This document outlines the course details for the Microcontroller Applications Lab course with course code EEL602. The course aims to develop programming skills for arithmetic, logical operations, and interfacing I/O devices using assembly language on a PIC 18 microcontroller. It also aims to develop code for square wave generation using the microcontroller's timer. The course is planned for 16 hours.
This document outlines the course details for the Microcontroller Applications Lab course with course code EEL602. The course aims to develop programming skills for arithmetic, logical operations, and interfacing I/O devices using assembly language on a PIC 18 microcontroller. It also aims to develop code for square wave generation using the microcontroller's timer. The course is planned for 16 hours.
This document outlines the course details for the Microcontroller Applications Lab course with course code EEL602. The course aims to develop programming skills for arithmetic, logical operations, and interfacing I/O devices using assembly language on a PIC 18 microcontroller. It also aims to develop code for square wave generation using the microcontroller's timer. The course is planned for 16 hours.
This document outlines the course details for the Microcontroller Applications Lab course with course code EEL602. The course aims to develop programming skills for arithmetic, logical operations, and interfacing I/O devices using assembly language on a PIC 18 microcontroller. It also aims to develop code for square wave generation using the microcontroller's timer. The course is planned for 16 hours.
Cognitive Level (Remember, Course Outcome Understand , Hours CO At the end of the course student will be able Apply, Planned to: Create, Analyze, Evaluate) Develop a program for simple arithmetic and EEL602.1 Create 4 logical operation using assembly language. EEL602.2 Develop code for interface different IO devices Create 10 with PIC 18 microcontroller. EEL602.3 Develop a program for square wave generation Create 2 using PIC18 Microcontroller timer. Total Hours Planned 16
Mrs. Neha Katole Prof. D. D. Patil Dr. S. R. Deore
Subject Teacher Pragram Co-ordinator Head of Department Jawahar Education Society's, A. C. Patil College of Engineering Kharghar, Navi Mumbai - 410 210
Cognitive Level Course Outcome (Remember, Hours CO At the end of the course student will be Understand , Planned able to: Apply, Create, Analyze, Evaluate) EEC602.1 Understand basics of PIC18 Microcontroller. Understand 5 EEC602.2 Apply instruction set of PIC18 Microcontroller for arithmetic and logical Apply 8 operations EEC602.3 Desribe the supportive devices of PIC 18 Understand 6 Micro controller. EEC602.4 Explain the interfacing of PIC18 Understand 6 Microcontroller EEC602.5 Develop code for PIC 18 Microcontroller Create 6 using C language. EEC602.6 Design General purpose applications using Create 8 PIC 18 Microcontroller Total Hours Planned 39
Mrs. S. S. Mahadik Prof. D. D. Patil Dr. S. R. Deore
Subject Teacher Pragram Co-ordinator Head of Department