one liter of diesel oil costs about 4 PLN net.
Diesel oil prices show movements of about 4% per year (real growth), which was assumed
for the whole analysis period.
A trolleybus uses 190 kWh of energy / 100 km, and 1 kWh costs 0,30 PLN. Electric energy
costs are characterized by a lower price movement – initially it has been assumed at 2% per
year in real growth.
Assumptions concerning the individual value of emission and external costs, which are
included in Tables 7.4 and 7.5, are as follows:
The EURO 5 norm – for the absolute magnitude of the pollution emission in the case of
The average value of emissions from the Kozienice power station for the absolute magni-
tude of pollution emission in the case of trolleybuses.
European Union Guideline no 2009/33 for individual costs of CO2, NMHC and NOx
The analyses of the group: Mayeres, Ochelen i Proost – for the remaining contaminations
not included in the above-mentioned guideline (CO, PM10), as well as for noise.9
External costs of noise have been assumed for trolleybuses at the level of 1/6 of the cost
of bus noise.
The calculation has been created for the rate 4 PLN = 1 EUR.
The basic results of modeling for the aforementioned assumptions are presented in Fig.
7.1 and 7.2. The financial break-even point, calculated in Fig. 7.1 is about 190 departures per
working day, which corresponds to a frequency of ca. 5 minutes. This means that in Polish
conditions, with the earlier described assumptions, trolleybus transport is essentially more
efficient than buses, if the amount of departures in a weekday is over 190 on a given section.
Of course, if the whole network is taken into consideration, consisting as it is of unevenly
loaded sections, then the value of the break-even point refers to the average traffic density as
measured along the length of the network.10
Directive 2009/33/Ec Of The European Parliament And Of The Council of 23 April 2009 on the pro-
motion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles, Official Journal of the European Union L
120/5, 15.5.2009
I. Mayeres, S. Ochelen and S. Proost: The marginal external costs of urban transport, “Transportation
Research”, Part D: Transport and Environment, 1996, nr 1, pp. 111–130.
The figures of frequency are exemplary and have been calculated with the assumption that trolley-
buses or buses ride from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. in even intervals.
Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport 113
It should be emphasized that the inclination of the curve depicting the overall cost of trol-
leybus transportation (red curve) is smaller than that of the blue curve. This means that the
floating charges of trolleybus transport are lower than in the case of bus transport.
The results of the economic analysis in the first scenario might be considered quite sur-
prising (see Fig. 7.2), as the break-even point is moving up in this case and is about 250 during
a workday, which corresponds to a frequency of ca. 4 minutes. This means that the inclusion
of external costs is “non cost-effective” for trolleybus transport.
These unfavorable results are caused by the fact that modern diesel engines emit a rela-
tively small amount of pollution, whereas in the model it was assumed that the overall electric
energy, with which trolleybuses are powered, comes from coal power plants, with the assump-
114 Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport
tion of the real emission level for Poland. This can be clearly seen on Fig. 7.3 (purple section).
It should be emphasized that the model does not differentiate, within the majority of available
studies, between the financial values of particular emissions in different locations.
In addition, Fig. 7.3 indicates that the greatest advantage of trolleybuses is the low cost of
energy, which in electric tractions are about 4 times lower than in the case of buses. Assum-
ing that in the full cost model the energy is ca. 25%, then the reduction of energy costs is ca.
18% of the overall cost.
Yet infrastructure is a serious cost-driving factor in the case of trolleybus transport, which
may constitute half of the costs, given low traffic. This proves the initial assumption that trol-
leybus technology is justifiable in the case of heavy traffic where the costs of infrastructure
are divided by the large volume of passengers and passenger-kilometers.
Moreover, what is worth noticing is the fact that the vehicle costs of the two compared
tractions barely differ, as the longer operation time of the trolleybus compensates its higher
purchase and maintenance costs..
Fig. 7.3. The Detailed Structure of Financial and Social Costs in the initial Scenario
In the next parts of the current analysis, the assumptions of the model will be changed
and an interpretation of the results stemming from the new assumptions will be carried out.
Firstly, it is crucial to take into consideration a situation in which electric energy comes
from sources which do not cause the emission of carbon dioxide; that is, from the so called
zero-emission sources of electric energy (eg. hydro-electric, wind turbine or atomic power
stations). In the discussed model, other assumptions remain the same.
In this case, the results of the financial analysis, presented on Fig. 7.1, do not change.
However, the results of the economic analysis (see Fig. 7.4) indicate that with the usage of
zero-emissions, the break-even point of the trolleybus transport – taking into consideration
Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport 115
external costs – declines to ca. 170 departures per day, which corresponds to the frequency
of ca. 5.5 minutes in workdays.
In the “zero-emission” scenario the trolleybuses are characterized by external costs which
are 20-times lower than in the case of buses (see Fig. 7.5).
Fig. 7.5. The Detailed Structure of Financial and Social Costs in the “Zero-Emission” Scenario
In the last analysis the price of diesel oil was assumed at 4 PLN/l (net) and its dynamism
at 4% per year. The substantial contribution of energy costs to the general cost structure and
the inconstancy and differentiation of diesel oil prices in various countries requires that a
modeling with different assumptions also be carried out.
Thus, in the following part diesel oil prices will be assumed at a higher rate of 5 PLN/l and
a slightly higher dynamism of its real growth (5% per year instead of 4% per year). Combined
with zero-emission energy sources, this creates a set of assumptions, which more closely
resembles the conditions in Western Europe. However, due to the convergence process, it
116 Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport
should be expected that in the long run the presented assumptions would have more in com-
mon with the conditions in Poland
In this case the results of the financial analysis considerably change in favor of trolleybus
transport (see fig. 7.6). The break-even point is only 120 departures per weekday, which cor-
responds to a frequency of 8 minutes. This considerable shift of the break-even point shows
that the assumptions of the model are very flexible when prices of diesel oil are concerned, as
well as demonstrating the vast influence these prices have on the efficiency of electric traction
as a means of public transportation.
Fig. 7.6. The results of Financial Analysis in the High diesel Oil Prices Scenario.
This also obviously changes the results of the economic analysis (see fig. 7.7), where the
break-even point is ca. 110 departures per weekday, which still corresponds to an average
frequency of ca. 8 minutes.
Fig. 7.7. The Results of Economic Analysis in the High diesel Oil Prices Scenario.
Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport 117
The cost structure analysis (see Fig. 7.8) indicates that in the high diesel oil price scenario
the overall energy cost in the case of trolleybus transport is ca. 1/5 that of bus transport.
It should also be emphasized that despite the fluctuation of the diesel oil prices, the model
constructed is considerably less flexible in terms of electric energy prices, as these have a
smaller contribution to the life cycle costs of trolleybus transport. Moreover, electric energy
prices are also considerably more stable.
Fig,. 7.8. A detailed Financial and Social Cost Structure in the High diesel Oil Prices Scenario
In the final scenario the prior existence of trolleybus infrastructure already exists, i.e.
Only maintenance costs, not construction costs are included. The assumption concerning
low diesel oil prices is once again taken into account, this time in conjunction with zero-
emission energy sources. Naturally, infrastructure maintenance costs at an unchanged level,
are still included.
It should be emphasized that this scenario concerns not only cities, which have a trol-
leybus network, but also those cities in which its construction is financed through external
sources, such as EU, governmental or federal grants.
The results of the modeling indicate that, with such changed assumptions, the break-even
point achieved is considerably lower than in the earlier scenarios. In the case of the financial
analysis it is ca. 95 departures per weekday, which corresponds to an average frequency of 10
minutes (see Fig. 7.9), whereas in the case of the economic analysis – ca. 80 departures, thus
the critical frequency is ca. 12 minute (see Fig. 7.10).
118 Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport
Fig. 7.9. The results of the Financial Analysis in the no Investment Costs for Infrastructure Scenario
Fig. 7.10. The Results of the Economic Analysis in the No Investment Costs for Infrastructure Scenario
In the analyzed scenario, the infrastructure costs – limited to the maintenance costs – still
remain a considerable component of the life cycle cost in trolleybus transport (see Fig. 7.11),
yet their contribution is lower than in other cases. Above the break-even point, the most
important component of the life cycle costs in the case of trolleybus transport is the cost of
the trolleybus fleet.
It should be emphasized that in the case of heavy traffic (300 departures per weekday),
trolleybuses can ensure savings of 20% financially and 25% when external costs are concerned.
Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport 119
Fig. 7.11. A detailed Financial and Social Cost Structure in the No Investment Costs for Infrastructure
To conclude the above-mentioned points, it should be stated that for newly constructed
networks, the break-even point for trolleybus transport is ca. 110–250 departures per weekday,
depending on local conditions, which corresponds to an average frequency of 4–8 minutes.
These figures concern a situation in which the construction of the infrastructure is fully fi-
nanced by the self-government and takes into consideration the external benefits.
When account investment costs for infrastructure, which are applicable in the case of exist-
ing networks or those financed through external sources, are not taken into account, the break-
even point decreases to 80–95 departures per day, thus to the frequency of ca. 10–12 minutes.
The full configuration of break-even points is in Table 7.6.
Break-even point
in the financial analysis 190 190 120s 95
[departures in a weekday] (5 mins) (5 mins) (8 mins) (ca. 10 mins)
(average frequency)
Break-even point
in the economic analysis 250 170 110 80
[departures in a weekday] (4 mins) (5.5 mins) (8 mins) (ca. 12 mins)
(average frequency)
It should be noted that the following are favorable to the economic efficiency of trolleybus
• Heavy traffic on a given network – this, above all, should stem from sound decisions con-
cerning area planning and the choice of routes for trolleybus communication.
120 Chapter 7. Economic Efficiency of trolleybus transport
The intensity of traffic can also be stimulated by the transport authority, especially in a
situation in which there are twice as many bus lanes as those of trolleybuses.
The model presented shows that in such a situation, the marginal cost in trolleybus trans-
port is lower than that of bus transport, and if possible, the former should be used. (The curve
presenting the overall cost of trolleybus communication is less inclined than the analogical
curve of the bus communication).
However, the decision can be obscured by the average cost calculation, which may be
higher for the trolleybus traction; yet, one should be aware that the average cost in trolleybus
communication takes into consideration infrastructure costs, which are of fixed character. A
solution that broadens the knowledge of the decision makers, concerning the real shape of
the overall cost curve, may be dividing the rate paid to the public transport operator into
two parts – a fixed part for the maintenance of infrastructure and a variable part, dependent
on operation works.
• Fluctuating fuel prices – investing in trolleybus communication can be treated as a safe-
guard against fluctuating fuel prices, even in situations where trolleybuses show a slightly
lower efficiency; this inefficiency becomes the equivalent of the cost of a hedge contract.
• Low emission and zero-emission energy – due to its reliance on coal energy, trolleybus
communication can be characterized by a higher level of external costs than bus com-
• External financing – at a time where there is the possibility of EU funding, investing in
trolleybus communication is a good idea for ensuring a continual decline of operation
costs, which in the current economic climate, are quite difficult to achieve while realizing
other projects (e.g. the expense associated with the maintenance of trolleybus networks;
modern buses which use a considerable amount of petrol; doubts arising in regards to the
effectiveness of intelligent transport systems).
Finally, it should be noted that the model presented above could, in terms of the economic
analysis, overestimate the break-even point of trolleybus communication, as with the avail-
able resources it produces an equal amount of pollution emissions in city and rural areas.
This overestimation concerns only the emission scenario, thus the size of the deformation is
not considerable. However, taking into consideration the differentiation of the harmfulness of
pollution emitted in city and rural areas creates a desired direction for completing the model.
The input data of the model is approximated and in the case of a concrete investment they
may be shaped differently than in the example presented. Thus every investment decision
should be made on the basis of a separately parameterized efficiency model, and the figures
presented treated only as auxiliary.
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image
of Trolleybus Transport
In this section characteristics of the city will be presented in relation to marketing phi-
losophy. Subsequently, the focus will be shifted to the role of public transport in developing a
city’s competitive marketing advantage. After the above has been considered,, issues involving
the development of the image of trolleybus transport’s will be presented.
Image is an element of a brand (including the brand of a city). It has an influence on its
perceived value. It is also a central factor in the positioning of a product within various mar-
kets1. The development of the image of a city constitutes a constant process of management
of a given location, the division of the residents according to target groups, as well as the
selection of suitable attractions. These actions form the basis of a wide range of marketing
activities aimed at both internal and external users of a city.
In terms of the degree of aggregation, a product in the marketing of a city may be con-
• a “city mega-product”;
• a partial product, forming part of the “city mega-product”, which can be considered a
separate product in the exchange process.
The concept of a “city mega-product” encompasses both material ingredients, such as
technical and social infrastructure, residential, commercial and industrial buildings, and non
material ingredients, such as a specific “social atmosphere” (determined by its inhabitants
attitudes towards problems and the future), the openness of the city, its image among visi-
tors and locals (related to the level of social optimism and a sense of identification with the
place of residence), history and tradition, and natural conditions. The composition of these
factors forms the general “image” of the city mega-product, which is a subjective category
and varies depending on the type of customer, his preferences, the degree of recognition of
his needs, and his purchasing power2. Individual components of the product have a relatively
Doole I., Lowe R.: International Marketing Strategy. Analysis, development and implementation.
Published by South-Western Cengage Learnings 2008, 5th edition, p. 283.
M. Wołek: Transport publiczny w kształtowaniu wizerunku miasta. [In:] XI Symposium of the Fac-
ulty of Management and Computer Modelling. Published by Kielce University of Technology, Kielce
2013 [in print].
122 Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport
varied meaning for specific groups of buyers. An extreme case is that of “niche” cities offer-
ing specialized products that are difficult to create and to imitate, which is a significant entry
barrier for potential competitors. Such products are aimed at relatively narrow target groups
and concern needs of higher priority and changes in the way in which free time is spent in
rich post-industrial societies.3.
However, for its users, the city mega-product is seen through the lens of partial products,
which to them have the greatest importance. The dysfunction of one of them, with others re-
maining at a relatively high level can play a part in reducing the extent to which the consumer
the customer is satisfied. An example of this process can be found in an inefficient transport
system, which makes it difficult to access various sub-products located within a city, thus in-
creasing the cost of their acquisition by adding the external costs of transport congestion. This
may lead to substantial disparities in the development and perception of the city, expressed
by disproportionate urbanization4. In addition, the same partial product can be perceived and
evaluated differently depending on who the “users of the city” are. Their large variation makes
the development of the image of a city a complex, long-term project.
One of the key partial products of the city is public transport, which determines the spatial
and temporal availability of the city. The public transport system in a city can be analyzed as:
• an element of the city’s transport system (public and private transport);
• a significant beneficiary of budget expenditure;
• an instrument of social politics (influencing the availability of urban goods with the help
of a tariff-ticketing system);
• an element of municipal services and labor markets;
• a factor effecting the competitiveness of a city;
• a partial product of the city’s marketing concept.
Reasons for considering public transport a partial product which has an impact on devel-
oping the image of the city include:
• its impact on the city’s development;
• the fact it determines the availability of other partial products;
• its impact on the perception of the city, both by residents and visitors;
• the fact it uses innovative technological and organizational solutions;
• the growth in importance of environmental issues and the related quality of life in the city.
Basic reasons for developing the image of public transport in European cities include:
• the problem of private automotive transport and the varied speed of its development;
• the uncontrolled suburbanization processes („urban sprawl”);
• rising passenger expectations for quality of services (a car being a strong alternative),
• public transport development projects, which by themselves may be considered proof of
attractiveness within the market;
• financial constraints associated with high public debt;
• a change in passenger structure requiring new forms of marketing communication to be
Wołek M.: Marketingowe kształtowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej miasta. Studium na przykładzie
Gdyni. Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk, Sopot 2005. Typescript, p. 167.
Ibidem, p. 168.
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport 123
Trolleybus transport is currently not considered a modern and efficient means of urban
transport. This is particularly evident among those decision-makers, who in shaping the de-
velopment of urban transport policy, do not take trolleybus transport in account. This is due
to a great number of reasons, which can be categorized as follows:
• economic issues (additional costs required for the construction of the overhead wire in-
frastructure and a higher unit cost compared to a standard bus);
• operational issues (additional costs associated with maintaining the overhead wire infra-
structure, the existence of other means of urban transport with electric traction);
• architectural issues (the presence of overhead wires lowers the value of urban space, es-
pecially in the city center);
• political issues (previous decisions on developing other means of transport, such as gas
or hybrid buses);
• image issues (reluctant support for trolleybus transport – a somewhat antiquated “old-
fashioned” means of urban transport).
The biggest barrier affecting the positive exchange of experience and the promotion of the
development of trolleybus transport, is the relatively small number of cities in which this form
of transport is currently used in comparison to its heyday. A large number of such are outside
the European Union, which is an additional difficulty affecting in establishment of coopera-
tion and the the search for sources of funding. Due to a lack of demand for trolleybuses in
the European Union, they are produced in small batches, which is reflected by a higher unit
price. In addition, trolleybus transport is usually the first to receive cutbacks in a situation
where there are limited resources available for appropriate maintenance of public transport,
leading to a gradual deterioration of the quality of services. This is particularly noticeable
in relation to bus transport. As a result, after a period of gradual reduction in the range of
trolleybus transport services, a decision is often made to close them down althogether. This
tends to be justified by rising fixed costs associated with the need to maintain the additional
power supply infrastructure and an outdated fleet. By analogy to the negative phenomena in
the urban transport market one can speak of a “spiral decline in trolleybus transport”, the es-
sence of which is the reduction of the supply, which leads to the reduction of the attractiveness
trolleybus transport and an increase in fixed costs. This in turn is a prerequisite for further
activities limiting the scope of operation of trolleybus transport and the deterioration of its
market position especially in favor of the more flexible (independent of the necessary power
supply infrastructure) bus transport.
An image is shaped by traits (“attributes”), whose importance is a matter of a passenger’s
subjective evaluation. „How a passenger perceives the reality of the situation depends not
only on his personal experience of the service but also on associated services, on the informa-
tion he receives about the service (not only that provided by the company, but also informa-
tion coming from other sources), on his personal environment, etc.5”
Offering integrated services under a single brand associated with modernity fosters a
positive image of public transport. Cain et al. (2009) found that “full bus rapid transit (BRT)
WG 3 “Market Organisation – Contracts, incentives and monitoring”. Background Paper for the
fourth WG Meeting in Prague, 9th and 10th October 2008 SPUTNIC – Strategies for Public Transport
in Cities, p. 13,
124 Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport
is perceived by everyone as superior to regular bus services in the Los Angeles region. In con-
trast, although other high-quality bus services (non-BRT) also were highly regarded by their
users, the general public’s view was influenced by the same negative perceptions as regular
buses. Hence, modal familiarity led to a higher acceptance of the respective transport mode6”.
In identifying barriers to the development of trolleybus transport two main target groups
should be taken into account: decision-makers responsible for the development of trans-
port policy (politicians, administration, public transport authorities and transport unions,
the management of transport operators) and residents, who are also a diverse group. Fig. 8.1.
illustrates both this and the main differences between the two groups.
There are significant differences in the transport behavior of the residents and their evalu-
ation of individual means of urban transport. For example, there are differences in the evalu-
ation of quality parameters of bus and trolleybus services in Gdynia (Poland) which are de-
scribed in chapter 3.2 and 3.4.
“It is important to understand the needs and desires of people who have different mo-
tivations affected by different factors”. E. Venezia states that “there is a general idea among
non-users that public services are badly organized and not adequate to their needs. In fact,
it may be that public transport is better than what they think, but they simply don’t know
anything about it or they have a distorted idea of it7”. Based on data gathered in market-
ing research conducted by Public Transport Authority in Gdynia and then processed in the
framework of TROLLEY project, it can be said that the frequency with which people travel
M. Scherer, K. Dziekan: Bus or Rail: An Approach to Explain the Psychological Rail Factor. “Journal
of Public Transportation” 2012 Vol. 15 Nr 1, p. 77.
E. Venezia: Sustainability in Cities: Greater Responsibility and Efficiency. [In:] Urban Sustainable
Mobility. Ed. By E. Venezia. FrancoAngeli, Milano 2011, p. 101.
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport 125
by public transport affects the semantic differential of transportation less than the frequency
of traveling by car. Differentials created by travelling always by public transport or travelling
mostly by public transport are equally by car and public transport are convergent while those
created by inhabitants travelling mostly by car and always by car are significantly different8.
This means that regular users of trolleybus transport determine its image on the basis of their
own experiences, while sporadic users – on the basis of ideas and fragmentary opinions he
had heard from other people. This is an indirect confirmation of the previously cited Author’s
thesis and points to the need for various promotional activities depending on a number of
factors that determine the communication behavior of residents.
Trolleybuses are a mature means of public transport. The improvement of its efficiency
using modern technology, the growing independence from the network, as well as ecologi-
cal advantages are obvious among decision-makers and the majority of passengers in cities
operating this mode of public transport.
However, in some cases the advantages of trolleybus transport can be viewed negatively,
i.e. long life-cycle of electric vehicles might be regarded as an disadvantage in comparison
K. Hebel, M. Wołek, O. Wyszomirski: WP5: Improved Image and Patronage. Output 5.1.4 – Survey
on Perception of Trolleybuses. Final Report ver. 3.0. TROLLEY Project, Central Eastern Europe Pro-
gramme, December 2012, p. 53–54.
126 Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport
to a standard diesel bus. Longer service, for example, means that trolleybus vehicles are less
likely to be seen as modern when compared to bus fleets which are renewed more frequently.
Some weaknesses and threats presented in Tab. 8.1 are strictly a matter of image and are
based on well-established stereotypes, especially in cities that do not have trolleybus transpor-
tation. This is why the framework of TROLLEY project includes activities aimed at identifying
interesting measures for the of promotion of trolleybus transport, taking into account local
conditions and low financing costs needed for the implementation of said measures.
Developing the image of a city is a long-term process, which is also difficult to measure.
It has a significant impact on the ability of the city to compete. Public transport is one of the
key components of a city mega-product and can significantly determine its image, especially
among its residents, due to the fact that it facilitates access to other partial products.
In conclusion, the development of the image of trolleybus transport is essential because of:
• the varied meaning of the image of trolleybus transport for a comprehensive (holistic)
image of public transport;
• the fact that in some cases trolleybus transport acts as a leading factor in determining the
image of a given city’s transport system;
• ecological values of
trolleybus transport;
• the negative stereotype of trolleybus transport among decision makers and residents of
cities which do not operate trolleybuses.
The specificity of public transport determines the extent of market research carried out in
relation to the trolleybus transport subsystem.
In broad terms, marketing research in urban transport includes:
• the behavior and transport preferences of residents, their evolution and trends;
• the degree to which the service properties (parameters) meet the residents’ transport pref-
• the residents’ attitude towards the service properties (parameters); towards the suitability
of the service;
• the degree to which needs and demand are satisfied;
• decisions made by the residents in relation to transport services;
• factors determining the choice of transport services.
The focus of research concerning the needs and demands of transport is their size in rela-
tion to spatial relationships, goals and time periods (day of the week and time) for which they
are reported. The subject matter are residents and passengers of public transport, while the
spatial scope of research often involves:
• stops and vehicles;
• households;
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport 127
• workplaces;
• ticket offices.
In terms of research concerning demand, one can specify not only the number of pas-
sengers using public trolleybus, but also their structure on the basis of the ticket they use
and their authorization for a discounted or free ride. This not only allows for the study of the
economic and financial performance of individual trolleybus lines, or even courses, but also
allows passenger segments to be indentified and distinguished on the basis of an adopted
The scope of transport behavior research usually concerns:
• the implementation of urban travel;
• the modal split;
• commuting to work and education;
• the structure of transport on an average day;
• the hierarchy of importance of transport demands;
• assessment of public transport, particularly from the perspective of meeting transport
• factors determining how urban transport is implemented.
The primary purpose of researching the residents’ transport behavior is to develop a strat-
egy of shaping the market in order to maintain the loyalty of existing passengers and attract
new ones. To develop such a strategy it is necessary to identify the modal split between
public and individual transport and the factors determining it. Complementary research is
recommended to ascertain the potential reaction of residents to changes in the transport offer
mirroring their preferences.
Researching transport behavior enables the modal split between different types of trans-
port to be determined. It allows trolleybus transport’s share of the market to be indentified,
measured by the number of trips made by residents within a certain period of time (usually
a single day). For example, the results of research performed in Gdynia in the year 2010 r. led
to the conclusion that with 30% share in transport measured by the number of vehicle-kilom-
eters trolleybuses carry over 32% of public transport passengers organized by ZKM Gdynia.
The share of trolleybus transport may also be determined in relation to the most impor-
tant destinations, such as commuting to work and education. This allows appropriate adjust-
ment of the transport offer in order to meet basic transportation needs. It is recommended
that the participation of trolleybus transport at particular times of the day (hours) is studied
in order to identify the share of this means of transport in the implementation of urban travel
for those periods of time. This, in turn, triggers justified changes to the schedule, adjusting
the supply to the demand and to the adopted rules for determining the modal split between
different types of transport.
While researching transport behavior one can also explore specific reasons (other than
those arising from trolleybus routes and hours of operation) for choosing trolleybuses or
sacrificing trolleybus travel in favor of other types of transport.
It is recommended that the order of importance of transport demands for trolleybus trans-
port is determined. As part of comprehensive marketing research, the order of importance
of transport demands is most commonly aimed at public transport as an integrated form of
services, but in appropriate cases, trolleybus transport can be treated as a separate segment
128 Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport
Case study analysis was used in order to identify and select promotional activities for
trolleybus transport. The literature defines Case Study as „[…] a one which investigates the
problem to answer specific research questions and which seeks a range of different kinds of
evidence9”. Another description of case study analysis states that it is „an inquiry that focuses
on describing, understanding, predicting and/or controlling the individual (i.e. process, per-
son, household, organization, group, industry…)10” or an „empirical inquiry that investigates
a contemporary phenomenon within its real life context, especially when the boundaries
between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident11”.
Case study research is a kind of intensive research. Opposite to survey, which is an ex-
tensive research made between units of observation, case study is a research made ”within
the unit of observation12”. Despite this recognition, collection of selected case studies made it
possible (to some degree) to compare them and to draw conclusions on the basis of „cross-
case analysis” which is about the „guts” of the case, seen in its wholeness. There is a platform,
though, on which sets of wholeness are compared13”. In the case of this study, promotional
activities related to trolleybus transport were the “platform” for comparative analysis.
The advantage of case studies in the context of research in the framework of the TROLLEY
project was the fact that they are:
• far from theory;
• a living example – possible to visit, present and follow;
• very attractive when communicating with decision-makers, politicians, media and gen-
eral audiences;
• possible to describe complexly when using real data.
The analysis concerned nine European cities from seven countries. The largest of the
presented trolleybus transport systems is Vilnius (Lithuania), while Landskrona (Sweden)
is the smallest, both in terms of the number of trolleybuses in operation and the number of
vehicle-kilometers. One of the cities, Lviv (Ukraine), also uses tram transport, while two cit-
ies, Salzburg (Austria) and Gdynia (Poland), also make use of the railway.
The scope and structure of promotional activities undertaken in the analyzed cases were
dependent on:
• isolating a specific target group for a wider operator/transport organizer marketing strat-
egy or for an urban development strategy;
P. Gillham: Case Study Research Methods. Published by Continuum, London 2000, p. 1.
A.G. Woodside: Case Study Research: Theory, Methods, Practice. Emerald, Bingley 2010, p. 1.
R.K. Yin: Applications of Case Study Research. SAGE, Los Angeles-London 2012, p. 4.
P. Swanborn: Case Study Research. What, why and how? SAGE Publ., London & Thousand Oaks
2010, p. 5.
G. Thomas: How to do Your Case Study: A Guide for Students & Researchers. SAGE, Los Angeles –
London – New Delhi – Singapore – Washington DC 2011, p. 141.
130 Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport
Table 8.2. Key Messages in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport in Selected European Cities
City General Promotional Message Tools and themes
Eberswalde eco-friendliness 100% non-emission energy
innovative system open for
Gdynia Education of citizens
further development
“humanization” of each vehicle by giving it a female
Landskrona eco-friendliness
name starting with “El” (like “electric”)
Lviv eco-friendliness Education of employees and passengers
Parma modernity Integrated promotional toolbox to rebrand trolleybuses
Salzburg most comfortable
Solingen eco-friendliness 100% non-emission energy
Vilnius eco-friendliness
Source: self-study.
Table 8.3 presents in a synthetic form the scope and object of actions aimed at developing
the image of trolleybus transport in selected European cities. The means most widely used
in the development of the image of trolleybus transport was the organization of events and
campaigns, often accompanied by outdoor advertising on trolleybuses.
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport 131
Fig. 8.2. The formal introduction of new trolleybuses into operation in Parma became a great oppor-
tunity to showcase the environmental and operational advantages of trolleybus transport. Above:
two generations of trolleybuses: Van Hool and Breda Menarini, in the city centre.
Photo: M. Wołek, May 2012.
Historic vehicles are used equally as often, mostly during special events (e.g. anniversary
celebrations of trolleybus transport operations, the European Week of Sustainable Mobility,
the introduction of new a fleet). The slogan and the logo belong to a means less commonly
used in developing the positive image of trolleybus transport. Such means also includes the
“humanizing” of trolleybuses in Landskrona by giving them female names starting with “El”,
which evokes associations with electric transport.
Table 8.3. Scope and object of promotional activities for trolleybus transport in selected European
Eberswalde Gdynia Landskrona Lviv Parma Salzburg Solingen Vilnius
Logo ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ?
Slogan ⱱ ⱱ ?
Folders ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ? ⱱ
Journal ⱱ ⱱ ?
Postcards ⱱ ⱱ ?
Outdoor ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ?
Outdoor on vehicles ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ? ⱱ
Regular events ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ?
Occasional events ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ
Old-timers ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ
Games ⱱ
Toys ⱱ
Dedicated campaigns ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ ⱱ?
Source: self-study.
132 Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport
Fig. 8.3. Poster Advertising the Benefits of Green Trolleybus Transport in Eberswalde
Source: official Facebook profile of BBG, 18.01.2013.
Fig. 8.3. shows a poster advertising the fact that since early 2013 trolleybus transport is
supplied with electricity from fully carbon-free sources.
The companies status as one of the leading trolleybus operators in the field of innovative
technological solutions (such as supercapacitors installed in trolleybuses) and their use of
modern vehicles is reflected in a modern logo design (designed only for trolleybus transport)
and a slogan. In 2010, the logo was used as a model to create a plush mascot “Strippi” whose
picture was on every new Solaris Trollino trolleybus introduced into service (Fig. 8.4).
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport 133
The mascot also served to create a local postage stamp available in the Barnim district. In
addition, the website offers downloadable wallpapers containing the image of the mascot and
commemorating 70 years of trolleybus transport in Eberswalde.
Fig. 8.4. The Strippi mascot and its exposure on trolleybuses in Eberswalde
Source:, downloaded: 18.01.2013 and M. Wołek, April 2011.
The introduction of new vehicles to the fleet made it possible to organize a series of events
promoting trolleybus transport, including a ceremonial “goodbye” to old trolleybuses, one of
which was covered with goodbye messages from residents during an “open day” (Fig. 8.5). The
vehicle was still operated for some time in Eberswalde before it was transferred to Budapest.
The celebration of the 70th anniversary of trolleybus transport in the city was also an op-
portunity to step up promotional activities, highlighting the green advantages of trolleybuses
and the fact that only three cities in Germany have this kind of urban transport in operation.
The fact that the tradition of trolleybus transport in Eberswalde is more than 70-year old is
also reflected in the slogan on the operator’s website (“Barnimer Busgesellschaft Deutschlands
ältester O-busbetrieb” – “BBG is the oldest trolleybus company in Germany”).
Apart from the plush mascot mentioned before, BBG undertakes a number of other ac-
tivities aimed at children and young people. One of them consisted in installing seats behind
the front passenger door of new trolleybuses so it would allow children to pretend to drive
and observe the driver’s work (Fig. 8.6).
134 Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport
Fig. 8.5. Trolleybus No 811 on line 861 covered with “personal” goodbye messages from residents of
Photo: M. Wołek, April 2011.
Research conducted in the framework of TROLLEY project in 2010 has shown that trol-
leybuses in Eberswalde are viewed as a modern mode of transport. More than a half of re-
spondents claimed that trolleybuses are modern (ranks „good” and „very good”), and only
less then fifth stated opposite opinion. (bad and very bad)14. It should be noted that only 2% of
respondents had no opinion on the matter. The study was conducted at a time when modern
vehicles were being put into service, so it can be assumed that it did not have a decisive impact
on the assessment of the modernity degree of Eberswalde trolleybus transport.
M. Wołek, K. Migdał-Najman, K. Najman: Local Trolley Guides. Final Report. TROLLEY Project,
April 2011.
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport 135
One of the most important target groups for marketing in Salzburg are senior citizens.
With them in view, Salzburg AG take integrated action covering, among others:
Training for older passengers to safely use trolleybus transport, so they can travel alone.
Training includes issues related to the physical access to the vehicle, voyage planning, search-
ing for information on available alternatives, finding their way on individual stops, learning
the tariff-ticketing system and passenger safety. This results in not only an increase in the
number of passengers and revenue from sales of services for the operator, but it also socially
activates the ever growing population between age 70 and 85 years old.
Appropriate equipment of stops and trolleybus interior, including the right choice of
colors and visible information visibility, providing adequate space for wheelchairs and lug-
gage, and the distribution of at least some stop buttons so that passengers can press them
without having to get up.
Promotional message addressed directly to senior passengers (Fig. 8.8).
Proper dress and behavior of staff, ranging from trolleybus drivers and ending with per-
sonnel involved in customer relations.
Publishing printed materials designed for senior passengers, showing the possibilities of
spending free time in the city based on traveling using selected trolleybus lines (Fig. 8.9).
136 Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport
Such folders were issued for each of the trolleybus lines operating in the city and contain the
necessary information for senior citizens.
Highlighting those characteristics of trolleybus technology which are considered to be
important from the perspective of senior passengers, especially in comparison with the bus,
such as a smoother ride, its impact on improving safety and low noise.
Fig. 8.8. Promotional materials targeting senior residents of Salzburg offered by SAG
Source: Salzburg AG.
Fig. 8.9. Publishing materials dedicated to senior citizens on trolleybus line No. 4 in Salzburg
Photo: Salzburg AG.
To enhance the image of trolleybus transport as a modern and ecological mode of trans-
port, the operator advertises the fact that trolleybuses’ energy supply comes 100% from re-
newable energy sources, thus reducing CO2 emissions by 51,000 tons a year. In addition, a
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport 137
modern fleet serves to reinforce the development of a positive image, including the newly
purchased Solaris Trollino Metrostyle (Fig. 8.10) with a modern design and rich interior.
Introducing new vehicles and new lines (like line 12 at the end of 2012) is accompanied by
promotional events of various types.
In Salzburg the trolleybus network is being used for promotional activities and thus dem-
onstrates an example of how this disadvantage of trolleybus transport can be repositioned
as an advantage. Network is the confirmation of stability and certainty of reliable service,
especially for older people. Such action, however, can only take place if other elements of the
trolleybus transport create a high-quality service and clearly defined benefits for passengers.
An activity which was introduced thanks to the TROLLEY project is the European Trol-
leybus Day. The core idea behind it was to establish a day, during which all European cities
celebrate trolleybus transport exclusively. It was celebrated for the first time on September 18,
2010. From that day on, the event is celebrated each year in September by a steadily growing
number of cities, including those that don not have trolleybus transport yet (like Leipzig).
In addition, cities that do have trolleybus transport, but are not partners of the TROLLEY
project, also join the celebration (in 2012 – Lublin and Tychy in Poland).
Typical activities of the European Trolleybus Day are open days (in Szeged and Brno),
accompanying events with competitions and activities for children and young people (in
Salzburg, Parma, Gdynia), exploring technical facilities for children and young people and
exhibitions of trolleybus photos (Gdynia). The celebration of the 3rd European Trolleybus
Day in Gdynia were accompanied by a photo contest “My trolleybuses, my city”.
European Trolleybus Day is also becoming an increasingly important part of the Euro-
pean Week of Sustainable Mobility, during which special lines with historical vehicles are or-
ganized, an activity that has become somewhat a tradition in Salzburg and Gdynia (Fig. 8.11).
138 Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport
Fig. 8.11. A historic Saurer trolleybus during the celebration of the Second European Trolleybus Day
in Gdynia in 2011 on a special trolleybus line 68 (line number represents the number of years of
trolleybus transport in the city)
Photo: M. Wołek.
Organizing the European Trolleybus Day allows the advantages of trolleybus transport to
be presented to people who do not normally use public transport.. It provides an opportu-
nity for the exchange of experiences in promoting trolleybus transport and for cooperation
amongst the cities in which it maintains a strong market position.
The European Trolleybus Day constitutes an integration platform for various promotional
activities and gives them an international character (through cooperation and the exchange
of experience). It also helps specific promotional activities aimed at a specific target group
(such as passenger car drivers, children and students of a specific age) to be addressed. The
activities are predominately low-cost, therefore, the European Trolleybus Day can be included
without difficutly in the calendar of promotional activities of each city, which uses this mode
of transport.
The image of trolleybus transport was examined using a semantic differential, which
shows the individual preferences of respondents in relation to particular properties. The study
of semantic differentials of trolleybus transport was carried out in six TROLLEY project part-
ner cities in October of 2010. The research methodology is presented in Chapter 3.3.
In total, the study included 1,070 respondents. The largest share of respondents were citi-
zens of Szeged and Gdynia. Among all respondents 48% were male and 52% female. The study
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport 139
included people over 16 years of age. The oldest age group were people over 71 years of age.
The participation of different age groups varied in cities, which had an impact on the compa-
rability of the research results in individual cities. In Szeged and Eberswalde the largest group
consisted of young people, between 16–30 years old – 52.6% and 49.7% respectively. The most
adequate distribution of age groups was observed in Gdynia and Parma. Employed people
constituted 44.7% of the respondents, students 25%, and pensioners 21.5%. The respondents
group also included people of different socio-professional status, such as the unemployed and
those not seeking work (8%).
The most people traveling via trolleybus transport on a daily basis live in Szeged (56.5%),
Eberswalde (48.9%) and Gdynia (44%). In addition, a large group of people were traveling
several times a week – 26.2%.
Respondents used trolleybuses for travel to work (20%), schools and universities (14.3%),
shopping (16.8%), personal matters (23.4%), for social purposes(16.8%) and other matters
(8.3%). One third of the respondents did not have a car.
The study analyzed the following image shaping features of trolleybus transport:
• speed;
• comfort;
• environmental friendliness (eco-friendliness);
• modernity;
• safety.
The semantic differential shows the preferences of the respondents due to many features.
These preferences are assessed for the intensity of their validity. In the present study a scale
of 1–5 was used where grade 3 means neutral/ indifferent view. Values higher than 3 indicate
a positive evaluation, lower values – a negative evaluation of a certain feature. For example,
a grade higher than 3 awarded for the speed of the trolley communication in the evaluation
means that the respondent considers the journey to be quick. Ratings below 3 mean that the
respondent considers the journey as slow. The other levels (4–5 and 2–1) indicate the inten-
sity of the respondent’s feelings15.
The aggregate semantic differential for trolleybus transport for all analyzed cities was
presented in Fig. 8.12. Semantic differentials for trolleybus transport defined for all analyzed
cities are shown in Fig. 2-7.
In Brno, the best scoring trolleybus transport feature was its environmental friendliness
(Fig. 8.13). The respondents were neutral towards safety, comfort and the modernity of trol-
K. Migdał-Najman, K. Najman, M. Wołek: Improved image and patronage. Output 5.2.4 “Local Trol-
ley Guides”. Final Report. TROLLEY Project, April 2011, p. 23.
K. Hebel, M. Wołek: Development the Image of Trolleybus Transportation. [In:] Contemporary
Transportation Systems. Selected Theoretical and Practical Problems. The Transportation as the Factor
of the Socio-Economic Development of the Regions. Ed. by R. Janecki, S. Krawiec, G. Sierpiński. Pub-
lishers of the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice 2012, p. 199–208.
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport 141
means of transportation (total of “4” and “5” scores), as shown in Fig. 8.15. The speed, comfort
and safety have also received high scores. This is due to the consistent support of public au-
thorities for this means of urban transport. Modern vehicles, some equipped with a traction
battery, certainly have an impact on the passenger evaluation of public transport in Gdynia.
Some of them were introduced into operation before the start of market research.
Residents of Salzburg (Fig. 8.17) evaluated the most traits at the highest level, namely,
comfort, environmental friendliness, modernity and safety. Only speed was rated neutral, due
to the low operating speed of trolleybuses in the city center, despite the existence of bus lanes
on some streets. Nearly four fifths of respondents in this city consider trolleybuses a modern
means of public transport (sum of the respondents who gave this trait a 4 or 5).
In Szeged (Hungary), residents considered trolleybus transport environmentally friendly
(almost half of the respondents gave this trait the highest score – 5). They also appreciated
the speed and comfort, but had a neutral attitude towards modernity and safety of travel, as
shown in Fig. 8.18.
The positive image of trolleybus transport is deeply rooted in the matters of ecology. The
next best evaluated traits are safety, comfort and speed.
The declarations of all surveyed respondents in regards to the five attributes were summed
up in order to assess the diversity of the researched cities. Figure 8 represents a map of the
perception of the cities. Axes in the chart are an abstract evaluation of their similarity. The
closer the cities are to each other, the more similar they are. Each part of the graph shows the
importance of the five surveyed actors.
Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport 143
In regards to Fig. 8.19 it might be stated that eco-friendliness was preferred in Szeged. Also
the importance of comfort and speed was pointed out. Safety and fashion received neutral
ratings. In Gdynia the respondents considered the aspects of eco-friendliness and modernity,
as very important. Comfort and speed were important. In Eberswalde the respondents pre-
ferred safety and eco-friendliness as very important. Speed and modernity were also impor-
tant. Comfort received neutral rating. Modernity, comfort, safety and eco-friendliness, were
graded highly, while the speed of travel remained neutral in Salzburg.
Parma and Brno have very similar characteristics with respondents indicatinh eco-friend-
liness as very important and safety as an important factor. The other features were graded as
144 Chapter 8. Marketing in Developing the Image of Trolleybus Transport
Fig. 8.19. Map showing the perception of the cities in regards to the surveyed travel features.
Source: K. Migdał-Najman, K. Najman, M. Wołek: Improved image and patronage. Output 5.2.4 “Local Trolley
Guides”. Final Report. TROLLEY Project, April 2011, p. 33.
The differences in the image of trolleybus transport in individual cities stem on one hand
from the experience of trolleybus travel, and on the other hand, from the specificity of the
community sample.
Trolleybuses are a key characteristic of transport systems of the cities in which they op-
erate. In all cities researched they received the highest ratings because of their eco-friendli-
ness. Regardless of the city being researched, ecological friendliness was evaluated very high
among passengers of trolleybus transport. It proves the high level of environmental awareness
in relation to trolleybus transport among the researched cities. 54% of respondents find trol-
leybus transport as “very ecological”. There are significant differences in the assessment of
parameters such as speed, comfort and safety. Trolleybus transport may, therefore, become an
important element in developing a positive image of public transport, in some cases, becom-
ing its “flagship”, as it is already in Salzburg (Austria)17.
In order to improve the image of trolleybus transport in the framework of the TROLLEY
project, a wide promotional campaign named “EBUS – the smart way” was launched. The aim
of this campaign was to show the trolleybus as a modern means of transport, a flexible plat-
form for a number of innovations that are currently in an experimental phase, which promise
to make trolleybuses a very attractive and effective means of transportation.
K. Hebel, M. Wołek: Development the Image of Trolleybus Transportation. [In:] Contemporary
Transportation Systems. Selected Theoretical and Practical Problems. The Transportation as the Factor
of the Socio-Economic Development of the Regions. Ed. by R. Janecki, S. Krawiec, G. Sierpiński. Pub-
lishers of the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice 2012, p. 199–208.
Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus
Transport Development
The increasing awareness of climate change, the scale of the challenges involved, and the
pressing need to prepare for a post-petrol future have prompted most of the world’s developed
countries to step up the research, trialling and deployment of transport systems that use more
energy-efficient and less petrol fuel-dependent vehicles. In response to the second objective
on petrol dependency, electric power offers a potentially ground-breaking solution, provided
that the energy supply chain does not emit excessive amounts of CO2.
Electricity as an energy vector for vehicle propulsion offers the possibility to substitute oil
with a wide variety of primary energy sources. This could ensure the security of the energy
supply and the widespread use of renewable and carbon-free energy sources in the transport
sector, which could contribute towards achieving the European Union target of reduced CO2
The ‘tank-to-wheels’ efficiency of electric vehicles is a factor approximately 3 higher than
internal combustion engine vehicles. Electric vehicles emit neither CO2, nor other pollutants
such as NOx, NMHC and PM when in use. Electric vehicles operate quietly and smoothly,
thus creating less noise and vibration.
The policy related to battery-powered vehicles is mainly focused on technological optimi-
sation and market development. Future challenges in this field include reliability and durabil-
ity of batteries and super-capacitors, reducing battery weight and volume, safety, cost reduc-
tion, improved hybrid electric power-trains, charging infrastructure and plug-in solutions.
The electrification of transport (electromobility) will stay a priority in the upcoming
Community Research Programme “Horizon 2020” or the new transnational cooperation pro-
grammes for 2014-2020... Electromobility will also be an essential part of the of the European
Innovation Partnership (EIP) “Smart Cities & Communities”1
The EC Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport, said at the occasion of the
announcement of the cross-European electromobility initiative “Green eMotion”2: “Transport
is current 96% dependent on oil for its energy needs. This is totally unsustainable. The Transport
146 Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development
2050 Roadmap aims to break transport’s current oil dependency and allow mobility to grow. We
can and we must do both. It can be win-win. But there are major challenges. Transport 2050
calls for a reduction of CO² from transport of at least 60% by 2050. At the heart of this strategy is
a major shift in cities to the electric vehicles away from cars with conventionally fuelled engines.”
On the climate change front, an electric vehicle powered by renewable sources like wind,
hydroelectric or solar power would release no greenhouse gases whilst in motion. Even in
regions and countries where much of the electricity comes from fossil-fuel burning power
plants, electric vehicles are still less harmful to the environment than cars that burn fossil
fuels directly in their engines. This is due to the fact that power plants use energy more ef-
ficiently than ICE3s (although some adjustment needs to be made for electricity lost during
transmission along the wires from the power station to urban areas). This all means that
electric vehicles can help to reduce Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on
imported fossil fuels.
From the perspective of trolleybus cities this “new” development is more a “back to the
future!“, as the trolleybus has already presented itself as a fully developed, technically secure
and economical electromobility system over the past decades. However, electromobility with
trolleybuses incorporates a number of elements (in addition to the electric drive train) which
could facilitate and enhance the user experience and acceptance of electric vehicles by offer-
ing various ICT services for urban and inter-urban electro mobility in a smart city concept.
Based on the trolleybus system as a backbone of an electric intermodal passenger transport
chain, services for real time information on the charging infrastructure (for example using
power-substations of trolleybus networks), pre-trip and on-trip planning and optimization
based on energy use as well as vehicle to grid connectivity could be offered. However, this
would require new roles, markets and business models that facilitate the increased deploy-
ment of electromobility in public transport chains with “micro-mobility” and “vehicle shar-
ing” concepts to complete the first and final mile of a door-to-door trip.
ICE – Internal Combustion Engine
Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development 147
The focus of the European Commission and other EU institutions on electric mobility,
as is mentioned above, is mainly concerned with electric cars and has only recently began
to shift towards the electrification of bus systems in Europe. However, trolleybus transporta-
tion is hardly mentioned in any official document with research topics primarily targeting
the research and development of new technologies, reliability and durability of batteries and
super-capacitors, reducing battery weight and volume, safety, cost reduction, improved hy-
brid electric power-trains, charging infrastructure and plug-in solutions.
The advantage of the trolleybus over such technologies is its reliability, already proven
by more than one hundred years of practical experience. Meanwhile the Commission has
recognised that trolleybuses are still playing a crucial role in urban mobility and that trol-
leybus systems can be an important “bridging technology” for the smart electromobility of
the future based on research topics like smart infrastructure concepts that exploit synergies
between the electrical infrastructure of trolleybuses/trams, smart grids and the wider urban
electromobility infrastructure, or the testing of advanced hybrid electric-electric drive train
concepts, combining wire-based and autonomous modes of operation (based on automatic
wiring/ de-wiring technology). Thus, trolleybus systems, as the backbone of urban transport
due to the many benefits they undoubtedly offer to citizens, could play an important role in
the furture development of electric transaction based urban mobility/electric mobility
Nevertheless, as a mode of transportation the trolleybus needs to develop in order to be
competitive with other forms of transportation, as well as to be attractive to its users in the
The disadvantage of trolley bus systems, in as far as the need to be permanently con-
nected to overhead wires, has already been solved by means of hybrid or dual mode power
(the second power source can be not only an internal combustion engine, but battery or
supercapacitors have also been implemented by various operators). For example trolleybus
operator (TEP) of Parma, Italy purchased nine Van Hool ExquiCity 18 vehicles equipped with
“supercaps” (Maxwell Double Layer HTM Power) to test a Kinetic Energy Recovery System
(KERS). A further example is the replacement of the auxiliary diesel engine by a lithium-ion
battery in Eberswalde (Germany, Barnim Bus Company). The system in Eberswalde is now
featuring two fully electric drive systems. This Europe’s first Trolley-Battery-Hybrid-Bus can
receive power either via the catenary or the lithium-ion battery. On short distances the bus
can additionally run on “supercaps” – the third electric drive system. Tests carried out in daily
operation beginning in 2013 demonstrated that a distance of 4 kilometres can be driven in
battery mode (without catenary-connection) and is ideal for ensuring the optimised life cycle
of the lithium-ion battery on a line of 18 kilometres in length. With a trolleybus connected
to the overhead wire by way of a catenary connection, the battery can be recharged via the
electric motor during breaking. As a result of these technological innovations, trolleybuses
can operate without wires for several kilometres more efficiently than when run on diesel.
However, in order to guarantee the future of partial catenary networks of trolleybus systems
with combined overhead and inductive power supply permitting flexible and efficient opera-
tion in wired and autonomous mode, a technology allowing for automatic wiring and de-
wiring (while driving) still is needed. This would reduce the infrastructure costs of expensive,
visually intrusive crossings and would provide more flexible possibilities for the extension of
routes within existing trolleybus networks.
148 Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development
The up-to-date overhead components allow the road traffic flow speed at junctions to be
maintained, which prevents the problem of speed restrictions. Furthermore, modern col-
lectors made of composite glass or carbon reinforced polyester with retraction systems give
trolleybuses better manoeuvring capabilities when connected to the overhead axis, thus
enabling them to perform better in road traffic. Thanks to these and other new on-board
technologies, trolleybuses and their passengers are now better protected against electric shock
even during severe weather conditions.
It can be expected that future technological progress and development will concentrate on
further improving efficiency and competitiveness with bus transportation, e.g. vehicle weight
reduction and in particular the reduction of investment costs which is considered as the main
obstacle and disadvantage.
As mentioned above trolleybuses are an important “bridging technology” towards elec-
tromobility solutions and trolleybus networks could become a backbone for future electric
intermodal passenger transport chains. One of the crucial issues already recognised by e-mo-
bility initiatives is the lack of (re-)charging points; this problem concerns both electric midi
(battery) buses and electric cars or bikes. Trolleybus (or tram) networks can provide electric
energy to vehicles – it is relatively easy in the case of battery or supercap buses operated by
the same operator. There are already several such examples – electric buses are charged in
trolleybus depots during parking (Ostrava, CZ) and from recharging points connected to a
catenary network at selected trolleybus or tram stops (Vienna, AT).
The same scheme could be applied to private electric cars; ideally during parking at P+R
facilities where cars may remain for several hours. Public transport operators could become
providers of universal mobility, which could be beneficial not only for car users, that is private
customers, but also for PT operators themselves. Their electricity consumption depends on
traffic volumes which are significantly higher during peak hours, whereas the sale of electric-
ity to private vehicles during off-peak periods might balance this inequality. However, it is
necessary to take into account the fact that PT catenary is, in many countries, classified as
Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development 149
“dedicated electric appliance” (“specified electric appliance”) which prevents them being used
by other customers. This restriction, which applies in certain countries, shows the need for
the harmonisation of standards within the EU and is already the case of other modes where
PT operators can sell fuel (diesel or CNG) to external users.
Fig. 9.3. The dual use of the power supply infrastructure of existing tram and trolleybus systems as
loading stations for other e-vehicles (e-cars, e-bikes etc.)
Source: Müller-Hellmann, VDV-Förderkreis (modified)
Together with an integrated energy management system implementing new ICT based
interfaces (e.g. ICT for smart and more efficient energy management (smart grids), smart
meter, real time information) between trolleybus and other electric mode’s (re)charging sys-
tems, the recuperation of braking energy and smart grid solutions the trolleybus system of
the future could become an essential part of “smart city” concept.
Trolleybus networks are also able to support the integration of zero-emission freight trans-
porters into urban mobility systems. Although they are generally seen as a mode of passenger
transport, there are several examples of trolleybus lorries. Besides the current Siemens R&D
project (Germany) for long distance freight distribution, electric trucks powered from over-
head network are used in places requiring an ignition-free environment (ie. mines). Urban
delivery services perhaps constitute both the most attractive and appropriate potential utili-
zation of the trolleybus network. Lorries can be supplied with electricity from an overhead
network where available and powered by batteries in streets where such equipment is lacking.
The above has been applied in the former U.S.S.R. since the 1960s, though the “independent
power” is supplied from an auxiliary diesel or petrol engine while current electromobility
technology enables the use of battery power, the battery recharging as the trolleybus is in
motion. The wider application of such technology could constitute the contribution of the
trolleybus to urban logistics, which is another important EU transport policy topic.
150 Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development
Innovations in the development of urban transport foster measures aimed at the mod-
ernization of the existing sub-systems of urban transport and thus provide trolleybuses with
future prospects of functioning in urban transport services.
The development policy of trolleybus transport should be directed towards coordinating
and continuing the process of improvement of the subsystem, including increasing cost sav-
ings, functionality and environmental acceptance.4
The recognition of the trolleybus as a mode of transport for the future is motivated pri-
marily by the fact that it is able to contribute to sustainable development and to improve the
quality of life in urban areas. It is also determined by the following features:5
• it is friendly and acceptable from the point of view of the environment (it does not emit
exhaust fumes and has a lower noise level in relation to other modes of transport)
• it is economically efficient thanks to renewable energy sources,
• it does not require large, long-term investments as both the fleet and infrastructure benefit
from very good technical solutions,
• the prices and costs of the fleet will decrease and its quality will increase with the rapid
development of trolleybus subsystems,
• it has a longer longevity and it is more comfortable for passengers than regular buses due
to the spacious interior and the fact that its energy is produced outside the vehicle,
• it has excellent traction, while staying dynamic and safe regardless of the topography and
the number of passengers,
• it is flexible and performs well an all routes thanks to an auxiliary drive,
• it can recuperate and store energy,
• it is highly efficiency, capacious and enables operation on dedicated routes which allow
for a high operating speed,
• it is appropriate from the point of view of the requirements of the local community, pro-
viding a balance between the transport potential and the impact on the environment.
Modern, low-floor trolleybuses may be threatened by the technical development of buses,
which is heading towards their electrification. The development is forced by the introduc-
tion of an environmental tax on diesel vehicle operation, as well as by the increase in diesel
prices. Time will tell whether the conventional trolleybus with an auxiliary battery drive, or
the electric bus, which combines the benefits of the conventional bus and the trolleybus, will
be used to a greater extent in the future.6
S. Tica, S. Filipovič, P. Zivanovič, O. Bajcetič, Development of trolleybus passenger transport subsys-
tems in terms of sustainable development and quality of life in cities, “International Journal for Traffic
and Transport Engineering”, 2011, 1 (4), p. 202.
Ibidem, pp. 203–204.
U. Langer, Vergleichende Untersuchung der Energie Kosten und Emissionsbilans im Öffentlichen Nah-
verkehr bei Einszatz von Oberleitungsbussen und Dieselbussen der Stadtwerke Solingen, www.obus-ew.
de, 14.02.13.
Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development 151
Electric and hybrid buses equipped with batteries are used in a number of cities in dif-
ferent countries. Among cities operating vehicles with sodium-nickel-chlorine batteries
the best known are: Bologna and Rome in Italy, Lyon in France, and Adelaide in Australia.
The vehicles operating in these cities were produced by companies such as IVECO, Tecnobus,
BredaMenariniBus and DesignLine, and are operated by local transport companies. The typi-
cal operating range of these vehicles is the service of lines connecting car parks with urban
centers and lines running through the areas excluded from general traffic, such as historical
Sodium-nickel-chlorine batteries have proved to be reliable and suitable for vehicles used
in the carbon-free or low-emission local public transport. The best operating range, amount-
ing to 16 hours and 180–220 km, is offered by BredaMenariniBus 240 EI HEV. DesignLine
TINDO EV electric buses provide approximately the same range.8
Taking into consideration the technological progress in the construction of electric buses
it is not easy to identify a clear global trend in the development of trolleybus transport. Cit-
ies operating trolleybuses do not generally doubt the reasons for maintaining trolleybuses,
greatly appreciating their role in public transport networks. This means there is no visible
trend against trolleybuses. These cities plan either to maintain the current state of affairs, as-
suming the strategy of survival, or to strengthen and expand trolleybus transport, assuming
the strategy of development. Even if, from a purely economic point of view, the trolleybus is
a more expensive option than a bus run on diesel or natural gas, this disadvantage is offset
by its environmental benefits. Moreover, it is difficult to find arguments for the abolition
of trolleybus transport when at the same time there is significant development in the tram
systems that also use overhead networks. Furthermore, in practice, there are examples of the
beneficial coexistence of the two sub-systems of public transport.9
The future of trolleybuses is associated largely with technical progress. The use of semi-
conductor and microprocessor technology allows for the efficient use of energy. In turn, the
auxiliary drive enables the flexibility of movement. In some cities trolleybuses are equipped
with an auxiliary combustion engine and in others an auxiliary battery drive. A combustion
engine emits harmful substances into the atmosphere at the location where the vehicle oper-
ates, so it can be used only as a fallback or a temporary solution in the event of the closure
of streets, and therefore, it is difficult to consider it a solution with prospects for the future.
A battery powered drive, being as it is clean, may have a broader application beyond that of
emergencies and temporary use. It is possible to use it as a second drive allowing for the fully-
fledged operation of trolleybuses on routes not covered by the trolleybus network, extending
the route network. Currently operated battery equipped trolleybuses treat the battery drive
as secondary due to its small range, which does not exceed a few kilometers. Technological
progress in terms of battery design has given rise to the possibility of equipping trolleybuses
G. Lodi, R. Manzani, G. Crugnola, Batteries for full electric and hybrid buses: fleet operation results and
relevant battery improvements, The 25th World Battery Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium
and Exhibition, Shenzen, China, Nov 5–9, 2010, p. 1.
Ibidem, pp. 5–6.
A. Kuehn and Norconsult AS, Trolleybus and Gasbus Technology. Trends, Developments and Compari-
sons, Karlsruhe (Germany), Bergen (Norway) 2010,, 14.02.2013.
152 Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development
with lightweight batteries no bigger than the ones currently used, allowing them to operate
over longer distances. It is already possible to equip trolleybuses with energy efficient lithium-
ion or sodium-nickel-chlorine batteries.
Sodium-nickel-chlorine batteries are about 70 percent lighter and 30 percent smaller than
conventional ones and capable of functioning over at least several kilometers.10
The advantage of the trolleybus is the possibility to charge the battery on route using
the overhead wire. There is no need for charging stations to be built or special booms in the
The technical development of the battery can help in predicting the development of the
trolleybus in the cities in which they operate using both conventional and battery drives. It is
more difficult to predict the strategy of cities where, as of yet, trolleybuses are not in service,
where both electric buses and modern trolleybuses using two drives are possible solutions.
Six cities participating in the Trolley project, which operate trolleybuses are likely to adopt
a strategy in which trolleybuses are developed as vehicles with two drives. None of these cities
intends to dispose of trolleybus transport, on the contrary, they have clear plans to invest in
the fleet and infrastructure.
Salzburg launched two new trolleybus lines in 2012, increasing their number to twelve.
Launching the second one entailed the extension of the trolleybus network by 600 meters. Fu-
ture plans involve extending the network to neighboring areas, including the German city of
Freilassing. The year 2012 saw the beginning of the introduction of the new Metrostyle fleet to
Salzburg. Over the next five years (2013-2017) 26 new articulated trolleybuses will be put into
service and the contract may be expanded by 14 additional vehicles, including 9 bi-articulated
trolleybuses with a proportionally higher capacity. The introduction of new trolleybuses will
mean that Obus SLB’s last high floor vehicles will be removed from service by 2017.
The city of Eberswalde exchanged its entire trolleybus fleet between 2010 and 2012. The
fleet now consists of articulated, low-floor vehicles with an auxiliary combustion engine and
supercapacitors for storing recuperated electricity. Taking into consideration the life of trol-
leybuses currently owned by Barnim Bus GmbH, the vehicles can be operated for more than
20 years.
The new batch of Solaris trolleybuses in Eberswalde included the first vehicle in Europe
equipped with a lithium-ion battery, which has replaced the diesel engine, used as an auxiliary
drive in the previously delivered units. In addition to the overhead network drive and the
lithium-ion battery, this vehicle can also use a third electric drive in the form of supercapaci-
tors, which store electrical energy. In order to fully recharge the battery, the vehicle needs to
remain connected to the overhead wire for 20 minutes. Introducing the innovation to this
trolleybus took place within the framework of the Trolley project.11
In the years 2012 and 2013 the city of Gdynia introduced ten trolleybuses, five brand new
purpose built vehicles and five obtained through conversion, all of them non articulated low
floor vehicles with an auxiliary battery drive. Moreover, plans were made to purchase more
new vehicles and to convert more used buses to trolleybuses with an auxiliary battery.
Sodium Nickel Chloride Technology, FIAMM S.p.A. Industrial Batteries,,14.02.2013.
Europe’s first Trolley-Battery-Hybrid-Bus operating in Eberswalde, www.trolley-,
Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development 153
In 2013 the city of Gdynia joined another urban transport development project co-fi-
nanced by the European Union under the name of „Civitas Dynamo”. In the framework of
this project, two trolleybuses will be equipped with new batteries which will ensure higher
energy efficiency, and thus further range than the ones used currently. The initial assumption
is that they will be lithium-ion batteries, however, another type may be used if it is found to
be more efficient. Trolleybuses equipped with the new batteries are to be operated on the line
with a route partially deprived of the overhead wire. In this section of the route trolleybuses
will use the battery drive.
The plans also include providing a newly built residential district on a hill with trolleybus
service without investing in new overhead wire infrastructure. Trolleybuses equipped with
energy efficient batteries will move through the district using the battery drive. Only the loop,
which will be built in the district, will be equipped with overhead wires enabling the batteries
to be recharged when the vehicles are stationary. In one variation of the project, the overhead
network will be built on the access road to the district from the main road equipped with a
trolleybus network. The second variation assumes that the trolleybuses will use the drive bat-
tery immediately after leaving the main road. These trolleybus line will be operated by newly
purchased trolleybuses with an auxiliary battery drive with appropriate energy efficiency.
In addition, in Gdynia the decision was taken to continue the conversion process of used
buses into trolleybuses equipping them with the most efficient batteries available, so as to
form a second drive, in addition to the auxiliary drive.
In Parma since 2012, as well as in Salzburg, new low-floor articulated Van Hool Exqui
City trolleybuses are being introduced. They have a modern design body shaped like a tram
Metrostyle. In total, nine of them were purchased. This investment marks the beginning of
the revitalization of trolleybus transport in the city.
A new fleet is also being acquired in Szeged. In 2012, the fleet was enhanced by 6 used
Skoda 15 Tr and one used Skoda 21 Tr. A new solution in Szeged is the introduction of the
first trolleybus with an auxiliary battery drive.,There are plans to purchase 13 new trolleybuses
by the end of 2014
Over the past years, the daily need for individual movement in urban areas has resulted in
the unbalanced development of individual transport and has began to cause significant envi-
ronmental problems. The increase in urbanization and in the share of private cars in everyday
urban journeys contributes significantly to the pollution of air and water, the devastation
of the landscape, as well as to buildup of noise. All these factors have a negative impact on
the quality of life in urban areas and stand in the way of the implementation of sustainable
154 Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development
Psychology is the field of science which is widely used in urban planning and predicting
the behavior of city inhabitants, through the knowledge gained from research on social be-
havior, human needs, attitudes and their impact on human activities. The conclusions of the
research conducted in the field of environmental and social psychology may be considered of
particular importance. Environmental psychology is used for sound management of the envi-
ronment in urban areas and to ensure their citizens a better quality of life as well as physical
and psychological well-being. This area combines knowledge of psychology with knowledge
of other disciplines such as geography, sociology, ecology, and urban planning. Among other
things, it is focused on the development of effective ways to protect the environment, appro-
priate urban planning, as well as the promotion and expansion of environmental awareness
among citizens 12. Social psychology focuses on the broadly understood social impact, or the
way in which behavior, feelings and way of thinking of some people influence the behavior,
thoughts and feelings of others 13. Theories derived from this field of psychology allow the
specific factors affecting the transport behavior of individuals to be defined by reference to
human cognition, attitudes, habits, and emotional processes. Numerous theories in social
psychology state, in contrast to the assumptions of microeconomic models, that human be-
havior is not always rational, and decisions made by individuals take into account other fac-
tors aside from minimizing costs and maximizing benefits 14. From this point of view, it is
necessary to take into account the role of private and public means of transport in modern
society, with particular emphasis on their values beyond those associated with movement.
The travel behavior of individuals is a result of a number of general and individual cir-
cumstances. Among the most important factors that influence them are:
• situational factors,
• economic conditions,
• social norms,
• demographic factors,
• an individuals’ mobility during their lifetime,
• attitudes,
• habits.15
Detailed knowledge of these conditions in respect of urban residents is vital in the promo-
tion of sustainable forms of public transport. Over the years, much attention has been paid to
the role played by peoples’ attitudes in the decision-making processes and human behavior.
Recent studies, however, show a clear psychological shift from the long-continued tendency
to consider human attitudes as having a vital influence on their decisions to taking into ac-
count the significance of human habits 16. It was not only the results of numerous studies,
A. Baum, P. Bell, T. Greene, Psychologia środowiskowa, GWP, Gdańsk 2004, p. 10–17.
B. Wojciszke, Człowiek wśród ludzi: zarys psychologii społecznej, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar,
Warszawa, 2009, p. 17.
V. Van Acker, B. Van Wee, F. Witlox, When Transport Geography Meets Social Psychology: Toward a
Conceptual Model of Travel Behaviour, “Transport Reviews”, 2010, Nr 30 (2), s. 219–240.
O. Siegmar, The psychology of transport choice, “Corpus”, The SPC Knowledge Hub, March 2010,
pp. 1–4.
S. Kenyon, G. Lyons, The value of integrated multimodal traveler information and its potential contri-
Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development 155
but also the unsuccessful campaigns promoting public transport that show that the environ-
mental attitudes of individuals do not have a significant effect on their daily travel behavior,
which is routine and highly recurrent. Human attitudes cannot, therefore, in this case used
exclusively when predicting the choices made in daily urban travel. Therefore, deeply rooted
habits, which facilitate everyday existence, should also be considered in predicting transport
behavior. Campaigns promoting ecological solutions and sustainable development must deal
with the common irrationality and complexity of human behavior. One cannot, therefore,
seek universal solutions that will be suitable for every city or public transportation. Each case
should be approached individually and the solutions should be “tailor made”, matched to the
characteristics of particular socio-economic conditions. For each type of transport policy, it
is possible to use two types of measures leading to the sustainable travel behavior of inhabit-
ants - “hard” and “soft”. The former include, for example, fiscal policy, parking fees, or marked
areas where traffic is prohibited for private cars. They are designed to increase the competi-
tiveness of public transport over private cars. The “soft” means are information campaigns
and social marketing promoting sustainable development and environmental conservation.
Especially from the point of view of their creators it is important to know about the deter-
minants of the daily travel behavior of individuals, as the campaign creators’ success largely
depends on the degree of adaptation to a specific group of people and the particular mode of
transport, for example the trolleybus. Moreover, “hard” and “soft” means should not be used
separately, as studies show that they are more effective when used simultaneously17.
Habitual car users often have negative ideas about public transport, which are contrary to
reality. The purpose of public transport management units is therefore to take the initiative
and enable such persons to verify their views and to change them. A sudden, strong situ-
ational change, such as the need to abandon the car, may invalidate existing habits, provided
that the experience it brings is positive, for example if the lines and journey time are actually
better than the person had expected 18. While estimating the level of their satisfaction with
public transport services habitual car users do not take into account how quickly one gets
used and adjusted emotionally to changes in his environment. Research shows that people
travelling only by private modes of transport, after the initial estimate of their anticipated
level of satisfaction with the use of public transport and then the actual use of the services,
assess their level of satisfaction significantly higher, which indicates that they adapt to new
conditions 19. Knowledge of how people predict their level of satisfaction, how distorted and
bution to modal change.“Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour”, 2003, No
6(1), pp. 1–21.
O. Siegmar, op. cit.
S. Fujii, T. Gärling, R. Kitamura, Changes in drivers’ perceptions and use of public transport during a
freeway closure: Effects of temporary structural change on cooperation in a real-life social dilemma. “En-
vironment and Behavior”, 2001, No 33(6), pp. 796–808.
S. Fujii, T. Gärling, R. Kitamura, Changes in drivers’ perceptions and use of public transport during a
freeway closure: Effects of temporary structural change on cooperation in a real-life social dilemma. “En-
vironment and Behavior”, 2001, No 33(6), pp. 796–808.
156 Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development
how significantly different from the actual level it can be, should prove to be useful for public
transport management20.
Recent studies show that the way in which people evaluate the effectiveness and attrac-
tiveness of public transport depends largely on whether they drive their own car and how
pleasant they find driving it. As it turns out, people who not only like driving a car but also
perceive private transport as giving them a sense of independence and social status are less
concerned about the negative impact that excessive production of gas and oil derivatives has
on the environment. According to the conclusions drawn from the studies it is impossible
to expect the people who highly appreciate driving cars to completely abandon this mode of
transport in favor of public transport. One should instead look for ways to stimulate the in-
terest of such individuals in particular forms of public transport, such as trolleybuses, which,
as with a car, not only offer a way in which to travel from one place to another. As a mode of
transport powered by electricity the trolleybus fits the concept of a healthy lifestyle, which is
nowadays increasingly fashionable. Public transport in this sense should not be considered as
an alternative to all daily urban travel, but at least a part of it. At the same time the policies of
major cities should be aimed at reducing the importance of positive psychological, functional
and cultural values attributed
to private transport.21
In accordance with the Change Model during the decision-making process people pass
through four successive stages (Fig. 1). Initially there is the precontemplation stage, during
which the real desire for change has not yet appeared in their minds. Next comes the con-
templation stage, in which the desire to change becomes conscious and subsequently finds
itself at the level of introducing the new attitude in life. Finally comes the maintenance stage,
during which the new behavior is instilled as part of their daily conduct.
Fig. 9.4. Stages of the decision making process for changing behavior
Source: own work based on: J.O. Prochaska, C.C. DiClemente, The transtheoretical approach: Crossing traditional
boundaries of change. Homewood IL: Dow, 1984, w: B. Gatersleben, The psychology of sustainable transport,
“Psychologist” 2002, Nr 25 (9), p. 676–679.
Thus, in order to significantly alter human behavior, one should consider the specificity of
the current stage of making a decision, as well as interact with him via three different channels
of persuasion – affective, rational, and by direct effect. For example, making people aware of
the costs to be borne by the environment in connection with the abuse of daily car trips in
S. Fujii, T. Gärling, R. Kitamura, Changes in drivers’ perceptions and use of public transport during a
freeway closure: Effects of temporary structural change on cooperation in a real-life social dilemma. “En-
vironment and Behavior”, 2001, No 33(6), pp. 796–808.
L. Steg., Can public transport compete with the private car? “IATSS Research“ 2003, No 27 (2), pp. 27–35.
Chapter 9. Directions and Determinants of Trolleybus Transport Development 157
urban areas by presenting them with rational facts 22. Also trying to influence their emotions,
can make individuals go from the precontemplative to contemplative stage, in which the de-
sire for change will appear. It is also important to give people adequate access to information
about public transport services, so that it is easily accessible not only to its regular users, but
also to those traveling by private transport. Individuals often refrain from using public trans-
port on account of erroneous knowledge concerning the services offered and the absence of
appropriate advertising and promotion of new routes or a newly introduced fleet. A different
approach is required in the case of people who are already at the stage of action, that is, for
example, who try out a given mode of public transport, such as the trolleybus. At thos junc-
ture it is appropriate to support their motivation to continue the action taken by providing
them with positive experiences associated with it, for example by ensuring comfortable travel.
Symbolic and affective aspects often constitute a major obstacle to reducing reliance on
cars as a mode of daily transport in favor of public transport. People who are emotionally
attached to their cars drive them more often and express more negative views towards public
transport than those less tied to their cars23. Using the basic mechanisms of social influence,
which include the social proof of fairness, people can be persuaded to reflect the behavior
of others in their daily activities. For example, if someone who is well-liked or considered
an authority acts in a certain way, then very often people will follow suit. In regards to social
campaigns promoting the use of trolleybuses, known and respected individuals could empha-
size their environmental activities and the important role they fulfill in their lives. This would
lead to the average person associating them with something trendy and popular, hence build-
ing up a positive image. The giving up of excessive use of the car in favor of public transport,
especially its most environmentally friendly modes, such as trolleybuses, fits perfectly into
the dos of pro-environmental behavior.
In summary, various psychological factors, the study of which is performed by social and
environmental psychology, explain to a significant extent the daily travel behavior of indi-
viduals. Psychological knowledge concerning human attitudes, habits, self-satisfaction and
affective reactions can be used by public transport organizers as a reference point for under-
standing the travel behavior of urban residents. At the same time it can affect the development
of information campaigns that promote the use of environmentally friendly modes of public
transport like trolleybuses, contributing to an increase in the number of people limiting their
daily use of cars.
Prochaska, J.O., DiClemente, C.C., op. cit.
B. Gatersleben, The psychology of sustainable transport, “Psychologist” 2002, No 25 (9), pp. 676–679.
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